How many eggs does a quail lay per month. When do quails start laying? Egg laying periods, factors influencing productivity


Quails are small domestic birds that are bred for their meat and eggs.

Eggs have unique healing properties and are rich in a whole complex of vitamins, which has been repeatedly proven in practice.

One female can produce about 200 eggs per year, which is about 16 eggs per month or 1 egg in two days.

Therefore, 5 individuals are fully capable of providing the whole family with this product.

When the females start laying

Quail eggs are hatched in an incubator, and not in the usual way. When the chicks hatch, they are left in the incubator for several hours to dry out.

Then they are transplanted into a box with chips, over which a red lamp is placed. Requires constant heating and mandatory lighting for the first 3 weeks.

This is due to the great need for food, since even minor changes in nutrition can cause the chicks to weaken and even die. Chicks need to be fed boiled quail eggs, mashed together with the shell.

The sifted feed and chopped greens are added to the resulting mass. Over time, eggs are removed from the diet. Chicks grow quite quickly when compared with chickens, and already on the 20th day they are transplanted into cages with adults.

After hatching, the quail grows quite quickly, and the females mature in 35-40 days and give the first testicles.
At the same time, females weigh no more than 100 grams with a rather small size. With the onset of puberty, males quite often scream, and females whistle.

Laying hens are formed into herds of individuals older than 1.5 months. The presence of males is possible, but not necessary and does not affect performance. Experts say that an unfertilized egg contains even more nutrients.

The number of eggs depends on the age and breed (egg or meat). In the first period, the female is able to bring no more than 10 eggs per month, but this figure will gradually increase and reach 25. Thus, starting from a dozen and rapidly increasing, in 1 year the number of eggs from one female reaches 300 pieces.

It is important to know: the rate of maturation of quails depends on the breed, but most females are ready to lay eggs, starting from 1.5 months after hatching.

It is worth remembering that all domestic quail produce equally high-quality products. The breed of birds directly affects how long and intensively the females will rush.

It should be borne in mind that quails of egg breeds are rushing 70-80% more than meat breeds. It is also important that the wearing time of meat breeds is less compared to egg breeds, which are carried all year round. Besides meat breeds rush for a rather short time, while laying hens do not slow down the whole year.

What affects quail egg production

An undoubted factor in the continuous wearing of eggs is the correct conditions of keeping and nutrition, which include:

  • correct placement. Excessively close or loose seating can adversely affect the health of the birds and the laying of the eggs. According to the recommendations of experts, one bird should have 180-220 cm² of cage area;
  • constant care and cleaning of the cages in which the bird is kept. In order for the quail to rush well, it needs to provide comfortable conditions;
  • lighting cells for at least 16 hours a day;
  • standardized food. If the quails are overfed, they get fat and rush poorly. Experts recommend feeding, adhering to the norms, or even slightly underfeeding.

Note: too coarse or poor-quality feed adversely affects the digestive system of birds, which for this reason become weak and stop laying.

Birds in sufficient quantities should receive balanced feed with fish and meat and bone meal, as well as gravel and shells. These substances have a high content of proteins, amino acids and minerals, which makes eggshell durable and thicker.

Quails need to be fed 3 times a day, at a rate one bird eats 30 grams of feed. It is worth sticking to the diet and always feed at the same time. During breaks, the feeders should be empty, then the bird eats with even greater appetite.

Quail eggs are in great demand, especially fresh, obtained in their farming. But keeping quails is a lot of work, so many poultry farmers would like to know if their costs will pay off. How many eggs does a quail lay per day, is it possible to count on one fresh egg from each bird? Can. But egg production depends on many factors: on the breed of bird, on care, feeding, on the age of the quail, etc. The mass of the testicles can also be different.

Quail breeds and number of eggs

Like chickens, quails have egg breeds, meat and meat and egg breeds. If you have purchased an egg breed, such as Japanese quail, you can count on 1 egg per day, some birds can lay up to 2 eggs per day. In meat breeds, eggs are much smaller, but they are larger, more in weight. Such quails are bred for dietary meat, and eggs are a nice addition.

Japanese. This is one of the most productive egg breeds, the number of eggs from one quail is from 305 to 315 per year. Japanese quails are small (weight 120 -140 g) colorful birds, unpretentious to the conditions of detention and immune to a number of diseases. The eggs are small, weighing only 10 - 12 g.

English whites . It is too egg breed. Birds have white plumage, but they may have black, brown, or golden patches. Slightly larger than Japanese ones (weigh 140 - 170 g). They are also quite productive, carrying up to 280 eggs per year, the mass of which is slightly larger than that of the Japanese: 11 - 13 g.

Estonian. This is a meat and egg breed. The color of these quails is close to natural, they are unpretentious and hardy, females mature quickly and begin to rush already at the age of 37 days. Many farmers call the Estonian quail universal breed. They have very tender and juicy meat, no fat, high fertility and hatchability. They weigh from 140 to 180 g, produce from 280 to 310 eggs per year, while the eggs are quite large, from 12 to 14 g.

Tuxedos . It is also a meat and egg breed, which can be recognized by an interesting color: the back and back are dark, and there is a light spot in front. They are often bred as decorative birds, but they can also be kept for the sake of meat (weight 130 - 150 g) or eggs (260 - 280 pieces per year), although their eggs are small, weighing from 11 to 12 g.

pharaohs. The first meat quails that appeared in our country. This is one of the most popular meat breeds, because. birds are unpretentious, beautiful, and they have a high fertility of hatching eggs. They look like Japanese quails, but are much larger than them, weighing from 200 to 220 g or more. Pharaohs can bring from 220 to 280 eggs per year, weighing from 12 to 17 g. However, it can be difficult to buy a thoroughbred bird, more often quails obtained by crossing different breeds come across.

Texas. Larger than the pharaoh, they weigh 390 - 420 g, some birds gain weight at 600 g. They have white plumage, there may be black spots on the head. They are bred for meat, but they also produce 220 - 260 very large eggs per year, weighing from 15 to 16 g, some eggs weigh up to 25 g.

On average, quails give an egg a day., sometimes arranging short breaks of 2 - 3 days, meat breeds are carried less often, i.e. about 4 - 6 eggs per week.

Factors affecting the number of eggs

One of the advantages of quails is that females begin to rush very early, at the age of 1.5 to 2 months. Young birds (3-6 months) are considered the most productive, and after a year the number of eggs begins to decline. Do not keep quails older than 12 months. Of course, for about half a year you can also get eggs from them, but productivity will decrease by 50%, and after 2 years they will completely stop laying.

The number of eggs depends on the proper care of the bird, on a balanced diet. Very important and long daylight hours (up to 16 hours). Quails are shy birds, whose productivity can be affected by strong noise, rearrangement of the cage, placement of new quails in the established family, etc. If you want to get eggs every day, protect them from stress.


Quails with proper care can give 1 egg per day, taking short breaks from time to time. The number of eggs depends not only on proper care and feeding, but also on the breed. Those who intend to keep quails for the sake of eggs should choose eggs or meat-and-egg birds.

Quail eggs are very useful and are a dietary product. They are rich in trace elements, vitamins and iron. Due to the high cost of eggs, many poultry farmers decide to breed quails. It's quite a lucrative business. Quails can be bred for individual consumption or on an industrial scale in large poultry houses. Despite exactly how the birds will be raised, it is necessary to know when quail egg production occurs and the ways in which it can be increased.

The main advantage of quails is their rapid puberty. Compared to other poultry, they start laying very early. Already at the age of 35-40 days, individuals gain weight up to 100 grams, and they begin the period of egg production. During the onset of puberty, females begin to make whistling sounds, and males scream loudly. Quail productivity depends on many factors, including age. Also, the number of eggs and the period of egg production depends on the breed of birds.

At the age of 4 weeks, individuals bring about 8 eggs, then the maximum productivity occurs in layers, and within six months they begin to lay more and more. On average, one laying hen brings 25 eggs per month and about 300 pieces annually.

Individuals tend to adhere to a certain daily routine. They rush at a certain time, most often after dinner or after sunset. The specific laying time depends on the characteristics of the breed, for example, Japanese individuals rush after they eat. In autumn, all quails experience a decline in egg production.

Quails cannot rush for a long time and without interruptions, they definitely need days to rest. If the female carries an egg for 5-6 days in a row, she will rest for the next 2-3 days.

Breaks are very important for the health of layers, so if they are laying for a long time without a break, it is worth worrying.

How many eggs does a quail lay in a day?

Some breeds are highly productive. Therefore, the number of eggs depends mainly on the type of bird. Some species are capable of producing several eggs per day, but these are only those that were bred by breeders specifically for high laying rates.

On average, a quail lays one egg a day.

The laying hen does not immediately reach its maximum performance, for this she needs a certain time. Also, the number of clutches depends on the conditions in which the individual is kept. In good conditions and a balanced diet, only during the breeding season, a laying hen can lay one egg per day.

Per month?

At first, females lay 8 to 10 eggs per month. By 10 months, the number of eggs increases to 13 pieces. In some breeds, on the contrary, by this time productivity begins to decline and eventually reaches 7 or 8 pieces per month. The maximum egg-laying period for quails lasts from 3 to 6 months after they begin to rush. How many eggs per month do quails lay at their highest laying period?

On average, for 30 days of masonry, there are up to 25 pieces.

In year?

Special highly productive individuals, which were bred by breeders specifically for year-round production of quail eggs in household or industrial conditions, can produce up to three hundred eggs per year and even more.

The following are considered egg breeds with high masonry rates:

  • Japanese;
  • Estonian;
  • Marble;
  • White and black English laying hens.

Meat breeds of birds give fewer eggs. For example, the Pharaoh breed brings only up to 220 eggs per year.

When do quails start laying?

Unlike their wild relatives, domestic quail live only up to 2 or 3 years. Wild individuals can live up to 5 years.

Quails begin to rush only after they gain 100 grams of weight. This happens before the age of two months.

Wild individuals begin to rush much later, this is due to the fact that domestic breed laying hens were bred specifically for early laying.

If certain rules for care and feeding are followed when breeding birds, then in the second month the females will begin to rush regularly. Sexual maturity in individuals is early, as it occurs at the age of one month.

Why don't quails lay?

Egg drop can occur in birds of any age and can last for a very long time. If even healthy-looking females stop laying, then you should understand the reason for this behavior.

The main reasons for the decline are associated with improper care and maintenance of laying hens.

There are a number of mistakes that breeders make. It is because of them that a decline in egg production in laying hens can begin, so consider the following:

  • Long daylight hours or lack of light. Females rush only in the light, so it is very important to correctly form artificial lighting for them. The length of daylight directly affects the performance of laying hens. It is not recommended to turn on the light in the chicken coop for more than 18 hours in a row. This applies to any time of the year;
  • The chicken coop is too cold or too hot. If the quail has stopped laying, it is possible that the room is not respected temperature regime. For harmonious growth and development, individuals must live in a chicken coop with a temperature in the range of 18-22 ° C. For females, sudden changes in temperature are also fatal. Therefore, drafts should be avoided and the chicken coop should be more carefully insulated in winter.
  • Insufficient humidity. Humidity in the room should be within 75%. Humidity above or below the set value adversely affects the health of individuals;
  • Unbalanced nutrition. Feed for laying hens should be balanced and saturated with proteins. If individuals do not rush well, you need to add more chalk or small pebbles to their dry food. They improve digestion and have a good effect on health;
  • Not enough space in the coop or cage. Birds do not like cramped spaces, so they should always be separated, if possible. Otherwise, they begin to interfere with each other and peck. The cage must be made spacious and high;
  • Noise and stress. Birds do not tolerate loud sounds and are afraid of unfamiliar surroundings. Therefore, after transportation, egg production may decrease for a short time;
  • Diseases. You can understand that a bird is sick by the shape and composition of quail eggs, as well as appearance shells. In case of strange behavior of birds, you should consult a veterinarian.

How to increase egg production?

Egg laying can be improved in a variety of ways. For example, add the following foods to your diet:

  • Gravel. Contains many minerals that are involved in the structure of the shell. Lack of shells can lead to brittle shells;
  • fish or meat and bone meal. It contains many amino acids and proteins important for the health of birds.

Birds must follow a certain diet. Feeding should be carried out strictly at a certain time 3 times a day. For one laying hen, 30 grams of feed per day is enough. There should be no excess feed in the feeders. Birds must eat up everything they are given, and not leave much food. Males and females should eat with appetite and should not be overfed. Abundant feeding leads to obesity and reduced egg production.

For health and increased laying, it is best to feed them with compound feed intended for laying hens.

How to find out the quail is rushing or not?

Finding out whether a quail is rushing or not is very simple. To do this, you need to take it in your hands and put it with your stomach on your palm with your head towards you. The belly of the female should lie on the fingers.

In the event that the laying hen does not rush, then a soft abdomen without a testicle will be felt through the tummy between the keel and the pubic bones. If the laying hen is rushing, then to the touch you can feel a hard egg there only with a shift to the side.

If the female is not yet ready for oviposition or has not rushed for a long time, then her tummy, like that of a male, sinks inward. Egg production should be checked carefully, without any effort. As soon as the laying hen is in the palm of your hand, you can immediately feel whether she has an egg or not.


Quail eggs are known as a valuable dietary product. They possess useful properties. They contain vitamins, minerals, non-fatty acids, which are important for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, the demand for them is high.

In this regard, the high egg production of quails belongs to the list of key goals for poultry farmers. In order to effectively influence these indicators, it is necessary to thoroughly know the characteristics of oviposition in quails, as well as the conditions on which it depends.


Quails are birds that mature quickly. The ability to lay eggs is manifested in them quite early - on the 35-40th day of life. During the first month, egg production (depending on the breed) ranges from eight eggs.

With increasing age of the laying hen, this figure increases. Over the next six months, one laying hen is capable of producing up to 25 eggs per month. For the first year, her egg production can be up to 300 eggs.

For a visual comparison of the indicators of laying hens, depending on the breed, we suggest considering table 1:

Table 1. Quail egg production depending on the age of the bird

The period of full-fledged carrying in quails covers from eight to nine months. When a laying hen reaches the age of nine to ten months, her productivity begins to decline. But it rushes up to about 30 months of age.

Egg productivity: frequency and influence factors

These birds tend to rush in the afternoon:

  • after lunch;
  • late in the evening.

As an exception to this rule can be called a Japanese breed. Its representatives rush immediately after eating food.

Another feature is the frequency of egg production. These birds carry one egg for five to six days. Then they need a break lasting one or two days. After that, the cycle repeats.

Egg production in these birds depends on two groups of factors:

  • individual characteristics - age, breed;
  • features of the content - environmental conditions, feeding.

The factors of the first group do not depend on the will of the owner. But any changes in the factors of the second group are directly reflected in the productivity indicators. Knowing the patterns of such influence, the poultry farmer has a wide field of possibilities on how to increase the egg production of quails.

Methods for increasing the productivity of laying hens by influencing living conditions

Improving the microclimate of the habitat is the first key to answering the question of how to increase the egg production of this bird. To do this, you should take into account such indicators as:

  • lighting;
  • humidity;
  • purity;
  • air ventilation;
  • thermal regime.

When breeding quails, noise should be minimized near the places where they are kept. Too many ambient sounds negatively affect productivity. Noises lead to fright of laying hens. Because of this, they become unable to lay eggs.

Quail rush only in the light

An interesting question is whether egg production in quails can also be stimulated by improving the lighting regime. The bird rushes only in the light. To do this, the owners turn on artificial lighting in poultry houses.

In this case, you must follow the rules: turn off the additional light every 12 hours, do not use too bright lighting so as not to exhaust the bird.

Humidity in poultry houses should be increased to 50-70%. If the humidity is too low, the bird drinks a lot of water, eats little food, and rushes poorly.

The house should be regularly (every two days) cleaned and maintained in good condition. If a large amount of waste products is collected, the smell of ammonia is released. It negatively affects egg production.

To increase the productivity of laying hens, it is necessary to ensure constant ventilation of the air in the house. It is necessary to ensure that there is no draft in the room. It also causes low egg production.

If the air temperature in the poultry house is kept below 20 or above 25 degrees, the productivity of quails decreases sharply. Therefore, to increase egg production, a special temperature regime is required - 20-22 degrees.

Increasing the egg production of a bird through feeding

The productivity of laying hens directly depends on their nutrition. This group of factors includes the following indicators:

  • type and composition of feed;
  • feeding regimen.

How to increase quail egg production through feeding? To do this, the bird should be fed with meat and bone and fish meal, which contains a large amount of amino acids and proteins. Adding chalk, ground shells, gravel to the feed will be effective. They are sources of minerals that strengthen egg shells.

Proper nutrition - the most important factor affecting egg production

The diet also has clear requirements.

For high egg production, quails need to eat three times a day. At the same time, at least 30 g of feed should be eaten by one laying hen.

Between feedings, it is better not to leave food in the feeders. This will help the bird develop an appetite for the next meal.

You can not overfeed the bird. This leads to her obesity, which reduces the number of eggs produced.

Feed abruptly change is contraindicated. If it becomes necessary to switch to a feed of a different composition, this should be done smoothly - by mixing the old and the new.

Food must always be fresh. If it has been unpacked for a long time, the main additive that affects egg production - premixes - evaporates.

In their structure there are phospholipids, unsaturated fatty acids, unsaponified lipids. They stimulate the egg production of young animals, they can accelerate the maturation of the bird.

The dependence of quail egg production on nutrition: a practical experiment

Protein is considered an important stimulus for quail egg production. In order for the bird to receive it in the required quantities, it is recommended to add plant substrates to the feed. They are analogues of animal proteins.

Scientists and practical farmers of the Voronezh region decided in practice to check whether such additives can be used to increase quail egg production. To this end, they conducted an experiment.

Two groups of quails were created:

  1. experienced;
  2. control.

The first group was fed with compound feed with the addition of vegetable protein substrates - soybeans and peas - in a ratio of 20:80. The second group ate exclusively factory-made ready-made feed. In table 2 below, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the composition of these types of feed in more detail.

Table 2. Food composition for the subjects

The organizers of the experiment concluded that due to the addition of protein components - soybeans and peas - to the mixed feed, the diet of the birds of the experimental group was more balanced. This is evidenced by such indicators of useful substances and energy:

Table 3. Useful substances

The main indicators of useful substances and metabolic energy obtained by the representatives of the experimental group differ less from the norm than in the control group. The hens of the experimental group, where the crude protein was higher, began to lay on the 42nd day, and in the control group - only on the 47th. Egg production indicators between groups were distributed as follows:

Table 4. Results of the experiment

According to the table, it is obvious that the egg production rates are significantly higher in the experimental group, which was fed with compound feed with proteins (soybeans and peas, 20:80). The quality of eggs from the inclusion of peas and soybeans in the feed has improved. The number of large eggs has almost doubled.

Almost three times decreased the number of small ones. The weight of the egg of the laying hen that consumed proteins is almost 14% more than that of the laying hen from the control group, and the total egg weight is 36.41% more. With the help of this experiment, it was demonstrated how to increase the egg production of quails by changing the feed.

Increasing the egg production of quail laying hens is not a difficult task. It is necessary to study the features of a suitable microclimate for her, as well as to familiarize herself in detail with the rules of her feeding. By adhering to a rational diet for quails, as well as using protein supplements for feed, you can achieve the maximum indicators of their egg production.


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Quail eggs are very useful: they are rich in vitamins, trace elements, potassium and iron. But they are not cheap. This is one of the reasons why many poultry farmers decide to acquire quails. Some in order to pamper the household with delicious eggs. Others know that quail breeding is a profitable business and decide to breed birds on an industrial scale. In both cases, you need to know when the quails start to lay, as well as what measures to take if the quails stop laying.

At what age do quails start laying? This is one of the main questions that worries beginner farmers.

One of the important advantages of quail breeding is the rapid maturation of the bird. Quails begin to rush early - at the age of 35-40 days, then they already reach a live weight of about 100 grams. When males reach puberty, they begin to scream, while females whistle softly. But how many quails rush depends on the breed, as well as on age. In the first month - no more than 8 eggs, but the next six months will delight you with maximum egg production and you will be able to get about 25 eggs from one laying hen per month. For a year - up to 300.

How do quails rush, what time of day? Quail usually rush in the afternoon or very late in the evening, some breeds (for example, Japanese) - immediately after feeding.

It is important to know how quails lay. Birds lay eggs according to a certain schedule: for 5-6 days, the laying hen lays one egg at a time, and then takes a break. Therefore, do not be alarmed if after this period a day or two the bird does not please you with eggs. But if the quail is not laying for a long period, then there is cause for concern.

Reasons for the decline in egg production

If the quail has stopped laying, then you need to find out the reasons for the decline in egg production as soon as possible and eliminate them. The reasons may be the following:

  • Wrong lighting mode. Quails, like chickens, rush only in the light. Therefore, in order to increase the productivity of birds, many use artificial lighting. But you have to be careful with this. After all, if the bird stays in a lit room for more than 18 hours a day for a long time, or if the light is too bright, then it will become irritable, and on the contrary, productivity will decrease.
  • Violation of the thermal regime. In order for the quail to feel good, the temperature should not fall below 20 degrees. At low temperatures, it is very difficult to achieve at least some kind of productivity. But exceeding the upper limit of the thermal regime (25 degrees) also affects the state of health, appetite decreases. And this leads to a decline in productivity.
  • The presence of drafts. This factor causes not only the decline in egg production, but also the loss of feathers.
  • Changes in air humidity: the optimum air humidity is not higher than 75%. Above or below 40% egg production will not add.

  • Bad nutrition. Quail should be fed with a balanced nutritious diet with enough protein. The norms, the mode of feeding are also important.
  • Overcrowding of cells. There should be enough free space in the cage, because if the bird is cramped, it will badly affect its mood and, therefore, how the quail rushes.
  • shipping stress. If you have only recently bought quails, then you needed to transport them to your farm. Transportation is a rather big stress for the bird, especially in a new place it needs to get used to and get used to, and this will take about 2-3 weeks. And if we have already talked about stress, then know that loud noises also affect productivity.
  • Molt. During this process, the quails stop laying eggs.
  • Replacing the male in the herd. This factor stops egg production for a week. And there's nothing you can do about it, you have to wait it out.
  • Diseases. If you keep a close eye on your bird, then you know how and how much quails are rushing. Therefore, a decrease in egg production or a change in the egg shell can be the first signal of the appearance of quail diseases or injuries. Even at the slightest suspicion, it is better to immediately seek help from a veterinarian.
  • Aging. When laying quails reach the age of ten months, their egg production decreases, but they continue to lay for up to 30 months.

How to increase egg production

Agree, there are enough factors that affect egg production. And if the quails have stopped rushing, it is difficult to immediately determine what exactly caused it. But even if the productivity of the bird did not decrease, no one would refuse the opportunity to increase it.

First, give your birds a balanced diet. The way quails rush is influenced by:

  • meat and bone, as well as fish meal, as they contain a lot of proteins and amino acids;
  • gravel, shell are rich in minerals that make the egg shell strong.

Also, watch your diet. An adult laying hen should eat 3 times a day and eat about 30 grams of feed per day.

It will be better if there is no food in the feeders between feedings. Then the bird will eat it with gusto. And in any case, you should not overfeed, because she will become fat and the number of eggs will begin to decrease.

Secondly, carefully monitor the microclimate of the bird's habitat. Subject to all these rules, quails will often delight you with delicious diet eggs.

Video "Features of breeding domestic quail"

From this video you will learn about all the features of breeding domestic birds.

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