Trading business. How to open a dairy store: assortment, suppliers, attracting regular customers How to open your own grocery store


Milk and milk-based products are among the most important in the human diet. They belong to everyday goods. And the dairy department traditionally occupies the main place among the departments of supermarkets. Milk-based products are a universal product for a huge number of consumers: cottage cheese for breakfast, sour cream for soups for lunch, kefir for dinner.

The production of dairy products in our country has a long tradition. And the range of food products based on milk surpasses in diversity the list of dairy products in a number of European countries and states where agriculture is developed.

Refrigerated display cases and refrigerated slides are convenient for displaying dairy products. With their help, you can demonstrate a small range of available dairy products.

Refrigerated cabinet suitable for various groups dairy products (milk, kefir, butter, margarine, yogurt, mayonnaise, sour cream). Small and large batches of dairy products are stored in medium temperature cabinets. It is convenient to store all types of dairy products and other food products in a glass cabinet, subject to the rules of the commodity neighborhood.

In small stores and large shopping malls installation of refrigerated display cases, counters, cabinets, regals, chambers provides an excellent opportunity for high-quality storage and sale of a wide range. Small-sized refrigeration units allow you to optimize trading platforms, and different modes - to choose the conditions for preserving dairy products. offers to choose in the catalog and buy refrigeration equipment, which will keep your products fresh and adequately present them to customers: horizontal, cabinet, counter, chest, slide.

In organizing the work of the dairy department, it is necessary to focus on the following aspects:

Compliance with the appropriate sanitary condition in the department: dairy products are perishable goods, they can form an unpleasant odor, including for violating the integrity of the package. Therefore, all the shelves commercial equipment, used for displaying dairy products, should be kept clean, cleaned regularly and thoroughly;

Inventory rotation: occurs in all departments of the store, but it becomes especially important in departments where perishable goods are sold;

Regular Maintenance refrigerated equipment, absence of extraneous odors, uniform degree of loading of refrigerated containers with dairy products.

Milk and dairy products are traditionally placed in the back of the trading floor in a place convenient for buyers. For dairy products, it is recommended to allocate separate places on the trading floor, avoiding contact with other goods. Dairy products should be divided into two blocks according to the canning technology and storage conditions. Pasteurized products requiring storage at low temperature, must be laid out separately from the sterilized ones.

One of two principles is chosen as the basis for the calculation: vertical or horizontal placement. Horizontal involves the placement of products of one manufacturer along the entire length of the shelf, which is easier to control competitors, but this method violates the usual order of laying out product blocks, which makes it difficult for the buyer to choose. Therefore, a vertical arrangement is generally accepted in many hypermarkets.

To accommodate milk and dairy products, a variety of refrigeration equipment and display of dairy products is used, which is shown in Fig. 43.

Place dairy products at the top of the "golden triangle" next to deli meats or cheeses;

Teach categories as the percentage of fat increases according to the direction of movement of buyers, starting with milk with a percentage of fat from 0.5 to 6-8%; continuing with fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, curdled milk, sour cream); finishing with cream (also taking into account the percentage of fat content - for coffee 11%; for cooking and sauces - 23%; for cooking - 35%);

Group dairy products by producers and trademarks; set out taking into account the price (from cheap to expensive) and the direction of movement of buyers;

Canned milk products are placed depending on their purpose: in the canning department, in the children's department, in the dairy, confectionery (dry cream can be laid out next to instant coffee);

It is advisable to use a special display for displaying dairy products (on pallets and displays in additional places sales).

1.1 Competitiveness analysis. (price / quality, what anyone needs)

Chapter 2 Analysis of the competitiveness of the milk market in the RAIPO store

Istrinskoe RAIPO was registered on November 8, 1980 at the address 143502, Moscow region, Istra, Panfilova street, 2. The main activity is retail trade in non-specialized stores, mainly food products, including drinks, and tobacco products.

The company is headed Makarova Lyudmila Iosifovna - Chairman of the Council of the Istra district consumer society. Honored Worker of Trade Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Consumer Cooperatives of the Moscow Region, Honored Worker of Trade of the Moscow Region.

The Istra District Consumer Society conducts a diversified economic activity: trade, catering, blanks.

2.1 Analysis of the range of milk sold in the RAIPO store

Among the goods that make up the permanent assortment of the RAIPO store are milk and dairy products. At the same time, it is important that several companies are suppliers of dairy products and, in particular, milk.

We have analyzed the structure of the assortment of milk supplied to the store by different manufacturers. (Table 1).

Table 1. The structure of the assortment of milk by producers

As follows from the data in the table, the largest among the seven suppliers is Wimm-Bill-Dann, namely 29.8%. 22.3% of the total assortment is the assortment of Danone and Unimilk companies. Campina supplies 10.4% of dairy products to the RAIPO store and 7.4% is delivered by Erman. Local producers supplying products to the store "Volzhanochka" and "Kamyshinsky" milk contribute only 3% and 1.4% to the assortment.

Milk supplied to the store has a different mass fraction of fat. After analyzing the supplied milk according to this indicator (Table 2), we can conclude that the largest share in the assortment is occupied by milk with a mass fraction of fat content of 2.5%, it makes up 52.2% of the entire assortment; in second place is milk with 3.5% fat - 25%; and milk with 1.5% fat makes up 22.8% of the total range.

Table 2. The structure of the range of dairy products depending on the fat content

In the presented diagram (Fig. 1), each type of milk is most clearly represented, depending on the fat content, by a separate segment.

It is known that milk from different manufacturers, in addition to different fat content, also differs in different heat treatment. IN retail the main types of milk come pasteurized, or sterilized. We analyzed the assortment of milk sold in the RAIPO store according to this indicator. As follows from the data in Table 3, 55.2% of the entire range is pasteurized milk. The share of sterilized milk accounts for 44.8%.

Table 3. The structure of the range of dairy products depending on the heat treatment

The shares of pasteurized and sterilized milk are clearly shown in Figure 2.

One of the important indicators characterizing such a product as milk is its packaging. As we have already noted, milk is supplied to retail trade in at least ten types of packaging. Cardboard packaging is very widespread and such type of packaging as soft packaging is becoming more and more widespread. Taking this into account, we have carried out work on the analysis of the assortment of milk supplied to the RAIPO store. The data obtained are presented in table 4.

Table 4. The structure of the range of dairy products depending on the type of packaging

Having considered the structure of the assortment depending on the type of packaging (Table 4), we can conclude that the largest share in the assortment is occupied by 1 liter Tetra Pak cardboard packaging - 45%. The share of such packaging as plastic bottles of the same capacity of 1 liter is 29.4%. Much less milk is supplied to the RAIPO store in a tetrapack cardboard package weighing 0.5 liters - 15.6%, and an insignificant share of the entire assortment - 9.8% is milk packed in soft packaging with a volume of 1 liter.

The assortment of milk, depending on the type and volume of packaging, is clearly shown in the diagram in Fig. 3.

Output. Thus, having analyzed the data on the assortment of milk supplied for sale to the Magnit store in general, we can conclude that the largest share in the assortment is Wimm-Bill-Dann, namely 29.8%; depending on the fat content, the largest share in the assortment is occupied by milk with a mass fraction of fat content of 2.5%, it makes up 52.2% of the entire assortment; depending on the heat treatment, 55.2% of the entire range is pasteurized milk; and depending on the type of packaging, the largest share in the assortment is occupied by a cardboard package Tetra Pak weighing 1 liter - 45%.

2.2 Analysis of the quality of milk presented in RAIPO

2.3 Analysis of the competitiveness of milk in the RAIPO store

3 Proposals for optimizing the range and improving quality, strengthening the competitiveness of milk.



1. Commodity research and examination of consumer goods: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005.

The composition of dairy and sour-milk products includes milk, cream, kefir, curdled milk, yogurt, acidophilic drinks, fermented baked milk, koumiss, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese products, butter, as well as ice cream and canned milk.

The dairy department was one of the first departments in the store to embrace self-service, thanks to its wide range of packaged products. The constant availability of high-quality dairy products in the assortment of the store contributes to creating a pleasant impression of the store among customers.

The dairy department preferably makes up about 5% of the supermarket's selling space and accounts for approximately 12% of the store's sales volume. specific gravity in gross profit - 19.7%. It is also advisable to include eggs and sauces in the assortment of the dairy department.

Milk and dairy products are among the everyday goods included in the planned purchases. Therefore, with the help of a flexible pricing policy for goods in this group, it is possible to attract additional customers and participate in the formation of the store's image.

However, in the process of buying dairy products, the following categories of purchases are distinguished:

Planned purchases with clearly defined characteristics of dairy products (product, brand, type, packaging); if the specified goods are not available in the store, the buyer most often buys them in another store;

Partially planned purchases with the definition of several criteria for the characteristics of dairy products (for example, packaging, percentage of fat content), but the final choice of the buyer will be made directly at the point of sale, depending on consumer preferences, price, and the range of dairy products available;

Unplanned (impulsive) purchases, the purchase decision of which is made under the influence of various impulsive factors on the buyer (for example, an effective display, a special offer, a promotion, tasting, etc.).

Dairy products are usually consumed together with other goods, so the buyer purchases other “paired” goods with them: for example, milk - biscuits, butter - bread, cheese - crackers, milk - corn flakes, milk - muesli - biscuits, cream - coffee , confectionery, etc. It is recommended to regularly carry out "marketing attacks" on a particular pair, placing these or other paired products directly in the dairy department. Thus, using cross-merchandising, you can influence the growth of sales both in the dairy department and in the store as a whole. Also, the use of special prices (regular promotions) for such hot goods, like cheese, eggs, milk, butter, margarine, can serve as an effective means of creating a positive image of the store in the eyes of consumers.

In organizing the work of the dairy department, it is necessary to focus on the following aspects:

- Compliance with the appropriate sanitary condition in the department: dairy products are perishable goods, they can form an unpleasant odor, including for violating the integrity of the package. Therefore, all shelves of commercial equipment used for displaying dairy products should be kept clean, regularly and thoroughly cleaned;

- inventory rotation: occurs in all departments of the store, but it acquires special significance in departments where perishable goods are sold;

- regular maintenance of refrigerated equipment, absence of extraneous odors, uniform degree of loading of refrigerated containers with dairy products.

Before selling, dairy products are pre-sorted according to types and samples, piece and packaged goods are checked, including the state of packaging, weight, and labeling. Banks, bottles and packaging are wiped from oils and dust. Weight and piece goods are exempt from containers and packaging materials. Trays with eggs are laid out from the boxes and damaged and not for sale are selected. Piece goods (packaging units) are checked according to the following criteria: the presence of labels, the strength of the closure, the integrity of the packages (no leakage), the completeness of filling (for liquid) and weight.

The terms and conditions for the sale of milk, dairy products, cheeses, ice cream, edible fats, mayonnaise, edible eggs must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Along with dairy products, there can be bread and bakery vacuum-packed ornamental products, dry mixes (Fig. 42).

Rice. 42. in

Recently, supermarkets have been displaying sterilized dairy products in additional points of sale on pallets or special diskettes. At the same time, the lower rows of products may not be unpacked, and the upper one or two tiers should be laid out so that the buyer does not have to independently pull the milk out of the plastic. A stack of dairy products should be of optimal height so that the consumer does not reach or bend over the bag or bottle. It is unacceptable to place milk on the floor outside the refrigerated display cases.

The basic principles for placing dairy products on the sales floor of the store, regardless of how they are presented at the point of sale (by manufacturers, price, product group), are based on ensuring the convenience of the choice of products for buyers, namely:

Orientation to increase sales of all brands and packages of dairy products;

Ensuring impulsive purchases;

Maximum efficient use shelf space;

Creating maximum convenience for customers in the buying process.

Milk and dairy products are traditionally placed in the back of the trading floor in a place convenient for buyers. For dairy products, it is recommended to allocate separate places on the trading floor, avoiding contact with other goods. Dairy products should be divided into two blocks according to the canning technology and storage conditions. Pasteurized products that require cold storage should be displayed separately from sterilized products.

To accommodate milk and dairy products, a variety of refrigeration equipment is used (cooled sections, horizontal and vertical refrigerators, etc.), which is shown in Fig. 43.

Rice. 43. in

Dietary dairy products are laid out in the healthy products section or are allocated a separate place among traditional dairy products. In a separate group allocate milk for infants. It is exhibited either in departments with children's products, or for milk.

Place dairy products at the top of the "golden triangle" next to deli meats or cheeses;

Teach categories as the percentage of fat increases according to the direction of movement of buyers, starting with milk with a percentage of fat from 0.5 to 6-8%; continuing with fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, curdled milk, sour cream); finishing with cream (also taking into account the percentage of fat content - for coffee 11%; for cooking and sauces - 23%; for cooking - 35%);

Group dairy products by manufacturers and trademarks; set out taking into account the price (from cheap to expensive) and the direction of movement of buyers;

Canned milk products are placed depending on their purpose: in the canning department, in the children's department, in the dairy, confectionery (dry cream can be laid out next to instant coffee);

It is advisable to use a special display for displaying dairy products (on pallets and displays in additional points of sale).

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