Device for collecting eggs in a chicken coop. Quick and easy options for building nests for laying hens with your own hands. Nests with egg tray


Laying hens are the most popular poultry in farms.

In order not to have to look for eggs laid by chickens throughout the poultry house, you need to take care of arranging a nest in which the hens will rush and incubate eggs.

With a nest, all the actions of the layers will be under your control, while there is no need to buy a perch in the store. Elementary options, in which laying hens will be comfortable, can be made on their own from inexpensive improvised materials.

Perches for laying hens can be divided into the following types:

  1. Chicken box egg breeds . Outwardly, it looks like a box house with an opening. Inside such a box, a bird can comfortably accommodate and carry eggs in privacy. It is enough to close the chicken inside and she will quickly learn to rush in the nest. The number of cells inside the house can be different, according to your desire.
  2. Nests for laying hens with egg collector. This is the most convenient option, although it will take the longest to tinker with if you decide to assemble it yourself. The essence of the device is to ensure the least contact of the bird with the laid egg, which the farmer will take from a special pallet, where it will fall on an inclined floor or through a hole in the nest.
  3. Homemade models from boxes and baskets. Simple options are optimal for a small number of birds, as well as if you plan to breed for a short time. If the recommended standards are observed when preparing the roost, the hens will not feel discomfort and will rush no worse than in the purchased version.

What are the best nest sizes for chickens?

No matter what kind makeshift nest you plan to use, the size standards are the same for everyone.

The depth of the house should be at least 30 cm, the same amount is required for the width and height of nests for laying hens.

If the house is made for chickens meat breeds, it is better to take care of more spacious options and ensure a size of at least 35x35x35 cm.

Materials must be polished before use. All protruding parts are rubbed with a needle file or cut off with a grinder so that the birds do not get hurt.

We make the right nests for laying hens with our own hands

The easiest way to get a container for hatching eggs is to use plastic or wooden crates, baskets or boxes.

Sawdust, hay or straw are placed inside and placed in a secluded corner. Boxes can be placed in tiers. No more than three chickens can be in one box at the same time.

Those who want to create a more complex and solid model should pay attention to the following two options.

Option 1 - nest box

For work you will need:

  • boards or plywood
  • screws or nails
  • hammer or screwdriver
  • saw and jigsaw,
  • stapler,
  • Styrofoam.


Operating procedure:

  1. Finish the plywood with sandpaper.
  2. Cut the plywood according to the dimensions of the nest (at the rate of 35x35x35 cm or more).
  3. Put together a box, from the inside, strengthen it at the corners with a beam.
  4. File protruding nails.
  5. Make an “entrance” for the structure in the form of an open front or a round hole.
  6. Fix the take-off platform - a horizontal bar along the entire length of the structure.
  7. Lay soft material on the bottom.
  8. Install the nest at a height of at least 30 cm from the floor. Wall mounting is not recommended. For fastening, scaffolds are made from boards to which the structure is attached.

Option 2 - nest with egg collector

A perch with an egg box can be made from a finished box if it fits the size, or put together from plywood or planks.


You will also need:

  • container for eggs (you can use a vegetable shelf for the refrigerator or another container),
  • hammer,
  • screwdriver or screwdriver for self-tapping screws,
  • screws or nails
  • metal mesh,
  • saw.

Operating procedure:

  1. Put together a box from chipboard or plywood without a top and front. The dimensions of the box should be comfortable for the chicken.
  2. Attach an inclined plane to the bottom of the box (in this example, a grid). It will go down to the back wall.
  3. Make a hole in the back of the box through which the eggs will fall into the container.
  4. Attach a container to the back of the box, line it with soft material.
  5. It is recommended to cover the egg hole with a terry cloth to soften the fall.
  6. Place a bird bed inside the box.

In order for the eggs to roll into the tray unhindered, it is not recommended to put a lot of bedding, and softening material must be in the tray itself.

Where is the best place to place homemade nests in a chicken coop

Even the most comfortable nest will be useless if it is placed in the chicken coop incorrectly. It is important to take into account the physiological characteristics of chickens. To do this, farmers recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • ensure the height of the house above the floor at a height of at least 30 cm,
  • the minimum section of the perch for chickens should be at least 5x2 cm, it is fixed at a distance of 10 cm from the entrance,
  • the best way for flooring - sawdust and hay,
  • so that the structure is well ventilated, ventilation holes or a mesh bottom are made in the flooring,
  • the nest should be in a dark secluded place,
  • do not install a perch near the entrance to the chicken coop, even if it is well heated, the layers in the draft will get sick, and the eggs will quickly deteriorate.
  • the structure cannot be fixed directly to the wall due to the fragility of the fasteners.
  • you can not install a nest in wet places of the chicken coop, which can contribute to the development of colds in chickens and reduce productivity.

An easy way to build chicken nests with an egg box

Nests should be easy to clean and disinfect, so it is necessary to provide easy access to the egg tray, as well as to the flooring.

In order for the laying hens to get used to it faster, the nest is installed even before the start of laying.

It is important to think in advance whether the chickens will be comfortable in this place, because in the future it is not recommended to change the location.

If the birds do not lay eggs in the new nest, then you missed some detail and, unfortunately, the design will have to be redone.

8067 10/17/2019 7 min.

Nests for laying hens are a mandatory attribute of any subsidiary farm located in the countryside. If you do not make them in advance, then the chickens will rush in any place that seems convenient to them at that time. You will have to look for eggs literally throughout your site, looking into every bush, rake in the straw, etc. That is why, having a comfortable nest with an egg collector will allow you to train hens to lay eggs in one place, saving you from unnecessary problems.

How to build a chicken coop the right way

Nests for chickens must be provided in advance, i.e. until they start laying eggs. However, in order for the chicken to get used to a new place, certain rules and recommendations regarding the location and arrangement of nests must be taken into account:

  1. Chicken nests should be located in the darkest part of the chicken coop.
  2. Naturally, the place of laying eggs must be absolutely dry and protected from moisture. Also, the nest should be warm enough, so it should include sawdust or straw bedding. Remember that the litter should not be too voluminous, otherwise the eggs will simply roll out over the sides of the nest.
  3. Several holes can be made at the bottom of the nest for better ventilation.
  4. Chicken nests should not be located near the entrance to the chicken coop, because drafts periodically appear there.
  5. Nests do not need to be nailed to the wall, because in the cold season frost forms on them, which leads to a decrease in egg production of chickens.
  6. Make sure that the chicken nest is put together soundly, without protruding nails and other piercing objects. Otherwise, the chicken may get hurt about them, and the wounded chicken practically does not bring eggs.
  7. The number of nests must be calculated individually, based on the proportion - five hens per nest.

Remember that chicken nests should be convenient not only for your poultry but also for yourself. You should have free access to them in order to change the bedding in time, clean it, and also collect eggs. If you notice that the hens are reluctant to rush to the established nest, then you need to think about changing the location, because it is quite possible that you did not take into account some nuance.

Types of nests for laying hens

Some hosts solve this problem simply, i.e. purchasing a ready-made chicken nest or house. Others adapt various boxes and boxes for this purpose, but it is best to spend a little of your time on independent production chicken nest which would meet all requirements.

Homemade nests are divided into two types:

  1. Box structures. Making such a nest is not particularly difficult, and training a chicken is even easier - just close it in a box for a certain time.
  2. Designs with an egg receiver. A distinctive feature of such nests is the almost complete absence of contact between chicken and egg.

Construction drawing in the form of a box

To make a box-shaped chicken nest, we need certain tools and materials:

  1. Thin board or plywood.
  2. Bar.
  3. Small nails or screws.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. Hammer.

After making sure that the above tools and materials are available, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the nest.

Construction drawing

The work schedule will be as follows:

  1. If a board is used as the main material, then it must be pre-treated with sandpaper.
  2. Next, you need to cut the components of the future nest from our material. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the minimum allowable size of each side of the cell must be at least 30 centimeters.
  3. From the cut parts it is necessary to put together a box. To make the structure more stable, inside the corners you need to fix the timber.
  4. The entrance to the nest can be clogged with plywood, after cutting out a circle from it so that the chicken can freely get inside. Some owners simply leave the entrance open, without any plywood.
  5. The bottom of the box must be equipped with a wooden plank with a width of 10 centimeters. It will act as a threshold, so it should be located along the entire length of the box.
  6. Next, you need to equip the take-off platform, fixing the bar 10 centimeters from the entrance to the box.

The design is quite simple, so its manufacture should not cause any special difficulties.

How to make a chicken nest with an egg container

Nests with an egg collector are a little complicated in their structure, but they are more perfect in execution, so many summer residents tend to this option. Let's consider two versions of this design. should be no less than: height - about forty-five to fifty, length - thirty-thirty-five and depth - forty centimeters.

To make a chicken nest with a container, we need the following standard kit:

  • hammer;
  • wood saw;
  • small nails;
  • plywood;
  • egg tank;
  • foam rubber or any other similar material.

container design

  1. We knock out the box. Remember that the bottom of the box should be made with a slight angle - about 10 degrees.
  2. The front of the nest is covered with plywood with a hole cut out so that the chicken can freely get inside.
  3. In the lower part of the back wall of the box, it is necessary to cut a hole that would be larger in diameter than a chicken egg.
  4. Under the bottom you need to install our tank, upholstered with foam rubber. Soft material is needed so that the eggs do not break when rolling.

In order for the laid eggs to freely fall into the tank, a minimum amount of flooring is needed. Otherwise, the eggs will get stuck.

Do-it-yourself double bottom device

To have a rough idea of ​​the construction of a double bottom nest, you can take a look at the drawing below:

Double bottom nest

Here are the optimal ratios of all sides of the structure, by which you can navigate in the work. To make such a nest, we need the following materials and tools:

  1. Thin boards or plywood.
  2. Self-tapping screws or nails.
  3. Sandpaper.
  4. Wood saw.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. Soft material.
  8. Scissors, knife, etc.

The order of work will look like this:

  1. To begin with, we cut out all the components of the future box, focusing on the above drawing. Next, we knock together the box itself, using small nails so that they do not stick out of the walls of our booth.
  2. The drawing shows that the bottom of the box must be made with a slight slope - about 5 degrees. At the same time, a space is visible between the bottom and the back wall, which is necessary for the egg to be able to freely roll into this slot.
  3. You can proceed to the manufacture of the pallet. Remember that its length should be 10 cm longer than the whole structure, which allows you to freely collect eggs from the outside. Also, the pallet needs to be upholstered with some kind of material, such as felt or rubber, to reduce slip on the surface.
  4. The pallet is attached to the structure at an angle of 5 degrees. This is necessary so that the egg rolls down wherever it is until you pick it up.

Such a design of such a device is good in that it excludes further contact of the chicken with the egg, i.e. she won't be able to peck it, which happens quite often.

Build a Homemade Perch with an Egg Catcher

Perches in play a very important role, because the chickens rest on them, sleep, i.e. spend quite a lot of time. That is why they must be made in such a way that the entire adult population of birds can fit on them.

In order to build a perch with your own hands, boards, thick poles and other materials that the chicken is not able to clasp with its paws are not suitable. The ideal shape for a perch is a small circle, because enough attention is drawn to the chicken's paw, where one finger is behind and the other four in front, to allow it to securely wrap around branches and sticks.

Based on this, we can conclude that the best option for making a perch would be a bar with the following parameters - 40 by 60 or 50 by 50 mm. At the same time, the upper edges of the bar must be trimmed with a plane to round them. After that, the surface is treated with sandpaper to avoid injury to the chickens. The length of the perch is selected individually, focusing on the number of birds. On average, one chicken has about 20 centimeters of space per roost.

If possible, make the perch longer so that the chickens are located on it with a margin - this will prevent a possible fight between them for free places. But you shouldn’t get carried away with its length, because if the perch is too long, then it can bend under the weight of the chickens.

Perches are of the following types:

  • single-tier. They are located along the wall with a sufficient distance from each other. They are mounted on boards with grooves so that the bars do not move during operation;

single tier

  • multi-tiered. The bars are located at a distance from each other - about 50 cm. The bars are attached to boards fixed between the floor and the wall;
  • perches under nests. Such perches should be located along the walls opposite doors or windows. The distance between the nests and the perch should be at least 30 centimeters. It is better to upholster the roof of the nest with tin, which will simplify the cleaning of the litter. By the way, such an arrangement of the perch will require regular cleaning of these roofs, otherwise the nests will become dirty;
  • angular. Such perches are quite simple to make by placing the bars between the two nearest walls. They can be both multi-tiered and single-tiered, depending on the desire of the owner himself;
  • portable. Such perches are a table with a pallet where chicken droppings will accumulate. It must be made in such a way that it can be freely moved from one room to another, otherwise there will be no point in such a design. This option is used if the chickens are temporarily kept in some room.
  • The perch is made of wooden beams. In this case, it is better to use birch or other hardwoods, because they do not emit resins, unlike conifers. If only pine needles are available, then they must first be burned with a blowtorch, which will prevent the process of decay and the release of resins.


    An example of creating a nest with an egg collector, see the video


    After you arrange a normal nest for the birds, you just have to regularly maintain the frequency in them, as well as throughout the room. Proper handling of birds will bear fruit quite quickly, because laying hens lay eggs more productively in comfortable conditions.

Chickens in the household can be kept in special rooms, cages, chicken coops with access to a small paddock or a fenced area of ​​a spacious area. In the villages, free-range poultry is practiced. But with any method of keeping chickens, a place for night rest should be arranged. Most often, this is a perch - the simplest structure inside the chicken coop. The second necessary condition in domestic poultry farming is a nest for laying eggs.

  • Show all

    Place for laying eggs: basic requirements and conditions

    To choose a design option for laying eggs, you need to decide on the economics of the issue. The main selection criteria: ease of manufacture and minimum cost.

    Simple nest box

    Chickens, even the most elite, are indifferent appearance and additional amenities of the place where they are carried. Therefore, it would be more logical to choose the most economical, even completely cost-free options for building chicken nests.

    Masonry is arranged in the place farthest from the entrance and windows in the chicken coop.

    Dimensions and norms

    1. 1. The minimum size of the nest is 30x30x30 cm.
    2. 2. The number of shelters for oviposition in the chicken coop is one for 5-6 heads of adult birds.
    3. 3. The size of the hole - 15x20 cm.
    4. 4. The bottom is solid.
    5. 5. The top cover - with a bias.

    Dimensions for nest and perches

    Materials and manufacturing

    The material for the manufacture is preferably natural:

    • board:
    • plywood;

    Metal and some types of technical plastics are undesirable.

    Waste will fit perfectly: old furniture, substandard boards, slabs, a container board, used wooden boxes.

    Kitchen table as a nest

    To make shelters for 10 birds you will need (minimum):

    • 25-30 m of timber with a section of 30x40 mm;
    • 10-15 m of timber 50x50 mm for the frame, if the structure is unified;
    • 35-40 m boards of any breed 20 mm thick and 150 mm wide;
    • 300-400 g self-tapping screws 40 mm each;
    • preferably - a jigsaw and a screwdriver.

    Finished construction to the width of the wall

    You can disassemble a box of suitable sizes that is unnecessary on the farm and use it as a template. Detailed drawings of the nest are a development of a parallelepiped. The sizes - not less than admissible sanitary norms.

    The finished box is attached to the wall of the chicken coop remote from the entrance using nails or self-tapping screws. When installing several boxes into a single structure, a stand is made in the form of a table with a distance from the floor of at least 30 cm.

    Several nests in one design

    Original design ideas

    Upon careful examination of the barn and attic stocks, it may well appear original ideas on the use of a mass of unnecessary things that can be adapted for nests with a little refinement or used as building materials:

    • chest of drawers;
    • containers from household appliances;
    • walls and frames of old furniture;
    • plastic buckets and containers.

    You can arrange shelters for laying eggs in a single structure or in different places.

    bucket nests

    When building a nest, the poultry breeder needs to consider the following nuances:

    • inside there should always be dry and clean bedding: straw, hay or sawdust;
    • the absence of drafts in the place for masonry is a prerequisite;
    • the optimal device is a box or box closed on top, in which only one bird could fit;
    • it should be uncomfortable for the chicken to stand in the nest - then there will never be litter in it;
    • the top of the nesting area must be sloped so that the hens cannot use it as a perch.

    egg collector

    Nests for hens are sometimes made with an egg trap to prevent them from pecking at the eggs. This device is not particularly difficult to manufacture:

    • the floor in the nest is made with a slight slope towards the rear wall;
    • a gap is cut in it for the entire width of the box, 5-7 cm high;
    • a tray for collecting eggs (made of wood or metal mesh) with a depth and width of about 7 cm is attached to the back under the gap.

    This design is rarely used, as it requires additional area to approach the cage from the side of the collection trays and creates drafts in the nest. Most importantly, the egg collector only partially solves the problem of pecking eggs, since this phenomenon is caused by a lack of calcium in the chicken's body.

Chickens of egg-bearing breeds are often planted in industrial and personal farmsteads. These are birds that are undemanding to special care, and the number of eggs is enough for sale. It is known that the productivity of chickens depends on age, but even a one-year-old individual can be sent for slaughter, while receiving about two kilograms of lean meat products.


Chicken nests are an important part of any poultry house. Inside, they must be correctly located. In this case, individuals rush better without damaging the eggs. All existing structures are divided into two main types:

  • regular boxes;
  • nests with equipped egg collectors.

The simplest in arranging the first type of design. The external parameters of the boxes usually involve several cells for eggs. Laying hens for laying in such houses are specially trained. To do this, you need to lock the female inside for a while, until the habit of laying eggs in this place appears.

Complicated systems may have a different appearance. The basis of the device is a special system. The device allows the laid egg to immediately roll into a separate tray. As a result, the laying hen practically does not touch the product and cannot damage it. Nests are appropriate in farms where individuals are numerous, as well as on industrial enterprises. Designs increase the quality of mass collection of eggs. A variation of this species are nests with a second bottom. Here, the eggs also roll down, but instead of the egg collector, it is necessary to equip the second bottom, where the product is located until the owner takes it.

Good and cozy nests for chickens are obtained from improvised materials: buckets, tires, old basins. Chicken designs are often on sale, but their cost is high, and reliability is doubtful. In addition, ordinary boxes can be used as the basis of a homemade nest, which are fastened together and simply set to the desired height. Nests are not the only point important for the comfortable living of laying hens. For example, in the autumn-winter time, additional light and warmth are required. Households often use more powerful light bulbs, which leads to unforeseen fires. In addition, the constantly on lighting in the chicken coop leads to an increase in the nervousness of individuals, they stop rushing. The recommended length of daylight hours is 15 hours, the rest of the time the birds should rest. It is also important to provide a place for this.

Size and Quantity Requirements

Nests must meet certain sizes. The standards are as follows:

  • height - 30x35 cm;
  • width - 30 cm;
  • depth - 30x35 cm.

The last parameter may vary according to the size of the chicken. Before entering the nesting place there should be a threshold about 5 cm high, and in the den itself it is important to provide a shelf on which the bird will fly up. If there are three to five chickens on the farm, one equipped nest is enough, since the bird will stay inside for no more than 90 minutes. Therefore, four nests are needed for 20 hens, and two or three are enough for 10-15 laying hens. It is desirable that the nests are located on several floors, while the lowest should be about 30-40 cm from the floor.

In winter, it is important to provide insulation for the bird house. Optimal temperature regime- + 7-8 degrees. If a heater is installed, it should not harm the bird. To prevent them from getting burned, a special box made of non-combustible materials is provided for the equipment. Round holes are made in the casing, which provide ventilation and the flow of warm air.

Nests can be from ordinary cages, and in each of them feeders and drinkers are mounted. Cells do not imply blank walls, but the floor must still be strong. In addition to cages, ordinary cardboard boxes, the bottom of which is lined with sawdust and straw, are often used as nests in households.

Old rubber wheels can serve as excellent materials for a homemade layer house. Products are fastened in width, and for the convenience of the chicken, it is equipped flat bottom. The resulting product is suspended or installed in the dark edge of the house. To strengthen the nest, supports made of bricks or nails are used, with which it is attached to the wall. Let's take a closer look at other homemade nest options.

How to do?

Simple nests can be made from a plastic or wooden box. Such products can be borrowed in stores that sell fruits and vegetables. The main disadvantage of such structures is not quite suitable sizes, which means that the females inside will not be very comfortable. In addition, the plastic product may be too damp, the chickens will simply ignore it. Tiered chicken houses are made of fiberboard or plywood. The boards taken for the base are treated from chips. To make everything work out right, it is better to take ready-made drawings, and if you have the skills, you can consider numerous original ideas.

Experts advise starting the construction of a multi-tiered structure from the stairs. Then the boards or plywood are sawn, according to the given parameters. Next, the box is assembled, and the boards are installed inside and serve to delimit the space. A bar is mounted on the front of the box, which will play the role of a threshold. The nut will keep the litter and eggs inside. The finished structure is placed at a low height from the floor and not close to the wall. A ladder is attached to the boxes, which is needed for the comfortable movement of birds.

An improved version of the nest suggests a double bottom. The upper bottom must be strengthened at a slope of 5-13 degrees to the back wall. There should be a good gap between the bottom and the wall, in which the egg should fit. The bottom tray is about 10-15 cm longer than the nest box. This will ensure that the eggs are collected without problems. The inside of the pallet must be made of soft material, and a threshold must be provided in the front wall. The part is tightly fixed to the main structure and serves as a collection for a dietary product. Eggs in such nests remain intact, the hens do not have time to stain or peck them.

A nest with a container has similar functions. It is easier to equip it with your own hands, since it is enough to cut a hole in the main box into which the egg will be placed. A small container is placed down under the hole, which is recommended to be pre-sheathed with a soft cloth. Innovative development increases the productivity of poultry, improves the quality of eggs. Nests made from improvised materials are distinguished by low cost. It can be buckets, baskets. The main conditions for this are the purity and integrity of the items used.

For example, a convenient option for chickens would be an ordinary plastic bucket, which for some reason cracked and is not suitable for its intended use. The bucket needs some modification. For him, you need a blank in the wall, which will serve as a fortification. One beam must be mounted to the wall, and the other two bars must be fixed to it, which will serve as a frame. The slats should securely hold the base of the bucket while serving as a perch for the chickens. The bucket is screwed to the perch parallel to the surface, sideways. The open part of the chicken house must be strengthened with a lid, otherwise the laid eggs will be on the floor, and the litter will also be there.

Some breeders use old pieces of furniture. The last option least of all needs additional arrangement, as it already has suitable shelves and drawers. For greater comfort of the birds, the containers are covered with ordinary curtains. Many experts advise building a metal nest, which will be more durable. More labor and cost to complete the task. For a homemade device you will need:

  • galvanization;
  • metal pipes;
  • mesh or wire;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • screws.

To prepare structural elements, drawings must be drawn on steel sheets. If the bottom is mesh, then the walls are simply attached to it at a slight angle. The bottom of the wire must first be woven using pipes as the basis. The roof is attached to the walls, and an egg container is mounted to the bottom. It can also be steel, but it must be upholstered with a soft cloth.

Arrangement rules

When arranging a nest, it is important to take into account its convenience not only for chickens, but also for the owner, who will have to take care of the structure almost daily. Arrangement of nests for chickens consists in the correct manufacture and rational arrangement of places for laying hens. Basic rules to follow:

  • the place should be dark;
  • inside it should be warm, there should be no drafts;
  • the bedding will need to be ventilated, so the best option for the bottom is from a reinforcing mesh.

Arrangement of nests on the ground or near the entrance is contraindicated. In the cold and damp, chickens catch a cold, egg production decreases, activity and appetite fall. The optimal height for placement is 30-40 cm from the floor, deep in the chicken coop. Vertical supports for nests are best equipped at a distance from the wall. If the chicken places are close to the wall, it will blow cold from it, which will create discomfort for the layers. The structure attached to the wall is not very durable. If chicken nests are made by hand, you need to make sure that there are no defects inside. Layers can be injured by protruding nails, poorly cleaned surfaces, uneven protruding edges.

For the arrangement of the laying nests themselves, it is better to use sawdust than hay. Chickens easily scatter this component around, which makes a mess in the chicken coop. At the same time, the comfortable environment is disturbed, the inhabitants themselves begin to experience stress. A stressful situation leads to aggression and injury to birds. In order to avoid losses in livestock, it is necessary to provide not only timely care, but also a comfortable perch. Rounded pieces of wood or ordinary bars that are left over from the construction site will come in handy for it. There are many design options:

  • along the walls;
  • chaotically, at different heights;
  • portable.

The latter are considered the most convenient to care for. Under practical portable structures, it is easier to clean the surfaces, and if necessary, they can be rearranged to any more convenient place. For one individual, it is necessary to take into account a third of the space on the crossbar. The optimal height is 0.6 meters, and the correct distance is about two meters.


Caring for nests is extremely easy. Let's take a look at some of the must-haves.

  • Regular cleaning. The filler is changed as it gets wet, and the eggs are taken in a timely manner.
  • Disinfection. It would be nice to accompany the change of filler with disinfectant treatment. This procedure should be weekly.
  • Fumigation with smoke bombs. This is necessary, as harmful pathogens multiply rapidly in poultry houses. To exclude contamination of the nest and all parts are wiped with a solution of bleach. After processing, the room must be well ventilated.
  • Timely maintenance. To avoid injury to birds, check nest attachments at least once every three months.

Domestic eggs are a healthy and environmentally friendly product. So that he is always in abundance, a bird is bred, but sometimes it is not possible to get an egg from it. The main reason for the unpleasant surprise is the pecking of this product by the birds themselves. Previously, it was believed that birds spoil eggs only because of poor care. At the present stage, the causes of pecking are understood as a small amount of space for walking, a lack of plant components in the diet, and a lack of calcium in the body of individuals. The latter phenomenon is considered almost the main drawback in bird feed.

Poor quality food, by the way, will serve to further action, which lead to the search for tasty food. Eggs are often the same. Even the location of the nests at a very close distance leads to the fact that the individual simply throws eggs into the individual, which are then eaten by other chickens. Experts recommend culling chickens that have started to mischief in their own chicken coop. It is believed that due to their nature, such individuals often deliberately crush eggs. To accustom such a chicken to rush normally is not possible. However, private laying hen owners suggest using various folk methods.

Of the popular ways, one can note this - feed the chicken with mustard. To do this, you need to take a small nail or other sharp object with which you can make holes from the ends of an ordinary egg. All contents are removed, and ordinary dry table mustard is poured into the empty shell. The object must be placed in the nest, and if it is eaten, the bird completely abandons the idea of ​​pecking other eggs. The bird will definitely not like the taste of mustard.

Egg-like objects placed in the nest can also cause the eggs to stop pecking. A sick beak or head will eliminate the habit of pecking eggs. From humane advice, there is a way that involves adding protein supplements to the feed. It can be fish meal, boiled eggs crushed together with the shell. A darkened nest, closed with a curtain, will help to keep the dietary product, since the bird simply will not see it. A limited view of neighboring nests will also help in excluding pecking of other people's eggs. The attention of a bird can be attracted by some extra things in the nest: garbage, straw. Remove the excess so as not to provoke a curious creature to peck the egg.

Keeping chickens is very convenient and profitable, because, without requiring much care, the birds regularly provide the whole family with fresh eggs. In addition, eggs can be sold for additional income. However, in order for the chickens to be healthy and lay well, it is important to take care of their comfort. This will help instructions on how to make nests for laying hens with your own hands: photos, sizes and helpful tips will allow you to cope with the task even without the relevant experience.

A properly equipped nest will increase the number of eggs brought by the hen. In addition, their quality will become better, and the shell will be reliably protected from damage. It is important to arrange everything so that the chicken rushes to a place specially designated for this. So, when arranging nests for laying hens with your own hands, it is necessary to provide the birds with maximum comfort.

To do this, adhere to the following rules:

  • place the nests in the shade as far from the sun as possible;
  • choose a dry and warm place;

Useful advice! To provide the chickens with a comfortable environment, lay hay or sawdust on the floor. Sawdust in this case is preferable, since chickens easily throw hay out of the nest. To prevent the eggs from rolling out, the flooring should be a couple of centimeters lower than the side of the nest.

  • so that the flooring is ventilated and the nest remains dry, take care of ventilation or make the bottom of the nest mesh;
  • it is always colder and more humid on the ground or at the entrance to the chicken coop - there the bird can easily catch a cold and become less active because of this, so place the nests higher and further away from the entrance;
  • do not attach the nests directly to the wall: in winter it is uncomfortable for chickens, in addition, this arrangement significantly reduces the life of the entire structure;
  • when making nests for chickens with your own hands, make sure that there are no long nails and chips in the structure that can cause injury to the bird;
  • the number of nests depends on the number of birds: 5 hens should have 1 place.

The main types of nests for laying hens

Are you not ready to delve into the intricacies of how to make a nest for chickens? Buy a ready-made version or build a nest from improvised means. For this purpose, plastic and wooden boxes, old baskets and carton boxes. The main thing is to choose a shaded secluded place.

If you decide to equip a full-fledged nest on your own, first of all decide on the type of construction.

There are two main types:

  1. Box design. The device of such a nest is extremely simple and makes it possible to make a number of cells for all birds. In addition, it will not be difficult to accustom a chicken to such a nest: in order for it to get used to rushing there, it is enough to lock the bird inside for a long time.
  2. Nest for chickens with egg collector. This type of nest implies different designs, but the principle is the same for everyone: the eggs almost immediately fall into a tray specially designed for this purpose and the chicken almost does not touch them. This option is especially relevant for a large farm, when the number of chickens is high.

Do-it-yourself nests for laying hens: photo, dimensions, calculation of parameters

One of critical factors that affect the comfort of birds is the size of the nest for laying hens. It is important to understand that you will not be able to train a chicken to lay in a nest if it is uncomfortable for her to sit in it.

First of all, the size of the nest for chickens depends on the breed of bird.

Correspondence table for bird breeds and nest sizes for chickens:

bird breed Nest width, cm Nest depth, cm Nest height, cm
laying hen 25 35 35
Meat-egg chicken 30 40 45

Regardless of the breed of birds, the height of the nut must be at least 5 cm. Also, make sure that there is a special shelf for take-off in front of the entrance. Place it at a distance of at least 10 cm from the entrance. The cross section of the shelf should be 5x2 cm.

If possible, the slope of the roof should be 45 ° - this will eliminate the tendency for birds to sit on top.

Set up nests before bringing chickens into the house: this will give them the opportunity to get used to new shelters and get comfortable. Therefore, include drinking bowls in the nest plan in advance, as well as do-it-yourself perches for laying hens: the drawings will help you not to forget anything important and place all the objects in an optimal way.

Useful advice! The simplest version of a nest for chickens is a “booth” made of a plastic box for vegetables and plywood sheets. However, it is better to equip more complex nests, since this design turns out to be unnecessarily cumbersome, and most importantly, not very comfortable, and in winter it is completely dangerous for the health of birds.

How to make a nest for laying hens: a design in the form of boxes

A little effort on your part and the birds will have a real house where they can feel comfortable, which means they will delight you with activity and a large number of eggs.

To make a construction in the form of boxes, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • boards, plywood;
  • sandpaper;
  • fasteners;
  • beam;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • jigsaw.

How to make nests for laying hens with your own hands: drawings and procedures

Creating a comfortable nest is easy. Follow the instructions and everything will work out even without much experience in the construction of such structures:

  1. If you are using boards for construction, carefully sand them with sandpaper.
  2. Next, you need to cut the blanks. It is important to make accurate calculations of the parameters of the parts you need. First of all, count the required number of cells. Then multiply the resulting number by the width of one cell - it must be at least 25 cm. The height of the box is calculated using the same formula. If there are a lot of birds in your household, make several floors.
  3. Pin the cut pieces together.
  4. To give the structure strength, fasten the beam on the inside of the resulting box at the corners.
  5. The entrance can be left open. Or cut round holes to match the number of places for laying hens and sew the box.
  6. Make a threshold. To do this, take a bar 10 cm wide and fasten it from below along the entire length of the structure divided into cells.
  7. Step back 10 cm from the nest entrance and secure the takeoff platform.
  8. If you have a structure with several tiers, make stairs. There should be one ladder for each tier.

Useful advice! If the structure has a horizontal roof, cover the surface with steezol to prevent damage from bird droppings.

If you're busy during the day and can't keep an eye on the hens all the time, you can make a more elaborate version of the nest. There are two types of structures that provide for the presence of an egg collector.

Nest option for laying hens to avoid pecking eggs: double bottom design

To build such a nest, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • thin plywood boards;
  • fasteners;
  • material suitable for pallet upholstery;
  • sandpaper;

  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • scissors.

The basic rules are simple:

  • do not take long nails: sticking out from the outside, they can easily injure birds;
  • after building the nest, carefully inspect it for nicks, chips, make sure the structure is strong in order to protect the birds from injury;
  • For bird comfort, place sawdust, straw, or hay on the floor. Regularly change the filling and clean the nest from litter;
  • In order for chickens to feel comfortable, the microclimate is of great importance. Place the nests in a dry place protected from drafts.

Instructions on how to make a nest for laying hens with an egg collector with your own hands (photos, dimensions and drawings are easy to find on the net):

  1. Make a design on the principle of a dog house. Pay special attention to the bottom: in this version of the nest, it should have a slight (about 5 °) slope to the rear wall of the structure. Leave a gap the size of the egg between the wall and the bottom.
  2. Make a pallet. For upholstery, choose a soft non-slip material: fabric, felt, the wrong side of linoleum, rubber. The length of the pallet should be 10 cm greater than the depth of the nest - this is necessary to ensure that the eggs are easily removed from the outside.
  3. Attach a bar to secure the eggs from falling.
  4. Attach the pallet to the main part of the nest, maintaining a slope of 5°. As a result, the egg will roll, fall into the bottom tray and be safe there until you pick it up.

Useful advice! The floor in such a nest should be made mesh. This solution contributes to the ventilation of the flooring. Good material for the manufacture of the floor is a wire: weave it, leaving gaps of 4x5 mm, and place the bedding material on top.

How to make a nest with an egg container

To make a wooden nest with an egg collector, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • nails;
  • hammer;
  • soft material;
  • Chipboard and plywood;
  • egg container.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Build a box, fasten the side walls, fix the bottom at an angle of 10 °, make a roof.
  2. Cut out an entry hole and cover the front of the nest.
  3. On the back wall at the bottom, cut a hole slightly larger than a chicken egg.
  4. Place a container with soft material under the bottom. Now, when the eggs roll and fall into the tray, they will be reliably protected from damage.
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