"Smart warehouses": how sensors, robots and drones are changing logistics. Business idea: transforming ordinary warehouses into smart storage enterprises


In Russia, as elsewhere in the world, logistics is rapidly changing due to the emergence of innovative technologies that make warehouses faster, smarter and more cost-effective. The fact is that several major technological revolutions have taken place in the storage industry in recent years.

“Warehousing is an integral part of any commodity supply chain,” says a smart warehouse expert from ARB-Consulting. - So you can always build around it successful business. But now, in the 21st century, such a business will be strongly associated with smart storage technologies. And according to a number of studies, the market for high-performance logistics services in Russia will grow by an average of 10.7% during 2015-2019".

Accordingly, when else to enter this business, if not now? Moreover, to start and develop such an entrepreneurship, it is not necessary to build new logo complexes - you can quite successfully automate existing warehouses.

"Smart" warehouse as a product

Let's start with the fact that a smart warehouse is an organizational and technical product. On the one hand, it is necessary to build an internal infrastructure in it in the form of racks, boxes and areas for storing large goods, on the other hand, to ensure optimal chains of "unloading - delivery to the "shelf" - application processing - shipment". The faster these operations are carried out, the more efficient distribution, and the less working capital necessary for an entrepreneur working with this logo center.

Obviously, smart warehouse puts software at the forefront(Software), which binds together not only the core that directly managed the warehouse, but also potential customers and manufacturers. For example, when a certain product runs out, then according to the “demand history”, customers who regularly buy this product are notified about this. In response, they inform the smart warehouse administrator about their plans, and he automatically prepares an application for suppliers.

Next, the software section pre-selects sites for placing the specified product. The demand, storage conditions and optimal delivery routes to the points of shipment are taken as the basis. For example, if the goods must be stored at sub-zero temperatures, they are sent to special refrigerators.

“If the goods are rarely requested, then they are sent to the so-called “cold” zone,” adds logistics analyst Valery Zorya. - If - more often than average - in the "warm". And when in the mode of rush demand - in the "hot", that is, closer to shipment.

Indeed, the demand for certain groups of goods often has a certain logic. For example, in pre-holiday days interest in sweets is growing and the more often they are ordered, the closer to the goods processing points the racks with "sweet food" move - to the so-called hot zone. As soon as the holidays pass, the sweets immediately move deeper into the hall due to the drop in requests - already in the cold zone.

Even if there is no special equipment, and warehouse workers are involved in the delivery to the processing points, it takes them much less time. In the simplest case, when the racks are stationary, containers with the most demanded "for tomorrow" goods, according to the instructions of a special program, are moved by forklifts after the end of the working day.

A place for marriage must also be allocated - this should also be taken care of by the smart warehouse.

“This makes it possible to process goods in parallel and along the most optimal routes; as a result, the shelf occupancy approaches 80-95% (in ordinary dealer warehouses, orders are served sequentially, and the occupancy of the shelves with the most popular goods does not exceed 50%). Wherein energy efficiency at least twice as high as in standard centers”, - such an assessment is given by Valery Zorya to “smart” warehouses.

Practical Issues

“Organizing the work of transferring a conventional warehouse to a smart warehouse is within the power of a small group of experienced specialists,” explains the business consultant, “at the same time, practice shows that the ruble invested in “smart logistics” brings the warehouse 1.5 rubles of additional profit and saves about 50% of working capital businessmen who are served in the innovative storage center. And this is already an option that increases competitiveness.”

So, what should a businessman learn from all of the above, who is going to earn money by building the functionality of "smart" warehouses for various manufacturing and trading companies?

Most importantly, it should be understood that the transition to the concept of a "smart" warehouse in each specific case requires the study of statistics on the movement of goods over at least one quarter. It is believed that this time is quite enough to get a general idea about the features of the client's process.

Requires special equipment, including for accounting automation based on bar-coding technologies, mobile and, of course, industrial Wi-Fi for data exchange between and employees working on the territory of the complex.

Data collection terminals, by the way, can be bought at a price of about 42 thousand rubles, for example. A wireless network client, for example AWK-1121, costs about 25 thousand rubles, and a powerful computer, which should become the “brain” of a smart warehouse, has a price tag of 100 thousand rubles and more.

More will be required. It is still at least 50 thousand rubles. As for the software, it will have to be developed by ourselves.

In addition, software that optimizes the routes of forklifts or warehouse workers, if the goods are delivered manually, firstly, sets the delivery time, and, secondly, manages waypoints - to quickly find the right shelf.


Thus, “smart” warehouses are becoming logo complexes in which orders are processed according to intelligent software algorithms and using specialized robotics, data collection terminals, as well as RFID tags and barcodes. Wherein changing the work of commodity flows is carried out automatically in accordance with the priorities of the warehouse manager, whereas now this work is the routine nature of a “traditional storekeeper” with a granary book.

Of course, it is difficult to estimate the cost of such a project, even approximately, since operating warehouses have their own specifics. But by American standards, this should be at least 2-4% of the logo center's revenue per year. In this case, a profit of up to 25% of the order is achieved.

In our opinion, medium business to transform traditional warehouses into smart logistics has good prospects for success, however, the developers will have to prove the effectiveness of their projects in practice.

Warehouse automation is greatly simplified with the new software solution, which is the latest software development, contributes to the efficient use of material labor resources, due to the maintenance of an error-free accounting of the goods movement of the organization, the possibility of instantly determining the location of the goods. in warehouse management, warehouse logistics, as well as the use of the software will allow:
  • Reduce the time spent on inventory and other operations.
  • Minimize labor costs.
  • Reduce the likelihood of unauthorized disappearance of products.
  • Determine the liquidity ratio of certain goods.
  • Accelerate early detection of shortages.
  • Analyze staff performance.
  • Prevent product theft.
  • Raise the level of operational control over the movement of marketable products.
  • Optimize warehouse processes.
  • Reduce time for simple warehouse operations, increase warehouse throughput.
The software has been developed and improved to ensure the accounting for the movement of goods and the optimization of all processes of the trading facility related to the movement, storage, and sale of products. The software is easy to use with good performance, integration with a wide range of commercial industrial equipment.

The software allows you to use bar coding, carry out following operations for accounting for marketable products: inventory, receipt, shipment, return from the buyer, movement, preliminary ordering. The software can be used in both small and large warehouse complexes.


« KEEPCOUNT SMART WAREHOUSE» provides quick collection, processing information about the movement of products. The basis of the solution is bar coding, as well as control and automation of basic operations with goods. It has the ability to quickly integrate with the management system of trade, warehousing of any complexity. A distinctive feature is the ease, ease of adaptation of the system to the working conditions, the specifics of its technological, organizational requirements.

The software included in the " KEEPCOUNT»consists of two main parts - server and client, which, working together, optimize the work in a warehouse, or another place for storing products. As a means of data exchange between the server and client programs, any available communication channel is selected, for example, a radio channel.

The server application is a program that provides the connection of the TSD to a personal computer, as well as the transfer of data accumulated on the TSD to the accounting system used.

The client application is a program for working directly on the data collection terminal, which provides the collection, preliminary analysis of the necessary information about the product. This program is installed directly on the data collection terminal, which is a mobile device with built-in memory, the volume of which allows you to download, upload necessary information by scanning a barcode from a label and then transferring the scanned data to a computer.


Data collection terminals are a specialized industrial minicomputer designed to solve a certain number of accounting tasks by reading a barcode entered on a product. Equipped with a bar code scanner, mobile data collection terminals will find application in the store, warehouse, pharmacy and restaurant.

Label printers are a device that allows you to print barcodes on labels. Barcode printers will help to supply barcode labels to goods that do not have an industrial barcode marking, print labels in any barcode alphabet and with an internal code. It is possible to connect barcode printers to electronic scales - then the printed code will contain the internal code, the weight of the goods.

Hand-held barcode scanners are devices that allow you to read information from the product labeling in the form of a barcode and transfer it to a computer, POS-terminal or cash register.

WiFi wireless communication equipment is equipment for organizing wireless communication between mobile devices. personal computers based on WiFi 802.11 wireless data transmission channel. The use of wireless solutions in modern business plays a key role in the process of building an effective information infrastructure, accounting of goods movement warehouse automation. With the help of wireless communication, the efficiency of the work of employees is significantly increased, the tasks of increasing labor productivity are solved, and the costs of using cable infrastructure are reduced.


Maintaining directories of goods, counterparties (customers, suppliers, warehouses, currencies) - the data collection terminal provides the ability to maintain the listed directories, i.e. there is the possibility of adding, changing and deleting elements, clients, currencies, etc. In the directory of goods, the choice of the necessary goods can be carried out not only by reading the barcode, but, as in other directories, directly by searching.

Identification by a unique number or barcode - the user has the ability, knowing, for example, the unique number of the product, to find the desired product in the directory. Also, when performing any operation (inventory, receipt, etc.), reading the barcode of the product, the application performs it quick search. If the product is not found, it is possible to enter a new product.

Entering data on the implementation of basic warehouse operations - using the client application, it is possible to receive and write off goods, conduct an inventory, place an order, enter data on the movement of products from one warehouse to another. Also, you can specify the appropriate warehouse, as well as, if necessary, the counterparty (client or supplier).

Getting data about accounting amount goods in the warehouse - working at the terminal, you can at any time see the quantity of goods in the warehouse (accounting quantity).


Using " KEEPCOUNT SMART WAREHOUSE» the discipline of storage of goods and property is created in each area of ​​the warehouse area, the risk of unauthorized use of warehouse space, loss or damage, regrading and shortage of goods is reduced.

The software is designed specifically to achieve the best automation result and maximum accuracy when conducting an inventory located in any warehouse area, as well as to improve all indicators of receipt, shipment, return, movement of products and warehouse logistics in general.

Using the software solution, many companies have been able to automate their trade, warehousing, excise marking, assembly and control serial numbers. SAOTRON’s achievements in the field of warehouse applications have been marked by special awards, recommendations from the largest Russian enterprises and awards for Innovative software solutions in the field of automatic identification and bar coding. In 2006 and 2007, the KEEPCOUNT Warehouse solution took the lead in the bar coding and radio frequency identification (RFID) market.

Copyright © 2000 - 2013 SAOTRON LLC
All rights reserved by the Law of the Russian Federation

The group of companies "Smart Warehouse" / IQSKLAD offers equipment and solutions for the integrated automation of business processes in logistics and warehouse complexes, production lines, trade and service enterprises.

Year of foundation of the company - early 2007.

Geography of activity - Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, other CIS countries.

Our clients are the largest corporations and small firms, government agencies and state corporations. The number of our corporate clients has grown over 4000.

Our main site presents the most modern equipment and software for organizing trade and warehouse accounting from such world-famous manufacturers as Motorola, SATO, Datalogic, Datamax, Cisco, Ubiquiti, Honeywell, Netgear, CipherLab, Alien, ATOL and many others.

Our goal is to develop and implement affordable and effective solutions based on automatic identification for trading and manufacturing companies, as well as companies for the automation of warehouse accounting and management.

7 reasons why you should choose Smart Warehouse

  1. High quality of work, solutions and equipment.
    Smart Warehouse offers only the best hardware and software on the market. Our experience, reliable hardware and unique software developments that have proven themselves in numerous implementations. All this is a guarantee of the development of your business and the effectiveness of your investments!
  2. Attractive prices and discount systems.
    You get only the best original equipment and expendable materials reasonably priced!
  3. Thoughtful assortment.
    We have a well-thought-out product line for a wide range of business process automation tasks. A wide selection of best-in-class brands that can satisfy the most diverse customer needs, both in price and quality!
  4. A complex approach.
    We are able to implement the most daring ideas of our customers in the field of automation and complete a turnkey project!
  5. Efficiency of work.
    We do not like red tape and try to do everything quickly!
  6. Warranty and Service.
    The group of companies "Smart Warehouse" (IQSKLAD) provides not only the high quality of its solutions, but also multi-level service and after-sales support.
  7. Software branded as IQSKLAD.
    Our company develops and releases software for data collection terminals and RFID readers.

"Smart Warehouse Company is a Silver Partner of Honeywell in Russia

Smart warehouse group of companies (IQSKLAD) has the status of Motorola/Zebra Solution Partner 2011, within the partnership program Motorola/Zebra Solutions Partner Select Program.

IQSKLAD also has the status of "Gold Partner 2012" and "Silver Partner 2011" of the AutoID direction of the largest international distributor of the company RRC.

The company's policy is aimed at stimulating and expanding the partner network. Our specialists are always open to discuss any issues related to the equipment and construction of automation systems both in large companies and in medium and small businesses.

IQSKLAD has rich experience successful projects. Our clients are well-known Russian and international companies that improve their business with equipment and software from the IT integrator IQSKLAD.

Group of companies "Smart Warehouse" (IQSKLAD) is a reliable partner in creating and developing your business!

IQSKLAD - "Simple solutions for complex tasks!"

Anastasia Simakina / 06/24/2016

How much does the development of the Internet of Things technologies change logistics? The answer "dramatically" does not greatly deviate from the truth. One of the largest trading companies in the world is Amazon, only one of distribution centers which is the size of 28 football fields in Arizona, has begun using drones to deliver small packages. The average time of such delivery will be 30 minutes, and its cost for the company is about $1. This example perfectly illustrates why modern technologies in logistics: they promise a multiple increase in efficiency while reducing costs. Time is money.

Logistics giants like DHL and retail giants like Amazon.com and Walmart have long made IT part of their leadership strategy and are actively promoting their achievements in this area. Amazon, for example, back in 2012 acquired Kiva, a manufacturer of industrial robots for picking and packing goods in a warehouse, for $775 million. According to Deutsche Bank, the use of these robots allowed Amazon to reduce operating costs by 20%, which is about $22 million per warehouse center. Currently, Kiva is used in 13 such Amazon centers, but if the project is scaled to all 110 centers of the company, then it can achieve cost savings of $ 800 million.

What is the cost of such savings? First of all, by increasing the efficiency of warehouse processes: with the help of Kiva, the cycle of warehouse operations for a particular product was reduced from 60-75 minutes to 15 minutes, and warehouse space was optimized by 50% due to its more rational use.

Amazon, of course, is not the only company experimenting with robotics in warehouses, but so far these are all visionary projects, which count for a few. Nevertheless, the topic of warehouse robotization may become quite relevant in the future. For example, the German startup Magazino is working on the creation of warehouse robots, but so far the company has not presented such large-scale cases of their use as Amazon.

Warehouse robots from Magazino

Walmart generally intends to use drones not in delivery, which is fraught with regulatory difficulties, but inside logistics centers: drones can move around the warehouse space, making 30 frames per second, and this information can be used for inventory. If "manually" such a process would take about a month, then with the help of flying robots it is possible to inventory a huge warehouse in one day.

Walmart will start using drones in its regional warehouses within 6 to 9 months

IoT in the warehouse: technologies

Of course, drones and robots are only the most spectacular part of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that a modern warehouse can be equipped with.

Let's start with what kind of data is generated in a modern automated warehouse and where it is stored. Most modern warehouse complexes are already equipped with Warehouse management systems (WMS), which receive data from barcodes and RFID tags placed on the packaging of goods. A more advanced level is Warehouse Control Systems (WCS): warehouse equipment is equipped with sensors, and not just goods, and systems have this data. Also, some warehouses are equipped with Building Automation Systems (BAS). Such systems, with the help of special sensors, can monitor and control lighting, air conditioning and ventilation, as well as ensure the operation of security subsystems and access control to the warehouse.

Modern WMS, WCS and BAS systems are equipped with interactive interfaces - dashboards that allow warehouse workers to manage a complex economy. Internet of Things technologies allow you to combine the data of these systems, ensure their cross-interaction to solve more complex problems. For example, if we are talking about the storage of perishable products that require special temperature regime, the BAS system can monitor temperature fluctuations in the warehouse area through sensors. And, if it has reached a critical value, send a signal to the WMS system, and that, in turn, inform warehouse workers about the current situation.

The Internet of Things in logistics can take various forms, combining various technologies, ranging from directly connected devices (sensors, sensors, tags, robots) to ways to provide interconnection between them. Connectivity of devices and systems is ensured by wireless data transmission technologies Bluetooth, RFID, Zigbee and WiFi, as well as mobile 3G and LTE networks, uniting the entire "zoo" of devices into a single whole.

Smart logistics market

Cisco predicts that by 2020 there will be 50 billion networked devices in the world, including industrial devices. Of these, only 17% will be on computers, smartphones and tablets, the remaining 83% will be on wearable electronics and IoT devices. Already now, according to Zebra Technologies and Forrester Research, the growth of IoT penetration in manufacturing compared to 2012 was 333%. At the end of 2014, 65% of respondents used IoT technologies in production in one way or another.

The volume of total IoT assets that will be generated in 2015-2025 (forecast)

Source: DHL, Cisco (DHL Trend Report Internet of Things), 2015

DHL and Cisco estimate that IoT technologies will generate about $8 trillion in assets over the next ten years, of which $1.9 trillion will be in the logistics and supply chain management industry. The impact that the Internet of Things is having on the logistics sector cannot be overestimated: solutions of this kind are beginning to be used in warehouse operations, as well as in the transport of goods and for delivery at the “last mile” level.

According to MarketsandMarkets, the adoption of connected devices in warehouse logistics will increase in all major functional areas, including inventory management, warehouse, tracking and monitoring, inventory and applied telematics systems. Drivers for this are the reduction in the cost of sensors and RFID devices, which makes their applications ubiquitous. According to experts of this company, the total market of "connected logistics" will grow in volume from $5.05 billion in 2015 to $20.46 billion in 2020, and its average annual growth rate will be 32.3%.

Key solution providers in this market are Cisco, Eurotech S.P.A., GT Nexus, IBM and Infosys. There are also numerous niche players, such as ThingWorx and Secure RF, who develop software solutions to improve the efficiency of logistics processes. Also standing apart are manufacturers of "iron" parts, sensors, sensors, robotic devices and other applied gadgets that simply cannot be listed in one article. Moreover, analysts predict that many IT companies will be involved in this market in the near future.

Functional areas

Gauges and sensors in a modern warehouse

Logistics, where millions of objects are marked and moved over various distances every day, is simply made for the Internet of things. IoT devices are used in warehouses primarily to obtain information about physical assets throughout the supply chain in order to process and analyze the received data. This allows logistics providers, as well as trading and manufacturing companies that perform part of the logistics functions themselves, to use IT tools in the fight for operational efficiency, while creating new automated services for both internal and external users.

It would seem that there is nothing more conservative for automation than a warehouse where goods are simply stored. But this is a misleading impression, since for companies the efficiency of warehouse processes, warehouse turnover, control over filling and balances become important tools for competitive struggle. In fact, controlling a warehouse where hundreds and thousands of items of various products with different storage conditions are stored at the same time is a real challenge.

Today, it is no longer enough just to label goods in a warehouse for it to start working like clockwork. There are many more "shady" assets, ranging from the shelves themselves to forklifts, which can be made to work efficiently and as a whole with the help of modern technology.

    The first of the areas of application of IoT in warehouses is smart inventory management - sensor data is transmitted to the WMS system, allowing you to interactively monitor what exactly is stored in the warehouse and in what quantity, as well as correct errors storage.

    The second area is control over the integrity of goods and other tangible assets- very wide. A similar example has already been given above regarding the storage of products with special conditions. Also, with the help of cameras located in the warehouse and in the shipping area, it is possible to detect violations of the integrity of packaging and products.

    The third area is improving the quality of customer service. Sensors in the shipping area can provide additional control that a particular shipment is sent to the right customer, preventing errors and re-grading. It is possible to organize various services for significant customers to monitor their owned and stored goods online, which will favorably affect their loyalty. Customers who can track their cargo along the entire chain have much greater confidence in the logistics operator.

IoT solutions also improve the efficiency of warehouse equipment, from forklifts to conveyor belts: they can be equipped with sensors to determine their optimal throughput and speed. Similar solutions are offered, for example, by Swisslog, one of them is called SmartLIFT. It combines sensors on forklifts, barcodes on shelves, the data of which are identified using the local GPS system and transferred to the WMS system: thanks to this, forklift drivers receive tasks with the current location. This solution was implemented in the Bobcat warehouse and thanks to it the company increased the handling of palletized goods by 30% per hour without errors.

Swisslog SmartLIFT forklift system operation

Finally, the Internet of Things allows you to more closely monitor the work of warehouse employees and their safety. According to the US Industrial Transport Association (ITA), more than 855,000 warehouses are in use in the US alone. forklifts, with which more than 100 thousand accidents per year are associated: more than 94 thousand insurance payments are made for these cases. More than 80% of these incidents involve "pedestrians", that is, surrounding personnel.

Of course, the use of sensors, microprocessors and wireless connections in warehouses and transport is nothing new, and product labeling with barcodes and RFID tags has been around for many years. We can say that logistics companies have become one of the pioneers of the industrial Internet of things, putting at their service a wide range of equipment from hand-held packaging scanners to sensors that monitor the movement of equipment. But all this is just the tip of the iceberg when compared to the potential of IoT in modern warehouses.

The correct distribution of material assets (that is, everything that the divisions of the plant will definitely need in their work) is a real science. It is successfully mastered in the transport and storage workshop of the enterprise (TSS). One warehouse has already been emptied of the goods stored there earlier, the other has been modernized and mechanized. And it has become much more convenient to work there.

Any hostess knows that by properly laying out things in the closet, you can significantly save time on finding the right blouse when you are late. Yes, and empty shelves will appear where before there was absolutely nowhere to squeeze our “nothing to wear”.

On a large scale industrial enterprise, leading various types of work, the problem of storing inventory items is much more serious than in everyday life. Therefore, the organization of warehouse work, for all its seeming "minor importance" against the backdrop of strategic construction projects and ensuring the safety of transporting nuclear materials, is one of the main ones for the RPS.

It should be reminded that in the last year MCC for the first time implemented the production system for ten projects at once. And among them - "Management of a warehouse economy of the enterprise".

One of the indicators within the framework of this project - the conservation of a warehouse in the building of Base No. 4 with an area of ​​almost 10 m2 - has already been completed. The warehouse building is completely vacated and closed, it is no longer necessary to guard it, heat it and light it with expensive electricity.

Clear and convenient

And everything that is necessary for the work of the subdivisions of the Mining and Chemical Combine, "moved" and competently placed in warehouse No. 931. The glory of the most modern warehouse facility of the TSC is well-deserved. The so-called stacker park - a complex of four small, but powerful and fast stackers - allows staff to load and unload everything they need in a matter of minutes. And this stacker fleet appeared in the TSC precisely thanks to the RPS.

Implementation of the 5C system, as you know, includes a system of actions that will allow you to make step-by-step changes to improve work and, as a result, increase labor productivity. In the TSC, this process was approached so thoroughly that today's result causes white envy among anyone who enters the warehouse.

High, 18 "floors", the racks are painted in the colors we are used to. The shelves marked in yellow are those on which the goods and materials that are in the greatest “demand” are located: they are moved more often, they are in demand. Above is a zone for less sought after items. It is quite possible to put something there that will lie for some time - presumably, we are talking about months of storage. It will be necessary - the stacker will lift the storekeeper or loader to a given height and everything will move from the storage cell to the customer.

Well, the famous "red" zone is something that is unlikely to be needed in the near future. Unclaimed goods. Previously, they could be located anywhere in the warehouse, blocking access to more frequently moved goods or simply occupying convenient storage spaces. Now this will no longer be the case.

It has become very convenient to work, - the storekeeper Lyubov Bulatova shares her observations. - It used to be difficult to find something. Of course, an experienced storekeeper would always find his bearings, but now the accounting system is set up so logically and transparently that there are no difficulties during unloading at all. And how much the time for unloading goods was reduced due to competent placement - it’s not even worth talking about, probably, our customers in the divisions have already noted how quickly we began to work.

Our interlocutor knows what she is talking about: all the changes in the organization of warehouse work took place with her participation. Together with Aleksey Artamonov, head of the warehousing department, they recall that it took about six months to analyze and rebuild the storage system. Everything was done not “for show”, the result was needed not for a line of reports, but for people to be pleasant and comfortable working!

Universal storekeepers

Another merit new organization work was told to us by the warehouse manager Olga Rudetskaya. According to her, now even an inexperienced storekeeper can navigate the system. Give a beginner a card with the "address" of the desired cargo - and even he will quickly find the right row, cell, capsule. And please get it!

As far as I know, this is one of the advantages of organizing labor according to RPS, - smiles Olga Veniaminovna. - For us, this is a definite plus, because we are required to work clearly and competently: construction sites cannot wait necessary equipment, subdivisions - the right details. We are directly involved in the activities of the enterprise, we share responsibility for the final result.

Let's go even further

Today, the production system and 5S at the TSC are being implemented at 12 workplaces. They are scattered throughout the unit: the list includes a forklift charger, a mechanical workshop, and other warehouses - although not as modern as the 931st, but even there the RPS will soon restore order.

On the next year an application has been submitted to increase the number of jobs where 5C will be implemented - by two so far. Work is actively underway to explain the principles of the RPS on the ground, and it is generally clear that the faint-hearted hopes of some comrades that “the RPS will end soon” are clearly not justified. There is, of course, something to work on: for example, proposals for improvement are not yet being submitted to the TSC very actively. But this, as we understand it, is fixable.

Yana Yanushkevich

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