If the leader insults and humiliates. What to do if your boss humiliates you. Insult in the workplace: norms, punishments and useful tips


If the client swears obscenely, without addressing anyone, this will not become an insult to anyone present. And if a specific employee present becomes the addressee, he may regard this as an insult. Of course, it is also important what exactly the offender will say/do. Here it is rational to turn to sociological research. They identified the offending factors empirically. The following may be considered offensive:

  • all obscene or obscene expressions (usually swearing, swearing);
  • various comparisons - for example, with animals or objects;
  • unwanted, cynical touch;
  • obscene gestures;
  • movements, as a result of which the clothes or part of it can be torn off the victim.

About signs and articles for insulting a person (employee) in the workplace, read on.

What to do if the boss yells and humiliates a subordinate at work?

Since 2012, the Criminal Code punishes only insulting a person in power. All others must refer to the Code of Administrative Offenses. Concept and legal characteristic Article 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses speaks of insult in general. The official situation of this offense is not considered by any separate section of the article.

What exactly can be considered an insult? Two things are important here:

  • the offender seeks to humiliate the dignity and / or honor of his victim;
  • the actions of the perpetrator are clothed in some indecent form, that is, they “do not suffer” from the ethics of words and / or actions.

Such an offense must necessarily have an executor and an addressee. This can be explained on simple example. Suppose a client came to the company's office with complaints and turned to a free manager. The issue was considered, but it was not immediately possible to resolve the problem.

How to behave if the leader yells?

You can not go on about him, you should answer firmly and calmly. If you remain calm and show confidence, most likely, reproaches and insults will stop, as they will not make any sense. But frank rudeness should also not be tolerated, therefore, during the next humiliating escapades, it is necessary to try to put the boss in his place, while not sending him anywhere.
You should calmly and confidently remind the boss that this is how to behave when business conversation at least uncultured, and the tone in no way corresponds to the business style of communication adopted in the company. Do not forget to ask your boss what specific issues you are not coping with, and ask to set an exact date for solving your production problem. It will not be superfluous to write down each claim and respond in writing to each item in the form of a memorandum.

Insult in the workplace or what to do if insulted at work?

Responsibility for insults at work If the boss behaves in a boorish way not with the aim of firing you and surviving you from the team, then such behavior can be regarded as a mockery of subordinates. Such actions are qualified as an insult and, depending on the content of the words, can lead to administrative liability of the speaker with a fine of 1 to 3 thousand rubles. What to do in this case? First of all, you need to make it clear that you will not tolerate such an attitude towards yourself.
If it is not possible to agree with the head, then radical measures should be taken - write a statement to the prosecutor's office on the fact of deliberate insults.

Does a boss have the right to insult a subordinate?


This appeal can be presented as a claim for the protection of one's honor, dignity, reputation of a business person with compensation for moral damage. In this case, the boor may be held liable by the court for the payment of a certain amount Money. If a statement was accepted on a private charge for insult or slander, then the person runs the risk of being held criminally liable for the crime of slander or insult to the person.

According to Article 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, slander is the dissemination of false information that discredits the dignity and honor of another person or undermines the reputation of a citizen. According to Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, an insult is a humiliation of the dignity and honor of another person, which is expressed in the form of indecent content. Obscene language is an indecent form of speech.

  • In this case, if the offender is a colleague, you can complain to any of the leaders.
  • If you cannot resolve the conflict within the enterprise, you need to contact the representatives of the law. Interestingly, the Code of Administrative Offenses contains Article 28.4, which directly states that cases under Article 5.61 are the responsibility of the prosecutor. So lawyers sometimes recommend filing an application with the prosecutor's office.
  • Or you can go straight to court.


    In this case, it will no longer be a complaint, but a statement of claim, but this in no way changes the essence of the matter. Indeed, in both cases, the offended person defends his rights.

    In any case, the most important part of the case is the evidence. It is best if there are witnesses who are willing to testify.

    True, if the offender is the boss, it is not always possible to count on the testimony of eyewitnesses of the situation.

    Insult in the workplace: norms, punishments and useful tips

    By law, no one has the right to insult anyone, regardless of social status. In practice, of course, sometimes something else happens. Basically okay. Sometimes they even get hit. If a man. This is also normal, a man must endure pain, starting with the army. Moreover, now it’s not a monarchy, they won’t beat them to the end with ramrods and Cossack whips if the master didn’t like it. However, I repeat, according to the law, it is impossible to beat and insult people according to their social status; such laws have been issued since 1917. When the proletariat was given rights. And also women were given rights, equalizing them with men in the social sphere. If an official or boss offends, then you can go to court if a woman. If it's a man, it's shameful to go to court. We don’t even go to court because of a salary, it’s a shame for a man to argue for salary money and sue the employer.

    Insulting the boss with subordinates

    In addition, the dignity of the individual is protected by the Russian Constitution. This is stated in the 21st article. What to do? The issue for Russia is rather complicated. A huge number of people endure abuse in their workplaces on a daily basis.

    Specialists (psychologists, sociologists) note that this is the sad specificity of our country at present. This is especially true in situations where the offender is the boss and the victim is the subordinate. Even if the politeness of communication is prescribed in the employment contract, this is not a guarantee of the security of employees. Sometimes people simply do not have any opportunity to deal with offenders. However, if such an opportunity arises, it must be used by all means. We will tell you further about how to write a complaint about insulting obscene language at work.
    Other ways to prove an insult can be called recordings of service cameras, especially if not only video, but also audio recording is being conducted. You can prove verbal abuse if at the time of the conversation the victim had a voice recorder turned on. When submitting such evidence for consideration, lawyers recommend attaching a transcript at the same time (however, with good sound quality, there is no need for it). Only high-quality and correctly collected evidence will help win in such a case. Read below for more information on the dangers of harassment in the workplace. Punishment for insult in the workplace Since we are talking about an article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the responsibility will be administrative. There is only one punishment - a fine. What amount can be discussed? In this matter, it all depends on who committed the offense. Article 5.61 refers to three categories of people - citizens, officials and legal entities.

    • First you need to understand the situation. It is not considered an insult: If there were any comments from the boss about the work - fulfillment or non-fulfillment of your duties and the conversation did not touch on your personal qualities, while profanity was not used.
    • Unless in response to an insult from a subordinate. Although, for such cases, there are disciplinary action. In general, no one has the right to insult anyone, regardless of the situation.
    • I would answer this question this way: Does the boss have the right to insult a subordinate? , I think that for any sane person, it is clear that of course no boss has the slightest such right. For such behavior, after all, you can turn to different instances or at least to the higher superiorsquot ;.

    Insulting a subordinate by a boss article

    If there is no reaction from the boss, you can threaten with a statement to the labor inspectorate. In such cases, boorish bosses face considerable penalties:

    • officials - 1000-5000 rubles;
    • individual entrepreneurs - 1000-5000 rubles;
    • legal entities - 30,000-50,000 rubles.

    As a rule, if the inspector takes the side of the plaintiff, legal entities are fined at the maximum amount. The application should describe the situation on the merits, indicate the number employment contract leave your contact details. If you have evidence (audio or video recordings, correspondence, testimonies), then you can be sure of the success of the events.

    Insulting a subordinate by a boss article rb

    At some large enterprises, such situations (with a certain amount of connivance) can occur daily and repeatedly.

    • Insults from the lips of superiors against subordinates are another large group of cases.
    • Finally, a person at his workplace can be offended by an outsider - for example, a client of a company, a buyer of a store.

    When insulting an oral character, how important is it if it was obscene? This is an essential detail when preparing an allegation of wrongdoing. However, it is possible to offend a person using only the words of a literary language, but the meaning will still be obscene. Rules on this issue In all cases of insult, you will have to be guided by article 5.61. Article 130 of the Criminal Code, which is still sometimes mentioned on various Internet resources, has not been in force for several years.

Often at work, instead of praise, you can get a wave of humiliation from superiors. AT recent times more and more management abuses its position and rots subordinates. There are even cases with elements of assault, dismissal of an employee or deprivation of all kinds of well-deserved payments. Therefore, you need to know what to do if the boss yells and humiliates.

Causes of breakdowns

The boss is easily provoked into a conflict by his subordinates, who know him little. They are unfamiliar with the peculiarities of his character and temperament. It is possible that your boss is a choleric, who needs a cry all the time, as an active manifestation of emotions.

The main reasons for the boss to show disrespect for employees:

  • Bad mood. Your boss is also a person who, in addition to work, has a personal life, where everything may not be so smooth. Poor health can affect subordinates.
  • Bad news. This may be a drop in sales or a company's rating.
  • There is a syndrome characterized by emotional fatigue. It can be caused by the fact that your boss is tired and he urgently needs a rest, which he is not able to afford due to blockages at work. Loss of interest in activities and complete trust in subordinates, which they may not justify. Unjustified trust will cause mental disorders of the boss.
  • Low profit. There are no bosses who would be satisfied with low profits. To improve her, he prepares to find fault with every little thing.
  • Violation of discipline. Remember - you can not be late, wear a soiled uniform or engage in some extraneous business during the working day.

Types of Leaders

In order to understand which position to choose in the fight against the boss, it is necessary to determine what type he belongs to. There are the following types of bosses:

  • Controller. A complex person who controls your every step, knows all the events of the office and often sets himself as an example. It is rare to get praise from such a boss.
  • Timer. The type of boss who puts time first despite gaps in quality. With such a person, you need to forget about lateness, lunch breaks and delayed reports, otherwise you risk causing him a tantrum. In case of absenteeism, he will remember this for a long time.
  • Dictator. He listens only to himself, demands work according to instructions and believes that he has the right to punish the initiative. With such a boss, you should not stand out from the "gray mass" of personnel. Offends easily and naturally.
  • Conniving. Reaches for employees who are in high positions. Has a habit of being absent from work. Is not a leader and consults with workers.
  • Psychologist. Higher puts the personal qualities of employees. Helps in difficult issues and goes to the dialogue.
  • Father-boss. A competent boss who is aware of his behavior and can always give explanations. Quickly withdraws and is able to apologize.
  • Boss is a tyrant. This is a man filled with arrogance. He never has enough power. He regularly tries to assert himself at the expense of his employees, humiliating them, taking advantage of his working position. He screams for no reason and finds fault with all sorts of little things.


Initially, it is necessary to understand the conflict and find out why the boss is screaming. If the employee is really wrong, then it is necessary to admit it. Otherwise, it is recommended to defend your opinion, but do it as tactfully as possible:

  • Indifference. It is worth reducing attention to the words of your boss and in case of mistakes, do everything to improve. As the error is corrected, it is necessary to forget the conflict. If you take quarrels to heart, then this will lead to regular nervous breakdowns. Health is more expensive.
  • Calm. Try to relax. Calm your breath. Close your eyes and imagine that you are where you always wanted to be. Be calm and cool. The manager will see that no reaction followed from you. This will upset him, because leaders such as choleric people will expect the conflict to develop.
  • Acceptance of guilt. In the case of real guilt of the employee, it is recommended to engage in self-criticism and fully admit that you are wrong.
  • Analysis. Each angry state of the leader needs to be carefully analyzed.
  • Appeal. Mandatory address in a formal style, often call by name.
  • A warning. You can resort to recording the boss's speech on a voice recorder when he mocks you. Don't forget to warn him. This may make him more reserved.
  • Conversation. Don't forget that there is the usual frank dialogue to help sort things out. In dialogue, do not be rude or complain.

The procedure for regular insults coming from your superiors directly depends on the goal to which he seeks such actions.

If the goal is dismissal, then you must immediately contact the labor inspectorate, where you will need to file an application for the boss to force the dismissal. The boss will have no objective reasons to fire you, and subjective reasons do not concern anyone except himself. Various provocations will come from him, which will have to be completely ignored.

In a personal dialogue with the employer, you can also threaten the labor inspectorate, where you are going to apply for him. This will lead to positive results. In such cases, the authorities may, under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation threaten a substantial fine - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. in the case of an individual and 30-50 thousand rubles in the case of a legal entity. It also provides for a disqualification of up to 3 years.

If the relevant authority takes the side of the victim, then the fine legal entity will be given the maximum amount.

When filling out the application, be sure to indicate the number of the employment contract and do not forget to leave the data by which you can be contacted. If you back up your words with video or audio evidence (correspondence or testimonies of witnesses are also suitable), then success is guaranteed.

Methods of influence

The boorish behavior of the authorities towards their wards in order to survive them from the team can be taken as an attempt to mock the employees, the right of which no one gave him. Administrative liability is provided for such insults - punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 1 to 30 thousand rubles. for individuals and 30-50 thousand rubles. for legal entities.

You can write a statement directly to the prosecutor's office or make various appeals to this department. Here, a case will be initiated on the fact of intentional insults. When filling out an application to the prosecutor's office, you should indicate the place and date of the offense, what actions the authorities took against you, and, as in the case of the above application, you must leave contact information.

It's not worth it to describe the details. After the case is registered, the victim will be interviewed by the relevant authority. If you refuse to file a criminal case, you are advised to challenge this decision in court.

The case is being investigated within a month from the date of filing the application. After all checks, your case will be sent to court, where the proceedings must take place no later than 2 months. Further, everything depends on the court, whose decisions can be appealed within 10 days.

Fighting a tyrant boss is a dangerous and useless business that can ruin your career in the future, so you should carefully weigh everything before trying such a tough method.

Most people at least once in their careers have been in a situation where they had to endure insults from their boss (or did not endure it). What is the reason for the defiant behavior of people in high positions?

So, one of the studies on the nature of the aggression of leaders showed that a possible reason is lack of confidence in their professional skills. This conclusion was reached by California scientists Nathanael Fast and Serena Chen, who conducted a survey where respondents had to evaluate themselves from a professional point of view and indicate how aggressive they are at work. It turned out that aggressive people in high positions doubt their professional skills, while those who are confident in their competence rated their behavior as "calm".

Problems from childhood

Bosses who humiliate subordinates are a very common occurrence. From the point of view of psychologists, a person who humiliates experiences deep inner psychological discomfort.

A possible reason is the difficulties that were in childhood or adolescence. The person may not have been the best student, or they may have been teased and bullied at school, offended in the yard, and the mental trauma has not yet been healed. And these traumas that go deep from childhood lead to the fact that their owners, having gained access to power, begin to poison their subordinates, - says Natalya Storozheva, general director of the Perspektiva center, teacher at the Russian School of Management.

What is humiliation? According to Olga Obedkova-Muravich, lawyer, positive psychologist, e the emergence of shame, feelings in a person who is wounded, offended. There is such a concept in criminal law as victimhood - the victim himself attracts the criminal, because he has a "victim" deep inside him. But it often happens that the relationship in the "offender - victim" pair changes, and the one who suffered begins to humiliate himself. This happens in teams as well.

This is laid down in childhood, up to three years, when parents themselves "turn on" the program of shame, forbidding children to study themselves, study the world around them, overly controlling. At some point, shame becomes unbearable, and the child begins to perform forbidden actions to relieve. And the child has a desire to be caught, punished, and he already feels sorry for himself in advance, - says Olga Obedkova-Muravich.

Unhappy in the family - tyrant at work

Another common reason is family and personal difficulties. When you feel inadequate in your personal life, you lash out at your subordinates.

We were interviewed by a woman in her 50s, financial director. She interviewed candidates for the position of financial analyst. So, she calmly talked with the first two candidates and suddenly attacked the third one for no apparent reason. She began to ask difficult questions, find fault, distort. And when the door closed behind the girl, to my dumb question, expressed in her eyes, the director replied: "I can't help myself. I know that she's wrong, but she looks so much like my daughter-in-law!" This is a manifestation of internal accumulated aggression, - says Natalya Storozheva.


When a person built a career with great difficulty, experienced a lot of humiliation, difficulties, drank a lot of poison, climbing the career ladder, then, having taken a significant step, he begins to recoup his subordinates.

One sales manager told us how he wants to recruit a good management team. But when we started watching people, he smashed to smithereens one by one. I ask him: "Tell me, do you understand that you will not form a sales department with this approach?" And the answer was: "Do you know how much they nagged me before I became a leader? How much I was underpaid? And you think I will let someone climb this ladder easily?" And it turns out that business tasks are overlapped by psychological trauma, - says Natalya Storozheva.

Storozheva tells another story about a PR manager who left her job because her boss hounded her. No matter what the PR woman wrote, all the texts did not suit the leader, she wanted it to be just the way she sees it, and literally forced her to write from dictation.

The sentence "Maybe you will write it yourself or the secretary will write it down for you, and post it on the site?" provoked aggression. When we began to understand more deeply, it turned out that the director had a journalistic education in the past, but she did not have a journalistic career. And although now she has a post commercial director, her failed past, non-recognition as a journalist, did not give her the opportunity to treat the work of a PR manager objectively, neutrally.

Suffering is only at will

It is impossible to humiliate someone who does not allow this: this humiliation will ricochet from him.

Wounded people become leaders why? To move from the position of a victim to the position of a tyrant - to hurt others, to see how they suffer. He may not remember how his mother humiliated him as a child, but he still has childhood insecurity, which he is trying to eradicate from himself. And if people appear in the team who can repulse the tyrant, then they gather all the strength of the spirit and destroy the aggressor. The one who humiliates is always weak, and by humiliating, he shows his weakness, demonstrating that he cannot cope with the situation, - Olga Obedkova-Muravich continues.

In general, many managers simply do not want to understand psychology, motivation, and management issues. It is easier for them to become a dictator who imposes harsh conditions, humiliates and insults, and this will bear fruit.

At the same time, outside of work, such bosses often do not even use obscene expressions. It's just their management style. For example, in Siberia there is a large company producing carbonated drinks. Billions of rubles turnover. You look at the director - well, a complete tyrant. Yells, builds, humiliates. But at the same time, he raised the plant from scratch in a few years. And here the question is not whether it is good or bad, but that it gives certain results, - Alexander Belanovsky, a business consultant, gives an example.

Rough expressions as a management tool

Many do not understand decent words, says Alexander Belanovsky.

I know a man who built a business selling theater tickets from scratch, in two years he has already opened seven branches. He has a tough business style. And this is not due to psychological trauma, but to the fact that he has a large network of agents, a lot of people working on phones, respectively, the staff is often replaced, and each newcomer needs to be trained. All his meetings and planning meetings are held in high tones and in incorrect terms, but this gives a real result, his business is developing, - says Alexander Belanovsky, business consultant.

In sales, especially in large companies (including Western ones), it is rarely possible to do without foul language, says Belanovsky. According to him, maybe this is not entirely correct and correct, but in this case, conveying information with biting and capacious expressions is the easiest way.

Masochism at work

Much depends on the psychology of the leader himself. Alexander Belanovsky distinguishes between two types of bosses - a "hen-hen" who will sit with everyone, talk, and understand every problem. And there are "American sergeants." In principle, they do not know how to find a common language with employees - here's a shovel for you, go dig, or you'll be fired.

Another interesting thing to notice when looking at the training market is that there is a category of people who get high results only when they are treated incorrectly. For example, tens of thousands of people a year sign up for weight loss trainings. And there the words "fat cow" - the most affectionate expression, perhaps. But the people who go there want to be beaten, kicked, humiliated, and only then can they produce results. And it is the same in work: there are people who want to be controlled through humiliation, they want to obey. And there are many of them, not one percent. And they perceive rudeness normally, but with "brood hens" they simply do nothing, do not give any result. The main thing is not to forget that rudeness can take place when it suits both parties. And if a subordinate is dissatisfied with this type of management - what can you do, all that remains is to quit, well, you can still sue, - summed up Belanovsky.

» Bosses-tyrants

How to "put in place" presumptuous boss
(Methods of confronting tyrant bosses)

Bosses are different: smart and stupid, good and evil, cunning and not very. Unfortunately, there are also real “thugs” who, for some reason, decided that their position and social status allow them to humiliate the dignity of those who depend on them to one degree or another. What to do, money and power often spoil people.

Do not give in to the big bosses who call you the last words, spitting saliva and stamping their feet in rage. You need to be able to talk to them. And do not forget about your interests. There are behavioral strategies developed by psychologists specifically for such cases. If kissing the boss somewhere lower back is not your style, read this article carefully.

You may be the object of disdain or humiliation for showing up to work without a tie; for being unintentionally late; for not understanding the order you were given, etc. The most common situation is that you made some kind of mistake. Your supervisor has discovered it and is letting you know that you shouldn't have done it, that you're no good, and so on. This is done in a rude and offensive manner, very often in front of witnesses. Unfortunately, many managers see the opportunity to point out to a subordinate about his mistakes as another reason to show his superiority. They love to focus on this, savor the miscalculations of the employee, thereby humiliating him as a person.

Your possible actions:

Option 1. Of course, instead of listening to bossy nonsense, you can always state publicly in appropriate terms that you and such a boss are not on the way. After that, of course, it remains only to leave the office with your head held high. “Having said this, the count retired with dignity. All in white, ”the Strugatskys, it seems. But on the way to the labor exchange, you will amuse your own vanity to your heart's content, remembering how you put "this cretin" in his place. True, a less pleasant scenario may happen: the boss's security will take over you and you will not leave the company on your own, but fly out into the street with your things.

Option 2. You flare up and answer in the style of "the fool himself": say that he has no right to criticize you, because he himself makes mistakes, he is late, etc. And in general - you are a qualified specialist and are able to cope with the work without his instructions.

This is a bad choice. Bosses do not like it when subordinates point out their shortcomings, especially in public. Therefore, I do not undertake to predict the result. Most likely, it will be the same as in paragraph 1. You will lose your job.

Option 3. You fall to your knees, tear your shirt on your chest, sprinkle ashes on your head, humbly apologize and ask for mercy on you. Then say that you are sorry that it was stupid of you and that it will never happen again.

This version is slightly better than the previous one. Replacing anger with mercy, the boss can grant you his forgiveness. Only one is bad. If you have even a drop of your own dignity, you will not be able to get rid of the feeling that you have wiped your feet for a long time. In addition, meekly accepting humiliation in your address, you recognize your own insignificance. By demonstrating a lack of pride and self-respect, you run the risk that not only the leader, but also your fellow colleagues will eventually cease to reckon with you. The fact is that the phenomenon of imitation is very developed in organizations. And if an authoritative leader or boss chooses you as a "boy (girl) to beat", sooner or later other employees will start copying his behavior. The flock follows its leader - the ancients knew about this.

I am convinced that you deserve more. After all, you came to the firm to sell your professional knowledge, experience and skills, and not personally. Therefore, the manifestation of self-esteem is quite appropriate. You can defend your interests and keep your job.

Option 4. First, it's best to let the boss speak, that is, "let off steam" before trying to respond. Wait until he is able to listen to you. Next, you admit that you made a mistake, that you regret it, and next time you will be more careful. Then you add that your boss (boss) speaks in a rather harsh tone, and you do not see the need for this. Secondly, it is best to sort things out with the boss in a confidential setting.

And one more thing: do not try to give your boss ultimatums like: "If this happens again, I will immediately leave your company." Bosses hate it when subordinates put conditions on them. In the end, you can always write a letter of resignation without Chinese warnings. Better just say that this style of behavior prevents you from focusing on your official duties. Then politely but firmly ask your boss to slow down.

Of course, there is a risk that you will be fired, even if you express objections in the correct form. There are psychopathic bosses who do not tolerate any manifestation of self-respect on the part of their subordinates. They need a slightly different approach. (I’ll talk about this in a moment.) But most managers respect those employees who honestly express their own opinions in the proper - confident and correct form, without hurting the pride of their boss.

Humiliation can take not only verbal-aggressive form. No less offensive and so-called. passive derogatory behavior. These are hurtful jokes, and ironic remarks addressed to you, and sarcastic smiles, and a politely dismissive tone of orders, and contemptuous notes in your boss's voice ... All this is done with the aim of humiliating you, but it is done in a veiled manner and as if in passing .

In such cases, you should not pretend that you do not notice the humiliation. If you keep silent, you seem to agree to treat you in the same way in the future, recognizing the boss's right to consider you something insignificant, not worthy of special attention and, moreover, respect.

Helps in these situations next strategy. Don't try to suppress your feelings. Say that you are worried about this behavior of the boss, that you do not like jokes about you at all. Ask him directly what it means.

When you seek clarification, you have the opportunity to "put in place" your counterpart. That is, you caught him (her) in a not entirely fair game, demand an explanation and make it clear that you should be treated as an equal. And you do it in a correct and confident manner, so a good relationship between you and the boss may well improve.

However, there are bosses, to which the above strategies are not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Usually these are bosses with an extremely unbalanced temperament and excessive excitability, which regularly finds an outlet in outbursts of uncontrollable emotions: from “quiet tyranny” to wild seizures. To sort things out with them at such moments means calling a big trouble on your head.

Oddly enough, such bosses are often loved and respected by subordinates. This is the classic type of "father-director". Everyone believes in him. He is the undisputed leader. Workers treat him only as a benefactor. And there are reasons for this. He punishes and encourages at his own discretion, usually does not like to lay off staff reductions (“better victorious, but together”), everyone can turn to him with a personal problem. For this he is forgiven a lot: mistakes, bad habits, rudeness.

But when he's excited, it's best to stay away from him. If his nerves are on edge, he arranges a scolding for anyone who falls under his hot hand. And while not particularly ceremonious in expressions. True, he quickly forgets about it. Therefore, at such moments it is useful to recall the old soldier's wisdom: "Away from the authorities - closer to the kitchen." Try not to catch his eye for a while, and the conflict will resolve itself.

Much more dangerous is another type of boss - sadistic psychopaths, they are also "classic" petty tyrants. Unlike the previous ones, these humiliate subordinates not in a fit of uncontrollable anger, but consciously and purposefully, for their own pleasure. And if such a boss chooses you as his victim, you will not be able to sit quietly in a corner.

There are enough social psychopaths in leadership positions today. Unfortunately, the current life in our country is in every way conducive to this. They are characterized by excellent "fighting" qualities, a complete lack of remorse, vanity and uncriticality in assessing their own actions. Plus, the ever-present syndrome of suspicion of everyone and everything in all sorts of intrigues. The arrogance inherent in such types (a strong type of nervous system!) In combination with infallible self-confidence usually paralyzes the will and ability to resist the victim. In addition, they have a well-developed instinct for people who are psychologically weaker than them. And a well-developed intuition allows you to avoid real fighters who can adequately respond to such a style of "leadership". All these qualities allow social psychopaths to reach significant career heights.

It has been established that the psychotype of the tyrant boss, oddly enough, almost completely coincides with the psychotype ... of a serial killer. This is one field of berries. Only one gets the highest pleasure, shedding rivers of blood, and the other is eager to "drink" it drop by drop, tormenting and humiliating his subordinates day after day. Both have primary motivations - sexual lust, painful aggressiveness or a thirst for revenge, whimsically transform into an intoxication with power and a desire to command people. In everyday life, both are often gray and unremarkable people. No matter how you recall the quiet teacher Chikatilo or the “simple worker” Onoprienko. And service monsters, who terrorize entire teams at work, in everyday life are often “henpecked” by a wife or mistress.

Even coming to a firm run by a psychopathic boss can be hard sometimes. The terrorized workers jump up like automata and rattle off a memorized text in a patter. Like, our company is the most best firm in the world, etc. Although, for people who are inclined to be shy in front of a strong government, this makes a great impression. (“A real leader! And what a team he has!”) Such a boss skillfully gropes for exactly the method that is applicable to a particular employee. Guilty, frighten him. Everything is used - both an ironic smile at the right moment, and a rude shout.

The ideal worker for such a boss is a slave who should have tremors in the knees from the mere sight of a commanding person. And such managers begin to intimidate their employees already when applying for a job - at an interview. Therefore, you will always have time to weigh all the pros and cons, decide for yourself whether it is worth working in such a company. I do not urge you to slam the door loudly and give up any attempt to take the right position in such an organization. Just prepare yourself for a certain style of behavior with your future boss.

The most important thing is to learn to shake off that sticky fear that they will try to smear you with. The sadistic boss always tries to make his subordinate not just dependent, but anxious, and if he succeeds, he brings this anxiety to convulsions. Don't give in. And get into less verbal skirmishes with him. Such bosses are experienced demagogues and brilliant orators, shamelessly and skillfully confusing the opponent. They have a good conversation technique. They know how to confuse the interlocutor with one remark, to prevent the development of thought, if for some reason they do not like this thought. In addition, such bosses have a very perverted logic of thinking: “If an employee contradicts me, then he is not afraid. If he is not afraid, then he does not respect. Therefore, those who are not afraid to openly object to the boss do not stay long at such a company.

And defending yourself against psychopathic bosses is easy. If you are too annoyed by your boss's intimidating "dances", you just need to mentally put a wall between him and yourself. Create a screen between you. To do this, imagine an impenetrable wall. What you build it from is up to your imagination. Made of brick, steel, armored glass, just dense air, a magnetic field... And you will suddenly see how the big boss spitting and stamping his feet will become completely indifferent to you.

In this case, the change is dramatic. They suddenly become polite and calm. Even benevolent ones. Most often, they have a feeling of respect beyond their control for a person whom they cannot “break through”.

Psychologists also advise covering such bosses with an imaginary glass. But this is no longer entirely humane - they begin to feel very uncomfortable, get nervous and, feeling their powerlessness in front of you, begin to take out their anger on other employees.

Learn to evoke this calm indifference in your feelings and turn it on when you need it. At least with this technique, you are guaranteed against unsolicited pressure on your personality.

Finally, I will tell you how to "siege" an overly enterprising boss. There are bosses who do not seem to be bloodthirsty, but are quite capable of driving their subordinates to quiet madness with their idiotic undertakings and "valuable" instructions. For example, you are a qualified specialist and have been developing a project for six months. Finally, inspired, you carry it to the big boss for approval. The following is a typical situation. The big boss, who understands the specifics of your activity as much as the hare understands geometry, nevertheless considers it his duty to point out your mistakes and requires you to make adjustments. You understand that this is a disaster for the project, that the proposed changes put an end to it. You know, but you can't do anything. It is useless to argue with the boss - they enter the boss's office with their own opinion, and leave with self-knowledge.

© 2001 Viktor Bodalev

We spend most of our lives at work. And a lot depends on the relationship in the team on the general condition and " Feel» myself, before a career in this place takes shape. And if it is easier to deal with relations with subordinates, because we are on the same level with these people, then conflicts with superiors can unsettle for a long time, or even turn life into real torture.

What to do if the boss yells?

Try to find an approach to the boss. We are all people, so you can find your own approach to everyone, and by adhering to this policy, you can change your attitude towards yourself. Only here you need to be very careful, because sycophancy here will not only not help, but most likely will only aggravate the situation.

Do not succumb to provocations and do not respond with rudeness and shouting. There is no need to break loose in response, even if you understand that the boss finds fault with every little thing, this is exactly what usually happens. Be calm and reserved.

Remember that it is from this person that to a large extent depends on what will be written in your work book, which means not only this position, but also the opportunity to find a new place, so check every word, even if the boss is constantly yelling.

No need to go to the other extreme namely, begging for forgiveness or allowing yourself to be publicly humiliated. In this case, such an attitude will become the “norm”, and you will lose the respect of not only your boss, but also your colleagues.

Pay attention to that that if the boss yells at subordinates only in some cases, then you can “turn a blind eye” to this. Everyone has situations when you involuntarily break down on others.

Try to answer only after the boss "screams". Only in this case he will be able to assess the situation adequately. Now start a constructive conversation.

Moderate the ardor of the boss, and do it calmly, but firmly, if the accusations against you in a raised tone dragged on. But, behave with dignity, do not allow reciprocal hysteria on your part.

If, nevertheless, without talking in raised tones you can’t do it, try not to do it in front of witnesses. There are claims to the boss - voice them not in the format of screams and in a confidential stop.

If you still deserve a "spanking", calmly admit your mistake, but add that there was absolutely no need to make a remark in such a harsh tone. Speak calmly and don't rush.

, use neutral phrases for the occasion. Like, yes, I understood, took into account, in the future I will not make such mistakes, etc. Then shake off negative emotions and keep working.

If comments are made to you one by one and the same thing, try to fix it. Are you constantly late? Leave early. Make up brightly, clothes do not match the dress code, delay work, etc., if these are systematic violations, then only your fault.

Even if the boss yells at subordinates, to set conditions for him is absolutely useless. And if the best employee sets a condition - do not yell at him or he will leave work, etc. This will most likely backfire. So the conditions here are incorrect.

Don't try to get revenge on your boss. It doesn’t matter if these are petty dirty tricks, or idle gossip that can well spoil his reputation, rather you yourself will suffer from such behavior, or rather your own reputation and resume.

At the same time, don't let yourself be taken advantage of., if the screams of management are a way to force you to stay at work or perform an unbearable amount of it, then you need to not only note that you do not deserve such an attitude, but also reconsider the distribution of responsibilities between employees. Don't forget your rights.

If the boss constantly yells, understand the reasons for his behavior. Sometimes this is really an occasion to discuss the situation, and in some cases, dismissal will be the best way out. Of course, if you observe such a “special” relationship only in your direction.

If the boss yells at subordinates all the time, does not hold back and considers this the norm, this is also a reason to either quit, because it is impossible to fix a person (but try it first), or prepare for proceedings with higher management.

And yet, remember that most leaders are quite adequate people, the main thing is to defend themselves and earn a reputation. And also, use advice to employees in cases where the manager switches to raised voices.

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