Analysis of advertising and information activities of a travel company. Advertising activities in the field of tourism Brief glossary of terms


Office characteristics

Like most tourist offices in the city, the Globus office is well equipped with technical and material means.

Technical means: stationery.

Material means: furniture, doors, windows, license and other documents.

The building where the Globus travel agency is located is very large, the office is located on the 1st floor. The office itself, where Globus Travel Agency rents a room, is very spacious, three desks, a large leather sofa, a large map of the world, two printers, one scanner and a photocopier, The office is equipped with two telephones, and one fax telephone, The office has air conditioning , as well as a large number of different souvenirs brought by both employees and customers from different countries. Also stationery.

Improving advertising activities in a travel company

General characteristics of a travel company

The travel company has been operating since 1989.

GLOBUS LLC is currently successfully operating in the tourism market due to:

  • 1) Accumulated over 17 years client base.
  • 2) Experience and knowledge of employees in the field of tourism.
  • 3) Developed relationships with representatives of tour services.
  • 4) Favorable and convenient location - almost in the very center of the city.

The purpose of the company is to organize the sale of tourist services. The sale of travel services refers to the offer of standard packages of travel services of the tour operator and all related operations, as well as the offer of individual tours.

GLOBUS LLC purchases tours from a tour operator and sells them to the consumer. The travel agent adds to the purchased tour the travel of tourists from their place of residence to the first accommodation point along the route, from the last accommodation point on the route and back.

Home market role travel agency is to connect service providers with clients-tourists, sometimes strongly dispersed both in time and geographically. This is a specific type of tourism business. The right choice of service providers is important here, based on professional knowledge tourist market, business, features and levers of its development and management.

Organizational - legal form enterprises and form of ownership - a limited liability company. The founders are individuals.

The company offers a whole range of travel services, which is one of the factors that attract potential tourists and travelers.

Firstly, it is the organization of various types of tours: both standard and non-standard, as well as individual tours.

Non-standard tours differ in terms: less or more than 7 nights. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the tour daily. Depending on the calculation, the price is added, which, as a rule, regardless of the number of days, is higher than that offered for a standard tour.

Individual tours are considered to be tours created at the request of the client. Here the main difference is not only the timing, but also the route, set additional services, special wishes of the client, as a result, they are more expensive.

GLOBUS LLC offers various types of individual tours:

  • Beach holidays. Tours of this type are very popular in any season, especially in summer, despite the variety of tours offered.
  • · Excursion tours.
  • · Thematic tours. Educational tours, shopping tours, wedding tours. Excursion and thematic tours are in second place in popularity.
  • · Ecotour. Trips to wild untouched nature in countries such as Kenya, Iceland, Australia. As a rule, they are an expensive pleasure, but the impressions are superior to any other travel.

Among the directions offered by LLC "GLOBUS" "Globus", it is impossible to single out the main ones. Depending on the season, be it summer, winter, autumn or spring, the demand for destinations changes.

So, in the summer, Spain, Cyprus, Croatia are especially popular among tourists, Greece and Bulgaria are a little less in demand. In winter, tourists mostly prefer Egypt, Thailand, about. Bali, Canary Islands, Maldives, Dominican Republic, United Arab Emirates, India, Cuba. The demand for active tours is growing significantly, in particular, ski resorts in Austria, Andorra, Finland, Bulgaria, France and Turkey can be distinguished. As for spring and autumn trips, tourists pay more attention to countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, Cuba, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, about. Pain, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece.

LLC GLOBUS, making out a tour to a certain direction, is an intermediary between a tourist and a tour operator, because it does not perform the function of picking goods. The initial stage in the provision by the company of services for the design and sale of a tour to a certain direction is the choice of a tour operator. At present, as a result of acquiring certain experience and establishing the necessary connections in the tourist services market, the management of this company has identified for itself a number of tour operators in areas with which mutually beneficial cooperation is carried out, thanks to the accumulated discounts (commission%), confidence in the decency of this operator and its guarantees.

Thus, for example, in Turkey and Egypt, the proposals of the Tez-Tour and Neva companies are being considered. As a rule, tourists do not want to take risks and overshadow their vacation, so they are ready to buy more expensive and guaranteed quality packages. And the agency, in turn, cooperating with the same operators, accumulates a commission percentage.

The company also offers a range of related services:

  • · Online tour search and selection services.
  • · Request for an individual tour online.
  • · Reservation of ground services: meeting at the airport, excursion service, guides, translators, car rental.
  • · Booking air and railway tickets.
  • · Assistance in obtaining visas
  • · Corporate trips.
  • · Sale of tourist literature. Guides to the countries of the world, maps, dictionaries, which brings additional income.
  • 1.1. Analysis of advertising activities of GLOBUS LLC

GLOBUS LLC conducts an active advertising policy, develops information materials (leaflets, brochures), which enable the client to receive sufficient information to make a decision on choosing a direction and a particular tour. When purchasing a tour package, customers sign an agreement with a travel company, which specifies a carefully worked out set of conditions, which helps to prevent possible shortcomings and conflicts in the service.

LLC "GLOBUS" uses additional methods to attract customers: there is a flexible system of discounts, each client, upon receipt of a ticket, is given promotional products by the manager - a package, a flyer or a pen with the address and telephone number of the travel company.

  • by mail (usually New Year congratulates all its clients);
  • Personally handed promotional materials, newsletters, leaflets, flyers.
  • 1.2. Press advertising:

Analyzing the presented data, we will describe the rating criteria for the competitiveness of a travel agency.

In order to objectively assess the competitiveness of the manufactured tourist product, it is necessary to use the same criteria that the consumer operates with. Thus, a list of parameters that are significant from the point of view of buyers was determined. In the process of buying, the consumer selects a product, establishes distinctive features that characterize the superiority of this tourist product over competitors' products of similar value that are on the market. By purchasing a product, the buyer thereby assesses its attractiveness, the possible degree of satisfaction of his specific needs and his willingness to bear the costs associated with the acquisition and use of this product.

Consequently, the combination of quality and cost characteristics of the product contributes to the creation of the superiority of this service over competitors in meeting the specific needs of the buyer, which makes it possible to quantify the competitiveness of the tour package.

Since the competitiveness of a product characterizes the degree of compliance of the quality of a given product with the quality indicators of a competitor's product similar in purpose, the assessment of the competitiveness of a product implies a comparison of the quality indicators of an enterprise's products with the quality indicators of a competitor's product.

Orientation to conquer new markets, satisfying customer needs through product differentiation encourages Globus to strive to meet consumer preferences, as well as to work on simplifying the process of informing consumers about the products offered. The advertising activity of the company, as one of the marketing tools, contributes to the dissemination of information about the quality of the product, reducing the distance between the manufacturer and the consumer. In the face of growing competition, the buyer is interested in expanding his awareness of the quality of the product.

One of the advantages of the travel agency is the convenience of the location of the office, the availability of parking for cars, this plays an important role. The travel agency is located in the central part of the city, close to shopping centers, the office can be reached by any transport convenient for the client. The facade of the travel agency's office has a good view, a bright sign, an outdoor advertising showcase and a convenient entrance from the street.

The interior is functionally convenient for visitors, working staff and has an aesthetic appearance. Modern modular tables for receiving visitors, computer equipment and other decorative improvements, polite treatment and qualified explanations of the staff helps to attract more tourists to purchase tours.

So, the main advantages of the company include: convenient location of the company, cooperation with the best international tour operators; professional and creative approach to the organization of clients' recreation. In addition to selling standard tours, it offers a variety of additional services that give customers the opportunity to plan their vacation on their own.

The main directions, managing the company's competitiveness in the tourism market, are: attention to the formation of the image and increasing the efficiency of management by sending employees to sales seminars, since the main task of the tour operator is competent and reliable information potential clients who applied to the travel agency.

Thus, the company is competitive. In the context of increasing competition in the Russian markets, it pays close attention to various methods marketing research, including advertising, in order to minimize the cost of finding effective strategies that allow you to firmly hold market positions and increase sales, retaining existing customers and attracting new ones. Marketing research is clearly necessary for successful work firms. Depending on what attracts tourists and how they travel, it is possible to make a classification by type of tourism: according to the purpose of the activity, according to the method of conducting, according to the number of participants in the trip, according to the use Vehicle, travel geography. All marketing efforts should be aimed at creating strong and lasting preferences among current and potential customers. In a tourism firm, service personnel seek to outperform competitors by maximizing the quality of their performance, since good public relations is the greatest asset an organization can have. A positive attitude towards the company and a well-informed public is one of the decisive factors for its survival, development and improvement.

Advertising is today one of the most common tools of the company's communication policy. This statement is equally true in relation to the prevalence of its use on the Internet.

To do this, you need to create a website on the Internet. This can be done on your own, without involving specialists in the field of website development, on sites that provide the opportunity for free "website designers" according to given templates.

This two-level approach requires the most careful attention to both the implementation of the first advertising link and the second. At the same time, in order to obtain a positive result, both stages must be completed for a sufficient period of time. high level.

Thus, after the site is created, advertising of the site itself is required, since, as noted above, the presence of the site does not guarantee that it will be visited frequently. To do this, the site must be registered in search engines, directories and ratings. The more links to the site, the better. Search engines are a very useful advertising platform. Of course, the maximum task is to find your site in the first positions for all the queries you are interested in, and for free. Banners are the most widely used advertising element on the Internet. Banner advertising remains today one of the most popular and effective ways to attract visitors to a website. In addition, it serves as a good tool for image advertising.

A banner is a graphic image that is placed on the publisher's web page and is a hyperlink to the advertiser's server. GIF or JPG banners are the most widely used, although other formats and technologies such as ShockWave or Java are also increasingly used. The most common banners are 468 60 pixels in size. It should be noted that this is far from their only possible size. The number of varieties of banners that are used in advertising, according to various estimates, today reaches several hundred.

The price of advertising can be determined depending on the period of placement of the banner or calculated as a price per 1000 banner impressions. On some sites, it is possible to place a banner with payment not for banner impressions, but for clicks on it.

Banner advertising can be placed not only on specific sites, but also in banner networks that unite dozens and hundreds of different sites. The cost of advertising in such a network is much lower than on a specific site. True, the quality of accommodation often suffers. Banner network banners can be placed in inconvenient places, for example, far at the bottom of pages. In addition, when buying impressions in the banner network, it is more difficult to set up impressions for the desired target audience.

Advertising activities in the field of tourism are carried out at the macro and micro levels. Advertising at the macro level is advertising of the country as a whole as a tourist destination, as well as advertising of individual regions of the country. It is carried out by public authorities - ministries, departments, committees. Advertising at the macro level is also carried out by regional, municipal tourism authorities and associations. Advertising at the micro level is carried out by tourism companies, hotels and other enterprises in the tourism industry.

The tourism industry is one of the largest advertisers. The experience of foreign travel companies shows that, on average, they spend 5-6% of their income on advertising tourist trips.

Distinctive features of marketing communications in the field of tourism are determined by the features of the tourism system and its product - tourism product:

impersonal character. A potential consumer learns information about tours not personally from an employee of the company, but through means mass media, brochures, catalogs, posters and other advertising media);

· Uncertainty in terms of measuring the effect. Reverse
communication in advertising activities is probabilistic, indefinite. The fact of acquiring a tourist product depends on a large number of factors, often not directly related to advertising, sales promotion, which are subjective and practically intractable to formalization;

public character. Marketing communications in the field of tourism have a special responsibility for the reliability, truthfulness and accuracy of the information transmitted with their help;

information richness. Tourism services, unlike traditional goods, do not have a material form and constant quality;

brilliance and persuasiveness. The specificity of tourist services necessitates the use of visual, visual aids that provide a more complete representation of objects of tourist interest.

The main elements of integrated marketing communications are direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, exhibitions and fairs, advertising.

Direct Marketing- a sales method that involves establishing direct contacts with the consumer.

The tourism industry plays a very important role personal selling , involving personal, individual communication of travel agency employees with customers. Employees of a tourism enterprise must inspire confidence, be able to convince and competently advise consumers. The importance of personal selling can hardly be overestimated when solving such problems as the formation of preferences and persuasion of the clientele, the incentive to purchase a tourist product. It is used when it is necessary to directly influence the target audience, establish close relations with it and encourage certain actions. Personal selling is the only type of marketing communication that ends with the direct sale of tourism services.

Extraordinary significance telephone communication is one of the features of the Russian tourist market. The quality of service becomes a decisive factor in the competitive struggle of travel companies and agencies. The uniqueness of tourism activities lies in the fact that it requires the staff to have a large amount of knowledge about countries, peoples, geography, history, religion, culture and much more. Telephone sales are more complex than personal sales because the only means of communication in a telephone conversation are voice and speech.

Travel agencies in their work need to use telephone marketing, which is based on a personal appeal to the client. To do this, it is necessary to compile a register of clients with addresses, telephone numbers, birthdays, trips made, their dates, paid amounts. Indicate a service manager in it, constantly replenish it with new data for the convenience of conducting direct marketing campaigns.

Another type of direct marketing is direct mail advertising. Most often, travel agencies use the distribution of specially prepared advertising and information letters and promotional materials.

Sales promotion. To achieve the goals of stimulating customers, various tools are used: discounts from the declared prices for tourist services and trips in case of advance booking on time, seasonal sales discounts, discounts for certain categories of customers, bonus discounts provided to regular customers; distribution of samples in the form of additional free service within a few days if the tourist buys a tour with a maximum trip duration or by including some free additional services in the complex service; prizes provided as a reward for accessing a specific service; test coupons- a special type of premium, according to which the remuneration for the purchase of a tourist product is not issued directly, but is provided in the form of a coupon, for which it can be received elsewhere; contests, games, lotteries and quizzes).

Public relations. Public relations work is aimed at studying the emerging public opinion and forming a benevolent attitude towards the tourist enterprise and its activities on the part of target audiences and the general public.

The goals of public relations are as follows:

Establishment of two-way communication to identify commonality, ideas and interests;

· achievement between the tourist enterprise and the public of mutual understanding and trust based on truth and full awareness;

Providing the company with favorable publicity;

Creation and confirmation of the image of the enterprise;

promotion of the tourist product and tourism in general;

Refutation of distorted and (or) unfavorable information;

· Ensuring support from various target audiences.

Taking into account who is the object of establishing communications, public relations activities can be carried out in several areas, the most important of which are:

organization of relations with the media;

contacts with target audiences;

Establishing relationships with state authorities and administration.

Establishing and maintaining relationships with target audiences serves to strengthen mutual understanding between them and the tourism enterprise. For this can be used: corporate communication, tourist events, events and etc.

Tourism activities are extremely diverse in nature. They pursue the goals of promoting tourism in general, the country, region or tourist center, creating the image of the company and drawing attention to the routes, programs, services it offers. Examples of such propaganda could be tourism days, company days, open days, presentations, promotional campaigns(for example, "Tourism and Ecology"). The reason for holding an event can be an event: the anniversary of the company or the anniversary of the start of its activities in a particular market, the introduction of a new tourist product on the market, the registration of an “anniversary” client (for example, the thousandth, ten thousandth, etc.).

Tour operators attach particular importance to study tours (familiarization trip, abbreviated fam-trip), which are organized for both travel agents and journalists. Advertising tours increase the prestige of the tour operator in the market of travel services, contribute to the expansion and formation of the agency network, and the articles of journalists about the perfect trip are the best advertising both the company itself and its tourist product. As practice shows, potential customers are more confident in the information they received from third parties, in particular, from the articles of journalists who have been on a particular trip, than to information received from advertising messages of the travel agencies themselves.

Exhibition events. Participation in the work of exhibitions and fairs is an effective and powerful tool for the formation of marketing communications of tourist enterprises. Exhibition and fair events allow:

draw attention to the proposed tourism products and demonstrate to potential customers the possibility of traveling to a particular country (region);

· expand the understanding of foreign tourists about the country (region), inform them about tourism policy and measures aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of tourism in the country (region);

· to establish contacts with representatives of tourist administrations and enterprises, to conclude agreements on cooperation and sales; establish contacts with representatives of the media, use the opportunity to expand the perception of tourists about the tourism potential of the country (region) with their help;

· study the best practices of tourism organization, its advertising and analyze the proposals of competing tourist destinations offering tourism products with similar characteristics close to them as the country (region) concerned;

determine the existing demand for the proposed trips in this direction, make a forecast for the development of demand;

· Obtain information about the state of the tourism market.

There are many exhibition events in the world, one way or another related to tourism. Of particular note are the international tourist exchanges. These are exhibition events at which, along with tourism advertising, active work to establish contacts and conclude transactions between the producers of tourist services (hotels, transport companies) and their sellers (tourist firms). Such exchanges usually open or end a period of active promotion of tours announced on next year. The largest international tourism exhibitions and exchanges are: the international tourism exchange in Berlin ( ITB), the international tourism exhibition-exchange in Madrid ( FITUR), World Tourism Exhibition in London ( World, Travel Market - WTM), the international tourist exchange in Milan, as well as the international exhibition "Travel and Tourism" in Moscow.

Since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, in Russia, such a marketing channel has been used to promote tourism products and services, such as workshop. Workshop(eng. - work shop) - in the tourism business means a working meeting (mini-exhibition) of tourism business professionals, at which tourism products and services are promoted. These events are held at the initiative of the national ministries of tourism by Russian and foreign companies and publishing houses.

From traditional tourism exhibitions workshop It is distinguished by efficiency, compactness, focus only on professional participants in the tourism market, as well as low cost of participation (no more than 500-600 dollars). visit workshop usually free. Usually the number of participants is 40-50 companies, the duration is one or two days. If workshop organized in forms road show And river-show, then its duration can be four to five days. Popular regional workshop.

Press advertising takes up to 85 % advertising budget of travel agencies. Due to its efficiency, repeatability, wide market coverage, it is one of the most effective types of advertising. In terms of advertising, all printed publications can be divided into the following groups:

periodicals intended for professionals: the newspapers Turinfo, TTG», « PIT”, “Rossiyskaya tourist newspaper”, magazines “Tourism: practice, problems, prospects”, “Tourism business”, “Hot line: tourism”, etc. Among the professional publications of the hotel business, one can note the magazines “Hotel”, “Five Stars”, “ Hotel Parade” and others;

Mass socio-political newspapers and magazines, such as Moskovsky Komsomolets, Seven Days, Arguments and Facts, Megapolis Express, Top Secret, etc.;

business publications aimed at the economically active category of the solvent population, such as Kommersant-Vlast, Dengi, Expert, Profile, Business People, Itogi, etc.;

· Elite entertainment publications designed for the wealthy segments of society, such as "Domovoy", "Cosmopolitan", "She", "Home", etc.;

specialized advertising publications, such as a newspaper
"Extra-M", "From Hand to Hand", "Center Plus", "Business Advertising"
and others. For advertisers, the cost of advertising in these publications is relatively low, and many service enterprises can afford it.

Printable advertisement(catalogues, booklets, etc.) is one of the most important means of disseminating advertising information for tourism enterprises. Unlike advertising in the press, the placement of relevant materials in such publications does not impose such restrictions in terms of space. This allows for detailed explanations and comprehensive descriptions. In printed advertising, information about the available opportunities for serving tourists is presented in a graphic and textual way. To increase the attractiveness of printed products, firms use colorful high-quality photographs of landscapes, historical sites, hotels and other tourist attractions.

Video advertising includes promotional films, video films and slide films. Promotional films and videos are used both in commercial and non-commercial distribution. A specific type of video advertising is advertising video-express information (quickly made video about any significant event in the life of a tourist enterprise - celebrating an anniversary, opening a new hotel, honoring an anniversary client, etc.). Television, like no other means of distributing advertising, allows you to provide a truly wide image-advertising of a tourist enterprise or region, to make the viewer a "participant" tourist trip and "try on" this or that service. Due to the high cost, television advertising is used quite little in the tourism business. Only large travel agencies are able to pay such expenses. Often, television advertising for a resort is paid jointly by several travel companies or the state in order to popularize the resort among tourists.

Usage radio advertisements in the tourism business has a pronounced seasonal character. As a rule, travel agencies place their advertisements on regional (local) and not on all-Russian radio stations. Radio as a means of communication has a significant drawback for advertising travel companies - the lack of an image (usually in an advertising message the emphasis is on a visual image), but some radio commercials from the tourism industry are an excellent example of how a disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.

promotional souvenirs are usually part of a well-developed advertising campaign calculated for a long period. In this case, two goals can be pursued: popularization of the tourist enterprise and a reminder of it and the products offered.

Outdoor advertising is a fairly effective tool for disseminating information about tourism services, since it is designed primarily for perception by the general population. However, in Lately an increasing number of tourist enterprises use it in a complex of various image advertising activities. The most common types of outdoor advertising for travel companies are: advertising on roadside billboards 3x6 m, advertising at airports and ticket offices, advertising on transport, banners, signs, signs, city-format structures.

Internet advertising, being a relatively inexpensive means of disseminating information, it makes it possible to quickly determine the level of its effectiveness. The Internet provides a tourist enterprise with ample opportunities to target their advertising messages to various target audiences. Moreover, one of the main advantages of the Internet is the feedback from consumers of advertising information, which allows you to change the strategy of an advertising campaign during its implementation, which leads to an increase in efficiency.

Travel agencies have a reserve for increasing the effectiveness of their advertising - you just need to more actively include the imagination of potential tourists and more fully take into account their motives. Tourism is now advertised, focusing mainly on the economic side of the issue, that is, on prices. And this, of course, on the one hand, is correct, because, figuratively speaking, a Russian tourist, satisfied with the thought that he bought a ticket for half the price, is ready to sunbathe even on a foreign battlefield, under the crossfire of the warring parties. but modern tendencies show that Western travel agencies are less focused on those seeking to save money.

In addition to economic motives for choice, there are educational motives in tourism. Many flyers are created “on one face” - the texts on them are the same, as if written in carbon copy: a cultural program in the form of an enumeration (“a chic beach”, “spearfishing”, “excursions: a crocodile nursery, an orchid plantation, a Havana cigar factory and Cuban rum "...), and under all this - the schedule, prices, discounts, phone numbers of the travel agency and its website. Many travel agencies use the same trip descriptions. At the same time, travel agencies, obviously, do not take into account the fact that the buyer, discovering the sameness, begins to compare according to what is not the same, that is, at prices, and buys where it is cheaper. Cheapness, of course, affects the decision-making, but it mainly affects those who have already decided where to go, but there are not so many of them. In any travel agency they know how often the client makes the final decision already in the process of live and direct communication with the travel agency manager. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, what and how is written in the booklet differs, like heaven and earth, from what and how the manager says when he personally communicates with the client. And, as a rule, in a travel agency, an experienced sales manager is more convincing for a potential tourist than offline or online advertising of the same tours of the same travel agency.

The motives for buying a tour that can be emphasized in advertising can be as follows:

maintaining or forming one's status (prestigious tours);

Strengthening family ties (stay with family);


expansion of horizons.

Of course, there are many more motives for tourism, and they are not always in their pure form, sometimes in combinations (for example, romance + status).

To date, on Russian market There is no longer a relative vacuum in banking services that was characteristic of the early 1990s. Thus, today a very competitive and highly professional environment has developed in the banking segment.

To be competitive, a bank must meet the following criteria:

· an annual budget equal or at least comparable to the budgets of large structures;

Creation of an “different from others” attractive image.

In Russia, due to many features of the country's development in the "post-perestroika" period, the potential client base of the banking economic segment is usually divided in unequal proportions between the corporate clientele different levels and "physical" clients representing upper and middle income levels (from $1500 per month).

The attractiveness for banks of these client groups is usually estimated at four to one. In other words, for a bank in the current situation, corporate clients are much more interesting than individuals, primarily because of their distrust of banks in general and the huge advertising costs associated with this, PR, staff, branch network. However, in recent years, the interest of individuals in banking products in general is slowly but steadily growing.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that when choosing a bank, corporate audiences and private depositors of the highest and middle level do not use the same criteria in all. In a general sense, the situation of a successful decision in favor of the bank can be characterized as a situation where the opinion of the client - a legal entity - is positive in the following parameters:

Benefits of working with a bank

convenience of working with the bank;

the reliability of the bank;

experience of the bank with this client segment;

bank reputation;

the professionalism of bank employees;

the speed of "solving problems";

the availability of guidance.

There are fewer criteria by which a bank is chosen by individuals with high and middle income levels:

the reliability of the bank;

the possibility of obtaining "special" information about the bank (acquaintances, relatives);

bank reputation;

· Availability of a wide and convenient range of banking products designed for this segment of "physical" depositors.

The choice of a bank is usually carried out personally, but on the recommendation of friends or acquaintances, relatives professionally working in the banking sector or in related fields.

Client audiences have formed a strong opinion about the pros and cons of working with Russian banks, which in the minds of the audience are divided into three main groups. These pros and cons can and should be taken into account in PR and advertising activities of the customer, aimed at the clientele:

· big banks. Pluses: reliability; fame; prestige (brand promotion); a wide range of banking services; wide branch network. Cons: high price of maintenance; sluggishness of the structure in solving customer issues; unavailability of guidance when needed.

· Medium banks. Pros: a range of basic banking services; the availability of guidance; brand; Relatively fast resolution of customer problems; branch network. Cons: limited range of services; average level of reliability.

· Small banks. Pros: mobility in resolving issues; the availability of guidance; "customization" for each client. Cons: insufficient reliability; a very limited number of services; limited geography of activity.

Thus, drawing conclusions from the foregoing, it is possible to determine the general vision of advertising and PR. Target PR and advertising campaign: assistance in increasing the bank's client base by advertising and PR means.

1) informing (positioning the bank among others, making an incomprehensible product understandable, one’s own);

2) development of the image (elevation of the image, to form the image of the bank as a reliable, stable partner, to set the desired emotional assessment);

3) increase in the client base (expansion and strengthening of the client base);

4) acquaintance with the bank (acquaintance with the name of the bank, its location, contact numbers, range of services).

· corporate commercial clientele;

· state enterprises and formations;

Individuals with high and middle income.

Tools available from PR and advertising, contribute to the achievement of the goal, but in different ways. In other words, the instruments PR and advertising are different opportunities, so using them separately (or inconsistently with each other) leads either to failure to achieve the goal of the campaign, or to partial success.

Advertising tools, first of all, act visually and provide the target audience with a general image of the bank and its capabilities and services. Advertising, if it is bright, memorable, individual, affects the subconscious of the target audience. Its important characteristic is full control by the customer.

Instruments PR allow you to convey to the audience what advertising cannot convey due to its specifics: with the help of PR more detailed, detailed information about the advantageous aspects of the bank's activities reaches the audience, and the range of forms PR-information is practically unlimited. PR also has the opportunity to alternate formal professional information through the media (the so-called "white PR”) with informal work with journalists to initiate articles, comments, reviews written from positions advantageous to the bank (the so-called “gray PR”), as well as the commercial publication of texts with full control of the content (the so-called “posting”).

In this way, PR and advertising do the same thing, but in different ways, complementing each other and helping each other in achieving the customer's goal. But at the same time, without fail, advertising and PR strategies should be aligned with each other, and advertising and PR campaigns – to be in clear coordination.

Advertising and PR- the bank's campaign should develop according to a single scheme, starting from the appropriate semantic stage, taking into account the need to additionally inform potential customers about the opening of a new banking service point.

To this end, at the initial stage, additional PR events (opening of the bank with a press conference for journalists, open day) and an increase in the number of print media with cycles of explanatory articles about the bank and the services it provides (according to the general scheme).

As it was already revealed earlier, on the one hand, the field in which it is necessary to play very competitively, decision-making (at least by corporate audiences) is complex and multi-level, however, each of the three groups of Russian banks (“large”, “medium”, “small ”), this clientele sees not only pluses, but also minuses. Therefore, the challenge is to use the tools PR and advertising to demonstrate to potential clients that our bank is better and more reliable than others and is able to overcome these disadvantages.

1. Registration of ATMs. To distinguish ATMs of a certain bank among others, materials are developed in the corporate style of the bank with its logo. The client must accurately identify "his" bank.

It is very important to pay attention to electronic advertising banners for ATMs. advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather by order of the manufacturer of banking equipment Triton Systems Inc.. a study was conducted of the attitude of customers to advertising in ATMs. On average, of those who used ATMs, advertising information is remembered by 46%, and among those who did not make transactions (just passed by), approximately 30% of respondents remember advertising information. At the same time, the share of those who clearly remembered the advertising message was, on average, 9%, and for one advertising message - even 21%. It should also be noted that when using traditional methods, advertising is considered successful if it is remembered by up to 5% of those who see it. However, the most important result of the study was that 52% of the total number of participants in the survey described their attitude to advertising in ATMs as positive.

2. Client leaflet. A client leaflet for various types of services provided by the bank should be developed taking into account the corporate identity of the bank.

1. The design of the leaflet should be concise, with minimal use of symbols, the main thing in the client leaflet should be the service.

2. The leaflet must contain information about what this or that service gives to the client, who has the right to become a user of this service and where to apply to receive this service. Also, the client must find out where you can get detailed information about the advertised service - for this you need to specify the telephone number of the information and reference service, as well as the address of the corporate website.

3. The leaflet must guarantee the client the legality of the provision of services - indicate the appropriate licenses.

4. The leaflet should be recognizable, even if the logo and the name of the bank are removed.

5. Leaflets must be made in the same style. Perhaps different color and font design of headings, inserting thematic illustrations to identify services. Bank services are mostly non-objective and it is difficult to convey them with exact visual constants, so if the service has a substantive expression, then it is necessary to draw up a visual range in the leaflet in order for the client to have an accurate idea of ​​the service offered. Thanks to the visualization of banking services, the client, without even reading the text of the leaflet, will determine what the bank offers him. If the client is interested in this service, he will definitely come up and get acquainted with the information in detail.

3. Banners on the Internet. It is advisable to place banners on pages with a specific theme with a focus on the advertised service. It is also possible to exchange banners through a direct agreement with another site, but it must be taken into account that this site must belong to legal entity that produces related goods or services, and not a competitor. For example, it is advisable to place advertisements for the "Autocredit" service on automotive sites.

4. Corporate newspaper. The main objectives of the corporate newspaper are to maintain the company's image and inform customers about products and services.

Under corporate means a publication that informs about the company, its tasks, goals, successes, news, products and services or a group of products or services, published by a certain organization and does not contain information about other market participants.

The purpose of the corporate publication is to form loyalty to the activities of the company among employees, customers and partners. Readership - employees, customers and partners of the company. The main objectives of the corporate publication: maintaining a positive image of the bank; creating a corporate spirit, feeling that the bank is one big “family”; informing employees about the bank's activities, successes and problems; clarification of major management decisions; story about the best employees; service story; feedback with employees through e-mails to the editor of a corporate publication.

5. Souvenir products. People love to receive gifts and it does souvenir products one of the most powerful means of promoting goods and services, as well as building the bank's image. A small gift, an item that a client needs in everyday life (a pen, a lighter, a key chain, a tie clip, a diary, etc.) will serve as a constant reminder of the bank.

test questions

1. Give the concept of merchandising.

2. What are the basic principles for the location of goods in point of sale depending on the behavior of customers in the store.

3. List and explain the types of shop windows.

4. Name the compositional types of layout.

5. What rules are taken into account in merchandising when choosing a color scheme?

7. List the stages of the life cycle of industrial goods.

9. Distinctive features of the industrial and consumer brand.

11. Name the distinctive features of marketing communications in the field of tourism.

12. Why is direct marketing actively used in tourism?

13. List the criteria by which the client chooses a bank.

14. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of small, medium and large banks.


2. V. A. Kvartalnov Tourism: Textbook / V.A. Quarterly. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 320 p.

3. Colborn R. Merchandising. 15 conditions for success retail store. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Neva", 2004. - 416 p.

4. Kotler F. Marketing in the third millennium: how to create, win and keep the market: Per from English. - M .: LLC "Publishing House AST", 2001. - 272 p.

6. Lukicheva L. I. Tourism Management: Fundamentals of Management: Textbook / L. I. Lukicheva, V. A. Kvartalnov, V. A. Isaev. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 352 p.

8. Naumova A.V. Marketing strategies in the advertising activities of the enterprise: Proc. allowance. - Novosibirsk, 1999. - 148 p.

9. A practical guide to the organization of effective advertising activities of the enterprise. - B. m .: Conversion, 1994 - T. 1. - 1994. - 76 p.; T. 2. - 1994. - 88 p.; T. 4. - 1994. - 75 p.










Brief glossary of terms

AIDA (AIDA)- a rule formulated in 1898 by the American E. Lewis, which establishes the following advertising tasks: Attention - attention, Interest - interest, Desire - desire, Action - action.

audio clip- a specially prepared radio story that, in an original manner, and, as a rule, with musical accompaniment, sets out information about the advertised object.

Audimeter- a device first used in the USA to measure the radio audience (40s). The latest modifications of this device, designed to measure the viewing preferences of the television audience, began to be called "TV-meter", "peoplemeter", etc.

Questionnaire- the main tool for collecting primary information in advertising research. The questionnaire is a list of questions, the answers to which can be standard - the answers are given in the questionnaire - or arbitrary (open-ended questions).

Audience- a group of people to whom a particular carrier brings the advertiser's message.

Poster- a large-format leaf publication with advertising text about a performance, concert, lecture, etc., posted in public places.

Banner ( English - banner) - a rectangle or triangle with an advertising text or picture made on fabric, plastic, paper. On the Internet - a small advertising picture with a link to the advertiser's website, in print advertising - a headline for the entire page.

Basorama- (from English. bus - bus) is an illuminated advertising panel installed on the roof of vehicles (buses, taxis).

Useless (blank) circulation- part of the circulation that did not reach the addressee.

Billboard(English) - billboard) - purpose-built billboards located along highways, but sometimes in pedestrian areas. Usually they are bilateral (side A - front or in the direction of travel, side B - reverse, against the direction of travel), the most popular is the size of 3x6 m, although others are also used.

Firewall ( take away. brapmauer)- large advertising structures located on the blank walls of buildings free from windows. The area of ​​firewalls is different and depends only on the building on which it is located.

Brand(English - brand) - the image of the brand of this product (service) in the mind of the buyer, a set of impressions and associations. The brand concept includes: trade mark; the product or service itself with all its characteristics; a set of characteristics, expectations, associations perceived by the user and attributed to them by the product (image of the product, brand-image); consumer information; promises of any benefits given by the author of the brand to consumers.

Branding(English - branding)- the process of creating a brand and managing it. It may include the creation, strengthening, repositioning, updating and changing the stage of brand development, its expansion and deepening. Branding is a technique for creating a special impression that contributes to the overall image and the relationship of the target market segment to the brand.

brief(brief)- a short written form of a conciliatory procedure between the advertiser and the advertiser, where the main parameters of the future advertising campaign are prescribed.

Brochure- a non-periodical printed edition with a volume of 1-5 printed sheets. It is usually used to introduce new products to the market. The brochure details the properties of the product, methods of application and storage. Has a limited edition.

Broadsite(English - broadside; German - faltprospekt fur shaufenster, werbeflugblatt) - advertising material in the form of a large format sheet; folded and mailed without an envelope.

Booklet(English - handout; German - pressemitteilung waschrettel) - folded (folded in two or more times) and, as a rule, multi-color, well-illustrated edition. Standard booklet formats are A4 (210 x 297 mm) with two folds and A3 (297 x 420 mm) with one fold, but the booklet can have a wide variety of sizes, volumes and folding options, however, when unfolded, its size cannot exceed the size standard printed sheet.

backgrounder (backgrounder) – information of current, event character. This is news that is not a sensation. Such information should be sent regularly to maintain a continuous flow of news from the organization.

Video short film, usually less than one minute. Filmed on film or videotape. Videos or promotional videos usually have a very large number of editing plans, changing plans. There are computer, cartoon, puppet, game. Included in TV programs.

Business card(visiting card)- a means of business and interpersonal communication. Different countries have their own customs and traditions of registration and exchange procedures.

showcase- a means of advertising at points of sale and outdoor advertising. It is a display of a product demonstration, separated from consumers by a transparent partition. Showcases are specialized, combined, external, internal, etc.

Insert- a means of print advertising, a type of supplement to a magazine or book. It is a sheet of high-quality paper with an advertising message placed on it or a multi-page publication in the form of a prospectus. Often serves as a bookmark, it is distinguished by repeated action and a high degree of memorability.

Implementation- an indicator proposed by advertising specialist R. Reeves to determine the percentage of recipients who remember a specific advertising message.

Involvement- an indicator proposed by R. Reeves to indicate the number of consumers who paid attention to advertising. It is determined as a percentage of the total number of addressees and persons who remember a particular advertising message.

secondary information- information that already exists somewhere, having been previously collected for other purposes.

Sample- (in this case) a segment of the population, designed to personify the general population, i.e. the general population.

Signboard- a means of outdoor advertising at the point of sale. It is a shield, a gas-light structure with the name of the enterprise. It may contain elements of corporate identity (trademark, logo) and pictograms indicating the field of activity.

Pennant- a narrow flag of a prestigious or advertising nature on a stand or for hanging on the wall. Can be a carrier of corporate identity elements. Sometimes used as a souvenir.

Exhibition- public demonstration of the achievements of certain branches of the material or spiritual sphere of society, the main purpose of which is the exchange of ideas, theories, knowledge while conducting commercial work.

Headset- fonts consisting of different series of the same design, differing in style (straight and italic), width (narrow, normal, wide) and weight (light or thin, bold and bold).

Heraldry- compilation, interpretation and study of coats of arms. It is also used for advertising purposes.

Hologram- a three-dimensional image obtained using laser technology.

Advertisement schedule- determines the time aspects and the means used, and advertising media during the advertising campaign. It is developed taking into account the characteristics of the target audience, seasonal consumption of the advertised product, expected market changes, etc.

DAGMAR (DAGMAR)- a model of an advertising appeal proposed by R. Colli. Russian translation of the abbreviation: "determination of advertising goals - measurement of advertising results." The effect of advertising is determined by the percentage increase in the number of buyers in each of the phases of the process of influencing buyers.

Demographic characteristics- the necessary indicators in the preparation of advertising programs focused on certain markets or their individual

segments. These descriptions include such characteristics as gender, age, marital status, level of education, profession, social status, income level, property. On the basis of each characteristic, general statistical data are compiled about the groups of potential consumers of interest.

Demography- a science that studies the population in terms of such characteristics as numbers and density.

jingle- a musical phrase used as a sound logo of the advertised company, an advertising couplet in a video.

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Let's consider consistently the means of distribution of advertising specified above.

I. Due to its efficiency, repeatability, wide coverage of the market, advertising in the press is one of the most effective and most frequently used means of disseminating advertising information. Both newly opened travel agencies and large travel agencies with experience and an established contingent of clients resort to it. This type advertising in the aggregate takes up to 85% of the advertising budget of travel agencies.

Press advertising is advertising materials published in the periodical press, which can be divided into two main groups: advertisements and publications and publications of an overview and advertising nature (articles, reports, reviews, sometimes carrying direct and sometimes indirect advertising). Practice shows that review and promotional articles can be very effective in influencing potential customers. It is desirable that such materials be well illustrated - a large part of the text without illustrations is not perceived effectively enough. It is advisable to use company symbols in decoration. Publications of an overview and advertising nature are almost always timed to coincide with some informational occasion (season opening, special promotions, one-time discounts for advertisers, introduction of new tourism products to the market, etc.).

To place advertisements and publications of an overview and advertising nature, such types of periodicals as newspapers and magazines are most often used. Advertising materials designed for reading by specialists are published in specialized publications.

Each periodical has its own focus and style, its readers. The superiority of newspapers over other means of advertising distribution is determined by a number of factors. Thus, due to the wide range of issues covered, newspapers have the largest audience of all advertising media. Newspaper advertising is distinguished by high efficiency. The daily publication of advertisements in newspapers allows you to quickly check their effectiveness, increasing or stopping advertising, depending on the situation in the market. The disadvantages of such advertising include the short duration of existence, an insignificant audience of the “secondary” reader, and insufficiently high print quality.

Journals are usually specialized in nature. They can contain more voluminous and illustrated material than in newspapers. The specific features of magazines are the expressiveness of the image, colorfulness, high quality paper, and the overall attractiveness of the design. In terms of advertising, magazines have different values. For successful advertising, it is necessary to choose the right magazine, taking into account not only its popularity, but also the contingent of readers and their interests. Thus, travel agencies may be interested in both business-oriented magazines, designed for the most economically active category of solvent citizens, and glossy (elite, expensive) magazines for men, women, family reading, purposefully promoting a lifestyle, an integral part of which is high-quality recreation. Advertising in magazines cannot be as fast as in newspapers, but its advantage is a homogeneous and stable readership. This allows for a more directed and effective advertising operating for a long time.

The undoubted advantages of advertising in the press include the possibility of feedback from readers. For this purpose, special coupons are used (the ad itself can serve as a coupon), which interested parties can send back to the advertiser to receive additional information. Often a lottery is run based on coupons, which ensures that the attention of advertisements is attracted to an even wider range of readers. Therefore, coupons not only encourage customers to apply for the services of a travel agency, but also help to track the reaction of readers to advertising.

In order for advertising in the press to reach the desired group of potential customers, it is necessary to choose the most suitable publications. To this end, it is advisable to compile a complete list of all periodicals through which you can reach the target audience. At the next stage, information is collected about each of the publications for its subsequent evaluation. In order to avoid errors when analyzing a single edition, all factors should be considered together. For example, a sufficiently large circulation of a newspaper does not necessarily indicate its advantage as a carrier of an advertising message over a publication with a smaller circulation - it can be distributed free of charge and publish little interesting material, which reduces the interest in it of the reader who fell into its hands. Thus, advertising placed in the information and entertainment press is not very effective. The reason lies in the nature of the publications themselves, which often do not have high persuasiveness due to their sensational-scandalous coloring. The most important thing when choosing a publication is reliance on logic and common sense.

The location of the advertisement in the publication determines the degree of its perception and can seriously affect its effectiveness. There are three interrelated effects to consider when deciding where to place an ad message.

The positional effect is explained by the habit of a person to direct his gaze to the right side along the line of reading a line. Therefore, an advertisement located in the upper right corner of a newspaper or magazine page is more noticeable than the same advertisement in the lower left. A.P.Durovich developed a table of the effectiveness of this argument (the numbers in each square indicate the order of the review and, accordingly, the degree of effectiveness of the place for publishing advertising (1 - the most preferred, 24 - the least effective))11 Durovich A.P. Marketing research in tourism. - M.: New knowledge, 2002. - S. 190 .. (Appendix 2)

The contrast effect is manifested in the fact that the reader's attention is influenced by advertisements located in the neighborhood (their design, font, etc.). Experts give the following recommendations: a) it is undesirable to place an ad in the thick of others; b) if it got there, it is necessary to do everything possible to highlight it using a number of techniques: circle it in a frame, leave “air”, reducing the text to a minimum with the same ad area, etc.

Accounting for the effect of impression fusion requires an analysis of what materials surround the ad. It would not be entirely reasonable to place ads directly above the editorial text like: "The editors are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by advertisers."

An important role is played by the size of the circulation. The strength of the impact of an advertisement increases with its size, but not in direct proportion. This means that it is not necessary to occupy an entire lane to achieve efficiency. This is where another factor comes into play - repeatability. A series of smaller publications in the same publication is likely to have a greater impact, and possibly cost less, than a single large ad.

For the best psychological impact, advertising material should meet the reader at certain intervals. This will allow him to form fairly stable associations in his mind, and will contribute to memorization.

The main semantic load in the advertisement is the text. Texts can vary in volume and purpose, style and genre. So, for example, an advertising slogan includes only a few words. An article of a review-commercial nature may consist of several paragraphs, and sometimes occupies several pages.

When developing texts, it must be taken into account that the universal rule is the simplicity of sentences: "No more than one idea and no more than one image in one sentence." Short sentences provide elegance and help achieve clarity.

3. two more arguments are added to the slogan at the beginning and “incitement to action” at the end, “spurring” attention;

4. composition "development of a pattern";

5. one strong argument "obscures" another;

6. the composition is separated in time, i.e. the first part of the text creates a kind of riddle, and the second gives information about the object of advertising;

7. the composition is separated in space and time (the method of small “yes”, which at the right time are combined in one advertisement).

In an advertisement, it is necessary to achieve the optical balance of the composition. Balance implies that the semantic load is evenly distributed across all parts of the ad. It is generally accepted that a person invariably finds a point dividing the sheet at a height of 5/8 - the optical center of the advertisement.

The impact of advertising largely depends on how correctly the font is chosen for a given text. The perception of the text is based on the following principle: usually the eye first stops at the words typed in a larger and bolder font. And only after that, having become interested, the reader returns to the beginning of the text and reads it in its entirety. Therefore, the role of the font in advertising is reduced to the fact that the nature of the lettering, the shape and location of the line to attract the attention of the reader.

To increase the effectiveness of the text helps to know the basic patterns of its psychological impact. For example, drop caps have been found to increase ad acceptance by 13%.

Speak up directly.

Avoid negative comments.

Be brief.

Try to attract and keep the attention of a potential client.

Specify what actions the potential client should take and a number of others.

Before starting an advertising campaign, it is also advisable to test the text and composition of the advertising message. The finished composition of a printed advertisement, in which all elements are assembled into a single whole, is called a layout. It allows you to clearly imagine how the printed advertisement will look like.

II. Print advertising is one of the most important means of disseminating advertising information for travel agencies. Unlike advertising in the press, the placement of relevant materials in printed publications (catalogs, brochures, leaflets, etc.) does not impose significant restrictions in terms of location, which will allow detailed explanations and comprehensive descriptions using pictorial and textual material.

When designing print advertising, it is advisable to highlight various elements of the travel agency's branding, indicate its full postal address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. Extravagant statements, poor design, sloppy illustrations, poor quality printing on poor paper are not allowed here. Print advertising is a kind calling card, by which target audiences judge the advertiser. To the greatest extent this applies to booklets, brochures and catalogs, which are considered promotional materials of a prestigious nature. For them, there is an extremely simple rule: these materials must be made either at a very high level, or not released at all.

Let's consider the most widespread types of printed advertising of the enterprises of the tourist industry.

Catalog - a bound or bound printed publication containing a systematic presentation of tourism services. The design of catalogs can be different - from purely textual materials, arranged in a certain order, to photographs made in color with appropriate explanations.

A prospectus is a bound or bound printed edition of a small volume. On its cover, the brand name of the travel company is usually depicted. The prospectus usually gives a brief description of the tourist services. The main place in the prospectus is given to photographs and drawings of tourist services with brief description. Prospectuses may have a pronounced commemorative or prestigious character.

The booklet is a small-format publication, repeatedly folded (folded "into an accordion"). The booklet contains information about the main services offered by the travel agency. It should be borne in mind that the style of presenting advertising information in the booklet should take into account the characteristics of the target segments of consumers, the service of which the travel agency focuses on. If the travel agency is multi-profile, it is desirable to have several options for booklets (for young people, for families with children, for the elderly, for lovers of any kind of recreation, etc.).

A poster is a large-format unfolded publication, in most cases with one-sided printing. A large hand-drawn or photographic illustration is accompanied by a large advertising slogan title, which figuratively and concisely reflects the main idea of ​​the advertisement. The features of the advertising poster are a witty artistic composition and a short text, which plays an auxiliary role in relation to the illustrations. Posters are used to design exhibition stands, office space interiors, meeting rooms, etc.

Flyer - a small printed edition, the content is text and illustrations. The main task of the leaflet is to catch the eye, to make you want to take it and read it. Therefore, in terms of text, a flyer is closest to advertisements in the press: a catchy headline, a “snooty” slogan, an original or humorous drawing. Due to their cost-effectiveness, leaflets are produced in large numbers.

III. Audiovisual advertising includes promotional films, videos and slide films. Promotional films and videos are used both in commercial and non-commercial distribution. The first involves their demonstration in cinemas before screenings of feature films or on television, the second - at presentations, seminars, press conferences, advertising stands and exhibitions.

Movies and videos are of two types: commercials and promotional films. Commercials are short films (lasting from 15 seconds to several minutes) designed to be shown to the general public. Commercials allow the use of all genres of cinema. They are built mainly on dynamic plots, acute situations, unexpected outcomes.

Promotional films (5 to 20 minutes long) are closer in genre to popular science films. When creating them, elements of animation, computer graphics, feature films are used. Such films are intended mainly for demonstration at exhibitions and fairs, presentations, press conferences, business meetings.

Express video information is a specific type of video advertising. It is a promptly made video about any significant event in the life of a travel agency (anniversary celebration, opening of a new tour route, etc.).

A slide film is a program of automatically changing color transparencies projected onto one or more screens. It may be accompanied by a specially selected soundtrack. Slide films are shown at seminars, exhibitions, etc. The main advantage of this type of advertising is the ability to quickly and economically replace one slide with another, without violating the integrity of the composition.

* the ability to provide both a wide coverage and send an appeal to a specific target audience (drivers, housewives, etc.). This is achieved through the purchase of airtime in certain radio programs or the release of advertisements at certain times;

* the ability to have a powerful impact on the feelings and mood of people, to draw in them various mental images;

* comparative cheapness and special efficiency.

At the same time, radio advertising has certain disadvantages: 1) radio ads are not supported by visual images, which impairs perception and memorability; 2) the use of radio advertising involves its repeated repetition on the air at certain intervals. Experts estimate the minimum required intensity of radio advertising at 40-50 repetitions per month; 3) a necessary condition for the effectiveness of radio advertising should be a high rating of the radio station and the composition of radio listeners, which can be difficult to assess.

Radio announcement - information read out by the announcer. This is the most commonly used method of product advertising (with phone numbers and addresses of places of possible purchase).

A radio commercial is a specially prepared staged (play) radio story, which is played by several actors (several voices) in order to inform radio listeners about the services offered by the travel agency. The use of sound and musical effects should work to create the image of the advertised tourist product, without entertaining or distracting radio listeners.

Radio report - information about any events containing both direct and indirect (for example, positive feedback from customers) advertising.

One of the ways to place advertisements on the radio are special promotional programs. Advertising in them can be direct and indirect. Radio advertising also includes advertising on the radio in the subway. Its main advantage is that it is heard by both locals and visitors. The disadvantages include the inability to write down a phone number or address on the go.

Radio advertising is rarely used as the primary means of advertising distribution. Usually it is one of the many advertising media in large-scale advertising campaigns and is used to inform and remind. It is advisable to conduct research on the popularity of radio stations and radio programs among various categories of listeners in order to single out potential customers of the travel agency from the entire audience and use specific radio stations and radio programs to bring information to them.

Television, like no other means of advertising, allows you to provide a really wide image-advertising of the travel agency. Television advertising has a number of specific features. First of all, television has ample opportunity to have a targeted impact and cause the desired response from the audience.

Among the most common types of television advertising are television commercials (clips), television advertisements, advertising television reports and programs, as well as advertising television screensavers between programs.

Television commercials are, in most cases, movies or videos, lasting from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes, shown on television. According to the broadcast time, a blitz video is distinguished, it lasts 10-15 seconds. It, as a rule, gives the name of the travel agency and its logo, adds information about the areas of activity. Usually the phone number and address of the travel agency are indicated. In cases of “purely prestigious” advertising, these details are omitted, since the goal of a direct increase in sales of tourist products is not set, and the video is aimed at creating a favorable image of the travel agency) and a detailed video (lasts from 30 seconds or more. In addition to the information that is given in a blitz video, a description and characteristics of the advertised tourism products are given, information about the conditions of sale, prices, discounts, etc., the plot of the script is worked out more carefully. association links.

TV screensavers - various motionless drawn or photographic advertising plots broadcast, accompanied by narration and music, which fill the pauses between different TV shows, or elements of the travel agency's branding, placed on the screen during the broadcast of TV programs.

The commercial return on television advertising can vary widely and directly depends on many factors: channel rating, audience composition, repeatability and airing time. In addition, for television advertising to be effective, the following must be kept in mind:

The main thing is an interesting visualization (the viewer remembers first of all what he sees, and not what he hears);

Visualization should be crisp and clear;

It is necessary to attract the attention of the viewer for the first time for 5 seconds, otherwise the interest disappears;

No need for verbosity - every word should work.

Before deciding to use television as a means of advertising, it is necessary to carefully compare the desired effect with the planned costs. In this case, for example, it may turn out that several 10-second commercials will be required to achieve the desired effect, while the same result can be obtained by publishing the same number of press appeals, which will cost much less.

Television advertising also has a number of disadvantages. The most significant of them is the high cost, which significantly narrows the circle of travel agencies that have sufficient financial resources to actively use television in their advertising activities. In addition, it is short-term and episodic, which does not allow a detailed description of the positive characteristics of the advertised object.

IV. One of the most promising and effective means of disseminating advertising information and building relationships with target audiences is direct mail advertising by direct mail. It is the distribution of promotional materials to the addresses of regular or potential customers, as well as business partners.

Advertising and information letters are printed on the advertiser's letterhead and addressed to a specific official or individual. Preferably a personalized address indicating the position, full name. Foreign experts warn against using photocopies of letters in such advertising.

Catalogs, brochures, brochures, booklets, invitations, programs, etc. are used as promotional materials for distribution. In the practice of direct mail, a special term is also used - an advertising postal package. It can be called any mail forwarding of advertising - from a simple letter to broadside (large advertising postal item, which includes several different types and forms of advertising and information materials).

The main features of direct mail advertising: selectivity in relation to potential customers; lack of time, place and format restrictions; the possibility of simultaneous use of a large number of promotional materials; efficiency in informing potential customers about any changes in the offer of travel services; the possibility of giving advertising appeals a personalized character; ensuring confidentiality, since the offer of the travel agency in this case is invisible to competitors; providing feedback (the effectiveness of the items can be determined by the number of responses to them).

However, the high potential inherent in this advertising medium can only be realized if the travel agency has well-composed mailing lists. From right choice Mailing addresses depend on how accurately direct mail advertising reaches potential customers. When organizing direct mail advertising, four types of lists can be used: regular customers; those who responded to previous advertisements; composite (preparing specialized organizations by order of a travel agency); leased (leased by specialized companies).

The term "direct mail advertising" does not cover all aspects of the activity, usually attributed to this type of advertising. Experts believe that the name "direct advertising" would be more correct. Usually a significant part of it is sent by mail, but an ever-increasing volume is distributed on a door-to-door basis. Advertising materials are also distributed to passers-by, handed to visitors of the enterprise, distributed at exhibitions and fairs, attached to car windshields, dropped directly into mailboxes. At the present stage of market development, including advertising, direct mail advertising takes on qualitatively new forms (transmission of messages via computer systems, e-mail, sending video cassettes, floppy disks, CDs, etc.).

To direct advertising with a certain degree of conventionality, one can also include oral advertising (“word of mouth”). Researchers have noticed that any claims against a travel agency reach potential customers three times faster than positive reviews.

V. An effective means of popularizing the travel agency are promotional souvenirs. They are usually part of a well-designed, long-term advertising campaign. In this case, two goals can be pursued: popularization of the travel agency and a reminder of it and the services it offers. Promotional souvenirs are used to reach a predetermined target audience through free distribution without any obligation on the part of the recipient. The solidity of the travel agency, his attention to his business partners and consumers provides a favorable, and often preferable attitude towards him.

Branded souvenirs are utilitarian items, decorated with a wide use of the company's branding. These include items of clothing: T-shirts, hats, etc.; various accessories bags, packages, etc.; corporate calendars; small items such as key chains, lighters, pens, notebooks, notepads, etc.

Serial souvenir products with engraving or various stickers are widely used in the practice of advertising activities of a travel agency due to the difficulties in manufacturing branded souvenir products. So, for such advertising, various handicrafts are used, on which there is a branded sticker.

Business gifts are used, as a rule, during the official meetings of the leaders of the travel agency with their partners at various ceremonial events. Usually these are prestigious items of a practical nature: writing instruments, watches, caskets, art albums, etc. Before handing over, products are usually provided with special gift plates with company symbols.

Branded packaging materials - a factor that determines the evaluation of promotional gifts by customers and business partners. These include: branded plastic bags, wrapping paper and boxes for gifts and souvenirs, branded folders, etc.

VI. Outdoor advertising is a fairly effective means for disseminating advertising information about a travel agency, as it is designed to be perceived by the general population. Billboard advertising is quite common (billboards, panels, posters, banners, illuminated signs, electronic displays and screens, etc.). It can be placed on the main transport and pedestrian highways, sports arenas, exhibitions, bus stops public transport and other crowded places. The main purpose of billboard advertising is to convey to potential buyers and fix in their minds the name or trademark of the advertiser, as well as the direction of its activity.

The texts of billboards located in places of forced waiting (inside railway stations and public transport stops, in department stores) differ in significant volumes of the material presented. On these billboards, detailed appeals to customers, listing the properties and characteristics of travel services, etc. are possible.

The use of billboard advertising is most justified when the advertiser is sufficiently well known. It gives good results when conducting a large advertising campaign, when, in addition to billboard advertising, other means of its distribution (newspapers, radio) are also used.

Advertising at the points of sale of travel services (pointers, company signs, interior design of a travel agency, staff overalls, etc.) is an important component of the corporate identity that creates the image of a travel agency for its customers and partners. Elementary courtesy to visitors - signs and a sign at the entrance.

Advertising on transport is a variety of advertising messages both on board vehicles (trucks, buses, trams, trolleybuses) and inside salons. In addition, various types of outdoor advertising are placed at railway stations, bus stations, airports, etc.

The main requirement for advertising on transport is good readability and recognition in traffic conditions. It is difficult to list all types of outdoor advertising, as it sometimes takes the most unexpected forms (advertising on balloons, during carnival processions, etc.).

Due to the fact that outdoor advertising in most cases is perceived at a considerable distance and on the go, it most often represents short and expressive messages. Elements of branding should stand out in the design. When using it, you must adhere to the following rules. Firstly, such advertising should attract attention and often catch the eye. Secondly, the text should be as concise as possible, its content should be clear.

VII. According to experts, advertising on the Internet can significantly replace all other means of advertising. The Internet provides ample opportunities for personalizing appeals to various target audiences. Moreover, one of the main advantages of the Internet compared to other advertising media is the availability of feedback from the recipients of advertising information, which ultimately allows you to change the strategy of an advertising campaign during its implementation, and, as a result, leads to an increase in the efficiency of using the advertising budget. .

* mass media;

* means of communication (e-mail, Internet telephony);

* interactive environment (electronic conferences, customer feedback through the guest book).

The Internet provides many tools for influencing the target audience of the advertiser. Among them, first of all, it is necessary to note Web sites, banner advertising, advertising in electronic conferences, advertising through email(Appendix 3).

Availability of a travel agency website in modern conditions is considered not just a matter of prestige, but also a necessity. The site helps to advertise the travel agency, sell online and solve other important tasks, promptly introduces potential customers to new offers.

Significant opportunities to improve the effectiveness of travel agency advertising are modern multimedia technologies. In particular, the multimedia presentation CD ideally demonstrates the services of a travel agency. It compares favorably with all types of print advertising, tk. includes a huge amount of information, supported by various multimedia effects: music and voice-over, video and animation, 3D modeling and panoramic images. The presentation disc is designed to achieve many purposes. First of all, it provides visual information about the services and their quality, being a kind of calling card and emphasizing its importance. In addition, such a disc can be successfully used at exhibitions and presentations as promotional material or simply given to customers and partners.

In the tourism business, the struggle for customers is between countries, regions, cities, hotels, service enterprises and travel companies. In this regard, the development of a program to promote a tourist product, planning and direct implementation of measures to promote it is of great importance.

Advertising at the macro level is an advertisement of the country as a whole as a tourist destination (the most attractive territory for tourists, which has such a set of services that satisfies the needs of tourists in transportation, accommodation, food, entertainment, etc.), as well as advertising of individual regions of the country. It is carried out by public authorities - ministries, departments, committees, mainly on budgetary funds and in the foreign market is carried out by national tourist organizations and associations and their representative offices abroad. (The World Tourism Organization (WTO) uses the term "National Tourism Organizations (NTOs)". Advertising at the macro level is also carried out by regional, municipal tourism authorities and associations. Many countries develop advertising campaigns tied to famous world dates, various historical, cultural and political events).

Create a favorable image of the country as a whole or a separate
its region as a tourist destination to attract tourist flows;

Encourage a potential consumer to choose this particular country or region for their trip among many other tourist destinations.

The Concept for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation until 2005 states that one of the priorities of the national tourism administration of Russia is the formation of a positive image of the country abroad, the creation of a national tourism product and its promotion on the world market. State funding is provided for the implementation of activities within the framework of the Concept.

As part of the activities to implement the Concept, tourist catalogs, brief tourist guides in foreign languages ​​are published, which are distributed to international exhibitions, in trade missions, embassies, tourism offices. Various booklets and catalogs on ecological, cultural and educational tourism, tourist atlases and maps, multimedia CDs with electronic versions of photo albums, catalogs, booklets and reference books published by the Department of Tourism are being prepared.

In May 2002, the Tourist information Center, whose main goal is to promote Moscow as a tourist destination.)

Advertising at the micro level is carried out by tourist firms, hotels and other tourist enterprises. Its main goal is to promote specific tourism products and services on the market, as well as image advertising of individual tourism industry enterprises.

per end consumer of tourism products. Here the target audience is the end user of the tourist product - the tourist.

based on professional workers tourism industry, which are involved in the formation of the tourism product. Target audience - partners and representatives of the tourism industry involved in the formation of the tourist product (air carriers, hotels, etc.).

The form and content of advertising also depends on the characteristics of the target audience. The same tourist product can be presented in different ways depending on the addressee of the advertisement.

When conducting an advertising campaign, it is important to know which particular segment of the tourism market will become a consumer of advertising, i.e. what is the target audience tourist product. These can be young people, pensioners, housewives, lovers of skiing, recreation at sea resorts, cruises, managers, average staff of travel companies, hotels, carrier companies, etc.). The means of advertising, its content and form are selected taking into account the socio-demographic and psychological characteristics and practical needs of each specific group of the target audience.

Today, no service enterprise can successfully conduct business without advertising in one form or another. In order to sell any product or service, it is necessary, first of all, that this product or service be familiar to the buyer and he felt the need and need to purchase them.

In large firms, where there are full-time specialists in the field of marketing and advertising, appropriate departments are usually formed and promotional events are organized at a fairly professional level. Unfortunately, on early stages development of the firm, as well as for small and medium-sized organizations, when attracting professional specialists advertising is not available, often the director or manager himself has to perform all the functions that are the responsibility of advertising employees. Often this is one of the reasons for the low effectiveness of promotional activities.

The activity aimed at the creation and implementation of advertising is called the advertising process, it includes 4 elements:

7) implementation of timely payment of invoices provided by contractors.

1) Independence of organizations (they do work immediately for

2) Extensive knowledge and experience, qualified

employees, the best professionals in this business (even the largest customers find it more profitable for themselves to take advantage of the accumulation of creative personalities).

3) Cost savings (if the client also finds out that he

consumer research in order to identify what strengths and weaknesses the product has in terms of its consumption;

Market research to identify the most accurate range of potential consumers;

development of a creative idea and the implementation of its preliminary verification among a certain circle of people;

Identification of the main means of dissemination of advertising information that will provide the most effective coverage of target markets;

3. Advertiser - legal or individual, carrying out the placement and distribution of advertising information by providing and using property, including technical means radio and television broadcasting, communication channels, airtime and other means.

Distribution tools advertising is a specific medium that delivers advertising information to a potential circle of consumers, which is determined by conducting research on the consumers themselves, the main characteristics and properties of the product or service, as well as the intended market in which the sale will be made.

fixed assets for advertising activities.

large audience coverage from a geographical point of view;

· 24-hour broadcasting to many regions;

· large coverage of an active audience during the daytime (the radio is listened to in the office, in the kitchen, in a cafe, in a car, etc.);

· the musical format of the radio station forms its audience, in connection with which the advertiser can choose which segment of consumers to influence him;

TV advertising - the most effective, it includes the image, sound, movement, color, emotions of people participating in the commercial. The main thing in TV advertising is to draw the attention of potential customers to the TV screen during the display of advertising, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Many companies use this technique: first, an extended commercial is shown (20 seconds), after the video is remembered, it is shortened, showing only the main one. In addition to commercials, advertising can be placed by sponsoring popular TV shows, as well as placing a logo, emblems, etc.

Press advertising - this is advertising in newspapers and magazines, in terms of costs it is second only to television (it is cheaper), but it is not always effective, because. the picture may be dim or, due to its frequent appearance in the printed publication, it may become familiar and become invisible.

shields of all sizes and shapes;

Roof installations

· electronic scoreboards and newspapers;

"Crawling line"

video walls

· decorative street clocks;

light boxes on poles;

Signboards, signs

installations and stretch marks over the carriageway of the street;

· kinematic installations;

at sports facilities

· on transport, etc.

4. Consumer – all people, including advertisers and

manufacturers, who also have their own needs, some of which are motivated by advertising.

the usefulness of the information;

similarity in views, statements about the product, service;

Singularity, novelty in design;

originality of the text, slogan.

in order to arouse in them the need to purchase, this is the main goal of the advertiser. However, with its diversity and inconsistency, advertising often misleads the consumer. For example, one advertisement claims that a quality product is always expensive, another says that quality does not depend on price (“you invest less, you get more”). Or false advertising. Believing her, the consumer buys the product and is deceived, then he no longer believes in advertising for similar products. The Criminal Code contains an article providing for two years in prison as the maximum penalty for deliberately false, dishonest advertising. But consumers rarely report that they have been deceived, they simply ignore the product, service, work, and the advertiser goes unpunished.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation