How to get rid of downy feathers in chickens. Chicken peroed: how to get rid of it with folk remedies and chemicals? The use of chemicals


The feather-eater in chickens is practically invisible to the human eye due to its small size, but can cause not only a lot of inconvenience to the bird, but also lead to more serious consequences, up to death, and in all cases there will be a loss of body weight and a decrease in egg production.

"Acquaintance" with the down-eater

On one bird there can be several thousand of this tick, and from one chicken literally within a week can infect the entire "population" of the chicken coop. And with a large number of fluff-eaters, they can even “attack” even a person - however, they cannot cause much harm to him, but even just finding this tick on your skin is rather unpleasant.

Most often, bird infestation occurs in spring and autumn, as a humid environment is preferable for ticks. Moreover, autumn is considered the most dangerous, since a bird that has lost its feather simply will not survive the onset of winter cold. Feather in chickens is very quickly transmitted from an infected bird to a healthy one, it can also be brought in with inventory and on shoes. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the behavior of the bird and prevent "overpopulation", because a cramped chicken coop is one of the causes of infection.

It should also be borne in mind that the pered is very "tenacious" and can wait a long time for its prey in bedding, garden tools and even the wooden structures of the chicken coop itself. That is why, at the slightest suspicion of the presence of feathers in chickens, it is necessary not only to begin immediate treatment of the bird, but also to disinfect the chicken coop itself and all equipment used with Karbofos or any insect control composition. Before processing, all birds must be removed from the premises. collected bedding, chicken manure and it is better to burn the wooden parts of the chicken coop and inventory affected by the feather to prevent the spread of the tick. Return the bird to the room should be only after thorough ventilation.


How to treat sick chickens? First you need to transplant all the chickens affected by the lice to stop the development of the epidemic. After this, the chickens must be sprayed with special insecticides, For example:

  • Barsom,
  • Frontline
  • Neotomazan
  • and others.

If powder is used, then it must be carefully rubbed into the bird's feather.

Folk methods of treatment

Kerosene can be mixed with ammonia and benzene. With such a solution it is necessary to treat not only the affected bird but also the whole chicken coop. It is believed that kerosene, unlike chemicals, has a detrimental effect not only on the feather-eater, but also on its eggs.

It will also be good to hang in the chicken coop and put sprigs of tansy or wild rosemary, wormwood, chamomile, celandine in the nests - the lice are afraid of the smell of these herbs and leave the "chosen" room. You can spray the infected bird with an infusion of these herbs from a spray bottle or rub it into feathers.

Folk remedies will provide invaluable assistance when chickens are infected with fluff-eaters, since it is not recommended to treat young animals with chemical compounds. When treating an adult bird, the use of chemicals will be more productive, and more gentle methods are great as preventive measures.

Ways of infection


When attacking hens, downy eaters observe the following signs:

How to get rid of feather? Before treating chickens, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures:

  • Clear the room of fallen feathers, droppings, litter. Pay special attention to perches and nests, thoroughly clean wooden surfaces. If the walls and floor are concrete, wash them.
  • Bring the parameters of poultry keeping in line with zoohygienic requirements.
  • Conduct a diet analysis. Bring it into line with the required standards. The best option is the use of professional compound feed intended for this poultry production group.

The treatment of mallophagosis consists in the destruction of pereeds on chickens, as well as in the poultry house. Industrial pesticides are highly toxic to cold-blooded animals and are a medicine for warm-blooded animals. Most often, the situation is so critical that insects are first destroyed, then the room is prepared, and the final grass of the down-eaters is carried out 7–14 days after the first. This is what the owners of primitive chicken coops located in private courtyards do. All the same, it is necessary to poison the down-eaters twice.

The principle of action of numerous insecticides, the active substances of which are permethrins, is almost the same. Thus, the Russian-made insecticide Entomazan S is used to treat poultry. How to get rid of peroeds with an insecticide? It is diluted with water at the rate of 5 ml of concentrate per 1 dm 3 of water. Chickens are sprayed with a working emulsion of 15–30 ml per head. It is recommended to re-process the instruction after 8-9 days.

If the number of birds is small and the weather is warm, chickens are bathed in some kind of container, such as a bucket. This procedure should be treated with caution, because if the active ingredient of the drug is an organophosphorus insecticide, poisoning up to the case is not excluded. Young birds should not be bathed.

The following drugs act similarly to Entomazan C:

  • Butox.
  • Neostomazan.
  • Ectomin.

According to a number of poultry farmers, they successfully fight against downy chickens with products intended for cats and dogs - Bars or Frontline sprays, Stronghold drops. It is not recommended to experiment with such products, because it is not provided for in the instructions for their use and is very expensive.



Repellent properties are possessed by folk veterinary medicine. Among them are many risky, fraught with cases. The most acceptable is the use of a mixture of wood ash and sand. An impromptu product is poured into a separate container inside the chicken coop or on the run. Chickens bathe in a dusty mixture, which becomes an obstacle for the lice, seeking to get to the skin. Arthropods cannot stand the smell of chamomile flowers, as well as tansy. They can be added to the litter, however, a large amount of phytomaterial is required to ensure effectiveness.


In industrial poultry farming in windowless buildings with controlled microclimate parameters, preventive measures are carried out during a technological break using Entomazan S or its analogues. In chickens living in adapted premises, it is better to fight against pereed before the onset of the summer season, when arthropods become especially active.

For disinfection of the premises, in addition to the aforementioned iodine monochloride, sulfur smoke bombs are used. The sulfur dioxide formed during combustion penetrates into the smallest cracks, destroying all living things, so the chickens must be removed. However, this requires the creation of hermetic conditions. The room is ventilated for a long time, up to a week. At this time, it is necessary to equip a temporary room for the bird.

The fight against downy chickens lies in the responsible attitude of the poultry breeder, who provides the birds with comfortable living conditions, a complete diet and regular sanitation of the premises.

The danger of this disease is that a sick chicken simply does not have feathers, it can freeze in the cold season, its vital parameters deteriorate significantly:

  • In sick chickens, there is a decrease in appetite;
  • Reduced egg production;
  • Down or new feathers grow very slowly.

Fluff-eaters actively live and breed in such conditions:

  • Poorly ventilated cramped rooms in which birds spend most of their time;
  • Absence or rare walking (for poultry this is very important);
  • Unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic condition of the chicken coop, rare indoor cleaning, lack of disinfection;
  • The absence in the room where chickens are kept of a special container with chalk or ash.

Treatment and prevention

It is urgent to carry out a thorough disinfection of the chicken coop, at this time it is better to take the birds to the summer aviary or to another room.

The fight against feathering involves disinfection, which can be carried out both with alkali solutions and with chlorine-containing agents. To destroy the feather-eaters, it is enough to carry out a thorough cleaning once, and then periodically repeat for prevention.

The external type of pest is very similar to ordinary lice, but they bring much more difficulties.

On the video - a description of the problem and countermeasures:

If a drug for pereeding in chickens is used in the powder version, then it must be carefully rubbed into the plumage of each infected individual. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the dose.

On the video - how to deal with the problem:

How to deal with the disease and cure chickens - the use of drugs

Destroying insects with pest control chemicals is more productive. The current industry is represented by numerous substances for the elimination of insect pests, which can be bought at every veterinary pharmacy.

Poisons for insects are based on the defeat of their nervous concept, which leads to immediate death. These chemicals do not affect the body of birds. For those who want to understand how to increase the number of eggs, you should follow the link.

The following funds are in demand:

An insect from continuous holding of such baths will die or will flee. And for chickens, this will be a real pleasure.

Such a medicine is prepared very easily: sift fine sand and mix with wood ash. Pour the mixture into a trough and place near the chicken coop. You can also mix kerosene with water or vinegar. This tool is simply lubricated with a bird and left to act.

The insect dies from lack of air, since the oily structure of kerosene enters through the respiratory tract, the chitinous cover. A similar process is acceptable for adult chickens. Chickens are cured in a slightly different way. Chamomile infusion is well rubbed into feathers and skin. The operation is repeated every day. In addition, it is possible to use powder of dry chamomile, wormwood.

It is also possible to refer to the nationwide methods of cure:

Prevention of ticks pereedov - how to treat birds

However, try to take precautionary measures to avoid the appearance of these harmful insects and prevent the death of the entire brood.

Veterinarians confirm the presence of feather-eaters in chickens and prescribe treatment if they are detected under the plumage of an animal, as well as with the following symptoms and details of the clinical picture, indicating infection:

How to get rid of feather-eaters


Folk remedies

It will be effective to fight with kerosene. From this remedy, not only adult individuals of lice eaters die instantly, but also the chitinous membrane covering them is partially destroyed. Kerosene can be used to treat chickens by mixing it with water and vinegar. Bird feathers should be treated with this liquid.


  • treatment of the premises where chickens live with boiling water or steam;
  • timely removal of old dirty food and litter;
  • constant change of chicken coop bedding;
  • exclusion of contact of chickens with wild birds.

We also recommend installing sand baths with an admixture of ash. Do not forget to periodically inspect the roots of down and feathers of chickens for signs of damage and monitor the behavior of birds. It is highly recommended that you take great care to ensure that your clothes and shoes are clean when you are handling your bird.

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Video "Diseases of chickens"

After watching the video, you will know about all the most common diseases of chickens.

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