The standard of working capital in production. Calculation of norms of working capital on examples. Rationing in work in progress


Production stocks are called material resources located at the enterprise, but not entered into the production process.

Rationing working capital in production stocks begins with the determination of the average daily consumption of raw materials, basic materials and purchased semi-finished products in the planned year.

The average daily consumption of raw materials, basic materials, purchased products and semi-finished products is calculated by groups, and in each group their most important types are distinguished, which make up approximately 80% of the total cost of material assets of this group. Unrecorded types of raw materials, basic materials, purchased products and semi-finished products are classified as expenses for other needs. The average daily consumption of material resources P is the quotient of dividing the sum of all planned annual costs of raw materials, basic materials, purchased products and semi-finished products by the number of working days in a year (360). The standard of industrial stocks consists of the current, insurance, technological, transport stock.

The current stock (TK) is intended to provide production with material assets between two reporting deliveries:

where J is the delivery interval, days.

This is a constant supply of materials, fully prepared for production.

This stock is the maximum. The current stock reaches its maximum value at the time of the next delivery. With use, it decreases and is completely consumed by the time of the next delivery.

In the process of calculating current stocks, the most time-consuming is the establishment of a delivery interval, i.e. interval between two successive deliveries. In case of untimely receipt of goods, i.e. when the actual interval (J) exceeds the planned interval (J), a situation may arise that stops production due to the lack of the necessary material. To avoid stopping production process safety stock is created.

Safety stock (SZ) is defined as half the product of the average daily material consumption (P) and the gap in the supply interval (J-JPL),

SZ \u003d P * (J-J) * 0.5

negotiable means of rationing

With an aggregated estimate, it can be taken in the amount of 50% of the current stock. In case when industrial enterprise located far from transport routes or non-standard, unique materials are used, the safety stock rate can be increased up to 100%. When supplying materials under direct contracts, the safety stock is reduced to 30%.

The occurrence of safety stock is due to a violation in the supply of material on the part of the supplier. If this violation is associated with a transport organization, a transport stock (TrZ) is created, including those revolving funds, which are diverted from the day the supplier's invoice is paid and until the cargo arrives at the warehouse. The transport stock is calculated in the same way as the safety stock:

ТрЗ= Р*(J-J)*0.5

The most time-consuming process is the determination of the interval for the supply of insurance and transport stock, which are subject to the influence of both permanent and temporary factors. Therefore, when calculating the norms of working capital, it is necessary to take into account the specific production and economic conditions of each industrial enterprise.

Technological (preparatory) stock is created in cases where incoming material assets do not meet the requirements technological process and undergo appropriate processing prior to being put into production. Technological stock is calculated as the product of the material manufacturability factor and the sum of stocks (current, insurance, transport):

The material manufacturability coefficient is set by the commission, which includes representatives of suppliers and consumers.

The preparatory stock is associated with the need for acceptance, loading, sorting and warehousing of production stocks. The time standards required for these operations are set for each operation on the average size of the supply based on technological calculations or by timing.

In this case, the lead stock is equal to the sum of the average time for receiving and unloading incoming material and the time for paperwork and warehousing, divided by the number of working hours (8). Technological reserve is not specified.

Stock rate:

NZ \u003d PZ + TZ + SZ + TRZ,

where NZ - stock rate;

ПЗ - preparatory stock;

TK - current stock;

SZ - safety stock;

TRZ - transport stock.

The lead time is calculated as the sum of the average time for receiving and unloading incoming material from the supplier and the average time for paperwork, quality control and warehousing for one delivery, divided by 8 hours.

Stock rate calculation

Material name

Preparatory stock, days

Current stock, days

Safety stock, days

Transport stock, days

Stock rate, days

Calculation of one-day consumption of materials in value terms:

n=total quantity of materials in physical units*normative price per unit of materials / number of working days per year.

Number of working days in a year - the number of days in a year minus weekends and public holidays (250).

Determining the daily consumption of materials:

The stock rate for each type of material is equal to the product of the total stock rate and the daily consumption of materials:

Reserve standard, rub.

The total standard for the stock of materials is equal to the sum of the stock standards for individual types of materials:

SNZ= 244568.305, where

SNZ - the total stock of materials.

The working capital ratio for spare parts is set on the basis of their actual consumption per 1 million rubles. the cost of all equipment by dividing the working capital ratio by the book value of the equipment.

The standard for spare parts is calculated depending on the group of equipment. The first group includes equipment for which standard norms of working capital for spare parts have been developed; the standard is defined as the product of standard norms and the amount of this equipment, taking into account reduction factors. The second group includes large, unique, including imported, equipment, the standard for which is determined by the direct counting method. The third group of equipment includes small single equipment, the standard for which is established by the lumped account method. The working capital ratio for spare parts is generally equal to the sum of the ratios for the three groups of equipment.

The working capital ratio in the stocks of low-value and wearing items is calculated for each of the items according to the stock in the warehouse and operation. For warehouse stock, the standard is determined in the same way as for raw materials, basic materials; for the operating stock, the standard is set, as a rule, at a rate of 50% of the cost of items, the other half of their value is written off to the cost of production upon transfer to operation.

The current system of normalization of working capital has a number of negative consequences, and therefore needs to be improved. For example, the standard of working capital in stocks of inventory items takes into account the cost of stocks of individual materials, which does not meet real needs. In fact, the cost of a daily stock of materials and finished products is not constant and can significantly deviate from the planned value during the year. Therefore, when planning working capital on the basis of the standard, it is necessary to take into account the fact that with a significant range of materials, one part of them can be characterized by maximum reserves, and the other by minimum. If the maximum inventory in the process production activities increase, then the value of normalized working capital will exceed the real need, i.e. there will be excess reserves.

The standard of working capital is an indicator that determines the minimum amount of the presence of which is sufficient to ensure the normal flow of the technological process. This value for this business entity does not have a constant value. The working capital ratio is directly dependent on the volume of products produced, as well as on the work of the supply and sales service, the assortment list of goods and forms of settlement with customers. In the financial sector of the enterprise, this indicator is the most variable.

At the second stage of calculating the indicator, the amount of working resources is determined, the volume of which is necessary in order to create the amount of stock necessary for the continuity of the production cycle for each element included in the technological process. Thus, there is a definition of private standards. Each element is calculated by a formula. It expresses the product of the norm of the stock of funds in circulation for a single element by the quotient obtained from dividing the expense of this component for the planned period by the value of this period.

The standard of working capital, calculated for the enterprise, consists of a value that is determined by summing up private indicators of stocks of production resources. Its size expresses the minimum volumes of goods and material assets that will ensure the smooth functioning of the enterprise.

The working capital ratio is the amount:

Standard stocks for industrial purposes;

Work in progress standard;

The standard of released finished goods;

The rate of expenses related to the upcoming periods.

The value of the indicator for reserves related to the production of products delimits resources by their individual types or homogeneous groups of materials. The size of this standard directly depends on the time the values ​​are in the preparation stage, as well as in the period of the technological process. Insurance stocks are also taken into account.

The working capital ratio in work in progress is directly dependent on four main factors. These include:

The volume and composition of products;

Time indicator of the technological cycle;

The nature of the increase in costs during the process of releasing goods.

If there is a volume of resources at the enterprise that is insufficient to bring it to the normative value, processes occur that contribute to:

Reducing the release of goods;

Interruptions in production, as well as sales and, as a result, non-fulfillment of planned indicators;

Violations of the schedules of deliveries of goods to customers.

In modern market conditions, the importance of calculating working capital norms is increasing. Their correct application in practice leads to strengthening the financial condition of a business entity and its solvency.

The need for working capital is determined by the enterprise when drawing up a financial plan.

The value of the standard is not constant. The amount of working capital depends on the volume of production, conditions of supply and marketing, the range of products, the forms of payment used.

Rationing of working capital carried out in monetary terms. The basis for determining the need for them is the cost estimate for the production of products (works, services) for the planned period. At the same time, for enterprises with a non-seasonal nature of production, it is advisable to take the data of the fourth quarter as the basis for calculations, in which the volume of production, as a rule, is the largest in the annual program. For enterprises with a seasonal nature of production - the data of the quarter with the smallest volume of production, since the seasonal need for additional working capital is provided by short-term bank loans.

In the process of rationing, private and aggregate standards are established. The private ones include the norms of working capital in production stocks: raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, purchased semi-finished products, components, fuel, containers, low-value and consumable items (IBE); in work in progress and semi-finished products of own production; in deferred expenses; finished products. By adding private standards, the total standard of working capital is determined.

1) When determining the standard of working capital for raw materials, basic materials and purchased semi-finished products, they are first calculated average daily consumption (P SUT ) , which is equal to the ratio of the annual (quarterly) consumption of this element in production to the number of days in the period:

Further developed reserve norms- relative values ​​corresponding to the volume of the stock of each element of working capital. Typically, standards are set in days of supply and mean the duration of the period, provided by this type of material values.

Working capital stock rate for each type or homogeneous group of materials (H W ) takes into account the time spent in the current, insurance, transport, technological and preparatory stocks.

current stock(Z TEK ) - the main type of stock necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise between two successive deliveries.

Safety stock(Z STR ) formed in case of violation of delivery dates and other unforeseen circumstances.

The transport stock (Z TR) is formed when payment requirements arrive earlier than material values. The transport stock time is equal to the difference between the freight turnover time and the document turnover time.

Technological reserve(Z THOSE ) is created in those cases when the incoming material values ​​do not meet the requirements of the technological process and undergo appropriate processing (drying, cleaning, peeling, heating, grinding, etc.) before being put into production. This inventory is taken into account if it is not part of the production process.

Preparatory stock (W UNDER ) associated with the need for acceptance, unloading, sorting and warehousing of inventories.

Working capital ratio for each type of raw materials and materials provides for the summation of all these types of stocks:

N OS \u003d Z TEK + Z STR + Z TR + Z TECH + Z UNDER.

Wherein, current stock (W TEK ) is defined as the product of the average daily consumption (R SUT) by the interval between two deliveries (I), which is the current stock rate:

W TEC \u003d P DAY I,

Safety stock (W STR ) is defined as the product of half of the average daily consumption of material (P SUT) by the gap in the intervals of planned and actual deliveries (AND FACT - AND PL):

Z STR \u003d P DAY · (AND FACT - AND PL) · 0.5.

With an aggregated assessment, the insurance stock can be taken in the amount of 50% of the current stock. In the case when an industrial enterprise is located far from transport routes or non-standard, unique materials are used, the safety stock rate can be increased to 100%. When supplying materials under direct contracts, the safety stock is reduced to 30%.

Transport stock (W TR ) can be defined in the same way as safety stock.

W TR \u003d P SUT (I FACT - I PL) 0.5.

Technological reserve (W TECHN ) is calculated as the product of the material manufacturability coefficient (K TECH) and the sum of the current, insurance and transport stocks:

Z TECH \u003d (Z TEK + Z STR + Z TR) K TECH.

The material manufacturability coefficient is set by the commission, which includes representatives of suppliers and consumers.

Preparatory stock (W UNDER ) determined on the basis of timing.

2) Working capital ratio for auxiliary materials is calculated in the same way as the standard for basic raw materials and materials. When using a wide range of auxiliary materials, at least 50% of the annual consumption should be calculated. Other support materials are determined based on the past year's consumption and actual balances.

3) Working capital ratio for spare parts is set based on the actual consumption of 1 rub. the cost of all equipment by dividing the working capital ratio by the book value of the equipment. For large unique equipment, the working capital ratio for spare parts is calculated using the direct account method for each part, taking into account its service life and price according to the formula:


where B is the number of mechanisms (equipment) of the same name, pcs.;

n is the number of parts of the same name in each mechanism, pieces;

D - stock rate of parts, days;

K - reduction factor;

T is the service life of the part;

C - the price of the part, rub.

4) Inventory value in work in progress is calculated using the following formula:

H NP \u003d Q SUT C ED D PC K NZ, \u003d C SUT D PC K NZ,

where Q SUT - the number of products produced per day, (t., l., pieces, etc.);

C ED - the cost of a unit of production, rub.;

С SUT - average daily production costs, rub.;

D PC - the duration of the production cycle in calendar days;

K NZ - the coefficient of increase in costs, characterizing the level of readiness of products as part of work in progress.

When determining the impact on the value of work in progress of the cost escalation factor (K NC), all costs in the production process are divided into one-time (initial), i.e. costs incurred at the beginning of the production cycle (raw materials, basic materials, etc.), and increasing (depreciation, wages, steam, water, energy, etc.). The increase in costs in the production process is carried out evenly and unevenly. With a uniform increase in costs, the coefficient is calculated as follows:


where C PERV - initial costs;

C NAR - other costs;

C FULL - the sum of all costs (C PERV + C NAR);

5) Working capital ratio for deferred expenses is determined by the formula:

N RBP \u003d O NG + R B.PL - R S.PL,

where O NG - the balance of expenses at the beginning of the planned year;

R B.PL - deferred expenses incurred in the planned year;

R S.PL - part of the costs, which in the planned year is written off to the cost.

6) Finished product standard is calculated as the product of the planned cost of the average daily output of marketable products (C SUT) by the time from the beginning of its receipt at the warehouse to departure from the station, taking into account the time for collection, packaging, storage, loading, execution of transport and settlement documents, etc. (

N GP \u003d C SUT 

- stock rate in days for finished products.

7)The total standard of working capital at the enterprise(N OS), equal to the sum of the standards for all elements, determines the total need of an economic entity for working capital:


N OS i - private standard.

But the composition of working capital (capital) necessary for the enterprise to implement normal business conditions includes, along with standardized working capital, non-standardized ones.

The main elements of non-standardized working capital are: goods shipped; funds in receivables and other settlements arising from the specifics of settlements, forms and speed of movement of goods; cash; short-term financial investments in securities. Non-standardized working capital cannot be taken into account in advance and calculated like normalized working capital. However, enterprises have the opportunity to influence their value, manage these funds using financial management methods (calculations, loans).

The sum of standardized and non-standardized working capital determines the total need of the enterprise for working capital.

The rate of working capital in inventories includes the following elements:

the time spent by the enterprise paid for materials in transit ( transport stock), days;

time for acceptance, unloading, sorting, warehousing and preparation for production ( preparatory or technological stock), days;

the time spent in the warehouse in the form of a shift, daily, and the like stock ( current stock), days;

the time spent in the warehouse in the form of a guarantee stock ( safety stock), days

Inventory standard(N pz) can be determined by the formula

where Q cy t is the average daily consumption of materials (consumption rate);

N TP - the norm of the transport stock, days;

N PZ - the norm of the preparatory (technological) stock, days;

N T Z - current stock rate, days;

N ctp - safety stock rate, days.

Average daily consumption raw materials, basic materials, purchased products and semi-finished products is calculated by groups, and in each group their the most important species, which make up approximately 80% of the total value of the material assets of this group.

Data for calculating the average daily consumption of material resources are given in table. 4.

The average daily consumption of material resources is calculated by dividing the sum of all planned annual costs of raw materials, basic materials, purchased products and semi-finished products (972 million rubles) by the number of working days in a year (360 conditional days), i.e. R = 972 / 360 = 2700 rubles

Transport stock norm calculated by the direct counting method or the analytical method. The direct counting method is used with a narrow range of consumable material resources coming from a limited number of suppliers. In this case, according to the results of the previous period, the average duration of the cargo run from the supplier to the consumer is determined, which is the norm of the transport stock. With a large number of suppliers and a wide range of consumable material resources, the norm of the transport stock is determined by the analytical method based on the norm of the previous period.

Norm of a preparatory stock. A preparatory (technological) stock is created in cases where incoming material assets do not meet the requirements of the technological process and undergo appropriate processing before being put into production. The technological reserve is calculated as the product of the manufacturability coefficient of the material Ktech by the sum of the reserves (current, insurance and transport):

TekhZ = (ТЗ + СЗ + ТрЗ) Ktech.

The material manufacturability coefficient is set by the commission, which includes representatives of suppliers and consumers.

Table 4

Calculation of the average daily consumption of materials

Current stock rate. The current (warehouse) stock is a permanent stock of materials fully prepared for production. It is designed to ensure uninterrupted production activities of the enterprise. The value of this stock depends on the frequency (interval) of supplies of this type of material. Half of the weighted average interval between deliveries is taken as the norm of the current stock.

Safety stock standard. An insurance (warranty) stock of materials is created in case of violation of the terms or volume of deliveries, upon receipt of low-quality or incomplete materials. The safety stock rate is usually set at 50% of the current stock rate.

Example calculation of the norm of working capital in inventories is given in table 5.

Table 5

An example of calculating the norm of working capital in inventories

Rationing of working capital in work in progress

Working capital in work in progress is advanced to create cycle, turnover and insurance reserves that ensure the uninterrupted course of the production process in workshops and on sites. In physical terms, the remains of work in progress consist of the required number of parts, assemblies and semi-finished products at and between workplaces. The size of work in progress is determined by the following factors:

the volume of products produced;

duration of the production cycle;

the coefficient of increase in costs (readiness of products) in
work in progress.

Volume output affects the size of work in progress through the value of one-day output, calculated at cost. The volume of production is determined on the basis of existing customer orders and sales forecasts.

Production cycle time determines the duration of the funds in work in progress (stock rate in days). The production cycle is measured in calendar time units (days, hours, minutes) and contains the following elements; working period, natural processes, breaks. The composition and correlation between the individual elements of the production cycle characterize its structure.

Cost escalation factor(Knz) characterizes the level of product readiness as part of work in progress. The need to calculate the cost escalation factor is due to the fact that the costs in work in progress are carried out at different times. Usually they are divided into one-time and other costs. One-time costs include the consumption of raw materials, basic materials, semi-finished products. Other costs (wages, depreciation, overheads, etc.) increase gradually throughout the cycle. The coefficient is calculated as the ratio of the cost of work in progress to the planned cost of the product and takes into account the duration of the production cycle. With an uneven increase in costs, use the formula:

where Zi is the cost of i-th period time on an accrual basis (i = 1, 2, ..., n);

C - the planned cost of the product;

T is the duration of the complete production cycle of the product in calendar time units (days, weeks, months).

Example. The cost of production - 1000 rubles. The duration of the production cycle is 4 days. Costs on the 1st day - 300 rubles, on the 2nd day - 300 rubles, on the 3rd day - 200 rubles, on the 4th day - 200 rubles. Determine the cost escalation factor.

The rate of working capital in work in progress calculated for the enterprise as a whole or for divisions with subsequent summation. To do this, use the formula:

where Nnp - the rate of working capital in work in progress for the enterprise as a whole;

Ti - the duration of the production cycle of a product or unit;

Ki - cost increase factor of a product or subdivision;

n is the number of product groups, divisions.

Standard of working capital of work in progress calculated by the formula:

where C / T - the rate of one-day production at the planned cost;

C is the total cost of manufactured products;

T is the number of calendar days in the period.

Example. We use the data of the previous example based on the rate of working capital in work in progress.

WIP rationing


Determine the standard of working capital for containers, app. parts, IBP, special. tool.

Output in the 4th quarter of the planned year 180 thousand rubles. The number of PPP 50 people. The balance sheet value of the equipment is 200 thousand rubles.

The norm for containers is 1 rub. for 1000 rubles. TP.

Norm for special tool - 0.5 rubles. for 1000 rubles. TP

Norm for IBP - 13 p. per PPP employee

The norm according to the app. parts - 1.2 rubles. for 1000 rubles. fixed assets.

Container standard = 180/1000 = 0.18 thousand rubles.

Spec. tools \u003d 0.5 * 180/1000 \u003d 0.09 thousand rubles.

Standard for MBP = 0.013 * 50 = 0.65 thousand rubles.

Standard for app. parts \u003d 1.2 * 200/1000 \u003d 0.24 thousand rubles.

In physical terms, the standard of work in progress

consists of the required number of parts, assemblies, semi-finished products at workplaces and between them.

The working capital ratio of WIP depends on the volume of output,

the duration of the production cycle, the coefficient of increase in costs.

Qnzp \u003d Cday * Tc * knzp,

where Сsut is the average daily cost of production, r.;

TC - the duration of the production cycle in days;

knsp - coefficient of increase in costs.

Average daily production costs are calculated by dividing the planned output of products, estimated at the production cost by the number of calendar days in the planning period.

Under the production cost is understood the monetary expression of the current costs of production.

The duration of the production cycle is the calendar period of time from the receipt of the first part of the product into production until the acceptance of the finished product.

Lead time has a big impact

on the need for working capital: the longer the process

production, the more WIP and, consequently, the more

ness in working capital. In the calculations, the average duration of the production cycle is used, which is found as a weighted average of the duration of the production cycles of individual products and their cost.

Cost escalation factor characterizes the level of readiness

products in the work in progress. The coefficient is calculated by the ratio of the WIP cost to the planned cost


With a relatively uniform increase in costs in the cost of production coefficient is calculated by the formula:

Sper + 0.5Send

knsp = ----------------------,

Sper + Sper

where Sper - the amount of one-time costs for the product at the beginning of the production process, p .;

Spl - the sum of all subsequent costs for the product, p.;

0.5 - correction factor to the amount of subsequent costs.

Basic materials transfer their cost to the cost price

finished products immediately at the beginning of the production cycle, so they

included in the cost in full. The rest of the costs

included in the cost (costs for wages, auxiliary materials, tools, etc.), grow evenly in the production process, and therefore are taken in half the size (0.5).

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation