Financial plan analysis electronic media online magazine. Business plan for publishing a glossy magazine. Competition and competitive advantage


* Calculations use average data for Russia


This project provides for the appearance and functioning of the journal "Business Ecology" in St. Petersburg during the first year. The purposes of creating a journal are:

    promoting the development of socially responsible business in the city and region;

    consulting economic and legal assistance to businesses in the field of environmental friendliness of projects;

    involvement of business representatives in an active discussion of environmental issues and "environmentally responsible business";

    providing the reader with an unbiased assessment of the main trends in the development of environmentally oriented sectors of the economy;

    explanation of the economic attractiveness of environmentally friendly solutions and approaches.

It is difficult to overestimate the relevance of environmental issues for society. The environmental problem is equally relevant for all countries, regardless of their degree of development and wealth. Environmental programs began to play an independent role in the activities of multilateral financial institutions. The journal will be financed from the budget of one of the environmental organizations in Finland. Abroad, they perfectly understand the relevance of this issue not only for a single country, but for the whole world, so the editorial office already has start-up capital. Since there are no similar projects in Russia, our publication is distinguished by high quality printing, materials and illustrations, and a magazine of this type is in demand. modern leaders, then the investment attractiveness of the project is obvious. Ecological business is the basis of its modern image And commercial success , so he is also quite willing to join the implementation of these projects. At present, the position of socially responsible business is gaining more and more popularity: by participating in improving the country's ecology, entrepreneurs can do much more for the healthy future of the country and its inhabitants. Among the authors of the journal are the most famous Russian scientists, leading experts and analysts in the field of economics and finance, law, natural sciences, business leaders. The audience is leaders who strive for leadership and win, who are ready to improve and replenish their knowledge base, who understand that today it is possible to conquer the market only by focusing on quality, that environmental friendliness of production is one of the main factors for sustainable business development. PR specialists of enterprises who are interested in talking about the environmental responsibility of the enterprise. Also, the truth about the environmental cost of many enterprises creates a negative public opinion about this enterprise and its leaders, and often forces people to take concrete measures. The magazine helps specialists enter into a dialogue with the public and try to jointly work out a set of measures to improve the situation. The mission is to create a new business environment in Russia, which is based on the social responsibility of business, environmental friendliness of production and decisions. There has never been such a publication in the city, and perhaps in the country. Unlike existing newspapers and magazines, Ecology of Business will not only cover the problems of environmental friendliness of business, but will also widely involve entrepreneurs themselves in their speeches. For this purpose, it is planned to conclude contracts with several heads of small enterprises and entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity for the provision of information services to the editorial office. The attractiveness of the new edition will also be achieved by the distribution system, which provides for targeted delivery of the journal during the first six months of the editorial work. At present, the Founders of Ecology of Business have a database of 25,000 potential readers (heads of enterprises, ecologists, PR specialists at large factories). The composition of persons in the database is constantly monitored and supplemented. Thus, already the initial circulation (without retail sales) will be about 20,000 copies. In this regard, in order to ensure the sustainable work of the editorial office, an initial 100% budget financing in the amount of two million rubles is expected. It is planned to bring Ecology of Business to the level of 75% budget funding by the end of 2005.


Format: A4.
Circulation: 20,000 copies.
Paper: glossy.
Printing: full color
Volume: 35 pages + cover
Packing: cellophane or cardboard box.
Frequency: monthly.
Distribution: targeted distribution, distribution at exhibitions on special exhibition stands, later - retail sales The attractiveness of the publication will be facilitated by the fact that, along with environmental information, the reader will find practical economic advice in it. Main headings:
"Clean" business
Axioms of nature management
World experience
Expert view
Ecological investigation Legal field and others. It is planned to regularly conduct environmental ratings of enterprises. The level of environmental safety of enterprises will have to be assessed according to the following criteria:
- The level of environmental friendliness of activities (the impact of various actions of the company on the environment, the use of environmentally friendly materials and procedures within its business);
- The level of environmental management (the attitude of the company's management to environmental safety issues and its readiness to comply with environmental safety rules and monitor the state of the environment);
- Openness of the company to the environmental problem and readiness for dialogue with organizations dealing with environmental safety issues (including non-governmental and government organizations). The bioeconomic direction of the journal covers and analyzes environmental problems through the prism of interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation between ecology and the economy. This includes publications that promote good practices in rational use environment, advocating for the ecological justification of economic projects, any economic activity. It is worth mentioning such forms of work as: environmental analysis, environmental monitoring (systematic observation of natural objects), compiling a dossier on environmental issues. The publication will contain high-quality illustrations provided by a foreign environmental organization; we involve professional environmental journalists who have specially trained abroad in the project. The quality of printing and paper is the highest.

Market analysis

Monitoring of 423 printed publications and Internet sites of St. Petersburg showed that the city's market of funds mass media consists of industry publications, information and journalistic, advertising and entertainment. If we talk about trade journals, then the publications devoted to the problems of medicine are in the lead here (business plan medical center), construction and equipment markets. Media dedicated to environmental protection units. Environmental journalism appears in Russia with a very serious delay. Environmental publications are now appearing (and disappearing) at an unfathomable rate. There are various newspapers, magazines, news agencies - all-Russian and regional, television and radio programs, entirely dedicated to environmental issues. They are often divided, as are the journalists writing on the subject. Many media outlets cannot withstand the competition, the heavy economic burden, do not find their readers and the necessary sponsors - having flared up in the sky of environmental journalism, they soon go out, giving way to other brave souls, noble fighters for the environmental health of the planet. Environmental publications rarely appear on Soyuzpechat kiosks, and private press distributors don't have them at all. This is due to the small circulation of publications, and the lack of interest of traders in such "non-commercial" products. That is why such publications are so short-lived. One of the reasons for the insufficiently good quality of "green" publications is that they are sorely lacking in professional journalists, advertisers, photographers, and designers. In the absence of professionally trained personnel, one has to engage in amateur activities: it is not uncommon for an activist of the environmental movement to be simultaneously the editor-in-chief of a newspaper, a reporter, an artist, and a typesetter. "Green" publications rarely manage to attract good professional journalists - for some reason, work in this kind of media is considered not prestigious among many journalists. If we talk about style, then, probably, there is a lack of lively spoken language, ease of addressing the audience, and this is one of the reasons why many articles in the green press simply do not have the strength to read to the end.

Due to the complex presentation of information, often inaccessible to the understanding of the layman, the "green" publications have developed their own, very limited audience, consisting mainly of environmental officials, scientists, teachers, and the actual participants in the public environmental movement.

The city's business media has begun to feature articles on business sustainability, but they appear infrequently.

The only environmental publication in St. Petersburg is "Ecology and Law", a publication of the St. Petersburg Environmental Human Rights Center "Bellona". It covers environmental issues, environmental legislation, news, but there is no information specifically for entrepreneurs. Of course, those leaders who have already understood the importance of environmental responsibility can find important information in the magazine, but little is written specifically for them. Business today needs to be educated, taught environmental friendliness.

Thus, our magazine has no competitors in the chosen market.

The market segment to be occupied is more than 20,000 potential buyers. (For the composition of the magazine's buyers, see Summary) As marketing research has shown, 80% of them are not satisfied with the state of the media market in terms of their interests. We do not rule out that our audience will be much wider due to the coverage of neighboring areas.

There are objective problems in describing the number and structure of "Directors", since the group is relatively small. In addition, a keen interest in this problem has given rise to certain "opinions" and "judgments" that are not supported by facts. Often there is an identification of the concepts of "leader" and "wealthy/rich person". There is an opinion about the homogeneity of information preferences and the style of behavior of Managers.

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Let's try to present the opinion of GORTIS specialists on this issue. The point of view is based on a comprehensive analysis of secondary information and the results of research conducted by the specialists of the MIK "GORTIS" in St. Petersburg since 1991.

About 80% of "directors" are men. At the age of 25 to 44 years - 65%, over 45 years old - 20%, and under 25 years old - 15%. Have higher education- 80-85%% of managers.

The average level of well-being of the Managers' families is 4.5 times higher than the average for St. Petersburg. For each member of the Leader's family, there is an average of about 8,000 rubles (a little less than $300). At the same time, almost half of the Managers have an income per family member per month of less than 5,000 rubles. No more than 25% of managers (7-8 thousand people) live in families with a welfare level of more than 1000 USD per month per family member. It should be noted that 20% of managers use public transport! Obviously, the myth about the identity of the concepts of "leader" and "wealthy/rich person" is not confirmed.

Marketing strategy

Preparation period
Issue 2 signal numbers with an offer for advertisers. Distributed free of charge on the database. First signal number. $10,000 (editor + layout + edition)

Spend legal registration(founder, publisher, editor-in-chief, distributor), create a primary database, release the first signal (presentation) issue.

Pilot number printing: format 215x275 mm. volume 86 pages + cover. brilliance: block and cover - 4+4. paper - block 115 gr./sq.m. matte chalk., cover 200 gr./sq.m. matte chalk. fastening - KBS. cover finish - one-sided matte laminate. circulation - 1000 copies.

The cost of one copy. 2.20 c.u. (with a print run of 50,000, the cost of one copy = 1.00 USD) Printing cost: 62,400 rubles.

Prepare for release the second signal (pilot) issue, taking into account the wishes of potential advertisers and readers. At the same time, it is necessary to recruit the staff of the editorial office, managers, advertising agents and find a room for the editorial office.

Editorial estimate for the first month (one issue)
Salary for editorial staff - 40,000 rubles Four people (chief editor, staff photographer, 2 staff correspondents) 10,000 rubles each.
Typesetting and layout - 30,000 rubles
Professional layout 80 pages (40% advertising blocks) at the rate of 300 rubles per page - 24,000 rubles.
Typing and proofreading text - 6,000 rubles.
Office rent. – 50,000 rubles Outskirts of St. Petersburg, not far from the metro station, approximate area 50 sq.m., MGTS telephone + Internet, furniture. The approximate cost of rent per month is 50,000 rubles.
Additional expenses - 34,000 rubles
expenses for development and printing of photographs -15,000 rubles.
mobile communications - 5,000 rubles.
Internet - 3,000 rubles.
transportation costs (gasoline) - 6,000 rubles.
expendable materials for work and office equipment (paper, printer cartridges, pens, folders, paper clips, etc.) - 5,000 rubles.

Total: editorial expenses per month amount to 154,000 rubles.

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Office equipment (one-time investment) - 90,000 rubles; two computers - 60,000 rubles. black and white laser printer A 4 - 6,000 rubles. inkjet color photo printer A 4 - 9,000 rubles. scanner A 4 - 5,000 rubles. telephone-fax - 6,000 rubles. a selection of CDs for work 50 pcs. (design, encyclopedias, etc.) - 4,000 rubles.

TOTAL for the editorial office: 306,400 rubles

Presentation. 5 000 c.u.

Second signal number. $10,000 (Edition + layout + circulation) Release the second signal (pilot) issue. Circulation - 1000 copies.

Advertising agents

Agent salary 500 c.u. per month + 10% of each transaction. Requires 10 agents. We conclude deals with advertisers for the quarter (September, October, November). From June to October 2005 circulation will be distributed by direct mail. In the future, distribution will be carried out both targeted and in retail.

When forming the subscription price, we take into account that the delivery of one copy through post offices in the first half of 2005 costs 3 rubles. 48 kopecks, in the second half of the year it is expected to increase the cost of services to 3 rubles. 90 kop. and its preservation during 2006. The editorial staff proposes to set a catalog price at the rate of 3 rubles per subscription. 54 kop. per copy in 2005 and 3 rubles. 90 kop. in 2006. Under these conditions, the subscription price for the six months in 2006 will be: the catalog price is 38 rubles. 40 kop. shipping cost - 3 rubles. 90 kop. subscription price - 79 rubles.

In retail sales, one copy will cost 83 rubles in 2006. At the same time, the cost of Rospechat's services will be one ruble.

It is assumed that the magazine itself will play the role of the main advertising agent. The advertising campaign in other mass media will start in October 2005 simultaneously with the release of the first issue. In total, 100,000 rubles will be spent on advertising in October 2005.

Distribution method - direct delivery from the manufacturer to the reader. Later - through the printing network.

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Incentive methods - image advertising before the magazine enters the market. It is necessary to explain to the target audience what is social responsibility, environmental friendliness of business, what is the future of environmentally friendly business. A series of short commercials is planned on federal channels, as well as advertising in business publications of the city, direct mailing and participation in environmental exhibitions. The image of a quality publication will be supported by the highest quality of information, illustrations, printing and paper. Our publication is of high quality in every respect.

For the choice of advertising media, we will use the research data of MIK "GORTIS". According to experts of MIK "GORTIS", the media preferences of the Managers are very heterogeneous. On TV, "directors" prefer to watch NTV and, to a lesser extent, ORT. News is usually watched starting at 21:00.

Newspapers are read. The most widely read publications by senior managers from general information publications are AiF, St. Petersburg Vedomosti, MK in St. Petersburg, Delovoy Petersburg, Kommersant, Reklama Chance and Izvestia. It should be noted that none of these publications is read by more than 25% of the group's representatives. The main part of the listed publications is read by 10-20%% of "directors".

It should be noted that Leaders do not pass by free publications. They don't pass! Both "Centre Plus" and "Extra Balt" can be quite successfully used to "transport" special information to individual leaders.

Of the magazines, they definitely read "Expert", "Money", "Power", "Results" and "Behind the wheel". The most sympathetic to the leaders of the radio station: Europe Plus, Melodiya, Petrograd - Russian Chanson, Radio Baltika.

Production plan

Typesetting and layout will be carried out on our own equipment, printing - in the state printing house. Paper for printing will be provided by the same printing house at stable prices.

Calculations show that by the end of 2005 the editorial board will reach the following figures: expenses - 2,129.828 thousand rubles; income - 504.0 thousand rubles; Thus, by the end of the project, the editors will increase financial stability and will increase the profitability of further production.

EXPENSES: 1. Equipment of workplaces; 2. Rent, operation and maintenance of the building; 3. Printing services; 4. Paper; 5. Delivery; 6. Remuneration; 7. Rent road transport; 8. Household needs; 9. Communication, subscription; 10. Advertising; 11. Total expenses; INCOME: 12. From advertising.

organizational plan

The editor-in-chief of the journal was appointed: ________________. He is a professional journalist with more than 6 years of work experience, for the last 2 years he worked as the editor-in-chief of the Ecology and Law newspaper.

As correspondents invited: ______________

Based on the results of the competition, the following were selected for the position of observers: ___ __________________________________________

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The following subdivisions are created within the editorial board: - management; - editorial and publishing center; - advertising agency; - secretariat; - creative Group.

The staffing table is given in the appendix. The salaries indicated in the table are set for 2005. For subsequent years, indexation is provided, corresponding to the level of inflation. except full-time employees the editorial board intends to involve journalists and other specialists under contract agreements. Twenty thousand rubles are allocated monthly for this.

Long-term development, risks, exit strategies
It is planned that Ecology of Business will become an information sponsor of many specialized exhibitions products and services of environmentally oriented industries taking place in St. Petersburg, regions and abroad.

The magazine will develop not only by increasing the circulation and volume, but also through applications. It is planned to release at least 2 applications. One of them is an independent rating of environmentally responsible enterprises. During the implementation of the project, the following crisis situations are possible, in which the authors of the project intend to act accordingly. Possible crisis situations Ways to minimize losses Printing house failure

Dismissal of employees whose positions are provided in the singular The number of subscribers will not reach the number for which forecast calculations were made Financial indicators by the end of 2005 will be lower than the calculated ones. Transfer to another printing house is envisaged. This will require additional transport costs, which will be offset by lower costs for other household needs and communications.

The editor-in-chief has a database that allows him to quickly select a person for a vacant position. In the event of a request for payment in excess of the payment established by the staffing table, compensation will be made from the costs of advertising

For the entire period of the project, workers will be hired under a contract, which, if the situation is favorable, will be renegotiated. The term of the first contract is one year. The reduction in the number of employees will be carried out according to the forecast of the financial situation that has developed with the actual number of sales.

The memorandum of association stipulates that the founders will make an additional contribution that will allow them to fully pay off the creditor in accordance with the loan repayment schedule.

The financial analysis

The financial prerequisite for success in the implementation of the project is the creation start-up capital in the amount of two million rubles and production activity editions.

It is expected that the editorial staff will receive from the sale of the circulation (Appendix 11): § in 2006 - 840.80 thousand rubles.

Total proceeds from the sale of circulation and advertising - 16748.88 thousand rubles.

For the period from 2005 to 2006, the following expenses are assumed:
for the equipment of workplaces - 469.1 thousand rubles;
for rent, maintenance and operation of the building - 910.8 thousand rubles);
for printing services - 2320.00 thousand rubles;
on paper - 2757.06 thousand rubles;
to pay for postal services for the delivery of the magazine - 735.84 thousand rubles);
for wages - 2933.84 thousand rubles;
to pay for transport services - 273.60 thousand rubles;
for household needs, business trips - 172.8 thousand rubles;
for communication, subscription - 108.00 thousand rubles;
on the advertising campaigns- 408.00 thousand rubles;
for servicing the loan - 900.00 thousand rubles.
Total expenses will amount to 11989.04 thousand rubles.


Attachment 1.
Calculation of the cost of printing the edition "Business Ecology" (for 1 month) 1. Making a printing plate 7,200 rubles. x 2 numbers - 14 400 rubles. 2. Printing 1 350 rub. x 2 numbers = 2,700 rubles 3. Paper 490 kg. x 14 rub. = 6 860 rubles. TOTAL - 23 960 rubles. \ month. Note: the calculation was made according to the calculation of the cost of printing per 16 pages of A3 format with a monthly circulation of 20,000 copies; The magazine is published once a month. Appendix. Expenses for advertising "Business Ecology" 1. Running line 6000 rub.x 2 ads. campaigns x 2 TV channels = 24,000 rubles 2. Third Party Services advertising firms 8000 rub. x 2 ads. campaigns = 16,000 rubles.

TOTAL - 40,000 rubles.

Ecology of Business expenses in 2005
Summary estimate for the execution of work to finance the journal "Business Ecology" for 2005: No. Cost items Total price 1. Payroll 666000.0 Payment according to the staffing table (34800x12) 417600.0 Bonuses (34800x3) 104400.0 Fees (12000x12) 144000 .0 2. Unified social tax payroll (35.8%) 238428.0 3. Material costs 837.4 including 1) payment for printing circulation (23.400x12) 280800.0 2) payment for business trips (5.000x12) 60000.0 3) payment for office supplies (1.500x12) 18000.0 4) software and technical equipment 30000.0 5) advertising expenses (20.000x2) 100000.0 6) subscription campaign expenses (20.000x3) 60000.0 7) Internet services (2.000x12) 24000.0 8) cellular, paging and other communication services 35000.0 9) transport services 250000.0 10) expenses (3300x12) 39600.0 4. Overhead expenses 388000.0 1) Rent and payment utilities(24.000 x12) 288000.0 2) Tax deductions 100000.0 Total: 2189828.00
The Contractor has the right to redistribute up to 20% of the funds from each cost item within the agreed price.

Appendix 3
The staff list of "Business Ecology" for 2005 (increase wages employees by 30%): Position Number of units Salary Amount 1. Editor 1 10,000 rubles. 10000 rub. 2. Executive secretary 1 7500 rubles. 7500 rub. 3. Commercial Director 1 8200 rub. 8200 rub. 4. Correspondent 3 4900 rubles. 4900 rub 5. Photojournalist 1 4900 rub. 4900 rub 6. Layout operator 1 5000 rub. 5000 rub. 7. Driver 1 5500 rub. 5500 rub. Total for 1 month 9 46800 rubles.

List of tables

Table 2. Project performance indicators.

Table 3 Shares of publications of different periodicity in the range of different sales formats of printed products (by number of titles)

Table 4. Total annual circulation of journals and other periodicals (received during the reporting period) by intended purpose, thousand copies.

Table 5. Top 20 monthly magazines by audience of one issue according to AIR indicator, Russia.

Table 6 Top 20 monthly magazines by audience of one issue according to AIR indicator, Moscow

Table 9. Main parameters of the publication.

Table 10. Monthly sales plan.

Table 11. Sales plan by years.

Table 12. Parameters of current costs.

Table 13. Monthly current cost plan.

Table 14. Plan of current expenses by years.

Table 15. Personnel of the enterprise and payroll.

Table 16. Dynamics of the wage fund.

Table 17. Planned investment costs (100%).

Table 18. Schedule of financing and implementation of the project.

Table 20. Qualitative risks for the project.

Table 21. Calculation of the break-even point.

Table 22. Sensitivity of NPV to changes in key project parameters.

Table 23. Movement plan Money per month.

Table 24. Cash flow plan by years.

Table 25. Profit and loss plan.

Table 26. Profit and loss plan by years.

Table 27. Taxation.

Table 28. Plan for obtaining and repaying a loan.

Table 29. Investment performance indicators.

Table 30. Calculation of the NPV of the project.

Table 31. Financial analysis of activities (3rd year).

List of graphs

Graph 1. Plan for the release of the publication (unit / month).

Chart 2. Plan for the receipt of revenue (rubles).

Chart 3. Dynamics of current costs.

Chart 4. Dynamics of net profit

Chart 5. Payments to the investor on an accrual basis (rubles).

Graph 6. Dynamics of inflation and GDP in Russia, %, 2003-2016.

Graph 7. Plan for the release of the publication (unit / month).

Chart 8. Plan for the receipt of revenue (rubles).

Chart 9. Dynamics of current costs (rubles).

Chart 10. Calculation of the break-even point.

Graph 11. Sensitivity of NPV to changes in key project parameters.

Chart 12. Revenue, costs, profit.

Chart 13. Dynamics of net profit.

Graph 14. Financial results.

Chart 15. Receipt and repayment of investments.

Chart 16. Debt service.

Chart 17. Sensitivity of NPV to the discount rate.

Chart 18. NPV of the project and undiscounted cash flow.

Chart 19. Payments to the investor on an accrual basis.

List of diagrams

Diagram 1. The structure of the print media in Russia.

Diagram 2. Number of registered print media by type of publication, 2014-2015.

Diagram 3. Main financial parameters Russian press market, 2014

Diagram 4. Main financial parameters of the Russian press market, 2015

Diagram 5. Volume dynamics Russian market distribution of print media, billion rubles

Diagram 6. Dynamics of the volume of the Moscow market for the distribution of periodicals, billion rubles.

Diagram 7. Structure of the print media distribution market (by circulation), 2015, %.

Diagram 8. Structure of the Moscow print media distribution market by number of objects), 2015, %.

Diagram 9. Structure of the print media distribution market (circulation, copies), 2015

Diagram 11. Structure of current costs.

Diagram 12. Structure of initial investments.

Diagram 13. Structure of tax deductions (%).

Diagram 14. Cost structure in the 3rd year of project implementation (%).

List of drawings

Total 85 pages, 31 table, 19 charts, 12 diagrams and 2 drawing.

SSU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

Newspaper business plan.


student 232 groups

IFiZh Kalinina Olga

Saratov, 2010

Many people believenewspaper business very profitable. In order to produce a full-fledged newspaper with a circulation of about 10,000 copies, considerable skills in organization and management are required.

In 2008, the turnover of the newspaper market in Russia amounted to about 39 million dollars. The projected growth in 2009 will be about 17%. As of March 1, 2009, 11,937 newspaper publications were registered in the Russian Federation.

Everyone reads newspapers. Most buy them for TV programs, but most still for information. As the forecasts show, the market is still far from being saturated, but even today there is a clear trend towards consolidation of business units: large publications absorb small ones, and competition is gradually growing.

The newspaper market is growing, so it is still far from being saturated. And this indicates that the newspaper business is quite promising - the main thing is investment and competent management.

A newspaper is a conveyor belt that churns out news. The uniqueness of his work is that the workers of this plant are not constantly on the production floor and never know what they will do today. But they know that the newspaper must come out, no matter what. Despite this uncertainty, the information conveyor, like any other production, certainly needs a professionally written business plan for the newspaper.

Business plan of the newspaper "Keep on".


The editorial office of the newspaper "Hold on" is located at:


st. Rakhova, 68

Index 215760

Tel. 53-04-70

Fax: 53-04-70

R The editorial office of the newspaper occupies the 1st floor of this house - 200 m2, where there is access to a telephone line and the Internet. The edition is divided into five

functional areas: editor's office, working room for

employees, a designer's office and kitchen (not counting utility rooms and latrines), and a conference room. The editorial office is located in the city center. The main advantage of the location, which greatly simplifies the work of correspondents. Also, the main administrative institutions, whose activities are important for our newspaper, are nearby. All the walls of the editorial office in the future will be decorated with diplomas presented to the newspaper and front pages within. The atmosphere in the editorial office is busy and businesslike, everyone is in a hurry and running somewhere, there is a rumble and hubbub in the air, but this only spurs the employees, pouring energy into them.


C the purpose of this business plan- creation of a newspaper dedicated to the problems

adolescents, planning their leisure time, psychological assistance and

support. Bringing the most up-to-date and up-to-date information to your readers.

D To implement this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Registration of a license for publishing activities;

2) Registration with the Ministry of Press of the Russian Federation;

3) It is necessary to conclude a contract with a good conscientious printing house. It depends on her whether the newspaper will be released on time;

4) Create a newspaper website;

5) Issue of a periodical newspaper regional level;

6) Creation of a profitable newspaper model;

7) Activate the work of the subscription department;

8) Conduct an extensive PR campaign to promote the newspaper ;

9) Creation of an effective information base;

10) Reporting information about the publication to the maximum number of potential buyers and subscribers;

11) Over time, an increase in the circulation of the newspaper;

12) In the future, increase the fees of journalists.

H and the implementation of the business plan requires start-up capital in the amount of 1,500,000 million rubles.

We hope to conquer the market, the target audience, advertisers, thus repay the loan on time. As recognition our newspaper and growth circulation will increase and the number of advertisers, since the newspaper is new, our audience will gradually expand. As a result, the newspaper will begin to generate a stable income.

Description of the type of activity.

G azeta "Hold on" - a color daily newspaper on 25 pages with a circulation of 15,000 copies at 25 rubles per issue. Printing is carried out in Saratov, printing house. The newspaper can be purchased at any newsstands in the city and region, as well as by subscription.

G The newspaper is intended to cover the problems of youth in Saratov, qualified psychological assistance to adolescents - the column is led by the psychologist of the center social rehabilitation“We are together” - Ivanova E.S. A separate section is devoted to leisure planning - it tells about the venue for various cultural and mass youth events. The "History of a Star" section, in which famous people will talk about their growing up and the problems they faced during that period of their lives. Rubric "Question - answer!" responds to letters from readers, prints the requested information. Editor column. 15% of the newspaper is devoted to various kinds of advertising.

C The target audience of the newspaper is young people aged 15 to 20 years. IN

retail is planned to distribute 80% of the circulation, the remaining 20% ​​by


Competition and competitive advantage.

ABOUT The newspaper's main competitors are Time Out magazine and Cool magazines,

Cool Girl and Bravo. Nevertheless, these publications are informational

entertainment in nature, our publication is aimed at providing

help and support for teenagers.

Marketing strategy.

M marketing strategy is to advertise a newspaper in a magazine

COOL, advertising on TV channels and radio, as well as distribution of advertising flyers in the center for social rehabilitation of adolescents "We are together", mailing flyers to other support centers, youth labor exchange. Distribution of brochures at meetings of the Committee on Youth Policy. It is planned to hold presentations twice a year, highlighting what we have achieved.

P presentation of the first issue will take place in a cafe. The number of invited guests is 50 people. At the end of the event, a buffet table is planned (approximate cost is 25-30 thousand rubles).

Editorial staff and salary.

R The editorial is headed by Olga Kalinina, editor-in-chief. A total of 16 people work on the prepress, editing and release of the magazine, including the advertising department, editor, journalists, proofreader, marketing and distribution managers, subscription department and press department.

The staffing table of the editorial office of the newspaper provides for the following positions and salaries:



Number of bets

Salary (rubles/month)

Total payroll

Chief Editor

Deputy Chief Editor

Commercial Director




Executive Secretary


Maker-up designer




legal plan.

The editorial office is created in the form of a limited liability company. The founders are three individuals and two legal entities. One of the founders is the public organization "Association of Entrepreneurs".

The activities of the editorial office are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the agreement of the founders, the charter, and orders of the head.

Editorial equipment.

Estimated cost of equipping workplaces.


Price, thousand rubles




Computer tables

Office furniture sets

Air conditioners








Telephone sets

Fax machine



Total for the project period

Risk assessment and insurance.

During the implementation of the project, the following crisis situations are possible, in which the authors of the project intend to act accordingly.

Possible crisis situations

Ways to Minimize Losses

Failure of printing house

Dismissal of employees whose positions are provided in the singular

The number of subscribers will not reach the number for which forecast calculations were made

Financial indicators will be lower than estimated

Transfer to another printing house is envisaged. This will require additional transport costs, which will be offset by lower costs for other household needs and communications.

The editor-in-chief has a database that allows him to quickly select a person for a vacant position. In the event of a request for payment in excess of the payment established by the staffing table, compensation will be made from the costs of advertising

For the entire period of the project, workers will be hired under a contract, which, if the situation is favorable, will be renegotiated. The term of the first contract is one year. The reduction in the number of employees will be carried out according to the forecast of the financial situation that has developed with the actual number of sales.

The memorandum of association stipulates that the founders will make an additional contribution that will allow them to fully pay off the creditor in accordance with the loan repayment schedule.

Production plan.

Monday Tuesday - collection of information, analysis of correspondence, writing material;

Wednesday - editing;

Thursday - seal;

Friday - the number is on sale.

Planned profit and expenses.



1. paper 480 kg. + 20 kg. For a possible marriage, that is. 32 thousand rubles

2. printing house - 8 rubles from the number - 120 thousand

3. distribution - 7 rubles per number - 105 thousand

4. expenses for the services of news agencies - 80 thousand rubles

5. - taxes and VAT


1. Rent - 45 thousand rubles

2. Office expenses - 17 thousand rubles

Sales income: the price of the newspaper is 25 rubles, i.e. income 375 thousand rubles


1. Equipment of workplaces;

2. Rent, operation and maintenance of the building;

3. Printing services;

4. Paper;

5. Newspaper delivery;

6. Remuneration;

7. Rent of motor transport;

8. Household needs;

11. Total expenses;


+ Income from additional profit - renting a strip of a number to a firm, organization or administrative body.


In foreign countries with a developed market economy, business plans have long taken their rightful place. Russia is only gaining experience in developing these plans, which are so necessary both to obtain funding, and to formulate its own ideas in terms of business, and to assess the viability of its proposed facility.

Increasing interest in the peculiarities of developing business plans is shown by

heads of organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership,

entrepreneurs, banking and insurance structures. Business plan entered into

practice of Russian entrepreneurship as a tool for strategic

planning and the necessary document for conducting business negotiations with

Beauty for you Test work >> Management

Purpose of the business plan: Creation new magazine Beauty for ... business center has a large parking lot. Editions owns 5 spacious, bright, comfortable... 7. Production plan Journal published once a month and editions enough time for...

  • chimes Journal

    Abstract >> History

    In Lithuania, however, he took an active part in creation artistic appearance of "Chimes". Thanks to the activity ... the task that I set for myself edition magazine, was to achieve the level of national cultural ...

  • Business plan development creation small business

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    Management Business plan development creation small business Course work... failures are poor preparation for creation firms, an unqualified forecast of their future... costs 225 rubles a month. Editorial magazine possesses an extensive material base of technology...

  • Glossy Journal

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    Simultaneously. Idea by creation business magazine with the newspaper "Vedomosti" ... a TV show of the same name. But in the Russian editions magazine they say that television is only in ... notes Sedyakin, "with creation magazine Russian edition enjoys the know-how of Italian...

  • Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

    If you have an idea to start your own magazine, then you will need a magazine business plan to serve as an example. When drawing up your business plan, you must be guided by the rules set forth in this article and the proposed version of the plan.

    In the business plan, you should reflect the specifics of the journal and emphasize the benefits of this publication.

    It is worth emphasizing the following points: the uniqueness of text and photographic materials, professional author's articles, the quality of printing, the successful experience of the creator company in other projects.

    Consider the structure of a typical business plan for a glossy magazine. Download a sample business plan on our page so that you can compare the theory below with a real case study.


    This section briefly summarizes the main ideas of the plan. Your resume must:

    • - specify the mission of the publication;
    • - list the purpose of creating the journal;
    • - justify the relevance of the chosen topic;
    • - designate target audience;
    • — describe the attractiveness of the new edition;
    • — emphasize the uniqueness of the journal;
    • - indicate the initial circulation;
    • - give the main financial results;
    • - justify investment attractiveness;

    2. Characteristics of the edition

    In the characteristics section, you must specify:

    • - the format and volume of the journal;
    • - quality of paper and printing;
    • - type of packaging;
    • - circulation;
    • - periodicity;
    • - method of distribution;
    • - main headings.

    3. Market analysis

    It is necessary to evaluate the market in terms of its saturation with publications of similar subjects. You also need to indicate the share of your products, the availability of solvent demand for this magazine and the ability to compete in the print media market.

    An analysis of the sales market and competition should justify the possibility and desire of the market to acquire this journal.

    4. Marketing strategy

    This section of the business plan is closely related to the assessment of the market and competition. The formulation of a marketing strategy involves the study and analysis of data on how to organize the sale of a magazine, their profitability, ways to ensure sales growth and the reputation of the magazine among consumers, and advertising costs.

    5. Production plan

    In this section, a feasibility study (feasibility study) is carried out for the publication of a new journal in the required circulation within a specific time frame. You must convince investors and potential partners of the possibility of achieving your goal. Also the business plan of the advertising magazine should attract advertisers.

    The production plan should provide information on the following items:

    • - the publishing house that will print the magazine;
    • – production capacities required for typesetting, typesetting, printing and the possibility of their increase;
    • — source and conditions for the purchase of materials;
    • - the reputation of suppliers, the experience of working with them;
    • - subcontracting relationships;
    • — the availability of the necessary machines and mechanisms, the place and the possibility of their acquisition.

    Good to know!

    We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of a successful company on a franchise basis. We invite you to get to know "Catalog of profitable franchises".

    Why it is easier and more convenient to start a business with a franchise can be found in the selection of articles published in the section: "Articles about franchising"

    6. Organizational plan

    The organizational plan must contain organizational structure publishing houses, ways of interaction of separate divisions, ways of their coordination and control.

    It is also necessary to show connections with partners and founders.

    When compiling an example staffing it is desirable to reflect the duties and profile of specialists, indicate the qualifications and work experience of the publisher's correspondents.

    7. Financial analysis

    It is necessary to draw up a plan of income and expenses, receipts and payments, a balance sheet plan for the year, conduct the financial analysis cash flow, sustainability of the publishing house, sources and use of funds, determine the payback period.

    For a deeper understanding of the above theory, you can download a sample magazine business plan from our website. After studying it, you can easily draw up a business plan for your own magazine.

    Watch the video: "Business Secrets: Dmitry Potapenko"

    According to data from the research company Mediascope, the Internet audience in Russia at the end of 2016 - the beginning of 2017 grew to 87 million people. That is, seven out of ten Russians aged 12-64 are actively exploring the Web, and this figure is growing every year. A third of Russian citizens use the Internet to search for news information, just a year ago their number was 1.5 times less.

    For these reasons, the creation of an online magazine looks like a promising project that does not require large investments. The presented business plan of the magazine with calculations shows that its initial monthly profit will be 53.12 thousand rubles, and in the future, with the active promotion of the project, income growth is expected.

    Business idea: creating an online magazine on the topic of fitness and healthy lifestyle life with a payback of 2.5 months.

    Objectives: to create a company with high profitability, profit and meet the information, educational and entertainment needs of the audience. It is planned to reach the figure of 700-800 thousand monthly readers in five years, to enter the top ten major websites about fitness and a healthy lifestyle in Russia.

    Starting investments in the project will amount to 163 thousand rubles. This will be the entrepreneur's own funds. At the initial stage, it is not planned to use borrowed funds. The funds will be used to register a domain, create and promote a website, fill the online publication with texts, photos and videos.

    You will also need to register the site as an online publication in Roskomnadzor. By law, this is not prerequisite, but will increase the confidence in the site among visitors, advertisers, sponsors and the Yandex.News service. This will allow the media to use the official right to receive information, protect before the law and remove responsibility for disseminating information that does not correspond to reality, discredits the honor and dignity of citizens if they are received from news agencies, from responses to requests, reprinted from other publications. In particular, you will not have to be responsible for user comments if they do not undergo preliminary moderation. The cost of registration for self-registration will be 10 thousand rubles.

    To carry out activities, it is planned to register an LLC. Suitable OKVED: "Publishing" - 58.11.2, 58.14.2; "Activities in the field information technologies"- 63.11, 63.12; "Advertising activities and market research" - 73.12.

    The project will be considered as a long-term investment with a circular economy. When income falls, the cost of acquiring new materials decreases, and vice versa. Profitability is growing, the number of investments in the magazine is growing. The owner of an online publication will be engaged in other activities so as not to depend on the regularity of income.

    Stages of project implementation

    1. Buying a domain and hosting.
    2. Installation and development of CMS.
    3. Design development.
    4. Selection and testing of authors for the quality and uniqueness of texts.
    5. Filling the site with content, registering the site in search engines.
    6. Registration in contextual advertising services.
    7. Registration of a legal entity.
    8. Media registration.
    9. Promotion of mass media, attraction of audience and advertisers.
    10. Analysis of the result, adjustment of the plan.
    11. Project development.


    Electronic media are valued by the audience for useful and interesting content, reliable and high-quality information on a certain topic, which will help solve any problem, learn something new. The main objective of the magazine is to provide objective and up-to-date information about the sports lifestyle in a reader-friendly format. It will be a modern encyclopedia of fitness and a healthy lifestyle with photos and videos of exercises, tips from fitness trainers and doctors.

    The choice of topics is explained by the growing interest of Russians in sports, going to the gym, proper nutrition and daily routine. 60% of Russians, according to a VTsIOM survey for 2016, go in for sports. At the same time, in 2015 they were 10% less. A cult of a healthy body and organism is being formed in society, more and more public institutions and private fitness clubs.

    That is why the pages of the publication will contain materials about body training at home and in gym, effective programs to increase muscle mass and burn fat, exercise techniques, balanced nutrition, sports nutrition.

    The content structure will be roughly as follows:

    • 25% of materials about muscle development and exercises.
    • 25% about proper nutrition.
    • 20% on health.
    • 15% about diets and weight loss.
    • 15% on self care.

    In addition, the journal will include articles practical advice from athletes, fitness trainers, nutritionists, doctors, reviews of specific products, such as sports gadgets, running shoes, swimming accessories and others. It is planned to actively involve subscribers in the formation of content: polls, proposals for topics, materials, experiments, contests.

    The project will not require the purchase or rental of premises, as the owner and authors of the online publication will work remotely and, if necessary, hold meetings in coworking spaces or online via Skype. The purchase of special equipment is also not required, since the authors will work on their computers, photographers and cameramen - with their own equipment.

    Market analysis

    A 2017 VTsIOM survey showed that Russians receive information mainly from television (about 60% of the audience). Almost a third of Russian citizens prefer to use the Internet: they read websites, blogs and social networks. Basically, these are people from 18 to 34 years old. At the same time, the indicator of user activity on the Web is only growing every year, while interest in print media, on the contrary, is falling. In 2016, the magazines Allure, Conde Nast Traveler, Interview, Russian Reporter, Afisha and others were closed. For this reason, creating an online edition is preferable to printing a glossy magazine.

    Benefits of an online magazine:

    • Available to an unlimited number of readers.
    • Distributed throughout the country and beyond.
    • It has a free newsletter, which increases the loyalty of potential subscribers.
    • It requires less money to run, there is no need to rent a room, buy printing equipment or spend money on printing, layout, delivery of publications to kiosks.
    • It requires fewer employees: an editor, a proofreader, 2-3 journalists on staff, a photographer, a designer are enough; if necessary, freelancers and an accountant can be involved.
    • Ability to use interactive and engaging content: slideshows, videos, tests.
    • Ability to use links to refer to advertisers' websites.
    • Unlimited edition size, while the reader can get acquainted with the materials made a year ago.

    The winning moment is the fact that at the end of 2017, the costs of advertisers for promotion on the Internet reached the advertising budgets on television. Analysts of the investment bank BCS Global Markets note that in 2016 online advertising accounted for 38% of the advertising market in Russia, in 2017 - 41%, then the share will grow by 2-3% annually.

    Target audience of the project: 55% - men, 45% - women. The age of 70% of readers is from 18 to 34 years old, the rest are 15-18 years old and 35-45 years old. Portrait of the audience: higher education, office worker as a manager or a leading specialist, goes in for fitness to maintain health and fitness, periodically works with a personal trainer and buys sports nutrition, monitors his daily routine and nutrition, annually travels to rest in Russian or foreign resorts , prefers to buy "status" goods of famous brands.

    organizational plan

    To implement the project, it will be necessary to hire qualified employees with at least a year of work experience, plus experience in remote work in publications about sports, fitness, health or a similar field. Editor's responsibilities: team management, content editing, competitor analysis, selection of topics and news for publication, creation of new sections. The work of an Internet marketer includes the development of a magazine promotion on the Web, the creation of a brand positioning model, media planning, resource traffic analysis, an SMM strategy, maintaining groups on social networks, and attracting potential advertisers.

    Journalists-copywriters will fill the site with unique materials, take interviews, a copywriter-translator will translate and adapt texts from English-language thematic magazines. The photographer will do staging and reportage shooting, process pictures for the site. The task of the videographer is to shoot thematic videos for the site with the participation of fitness trainers, to mount the video.

    Staff members:

    The owner will act as the director of the project, he will be engaged in its development, expansion and change in the direction of work, analysis of the results, strategic management, selection and motivation of personnel, development of a marketing campaign, increase in advertising sales. At the initial stage, and then, if necessary, a designer, a site promotion specialist, an SMM specialist, an accountant will be involved.

    Marketing plan

    There is a shortage of resources with high-quality, useful and unique information on the Web, content on most sites is obtained by rewriting information from other resources. Search engines support the creation of unique content, so their mechanisms are being improved in order to find and promote just such materials.

    For this reason, to win the audience and search engines, you will need to create the largest possible amount of your own content: interviews, reports, photos, videos. This will help to attract as many visitors as possible, and consequently, advertisers - the main source of income for the media.

    Ways to promote a digital magazine:

    • News aggregators and traffic exchangers, including,,,, and others.
    • Search engine optimization of the site.
    • Contextual advertising in the search network.
    • Maintaining groups in social networks, advertising in other groups.
    • Creating a subscriber base: a form for collecting email and subsequent distribution of new publications, offering unique "closed" content for subscribers.

    To increase the loyalty of readers, you should organize contests and experiments with prizes from sponsors, accept high-quality text and photo content from them, publish interviews with famous people, conduct a survey of the audience to identify needs and topics of interest.

    Production plan

    Monthly expenses:

    • Hosting payment: 1.5 thousand rubles.
    • Wage fund: 200 thousand rubles + insurance premiums 33% = 66 thousand rubles.
    • Services of an accountant and freelancers: 30 thousand rubles.
    • Website promotion in search engines and social networks: 80 thousand rubles.
    • Other expenses: 10 thousand rubles.

    Total monthly expenses project: 387.5 thousand rubles (for the year 4.65 million rubles).

    Tax payments: 15% of the "income minus expenses" of the organization (9.38 thousand rubles).

    Expenses for the first year of the online magazine: 163 thousand rubles + 4.65 million rubles + 9.38 x 12 = 4.925 million rubles.

    Financial plan

    Variable costs of the project: 163 thousand rubles.

    Fixed costs of the project: 387.5 + 9.38 = 396.88 thousand rubles / month, or 4.76 million rubles / year.

    Opportunities for publishing income:

    • Placement of banners and videos on the site.
    • Sponsorship and special projects.
    • Placement of PR and information materials.
    • Paid webinars and courses with fitness trainers, nutritionists.
    • Individual consultations with site experts.
    • Connecting the site to the advertising network "Yandex", Google and others.

    Monthly revenue: 450 thousand rubles.

    Annual revenue while maintaining indicators: 450 x 12 = 5,4< млн рублей .

    Break-even point for the first year = (revenue x fixed costs) / (revenue - variable costs) = (5.4 million x 4.76 million) / (5.4 million - 0.163 million) = 4.9 million rubles.

    Profit per month: 450 thousand rubles - 396.88 thousand rubles = 53.12 thousand rubles.

    Profit for the year: 53.12 thousand rubles x 12 = 637.44 thousand rubles.

    Profitability\u003d profit / revenue x 100% \u003d 637.44 thousand / 5,400 thousand x 100% \u003d 11,8% .

    Payback\u003d starting investments / profit for the year \u003d 163 thousand rubles / 637.44 thousand rubles \u003d 0.25 years, 3 months.


    Every year more and more Russians master the Internet and register in social networks. Surveys show that online media is also gaining popularity. An online publication on the topic of fitness and a healthy lifestyle will become a popular product due to the growing interest of people from 18 to 34 years old in strengthening their health, improving physical fitness and proper nutrition.

    The presented example of the project showed that this business will require small initial investments - 163 thousand rubles, which will pay off in 3 months. The project does not need to rent premises and purchase equipment, it is necessary to create a website and fill it with materials. Monthly expenses will amount to 396.88 thousand rubles, monthly net profit in the first months of work - 53.12 thousand rubles. Further, it is planned to increase the profitability of the company by attracting more visitors to the site, actively promoting it in search engines and social networks and increasing the volume of investments by advertisers.

    It can be argued that a digital magazine is a real opportunity to create a stable source of income and realize your creative and entrepreneurial potential. For success, it is necessary to build a competent strategy for the development of the publication, think over a content plan and hire professionals to create high-quality and useful material.

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