Trademarks in the sports industry. Goals, functions and main purposes of advertising in sports. Public health and the economics of loss


Kostyuchenko Tatyana Andreevna






Section: Psychology, sociology

Topic: "Symbols in trademarks of sports companies"

Scientific adviser: Yulia Albertovna Markova

Place of work: MAOU secondary school No. 5, Satka, Chelyabinsk region

Introduction ………………………………………………………………..……………………….. 3

1 Corporate identity and trademarks……………………………………………………………………………………. 4

2 Color effects in trademarks…………………………………………….……… 5

3 Trademarks of well-known sports companies…………………………………….…… 7

4 Symbols and their meaning, according to psychological methods………………..……….….7

5 Results of a study of the opinions of classmates regarding sports companies.8

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….………………...... 9

References ……………………………………………………….….……………….. 10

Applications ………………………………………………………………....………………… 11


The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that everyone uses the products of different sports companies, without thinking about what the trademarks of famous sports companies mean. Is there a connection between the mark used by a sports firm as a brand and the success of the sports firm? Let's try to understand this in the framework of this research work.

The subject of scientific work is the study of the dependence of trademarks of sports companies on the symbols depicted on them.

The object of the research is the sphere of trademarks of sports companies.

The purpose of the research work is to find out the history of the origin of brand names, compare them and determine the dependence of the trademark on the symbols that are presented on it.

In accordance with the goal, it is important to solve the following tasks:

  1. Learn detailed information about brand names and the most important stages of their creation.
  2. Consider brand names of 5 world-wide sports companies and sports shops.
  3. Analyze the meaning of symbols, colors in the brand names of sports companies.
  4. Conduct a survey among students in grade 7.
  5. Make an analysis of the results
  6. To conclude.

The hypothesis of the scientific study is the assumption that the symbols and colors in the trademark of a sports firm have an impact on the success of the firm.

When writing a research paper, the theory and practice used in scientific, methodological and reference literature, as well as Internet data, were used.

1 Corporate identity and trademarks

A brand name is a unique graphic element used to identify a company and containing coded additional information about the company (merits, areas of activity, etc.).

Each product, in order to distinguish itself, stand out in the mass of others, must have something bright, memorable, some kind of distinctive sign. Usually these signs are from the world of symbols. Or better to say - from the world of trade symbols. This world is different in every country. It contains characters of myths and fairy tales, national and literary heroes, here figurative representations of animals and birds, insects, plants and trees, historical sights and, finally, signs so far from reality. What is simply incomprehensible to the mind is how they immediately help to recognize this or that product, in the blink of an eye to understand complex symbolic allegories.

Everything is easy to explain: in the field of marketing, and above all advertising, this world of symbols creates the corporate identity of each enterprise, institution, institution, society, bank or company. In relation to the business sector, corporate identity is its own unique and stable visual image in the market and advertising flow. Corporate style consists of several elements. Let's consider them below.

1) Trademark. Its meaning, first of all, is that we do not confuse one business with another. The trademark is notable for its content-capacious, very laconic form, which is generally accessible for perception. It is the inalienable property of the owner. Trademarks can be in the form of letters, numbers, words, drawings that depict real objects or geometric abstractions, and also consist of combinations of these elements. Enterprises may have several trademarks: primary and non-primary.

2) Logo. This is the "branded" signature of the enterprise. The logo can be a complete, abbreviated or even made up word. Pay attention - word! Therefore, do not believe those who call everything branded a logo. They are wrong. In confirmation, remember which doctor they go to with a speech defect - a speech therapist. The logo and trademark are sometimes completely the same. Sometimes the logo is an integral part of the trademark. The logo can take on the entire role of a trademark. A trademark in the form of a wordless drawing cannot be called a logo.

3) Corporate block. The trademark and logo together make up the corporate block, which often includes various explanations in addition to them.

5) Design. Design, packaging, style, appearance of the goods.

2 Color effects in trademarks

The color effect is the strongest of the visual ones. Starting with its semiotics, that is, its meaning, and ending with its influence on the human nervous system. Sometimes color stimulates the occurrence of certain reactions that can affect decision making.

When creating a brand color palette, it is necessary to take into account the meaning of color in a particular culture. After all, the meaning of white, for example, in European and Eastern cultures varies to opposites. There are volumes on the theory, meaning, and harmony of color, and its use in a project must be argued and defended by the creative team.

Let's present in the work one of the proposed characteristics of the impact of color on people. Usually we do not notice the effect of color. But, for example, on a cloudy day, when we see only dullness outside the window, the mood immediately begins to deteriorate. Positive energy disappears, and the world around you suddenly becomes unpleasant and hostile.

The influence of red color on a person. Red and scarlet color are saturated shades. They allow you to get off the ground, increase your tone, get a charge of vivacity and activity, and feel a surge of strength. Red color eliminates doubts, helps to quickly make the right choice. Red should be used in moderation. It helps you wake up and recharge your batteries for the whole day. Many medieval coats of arms and flags use this color in their symbolism. It is also associated with the erotic realm, with passion and love.

The effect of orange on humans. Orange color is active and businesslike. It symbolizes career growth and business success. It plays an important role during negotiations, because with the help of orange it is easier to establish a dialogue with the interlocutor. The main associations are leadership, courage, adventure, vitality. It should be used when working in the field of trade, real estate and law.

The influence of yellow on a person. The main associations of yellow are mind, knowledge, wisdom,self-sufficiency , fertility and maturity. This color gives energy, optimism, soothes and relaxes. It has a positive effect on memory, creative activity, promotes the thought process. With the help of yellow you can develop your talents, this color allows you to improve the work of thought.

The influence of green color on a person. The main purpose of the green color is the preservation of wealth and prosperity. Juicy green color helps to get rid of anxiety, unrest. Color has a refreshing effect, allows you to maintain vigor and stay in good shape.

The effect of blue on humans. It calms, balances, controls. The effect of blue color on a person improves concentration. Also this colorincreases self-confidence .

The effect of blue on humans. Cyan is a combination of blue and white, so it combines the effects of both colors. One part of it helps to relax, calm down. It creates the effect of coolness, refreshes. The second part stimulates the work of the imagination, promotes mindfulness.The effect of color on a personhelps reduce fatigue, improves coordination.

The turquoise hue has a completely different effect. The main effect of turquoise is similar to blue - physical calm. But in addition, this color reduces aggressiveness, strengthens emotional stability.

The effect of purple on a person. The main association is wealth, luxury and royalty. Purple color looks mysterious.

The influence of white color on a person. White is the color of successful people. White color is infinity. He has great power, is able to instruct and encourage people to action. At the same time, it gives freshness. White color can be anything, it is true perfection. But too much white is associated with the hospital. With an excess of this color, we can be irritable, tired. Too much white has a negative effect on work performance.

The influence of black color on a person. Black absorbs, but also gives. And he gives the opportunity to understand what is hidden. The purpose of black is a challenge.

The effect of pink on a person. Pink is associated with childhood and serenity. But at the same time, it gives a feeling of calm and security.

The influence of lilac (lavender) color on a person. Dreamers, creators, geniuses love purple. Such people are a little defenseless before the world, but their soul is necessarily filled with romance and creative skills. Usually they are aesthetes, possessingwit and sense of humor .

Colors have the same effect on every person. This fact has been proven by research. Therefore, you can use the methods of how colors affect the psyche in everyday life. This practice helps with work, signing important business papers, concluding contracts. You can apply the qualities of colors to make decisions and explore new areas.

The colors in the trademarks of sports companies are very interesting. For example, in the city of Satka, in the signs of sporting goods stores - "Sportland", "Magic of Sports", "Velocenter" there are white, blue, red, black is traced in the form of a small line. Intuitively or consciously, these companies approached the creation of these trademarks for us is unknown.

3 Trademarks of popular sports companies

Let's move on to brand names. The first company on our list is Nike. A fairly well-known sign in the form of a curved line - a stroke. American sportswear brands are led by Nike. The brand appeared in 1964 thanks to a student at the University of Oregon, Phil Knight. He was a member of the sports team of this educational institution and was a middle-distance runner. Athletes of that time had a huge problem with the choice of shoes. After running in ordinary American sneakers, my legs hurt, and not everyone could afford to buy branded Adidas shoes. Then the enterprising student began to trade in high-quality Japanese sneakers, and eventually to produce sports shoes and clothing (Appendix 1).

Puma. Of course, when it comes to animal logos, the image of a jumping cougar immediately comes to mind. The Puma logo is probably the most popular brand symbolized by a representative of the fauna. Initially, the company was called Ruda, from the initials of its founder - Rudolf Dassler. However, over time, another name was chosen for the company, more harmonious - Puma. In accordance with the name, the emblem was also chosen. The company logo (puma in a jump), is associated with agility and speed. Which is not surprising, given that the company is engaged in the production of sporting goods.

Adidas is Germany's top sports brand. The trademark was created by the Dasler family in 1924, and was called the Dasler Brothers Shoe Factory. Production volumes grew, production expanded, the number of employees of the company increased, until the war came. After the defeat of Germany in this war, the brothers had to revive the family business almost from scratch. And in 1948 they quarreled and decided to split the business. This is how German sports brands appeared: Adidas and Puma. Adidas is now the second largest sporting goods manufacturer after Nike.

Reebok is an English sports brand. Created by Joseph William Foster in 1895. He became the pioneer of such sports shoes as spikes. And the name Reebok was given to the trademark by the grandchildren of Joseph, before the company was called differently. Reebok means swift-footed African antelope.

Columbia is an American sportswear brand. In 1937, under the leadership of Paul and Marie Lamfrom, immigrants with Jewish roots, the brand began to exist. Now it is the largest manufacturer of outdoor clothing.

4 Symbols and their meaning, according to psychological methods

The symbol is sign , image some subject or animal , to denote qualityobject ; symbol any concepts, ideas, phenomena. Sometimes a sign and a symbol differ, because, unlike a sign, a deeper social and normative (spiritual) dimension is attributed to the symbol.

The most common trademarks of sports companies are lines, triangles, stripes, rectangles, sometimes inscriptions are combined with them. Appendices 2 and 3 present the methodology of psychodiagnostic analysis related to the choice of shapes and lines. It turns out that these symbols-figures, for example, leave an imprint on the activities of companies. For example, the same "Puma" - the use of a graceful fast dynamic animal, very beautiful, but predatory - and an attractive brand for the audience, and, at the same time, a bold statement to competitors about its inner component.

If we consider the symbols in the trademarks of sports companies in our city, then in Satka the most popular among the signs of sports companies are triangles and rectangles.

5 Results of the study of the opinion of classmates in relation to sports companies

We conducted a survey among students of the 7th grade. The survey involved 20 people.

We got the following results, presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Results of the survey of students in grade 7

question number








Don't know

1 What sports companies do you know?

20 people

19 people

1 person

6 people

7 people

4 people

20 people

0 people

2 Products of which sports company are you more interested in?

6 people

11 people

3 people

4 people

3 people

4 people

18 people

2 people

3 What do you think is the most popular sports company?

12 people

7 people

0 people

2 people

0 people

3 people

19 people

1 person

4 Do you know what the brand names of sports companies mean?

2 people

18 people

5 The brand name of which sports company is more successful?

6 people

8 people

0 people

1 person

2 people

4 people

17 people

3 people

As a result of the study, we obtained the following conclusions. Respondents know not so many sports firms. The most popular brand is Adidas. 90% of students do not know what the brand names of famous sports companies mean.


In the Research work, the main aspects in the framework of advertising activities are considered, namely, the components of a trademark in sports companies. Sports trademarks of sports firms are analyzed. The history of the emergence of trademarks is considered. The influence of color on the activities and functioning of a sports company is also analyzed. In addition, attention is paid to the role of symbols in the trademarks of sports organizations. For completeness of the analysis, the research is presented - in the form of a survey, which was conducted among the students of the 7th grade of the Moscow Autonomous Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5. As a result of the study, we obtained the following conclusions. Respondents know not so many sports firms. The most popular brand is Adidas. 90% of students do not know what the brand names of famous sports companies mean. Most likely, the age of the respondents affects here, as well as the greatest popularity of this brand and its mention in advertising in various contexts.


Book Resources:

1. Lapusta M.G., Porshnev A.G., Starostin Yu.L., Skamay L.G. Entrepreneurship. – M.: INFRA-M, 2008.

2. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009.

3.Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production: Textbook. Short course. – M.: INFRA-M, 2011.

Electronic resources:

4. %D0%B5%20%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8&lr=56&clid=2186617


Appendix 1 - Nike

Annex 2 - Interpretation of figures and symbols

Psychological characteristics of personality forms


If a square is in the first place, this means that a person is by nature an incorrigible workaholic. Unusual perseverance and diligence, an indestructible need to bring any matter to the end - these are the main qualities of the Square. Methodism, patience, attention to detail, love of order and excellent memory allow him to become an excellent specialist in his field.

The ideal of the Square is a planned, organized and predictable life. He does not like violations of the usual course of things, because in this case everything will have to be calculated and ordered again.

Such qualities are very useful in work, but interfere with personal life, so the Square, as a rule, is very lonely. Family happiness is guaranteed to him if on his life path he meets the same person obsessed with work and order.


The triangle is a symbol of leadership. And most Triangles feel this on a subconscious level. The true representatives of this figure have the ability to focus on the main goal, which they are helped to achieve by such qualities as willpower, a penchant for analytical analysis, energy, self-confidence and self-righteousness, as well as ambition and the ability to grasp everything on the fly.

The life of Triangles is an eternal struggle and rivalry for the first place and the right to decide everything and for everyone on your own, both at work and in your personal life. They do not like to admit their mistakes and change their decisions. Their categoricalness sometimes borders on cruelty, which, of course, cannot but affect relations with others.


This figure, chosen as the main figure, symbolizes a state of constant change. A rectangle is a person who is always dissatisfied with the way he lives now, so he is always busy looking for a better life. Its most characteristic features are inconsistency and unpredictability of behavior. Regardless, Rectangles is not alone. Courage, curiosity, a keen interest in everything that surrounds them and gullibility attract people to them. Many take advantage of their naivety and manipulate them to their advantage.

A circle

The circle symbolizes harmony. The one who chooses him as the main figure appreciates good relations with people most of all in life. The circle is a philanthropist, thanks to which any work team becomes a friendly team, and the family becomes a harmonious union. He is distinguished by the ability to hear and listen, high sensitivity and the ability to empathize. In addition, he is well versed in people and unmistakably recognizes a hypocrite and a liar.

There is nothing more difficult for the Circle than to take part in interpersonal conflict. For him, a bad world is better than a good quarrel, so he strives with all his might to improve relations in the team. Being a born psychologist, the Circle is a useless organizer, so it is better for him to work in a team with Squares and Triangles.


This figure differs from the rest in its open shape and symbolizes creativity, creativity, dissent, expressiveness and eccentricity. People who choose it are characterized by intuitiveness, imaginative thinking, the ability to see beauty in the ordinary. Zigzags are unsurpassed aesthetes and idealists. In their work, they need complete freedom, but under the condition of tacit control, since they often quickly lose interest in the subject under study and sometimes do not finish the job.

The impracticality and naivety of zigzags sometimes annoys others, but their wit, cheerful disposition and ease of communication compensate for these shortcomings.

Appendix 3 - Doodles and Lines

Spirals, circles, wavy lines

A person who draws spirals, circles and wavy lines is not interested in other people's problems. All his thoughts are focused exclusively on his own emotional experiences. Perhaps at the moment he is experiencing a crisis, so others should not pay attention to him or be offended, even if he has gone too far with his egocentrism. After some time, he realizes his mistake and apologizes.

Flowers, sun, garlands

It may seem to some that flowers, the sun, all kinds of garlands are a sign of a good mood. However, this is not the case. The person drawing them suffers from a lack of communication, dreams of true friendship, as well as attention from the opposite sex. It is simply necessary to surround him with care and tenderness, and then everything will work out in his life.


A person drawing grids, for some reason unknown to others, feels a sense of awkwardness. Having a soft and compliant nature, he tends to often swallow resentment and hide irritation. If things go on like this, he will face a mental crisis. The task of others is to prevent this from happening.

intertwined hearts

Drawings resembling patterns on wallpaper

Such patterns indicate that a person is experiencing great boredom. Perhaps he was tired of sitting in an endless meeting or enduring a long telephone conversation, or maybe he was tired of the lifestyle that he has been forced to lead lately, but has not yet found another way for himself.


The man is clearly on to something. Most likely, this is a feeling of guilt that arose as a result of a telephone conversation. However, worries and worries are in vain. Maybe in what happened, there is a share of his guilt, but you don’t need to shift everything onto your shoulders.

Various little men

Little people express a person's desire to evade their duties. Perhaps he does not have enough moral support to do what is entrusted to him.

Triangles, squares and other geometric shapes

Such figures are evidence that a person has clear goals and strong beliefs. It is difficult to knock him off the intended path. He will try by all means to achieve what he has planned. He can be entrusted with any difficult task and not be afraid for its failure.

Honeycomb of bees

Harmony and beauty, calmness and tranquility - this is what a person who draws a honeycomb strives for. It is good to be with him, as he radiates goodness and warmth. In addition, he has a need to constantly take care of someone.

Chess fields

A person who draws chess fields is most likely tormented by hidden complexes and a sense of his own worthlessness. But his experiences are groundless and far-fetched, because others respect him, value him as an excellent specialist in his field and a good friend, so you should not hide from everyone in a shell, but you need to live a normal and fulfilling life.

intertwined circles

The intertwined circles speak of the desire to have a stable relationship with the opposite sex. In addition, they may also indicate that a person wants to be in the thick of things, to participate in all public affairs. With his enthusiasm, he can move mountains.

Advertising is ubiquitous in sports and the sports industry. Advertising is necessary for individual athletes, sports organizations or industrial firms to successfully conduct their commercial activities, to ensure entrepreneurial profit.

Without advertising, a successful business cannot take place, since modern markets offer the consumer a great abundance of goods, and sales take place in conditions of fierce competition. Thus, in order for an individual athlete, sports club or manufacturer to sell their products, they need to compete with each other, try to win the fight for fans or consumers. In such conditions, you need to ensure that they buy exactly your product, service or information. An indispensable tool for the implementation of this most important task is advertising.

What is advertising? Advertising is information disseminated in any form and by any means about individuals and legal entities, goods, ideas and undertakings, which is intended for an indefinite circle of persons and is designed to form or maintain interest in these persons, goods, ideas and undertakings and contribute to their implementation. .

Any advertising begins with planning (Fig. 6.1). First, the advertiser formulates the goals of advertising, i.e. what should be achieved as a result of the advertising campaign - increased awareness of the company or sports organization, increased the number of sales or profits.

After the goal is formulated, the selection of an advertising message and the choice of media through which the target group will be contacted is carried out. For example, an advertiser decides to make an advertising appeal to a potential consumer in a verbal form. To do this, it is necessary to compose an advertising message in such a way that it is short (in order to save advertising time, and therefore money) and memorable. It is natural to assume that the best form of addressing the target group with verbal information is radio.

Many advertising saws are used to implement the tasks. Most often, classical advertising is used (on radio, television, in newspapers and magazines), as well as new media - through telefax, video text, computer networks. Advertising of these types is basically one-sided, since communication takes place here almost exclusively in one direction - the advertising message is addressed to the general anonymous public. There is no feedback from the target group.

To achieve two-way communication in sports, one-to-one advertising is often used by so-called influencers among their followers. For example, among young people who are fond of bodybuilding, there are many followers of A. Schwarzenegger (or among people involved in martial arts, Chuck Norris is very popular). When he personally communicates with his followers, tells what equipment he uses, exercise systems, what sports shoes and clothes he prefers, what vitamins he uses - this weight has an increased effect on the target group. In addition, the followers of the authoritative person subsequently discuss all the issues raised in the advertisement among themselves, among their friends and acquaintances, which brings additional supporters to the switchboard.

A variation on personal advertising is celebrity advertising that aims to transfer an image. Not only famous athletes and coaches, but also famous stadiums (Maracana, Wembley, Stade ds France), swimming pools, tennis-type games (for example, the Grand Slam series) should draw the attention of the consumer to a certain, elite behavior. However, it has been noted that the exclusivity of the environment rather interferes with the perception of the product, since the ideal often seems unattainable.

In connection with the noted drawback, advertising is often used that uses the testimonies of ordinary consumers. In practice, a combination of the last two types of advertising is often used. To do this, the famous athlete, but not playing the role of superman, acts as an ordinary consumer. In this case, the well-known item is combined with greater persuasiveness.

As a form of image transfer advertising, one can consider the current trend in the introduction of sportswear and sports trademarks in industries that are not directly related to sports and the sports industry. So, in recent years, Adidas has begun to place its trademark on wristwatches, to name colognes and deodorants by its name (Fig. 2).

In addition, many sportswear manufacturers have launched the uniforms of famous football clubs (Peter Milan, Ajax Amsterdam, etc.) for the mass consumer. At the same time, the names of football stars (Del Piero, Ronaldo, A. Schnrsra, D. Beckham, etc.) and the symbols of the sports club are placed on the T-shirts. Thus, the image of famous athletes and sports clubs is transferred to the average consumer.

Informative advertising tells consumers about the properties of the product in general and its individual characteristics in particular. So, for example, the Reebok company talks in commercials about its new sneakers made using a special technology. These shoes are lighter, stronger and sleeker than their predecessors of this type.

It is possible in this way to fall under the sanctions of the Law on Advertising, which will cause moral and material damage to the advertiser;

This may lead to retaliation from competitors.

Advertising with elements of animation, music, songs and ditties has recently become widespread. These forms of advertising contribute to its active memorization by consumers, have a good effect on the target group.

It is not uncommon for the print media to use teak called editorial advertising that does not differ in appearance from other materials included in the media (also called hidden advertising). Thus, the advertiser tries to hide commercial intent and make the message more convincing.

Their design and shape must be suitable to allow easily readable information to be placed on them;

Contact with the carrier should bring some benefit to the consumer.

The conditions listed by us are necessary prerequisites for the creation of advertising media. If these conditions are not met, it may lead to misunderstandings. For example, if the medium is too small in size, then consumers simply do not notice the information posted on it. Therefore, the effectiveness of such advertising is zero. If the advertising carrier is out of contact with the target group, then the purpose of the advertisement cannot be achieved. So, if you advertise new models of ski boots in countries of Central Africa where skiing is not cultivated, the cost of advertising in any medium will not pay off. Finally, the consumer must derive some benefit from contact with the advertising medium, such as benefiting from useful new information about the product or how to use it.

The most commonly used advertising media are newspapers, magazines, radio and television. In sports and the sports industry, along with these traditional media, specific advertising objects are often used - athletes, sportswear and footwear, sports equipment (skis, rifles, tennis rackets, balls, etc.), sports facilities, playgrounds, ice arenas, stands. Placement of advertising media in these places is usually very beneficial for advertisers, since thousands, tens, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people come to sports competitions (or millions of people become their witnesses if the competitions are broadcast on television), who are potential consumers of the advertised products.

The main form of outdoor advertising in the sports industry are posters and billboards. The posters contain information about the time and place of sports competitions, the ticket chain, the composition of the participants, the order of the competitions, and the like. The most common poster carriers include public transport, special advertising stands and poster boards.

Billboards are installed in crowded places, in stadiums, sports complexes, swimming pools, or competition tracks. In order to save space and attract increased attention of the target group, modern billboards are made movable, they can rotate around their axis or be discretely updated after a certain period. In addition, modern computer technology makes it possible for television companies to create "virtual" billboards during broadcasts, replacing real images of advertisements in stadiums with images created by computer graphics specialists in a television studio.

A very effective means is advertising on sportswear and equipment, sports equipment and inventory.

Three types of advertisements are most often present on sportswear:

On sports equipment (protective helmets, clubs, tennis rackets, etc.) most often only advertising of the manufacturer of this product is placed, but there are exceptions.

Information and commercial computer networks have become a relatively new carrier of sports advertising. Networks of information, commercial and financial communication offer users daily new and thematic information releases, digests, analytical reviews on a variety of topics. The consumers of the information offered are many sports, educational, commercial, scientific organizations, government agencies and departments in many countries of the world, since computer networks cover many regions and states.

Advertising in telecommunications networks is implemented as follows: almost every company or sports club registered in the network has its own website (site), for example, at Manufacturers of sporting goods and information invite all netizens to visit their website at the specified address. The site, as a rule, contains voluminous colorful advertising with animation elements and sound effects, which has a very effective effect on the consumer.

Many modern sites contain the so-called banner ads, which have become widespread. What is a banner? Bumpers (from the English. Banner‑banner) is called an advertising image of a fixed size, which also acts as a hyperlink to a particular Internet resource. For example, on the site of the Russian Olympic Committee (, which is visited very intensively, the Stadion news agency, the 7TV sports channel, the Infosport agency, and other advertisers place their advertisements.

In the sporting goods retail system, shop windows are traditional advertising media. Department stores, supermarkets, and sporting goods specialty stores are displaying appropriate window displays to make sporting goods look as attractive as possible. In addition, many stores have sales assistants who tell customers about the merits of certain products, instruct them on how to use them, and provide visitors with the opportunity to try or try on the product.

Product packaging has also become an important advertising medium. Manufacturers of sporting goods are trying to give the package an elegant look (design), use new substances with improved properties as the packaging material, and put advertising information on the packaging.

Thus, it should be stated that specific objects can act as advertising carriers in the sports industry, and advertising in sports has its own characteristics and peculiar character.

3. Sales support

In order to significantly expand sales, many sports clubs, stadiums, swimming pools, sports complexes and manufacturing companies, in addition to advertising, also use such a tool as sales support. Sales support includes activities that are intended for short-term and immediate sales promotion. Sales support includes consumers and trade in the area of ​​its action.

The point of sales promotion is that in order for consumers to buy better tickets for competitions or certain types of sporting goods, they need to be interested in something. What exactly can consumers be interested in? These interests can be expressed in a variety of forms and directions; they depend, for example, on the sex and age composition of consumers, their level of education, life orientations and value systems, on the propensity to take risks, and on many other factors. Thus, for each contingent of consumers, sales support activities can vary significantly. Naturally, the selection of events for the appropriate consumer will give the most positive-Fibre results. At the same time, it is extremely important to bring elements of creativity, ingenuity to support the sale, create an atmosphere of goodwill, cooperation and humor around the event.

In the world practice of the sports industry, the following forms of sales support aimed at consumers are used:

Carrying out various lotteries. For example, in order to attract additional fans to the stadiums, many football clubs hold lotteries among the spectators - any of the fans who come to the stadium can win a prize (TV, VCR, car) by the number of their entry ticket. Winnings are usually awarded to the winners at the end of the match in the presence of a huge number of people. Naturally, the desire to win a prize attracts additional spectators to the stadiums;

Conducting various competitions and games. Often, sports clubs and sporting goods manufacturers organize competitions dedicated to, for example, writing the best poem about a club, company or product. The winner is awarded a reward;

Bringing holiday elements to sports competitions. Modern sports competitions are often held with the involvement of dance groups and ballet groups, costumed performances and cute mascots of games or teams are used. The “embedding” of dance, music and variety shows in sports competitions is called cheerleading (from the English cheer‑to encourage, applaud and loading – presenter). Attractive cheerleaders switch the attention of the fans to themselves during short breaks of the competition, without letting the audience's interest weaken. The overall psychological effect of the alternation of sports and variety shows can be very positive, which ultimately has a positive effect on the activity of fans and attendance at sports facilities;

Providing preferential tickets or subscriptions to competitions. For certain categories of fans, a sports club can allocate a certain number of preferential (as well as part of free) tickets or subscriptions to competitions with the participation of the club. Such categories may include veteran athletes, coaches, students of physical education universities, the most devoted part of the fans. Such a measure also increases the number of fans, and therefore the income of the club;

Sale of related products. In stadiums and sports complexes, merchandise such as pins is often offered to fans. flags, T-shirts, caps, pennants with the symbols of individual sports clubs and societies, reference literature and various souvenirs. Fans are happy to purchase these products, which will give the sports club additional income, and the fans will be in a good mood:

Providing discounts on tickets and on the occasion of the start of the season or holding anniversary competitions. For example, the hockey club Krylya Sovetov, on the occasion of the opening of the Russian hockey championship, provided its fans with a 50% discount on a ticket for the first match. Such a measure stimulates sales quite well. If at an average price of 200 rubles. 3 thousand tickets were sold, then at a price of 100 rubles. - 7 thousand. Thus, the club won not only financially, but also acquired a positive image for itself;

Return guarantee. If fans are able to freely return their previously purchased season tickets, then this measure also stimulates sales, as people buy season tickets in advance without fear of losing their money. At the same time, the sports club receives advance payments for its use;

- providing preferential prices when bringing goods to the market. Sporting goods companies often use this promotional tool to encourage consumers to buy new products in large quantities. For example, the well-known company Atotnic has put on the market a new model of professional plastic skis for racing at low temperatures with a significant discount in price. This event helped the company to acquire a sufficiently large number of first buyers who appreciated the quality of the new skis and gave them a high rating. Thus, the sale of skis of this model was significantly accelerated.

All the activities we have listed above relate mainly to stimulating the desire of end consumers to purchase a particular product. However, sports organizations and manufacturers of sports products are not limited to this and are trying to interest in the purchases of all persons involved in the sale of entrance tickets or other goods. Traditionally, actions are taken in the following areas:

Competitions and competitions are organized between sellers on the principle of "who will sell the most goods" or tickets. The winners are awarded a cash prize or a ticket to world-class competitions - the Olympic Games, World or European Championships;

To stimulate sales, special methodological and informational materials, brochures, brochures, videos dedicated to a particular product or company are supplied to trade. All these supporting materials help sellers to explain the benefits of the product to buyers in a more qualified and convincing way;

- to activate sales by trading companies, the tactics of seasonal sales are often used. The purpose of seasonal sales is the prompt sale of goods that were not sold out in the corresponding season. For example, if equipment for hockey or skiing was not sold in the winter, then by the beginning of the spring months, the price of these products is reduced by 10 to 30%. Such preferential conditions attract buyers and sales are activated. Accordingly, storage facilities are freed up, inventory is reduced; trading firms receive working capital and can update the assortment in a timely manner;

Increases the number of sales by providing customers with display materials, i.e. posters, calendars, brochures, instructions for use of products;

A significant increase in sales is provided by the participation in the trading process of famous athletes, coaches, referees, sports commentators and journalists. For example, when a book about modern pentathlon was published, its presentation in a bookstore was attended by the author, a well-known sportsman and coach in the past. The author answered questions from buyers and journalists. As a result of such an action, the number of sold copies of the book increased by 6 times compared to regular trading days.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of sales promotion activities is often reduced due to their use for too long. Consumers gradually get used to the offered conditions and the motivation to buy is reduced. Therefore, when using certain measures to stimulate sales, they should be alternated in a timely manner to maintain povita in the conditions of trade.

4. Work with the public ( Public relations )

An important condition for the successful functioning of sports clubs, federations, committees and individual athletes is the creation of a positive opinion about themselves and their activities among the general public, as well as among their own employees. Forming a favorable image of your organization, creating a good name for it, to a large extent helps participants in economic relations in the field of sports to solve many problems, such as attracting sponsors, additional fans, young and already established athletes and coaches, establishing good contacts with the media, foreign organizations and government agencies. Advertising of sports clubs and organizations with a positive image, their emblems and trademarks is perceived by the public with great confidence.

A positive opinion of the public about a sports club or organization is not formed by itself and in a short period of time; in the absence of painstaking daily work with the public, misunderstandings, the circulation of negative rumors, the appearance of unreliable articles or stories in the mass media are inevitable. All of the above and some other points make working with the public (Public Relations, PR) extremely useful and necessary.

Work with the public in the field of physical culture and sports involves the use of a number of generally accepted methods and tools. Let's name the main ones.

1. Formation of trusting relationships with fans based on openness, mutual trust and respect. Most often, to create such an atmosphere between athletes, club coaches and fans, meetings are used (for example, dedicated to the results of the sports season), prospectuses and printed publications of a statistical, historical, analytical and review nature (for example, the magazine of the Spartak football club with the same name contains all range of this information). It is not uncommon for clubs to bear the cost of funding some of their most dedicated supporters for overseas performances; admit disabled fans to their competitions free of charge. Such events help to increase the credibility of the club in the public circles.

2. Establishing proper contacts with television and radio broadcasters, sports press and sports commentators. Good relations with the media are formed both on the basis of personal contacts and on the basis of mutual agreements to provide up-to-date information about the work and long-term plans of the club, individual athletes, coaches, etc.

3.Support for sports club veterans and injured athletes. Such support can manifest itself in various forms: direct material assistance, provision of free (or preferential) medical services and sanatorium treatment, employment assistance, etc.

4.Support for novice athletes, youth sports schools and sports and recreation organizations, holding charity events. For example, many Russian football clubs provide regular financial support to sports veterans, youth sports schools and organizations.

5. Holding regular press conferences for sports journalists and the general public.

6.Support for scientific work and creativity in the field of physical culture and sports (exhibitions of sports photography, sports drawings, competitions and olympiads on the topic “Do you know sports?” and other similar events).

7. Carrying out "open door" dienes and excursions for fans with visits to sports complexes, showing housing and amenity buildings, familiarization with the nutrition system of athletes, their menu, daily routine, training system.

Naturally, the name and involvement of the sports club or organization must be properly represented in these actions, according to the principle: "Do good deeds and talk about it."

Thus, work with the public is one of the management functions that contributes to the establishment and maintenance of communication, mutual understanding and cooperation between a sports club (organization) and the public.

Usually, public relations in sports clubs and organizations is carried out by a PR service, consisting of several people. If the sports club is small in size or its financial capabilities are limited, public relations is carried out by the club's press secretary or the head himself or his deputies. The PR service performs the following functions:

Collects information about public sentiments in the field of physical culture and sports in general and in relation to its sports club (organization) in particular;

Provides the management of the sports club (organization) with the necessary information about the public opinion that is formed about the club in the circles of fans, athletes, coaches;

- together with the club management, analyzes the current situation, proposes specific steps to eliminate certain specific negative manifestations or trends;

Uses the full range of tools that can improve mutual understanding between the sports club and the persons with whom it comes into contact;

Carries out a set of measures aimed at identifying and eliminating rumors or other sources of misunderstanding;

Proposes measures aimed at expanding the sphere of influence of the sports club through propaganda, advertising, exhibitions, video and film materials.

Thus, the listed events help sports clubs and organizations to solve their financial problems, establish contact with fans and external organizations, and form a positive opinion about themselves.

Host radio and TV programs from the festivities to inspire local people to get involved; show the Olympic flame and reflect the peculiarities of the local culture.

Provide easy media access to the relay using the latest information technology.

Develop a comprehensive media response plan to manage ACOG's reputation.

Target audience: general population; US media Olympians.

Budget: $1.2 million within 12 months: wages of media workers. including Ketchum employees.

Action. The 1996 Olympic torch relay was an Olympic event unlike any that had been held before. For 84 days, a loaf of 12 mobile TV sets broadcast news about the Olympic flame, about those. who carried it, and the people participating in the festivities, stimulating patriotic enthusiasm for the Atlanta Games. Staff and volunteers worked under the direction of ACOG and used the following activities to achieve their goals.

Beginning April 27, 1996 To immediately capture America's attention, ACOG hosted a major event at the Coliseum in Los Angeles (site of the 1984 Olympics) that attracted over 150 media and thousands of spectators. By respecting the ancient traditions of Greece, presenting Olympians and folk heroes, the organizers were able to cause a storm of emotions that swept across the country.

Route and additional actions. Working with law enforcement, regional teams developed a 15,000-mile route spanning 42 states and located within two hours of 90% of the population. From a combination of national and local attractions, panoramic views and original vehicles (steamboat, Union Pacific train, cable car), an irresistible visual sequence was woven.

The process of selecting torchbearers. To pay tribute to the volunteers, ACOG started with the People's Heroes program. Through a nationwide telephone survey and local selection process, 5,500 public figures were honored to carry the Olympic flame. (Additional programs granted 4,500 more citizens the right to carry fire.)

Public pra k) spades. 500 cities organized festivities dedicated to the meeting of the Olympic flame and local culture.

Communication with the media. To manage information, the COG focused the media on the Olympic flame, its history and the people who carried it, telling hundreds of interesting stories about them. These stories captured the national and local media for 84 days. For greater efficiency, a three-tiered media relations structure was organized: an offensive team, a traveling caravan team, and a coordination center team in Atlanta. A few months before the start of the events, it was discussed how the organization of the route would be provided. Hotlines, websites (including detailed route maps), and daily portions of photographs and film footage provided easy media access to information. The original agreement with NBC guaranteed prime time (peak time) coverage. Comprehensive planning for response to events and daily coordinated communications with the caravan, with the offensive team, helped to manage more than 25 "crisis points".

Grade. The Olympic flame and information about it reached at least 50% of the US population.

The relay traveled 15,000 miles in S4 days, carrying the Olympic flame two hours away from 90% of the American population. Tens of thousands of inhabitants, about 1100 communities welcomed him. More than 2 million were the circulation of messages in the media, every American heard positive messages on average 8 or more times. An average of 24 articles were published daily. The events of the relay appeared on the front page the day before the start, more than 4,000 journalists received a mandate to accompany the relay; 230 of them carried the torch, including Katie Couric of the Today Show and Glenn Ruffcnach of the Wall Street Journab, Associatcd Prcss, USA Today, and Atlanta Journal-Constitution covered events daily. Under the agreement, NBC would show the torchbearers in prime time and include the specials on the Bob Costas show. Thousands of Americans accessed websites every day for information.

Motivating Americans to Participate in the Relay and Anniversary Games. From Los Angeles to Atlanta, millions of people lined up along the route, 20 to 30 people in a line. According to local police, this has never happened before at any similar event. ACOG received 70,000 applications to carry the torch (12 applications per place); 10,000 torchbearers, including 800 Olympians, carried the flame with honor: more than 25,000 volunteers worked to make this 84-day event possible. Atlanta attracted the largest number of spectators and sold the most tickets at any time in the history of the Olympic Games. NBC's ratings beat expectations by 25%.

Stimulating national pride and spirit. President Clinton named the group of torchbearers "star citizens" and hailed the fire at the White House. The route was surrounded by a sea of ​​spectators, Olympic posters and filled with music. The media embraced the mood described in "My Street USA": "Passing the Olympic torch as a symbol of hope contributes to the nation's great uplift" (New York Times. May 24, 1996). Most torchbearers have earned their torch. The moment when the last torchbearer of the relay, Muhammad Ali, lit the Olympic flame, was the culmination of national pride and unity.

Advertising is ubiquitous in sports and the sports industry. Advertising is necessary for individual athletes, sports organizations or industrial firms to successfully conduct their commercial activities, to ensure entrepreneurial profit.

Without advertising, a successful business cannot take place, since modern markets offer the consumer a great abundance of goods, and sales take place in conditions of fierce competition. Thus, in order for an individual athlete, sports club or manufacturer to sell their products, they need to compete with each other, try to win the fight for fans or consumers. In such conditions, you need to ensure that they buy exactly your product, service or information. An indispensable tool for the implementation of this most important task is advertising.

Advertising in sports is distributed in any form and by any means information about individuals and legal entities, products, ideas and initiatives, which is intended for an indefinite circle of people and is designed to generate or maintain interest in these individuals, products, ideas and initiatives and contribute to their implementation. .

To achieve two-way communication in sports, one-to-one advertising is often used by so-called influencers among their followers. For example, among young people who are fond of bodybuilding, there are many followers of A. Schwarzenegger (or among people involved in martial arts, Chuck Norris is very popular). When he personally communicates with his followers, tells what equipment he uses, exercise systems, what sports shoes and clothes he prefers, what vitamins he uses - this weight has an increased effect on the target group. In addition, the followers of the authoritative person subsequently discuss all the issues raised in the advertisement among themselves, among their friends and acquaintances, which brings additional supporters to the switchboard.

A variation on personal advertising is celebrity advertising that aims to transfer an image. Not only famous athletes and coaches, but also famous stadiums (Maracana, Wembley, Stade ds France), swimming pools, tennis-type games (for example, the Grand Slam series) should draw the attention of the consumer to a certain, elite behavior. However, it has been noted that the exclusivity of the environment rather interferes with the perception of the product, since the ideal often seems unattainable.

In connection with the noted drawback, advertising is often used that uses the testimonies of ordinary consumers. In practice, a combination of the last two types of advertising is often used. To do this, the famous athlete, but not playing the role of superman, acts as an ordinary consumer. In this case, the well-known item is combined with greater persuasiveness.

As a form of image transfer advertising, one can consider the current trend in the introduction of sportswear and sports trademarks in industries that are not directly related to sports and the sports industry. So, in recent years, the Adidas company began to place its trademark on wristwatches, to call colognes and deodorants by its name.

In addition, many sportswear manufacturers have launched the uniforms of famous football clubs (Peter Milan, Ajax Amsterdam, etc.) for the mass consumer. At the same time, the names of football stars (Del Piero, Ronaldo, A. Schnrsra, D. Beckham, etc.) and the symbols of the sports club are placed on the T-shirts. Thus, the image of famous athletes and sports clubs is transferred to the average consumer.

their design and form must be suitable for easily readable information to be placed on them;

contact with the carrier should bring some benefit to the consumer.

The listed conditions are necessary prerequisites for the creation of advertising media. If these conditions are not met, it may lead to misunderstandings. For example, if the medium is too small in size, then consumers simply do not notice the information posted on it. Therefore, the effectiveness of such advertising is zero. If the advertising carrier is out of contact with the target group, then the purpose of the advertisement cannot be achieved. So, if you advertise new models of ski boots in countries of Central Africa where skiing is not cultivated, the cost of advertising in any medium will not pay off. Finally, the consumer must derive some benefit from contact with the advertising medium, such as benefiting from useful new information about the product or how to use it.

The most commonly used advertising media are newspapers, magazines, radio and television. In sports and the sports industry, along with these traditional media, specific advertising objects are often used - athletes, sportswear and footwear, sports equipment (skis, rifles, tennis rackets, balls, etc.), sports facilities, playgrounds, ice arenas, stands. Placement of advertising media in these places is usually very beneficial for advertisers, since thousands, tens, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people come to sports competitions (or millions of people become their witnesses if the competitions are broadcast on television), who are potential consumers of the advertised products.

The main form of outdoor advertising in the sports industry are posters and billboards. The posters contain information about the time and place of sports competitions, the ticket chain, the composition of the participants, the order of the competitions, and the like. The most common poster carriers include public transport, special advertising stands and poster boards.

Billboards are installed in crowded places, in stadiums, sports complexes, swimming pools, or competition tracks. In order to save space and attract increased attention of the target group, modern billboards are made movable, they can rotate around their axis or be discretely updated after a certain period. In addition, modern computer technology makes it possible for television companies to create "virtual" billboards during broadcasts, replacing real images of advertisements in stadiums with images created by computer graphics specialists in a television studio.

A very effective means is advertising on sportswear and equipment, sports equipment and inventory.

Three types of advertisements are most often present on sportswear:

On sports equipment (protective helmets, clubs, tennis rackets, etc.) most often only advertising of the manufacturer of this product is placed, but there are exceptions.

Information and commercial computer networks have become a relatively new carrier of sports advertising. Networks of information, commercial and financial communication offer users daily new and thematic information releases, digests, analytical reviews on a variety of topics. The consumers of the information offered are many sports, educational, commercial, scientific organizations, government agencies and departments in many countries of the world, since computer networks cover many regions and states.

Advertising in telecommunications networks is implemented as follows: almost every company or sports club registered in the network has its own website (site), for example, at Manufacturers of sporting goods and information invite all netizens to visit their website at the specified address. The site, as a rule, contains voluminous colorful advertising with animation elements and sound effects, which has a very effective effect on the consumer.

Many modern sites contain the so-called banner ads, which have become widespread. What is a banner? Bumpers (from the English banner_banner) are an advertising image of a fixed size, which also acts as a hyperlink to a particular Internet resource. For example, on the site of the Russian Olympic Committee (, which is visited very intensively, the Stadion news agency, the 7TV sports channel, the Infosport agency, and other advertisers place their advertisements.

In the sporting goods retail system, shop windows are traditional advertising media. Department stores, supermarkets, and sporting goods specialty stores are displaying appropriate window displays to make sporting goods look as attractive as possible. In addition, many stores have sales assistants who tell customers about the merits of certain products, instruct them on how to use them, and provide visitors with the opportunity to try or try on the product.

Product packaging has also become an important advertising medium. Manufacturers of sporting goods are trying to give the package an elegant look (design), use new substances with improved properties as the packaging material, and put advertising information on the packaging.

Thus, it should be stated that specific objects can act as advertising carriers in the sports industry, and advertising in sports has its own characteristics and peculiar character.

Trademark of a sports organization or sports team - any original verbal, graphic (figurative), three-dimensional or other designation (or their combination) of any color or color combination that creates and provides a distinctive image (image) with the most capacious content and concise a form of descriptiveness that is relatively easy to recognize and identify (the sign is intended to provide identification) by third parties as being inherently associated with a given sports organization or sports team and reflecting its sports and business reputation, its sports achievements and opportunities.

There are plenty of examples of such dishonest advertisers. Some of them have become famous. For example, during the XXVI Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) in 1996, thousands of Nike hats were distributed around the Olympic stadium, to the chagrin of the official sponsor of the event, Reebok. A more subtle approach was demonstrated by American Express at the 17th Olympic Winter Games in Lillehammer in 1994 against its competitor, Visa, which sponsored the Games. The slogan "If you are going to Lillehammer, you will need a passport, but not a visa" was used. Visa failed to do anything about it.

In order to protect their rights to hosted sporting events, organizers must take action against other private entrepreneurs who refer to them for profit without obtaining the appropriate permissions. Currently, the courts, in particular in France, generally consider that the right to trademark a sporting event does not imply the possibility of completely prohibiting such activities.

On May 30, 2008, the Third Chamber of the Paris Court of Grand Instance ruled in FFT v. for violation of the rights of a sports event organizer. The organizer of the event was the owner of the trademark and used it, noting that the trademark was illegally used by others for profit, while applying to the Grand Court. The third chamber of the said Court, in making its decision, was guided by the Code of Intellectual Property of France, in particular Art. L.713-6, which contains provisions applicable in this case on exceptions to the owner's rights to a trademark, according to which the registration of a trademark does not exclude the possibility of using the same or similar mark by third parties without obtaining special permission when necessary to indicate the purpose of the goods or services, as well as if this does not create confusion when determining the origin of the goods or services; The Court also relied on Art. L333-1 of the French Sports Code, which establishes the rights of organizers of sports events, the rights to operate them. The court concluded that entrepreneurs may use the name of a sporting event registered as a trademark, if such use does not exceed the necessary limits for indicating the event, necessary to designate a service, without any confusion. In addition, the Third Chamber of the Paris Court of Major Instance noted that the rights of organizers of sporting events imply that the organizers, by financing the events, have the right to receive income from them. At the same time, the right to exploit a sporting event only concerns the event itself, for example, live performances of athletes, and not the indirect consequences of the organization - for example, a short-term increase in tourist flows, as noted in her other decision in the case “Tour de France” v. Marco K.” December 9, 2008 Third Chamber of the Court of Grand Instance of Paris

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