Why did the chicken lay a small omen egg. Chickens lay small eggs: reasons for what to do. Hormonal disorders or metabolic problems


If, instead of the usual 50-gram eggs, only smaller copies were found in the basket, then it is necessary to intervene in this process. Why chickens lay small eggs and how to fix this situation - read on.

If mini testicles appear in nests without any apparent pattern, there is no cause for concern, but regular deviations from the standard should be corrected. There can be several reasons why such problems occur in the body. Among the most common are hormonal failure and the age of the bird.

age factor

At the end of sexual formation, the pullet egg does not yet reach adult size. This is due to a developmental delay: with a full-weight yolk, the protein layer has not yet been fully formed. Despite the fact that this zest enhances the taste of the product, its mass differs from the average indicators in the direction of decrease.

Breed features

The variety of chickens can affect the production: birds can give both miniature eggs and please the owners with large-caliber samples. For the White Sultanka, the norm will be a weight of 45 g, for Kokhinkhin - 55 g, while the breeds of Leghorn, Iza-brown, Minorca, Hisex-brown, Pushkinskaya, High-line, Russian white chicken lay 65, 70 and even 80 -gram copies.

Hormonal disbalance

The maturation of an egg in the womb of a chicken happens 1 time per day. During this period, the egg passes through the reproductive system of the bird, acquiring a yolk and protein layer, film and shell.

The responsibility for this process lies with the hormonal system of the laying hen. If it fails, the egg will not be able to develop to full size, and a smaller product will be formed. Under such circumstances, the yolk may be completely absent.

Metamorphoses of the hormonal background are due to a number of reasons that depend on the following factors:

  • abrupt change in diet;
  • aggressive noise environment.

With prolonged fasting, hormonal disruptions are also observed.

Foreign objects in the oviduct

Laying hens are very curious creatures, which leads to the appearance of foreign objects in the internal genital tract. Most often inside inquisitive birds you can find:

  • parts of the litter;
  • feathers;
  • pebbles;
  • small pieces of steel.

They penetrate the body of the bird through the cloaca, and during the passage through the organs of the reproductive system they are perceived by the body of the hen as yolk. The further reaction of the reproductive system resembles the process of egg formation: a protein layer and a shell begin to form around the foreign body. As a result, a pseudo-product of small size appears.

Inflammation of the oviduct - salpingitis often occurs during active laying. The symptomatology of the disease manifests itself quite clearly through the following signs:

  • decrease in the size of the egg;
  • the laying hen stops laying indefinitely.

In addition, birds are actively gaining weight.

Ways to solve the problem

After finding out the reasons why the chicken lays small eggs, you should proceed to treatment and improve the situation.

Important. First of all, you need to check the age of the bird. If she has not reached 6 months or is in the molting stage, you should not panic. It is necessary to wait for the final puberty or renewal of the laying plumage.

If none of these factors explains the existing anomaly, it is advisable to apply the following methods:

  1. Universal way. Make a fortified menu for 21 days, supplementing the usual diet of 20 mg of potassium iodide per 1 individual.
  2. In the presence of foreign objects: balance the feed in terms of protein-carbohydrate components and clean the house.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of laying hens: Isolate affected birds from the flock and seek veterinary care.
  4. Hormonal disorders: enhance nutrition through the addition of vitamins D and E, check the room for drafts.
  5. Preventive measures:
  • keep the chicken coop clean;
  • change bedding regularly
  • light regime - at least 18 hours. If it gets dark early, increase daylight hours by using artificial lighting;
  • temperature regime - year-round from 15 to 21 ° C. If necessary, it can be increased to 23 ° C;
  • diet - it is advisable to always add finely chopped green mass and premixes to dry chicken food;
  • provide space for walking and install comfortable perches for sleeping.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out regular disinfection of the premises, at least once every 2 months, and also provide the birds with comfortable perches for sleeping and a spacious walking area.

Why do chickens lay small eggs or how many eggs per day can a chicken lay?

The answers to these questions excite every novice poultry breeder. Subject to the standards of care and the provision of proper conditions for the birds, the problem of small eggs will bypass the caring owner.

Chicken eggs have always been in demand among consumers, as they are healthy, nutritious and contain many vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Therefore, when the egg production of a bird decreases, this is a serious concern for the breeder. Why do chickens lay small eggs? this and answers to other questions are in this article.

Eggs in chickens become small due to illness in laying hens, violation of care for them, or errors in the diet of chickens. After analyzing each of the possible causes, the breeder will be able to eliminate the deficiency that has arisen.

All the Reasons Why Chickens Lay Small Eggs

The reasons for the decrease in the size of a chicken egg can seriously disturb the poultry farmer and buyers of his products. If in one case the cause is easy to eliminate, then in another case it is worth taking decisive and immediate action.

Why do chickens start laying small eggs?

First, let's look at the most common reasons why chickens lay small eggs. These include:

  1. Young age of the laying hen.
  2. Features of the chicken breed.
  3. Small body weight of the bird.
  4. Improper stimulation of oviposition.
  5. Gross violation of the diet of laying hens.

Young hens can indeed lay small eggs, as their oviduct is underdeveloped. This is a temporary and minor issue. As soon as the chicken grows up, the situation with the eggs will change, they will acquire a large mass and the poultry farmer will be happy with a larger egg.

Some breeds of laying hens lay smaller eggs due to genetic differences. You need to take this into account when buying chickens in order to avoid disappointment in the future. You should carefully read the productive characteristics of each breed and choose the one that meets the needs of the breeder. Breeders specifically bred egg-laying breeds that are capable of carrying larger eggs than ordinary chickens.

The little hen lays small eggs

A hen with a small body will lay a correspondingly small egg. This statement is especially true for chickens of dwarf breeds.

Some breeders start too early to stimulate the birds to lay with bright lights. However, do not rush into this. Laying hens must be of an appropriate age in order for their eggs to look normal and large enough.

Chickens can lay small eggs due to a violation of the diet of laying hens, especially if they are deficient in vitamins, trace elements and protein products. If you include chickens in the diet on purpose, then you can correct the situation and the eggs will become larger. Also worth buying at veterinary pharmacy a complex of vitamins, and include an additive in the feed.

There are cases when chickens lay small eggs due to a serious illness. For example, most often it can be a hormonal disorder, inflammation of the oviduct or a foreign body in it. A foreign body can be a helminth or a tumor. If it is not easy to get rid of the tumor, then it is easy to get rid of the protozoa with the help of chemicals purchased at the pharmacy.

A bird can get various inflammations in a cold room of a chicken coop, in which there is dampness and a draft. You can solve the problem by warming the chicken coop and normalizing the temperature. Some poultry farmers decide to put a heater in the chicken coop during the cold season so that the bird is more comfortable at night.

Why do chickens lay small eggs? The reason may be the most unexpected for the breeder, but you need to analyze every possible problem and try to eliminate it. Some complexities are very easy to fix, others are more difficult to fix. But getting large and nutritious chicken eggs is real for every owner. farming knowing about possible causes in advance. Continue reading on the site

A chicken egg is a very valuable food product, which is a source of a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other substances important to humans. Eggs have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism, are able to strengthen the immune system and activate the brain. For people who breed chickens, it is important to know what the correct care of the bird is, what and how to feed them, what diseases they may have. And also those who deal with poultry farming are interested in the question -.

  • The main factor influencing the size of the laid egg is the age of the hen itself. Small eggs are laid by a young bird aged 22-24 weeks, which has just begun the laying period. Eggs of a young laying hen are highly valued by connoisseurs, since such an egg has a large yolk and they are very tasty. The mass of eggs will very soon increase and reach the size of normal eggs. For a long time, small eggs are laid by those chickens that, due to some reason, began to lay ahead of time.
  • For this breeder, care must be taken to ensure that the hen has a suitable body weight and does not start laying eggs too early. The mass of medium heavy birds should reach approximately 1400 g.
  • If problems with suitable egg size have been noticed in an adult bird, then it is possible that the laying hen is suffering from an inflammation of the oviduct. The cause of such a disease can be: improper feeding, lack of vitamins, unsuitable conditions of detention, early start in masonry, lighting mode. Inflammation can also occur due to highly active masonry, in which the laying hen's body has not yet had time to recover.

During illness, the oviduct must be washed with plain water, and potassium iodide solution should be given to the bird for 20 days. If, after the treatment, the chickens continue to lay small eggs, then you need to contact your veterinarian.

You can avoid problems with the oviduct if you think over the correct diet for feeding chickens in advance, take care of good maintenance and adjust the lighting.

  • It is necessary to organize a lighting program in a room without windows. As a rule, according to the age of the bird, an increase in daylight hours is carried out. This is a bit more difficult to do in a chicken coop with windows. It is necessary to calculate the amount of daylight so that the layers go to night rest at dusk. And, therefore, you need to take into account additional lighting in the morning. For example, when evening twilight comes from 17:00, it is necessary to turn on additional lighting by 3:00 in the morning. And with decreasing daylight, you need to take into account the morning time, by which the length of the day becomes shorter in the evening.

vitamins A, B and E, calcium, the right amount of protein, feed the birds with green fodder and grass . It is also very important to give vitamin C, which helps with stress, and the heat can be such a stress for the laying hen. Light day should be no more than 9 hours.

If the birds go out for a walk, you need to take care of the shade. If there are no bushes nearby, or they do not give shade, then you need to come up with simple canopies from the sun's rays.

With a permanent stay ventilation should be ensured so that the temperature is optimal.

The size of the eggs can also be influenced by the breed of chickens. In this case, the weight of the hen itself may not play an important role. The main task of the poultry breeder is to ensure that the birds have, as far as possible, comfortable carrying conditions. You need to constantly monitor health, nutrition and lighting. Then the question is why do chickens lay small eggs, will no longer bother the poultry farmer, and the result will delight with good large eggs. Read our website - and you will have a life without worries!

Breeding chickens belonging to breeds egg direction, popular among amateur poultry farmers. In private households contain various breeds and crosses. Despite the fact that it is relatively easy to raise chickens, among the laying hens there are sometimes individuals that produce products that are non-standard in shape and small in weight. Let us examine in more detail why domestic chickens lay small eggs and what solutions to the problem are possible.

No chicken in the world can lay eggs of the same size. Throughout its life and period of productivity in its masonry there will be specimens of a smaller or larger size. But always these eggs must meet the standard adopted for the breed. If a poultry farmer regularly receives a product weighing less than expected from a particular individual, this is a reason to think about why this happens? Is the bird sick and needs to be treated? Not always.

Small eggs in chickens are not necessarily a pathology, sometimes the size is due to genetics. It has been established that young animals obtained from small-sized eggs, growing up, will themselves carry the same eggs. This feature is inherited in chickens, and nothing can be done about it.

Among other reasons why chickens begin to lay small eggs, it is worth noting the physiology, age of the laying hen, belonging to one or another breed, injuries, etc.


If the hen is just starting to lay, the eggs will be smaller than those of her adult relatives. The ability to lay in pullets, in most cases, occurs by 5-5.5 months, along with puberty and reaching 2/3 of the body weight of adults. Hybrid birds, as well as livestock after artificial stimulation, can start producing products even earlier - a little later than 4 months.

At the same time, the internal organs of such laying hens are not yet fully developed. This is the reason why young hens lay small eggs. In a short and narrow oviduct, pullets do not have time to form protein in full. With age, after about a month, the weight of the eggs returns to normal. Birds stimulated to lay will also produce small eggs, but may lack the yolk.

Violation in light mode

A sharp lengthening of daylight hours causes a jump in sexual development in young hens, so they start laying eggs ahead of time. Such laying hens then carry a small egg for a long time or do not begin to carry a large one at all.

Physiology of the body and stressful situations

If suddenly an adult chicken laid a very small egg, it may have internal disorders in the body. All metabolic processes in it proceed according to physiology, but if the secretion of any hormone is disturbed, this causes a malfunction of the entire chicken body, which also affects egg production.

With a hormonal imbalance in birds, there will be no yolk in the egg. Therefore, its size will be small. If you provide the laying hen with good nutrition, peace and quiet, soon this unpleasant feature will disappear by itself.

Egg size is also affected by various stress factors: increased temperature, insufficient space, poor nutrition.

Adult laying hens may also have small eggs after a sudden change of residence. But, under good conditions and high-quality feeding, the period of adaptation of the bird will not take more than a week.

Breed features

When choosing chickens for breeding, the poultry farmer must be well aware of the characteristics of the breed or cross. Such belonging can be the main reason why laying hens cannot boast of a large egg size. It's just not typical for them.

The weight of the egg also depends on the breed. Chickens like the White Sultanka will lay eggs weighing 45 g, larger Cochinchins - an average of 55 g each. With eggs weighing 65-80 g, chickens of the Leghorn, Russian White, Minorca, Pushkinskaya and crosses Iza-Brown, High- line, hisex brown, etc.

Foreign objects in the oviduct

If the poultry house is not regularly cleaned, helminthiases are not treated and prevented, chickens may also not produce full-fledged eggs. The reason is the ingress of a foreign body into the oviduct of laying hens.

These can be particles of the yolk, a piece of hardened protein, blood clot, fibrin, worms (penetrate through the cloaca). The body of the chicken perceives them as yolk and starts the mechanism for further creation of the egg. The finished copy is small and not suitable for food.

Young laying hens are most susceptible to such trouble. An adult bird has strong immunity, can quickly adapt to the conditions of detention, therefore it is less susceptible to such pathologies of oviposition.

Inflammatory processes and increased perilstatics of the oviduct

Sometimes it happens that the yolk, due to increased contractions of the walls of the oviduct, quickly passes through its albuminous part. It does not have time to be covered with protein, it passes into the calcareous department, where a shell appears on it. Such an egg will be small and without protein or it will be very small.

Ways to solve identified problems

The laying of small eggs by pullets does not require intervention in the process of the poultry breeder, if its internal contents are correctly formed, that is, it contains both yolk and protein.

When foreign inclusions are inside, you should take care of the hygiene of the poultry house and walking, deworm the birds.

A complete diet should become the norm in feeding birds. The food should also contain additional vitamins and minerals needed by the livestock.

Strengthen the immunity of the bird and improve it will help:

  • drinking potassium iodide for 3 weeks;
  • adding vitamins of groups A, D, E to the feed;
  • feeding chopped greens and vegetables;
  • the use of special premixes and vitamins for laying hens.

If problems with the oviduct are suspected, the poultry breeder should consult a veterinarian, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, treat with drugs prescribed by a specialist and under his control.

Among the numerous and varied domestic animals, chickens have long been the most popular among many peoples. This unpretentious bird could be afforded even by the very last poor people, and the pied bee, in gratitude for the roof over their heads and a handful of grain, regularly supplied the owner not only with meat and feathers, but also with fresh eggs.

Good laying hens have always been especially appreciated, and the people have been inventing new tricks to guarantee a regular supply of a tasty and nutritious product to the table. A stone with a hole was hung in the chicken coop, and fragments of earthenware jars were attached to the perch. In order for the pied eggs to rush better, a good housewife never gave eggs to her neighbors to incubate them with other people's hens. Feathers were cut from the tail of their own chickens and burned in the oven or hidden in the nest. Then Domestic bird rushed only in its nest.

In relation to eggs, there are also separate signs. It is not recommended to collect them in a man's poultry house, as otherwise the hens may stop laying. The same thing happens if you burn the shell. Many women are sure that the regular application of eggs to intimate places increases the ability to bear children. If you accidentally break a fragile product, then on this day you cannot avoid a family quarrel or financial problems.

The signs did not ignore the size of the eggs. So a large specimen with two yolks predicts different things for different people. He promises a wedding to a young girl, an addition to the family to a married matron, twins to a pregnant woman, and luck to a man in love and business. And what does a too small egg warn about?

  • Such a nondescript “chicken present” most often means minor chores that can relate to both domestic and industrial problems.
  • If a single woman got a small egg, then she should reconsider her relationship with the opposite sex. A small specimen hints to the lady that she is wasting her time on unpromising relationships with insignificant men.
  • For a man, the same insignificant “gift” from a laying hen means that he is in this moment engaged in an absolutely unprofitable or simply stupid business.
  • It happens that a person sees small eggs, only being in the kingdom of Morpheus. Such a dream means an unpleasant tendency to make "molehills out of molehills", to give insignificant words and deeds an unnecessarily large scale.


See also: Signs about chickens

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Really fresh eggs look beautiful in a bowl after you break them. The yolks are perfectly rounded and the whites are whipped into a fluffy meringue! Cooked, they are tender and delicious!

Fresh eggs can be bought at a local farm, from those who keep chickens. In the city, getting a really fresh egg is a problem. Eggs of good quality, collected just the day before, are sold in the markets quickly enough. The egg industry, on the other hand, uses tricks to keep eggs fresh, such as partial freezing and cold storage for several weeks before they hit your supermarket shelf.

Even if you buy organic eggs from a farm store, you may end up with old eggs. Old eggs not only don't taste as good, they make pastries of inferior quality, they don't beat as well.

Do you suspect that your store fresh eggs aren't really that fresh? If so, here are two tips on how you can check their freshness!

The easiest way is to look at the egg packing date (stamp). See out of expiration date(it can be several weeks), namely packing date! If the eggs were packed a couple of weeks ago, they cannot be called fresh. But if it's just a couple of days - you're in luck.

If the egg lies on its side at the bottom of a bowl of water, it is very fresh.

An easy way to test the freshness of eggs is to carefully place the egg in a glass of water. Fresh eggs sink and lie lengthwise at the bottom of the cup. The older the egg, the more likely it is to fully swim. Semi-fresh eggs will stand on the bottom at one end instead of lying on the bottom (they can be eaten). This is because the air pocket in older eggs is getting bigger. If the egg floats, it is better to throw it away (you can break it and check it, focusing on the sense of smell).

But how to determine the freshness of an egg in a store?

Hold the egg to your ear and shake it, listening for the squelching sounds. During storage, moisture and carbon dioxide escape through the shell, the yolk and white begin to dry out and shrivel, and the air pocket in the egg becomes larger. The large air pocket gives more room to move inside the shell and creates a more noticeable squelching sound. Fresh eggs should practically not make such a sound.

Checking the quality of eggs

Fresh eggs are very difficult to peel when hard boiled. Eggs are easy to peel after about three weeks of storage.

By the way, washing eggs can reduce their shelf life.

Small eggs, why?

It removes the protective layer. If you washed the eggs, they can only be stored in the refrigerator after that.

Crack the egg onto a plate or large bowl and check the quality of the yolk and white. The integrity of the eggs decreases as they age, so they won't stick together like fresh ones. egg. Please note: if the eggs spread a long distance on the plate and seem watery, they are no longer very fresh. If the egg remains relatively compact, it is fresh.

If the yolk is flat and breaks easily, the egg is old.

If the yolk moves easily inside the egg, this means that the egg is old: fresh egg white is dense and thick, it holds the yolk, then the white weakens. This can be seen after cooking: in old eggs, the yolk may be on the very edge.

Look at the color of the protein. A cloudy white indicates a very fresh egg. Pure white means the egg is older.

How to determine the quality and freshness of eggs

Crack an egg and sniff it. This is The best way find rotten egg. A bad egg has a sharp, unpleasant odor. Sulphurous smell is felt as soon as the egg is cracked (and even before). Bad eggs will have such an unpleasant odor whether they are raw or boiled.

Crack an egg into a small bowl and check the color. The color of the yolk will change depending on the diet of the chicken, so a shade of yellow or orange does not say anything about freshness at all. Instead of this, examine the egg white.

If it's pink, green, rainbow egg infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is not safe to eat. If you see black or green spots inside the egg, it is infected with a fungus, it must be discarded.

If the yolk of a boiled egg is hard, with a bluish-green ring around it, it means the eggs have been overcooked or boiled in water with a high iron content. It is safe.

If the egg has blood or meat stains, it is still safe to eat, this does not mean that the egg is gone. A blood stain appears if a blood vessel ruptures while the egg is being formed. It's not about freshness at all.

Throw away any eggs that have been stored in the refrigerator and then room temperature for two hours or more. After the eggs have cooled in the refrigerator, it is important to keep them at the same temperature. A cold egg in a warm room begins to sweat, which can encourage bacteria to grow on the outer shell of the egg. Insofar as eggshell is porous, it happens that bacteria from the shell pass into the egg. Such eggs can become dangerous.

To prevent temperature fluctuations, store eggs in the coldest part of your refrigerator, and not on the door. The temperature on the door will likely fluctuate as it opens and closes, which can cause the egg to "sweat".

If you receive your eggs from the farm unwashed and store them at room temperature, you should never refrigerate them. In many countries it is customary to store eggs at room temperature. It is safe because eggs are laid by chickens with protection, they are able to restrain the growth of bacteria.

Why fresh eggs are important

Like any food products Here, the fresher the better. Better tasting and healthier to eat.

Who wants to buy eggs that have been pre-cooked, frozen, kept cold for weeks before you break them into your own scrambled eggs? Of course it's not very a good option especially if you are poaching a soft-boiled egg for baby food.

Fresh eggs are also better for baking. A good, strong fresh egg yolk can be easily separated by hand, without a single drop of protein that can ruin your macaroons!

Finally, fresh eggs are much easier to beat. Fresh eggs have tighter proteins, yolks retain their shape better. So if eggs Benedict is your favorite dish, then the eggs should be as fresh as possible.

Why do chickens lay eggs with defects?

Every year more and more new breeds of chickens are being bred. Now you will not surprise anyone that chickens rush every day. On average, hens lay about 280-300 eggs per year, which, you see, is not a little. To achieve such a performance of chickens, certain feeding norms must be observed. The poultry farm strictly adheres to all the standards of nutrition and maintenance of birds, so chickens very rarely lay “soft” eggs. At home, as a rule, the bird is fed with anything, therefore, depending on the season, this defect is often observed on the eggs.

Anyone who breeds birds, of course, came across unusual eggs: with a double yolk, with blood spots in the protein or near the yolk, without a shell. In order to prevent malfunctions in the functioning of the chicken body, consider the mechanism of egg formation.

A chicken's ovary contains a large number of eggs (yolks). Each of them is in its shell (follicle) on different stages development. The mature egg moves from the follicle into the oviduct. At this time, the egg is overgrown with protein and membranes, which does not depend on whether fertilization occurs or not. Half an hour after the chicken laid one egg, the next egg enters its oviduct.

If two eggs enter the genital tract or the time interval between them is not large, then the egg is formed with two yolks. And when the second yolk is late, then the first egg turns out normal, and the second - without a shell.

Young hens lay their first 12-18 eggs in a small size, which is a regularity.
It very rarely happens that an adult chicken lays a small egg, inside of which there is only protein. This is due to the accumulation of protein in the oviduct, which is subsequently enveloped in the shell.

Often the appearance of "soft" eggs associated with a lack of calcium and phosphorus in the bird's body. At first, the deficiency of these elements is replenished by chicken bones (costal, femoral, thoracic). If you feel her keel, then in this case, it will be mobile, soft and easily bent. For treatment and prevention, it is best to use crushed shell rock, which is completely absorbed in the bird's body. The shell rock should make up about 5% of her total daily diet. You can also give chalk, calcium carbonate or crushed eggshells.

For better absorption of calcium, the bird needs zinc, which is found in green fodder and seeds. And vitamin C favorably affects the formation of the shell. It is found in the green leaves of plants. In winter, for treatment and prevention, you can add preparations containing vitamin C to food or water.

The appearance of blood spots in the egg associated with a violation of the hormonal background, i.e. when the follicular membrane of the ovary ruptures very early.

Chickens lay small eggs: several main reasons for this phenomenon

It may also be related to the bird's stressful situations. Extending daylight hours can help. In this case, the bird must be protected from such situations that cause stress to the chicken.

Often a hen, flying off a perch or nest, hits the floor, which can also lead to damage to eggs and the appearance of blood stains.

If your efforts to improve the diet of the chicken have not been successful, then it is better to contact the veterinary service or remove such a chicken from your farm in order to avoid viral infections.

If you bought eggs and almost all of them have blood stains, then you should think about and throw them away, and if there is one, then there is nothing to worry about.

Do chickens lay eggs with defects? Common defects in bird eggs are described

Other interesting articles:

Why do chickens lay small eggs?

A chicken egg is a very valuable food product, which is a source of a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other substances important to humans. Eggs have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism, are able to strengthen the immune system and activate the brain. For people who breed chickens, it is important to know what the correct care of the bird is, what and how to feed them, what diseases they may have. And also those who deal with poultry farming are interested in the question -.

Small eggs, why?

  • The main factor influencing the size of the laid egg is the age of the hen itself. Small eggs are laid by a young bird aged 22-24 weeks, which has just begun the laying period.

    The chicken lays small eggs: a solution to the problem

    Eggs of a young laying hen are highly valued by connoisseurs, since such an egg has a large yolk and they are very tasty. The mass of eggs will very soon increase and reach the size of normal eggs. For a long time, small eggs are laid by those chickens that, due to some reason, began to lay ahead of time.

  • For this breeder, care must be taken to ensure that the hen has a suitable body weight and does not start laying eggs too early. The mass of medium heavy birds should reach approximately 1400 g.
  • If problems with suitable egg size have been noticed in an adult bird, then it is possible that the laying hen is suffering from an inflammation of the oviduct. The cause of such a disease can be: improper feeding, lack of vitamins, unsuitable conditions of detention, early start in masonry, lighting mode. Inflammation can also occur due to highly active masonry, in which the laying hen's body has not yet had time to recover.
  • During illness, the oviduct must be washed with plain water, and potassium iodide solution should be given to the bird for 20 days. If, after the treatment, the chickens continue to lay small eggs, then you need to contact your veterinarian.

    You can avoid problems with the oviduct if you think over the correct diet for feeding chickens in advance, take care of good maintenance and adjust the lighting.

  • It is necessary to organize a lighting program in a room without windows. As a rule, according to the age of the bird, an increase in daylight hours is carried out. This is a bit more difficult to do in a chicken coop with windows. It is necessary to calculate the amount of daylight so that the layers go to night rest at dusk. And, therefore, you need to take into account additional lighting in the morning. For example, when evening twilight comes from 17:00, it is necessary to turn on additional lighting by 3:00 in the morning. And with decreasing daylight, you need to take into account the morning time, by which the length of the day becomes shorter in the evening.
  • Laying hens need to diversify the diet with vitamins A, B and E, calcium, the right amount of protein, feed the birds with green fodder and grass. It is also very important to give vitamin C, which helps with stress, and the heat can be such a stress for the laying hen. Light day should be no more than 9 hours.

    If the birds go out for a walk, you need to take care of the shade. If there are no bushes nearby, or they do not give shade, then you need to come up with simple canopies from the sun's rays.

    With a permanent stay birds in the chicken coop ventilation should be ensured so that the temperature is optimal.

    The size of the eggs can also be influenced by the breed of chickens. In this case, the weight of the hen itself may not play an important role. The main task of the poultry breeder is to ensure that the birds have, as far as possible, comfortable carrying conditions. You need to constantly monitor health, nutrition and lighting. Then the question is why do chickens lay small eggs, will no longer bother the poultry farmer, and the result will delight with good large eggs. Read our site - no-hassle farmer and you will have a life without worries!

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    GuruAnimal.ru » Question/Answer » Why do chickens lay small eggs?

    Should you eat eggs without yolk?

    For a long time, bodybuilders considered the most valuable egg protein.

    Why do chickens start laying small eggs?

    Well, the yolk, they say, is dangerous with a high cholesterol content.

    Athletes separated the yolks and prepared omelettes from some proteins. Science has established the opposite. It turns out that cholesterol is fundamentally important for a bodybuilder. It is from cholesterol that the shells of muscle cells are made. Strength training massively destroys muscle cells. To restore them, you need, first of all, cholesterol, and only then protein.

    Experiments have shown that whole eggs are a direct stimulant for the growth of strength and muscle mass. But what about the harm of dietary cholesterol? He is greatly exaggerated. The deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels is the result of an overproduction of cholesterol by our liver. And this happens due to the intake of excessive amounts of fat.

    Known experiments to reduce cholesterol intake and the subsequent reduction in the number of cardiovascular diseases were simply misinterpreted. The subjects were restricted in the intake of animal products. Which are not so much a source of cholesterol as ordinary fats. If you are on a low-fat diet, then taking cholesterol, even in excessive amounts, does not threaten to clog blood vessels. By the way, at the same time it became clear why the muscles do not grow in vegetarian athletes. The reason is simply that they do not get cholesterol from food.

    Experiments have shown that a significant acceleration in muscle mass growth begins with the intake of 3 whole eggs per day.

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