What is a sorting center. The parcel left the sorting center: what does this mean? The letter left the sorting center: what does this mean? What to do if the package is frozen


    LM239539750CN my order did not reach the designated place how can I find it

    In my case, the path of the parcel from Moscow was as follows:

    Moscow parcel shop ->

    Moscow logistics shop ->

    St. Petersburg parcel shop ->

    St. Petersburg logistics shop ->

    St. Petersburg Woop District ->

    My post office.

    You can track the path of the parcel in more detail in the picture (screenshot from the site).

    If the parcel comes from afar, then there will be quite a lot of such sorting centers on the way of your parcel. And the fact that when tracking (on various sites) will be written, a notification will come that the package has left sorting center, does not mean at all that your parcel will then arrive at the place of delivery (that is, your post office).

    The information that the parcel has left the sort - th center means that the parcel is on the way again and, perhaps, on the way to your post office, where you can then pick up the parcel.

    As a person who has recent times a lot of cases directly with the Russian Post, I can say that the status of Left the sorting center means that the next point will be the branch where you can get it, that is, the one to which your address is attached. The only problem may be that even after arriving at the OPS, the parcel is not always immediately processed by the receiving operator, and in reality it may fall into the OPS for several more days before the operator sends a notification to the postman so that he can deliver it to your mailbox .

    The sorting point is the usual points of the Russian post, where they change the transport on which the mail is transported. As soon as the parcel crosses the border, it goes through customs inspection, if it raises suspicions, it can even be opened. She then travels all the way to her final destination.

    During its journey, a parcel can go a long way and visit several sorting centers. Thus, receiving a notice that the parcel has left the sorting centerquot ; is already pleasant in that it is not being processed and it has not been lost. The next point can be either the next center or the post office itself at the place of receipt.

    The sorting center is a hub where all postal items of your region arrive. There they are sorted, loaded into cars postal services and distributed to departments. If the track number indicates that the shipment left the sorting centerquot ;, this means that it is already on its way to the office. In the department, the parcel is accepted, entered into the computer, and only after that the parcel is ready for delivery.

    Such a nuance: if a day has passed since departure parcels from sorting, but they didn’t bring you a notification, you can, armed with a track number, feel free to go to the post office and demand it. It's just that postmen don't always act quickly.

    How to understand immediately sent to the department or at the place of delivery?

    This is the same simple thing.

    It depends on which sorting center she left. Believe me, she is not alone.

    For example, she goes through two sorting centers to my place of residence, plus there is also sorting in my city.

    Your parcel, after it has passed the sorting center, goes to customs, where it is very carefully examined for any violations. After that, she goes to her recipient's home, finally.

    Usually when I track parcels from China, it (the parcel) is everywhere. But to generalize, it travels from one sorting point to another. Ultimately, it ends up in the sorting point of my city and from there it stays at the place of delivery. As I understand it, if they write in tracking that the parcel has left the sorting point, then it is on the way (that is, in some vehicle carrying mail).

    If I send the parcel to the village, then from my post office the parcel goes to the sorting point of the city, then it goes to the central sorting point of the region where the parcel was sent, from the central one it goes to the regional center, and only then to the village.


I don't see much point in knowing detailed description one or another postal status. The meaning of most of them is clear from the name, the meaning of others is not so important (again, for me).

However, many users want to figure out what the package statuses they see when tracking mean. So I will give a description of the most frequent and popular statuses that you can find on various trackers.

Delivery to the addressee / Delivery to the recipient

The parcel was received by the addressee (at the post office or delivered by courier)

Flew to destination country

The parcel will be handed over to the post office of the country of destination. Then it will be delivered to one of the places of international mail exchange for subsequent import / export operations.

Departed from the airport

The parcel took off from the airport of the sender's country and is sent to the country of destination. The status will not change immediately upon arrival at the airport of the destination country, but after the parcel has been processed by the postal service. This may take from 3 to 10 days.

The parcel took off from the airport of the sender's country and is sent to the country of destination.

After the parcel leaves the territory of the sender's country and arrives in the country of destination, it will be assigned a new track code, which is not registered anywhere. Accordingly, the parcel will not be tracked.

Issued by customs

Procedure customs clearance completed, in the near future the parcel will be transferred to the post office of the country of destination for further delivery.

Ready for shipment

Ready to ship

It means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be sent in the near future.

Detained by customs

This operation means that the parcel is detained by customs officers to carry out activities to determine the destination of the parcel.

Upon receipt in international postal items within a calendar month of goods, the customs value of which exceeds 1000 euros, and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 31 kilograms, in part of such an excess, it is necessary to pay customs duties, taxes at a single rate of 30% of the customs value of goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kilogram of their weight. If information about the goods sent to the IGO is missing or does not correspond to the actual, this significantly increases the time spent on clearance of shipments, since it becomes necessary to carry out customs inspection and documentation his results.


The parcel was sent to the wrong index or address, they found an error and redirected it to the correct address.

International mail import

The operation of receiving a shipment in the country of the recipient.

All mail entering the territory Russian Federation from flights, starts the journey at the aviation mail transportation department (AOPP) - a special postal warehouse at the airport. From the aircraft, within 4-6 hours, the shipments arrive at the AOPP, the containers are registered, their integrity and weight are checked. Mail is registered in an electronic database. During registration, a barcode is scanned, data is entered about where the container is addressed (for example, MMPO Moscow), from which flight it arrived, about the country and date of formation of the container, etc. The time of these operations can be increased from 1 to 7x days due to the limited capacity of AOPP.

The next operation after exporting from the country of origin, which is reflected on the site when tracking the shipment, is import to the country of destination. Import information appears after the shipment has been handed over by the carrier to the postal operator of the country of destination. The operation "Import" means that the shipment arrived on the territory of Russia and was registered. International shipments arrive in Russia through the place of international postal exchange (IMPO). There are several MMPOs in Russia: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Samara, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk. Choosing the city where exactly to enter international departure depends on the country of the sender. The choice depends on the availability of regular flights and free carrying capacity in a particular direction.

Unsuccessful attempt of delivery

Assigned if the operator reported that there was an attempt to deliver the parcel to the addressee, but for some reason it failed.

Options for further action:

  • New Delivery Attempt
  • The parcel will be deposited until demand or until the circumstances are clarified.
  • Return to sender

What to do if this status is received:

  • You need to contact your post office and find out the reason for the non-delivery.
  • You must contact the post office yourself to receive the parcel.


The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further shipment to the recipient.

Processing at an intermediate point

Processing in the sorting center

The status Processing in the sorting center is assigned during the delivery of the item through the intermediate sorting nodes of the postal service. In sorting centers, mail is distributed along trunk routes. Parcels are reloaded from one transport to another, for further shipment to the recipient.

Processing completed

A generalized status that means the completion of the processing of the parcel before sending it to the recipient.

Awaiting delivery to the post office

Awaiting shipment

It means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be sent in the near future.

Awaiting quality check

Indicates that the package is not yet complete and is in the seller's warehouse, waiting for the contents to be checked before shipment.

Generalized status, meaning that the parcel has left the warehouse / intermediate sorting center and is heading to the next sorting center towards the recipient.

Export operation completed

The customs clearance procedure is completed, the parcel was transferred to the post office of the country of destination for further shipment to the recipient.

Shipment from the seller's warehouse

The parcel has left the seller's warehouse and is moving towards a logistics company or post office.

Shipment Cancellation

Generalized status, meaning that the parcel (order) for some reason cannot be sent (continue further movement).

Sending to the terminal

The parcel is sent to the postal terminal at the airport to be loaded onto the aircraft and sent to the country of destination.

Departure ready to ship

It means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be sent in the near future.


Generalized status, which means sending a parcel from an intermediate point towards the recipient.

Sent to Russia

The parcel will be transferred to the Russian Post for delivery to one of the places of international mail exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Sent to destination country

The parcel is in the process of being transferred to the mail of the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international mail exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Note! The following status will not be displayed immediately, as soon as the parcel is in the country, but after the parcel is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service.

This may take from 3 to 14 days, depending on the workload of the place of international mail exchange.

Sent from warehouse to sorting center

As a rule, this status means that the foreign sender (seller) brought your parcel to the local post office.

Transferred to storage

It means the arrival of the item at the recipient's post office (OPS), and transfer to storage until it is delivered to the recipient.

Read also:

As soon as the shipment has arrived at the office, employees issue a notice (notice) that the shipment is in the office. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the item arrives at the office or the next day (for example, if the items arrived at the office in the evening).

Handed over to customs

In the sender's country

In the country of the recipient

Loading on the plane

Loading on the plane before departure to the country of destination.

Loading into transport

Shipment preparation completed

It means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be sent in the near future.

Preparing for shipping

Preparing for export

Packing, labeling, loading into a container and other procedures necessary for shipment to the country of destination.

Left the airport

In the sender's country The parcel took off from the airport of the sender's country and is sent to the country of destination. The following status will not be displayed immediately upon arrival at the airport of the destination country, but after the parcel arrives and is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service. This may take from 3 to 14 days.

In the country of the recipient The parcel is delivered to one of the places of international postal exchange for subsequent import operations.

Left the international sorting center

The parcel was sent to the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international mail exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Left the place of international exchange

The shipment left the place of international mail exchange and then goes to the sorting center. From the moment the shipment left the MMPO, the delivery times for shipments in Russia begin to operate.

According to the information received from the Russian Post, the status "Left the place of international exchange" can last no more than 10 days. If after 10 days the status has not changed, this is a violation of the delivery time, which can be reported to the Russian post office by calling 8 800 2005 888 (toll-free), and they begin to respond to this application.

Left the mail terminal

The parcel has left the intermediate point of its route and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the warehouse

The parcel has left the warehouse and is moving towards the post office or sorting center.

Left sorting center

The parcel has left the sorting postal center and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the transit country

The parcel left the sorting center in the transit (intermediate) country, sent to the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international mail exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Mailing information received

Received information about the postal item in electronic form

It means that the seller has registered the package (track code) on the website of the postal (courier service), but in fact, the package has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, it can take from 1 to 7 days from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel. After sending the parcel, the status will change to "Receiving" or similar.

Received for further processing

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further shipment towards the recipient.

Parcel registered

It means that the seller has registered the package (track code) on the website of the postal (courier service), but in fact, the package has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, it can take from 1 to 7 days from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel. After sending the parcel, the status will change to "Receiving" or similar.


Generalized status, meaning arrival at one of the intermediate points, such as: sorting centers, postal terminals, airports, ports, etc.

Arrived at the airport

The parcel arrived at the airport for unloading, loading, processing and further shipment to the destination.

Arrived at International Sort Facility

Came to the place of delivery

Means the arrival of the item at the post office (OPS) of the recipient, which must deliver the item to the recipient. As soon as the shipment has arrived at the office, employees issue a notice (notice) that the shipment is in the office. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the item arrives at the office or the next day (for example, if the items arrived at the office in the evening).

This status indicates that the recipient can independently contact the post office to receive the item without waiting for notification.

Arrived at the post office

Means the arrival of the parcel at the recipient's post office, which must deliver the shipment to the recipient. This status indicates that the recipient needs to contact the post office to receive the shipment.

Arrived in Russia

Arrived at the sorting center

It means the arrival of the parcel at the intermediate postal node for sorting, route selection and sending towards the recipient.

Arrived at Destination Sort Facility

The parcel has arrived at the sorting center of the country of destination for subsequent import / export operations.

Arrived in destination country

The parcel arrived in the country of destination at the place of international postal exchange for subsequent import / export operations.

Arrived in transit country

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers of the transit (intermediate) country for processing (sorting) and further shipment towards the recipient.

Arrived at the small package processing center

It means the arrival of the parcel at the postal distribution center, for sorting, route selection and sending to the recipient.

Arrived at warehouse

The parcel arrived at the warehouse for unloading, marking, processing, loading and further shipment to the destination.

Arrived at the terminal

Means arrival at an intermediate terminal for unloading, loading, processing and further shipment to the destination.

Arrived in Russia

The parcel arrived on the territory of Russia, for further import and shipment towards the recipient.


Admission to the customs service of the country of destination

Status means that the shipment has been handed over to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. In MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different sites. Shipments with a commodity investment undergo X-ray control. By decision of the customs officer, the parcel can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be a violation of property rights, a commercial batch, orientation to the batch, where substances prohibited for shipment may be possible. The parcel is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the shipment.

Reception at customs

In the sender's country The parcel was transferred to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, then it will be sent to the country of destination.

In the country of the recipient Status means that the shipment has been handed over to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. In MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different sites. Shipments with a commodity investment undergo X-ray control. By decision of the customs officer, the parcel can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be a violation of property rights, a commercial batch, orientation to the batch, where substances prohibited for shipment may be possible. The parcel is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the shipment.

Receive from sender

Means that a foreign sender (seller) has brought your parcel to the local post office. At the same time, he filled out all the necessary documents, including the customs declaration (forms CN 22 or CN 23). At this time, the shipment is assigned a unique postal identifier - a special bar code (Track number, Track code). It is in the check (or receipt) issued upon receipt of the parcel. The "Receive" operation shows the place, date and country of receipt of the shipment. After acceptance, the parcel moves on its way to the place of international exchange.

Accepted by the carrier

Means that the sender (seller) has transferred your order to the local carrier. At this time, the shipment is assigned a unique postal identifier - a special bar code (Track number, Track code). It is in the check (or receipt) issued upon receipt of the shipment.


The parcel has arrived at one of the sorting centers and is being processed. After some time, the parcel will leave the sorting center for further shipment towards the recipient.

Customs clearance

In the sender's country The parcel was transferred to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, then it will be sent to the country of destination.

In the country of the recipient Status means that the shipment has been handed over to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. In MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different sites. Shipments with a commodity investment undergo X-ray control. By decision of the customs officer, the parcel can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be a violation of property rights, a commercial batch, orientation to the batch, where substances prohibited for shipment may be possible. The parcel is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the shipment.

Customs clearance completed

This operation means that customs has checked the shipment and returned it to the Postal Service. In many IMPOs, customs works around the clock: this is the only way to check the enormous volume of incoming mail from abroad in due time. Each customs officer is assisted by two postal operators.



Transportation of a parcel from one sorting center to another, in the direction of the recipient.


It means that the parcel is packed, marked for further shipment.


Export (content check)

The parcel was transferred to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, then it will be sent to the country of destination.

Export (packaging)

The parcel has successfully passed the inspection, packed and ready to be sent to the country of destination.

International mail export

Means the actual sending of the parcel to the country of destination.

The "Export" status includes the transfer of the parcel to a foreign carrier, which, by land or air transportation, transports it to the MMPO of the country of destination. As a rule, this status is the longest and the transition to "Import" may take some time. This is due to the peculiarities of the routes of flights and the formation of the optimal weight for transporting it by plane. For example, shipments from China may be delayed due to the fact that cargo planes can carry at least 50 - 100 tons. On average, the export operation takes from 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the "Export" status, then it is impossible to track it (find out what exactly is happening with it), only at the import stage you will be able to see your parcel and monitor its further movement. The use of transit traffic and certain restrictions often delay departures. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but has not received the status of "Import", then the sender needs to contact the post office and apply for a search.

Export, processing

Means the actual sending of the parcel to the country of destination.

The "Export" status includes the transfer of the parcel to a foreign carrier, which, by land or air transportation, transports it to the MMPO of the country of destination. As a rule, this status is the longest and the transition to "Import" may take some time. This is due to the peculiarities of the routes of flights and the formation of the optimal weight for transporting it by plane. For example, shipments from China may be delayed due to the fact that cargo planes can carry at least 50 - 100 tons. On average, the export operation takes from 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the "Export" status, then it is impossible to track it (find out what exactly is happening with it), only at the import stage you will be able to see your parcel and monitor its further movement. The use of transit traffic and certain restrictions often delay departures. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but has not received the status of "Import", then the sender needs to contact the post office and apply for a search.

Electronic registration of the parcel

It means that the seller has registered the package (track code) on the website of the postal (courier service), but in fact, the package has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, it can take from 1 to 7 days from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel. After sending the parcel, the status will change to "Receiving" or similar.

What do the statuses of mailings mean in English?

What is on Aliexpress, what is on popular trackers, all the statuses of mail items are translated into Russian. So you will not often encounter statuses in English. And yet I decided to add here the translation and decoding of the most popular of them.

One of the most pressing questions for buyers is what they need to do if the package is stuck at some stage of tracking (that is, the tracking statuses do not change for a long time). In this note, we will talk about the reasons why parcels can get stuck. And we will give advice on what actions can be taken if the parcel does not move anywhere.

Why does the tracking status take a long time to change?

First of all, I would like to reassure everyone and say that in a situation where the tracking status does not change, this does not mean at all that the package is not going to you.

1. The track number of the parcel is tracked only until the border is passed.
The most common reason for a package to hang up is that it was sent in a budget way. And will only be tracked to the country of the recipient. After passing the border, the track number will not be read. Such tracks do not meet the standards of postal services (for example, track numbers consisting of numbers). Many buyers do not know about this and when tracking they see that the parcel has reached the border and the information is not updated further. As a result, it seems to them that their order is not moving any further, but in fact it has been going through the territory of the recipient's country for a long time.

It's also worth noting that some low cost shipping methods only have a couple of tracking statuses. In which it is said that the parcel was accepted by mail and sent further. This completes the tracking of this track.

2. The package goes through the import process.
It is believed that the export-import process is one of the longest stages in the movement of a parcel. In some seasons, parcels may hang for 1-2 months at the sorting center before the shipment is registered with your country's post office and a new tracking status appears. This can be due both to the fact that the parcel goes through sorting centers with a large load and outdated equipment, or to seasonal congestion (during sales). And also with banal bad luck, when your parcel gets into the far corner of the temporary storage warehouse and waits for its turn to be registered.

3. Delays in updating package tracking databases.

Another reason why parcel statuses are not updated is delays in updating the tracking database. Sometimes the buyer may receive his order before new information about the movement of the parcel appears. It is especially famous for this

4. Loss and theft of the parcel.

This option is quite rare. There are practically no situations when a parcel disappears without a trace. Often the buyer gets at least an empty box.

What should I do if the package freezes?

If your parcel has started to be tracked, then for any reason it hangs, you will have to wait. At least until it expires. But in reality, it’s better to open a dispute for the reason “Order protection is expiring, but the package is still on the way” a few days before the buyer protection timer ends. Since if you open a dispute quite early and aggravate it, then the Aliexpress mediators, first of all, seeing that the track number was tracked, will be asked to wait for the parcel. Since they are interested in the fact that the deal still takes place. And you still have to wait for the goods, only with an open dispute.

It should be noted that mediators are more willing to accept disputes if the protection timer is almost over, but rather it was previously extended and the period expires again. It makes no sense to open a dispute ahead of schedule if the goods were actually sent by the seller and the track number was tracked.

In any case, wherever your package hangs, patiently wait for it, periodically looking at the buyer protection timer and tracking the track number. To exclude the option of moving and receiving a parcel sent to the wrong address.

If the track number has stopped updating on the territory of your country, and you are interested in receiving the parcel, and not just in returning the money, then you can apply

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Each region of the country has its own branch of the Russian Post - the regional administration of the federal postal service. All branches are geographically divided into ten macro-regions. The total number of post offices exceeds 40 thousand. There are two branches in Moscow and the Moscow region, united in the Moscow macro-region. Also on the territory of the region there is a logistics center "Vnukovo", which processes international mail, and an automated sorting center (ASC), located near Podolsk. In them, parcels and letters are distributed and sent to post offices in six regions - Tver, Tula, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga, Moscow. If a client from the service area of ​​the ASC sent a letter, for example, to Vladivostok, then first his letter will go to the Podolsk ASC, and then go to the main sorting center in the Far East. Where it will already be sorted to the final recipient. The Village went to the automatic sorting center in Podolsk (the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe) to see how letters and parcels were sorted there.

What happens at the sorting center

The automated center serves the six regions closest to it. This means that it sorts simple letters by post offices, registered letters and parcels - by district post offices. It also processes outgoing shipments from these regions for recipients from all over Russia. After the envelope has fallen into the mailbox, it is taken out, brought to the post office, where the letter is examined and the date of sending is set. Then the mail containers with letters are taken to the sorting center.

In total, 1,650 people work in it, about 350 employees go on shift, the center can be compared with a large factory in terms of area - it occupies 29 thousand square meters. The sorting center operates around the clock, seven days a week and holidays. The conveyor only stops during maintenance hours. The equipment here is Italian.

A large proportion of the center's shipments in Podolsk are letters from various companies (including government organizations, such as fines from the traffic police) and catalogs. Parcels, parcels, EMS items, registered, valuable letters and first class items are also processed here. The sorting time is 21 hours, during this period the departure must go from the entrance to the departure. About 3 million mail items pass through the center every day. The hottest season is April-May, when all kinds of congratulations are sent from the state, and, of course, November-December - when everyone sends gifts and New Year's letters.


Yasya Vogelhardt

How to speed up the work

The company says that the delivery time for letters and parcels has been reduced. This was achieved thanks to two things - automation and logistics. In the first case, the construction of an automated sorting center in Vnukovo helped, where manual labor is minimized, and all parcels are sorted using special equipment. According to the staff, it now takes no more than 22 hours from the moment you enter the international departure center to the departure to the country. Previously, such parcels could lie for days on end. In addition, the new Russian Post team revised the routes and removed unnecessary points from them. For example, if earlier a resident of Ryazan sent a letter to an addressee in his city, then the letter was first sent to Moscow for sorting and only then returned back. Now such transfers are sorted within the city.

How are letters sorted?

First, the operators scan the barcode and register the cargo. So in a special program, information appears about what type of mail and how much it has arrived. The data is also uploaded to the official website of the Russian Post, where the client, knowing the identifier (alphanumeric image for international parcels and digital for domestic parcels), can find out the location of his shipment. All containers are distributed among the workshops - letter mail, parcels and express shipments. In the express mail shop, the sorting process is partially automated: operators read the barcode of each with a hand-held scanner, find out the address and put it in a bag that goes to the desired city. According to the staff, this is because most express shipments are irregular in shape, so manual sorting is more acceptable.

Manual labor is also involved in sorting ordinary letters, but it is not much. There is also equipment for sorting large format letters. First, such letters are faceted - operators put them in boxes so that they are located to each other on one side. Then the stacks are loaded onto the sorting machine: the items fly along the conveyor, the scanner reads the address from each and distributes them into cells in directions. This happens quite quickly - 12 letters per second are processed. If the address or index is written illegibly or contains some errors, then the scanner sends a photo of this letter to the video encoding section. Employees of this department continuously manually drive in indexes from images of letters. To do this, you need to have a quick reaction - to have time to deal with the letter in no more than 30 seconds, since it is during this time that the sorting machine makes several circles. In addition, employees need to know the index range of the whole of Russia in order to deal with a mismatch between an index and an address, for example. Of course, in the event that the address is like “to the village of grandfather”, then the letter will be returned to the sender.

Then the letters are taken out of the cells, and the operator puts the items in blue branded boxes, sticks labels with the addresses of branches or post offices and puts the boxes on the conveyor belt. Here they are waiting for the last stages - forming into containers, loading and sending.

What happens to parcels

Parcels are distributed by six automated lines. The first one is intended for international shipments - customs-cleared shipments from Vnukovo arrive here for addressees residing in the entire ASC service area, except for Moscow. For Moscow, departures are sorted directly at the Vnukovo center. The outermost tape is designed for oversized cargo, and the rest - for standard parcels. All shipments are manually loaded onto a high-speed conveyor belt that moves at a speed of 2.2 meters per second. Boxes and bundles are automatically scanned and sorted into 320 outlets that correspond to different post offices. A mesh is installed under the conveyor belt - sometimes, due to the high speed of the conveyor and slippery packaging, the parcels slide down. Therefore, the operator regularly checks the grid and returns the parcels to the sorting tape.

In the place where containers with parcels are unloaded and loaded, there are Yantar installations. They check shipments for radioactive emissions and explosiveness. If a parcel seems suspicious to the operator, then he himself cannot open it, but must transfer it to the security service. In general, checking of domestic shipments usually takes place at post offices when submitting a shipment for delivery.

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