The package does not arrive from aliexpress what to do. What to do if the order from Aliexpress has not arrived. If the goods still arrived - your actions


Parcels sent from Aliexpress without a track number (small packages) often do not arrive, as they are lost along the way. Buyers naturally worry about the loss. In their hearts, they accuse postal workers of negligent attitude to work, and sometimes they suggest the theft of parcels.

Where and why are small packets lost?

In fact, the employees of postal companies are not always to blame for the loss of small packages. Let's see why the package can get lost and not reach the recipient.

  1. Small package may get lost. That is, physically fall somewhere, where it is difficult to see and find it.
  2. The container or bag with the parcels was sent back, or got stuck somewhere.
  3. The shipping address sticker was damaged.

Address damage - the reason for the loss of the parcel

And just this point often serves as the reason for the loss of the parcel. If the shipment went with a track number, and suddenly the tracking stopped for more than a month, then there is a chance that it was lost. That is, either the packaging itself or the sticker was damaged. As a result, postal employees cannot identify her. And where this shipment is going is not known.

And the sticker on small packages is very easily damaged when the parcel passes through the sorting machine. If the shipment is small in size, then there is a possibility that it will be chewed on the conveyor between the rollers of the sorting machine. Thus, the package gets stuck, while the contents remain safe and sound. But all the information on the sticker with the address of the recipient is erased. It turns out that there is a package, but no one knows exactly where to send it.

There are situations when the sticker on the package was damaged, but it can be somehow restored. Then such shipments go to a special employee who tries to recover information: track number or data of the recipient of the parcel. Naturally, everything happens manually. And this work is painstaking, requiring time and attention. And there are many such parcels for restoration. Therefore, the parcel may be delayed for a period of several days to several weeks, while waiting for its turn to repair the damaged sticker.

What should I do if the parcel does not arrive?

If your parcel from Aliexpress is lost, then you will need to return the money for it. To do this, 2-3 days before the deadline for delivery, we open a dispute for a full refund. We wrote about how to correctly open a dispute if the order from Aliexpress did not arrive, we wrote in the article.

Earlier in our articles, we described in detail how and where you can track packages with orders from China with Aliexpress. It happens that the seller reports an invalid and left track, saving on postage.
It also happens that the parcel does not arrive to you within the time limit set by Aliexpress.
In this article, we will try to figure out what to do if the parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive?

What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress does not arrive?

1. Try to write a message to the seller and clarify when he sent the package, the tracking number (track number) and where you can track it (cheap goods on Aliexpress are often sent without a track or with a left track and are not tracked). The seller can extend the order protection time, it may be worth waiting a couple more days and the package will arrive, sometimes the package is delayed due to the fact that the mail can be overloaded.

2. The Aliexpress online store has an order protection system. Until this time passes, the seller will not receive your money for the order. As a rule, within the specified time, the parcel must reach the buyer, who, in turn, must confirm receipt of the goods, but in practice there are a number of reasons why the parcel may be delayed or not reach at all. The buyer can extend the protection of the order at various stages until the completion of the order, including during a dispute.
If there are several days left before the expiration of the protection period, for example 5 days, and the package has not yet arrived, then you have 2 options:
1) open a dispute (dispute), if the order protection time has not expired and you have not confirmed receipt of the parcel;
2) request an extension of order protection.
If you opened a dispute (dispute), then you will receive a full refund of the order.

3. If the package has not arrived, but the order protection time has expired, or if you accidentally confirmed the receipt of the package, then you can write a complaint to the Aliexpress Administration against the seller.

4. In the event that the seller does not send the goods (parcel) for a long time, and the order status says "Sending is expected" and then when the time to send and process the order from the seller to Aliexpress ends (usually up to 8 days), the order will be automatically canceled and the money will automatically return to where you paid from (for example, to a card, wallet, etc.). Order statuses can be viewed in the Aliexpress drop-down menu in the "My Orders" section, they are displayed next to each order.

What to do if you received someone else's parcel from Aliexpress?

Rarely, but sometimes it happens that the seller mixed up the orders and the package arrived. You took it, but when you opened it, you saw that the order inside was not yours at all, what to do in this case?
- in the case when the address of the person to whom this parcel is actually intended is indicated on the parcel, then you can call the number and return it to the real recipient, unless of course he is in your city.
- return it back to the sender (seller), but most likely it will be unprofitable, because sending the parcel back to China is sometimes several times more expensive than the cost of the order.

What should I do if my parcel from Aliexpress arrived in another city?

On aliexpress, it also happened that a parcel with aliexpress came to another city and was handed over to another person. What to do in this case? If you tracked by the track number that your package with an order from China arrived in another city and was handed over to a complete stranger, you can of course write a message to the seller, but I advise you not to drag it out and open a dispute so that you get your money back for an unreceived order.

What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress arrived empty?

In general, initially I advise you to immediately open your parcels at the post office, so that in order to avoid this, after opening the parcel, draw up an appropriate act (on the absence of an attachment or on traces of an opening). Also, the process of opening and weighing the parcel (where the weight numbers are clearly visible) needs to be recorded with a photo, but it is better on video and presented as evidence.
After that

Sooner or later, every buyer of the Aliexpress website is faced with a situation where the ordered product does not arrive. This may happen due to various reasons. The goods may be lost on the way, they may be stolen at some stage of delivery, or the seller did not send the goods to you at all. In all cases, if the buyer protection timer is coming to an end and the product is still not available, then you have the right to open a dispute.

How to open a dispute

In order to open a dispute, you need to go to the section "My Orders" >>>

After that, oddly enough, you will not be redirected immediately to the dispute opening form, but to the order details page, where there will be a lot useful information, including a link to extend the buyer protection timer, in case you want to wait a little longer for the package. But on this page, we are interested in the button "Open Dispute". You should click on it.

If your order ends because the buyer protection timer has expired, you will only have 15 days after the timer ends to open a dispute and get a refund. In this case, the dispute should not be canceled until you return your money.

If you open a dispute after the end of the buyer protection period, then the desired link will be less noticeable and it is located a little lower than usual.

  • - Expected Solution - Refund only
  • - Have you received the goods? - NO
  • -Problem encountered- Delivery issue - Order protection is expiring but package is still on the way

In field "Return Amount" you need to enter full value of the goods. Regardless of whether you used coupons or not. The value of the coupon will be deducted automatically upon return.

In field "detailed information" describe your claim. You need to write in English. Make sure that the text does not contain Russian letters and additional characters. For example symbol «№» the site does not pass. Do not write in complex literary turns. The Chinese seller will most likely translate the text through an automatic translator. Therefore, he may not understand complex text.

Below, for reliability, you can attach evidence. In our case, this may be a screen of the tracking system, where you will see the absence of a status that you have received the package. And finally click on the button "send"

The dispute is open. How to conduct a dispute under the new rules.

If everything went well, then we will see the following.

At the very top, the dates of the main stages of the dispute will be indicated, where it will be seen:

  • - what date did you open the dispute,
  • - the date of involvement of AliExpress mediators (the date of the aggravation of the dispute), if you do not agree with the seller
  • - and the end date of the negotiations.

Below you will see a timer that counts down 5 days. If during this period the seller does not respond to the dispute in any way, then you automatically win it and you will be returned the amount that you requested.

If the seller agrees with your offer, then nothing further will need to be done. Since after the seller agrees to your terms, the dispute will close and the stage of automatic refund will begin.

But perhaps the seller will offer his terms. Then, to the right of your decision, you will be able to see the seller's decision, with the option to accept the dispute.

At the very bottom of the screen, you will have the opportunity to conduct a dialogue with the seller. You not required to accept the seller's offer if it doesn't suit you. Under the new rules, you can negotiate with the seller until the date of attracting Aliexpress mediators. Then the dispute will automatically escalate and it will be considered by independent aliexpress mediators, who will put forward their fair, in their opinion, decision.

The seller accepted the dispute.

If the seller accepts your dispute, then you will see the following: there will be 2 new links on the order page: "Dispute closed" and "Return stages"

If you move the mouse over " Return Stages », then you can see all the stages of the return of your funds. And if you follow the link "Dispute closed", then you can get to the dispute page and see the following.

The status of the dispute will change to status "Dispute closed" indicating the amount of the refund. Below are the details of the order, comments and the history of the dispute.

The dispute history is at the very bottom of the page, where you can see the date the seller made your decision. If no money has been credited to your account within 2 weeks from this date, then you can start to worry and contact Alipay technical support.

Have a question? Write it in the comments or contact the chat

Shopping in online stores is fashionable, convenient and quite cheap. Therefore, trade on the Aliexpress site is developing with might and main. Despite the fact that the goods come from China, the sellers guarantee timely delivery and the appropriate type of product. The buyer only needs to be patient and press the treasured button. But if the parcel from "Aliexpress" does not arrive, what should I do? How to get a response from the seller? How to call him for a conversation and arrange compensation? And what to do if the parcel from "Aliexpress" did not arrive?

What is the advantage of "shop on the couch"?

Why do we love shopping so much? Because it is convenient, fast and very pleasant. Shopping is very relaxing and soothing, which men cannot understand. They sincerely believe that shopping cannot be called recreation. But if you remove running around the floors, endless fittings and competition from other customers from these walks, then only pleasant impressions and joy from buying a new thing remain! And if you also make the price a level lower than those in ordinary stores! On the platform "Aliexpress" it is profitable and interesting to buy goods. You can place an order quickly, the assortment is very wide, and helpful Chinese are well aware that the CIS countries are their main audience, so they willingly offer discounts and bonuses as a gift.

Order problems

When placing an order, the buyer must decide on the size, parameters and desired color of the purchase. Next comes the payment process: the client transfers money to the account of the intermediary - the Aliexpress platform. The seller sends the goods and indicates the time period for which the delivery should be made. But the main problem arises if the parcel from Aliexpress does not arrive. What to do if all the deadlines have passed, the protection of the order is inexorably approaching the end or has already ended, but the cherished little thing is still not there? There are many reasons why the package was not delivered, but it is more rational to go through the most common points.

Specifically about the main

First, the term of protection ends. Secondly, the seller gave the wrong track code or did not give it at all. Thirdly, the parcel went beyond the tracking limits, and there is no more information about it. Each of these problems is solvable, and in any case, the buyer must know that his rights are a priority for the employees of the Aliexpress site. The money remains on their account until the moment when the client confirms his consent to payment. But it should be noted that when the parcel from Aliexpress does not arrive, the buyer must be on the alert, otherwise his silence will be taken as consent to complete the transaction. If the deadlines have passed, and you have not reacted in any way to the lack of goods, then the money will go to the seller, and it will be almost impossible to return them later. In this case, you don’t have to ask: “What should I do if the package from Aliexpress did not arrive on time?” You just missed your chance.


Remember that on the other side of the screen there are the same people for whom working through Aliexpress is important and prestigious. They are pleased to offer their customers a rich assortment and make sure that the quality meets the requirements. For most sellers, it is more important to achieve a customer's smile and loyalty than to make a one-time profit on it, and therefore prices can be incredibly low, and bonuses are endless. The seller is interested in the appearance regular customers who will recommend him and his store to a circle of friends and acquaintances.

But what if the parcel from "Aliexpress" does not arrive? What to do? First, do not blame the seller for all sins. His conscience may be clear. Do not forget that the parcel comes from afar, sometimes making almost a round-the-world trip, and, as you know, anything can happen on the way: problems at customs, confusion in the warehouse, in the end, the goods can simply be lost. Is the seller to blame? Hardly. But I don’t want to forgive the parcel, the money has been sent. Well, if we are talking about a couple of dollars for some beautiful trinket, but if you ordered, say, a smartphone, the price of which is over 100 USD. e.? So get in touch. How? Yes, very simple. To the right of each product on the Aliexpress site there is a "Contact Seller" tab.

Using it, you can discuss a specific product, learn about sizes, colors and additional photos. If the thing is expensive, then you can discuss the timing of tailoring and the possibility of issuing a discount for wholesale. If the order is placed, then you can communicate with the seller in the correspondence window located under the information about the order. You can also write here if the parcel from "Aliexpress" does not arrive. What to do - the seller will tell you or offer a compromise. For example, return the money or send an additional copy. Also, the seller can extend the protection period if the goods are simply delayed on the way.

No contact

So, an unpleasant situation: the package from Aliexpress does not arrive. What to do if the seller is silent in response to all questions? Such behavior is, to put it mildly, suspicious and requires decisive action. Wait a day or two and proceed to the next stage of negotiations - open a dispute. This is the most convenient way to proceed when a parcel from Aliexpress does not arrive. This is a special conflict, when the parties express their opinion, and the "arbitrator", which is the Aliexpress site, makes a verdict. In particular, the buyer talks about his problem, cites the order number or track code as proof. Presents his demands, under which he agrees to settle the dispute. If the seller agrees, the issue is settled, and the buyer gets what he wants. Otherwise, the Aliexpress platform solves the problem based on the rules of conduct on the site. If you correctly defend your position and confirm your own innocence, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

No code

Sometimes it happens that the seller does not give a track code or gives an erroneous one. In this case, if the parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive, what should I do? It is pointless to wait, since there are not even the slightest order parameters. It also makes no sense to contact the post office, since they will not be able to track the route of the goods. It is necessary either to negotiate with the seller, or to solve the problem radically, for which contact the site administration. By the way, there is round-the-clock online support, both in Russian and in English, so you can always understand the meaning of the proposal. Here you can discuss all issues directly with the operator. He will tell you what to do if the package from Aliexpress did not arrive on time. You can achieve a solution to the problem with his own help, even before opening a dispute. By the way, some buyers may even be mistaken with the identification of the track code. Please note that when sending goods to your email You will receive a notification with a number. This is the order number, but it is better to look at the track code on the page with information about the shipped product. Such a letter will be generated in a maximum of 5 days. This period is determined by the seller himself and undertakes to complete the shipment within the specified period. If he cannot do this, then the money will automatically be returned to the owner. In this case, the question is: "The package from Aliexpress did not arrive - what should I do?" resolved without your active participation. The site will do everything!

No information

The next problem is that there is no information on the track that the seller indicated. There are already a lot of possible reasons why the parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive. What to do? Get it right from the start! The first information about the product should appear after 10 days from the date of shipment. This is due to the high traffic on Chinese mail. Better to just be patient and wait. If possible, it is better to track the parcel through the website of the postal courier through which the order was sent. The link to the site, by the way, is indicated next to the tracking code. Other services may not have access to such information.

If 15 days have already passed, and there is still no news about the product, then you need to go to your order list and check if the track has changed. Sometimes this happens when the goods cross the border. If there is no change, contact the seller and ask for advice. Most likely, he will write that an error occurred and give a different code. If the goods are very small (beads, threads, jewelry), then the parcel may not be tracked throughout the entire delivery period. It makes sense to wait until the end of protection and open a dispute.

In the early stages

So, what to do if the parcel from "Aliexpress" does not arrive? Worry? It is possible, but only a little. Remember that the interface of this trading platform is entirely customized for the buyer. For you, here are all the conditions and almost no restrictions. At first, do not rush to open a dispute. Sellers on Aliexpress are very loyal people who easily get in touch and can please you with a discount if there is some doubt about the quality or speed of delivery. Check yours frequently Personal Area"on the site for letters from sellers, system alerts and other important messages. Do not be lazy to track the movement of goods. In problematic situations, contact support operators. They always know what to do. Doesn't the package come from Aliexpress? Send them its number , and they will be able to find out the location of the goods.

Two in one

So, we have considered almost all the nuances and peculiarities of behavior in a situation where the order is not tracked, discussed who to contact and what to do. Parcel does not arrive from "Aliexpress"? Do not panic, but in your free time, go to the Russian-language site of the cashback service, where you can return interest from purchases to your card and, in addition, track the package. True, the latter function is available only when the order is placed with a cashback. You can also use third-party tracking resources. True, at the most effective and operational, difficulties may arise with language barrier. Mostly Chinese is supported here.

Finally, let's summarize all of the above. So, what to do if the parcel from "Aliexpress" does not arrive? First, you need to make sure that this is a problem beyond your control. Secondly, contact the seller and discuss the situation with him. Thirdly, you can always contact the site administration and invite them to resolve the issue. Everything is simple! Enjoy the shopping!

Disgusting service which gave rise to write a blog.

How long can I wait for a parcel from Aliexpress

The average delivery time is one month. It will work out less only if you live in a large city in the central part or there are nearby sorting center. Acceptable waiting time: 40-60 days.

How to track a shipment from Aliexpress

There are three tracking options:

  1. The seller provided a tracking number (tracking) in a pleasant format that is understood by the mobile application and the website of the Russian Post. This is the most the best way, you get reliable and detailed information about all cargo movements in Russian.
  2. The seller gave tracking, which the Russian Post does not understand, but other tracking services and Aliexpress itself understand. A good option: Ali himself will send notifications of key changes, and more accurate information can be found on third-party sites that the seller or Aliexpress will advise. True, the sites will be in English or semi-Chinese.
  3. The seller gave the tracking of the internal postal service. This is equivalent to the fact that the seller did not give tracking at all. You will only be able to see that the item is shipped from China and may have arrived in Russia. Next is the unknown.

And there is also “Delivery canceled” or “Shipment cancelled” ...

This is due to the fact that the seller gives you one track number, and postal service provides another - new. Its seller informs you through internal messages. You need to track such an order manually, on your own. You will not receive notifications from Aliexpress, because the site knows your old track, not the new one.

What to do if the tracked package is delayed

Regularly check the Buyer Protection Period for each order. Usually it is more than two months. But if the deadline is coming to an end, and the parcel has not yet arrived, although it is successfully tracked, write a message to the seller to extend the buyer's protection period.

What to write? Well, for example:

Dear seller. I didn't receive my order yet. Can you extend protection period please?

Expensive seller. I still haven't received my order. Can you extend the buyer protection period?

Usually, the sellers themselves monitor the expiration of the protection period and automatically extend it if they have not received confirmation of receipt from you. There is no need to worry here.

Untracked package is delayed. What to do?

If the parcel cannot be tracked and it is delayed, you need to ask questions:

Anyone getting ready to celebrate, already celebrating, or gone on a binge? Before mass holidays (Halloween, Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, etc.) and after major sales (such as Black Fridays, Cyber ​​Mondays and Singles' Day on November 11), China Post is overloaded. Before the well-known holidays, the Russian Post also begins to slip due to volumes. In January, half of Russia is struggling with a hangover, and the Chinese go on a two-week New Year's binge in January-February (as it turns out). That is, the delay may be caused by mail congestion or holidays.

What about other orders? If on the same day (plus or minus 2-3 days) you made several orders from different sellers at once and they are all still on the way, then this is a logistical delay. If at the sale you made several applications and all the parcels arrived, except for one, there is reason to think.

What do the reviews say about the product and the shipping method you have chosen? It happens that the goods really go for a very long time, but they come. Check it out in the reviews.

If the goods arrive slowly, but you can wait a little longer. Three months or more for an untraceable parcel is a sure sign that it is lost.

An untracked product from Aliexpress is noticeably delayed, probably lost ... What should I do?

First, ask the seller to extend the buyer protection and wait a little more. But if you are sure that the goods are lost, open a dispute and return the money.

Generally speaking, you can open a dispute and request a refund as soon as the guaranteed delivery times have expired. It is your right.

Technically, you can file a dispute for 61 days and claim compensation because the seller did not keep his promise. The seller may ask you to close the dispute and wait another 20 days.

Do you know why exactly 20? Because after 15 days, you will not be able to reopen the dispute.

Agree to wait no more than 14 days if you close the dispute for the "wait a minute" reason!

In no case do not close the dispute under pressure from the seller!

The seller can put pressure on pity, promise to send the goods again, but only after the dispute is closed. Don't believe it! I got up and flew by. The amount is small (about 150 rubles), but still unpleasant.

Do not agree to resend, take the money!

Know how the dispute works!

You can open a dispute until the buyer protection expires (so it must be renewed) and until 15 days have passed from the date of receipt of the goods.

You open not just a dispute, you open an auction!

On the one hand, you want a 100% refund (or less if the item arrived with minor defects). On the other hand, the seller wants to sell you a re-shipment on his Chinese word of honor and not return a penny. If you succumbed to persuasion and agreed to a refund of 0 rubles 0 kopecks, the case, according to Aliexpress, is closed and the conflict is settled. Take a close look at how the buyer protection scheme on Aliexpress works and why you need a dispute.

If the seller offers 0 compensation money, asks to close the dispute and promises to send the goods again - he is trying to scam you. If you believe him and close the dispute, you will actually reach an agreement in financial terms According to Aliexpress. After that, the seller naturally becomes dumber, forgets English language and ceases to understand you. And Aliexpress naturally does not interfere.

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