Arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery. Parcel status. Postal statuses of parcels when tracking. Not all orders can be tracked



Every year the popularity of online shopping is only increasing. This is facilitated by both protracted problems in the economy and, in general, an increase in confidence in the purchase of goods via the Internet. The most conservative citizens, who previously bought things and devices only in stores, now make online purchases without undue fear.

In this regard, related issues are increasingly arising that are directly related to tracking the movement of ordered goods.

One of these issues is the status of the parcel "Arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery", which we will talk about in this material and tell you what it assigns and what further actions should be taken when it appears.

Deciphering the status of the arrival of the parcel at the distribution center according to the dream of delivery

Most of the parcels, as we know, have an international track number that allows you to track the movement of the parcel in order to be aware of what part of the way it is and when it will arrive at the recipient waiting for it. This process is accompanied by a change in the corresponding statuses, one of which will be "Arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery".

This status means that the parcel is in your city, but at the central distribution point. From this point, it will go to the post office that serves your area. This may take several hours or days. It all depends on the efficiency of the central distribution point for letters and parcels in a particular city.

You just have to wait for notifications from the mail. It can be a notification in the mailbox, an SMS message or a call. In some cases, you may not be notified promptly, then take documents that confirm your identity and go to the post office in your area. There, present the track of the parcel and receive the long-awaited product.

After that, the status of the package should change to option “Located at the pickup point. Delivered".

Problems that a person waiting for his package may face

If not entirely correct data was indicated in the delivery address, then the parcel may be delayed at intermediate points, so that the operator manually sets true path parcels and accordingly sent it along the desired route.

This process may be accompanied by a status "Undelivered".

In order to clarify a more accurate location of your parcel, you should use the appropriate service. This can be either a service that is on the official website of the Russian Post, or.

Other problems may also arise when receiving a coveted package. By status, you see that the parcel has arrived at your post office, but upon arrival there, they tell you that your parcel is not there, and offer to go home and wait for a notification or a call.

This is where the human factor comes into play most of the time. The busy employees in the department that serves your area simply did not have time to sort out the next incoming batch of letters and parcels, to enter each name into their local database.

In this situation, you can do the following:

  • You can write an application for the search for a parcel. But it is recommended to do this if the status of your package does not change for a long time and the branch staff cannot tell where your package is.
  • You can also open a dispute (dispute) due to non-delivery of the ordered goods. After all, if the buyer protection period expires, then you will not be able to make a claim. This is especially true for the Aliexpress trading platform.
  • If the product you ordered is miniature, then it is quite possible that it was dropped directly into the box by the postman. This principle of "delivery" of parcels is practiced in many regions.
  • The statuses that change during the movement of the parcel are set both by the automated postal system and manually by the postal operator. And if you see that the status of the parcel does not change for a long time, or you received your parcel in your hands, and the status "Delivered" it has not passed, then you can contact the post office serving your area, having previously printed out the path of your parcel, which is displayed when checking its track, in order to understand the situation.

Other statuses that you can observe in the process of sending a package

Regardless of whether you often order goods from online stores, or for the first time resorting to this event, it will not be superfluous to find out about other intermediate statuses that you can see when checking the movement of your package.

  • "Your item has reached the transit point (opening)"- This status means that your package is passing through the next transit point. There may be several of these statuses. Thus, it is delivered to the point from where it will eventually be sent to the country where its recipient lives.
  • "Total Export (export)"- the parcel has reached the point where it will be assembled with other parcels and sent by air or ground transport to the recipient country.
  • "Acceptance (reception)"– The cargo in which your package is located has been received. Some time must pass until it is processed by the relevant services in the country.
  • "Processing (arrived at MMPO)"- the parcel arrived at the point of international postal exchange. It can be combined with customs, etc. Subsequently, it will be transferred to the postal service with the appropriate status "Customs Release", most often it is the Russian Post. This may take some time, so don't panic if you see no movement of the parcel when checking its track.

It should be especially noted that if your parcel does not have an international track, then its tracking will end at the stage of export to your country.

The status of the arrival of your parcel at the distribution center at the place of delivery is one of the main statuses that apply to your country.

However, the most important and basic status is the arrival of your parcel at the distribution center at the place of delivery. After the appearance of which you will soon be able to receive the expected purchase that you previously ordered via the Internet.

How to turn a warehouse into a sales process control center

The beginning of this year passed under the sign of intensive development of retail chains and an almost feverish demand for the corresponding automation systems, recorded by many development companies. Russian trading companies have begun to build networks in earnest, especially since there is no longer any need to travel abroad for examples - foreign network giants have now appeared in our country. Whether this is good or bad and what it threatens with is a separate question, but the fact that their discovery makes domestic retailers catch up is beyond doubt.

In the shipment control area, the collected order is checked again

One of the important elements of the trading network, as you know, is the central warehouse, or, more correctly, the distribution center (DC), which supplies stores with goods. It is also known that with the growth of the network, its role increases. The functioning of the DC is impossible without high technologies, automation systems and other elements related to the IT field. What principles underlie the correct organization of such a structure? What are the challenges facing the RC and by what means and methods can they be solved?

What is it: a central warehouse or a distribution center?

This, of course, is not the same thing. Yes, goods are stored in the distribution center, as well as in a warehouse, but its functions are much wider, and its role is much more active than that of conventional warehouse. In relation to stores, the DC performs the functions of a managerial link: it fills them with goods in accordance with the policy adopted in this retail chain.

Sometimes, when talking about the distribution center, they mean that it is necessarily the so-called "cellular warehouse" (another name is "warehouse for storage places"). The latter is a form of storage organization in which each product is "assigned" to a specific place (cell) and in any operations (receiving, issuing, internal movements) one should take into account the sequence of actions with goods provided for by internal instructions (in accordance with the timing of the implementation of each goods, etc.). Placing in cells often helps to better control this process.

"The distribution center is often mistakenly called a distribution center (or just a central warehouse)," notes Viktor Chernykh, senior product manager for back office solutions at Service Plus. "Indeed, they have common features: both goods intended for transfer to retail outlets are stored.However, even in this pair of distribution centers, it is distinguished by its active role - after all, resellers (shops, dealers, etc.) can pick up goods from the distribution center when they need it (in parts, irregularly, etc. .p.) and in the quantities they need, while the RC is called upon to regulate these processes "from above", organizing the fulfillment of its main task - to deliver goods to stores in the right quantity and at the right time.

RC should work like a Swiss watch

So, what tasks should the RC solve? We list the most important of them.

Managing the assortment and quantity of goods. Initially, the duties of the DC include, as already mentioned, the supply of goods to stores in the right quantity with the necessary regularity. This is determined by the turnover of each store - one located in a busy place can sell twice as much as another located in a residential area on the edge of the city; in accordance with these features, the distribution center must organize the supply of goods to them. Orders to product suppliers are made in accordance with the needs of the network. If, for some reason, it turned out that some product is not enough today to supply all the stores, then the distribution center should move from the supply function to the distribution function: knowing the capabilities and needs of each store in the network, distribute one type of product a little to everyone, and the other give it to those stores where it is more in demand and sells out faster. “It happens that in one of the stores of the network the demand changes situationally,” Viktor Chernykh comments. to the central office.

Supplier relationship management. The management of a network trading enterprise, when concluding agreements with suppliers, usually prescribes in them the volumes, terms and schedules of deliveries, as well as the procedure for changing conditions (for example, prices). However, in our reality, far from all suppliers accurately fulfill their contractual obligations, and situations of over- and under-deliveries, re-grading and arbitrary price changes occur all the time. Tracking all violations in a timely manner and solving emerging problems is also part of the functions of the distribution center, and this must be done at the time of arrival of the goods. Therefore, the RC must have the necessary resources (from information support to personnel of appropriate qualifications) - after all, the employees of the center bear full responsibility for the goods received and at the same time have the authority to make decisions in accordance with their job descriptions(for example, to return the delivery in whole or in part, to accept on certain conditions, etc.).

Preparation of goods is also one of the important tasks of the distribution center. This primarily includes re-labeling, which is often necessary not only because of missing or low-quality bar codes (BCs), but also because of company policy. For example, in some firms, for unification, all boxes with products are relabeled and only their own barcodes are used in accounting. This helps to insure against poorly readable or incorrect barcodes, from changes in the barcode of products, and also allows you to control expiration dates and keep batch records.

Finally, there are such specific products as alcohol, for which the pre-sale preparation cycle is very complex and lengthy. So, when a new batch arrives at the warehouse, it is necessary to check the authenticity of the excise stamp, certificates, customs documents, etc. Of course, the qualifications of a specialist performing these functions should be high (as well as his remuneration), and it is much more profitable to have such an employee it is in the distribution center, where he will be provided with a sufficient scope of work.

RC is impossible without automation

Such a large and complex mechanism as RC cannot exist without modern IS. However, the first step in the organization of the DC is the choice of a general technology of work: how goods will be stored (on one or several floors), what loading and unloading equipment will be used, and finally, what will be the sequence of actions that ensure the work of the DC, from concluding contracts with suppliers to receiving goods and shipping them to stores.

Only having built a common technology, one can proceed to the choice of IS - after all, it (the choice) directly depends on the features of the future RC. For example, if the idea of ​​a "cellular warehouse" is the basis, then the automation system must also have the appropriate functions. Additional requirements for the capabilities of the system are also imposed by the "zonal" structure of the warehouse (the presence of zones for long-term storage, picking, etc.). Of course, compliance with the set goals functionality IS will never be 100%: one system will be better at solving some tasks, the other - others; when choosing, it is important to prioritize, as well as assess how flexible this or that system can be.

When the choice is made, a new stage begins - the mutual adaptation of the built technology and IS. So, almost all projects are accompanied by the development of new reporting forms (after all, each organization usually has its own specific reports), sometimes special subsystems or algorithms are added to IS. The final stage is the implementation of the system.

What it looks like in practice

As an example, let's take a well-known Moscow supermarket chain "Petrovsky" (until the beginning of 2003 - the BIN network) ZAO PFK BIN. From the very beginning of the implementation of this project, the principle of a centralized architecture with a distribution warehouse was laid in it. In those years, there were practically no systems for automating DCs on the domestic market, and BIN's IT specialists, in addition to setting the task, had to take part in the creation of such an IS together with the main developer, the Service Plus company. The resulting product - the "Supermag 2000" system - today is one of the few ICs for DC automation on our market.

Distribution center of the supermarket chain "Petrovsky"

"At first, about 90% of the entire range of goods passed through the distribution center," said Igor Ivanov, head of the IT department of the Petrovsky network, "this was due to personnel problems, technology debugging, and the need for pre-sale preparation of goods - while for some time the goods were marked almost entirely in the distribution center where all complex accounting procedures were carried out - acceptance, registration of goods cards, control of deliveries, etc. Interaction with suppliers was worked out. the minimum supply of goods that do not have a code, as well as with an arbitrarily changing or unreadable bar code, etc."

In addition, in many stores, storage space did not allow for large stocks of goods, including running ones. And here the RC took on the functions of storing an average weekly supply of products with a large turnover (beer and soft drinks, dairy products with a long shelf life, etc.). It was also beneficial because it made it possible to purchase and deliver large quantities of such goods (2-3 trucks) to the DC, while receiving good wholesale discounts, and then regularly supply stores in accordance with their daily needs. Thanks to the IS, sales statistics were accumulated quite quickly and it became possible to switch to automatic generation of orders for stores: the system generates it daily according to a certain algorithm, and only an employee who has access rights to this procedure can correct it.

"All decisions about the assortment, schedule and volume of deliveries were initially made only at the central office," Igor Ivanov continued, "however, with the growth of stores and the increase in the assortment to 15,000 items (on average), the number of errors increased, and the management decided to give some part of the assortment management to places - to stores, i.e. partially decentralized the process of ordering goods, but retained control over the quality of the procedure and technologies for ordering goods.In addition, a high degree of centralization made our stores "industrial enterprises", and the adopted the concept of "store near the house" assumed a certain individuality, originality, "homeness" of each of them. Since 1999, the share of direct deliveries of products from suppliers to stores began to increase. By this time, relations with partners were already well established and it became possible to prescribe in the contracts not only the total volumes and prices, but also the schedule of deliveries and even (in in some cases) the type of packaging of the goods".

Today, about 20-30% of products (in terms of the number of items) go through the DC to stores, but these are mostly positions that are important in terms of value and volume, the turnover of which makes up more than half of the stores' profits. Stores are given management of the assortment of dairy and other perishable goods, as well as those that help emphasize the originality of the store, make it cozy and original. This approach has also made it possible to significantly reduce storage space in the stores themselves - today they account for less than 30% of the area of ​​the trading floor.

The organization of the work of the RC itself has also been improved over time. Today, the working day of the DC is as follows: at night, the so-called warehouse requirement is automatically generated in the IS - an order detailed by stores on the volumes of shipment of goods from the DC (order for the delivery of goods to all stores). In the morning, warehouse workers use mobile terminals to scan the barcode of goods in their area of ​​responsibility and transfer this information to the system. In response, the system issues a task to each employee, how many of each of these scanned positions (according to the warehouse requirement) must be collected and moved to the data entry and goods shipment control area. When this operation is completed, the formed commodity packages are transported to the forwarding area. The entire volume of daily supply to stores is concentrated there. Further, in accordance with the marking on the purpose of shipment of commodity packages, loaders place them in cars.

"We were convinced that the organization of the work of personnel (loaders, storekeepers) is of great importance," Igor Ivanov emphasized. Add to this a set of organizational measures (in particular, a daily plan for loaders, the implementation of which directly affects wages), then problems with smoke breaks, labor discipline and overtime in the evening disappeared by themselves, and the number of employees was reduced by 50% The staff turnover at the warehouse has practically disappeared, people understand what they are doing and how much they will get for it, corporate solidarity has appeared.

In connection with the growing popularity of online shopping, the number of questions about the work of postal services, in particular their status, is also increasing. Today we will consider a very popular question about the status “Arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery”, namely, what does it mean and what actions does it require from you.

What does the status mean that the goods are in the distribution center at the place of receipt?

Each person who tracks his goods by track number sooner or later receives such a parcel status "Arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery". It means that the goods that you are waiting for have reached the sorting point to which your city is linked. Many large cities, often regional ones, have special mail distribution points. Such points serve dozens and hundreds of post offices of all nearby settlements.

We can say for sure that this is the penultimate status of your package. The last one will be “Located at the pickup point. Delivered". It means that you can pick up your parcel at the nearest post office. All you have to do is bring your identity documents with you. You can wait for a notification from the post office, but if the package is urgent, then it is better to take the initiative yourself. When you are there, you can leave your phone number or connect an SMS notification. The service is paid, it is 10 rubles per message.

What problems may arise during the delivery of the parcel

If the delivery address is not completely filled out or there are inaccuracies in it, then there may be delays at the sorting points, depending on the data you provide. In such situations, you can observe the status Not Delivered.

Status "not delivered"

If this happens, you need to contact special services -, for tracking. Here you can get more information about your package. And if you have the opportunity, then you can pick it up yourself from the specified sorting center.

Other situations also happen - when it is written that the parcel has arrived (after the status: Arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery), but at the post office they tell you that the parcel did not arrive. This does not happen often, but it still happens due to the fault of the postal employees. For example, employees have a busy working day and do not have time to deal with a mountain of parcels, etc. Therefore, in order to unload their working day, they simply send you home to expect.

What can be done in this situation:

  • You have the right to create a search for your package. This can be done if the delivery time has expired.
  • You can open a dispute with the seller on the website of the store where you ordered the goods.
  • Be sure to check your mailbox, it is quite possible you will find a small, inconspicuous package in it.
  • In order for your package to receive the "Delivered" status, it is necessary that the postal employee enter this data into a special system. Therefore, take a printout of the parcel route, all the necessary documents with you and go to the post office for proceedings.

In order to make it easier for you to track the parcel by tracking, especially if you often make purchases on the Internet, you need to know the status of the parcel for quick orientation and taking appropriate actions.

Parcel statuses when sending

  • Your goods have reached the transit point (opening) - here you should see the postal code of the sending point. Usually there are many of these statuses and the actual order is usually violated. This happens for various reasons. One of them is different time intervals for entering data.
  • Total Export (export) - this status means that your package has passed all the stages of the sender's country and sent to your country.
  • Acceptance - this status means that the seller has handed over the parcel to the post office. The parcel can often not immediately be traced by the code that the seller will provide you with. Data processing also takes some time. Therefore, in some cases, you can expect data to appear up to 10 days.
  • Processing (arrived at MMPO) - with this status, the parcel is being prepared for export. In some Chinese transport services, this status in the country of the seller is the last one that is displayed on the tracking.

You will have to wait quite a long time for the data on the route of your goods to appear in your country. And if the parcel was sent without an international track, then most likely the parcel will no longer be tracked at all.

There is more and more competition between retail chains. Therefore, it is important for enterprises to implement effective methods organization of their processes. It is clear that where management and middle managers skillfully implement marketing strategies and cope with logistics tasks, optimizing product flows, they will be able to successfully make decisions and come to excellent results, increasing the profitability of the enterprise.

Majority Western countries focus on logistical issues. Where inventory management should be carried out in conjunction with the coordination of purchasing, marketing and delivery of goods. All these key tasks can be solved by distribution centers. These are warehouses for storing goods and products, both in small volumes and in large-scale centers. Distribution centers are nodes for solving the logistics problems of storing goods in their warehouses on the way to retail chains.

In the markets of Eastern European countries, the stage of development of retail chains has almost reached its logical conclusion. There was a formation of both metropolitan and regional retail chains.Each of them has the main task, to gain a foothold in their territory and win a certain share. To solve this kind of problems, special methods and tasks are used. From various kinds of marketing strategies, where almost all methods are good, and evenregional bulletin board, where you can post announcements about sales or promotions.

Internal optimization of processes also plays an important role in achieving efficiency. This task is best solved by distribution centers that are part of the logistics cycle, allowing in a short time to quickly and efficiently many times improve the quality of the movement of goods and products from the manufacturer to the retail consumer.

Distribution center is, first of all, part of the logistics processes of the movement of goods.The experience of leading companies has shown that logistics on high level- this is a joint and coordinated effort of all successive stages and links, starting with marketing activities and ending with the work of consumers at the final stage.

Logistics optimization should be based on the effective synchronization of two parallel areas: commodity and information, which are closely interconnected. A single coding system blurs geographic, national, and corporate distinctions.

A well-established logistics system in a distribution center makes it possible to reduce costs at every stage from receiving goods to distributing them to retail outlets. Therefore, investments in optimizing the logistics of the enterprise increase the profitability of work many times over. And allows him to work effectively and efficiently.

Benefits of distribution centers.

1. For the efficient and uninterrupted supply of goods. Many retail chains, which have more than a dozen stores that do not have distribution centers, depend on the supply of distributors or dealers of manufacturers. But any failure jeopardizes the smooth operation of the store. The distribution center has better control over suppliers.

2. The ability for distribution centers to independently conclude contracts with suppliers, bypassing the link of distributors and dealers, which naturally affects the final price, it is many times lower. An indisputable plus is that the manufacturer, who is also the main supplier, makes good wholesale discounts.

3. If there is no distribution center, then each a separate store you need to allocate a certain area for a personal warehouse. And if there is a distribution center, it is possible to expand the retail space at the expense of warehouses.

4. Savings on staff. Purchasing managers are needed only in the center.

5. Centralized control over product quality. If the same batch in one store deteriorates faster than in another. This means that claims must be made not to the supplier, but to pay attention to the storage conditions in a particular store.

It can be noted that all these advantageous factors also contribute to reducing the cost of warehouse services, which means that there is also an economic benefit.

The main functions of distribution centers.

First, distribution centers manage commodity flows and distribute them.

Secondly. Warehouse function - accumulation of goods.

If suppliers experience supply disruptions or uneven sales. At some period, sales of a certain group of goods decrease or in some point of sale. Or vice versa, rush trade during the holidays. Then the distribution center becomes a kind of buffer. It always has additional commodity stocks, which, thanks to distribution, are able to eliminate the shortage of goods at some point of sale and thereby prevent sharp fluctuations and fluctuations in the direction of commodity shortages, and hence losses in trade revenue.

Thirdly. This is the key grouping of goods, using the grouping of similar operations:

  • Acceptance of goods for storage;
  • Replenishment and placement of goods in the selection areas;
  • Picking orders for retail outlets;
  • Sending and forwarding of collected orders.

Supporting processes include:

  • Inventory of commodity stocks;
  • Working with marriage and ways to eliminate it;
  • Return of goods and containers;
  • Work with claims with suppliers and buyers.

Efficiency of distribution centers.

To improve the quality of the distribution center and reduce costs, the installation of an automation system is required. Then a certain percentage of storekeepers is released, only a few dispatchers remain. The system itself performs the work in automatic mode for the selection of goods, which means that there is no need to train pickers for a large assortment of goods.

Automation of distribution centers allows you to solve one of the most pressing problems - theft. It allows through automation to carry out processes "transparent" and will increase the level of control. Due to the high cost of automation of warehouse processes, its payback is important. According to economic calculations, it happens in the period from 6 months to one year. With more effective work this happens during the first months from the start of the activity. But, most importantly, it is necessary to emphasize that when implementing such a logistics system as distribution centers, reducing such costs will increase the efficiency and profitability of the business. Which, accordingly, will lead the company forward, and possibly into the leaders.

All the coordination of the distribution center logistics system makes it possible to reduce costs, and sometimes even make a profit at each stage of the system:

  • Acceptance of goods from the supplier;
  • Checking the quality of incoming goods;
  • In the process of storage in a warehouse;
  • Product packaging;
  • Shipment and transportation;
  • Reception of goods in stores;
  • Return of goods as a result of its non-compliance;
  • Turnover of reusable containers.

Cost reduction occurs in all areas of the resources used. If we take the results of the largest retail chains as an example, it turns out that the income from cost reduction as a result of optimization of internal processes is equal to the income from the sale of these goods. These results are amazing!

Scheme: supplier - central distribution warehouse - regional distribution warehouse. It can work in two types. Like a central warehouse or just pure distribution. If there is expediency, then a combination is also possible.If this is going to be a central warehouse, then the focus should be on improving internal logistics processes. From the receipt of goods and to the return of returnable packaging. Here it is necessary to pay special attention to the synchronization of all incoming information flows with the corresponding optimization of subprocesses in order to integrate into a single information system process management.If the work will be carried out in the direction of distribution, then it is important for all retail operators to work together to combine their efforts to maximize the inclusion of manufacturers of goods in the logistics process.

All these areas will allow you to optimally reduce costs to a predetermined level and confidently plan subsequent processes. The technical solutions used in optimization will additionally help to reduce costs and increase profitability.

Maxim Sofin

4.1. Methodology for determining the location of the distribution warehouse by the method of the center of gravity of cargo flows

BUT). Initial data

The task of determining the location of the distribution center in the service area by finding the center of gravity of cargo flows is one of the suboptimal methods for determining the location of the distribution center. Suboptimal methods are effective for solving many practical problems. They do not provide an optimal solution, but they give good, close to optimal results with low computational complexity.

Let a network of consumers be given in logistics system distribution (Figure 4.1), consisting of consumers BUT 1 , BUT 2 ,… BUT i , … BUT n(small wholesale bases, small warehouses, retailers).

Rice. 4.1. Consumer network.

Assuming known locations (coordinates) of consumers (x 1 , y 1 ); (x 2 , y 2 );…(x i , y i ); … (x n , y n ) (km) in service area . In addition, the value of freight turnover is known G 1 , G 2 , … G i , … G n(t / unit of time) between the distribution center and each of the consumers. It is required to find the coordinates of the location of the distribution center in the service area.

B). Economic and mathematical model for solving the problem

If the exact coordinates of the location of consumers are unknown, a map of the consumer network (Fig. 4.1) is plotted in rectangular coordinates (Fig. 4.2), with each consumer replaced by a point in the coordinate system.

Rice. 4.2. Network of consumers in a rectangular coordinate system.

Recording A i Gi means that between the consumer with the number A i and distribution warehouse there is a turnover in the amount of G i .

To minimize the cost of transporting goods to consumers, it is advisable to place the distribution center in the center of gravity of the cargo flows of the figure formed by the location of consumers on the ground.

Finding the coordinates of the center of gravity of cargo flows (the location of the distribution center in the service area) is carried out in the same way as finding the center of gravity of the figure formed by the location of consumers on the ground, where the weight of the placement point of each consumer corresponds to its cargo turnover per unit time. The coordinates of the location of the distribution center in the service area are found according to the following formulas:

abscissa of the center of gravity of cargo flows:

, km (4.1)

ordinate of the center of gravity of cargo flows:

, km, (4.2)

- respectively, the abscissa and the ordinate of the location of the distribution center, km;

- respectively, the abscissa and the ordinate of the location of each of the consumers, km;

- freight turnover of each consumer, t/month, t/year;

is the total number of consumers.

IN). Solving the problem by determining the location of the distribution warehouse

Initial data

Given a network of consumers in the logistics distribution system (Figure 4.3), consisting of 10 consumers.

Rice. 4.3. Network of consumers in the distribution system.

The coordinates of consumers and their turnover are given in table 4.1.

Table 4.1

Coordinates and cargo turnover of consumers


Coordinates, km

Cargo turnover G i, t/month

x i

y i

Need to locate a distribution center

Preparatory stage

1) We transfer table 4.1 to a Microsoft Office Excel file. At the same time, in the "Consumers" column (cells A3-A12) we place the numbers of consumers, in the "Coordinates" column (cells B3-B12 and C3-C12) we place the coordinates X And at of the corresponding consumers, in the column "Cargo turnover" (cells D3-D12) we place the cargo turnover of the corresponding consumers (Fig. 4.4).

Rice. 4.4. Table with initial data

Computing stage

1) We create additional columns for calculating the products of coordinates and cargo turnover for each consumer. To do this, enter the formulas =B3*D3, ..., =B12*D12 into cells E3-E12, respectively, and enter the formulas =C3*D3, ..., =C12*D12 into cells F3-F12, respectively (Fig. 4.5).

2) In cell D13, enter the formula for the sum of cargo turnover = SUM (D3; D12) (Fig. 4.5)

3) By entering the following formulas =SUM(E3:E12)/D13 and =SUM(F3:F12)/D13 into cells E14 and F14, respectively, we obtain the distribution center location coordinates in them

4) According to the known coordinates, we plot the location of the distribution center on the coordinate plane (map of the service area), drawn on graph paper (recommended scale is 1mm - 1 km) (Fig. 4.6)

Rice. 4.5. Calculation table

Rice. 4.6. Distribution Center Placement in Coordinate System

4.2. Practical tasks for determining the location of the distribution warehouse by the method of the center of gravity of cargo flows

Determine the location of the distribution warehouse using the center of gravity method for 10 consumers, using the following input data:

4.2.1. Option 1.


Coordinates, km

Cargo turnover G i, t/month

x i

y i

4.2.2. Option 2.


Coordinates, km

Cargo turnover G i, t/month

x i

y i

4.2.1. Option 3.


Coordinates, km

Cargo turnover G i, t/month

x i

y i

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