The aliexpress parcel number is not tracked. What to do if the track number is not tracked? The postal item was no longer tracked after moving from customs, i.e. gone


How to track the postage to the site

To track your package, you need to follow a few simple steps.
1. Go to the main page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track the postal item"
3. Click on the "Track package" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the last status.
6. Estimated delivery period, displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not hard ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text "Group by companies", which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text "Translate to Russian", which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track code information" block, where you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame, with the heading "Pay Attention!", Carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks, you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the country of destination, in this case tracking parcels becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the country of destination / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived at Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery deadlines calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, and the parcel travels for more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and therefore they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the package is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the package, and the status of the package "the item pre-advised" / "Email notification received" does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by clicking on the link:.

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new package takes more than a month, this is normal, because. parcels go by different routes, in different ways, they can wait for dispatch by plane for 1 day, or maybe a week.

If the parcel left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who carries a parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, be scanned, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Acceptance / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can see the transcript of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you did not understand anything, read this instruction again, and again, until complete enlightenment;)

Deciphering the status of international mail.

You are trying to track your order from a foreign online store, but the status is written in the lines, which you do not understand.
Now, we will tell you in detail about the main statuses of parcels when tracking.
Please note that the main options for statuses in Russian are listed below, while tracking statuses can be in English and other languages, but the essence is the same.

The way of the international parcel is divided into several stages

  • Status "Accepted" means that the foreign sender (seller) brought your parcel to the local post office. At the same time, he filled out all the necessary documents, including the customs declaration (forms CN 22 or CN 23). At this time, the shipment is assigned a unique postal identifier - a special bar code (Track number, Track code). It is in the check (or receipt) issued upon receipt of the postal item. The "Receive" operation shows the place, date and country of receipt of the shipment. After acceptance, the parcel moves on its way to the place of international exchange.
  • Status "Arrival at MMPO"(arrival at the place of international exchange). In the MMPO of the sender's country, the parcel undergoes customs clearance and is prepared for export (export from the sender's country). Formed dispatch(international postal items grouped for ease of shipment in containers) to the address of the place of international postal exchange (IMPO) of the recipient's country.
  • Status "Export". The parcel is transferred to a foreign carrier for delivery to one of the MMPOs of the recipient's country by air or by land. The "Export" operation means that the shipment has been handed over to the carrier. The delivery time from export to import, as a rule, is the longest and a lot of time can pass before the postal item arrives on the territory of the Russian Federation. Reasons: transit routes of flights, gaining a certain weight for shipment by cargo planes. For example, China and Singapore transport mail by cargo planes that can carry between 50 and 100 tons. While the shipment is in export, neither the country of origin nor the country of the recipient can track the shipment on the Internet. In other words, the shipment is in the process of being transported from one country to another.
  • Status "Import". All mail entering the territory of the recipient's country from flights begins its journey at the aviation mail transport department (APPP) - a special postal warehouse at the airport. Here all mail is registered and then transferred to the postal operator. Import information appears only after that. The operation "Import" means that the shipment arrived in the territory of the recipient's country and was registered. International shipments arrive in the country of destination through the place of international mail exchange (IMPO).
  • Status "handed over to customs" means that the shipment has been handed over to local customs for clearance. In MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions.
  • Status " Customs clearance completed". This operation means that the customs checked the shipment and returned it to the Russian Post. In many IMPOs, customs works around the clock: this is the only way to check the enormous volume of incoming mail from abroad in due time.
  • Status "Delayed by Customs". This operation means that the postal item is detained by customs officers to carry out activities to determine the destination of the postal item. If information about the goods sent to the IGO is missing or does not correspond to the actual, this significantly increases the time spent on clearance of shipments, since it becomes necessary to conduct customs inspection and document its results.
  • Status "Left MMPO". The shipment has left the place of international mail exchange and is then sent by mail to the recipient's local office. From the moment the shipment left the MMPO, the delivery time for shipments in the country of destination begins to operate, they depend on the type of shipment. During the movement of the parcel by mail, it can go through various stages of sorting in different parts of the country.
  • Status "Arrived at the place of delivery". The shipment has arrived at the recipient's post office. As soon as the shipment has arrived at the office, employees issue a notice (notice) that the shipment is in the office. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the item arrives at the office or the next day (for example, if the items arrived at the office in the evening). But at the same time, any recipient has the right to receive a parcel without notification, having only an identity document and a tracking number with him.
  • Status "Handing to the addressee". Parcel received.

Why is the information on the track code not displayed?

As a rule, information about the track code begins to be updated 7-10 days after receiving the track code, or 1-2 days after the (real) delivery of the parcel to the post office.
small shops they issue a track code immediately, but take the order to the post office when a certain number of parcels are collected, it can be 1 time in 7-14 days.
There are more stores, the delivery of parcels to the mail occurs more often, and accordingly, the first information on the track codes of such stores appears earlier.

What should I do if the parcel takes too long?

Please note that in the pre-New Year period, the number of orders and shipments of parcels increases tenfold, and for this reason, a noticeable slowdown in the circulation of parcels begins.
While the protection of the order is active, wait, and if the package has not arrived five days before the end of the protection, then open a dispute.
This is the specifics of shopping in China - goods are cheaper, but you have to wait to receive them.
Just before you place an order, you need to be prepared for the fact that the package can arrive quickly, in a couple of weeks, or it can hang out for two to three months, or not arrive at all.
But don't worry! Chinese trading platforms have a well-functioning buyer protection system, which will be on your side in case of fraud or non-delivery of the order.
Just wait until the protection is in effect and don’t worry, the package will arrive, and if it doesn’t arrive, the seller will return the money to you.

What should I do if the order protection time is running out and the package has not yet been received?

Ask the seller to extend the order protection time. If the seller does not respond, open a dispute.

Why did the weight change by 0g during the delivery of the package?

When passing waypoints, such as sorting centers, logistics centers and others, control weighing is not performed, which is why zero weight is indicated.

What should I do if the weight of the parcel has changed?

Change in weight is not a frequent phenomenon, but unfortunately it happens from time to time.

If the weight has changed slightly (by a few grams), then most likely the reason is the error of the scales, but upon receipt, it is still worth checking the package for traces of opening.
If the weight has changed more significantly (by 100 or more grams), then some items may have been stolen from your package.
There are also cases when the weight is entered into the computer manually without weighing, and the operator mistakenly enters 129 grams instead of 429 grams.

In any case, upon receipt of the parcel, carefully check the weight, whether there are signs of opening, carefully check the adhesive tape, and signs of external damage.
If you have any suspicions or the package is damaged, open the parcel at the post office, shooting a video.
If there is a shortage of investments, an act is drawn up in form 51, in this case it is better to refuse to receive - the parcel will be sent back to the seller, with all the documents.

If you do not find external damage, but suspicions remain, then you need to receive the parcel, after which you open and shoot a video directly at the post office in the presence of postal employees and, in the absence of any items, an act is drawn up that will need to be provided to the sender (seller / trading platform ) when opening a dispute.

Why is registration required?

Registration is required for full access to all system functions, such as receiving notifications of package status changes by email, tracking history, etc.

What should I do if the package is stuck with the "Export" status?

Failures in 30-50 days after export are in the order of things with China Post, Russian Post in collaboration with customs =)
In the end, 99% of such parcels reach the recipient.
Here is a real example, the parcel hung on export for 45 days, but reached the recipient.
It makes no sense to open a dispute, because. The fault of the seller in such failures is not. It is not possible to influence the calls or claims on the mail, it remains only to wait. :(

Another example of exporting within 68 days:

And another example of exporting more than 120 days:

What to do if the seller issued an incorrect track code?

This happens quite often, sellers in China earn very little on their goods, and in order to increase sales, sellers are forced to send orders for free.
In order to get a track code (register a postal item) in China, you need to pay 8 yuan (~$ 2), in the USA, when sending via USPS, obtaining a track code will cost $ 28
By ordering a product for $3, the seller wants to earn money, and if free shipping he needs to cover not only the cost of purchasing the goods, but also postage, as well as the cost of obtaining a track code.

Basically, sellers issue incorrect track codes not in order to deceive and not send an order, but simply so as not to go negative on such an order.
If your track code is not tracked, you can wait until the package reaches you (usually such packages arrive), and open a dispute a week before the end of the delivery period.
Or, 5 days after the issuance of the track code, open a dispute (dispute).

If the seller gave you someone else's track code, which is tracked, but the destination is different from your address, as a rule, this means that the seller is a scammer, in this case, open a dispute demanding a 100% refund due to "invalid delivery address".

If the track code with an incorrect checksum, open a dispute with the wording that the track number is not tracked and not correct, with links to services for tracking the official websites of the country of the sender and the country of the recipient.
And do not give in to the seller's persuasion that your parcel is already in your country, that the delay is due to your mail, etc.
And even more so, do not settle for any partial compensation for the delay.
As soon as you do this, the dispute will close automatically and the rest of the money will be transferred to the seller, but the package will naturally never arrive to you.
If the seller does not respond in the dispute, responds but refuses to return the money - feel free to transfer the dispute to a claim (Claim) as soon as it is available to you (3 days after the opening of the dispute).
Keep in mind it doesn't happen Free DHL, EMS, USPS etc. delivery. As a rule, sellers sending these transport companies - scammers.

Be vigilant and don't let yourself be deceived!

What is a dispute?

Dispute (dispute) is the only protection for your money when buying goods on Aliexpress.
If you are denied a dispute, then this decision is final.
Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for the opening of the dispute.
The reason for the refusal to dispute is often the rash opening of the dispute.
If the parcel has not reached you, everything is quite simple.
If the parcel has been traveling for almost 90 days, and the protection period has almost expired, open a dispute, and indicate in the conditions of the dispute that the goods have not been delivered.

In a dispute opened for any other reason, you will see a counter for 5 days.
If the seller does not answer during this time, then you will receive the amount that you requested in the dispute.
If the seller rejects the dispute, then you will have a button for converting the dispute into a claim - Escalate Dispute.
At the same time, the time on the counter in the dispute will increase to 15 days, and after it expires, the dispute will turn into a claim.

Money is returned on average within 10 working days (regulation up to 30 days).
If more has passed, then it is worth checking the account statement at the time of payment for the order - sometimes the money is returned on the same date.
Very often, refunds are not displayed in the electronic statement and you need to check with the operator whether there was a refund.

When should a dispute be opened?

It is more difficult when the goods arrived defective, the wrong color, the wrong model.
It is even more difficult if you have a complex electronic device and it does not work as you expected.
In this case, you need to prepare for the dispute carefully.
Provide evidence that you ordered a specific color, model - attach screenshots of the order, a copy of the correspondence with the seller that you have.
Take high-quality photographs of the received product.
Clearly, in English, justify why you think that the seller should compensate you for something.
If the device does not work correctly (does not catch GPS, Wi-Fi does not work, etc.), attach logs, screenshots taken using generally accepted programs.
This, of course, does not guarantee you victory in the dispute, but it greatly increases your chances.

How to open a dispute (dispute) on Aliexpress?

All payments through Aliexpress are protected by the Escrow system.
If there are any problems with your purchase, you have the opportunity to open a dispute and return the money or the goods!
The dispute is opened no earlier than the last day of delivery, if the parcel has been sent but not yet received.

If the countdown timer expires, you can open a dispute within 15 days after the end of the protection period.

If the parcel does not arrive after the expiration of the protection (delivery) period, you need to go to the section "My AliExpress" / "My Orders", where all orders and their statuses will be reflected.

Opposite the picture of the product, we find the inscription open dispute and click with the mouse.

In the opened order details, we find the button open dispute in a column Options and click with the mouse.

The page for creating a dispute will open.
It is here that all claims are described, and the required refund amount is also set.
You should not write the full amount of the item if it arrived intact and working, but the buyer was dissatisfied with the material or appearance.
If the package NOT RECEIVED, then by no means do not choose a partial refund (PARTIAL REFUND) when opening a dispute!
Must choose full refund (FULL REFUND)! After opening a dispute, the order is moved to Dispute Order.
If you have not closed the dispute within 16 days, it will be automatically transferred to the complaint (Claim).
If the problem is not resolved during the dispute, you can transfer the dispute to a complaint (Claim) within 4 to 15 days from the date the dispute was opened.
Sometimes the waiting time for a response to disputes can be from 15 to 60 days, depending on the specific dispute.
In order to convert a dispute into a complaint, you need to click on the “Escalate Dispute” button in the dispute properties.
After pressing it, the dispute goes to the consideration of Aliexpress employees.

How to open a dispute in Odnoklassniki?

If the delivery time of the goods has expired, and the order has not been received, you can open a dispute in the section " My orders" during 110 days from payment.
To do this, click on the button " Complain" next to the item you want.

Select the "Product not received" category.
This must be done after the delivery time of the order has expired (Delivery date.... - ....)
Please note that you will not be able to send a complaint until the delivery time has expired!

Or contact the official support service of the Odnoklassniki trading platform to resolve issues related to the goods you ordered.

What to do if the seller does not respond to your dispute?

In principle, this is good, does not react, it's his own fault =)
The dispute on Aliexpress has a timer.
If before its expiration the seller did not respond to the dispute, then the dispute is closed in your favor.

What to do if the seller rejected your dispute?

The only thing you can do is turn the dispute into a claim.
That is, invite the administration of Aliexpress to consider the dispute.
In obvious cases, when, for example, the goods clearly did not arrive, and the seller does not make contact and refuses you, the administration resolves the issue promptly.
In more complex situations, everything is much more complicated. The claim does not have an exact timeframe for consideration, so consideration can take a long time.
You must promptly respond to questions from the administration and provide the necessary evidence.
And even in this case, there is no guarantee that you will win the dispute.

How to communicate with the seller on Aliexpress?

The most simple and understandable and familiar to all of us from childhood correspondence e-mail, the contact address is indicated in the seller's card when considering the selected lot or product in the upper right corner. The method is the most affordable, but long, the seller may not have free access to the Internet or e-mail.

If you need a quick response, it is preferable to use other available communication methods. It is desirable to use this communication channel for the exchange of any materials, such as files, photographs, or other video materials.
The language of communication is English.

Communication with the seller through the page with open shop or by order (order):
On the store page, click on the Contact Now button (contact the seller)

On the page with open order click on the Contact Now button (contact the seller)

We fill out the request in the form in the drop-down plate in English, confirm the input of information by pressing the Send button

Now we are waiting for a response from the seller in the Message Manager (Message Center) in personal account.
After receiving a response from the seller, you can also write an answer there, or ask him about something else.
The principle of correspondence in an open order (order) is similar to that described above.
In the appropriate field (rectangle), write what you think is necessary, the address for sending, your full data if not indicated, explanations for your order (color, quantity, size, etc.).
The advantage of this correspondence is that it can be presented later as an evidence base in proceedings and disputes.
We read the seller's answers in detail in the order, in the mode of detailed viewing of your order.

What to do if the track code is tracked only on the site indicated by the seller and what is fake?

The situation for Aliexpress is quite commonplace and almost all sellers do just that.
But the "trick" is that the provided track number was tracked only on the site specified by the seller, and is not tracked on other sites.
The fact is that the cunning Chinese, saving on track numbers, make left-handed tracking services that show the passage of mail items based on approximate calculations.
As a rule, such parcels arrive, but with a different track code.
But quite often such parcels disappear (not sent)!
Wait, if it arrives, then you're lucky, if it doesn't arrive, then a week before the end of the delivery time, create a dispute (the reason is that the order was not delivered), and demand a full refund.

List of fake (fake) tracking services

  • 17 Post Service (track codes of the format ############)
  • 188 track (track codes format HS#########HE)
  • EMPS (track codes format KP - CN with checksum error)
  • Feidu http:// (track code format 4000#####)
  • Post-e-tracking (track code format RA - CN with checksum error)
  • Finland (Hong Kong) Express (RT - FI format track codes)
  • FaSpeed (track codes format ############, RS - CN)
  • Entreprise des Postes Lao (XX ######### LA), official mail site
  • post air mail (track codes format RH - HK, YZ - HK)
  • CNZ Express (track format codes RH - HK, YZ - HK, S#######, LME#######, YA#########CN)
  • WeDo Express (track codes format WD - CN)
  • World-Shipping post (track codes format WS - CN)
  • Mty Tracking (track codes format ###########, 321**** (11 digits), NP***(9 digits))
  • LiPu EXP (LP format track codes ######### EX)
  • Sky56 (track codes in various formats)
  • Transit Europe Asia (track codes format TEAPY##########YQ , PK#############, TEA##### #-## and etc.). As a rule, postal items with TEA track codes are safely delivered to the recipient, but the statuses of passage through Russia do not correspond to reality.
If your parcel was sent by a fake postal service, in this case, you will see a note (fake) located to the right of the company name next to each status.

How to track the track code in UA ######### YP format?

Track codes in the format UA ######### YP, UR ######### YP, YC ######### YW owned by Yanwen Logistics, these are not postal track codes, and are not related to track codes in the UPU (Universal Postal Union) format, they are just similar.
Track codes UA-YP and UC - YW tracked only until the moment the postal item leaves the territory of China, because. when transferred to Russian mail, they are marked with untraceable barcodes.
Track codes UR-YP tracked both in China and in the recipient country.
Track codes RG-CN also delivered by Yanwen Logistics, but tracked by country of destination.

This entry informs you of the date and time of the first tracking using the site service.
It is necessary so that you can see the actual delivery time from the moment you receive the track code from the seller.

My order on Aliexpress was "frozen", what does this mean?

This means that the Aliexpress administration suspects that the seller is performing unsafe actions towards buyers, and the order is frozen until the circumstances are clarified.
Therefore, for your safety, Aliexpress freezes the transaction for a certain period. Usually for about a week. During this time, the seller must provide the administration with documents that will clarify the situation.
During the freezing period, you do not need to do anything.
If the administration's suspicions are confirmed, the status of the order will change to "Closed" and the money will be returned to you.
Money is returned within 10 days to the account or card with which you paid for the order.
After about 7-10 days, if the seller is recognized as a fraudster, your order will be canceled, the seller's store will be closed, and the money will be returned to you back to the account from which the goods were paid for.
Sometimes it happens that the order is frozen after the seller has sent the goods (the track code is tracked), as a result, the goods come to you and the money is returned.

If the seller justifies himself to Aliexpress, then the order will be unfrozen and everything will go in the normal order.
Therefore, be patient and wait. Aliexpress cares about your safety.
Sometimes it happens that you return the money and the goods also come. Like this.

The seller sent a track code in the format RA ######### FI (RT ######### FI), what is it, and how to track such a track code?

Some buyers receive a track number from the seller with a non-standard ending FI. This method of sending is quite rare and there is almost no information on the web on this issue.

The method of sending a parcel through Finland is indeed possible. Some sellers choose this method to get around New Year's customs traffic jams, since the load in holidays increases many times over.

Earlier when China Post in pre-holiday days there were congestions due to the large number of shipments, the sellers used Singapore Post, as they have a large sorting center, which is designed for large downloads. But in recent years, during the Christmas and New Year holidays, volumes have increased so much that now Singapore Post cannot cope with them. As a result, sellers are increasingly looking for workarounds so that purchases reach faster. Delivery via the post of Finland can especially please the residents of St. Petersburg, since the parcel will not hang at the Moscow customs and then take a long time to get to the northern capital by Russian post. As a result, your purchase will reach you in a matter of days. What makes Aliexpress customers very happy.

Departure via Finland Post, like other transit parcels (for example, sent by Singapore Post), start their journey with a courier service that physically delivers them to the postal sorting point. A prime example is 4px. Chinese sellers book a track number in advance, send it to the buyer, and wait for the courier to pick up your order from them. Then the parcel goes through the sorting process in the courier service and sent to the specified postal service. In this case, the track will not be read anywhere, except for the local database of the courier service. In our case, on the official website

Thus, your order can travel approximately 10 days before it is sorted at the sender's mail. And only after that the track data will be distributed to other track number tracking services.
That is why there is a rule that within 10 days you should not even worry that your track is not being read. And only after the expiration of this period, you can start asking questions to the seller.

There are two options for the Finnish postal track number that you can get from the seller:

1) Track type RA***********FI

After 10 days, this track will be tracked first at the Finnish post office at, and then on other tracking services.

This option is considered reliable and fairly fast.

2) Track type RT ********FI

Tracks of a given type of non-existent mail service Hongkong Express Post. Fictional postal service with a fake service.

Sellers give out such a track for goods worth up to $ 10. Sellers save on shipping and send goods without a track. But since the Aliexpress system necessarily requires them to indicate the track number, then some store owners on Aliexpress send you a false track, which, as it were, is tracked, but in reality the parcel will come with a completely different track number that will be assigned to the parcel when passing the border. Accordingly, it will be impossible to track such a parcel.

But the sellers are forced to do this, because they want to sell the goods cheaper, and the generation of the left track number leads to the panic of the buyer and the immediate opening of a dispute. Moreover, usually a dispute in such a situation leads to a refund to the buyer, and some buyers also manage to receive the parcel =))))

And by indicating a false track and issuing a link to the site for tracking, they calm the client's vigilance and the package manages to fly. As a result, everyone is happy. The buyer thinks that he controls the journey of the parcel and receives it. (Since in the end, a notification arrives at his address that the package has arrived). And, of course, the seller is satisfied, as he had such a good deal.
Of course, having received such a track, the buyer should not relax, since this service actively used by scammers. Therefore, having received a track for tracking by the Honkong Express Post service, you can safely assume that your product is shipped without a track number and it will be impossible to track its movement. Then make a decision whether to wait for such a package or immediately begin the long procedure for returning your money.

Chinese New Year. How does the post office in China work on holidays.

Chinese New Year is a huge holiday in China.
Officially, the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival in 2015 will be held from February 18 to 24.
During this period, all shops, factories and markets go on a big vacation, curtailing their activities. Postal services are no exception.
Many workers return to their homes on these holidays to celebrate with their families. Often, they do not have time to return to their jobs at the beginning working week. Therefore, the full-fledged work of the Chinese begins a week after the end of official holidays.
During this period, a huge number of parcels are certainly accumulating, which are waiting for their turn to be sent.
As a result, thanks to the Chinese New Year, it can be safely expected that parcels that do not have time to leave the border of China before the holidays can get stuck there for 2-3 weeks.

The structure of the international track number in UPU (Universal Postal Union) format

According to the rules of the UPU (Universal Postal Union) (standard S10), the IGO track number consists of 9 digits and 4 letters.
Track number structure: XX***********XX, where X are letters and * are numbers.
Example: RK190321410CN

The first two capital Latin letters indicate the type of postal item. Here are the main ones:

LA-LZ - unregistered IGO weighing less than 2 kg (small package). Not tracked.
RA-RZ - registered IGO weighing less than 2 kg (small package). Tracked.
CA-CZ - registered IGO weighing more than 2 kg (package). Tracked.
EA-EZ is a registered IGO issued as Express Mail (EMS). Tracked.

Further, the track number indicates an eight-digit digital unique MPO number. According to UPU rules, it cannot be repeated for at least one year. The last (ninth) digit is a verification code calculated using a certain mathematical function from the departure number.
At the end of the track number, two uppercase Latin letters are also indicated, which abbreviated the country of the sender according to the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code standard. For example, CN - China, SG - Singapore, GB - Great Britain, DE - Germany, US - USA, etc.
Using the tool (implemented as an Excel document) published on the UPU website, you can check the correctness of the track number, as well as calculate the verification code using the known eight-digit IGO number.
It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to determine the country of the recipient by the track number of the IGO. This possibility, in principle, is not provided for in the structure of the track number.
Separately, we should mention the track numbers provided by commercial express carriers such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc. These track numbers do not fall under the classification of international tracks according to UPU standards and may contain various alphanumeric values.
You can track such shipments only either in the tracking systems on the websites of these carriers, or by using the universal tracking services, which will be discussed below, provided that this service supports tracking this carrier.

How can I find out which postal (courier) service delivers my order from

If you made an order on and want to know which postal service the seller sent your order to, you need to follow 3 simple steps.

2. Select the desired order and click on "View data".

3. In the "Remarks" column you will see a link to the postal service website.

Tracking in order details

Do not trust the statuses that are indicated in the details of the order.
As a rule, statuses in detail are not related to real events in mail systems, or they are, but only partially.
Quite often, you can see the following statuses:

2015.05.29 13:04 (GMT-7): In transit (shipped by air) 2015.05.28 23:39 (GMT-7): Departure from Warehouse 2015.05.28 23:10 (GMT-7): Arrival at Warehouse 2015.05 .28 22:44 (GMT-7): Pickup successfully Translated as: 2015.05.29 13:04 (GMT-7): In transit (shipped by air) 2015.05.28 23:39 (GMT-7): Departed warehouse 2015.05.28 23:10 (GMT-7): Arrived at warehouse 2015.05.28 22:44 (GMT-7): Self-pickup completed AND only means that the seller independently indicated what actions he carried out with the order.
That is, nothing prevents you from writing that the order has been loaded, sent, etc., but in fact ... the order has not even been collected.

This is done, as a rule, not for the purpose of fraud, but simply to lull the vigilance of the buyer.
The order is "sent", the buyer is calm, the seller has additional time in order to collect the necessary batch for shipment.
And the seller can collect this batch both 1 and 3 weeks.
In order to speed up real, not virtual, sending, which is not tracked on the websites of postal services, you can open a dispute, and after that, the seller can send the order within 1-2 days after opening the dispute (verified).

Real example, fake status.

The seller, in the details of the order, indicates the following status:

"2015.06.18 00:01 (GMT-7): Direct Link, PostNord Receiving HUB, Item received for processing". Translates as: "The shipment has been accepted for processing."
And it is understood that the seller handed over the parcel to the mail. Screenshot

But on the website of the postal service, it is only indicated that the seller just registered the postal item.

18/06/15 05:00 Item pre-advice received Screenshot

Dictionary of standard phrases for communicating with sellers on AliExpress.

Contacting the seller.

Hello dear seller! Hello dear seller!

Dear seller! Dear Seller!

Dear, respected Dear Sir, Madame

With Best wishes! Best Regards!

Good luck! Kind Regards!

I'm really sorry! I'm really sorry!

I tried to contact you, but did not receive a response.I tried to contact you, but I haven't got any reply.

Sincerely! Best regards!

Have a nice day! nice day!

I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I apologize for the trouble.

Questions about the product.

Is this product in stock (or in stock) ? Is this item in stock?

Please send me some additional photos of this item. Preferably in good resolution.I kindly ask you to send me a few additional photos of this item. It is desirable to send photos in high resolution.

Could you provide me with more information regarding this product?Could you please give me more information about this item?

What is the condition of this item?What is the state of this item?

What country was this product made in?In what country was this item produced?

Do you have a document confirming the date and place of purchase of this product (cash receipt, invoice)?Do you have a document that confirms the date and the place of this item purchase (cashier’s receipt, bill)?

Do you have a warranty card for this product? Can you send me a copy of it?Do you have a warranty service coupon for this item? Could you please send me the copy of it?

Does the software come with a disc?Do you provide the disk with software?

What is the main software installed on this moment? What basic software is now installed?

Serial number devices?What is the serial number of the device?

Does it come with a case? Do you provide the case?

Is a mounting kit included?Do you provide the complete set of fastenings?

Is a charger included? Do you provide a charger?

Please send me photos of the information label of this product, where the country of origin, fabric composition, size, power supply specification, serial number will be visible.Please, send me the photos of information label of this item, from which I could find out the country-producer, structure of the fabric, size, the power unit specification, serial number.

Has this item been washed or dry cleaned?Was this item laundered or dry-cleaned?

Did you give this product to an atelier, a workshop for repair, adjustment to the figure (height)?Have you taken this item to the atelier, to the workshop for repair, alteration to the body (height)?

Does this product have visible, hidden defects?Does this item have visible, hidden defects?

Can you measure the length of the insole?Could you please measure the length of the insole?

How long has this product been in use (used)?How long was this item in use (used)?

How would you rate the condition of this item on a scale of 1 to 10 (0 = terrible, 10 = flawless)?How would you evaluate the condition of this item in ten-point system (0- terribly, 10 - irreproachably)?

Is this item brand new with tags, labels, stickers in original packaging?Is this item absolutely new with tags, labels, stickers in manufacturer's box?

Is the power supply of this device rated for 110 or 220 volts? Or is it a universal 110-220?Is the power unit of this devi e rated at 110 or 220 volts? Or is it universal 110-220V?

Does this product come with a European or US power plug?Is this devise supplied with a plug of European or US standard?

How long has this device been used?How long was this device used?

I don't want to buy the whole lot. I need one item. Can you retail for me?I don't want to buy the whole lot. I need to buy only one piece from the lot. Can you sell the item retail for me?

Making an order.

If you wish, we can cancel our transaction.If you like, we can cancel our deal.

Please change your shipping address if possible.Please, if you can, change the shipping address.

Please check the product for defects and defects before sending it.Please check the product for defects and spoilage before you ship it.

I ask you to properly pack the item(s) I purchased. Willing to pay extra for it.Please pack up the purchased item(s) good. I'm ready to pay for it additionally.

Please indicate on the customs declaration the following value of the parcel: ... $I kindly ask you to specify in the customs declaration the following value of a parcel: ... $

I ask you to send me this product as "used" having removed all stickers, labels, price tags from it.Please, take all the stickers, labels, and price tags off and send me the item as "used".

Is it possible to additionally insure the parcel? For the amount... .Is it possible to insure the parcel additionally? To the amount of ... .

Coupons, discounts.

Hey! I really like your store. Can you give me a discount? Thank you!Hi! I love your store. Can you give me a discount? thank you!

I am interested in buying your item(s), but I think the price is a bit high. Can I ask for a discount?I'm interested in purchasing your item(s), but I think the price is too high. Can I ask for a discount?

If I buy several different items from you, can I get a discount?If I purchase a few different items, can I get a discount?

I have already ordered from you.I already ordered from you before.

Your price is too high. I can buy one for... at the store...Your price is too high. I can buy the same for ... from...

Delivery, track number, tracking.

I am interested in buying your product(s), but I see that you do not ship orders to the country where I live (Russia, Ukraine). Can you make an exception for me and ship the item(s) to me via EMS?I’m interested in purchasing your item(s), but I see that you don’t send them to the countries I live in (Russia, Ukraine). Can you make an exception for me and send me the item(s) via EMS?

I would like to ask you to send the parcel via EMS.I would like you to send the parcel via EMS .

"I'm interested in buying your item(s), but I'm not satisfied with the shipping method offered because it is: 1) too expensive. 2) involves high customs fees. 3) the package will take too long. 4) too unreliable .""I'm interested in purchasing of your item(s), but the way of delivery you suggest isn't convenient for me because: 1)it's too expensive. 2)the customs duties are too high. 3)the delivery will take too much time. 4)it's too unreliable."

You can send this item(s) to me at Russian Federation(Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus) via EMS ?Could you please send this item(s) to Russia (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus) via EMS ?

I have purchased item(s) from you .... Please tell me, have you sent the parcel yet?I have purchased next item(s) from you .... Please let me know if you have already sent the parcel?

Can you tell me the date you sent the package?Could you please tell me the date when the parcel was sent?

Please send me a tracking number to track the progress of the shipment.Please send me the tracking number.

Unfortunately, I still have not received the item(s) sent to me.Unfortunately, I haven't got sent item(s) yet.

I still haven't received the package.I still have not received the parcel.

Is this the right track? Is this track correct?

Please, if possible, check in the mail is this the real track of the parcel? Or maybe some mistake in the track number?Please, if you can, check your post office is the parcel real departure? Or can some sort of error in the track number?

Please provide documents from the post office to prove that you sent the package to me, thank you!Please provide the supporting documents from the Post Office to prove that the parcel was sent to me, thank you!

I still have not received the sent package. Can you initiate a search for her and receive insurance compensation?I still haven't got the sent parcel. Could you please initiate the search and insurance compensation?

This will help to avoid unnecessary customs payments.This will help to avoid duties.

Due to the delivery delay, please extend the delivery time in days....Due to shipping delays, please extend delivery date by .... days

Why don't you want to extend the delivery time?Why don't you want to extend the time for delivery?

If the delivery time is not increased, I will be forced to open a dispute (this will give me time to wait for the package).

The package is already in my city, but I still can't receive it.Parcel is in my town, but I still can't get it.

The track shows that the package was sorted in Moscow. It usually takes 7-15 days for the package to reach me after that.The track shows that the package left sorting in Moscow. Parcels usually requires 7-15 days to get to me after that.

I'm sure the package was not lost.I am sure that the package is not lost.

I will wait for the package until I receive it. Or until it becomes clear that the package is lost.I "ll wait for the parcel until it is received. Or until it is clear that parcel is lost.

When I receive the package, I will immediately confirm the order.When I get the parcel, I will immediately confirm receipt of the parcel.

Disputes, disputes, claims.

You promised me a full (partial) refund for the item(s) you purchased, but you haven't done so yet. Can I ask why? When will you make a return?You have promised me a full (partial) refund of money for item(s) purchased from you, but you have not done it yet. Can I ask you why? When do you do the refund?

Can you guarantee a refund of the return cost if the product I received is not as described?Do you guarantee the compensation of the return cost in case the item doesn't correspond with description?

Please refund the full amount paid to me as soon as possible.Please refund me in full asap.

The product sent to me is not as described (broken), but it is too expensive to send it back to you.The item delivered to me doesn't correspond with description (it's broken), but it's too expensive to send it back to you.

The item I purchased from you needs to be repaired. As I was informed in service center repairs will cost...The item I have purchased from you needs to be repaired. In the service center I was told that repair will cost ....

Unfortunately, I have to turn the dispute into a complaint.Unfortunately, I have to turn the dispute into a claim.

I only have a few hours to open a dispute. I have to open it so as not to miss the deadlines.I "ve only got a few hours to open the dispute. I am forced to open it, not to miss the deadline.

If the delivery time is not increased, I will be forced to open a dispute (this will give me time to wait for the package)If the delivery time is not increased, I will be forced to open a dispute (this will give me time to wait for a parcel).

Positive reviews.

I left you positive feedback. Please leave feedback to me.I have given you positive feedback. Please give me the feedback in response.

I just received the package! She's all right!I just received the parcel! The parcel is all right!

I will leave very good review I will leave a very positive feedback

Thank you for your cooperation!Thank you for your cooperation!

Thanks for your patience and understanding.Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I'm sorry for the panic. I am sorry for my panic.

Thank you for your understanding.Thank you for your understanding.

A complete, truthful description of the item.The full and true description of the item.

Good price. good price

Excellent communication. great communication.

Nice to deal with.It's a pleasure to deal with.

I will buy more. I will purchase more.

True professional. A real professional.

Goods match the description.The item corresponds with description.

Goods received in the shortest possible time.The item was delivered very fast.

Great seller! Great seller!

Negative reviews.

If it turns out that the information you provided about the condition of this product is not true, I will be forced to leave you a negative review.If it turns out that information of the item condition you provided is not true, I will have to leave you a negative feedback.

I am forced to leave you negative feedback, because I still have not received the product (s) (the product received does not match the description).I have to give you a negative feedback because I haven't received the item(s) yet (the delivered item doesn't not correspond with description).

I received an item that does not match the seller's description.I have received an item that doesn't correspond with the seller's description.

Product has not yet been received.I still haven't received the item.

The size indicated in the description does not match the size of the product received. @Track24_robot to your Telegram contact list or follow the link and install Telegram by clicking on the "Get Telegram" button or click on the "Send Message" button.

After installing the application, go to the dialogue with the bot.
Send the initial command: /start
Get Telegram Id, for this send the command: /id
Specify the received id in the notification settings (on our website).
That's all, soon you will start receiving notifications in Telegram.

Why is it necessary to specify the country of destination in the notification settings?

In order for our system to automatically track the location of international postal items (UPU) both in the country of the sender and in the country of the recipient, it is necessary to determine from which and to which country the parcel is sent.

The postal service of the sender's country, our system determines by the format of the track code, and the system receives the postal service of the recipient's country when connected to the postal service of the sender's country.

Unfortunately, postal services do not always provide information about the country of destination.

In this case, statuses are received by the postal service whose country is specified in the notification settings.

How to check if a phone, tablet, laptop and other devices have FSB notification

All registered notifications (notifications) are in the database of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
From this database, you can find out whether it is possible to import into the territory of the countries of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan a specific phone, tablet, laptop or any other device containing encryption (cryptographic) means or being an encryption tool.

This database has become more relevant in connection with.
Some postal intermediaries (for example, Parcel) check the presence of notifications for purchased devices and do not allow delivering such devices to Russia and Belarus using courier delivery methods.

The database has a search.

It is important to bear in mind that the search by model name does not always end successfully.

The problem is that the manufacturer can indicate the name in different ways, as well as submit a notification (notice) to the FSB for a series of products.

For example, the name for an Apple iPhone might be:

  • "Smartphone iPhone 4S",
  • "Smartphone model A1457" (not iPhone 5S),
  • "A1533" (not iPhone 5S),
  • "A1453" (not iPhone 5S),
  • "A1530" (not iPhone 5S),
  • "Apple branded smartphones models: A1586, A1524, A1530, A1457" (not Apple iPhone 6)
  • "A1549" (and not Apple iPhone 6 at all),
  • "A1522" (and not Apple iPhone 6 at all),
  • "Smartphone Model A1688" (not iPhone 6S Smartphone),
  • "A1633" (not iPhone 6S Smartphone),
  • "Smartphone Model A1687" (not iPhone 6S Plus Smartphone),
  • "Smartphone model A1662" (not iPhone SE),
  • "A1723" (not iPhone SE).
Similarly, Google Nexus 6 is contained in the database under the name "Smartphone LG-D821", so you can find it in it by alphanumeric code, and not by Nexus. But the Nexus tablets produced by Asus are contained in the database by the series "Tablet PCs of the M ******, T ******, F ******, Nexus ****** series" and " ASUS NEXUS Series*** Tablet PCs.

Also, the LG G Flex2 smartphone cannot be found by this name, because. in the "Unified Register of Notifications on the Characteristics of Encryption (Cryptographic) Means and Goods Containing Them" it is listed as a specific model - "Smartphone LG-H955".

It doesn't make much sense to search for goods that the manufacturer or official distributor officially supplies to Russia, because everything is in order with legal suppliers with FSB notification. Legal entities can register a notification at the Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets of the FSB of Russia, while the state duty is not charged. In addition, they can use the services of third parties, such as MinPromTest. For individuals registration of the FSB notification is unlikely to make sense, since such services, when used by third parties, can cost 10-20 thousand rubles.

Also note that in the customs declaration it is better to indicate exactly the name that is contained in the database of notifications. It is for this reason that it is worth searching the database for devices legally supplied to Russia.

List of cryptographic means restricted for import into the customs territory of the Customs Union

A notification is a document of a permissive nature, the presentation of which the customs authorities require from business entities when importing cryptographic means into the EAEU, formerly referred to as the Customs Union.

Encryption (cryptographic) means, the import of which into the customs territory of the Customs Union and export from the customs territory of the Customs Union is restricted

  • Printers, copiers and facsimile machines and their electronic modules, having encryption functions (cryptography)
  • Pocket machines for recording, playback and visual presentation of data with computing functions, having encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Cash registers with encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Handheld computers with encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Computing machines and their parts having encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Computer devices with encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Electronic modules and parts of pocket machines having encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Subscriber communication devices with encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Base stations with encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Telecommunications equipment and parts thereof having encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Software encryption (cryptographic) tools, regardless of the information carrier
  • Broadcasting or television apparatus and parts thereof having encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Radio navigation receivers, equipment remote control and their parts having encryption functions (cryptography)
  • Equipment for accessing the Internet network and television receivers with a communication function, their parts having encryption (cryptography) functions
  • Electronic integrated circuits, storage devices having encryption functions (cryptography) or containing encryption (cryptographic) means
  • Other electrical machines and apparatus having individual functions containing encryption (cryptographic) means

How to delete (why not deleted) the track code from the "Tracking History"

In order to remove the track code from the tracking history, you must:

  • Transfer the track code to the archive (by clicking on the cross to the right of the track code)
  • Delete the track code from the archive (by clicking on the cross to the right of the track code)
  • 60 days
In the tracking history, the colors change depending on the number of days that have passed since the status was updated:
  • 0 - 3 days
  • 4 - 6 days
  • 7 - 29 days
  • 30 - 59 days
  • 60 days

How to check if Push notifications are received in the Track24 app, and what to do if notifications are not received

To receive Push notifications, you need to log in to the application, and you also need to have google play services installed on your device (relevant for devices with custom firmware).

You can check push notifications as follows:

  • Log in to the site, open the account settings and click on "Done".
  • You will be sent a push notification that changes have been made to your notification settings.

What to do if messages are not delivered at all?

Here are some possible reasons:

  • The user has not registered any active Google account on the phone;
  • Legacy version Google Play Services, in this case, you need to update them, for this you may need to update the entire smartphone system;
  • Disabled notifications for the application (tick on the application page in the phone settings);
  • Restricted the application to work in the background (the setting is located in the "Data Usage" menu);

In order for the Track24 application (and other applications) to receive a Push notification, your phone must contact the server and check if there is a new message for it, pick it up if there is one, and transfer it to the desired application so that it will already display it. This means that the phone must always keep an Internet connection, even if it is in your pocket. All this consumes the phone's battery, and many manufacturers, trying to extend the smartphone's battery life on a single charge, limit the receipt of Push notifications, or make the check very rare.

As a rule, the reasons for delays and non-delivery of Push notifications should be looked for in the “power saving” settings (for example, Stamina on Sony devices), “application optimization”, “security”, etc. and here every manufacturer of smartphones based on Android invents its own bicycle, and often remakes it from update to update.

It is worth noting that disabling Push notifications has a very weak effect on power consumption, compared to the consumption of LTE or a gluttonous application. Enabling or disabling push notification optimizations changes the smartphone's battery life on a single charge by a maximum of a couple of percent.

Samsung Galaxy S6

An application that may interfere with receiving push notifications on Samsung Galaxy S6, is called . This is a separate application that can be found in the system settings as well.

In the Smart Manager app, you need to click "options" in the upper right corner. "Setting Notifications". And turn on the "Degraded performance" switch. The name is very strange and confusing, given that it worsens performance in the off position. To receive Push notifications, the switch position must be as in the picture. The "Energy Saving" switch does not produce much effect, but you can turn it on too.

On ASUS devices

  • On ASUS ZenFone 2, apps may not launch after rebooting the device or unloading an app from the device's RAM. To resolve this issue, allow the application to auto-launch in the AutoPlay Manager settings.

On HUAWEI devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

  • If power saving mode is enabled, pop-up windows may not be displayed. To solve this problem, add the application to the list of Protected Applications in the Battery Manager.
  • The application can be unloaded from the device's RAM by means of the operating system. To solve this problem, pin the application to the device's RAM using the Application Manager and add it to the list of Protected Applications in the Battery Manager.

On Meizu devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

On Lenovo devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

On Samsung devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

  • The application may not start after the device is restarted. To resolve this issue, allow automatic restart for it. For example, use the Smart Manager app. Go to Smart Manager > RAM > App.Autoload. and turn on the switch of it.

On XIAOMI MIUI devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

On ZTE devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

How to pin an app to your device's RAM

Open Task Manager. For example, press and hold the middle button until a list of all running applications appears on the screen.
Find an app.
Click the Lock icon next to the app's name.
The Lock icon indicates that the application is pinned to RAM.

In Xiaomi phones, you need to allow the application to receive notifications in the security settings.

What to do if you do not understand something about the delivery process of your order

Track24 is not a logistics company, we are a regular aggregator of electronic mailing statuses.

Our service automatically sends requests to logistics companies, processes and issues them to users of our services.

If your order statuses do not contain detailed information about the location of your order, we will not be able to provide you with more detailed information than that indicated in the statuses of logistics companies.

We do not know Moreover than provided on the carrier's website and we cannot affect the speed of delivery, make changes to the delivery address or contact details of the recipient.

If you want to clarify the details of the delivery of your order, contact the carrier / marketplace, and he will be able to competently answer all your questions.

If you want to make changes to the delivery address or the time of receipt of the order, contact the carrier and agree on the place and time of receipt of the order.

If the tracking does not display up-to-date information (for example, "Loading on the plane"), even though you have already received the package, this does not mean that our service does not work well, most likely the fact is that the carrier does not provide up-to-date information.

You placed an order on eBay, paid for it and received a track number from the seller, but you cannot track it. What to do in this case? How to avoid this situation and is it worth opening a dispute?

It should be

For the most reliable shipment, it is recommended to buy goods that the seller sends along with the track number. Information about this should be present in the product description - if the seller writes "track number", then he is obliged to send you all the data about the package immediately after the purchase. Again, even at the stage of discussing the goods, it is recommended to directly ask the seller about how and through which service he plans to arrange delivery.

After you have discussed all the details with the seller and placed the order, you will receive a notification by mail about the change in the status of the order. The track number of the order can be found in your eBay account in the order status. If there is no number, then contact the seller and clarify the details. It is worth considering a number of important details of the delivery process.

How it happens in practice

What should I do if several days have passed and the package is still not tracked?

Usually the seller specifies the ETA - the expected delivery time. If by this time there is neither the possibility to track nor the parcel itself, write to the seller. If he is silent and does not answer questions, warn that you are opening a dispute. After that, write directly to the eBay service and open a dispute. The policy of the site provides assistance in resolving such issues.
If there is no parcel after 40 days, then you can safely ask for a refund. It also happens that the order is lost during shipment and still comes, but after a few months. Then you can write to the seller and transfer money to him.

How long does a package usually take?

The delivery time for a package from America and, for example, China, varies greatly. A parcel from China can take several months and be tracked only in China or only in Russia. In any case, if you have lost the ability to track the package, this is not a reason to immediately open a dispute - the seller may not be at fault here - if the order has already arrived in Russia, it will reach the specified address.

I was given the wrong tracking number

The most unpleasant situation that you can get into is making a purchase from an unscrupulous seller. He may intentionally give out the wrong track number. To avoid this situation, read the reviews before buying. Pay special attention to the latter: if they are mostly positive, then you can safely make a purchase. Reviews and detailed information about the seller can be found in his personal card.
If a week has passed, and the parcel is still not tracked, write to the seller with a request to send a "post receipt", or rather a "proof of postage". If he does not get in touch and does not comment on the situation in any way, warn him and open a dispute.

Finally, you decided on the choice of the right thing, chose the right size, consulted with the seller and ordered. The payment went through, the funds were debited, the goods were sent, but is all this true? For such situations, a tracking system for the parcel by track code was introduced. Those. thanks to a unique set of numbers and letters, you can find out where your package is now and roughly estimate how long to expect.

But what if this digital combination does not work, why is the track not being tracked? We will talk about all the main user errors and control methods in our article.

Usually beginners make mistakes, their main problem is inexperience or inattention. First you need to figure out where to look for this number:

Very often, the support service receives tickets with the subject “Item shipped, but not tracked.” In almost 60% of cases among beginners, the track code was confused with the order number. The track number is first, and the order itself is already lower.

Many conscientious sellers, as soon as they sent the order, immediately write an SMS in which they indicate the name of the transport company and a link to track the goods.

No tracking information

The data was copied correctly, but for some reason the order from Aliexpress is still not tracked? Maybe it's your impatience. Information on the track code appears only 10 days after the shipment of the parcel itself (not the order). It turns out during this time there is nothing to worry about.

The allotted time has passed, but the delivery window has not been updated? Your package may have been sent by one of the transport companies, which does not have such a tracking system:

  1. China Air Post - track number with Aliexpress is sometimes not tracked in Russia. Those. we can control the route of the parcel in China, but in Russia we are "blind".
  2. SFExpress is one of the most popular delivery services. The parcel is perfectly tracked, but there are times when it crosses the borders with Russia and seems to “freeze”, and only then it is announced at your post office, bypassing all secondary points.
  3. Hong Hong Post, Swiss Post, Singapure Post is the least busy service, so track codes always work
  4. EMS is a paid delivery service. Usually, the order reaches the buyer in two weeks (maximum), each stop of the parcel is recorded through the service.
  5. TNT, DHL - a similar paid service that delivers parcels in 10-20 days. Frequent problems at customs affect the tracking process.

Most often, sellers offer their customers as additional service tracking shipped orders. A convenient service that requires only entering a code.

Difficulties with transportation

There are 4 main problems that buyers face when trying to track a package:

Issuance of a non-international track

The reason that the track has ceased to be tracked may be the issuance of a different number. Each transport company has certain standards for generating tracking codes. However, you may be given a regular number that does not have any letter designations.

In this situation, you should not worry, since your goods have been sent, it will simply not be tracked after crossing the border.

An example of an international track:

Track number is not tracked after export

There are a lot of different local transport companies operating in China that transport parcels to the border, where they transfer it to employees of the local postal service (customer's country).

It turns out that you can track your package throughout the country of the seller until the moment it enters the territory of your state. As soon as the goods are transferred, the track is no longer tracked, as it changes. The seller will not receive a new number, so you should not torment him with questions.

We are all human and we understand that it is not always easy to cope with a huge flow of orders. Very often, sellers confuse the numbers themselves, and only buyers can (almost always) notice a mistake.

As long as it doesn't track Aliexpress package no one will know about the wrong code. It will be a surprise for a Russian if his order crosses the ocean and ends up in the capital of Canada. It turns out that in this situation the track is tracked on Aliexpress, but the package did not arrive.

At this moment, it is worth sounding the alarm and asking the seller to double-check everything, because if the parcel reaches its destination, a positive answer will follow along the track, which means that the buyer’s protection time will be reduced by 10 days.

If all the above points are taken into account by you: the service always tracks the parcel, 10 days have passed since the shipment, then you should resort to one of the available options. What to do if the track with Aliexpress is not tracked:

  1. Write to the seller and clarify whether he really sent the order and whether the track code is correct.
  2. Open a dispute, and the reason to choose problems with the delivery of goods.

Most importantly, remember that if the parcel arrives at your post office, you will be aware of it. An email notification will be sent to your name, by filling out which you will be able to receive the parcel.

Correctly draw up a dispute

In order to open a dispute, we need to find the necessary product on the order page for which the track does not work. The " " button will appear in the third column. Please note that it will not be active in the first 10 days after sending the goods. When you click on the button, a dispute window appears. We act as follows:

  1. When asked if you received the goods, you must answer in the negative.
  2. Next, from the drop-down list of reasons, we select "Problems with the delivery of goods."
  3. The next question is clarifying. If the track is not tracked on Aliexpress, then you should select this item:

Thus, the answer to the question: “Why is the product not tracked on Aliexpress?” hiding in the following:

  • the transport company does not have such a function;
  • less than 10 days have passed since shipment;
  • Invalid tracking code given.

How to win a dispute if the track number is not tracked

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How to open a dispute on AliExpress if the track number is not tracked?

Consider the situation when you paid for the goods, received a track number, but it has not been tracked for a long time.

What to do if the track number is not readable?

1)It's been less than 10 days since the order was shipped. Your track number is not trackable.
You should not worry, because it will take some time to track the track number.
Just in case, check your track code on different sites. For example, .

2) More than 10 days have passed, but not a single resource reads your track number.
At this stage, you need to write a letter to the seller stating that your track number does not work.

An example of such a letter:

The track number __________________ is not tracked. Check, please, where is my parcel.

If the seller does nothing within 5 days, then open a dispute, ignoring the seller's assurances.

Dispute (dispute) opens on the page of your order. To do this, you need to mark the products with non-working tracks and click the button Open Dispute:

From the beginning, there will be a question. Have you received your order? - answer in the negative. ( Did you receive your goods? answer "No")

Then, a list of reasons - mark that the track is not being read ( no tracking information.)

In the next paragraph, request a full refund from the seller. To do this, check "Full refund":

In the field below, indicating the return cost, write that the track number does not work:

The track number is not tracked. It has been 15 days and my package has not been dispatched.

After that, click the "Submit" button. After that, you will be taken to the page with an open dispute.

1) Do not cancel the dispute until your track number starts to be read, despite the persuasion of the seller.

Important!!! Under no circumstances cancel the dispute (dispute) if the time on the delivery timer is over, because after that your order will be closed in favor of the seller and he will receive your money.

2) Don't click the "accept" button if you're not going to close the deal.
By clicking on the "accept" button, the buyer agrees with the amount of money that the supplier offers to return and the possible demand for the return of the goods. Before accepting the seller's offer, check the refund amount.

3) If the seller does not respond to your open dispute (dispute) within 5 days, then the dispute (dispute) is closed in your favor and you receive the amount indicated when opening the dispute.

Aliexpress Lesson #6 Disputes and disputes! How to solve problems.

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After sending the goods to Aliexpress, the seller gives the buyer a track number by which the parcel can be tracked. And from that moment on, inexperienced buyers begin the most nervous period of waiting for their purchase. During which many regularly panic. One of the most common reasons for concern is the situation when the tracking status of a package is not updated for a long time. And with any minor delays in updating the tracking status of the package, many people panic. They are afraid of losing money, they are worried that the package will not arrive, and that they may need to do something urgently.

Let's take a closer look at what causes delays in updating tracking statuses, what delay periods are considered normal. And what to do if the status of the parcel is not updated for a long time.

Why is the parcel tracking status not updated for a long time?

1. Information about the parcel has not yet entered the database of postal services and track number tracking systems.

If you received a track number, this does not mean that your parcel has already arrived at the post office. On average, it is considered that before it starts to be read. Because first the seller will book the track number, then the courier picks up the parcel, and it goes courier service to mail. Next, it takes time until the parcel data is entered into the tracking system. In this case, you do not need to do anything, just wait two weeks until the information about the package starts to be read.

2. The parcel began to be tracked, but not sent.

It happens that the first tracking status appears in the tracking systems and on the Aliexpress website, indicating that the mail has received information about the package. This means that the seller booked a track number, but did not physically send the parcel. It even happens that at this stage everything stops.

3. Your track number is only trackable within China.

When ordering cheap goods, parcels can be sent to you by courier companies or Track numbers of which, in fact, are internal invoice numbers. And they are tracked only in China. After passing the border, your parcel will be assigned a new track number, with which it will go further. You, like tracking systems, will not be able to recognize it. And the last tracking status will show that the parcel has been sent to the destination country. There will be no further updates to the tracking system. Therefore, it remains only to patiently wait for a notification that the parcel has arrived at your post office.

4. The package is under import.

Basically, the process of importing a package is the longest stage. On average, it can take two weeks. But there are especially slow sorting points with old equipment or high load, in which parcels hang for a month or even more.

You can not influence the speed of crossing the border in any way. Since it is not known in which country it may be located. It may be marked as "Shipped", but in fact it was placed in a container that is waiting to be sent, and then it can lie in a temporary storage warehouse, waiting for its turn for further processing. Therefore, you need to be patient and monitor the terms of buyer protection.

5. Parcel stuck at customs.

There are situations when the last status in tracking a parcel means that it has entered customs. And there is no further movement. There may be several reasons for this. Firstly, there may be a large load at customs and employees physically do not have time to process incoming parcels quickly. Secondly, the package may get lost at customs. If more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the day the parcel arrived at customs, then you can call the right department yourself and ask the employees to find out what happened to it.

It should be noted that the speed of parcel delivery is a seasonal phenomenon. If you placed an order during the holidays (especially during ), during or after the sale, then due to the load or the large number of holidays, the parcels will be slow. Not only can the mail not work physically for some time, but also huge congestion is formed.

We cannot influence this fact in any way. You just need to take this into account and calmly wait for the parcel to wait for its turn and budge.

7. Delays in tracking database updates for some email services.

Some mails are notorious for the fact that the information in the databases is updated with huge delays. And the package can go far ahead, and the data about it has not yet appeared in the database. Or the buyer has already received the package, and in tracking it has not even reached the moment of export. For example, this is very typical for Estonian post. And a standard problem with China Post is that their server can be down for a long period of time. Accordingly, status updates will not occur because of this.

8. Physical movement of the parcel.

At the very beginning of a package's journey, tracking statuses may be updated frequently. And it seems that your product is moving from city to city, going through various stages quickly. And then, at the next stage, it freezes for a week. And all due to the fact that she is now physically sailing on a ship. And, sometimes, she needs to overcome long distances by navigation. Naturally, this stage takes time and the next status will appear when it arrives at the next waypoint.

9. The parcel was lost.

And the last, rather rare case, when your parcel was lost on the way or it was stolen. Many buyers are afraid of this very reason, because they believe that the loss of the package means the loss of their money. And that they need somehow. Actually it is not.

What should I do if the status of the parcel is not tracked for a long time?

H but in fact, everything is simple! There are two options.

First- if there is no information about the track number, then in the first 10 days you just need to wait. And only then or .

Second - if information appeared in the tracking statuses, then it is considered that the package was sent to you. And whatever happens to her in the future, you will not be able to open a dispute until time will pass delivery guarantees (blue alarm clock). Therefore, seeing that your track is being read, just make sure that your package does not go to another recipient and patiently wait for it. Experienced buyers on Aliexpress advise to extend the timer 5 days before the expiration of the buyer's protection period if the parcel was delayed somewhere in your country. Or, a couple of days before the end of the protection period, open a dispute that a lot of time has passed, and the package is still on the way. This will allow you to return the money for the unreceived goods. And it doesn’t matter where and for what reason the package got stuck.

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