Make a farm. Registration of a peasant farm - step-by-step instructions on how to open a peasant (farmer) economy. Additional activities


Peasant- farming- this is one of the organizational and legal forms, which is registered by agricultural producers and processors. In KFH unite individuals related by kinship or property, but it can be created by one person. How to register a peasant farm and what features does this form of business have?

Legal features of KFH

There is a special federal law of June 11, 2003 No. 74-FZ, which specifies the procedure for registering a farm and its further activities. However, if we compare this normative act with the law "On LLC", it turns out that many issues of the activity of the peasant farm are considered very superficially.

The disposal of property, its division, the payment of compensation, the rights and obligations of members of the household must be spelled out in an agreement, to which the law does not impose any requirements. Perhaps the legislators proceeded from the fact that close people unite in a peasant farm, so there is no need to strictly regulate their interaction with each other.

The procedure for registering a peasant farm is not much different from registering an individual entrepreneur, moreover, the law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration does not mention this legal form at all.

From Law No. 74-FZ it is unequivocally clear that a peasant farm is not a legal entity, although it may consist of several members. KFH is also not recognized as an individual entrepreneur, but information about him is entered in the USRIP register by the name of the head of the economy.

Despite the fact that there is no legislative clarity in the definition of a peasant farm, in Russia it is registered quite often. As of March 1, 2017, there were 150,634 peasant farms in the USRIP, of which 25,845 entities were registered in 2016.

What legal features of KFH can be called key? There are quite a few of them:

  • the main activity of the farm should be related to the production, processing, and sale of agricultural products;
  • a peasant farm is not a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, but after registration of a peasant farm, its head receives the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • the head of a peasant farm can be replaced if he voluntarily resigned from his duties or is unable to perform them for more than six months;
  • the change of the head of the peasant farm does not terminate his membership in the farm;
  • members of a peasant farm can only be individuals who are in kinship or property relations (relatives of the spouse of the head of the peasant farm, with whom he has no blood relationship: father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, sister-in-law, etc.);
  • it is also allowed to admit as members of the peasant farm no more than five persons who are not related to the head of the farm;
  • KFH members act on the basis of an agreement that spells out all the key issues of activity;
  • property, products and income of the farm belong to all its members on the basis of joint ownership, but by agreement can be divided into shares;
  • transactions on behalf of the KFH are concluded by its head;
  • the farm is liable for its obligations with all its property;
  • a member of a peasant farm may withdraw from it, but continues to bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of the economy within two years after the withdrawal;
  • in case of withdrawal from the peasant farm, land plots and tools of production are not allocated, but the former participant is paid monetary compensation proportional to his share in the common property.

By its legal nature (the presence of several members acting by agreement and having shares in joint property), a farm is similar to a legal entity, but full property liability for obligations brings it closer to an individual entrepreneur.

In general, if you want to start a business in the agricultural sector, then registering a peasant farm is optional. With the same success, you can open or, which will work on a special tax regime of the Unified Agricultural Tax.

Perhaps the main reason for the popularity of registering peasant farms in Russia can be called special state support programs, many of which sponsor peasant farms, and not individual entrepreneurs or organizations. If you were attracted by one of these state programs to support beginner farmers, we will tell you how to register a farm with the tax office.

Documents for registration of KFH

For registration of a peasant farm, a special application form is provided, which is in many ways similar to an application for registering an individual entrepreneur. An application for registration of a peasant farm is submitted in the form P21002, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected]

The requirements for filling out an application on form P21002 are similar to filling out. If the future head of the peasant farm personally submits documents for registration of a peasant farm in tax office there is no need to notarize the application. Sign form P21002 in the presence of the tax inspector.

  • Download the application form for registration of a peasant farm in the form R21002

The next standard document is a copy of the applicant's passport. When personally submitting an application for registration of a peasant farm, a copy of the passport from a notary is not necessary to certify. You must have the original passport with you so that the IFTS officer can verify it with a copy.

The state duty for registration of a peasant farm is paid for the same amount and for the same details as for the registration of an individual entrepreneur. You can prepare a receipt through or ask for a sample to fill out at the registering inspection.

If one person enters the peasant farm, then the list of documents for registering a peasant farm is exhausted. If several persons operate on the farm, but an agreement between the members of the peasant farm must be submitted to the inspection.

For this document, as we said above, the law does not impose special requirements, except for the list of mandatory information (Article 4 of Law No. 74-FZ). So, the agreement should define the rights and obligations of members of the peasant farm, the powers of the head of the economy, the procedure for distributing income. Specific conditions are determined by agreement between the future owners of the farm.

It is not necessary to document family ties between members of the peasant economy, because the IFTS is not empowered to verify this information. What consequences are possible if it turns out that the KFH includes persons who are not related by kinship or property, the law does not determine.

However, among the grounds for the termination of the activity of the economy there is such as “by a court decision”. That is, it is quite possible that, at the suit of the IFTS or other interested parties, the KFH may be liquidated due to the lack of family ties between its members.

In total, the IFTS at the place of residence of the future head of the peasant farm must submit:

  • a completed, but not signed, application form P21002;
  • a copy of the applicant's passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty for 800 rubles;
  • an agreement concluded between members of the peasant farm (if there are several members on the farm).

We remind you that if the documents are not submitted during a personal visit to the IFTS (by mail or by proxy), then the P21002 form and a copy of the passport must be certified by a notary. When applying through an authorized representative, in addition, it is necessary to prepare a power of attorney for the representative. If everything is in order, then five working days after the submission of documents, the farm will be registered.

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Transition to a special tax regime

Another important issue that must be resolved immediately upon registration of a peasant farm or no later than 30 days from the date of creation is the transition to a special tax regime. KFH can work on preferential special regimes that significantly reduce the tax burden:

In order to work under these taxation systems, you must apply for the transition in a timely manner. If this is not done, then the farm will automatically work on the general taxation system ().

In the general case, the OSNO is the tax regime with the highest tax burden, but a five-year grace period is provided for the peasant farm, when personal income tax is not paid from the income received (Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, grants for development, one-time assistance for the household arrangement of a novice farmer, and subsidies from regional budgets are not subject to income tax. All this allows us to conclude that for farms the general taxation system can be quite beneficial, especially if you also get VAT exemption.

Many people are engaged in entrepreneurial activity in Russia, but the agricultural sector is not popular in the business environment. But the law provides for agrarians a special organizational and legal form - a peasant (it is also a farm) economy. What it is? How to open and register such a farm?

Legal and administrative features

A peasant (farm) economy is an association of citizens (based, as a rule, on family kinship), created with the aim of making a profit from the sale of agricultural products. The farm is located on a plot of land acquired by its participants or received from the state.

The composition of the KFH can be as follows:

  • one person (in fact, this is a classic IP);
  • close relatives - spouses, their brothers and sisters, children and parents (moreover, there can be a maximum of three different families in the household);
  • people who are not related by ties to the head of the household (in the amount of 5 people maximum).

By the way, the law imposes only one obligatory requirement on the founder of the farm - legal capacity. Citizenship does not matter - both a Russian and a foreigner (and even a stateless person) have the right to open a KFH.

Members of a peasant (farm) economy have the right to engage in the following types of agricultural activities:

  • growing grain crops, vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs;
  • dairy and meat animal husbandry;
  • poultry farming;
  • fish farming;
  • beekeeping;
  • etc.

In a word, the KFH is directly connected with agriculture, and its members can engage in any activity for the production, processing, storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products. All participants of the economy without exception should take part in this activity.

The organizational and legal foundations of the farm are established by four legislative acts:

  • the Civil Code of Russia;
  • the Land Code;
  • Federal Law “On state registration of legal entities. persons and individual entrepreneurs;
  • Federal Law "On the peasant (farm) economy".

Let's figure out how to properly register a farm in Russia.

The first stage: we collect documents for the opening of the KFH

The law establishes that a peasant farm should be registered in the same manner as an individual entrepreneur. This is good: you will need to collect literally a few documents. These include the following:

  1. Agreement on the establishment of a peasant farm. If the farm will consist of one person, an agreement is not required. A sample Agreement can be downloaded here.
  2. Application for state registration of a peasant (farm) economy in the form 21002. A sample Application can be found here.
  3. Passport or a copy of it (when you need the original, and when you need a copy, read the next section).
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty. The fee is 800 rubles.
  5. Application for transition to a special tax regime.

The agreement on the creation of a peasant economy must be signed by all members of the newly created peasant farm. This document must include the following information:

  • information about the head of the economy and his powers;
  • information about each member of the economy, their professional rights and obligations;
  • the procedure for managing the property of a peasant farm (the principle of the formation of property, features of ownership, use and disposal of it);
  • the procedure for accepting new members into the economy and exclusion of existing ones;
  • the procedure for distributing profits (for obvious reasons, this item should be given special attention);
  • any additional provisions that the founder and participants wish to contribute.

The agreement is an extremely important document. It is by its provisions that the members of the economy will be guided in their activities, it is its points that will become the decisive argument in resolving any disputes. An agreement cannot be drawn up “for show” - it is imperative to carefully consider its content. Yes, the participants in the economy are likely to be related to each other. But does this mean that there will never be conflicts between them? A well-thought-out and detailed agreement will help clarify all disputes and prevent squabbles.

The application is a formal paper, it is not difficult to fill it out. The state duty must always be paid only by the head of the household (if it is paid by another person, it will not be accepted at the tax office). As for the application for the transition to one of the special tax regimes, it will not be needed to register a peasant farm. However, go from common system you still have to pay tax on a special one (if you don’t want to overpay taxes), so it’s better to fill out and submit this application right away.

How to register a farm: stage two

So, the documents are in your hands. Once again, carefully check whether they are filled out correctly - if civil servants find the slightest discrepancy, you will have to spend time correcting and resubmitting (by the way, you will also have to pay the state duty again). If everything is in order, it's time to submit papers to the tax office at the place of residence.

Important information for submitting documents

The fact is that documents can be submitted in three ways:

  • personally;
  • by mail (with declared value and description of the attachment);
  • through the online service of the IFTS in electronic form.

Documents are accepted at the tax office, and they can be taken there in person. If, for some reason, it is inconvenient for you to contact the tax authorities directly, you have the right to submit papers through the multifunctional center. The law gives you the option to do this yourself or through a representative.

If you go to the tax office in person, take your original passport with you. In this case, notarization of the identity document is not required. However, if you use the services of a representative, the situation will become more complicated - a copy of your passport and all other documents will first have to be certified by a notary. You will also have to contact a notary public if you send documents by mail or via the Internet. Without its seal, the tax authorities will not accept your papers.

We do not recommend sending documents using a representative, mail or electronic portal of the Federal Tax Service. It is long, costly, inconvenient and unreliable, no matter what the employees of the named department may claim. Better choose the time and go to the tax office yourself.

The third stage: we are waiting for the decision of the tax authority

Having accepted the documents you have collected, the tax inspector will issue a receipt for their receipt. After that, you will need to wait 5 days. This is the period set by the legislator for consideration of the application.

If the tax authorities find any violations in the papers (actual inconsistency of data or serious errors in execution), you will receive a notification about this. The papers will have to be taken away, the shortcomings corrected in them, and then contact the IFTS again. If everything is in order with the documents, the tax officials will transfer information about the registration of your farm to the EGRIP. From that moment on, you will be assigned the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Having received the IP registration certificate and the USRIP record sheet from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, you can consider the third (and last) stage of registration completed. You need to pick up your documents along with the certificate and extract exactly on time, otherwise they may be transferred for storage to another department. The sooner you have them on hand, the better.

Please note: in Russian legislation the concepts of "individual entrepreneur" and "head of the farm" are not clearly distinguished. When registering with the IFTS, information about the head of the economy is entered precisely in the USRIP, and not in the USRLE (i.e., in the register of entrepreneurs, not legal entities; an individual entrepreneur is not a legal entity). For this reason, you will not be able to register as the head of the FKH if you already have an IP open.

Land issue

How to register a farm at the location of the land, if there is no land? Can you count on state support upon receipt of a plot for a peasant farm? Unfortunately, there are no clear and unambiguous answers to these questions in legislative acts.

The Land Code states: “Citizens who have expressed a desire to run a peasant economy are provided with land plots from agricultural land in accordance with this Code, as well as the federal law on a peasant (farm) economy.” But the procedure for granting plots is not specified either in the Land Code or in the Federal Law on farming.

The state really develops and from time to time puts into effect programs to support various associations involved in agricultural activities. Unfortunately, the real value of such support measures is small. For example, there is a special program for lending to farms. However, only farms included in the program for the development of the agro-industrial complex can receive a loan on preferential terms. However, preferential terms lending can be called a stretch - to obtain a loan, you will need to attract several guarantors and fulfill a number of other conditions.

In any case, in order to acquire a state or municipal plot in ownership or lease, it will be necessary to submit to the territorial body of the state. authority or local government statement. The application will need to provide the following information:

  • purpose of using the site;
  • the requested right to the site (ownership or lease);
  • conditions for granting a land plot for ownership or lease (first of all, the amount of the fee);
  • lease term;
  • the size of the plot and the rationale for this parameter (the number of participants in the peasant farm, types of activity of the farm);
  • the proposed location of the land.

Be sure to attach the Agreement to the application.

Summing up

We summarize everything that has been said about how to open a KFH. The algorithm for registering a farm is almost completely similar to the algorithm for opening an IP. You will need to prepare a minimum of documents: an agreement on the establishment and an application for registration of a peasant farm, as well as a personal passport and a receipt for paying the fee. All this should be personally taken to the local branch of the IFTS. After 5 days, it will also be possible to obtain a registration certificate there, on which the whole procedure will be successfully completed.

At the stage of preparing documents, pay special attention to drawing up an agreement - this is a very important document. Before registering a farm with the IFTS, study the current support programs for farmers (both federal and regional) and take care of the land. Good luck!

Many enterprising villagers sooner or later think about how to start a farm. Profits from own or leased land can become family business. To register a farm, it is first determined in which direction the activity will be carried out.

  1. A capable adult person has the right to form a KFH. He may have Russian citizenship, foreign citizenship or none at all.
  2. The head of the KFH should head it.
  3. All direct relatives, up to a maximum of three families, can be members of a KFH. For example, husband, daughter, sister, grandmother, grandson, etc.
  4. Younger family members are accepted into the farm after 16 years.
  5. It is allowed to have people in the household who do not have family ties with the head. There can be no more than 5 people.
  6. The property of the farm belongs to all its participants. The person who left the household is entitled to compensation, which is commensurate with his share.
  7. Each member of the farm is obliged to personally participate in its activities.

Opening KFH: step by step instructions

KFH, like any farming in Russia, is engaged in the cultivation and processing of agricultural products. First you need to determine which field of activity you attribute yourself to - growing animals or plants. Later, you can combine several directions at once, but on initial stage choose one.

A person who decides to open a peasant farm must have skills and experience in the chosen type of activity or in any other agricultural direction. If a person has an agricultural education, then this will positively affect the management of the economy.

The main condition for any peasant farm is the availability of a land plot. Whether it is owned or rented, it doesn't matter. The site must be suitable for conducting the selected economic activity on it.

Drafting an agreement

According to federal law, all interested persons, before opening a KFK, must draw up and conclude an agreement. If the farm is created by one person, then this document does not need to be drawn up.

The agreement must include the following information:

  • head appointment;
  • information about all members of the farm;
  • their rights and obligations;
  • the procedure for the formation and disposal of KLF property;
  • the procedure for admitting a new member to the farm;
  • the procedure for terminating the agreement with the household of the withdrawing person;
  • scheme of distribution of agricultural products.

What documents are required to open a KFH

The farm begins to exist after registration with the state body. To do this, you need to submit the collected documents to the IFTS, which refers to the place of residence of the head. Registration of a KFH resembles the design of an IP. Preparation of a package of documents usually does not require the involvement of a third party.

Documentation Explanations
Agreement of this KFH It must be signed by all members. Copies of documents that confirm the relationship of all participants will need to be attached to it.

If there is only one member of the farm, then a decision is provided on the creation of a peasant farm, drawn up according to the model

Application for registration of KFH Form P21002. It can be downloaded from the Internet or taken from the tax office
Receipt for payment of state duty Its cost is 800 rubles. The duty is paid by the head of the KFH.

If registration is denied, the fee will not be refunded. When resubmitting, payment is made again

Passport of the head of the peasant farm You can use a copy

The head of the peasant farm has the opportunity to send documents to the tax service in several ways:

  1. Personally.
  2. Through the FTS website.
  3. Through a representative.
  4. Via postal item with a description of the attachment.

If the package of documents will not be transferred personally, then it will need to be certified by a notary. It is important to provide reliable information regarding the relationship of members to the tax authorities. If during the check it turns out that the information is false, then the KFH will be liquidated within the prescribed time frame.

KFH registration process

The accepted documents are considered by the tax service specialists for 5 days. When the decision is made, the documents will be handed over personally or sent by mail. With a positive registration result, the head of the peasant farm receives the following documents from the Federal Tax Service:

  • extract from USRIP;
  • notice of registration with the IFTS;
  • certificate of state registration of the head of the peasant farm.

This concludes the hassle of registration. After receiving the papers, the members of the educated farm can begin to work. KFH also need to register with the statistical authorities, which usually inform themselves about this.

tax regime

The most favorable taxation regime for farming is the UAT. The calculation takes into account VAT, income tax and property tax.

Only those farms in which 70% of the activity falls on the production of agricultural products have the right to use this taxation system. They also have special benefits.

Attention! Without submitting an application for the choice of unified agricultural tax, by default, the peasant farm is listed on the OSNO. It is recommended to write an application for the choice of this taxation system immediately when submitting papers to the IFTS. Otherwise, the already existing peasant farm on the OSNO, which has submitted an application for the ESHN, will be able to switch to it only from next year.

State support for KLF

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia supports start-up farmers through various programs. To determine the type of support that a particular farm in a particular region can count on, you need to contact the local agricultural authorities. They will advise on existing programs, requirements and how to arrange everything correctly.

What can the government finance?

  • subsidy for the purchase of fuel and lubricants;
  • special tax regime with a five-year grace period;
  • government order;
  • information and advisory assistance;
  • adjustment of tariffs and prices.

Small businesses and peasant farms can count on the following support from the regional administration:

  • redemption of leasing special equipment;
  • assistance in the implementation of projects important for the region.

Exist whole program support for rural areas, which involves the placement of young professionals to work in agriculture in favorable conditions. To do this, they can be provided with housing, etc.

Where to get a land plot for a peasant farm

The land on which farming is to be carried out must be for agricultural use. The land allotment is registered in the property or is taken on lease.

The head of the peasant farm will have several options for choosing a land plot:

  1. Rent from the municipality.
  2. Rent from the owner.
  3. Purchase of agricultural land.
  4. Free land for peasant farms.

In the first case, an application for the desire to rent a plot is submitted to the local government. But here you will have to face some bureaucratic nuances. If you want to avoid them, you can rent land from a private person. In this case, the owner of the allotment has the right to independently establish the value of the land, while often overestimating it. By agreement of the parties, a lease agreement is drawn up.

If you want to become the owner of the land yourself, then you should conduct a thorough check of the documents from the seller. It is recommended that you read the extract from the USRR to find out about the actions that the owner performed with the site. When buying agricultural land, there is one nuance: if the state authorities want to buy the same plot, the advantage is on their side.

Land allotment can be obtained completely free of charge for 6 years. This right is described in sub. 6 p. 2 art. 39.10 of the Land Code. The only requirement is that the purpose of use should be the maintenance of a peasant farm. The state transfers this land into ownership after 5 years, if all this time it has been used according to the established purposes.

What to do

Any peasant farm will have to engage in animal husbandry or crop production. It is allowed to additionally carry out activities for the processing of their products or purchased from neighboring farms.

The larger and more multifunctional the farm, the more specializations it will be able to cover. This will make it more resilient to any market situation. Such enterprises guarantee their participants a stable income, but at the initial stage and in the future, it will be necessary to invest a lot of money.

crop production

The climate for growing a particular crop may vary, so you will need to choose a crop that will grow well in a given climate and soil. The salvation for a cold climate will be the installation of a greenhouse.

Cereals Legumes Vegetables Fruits Berries Greenery Mushrooms
Wheat Beans Tomatoes Apples Strawberry Parsley Champignon
oats Lentils Radish Pears Raspberry Dill oyster mushrooms
Barley Peas Potato Peaches Cherries Sorrel Honey mushrooms
Buckwheat chickpeas Beet plums Grape Basil Chanterelles
Sunflower Soya Carrot Quince Currant cilantro Shiitake

Breeding animals, fish and insects

If the climate is not suitable or the soul lies in another occupation, then you can head towards the breeding of all living creatures.

Additional profit

Peasant farming may have additional income from the processing and processing of grown products. For example, farms that grow a variety of crops can:

  • pack cereals;
  • grind flour;
  • oven bakery products;
  • preserve;
  • make ice cream, etc.

Pig farms may offer raw meat for sale or produce sausages. Peasant farms that breed cows make good money selling dairy products.

The opening of a peasant farm for a villager becomes an excellent alternative to any employment. And for a city dweller, such a business will be too difficult.

Before you open a peasant farm, you need to understand that you will have to work independently and a lot. The head of the farm does not become a director, but works on an equal footing with everyone else.

Relatively recently, an urgent issue arose - import substitution. Meat, vegetables, fruits - all agricultural products on this moment is urgently needed, and therefore - a topical product. In this regard, novice entrepreneurs began to increasingly wonder about opening their own farm.

How to open a farm? In this guide, we will take a comprehensive look at this issue.

This area has not lost its relevance, and will never lose. Millions of potential consumers of the final product live in Russia. Meat processing plants are more interested in quality meat suppliers than ever. But such a large-scale scope for a novice entrepreneur is not always achievable.

The primary task for a potential farmer should be to provide the products of his own region, and, as production grows, you can start thinking about entering the federal market.

Main types of farming activities

A farm may engage in the following activities:

  • livestock breeding;
  • Vegetable growing;
  • Crop and seed production;
  • Production of products from own natural raw materials.

The undoubted advantage of this type of activity is all kinds of government benefits and subsidies, which are relatively easy to get for a novice entrepreneur.

How to register a farm under the law?

Federal Law No. 74 “On Peasant (Farmer) Farms” is responsible for regulating this type of activity. This type business is registered as a peasant farm - a peasant farm.

It involves certain social benefits and support from the state. After registration, the head of the household receives , and information about the KFH is entered in

Create a farm any able-bodied persons over 18 years of age. There are no citizenship requirements. Family members of the head of the farm are accepted into it when they reach the age of 16 years. No more than 5 unrelated persons can be part of a farm.

This does not mean a ban on hiring workers or any limitation in their number!

The procedure for registering a peasant farm is very simple and will require collecting minimum package of documents.

Documents for the creation of a peasant farm

  1. Agreement between members of the economy on its creation. Not required if the household is organized by one person. A sample can be downloaded here:
  2. Farm Registration Application (Form 21002). See an example of filling here:…
  3. Passport or photocopy applicant's passport.
  4. Receipt of in the amount of 800 rubles. An important nuance is that the head of the farm must pay the receipt using his own data, otherwise the tax office will simply not accept it.
  5. Statement on the transition to a special tax regime.

Documents for registration can be submitted in person, send certified copies by mail, or using the registration procedure itself takes a standard 5 days, after which you will receive a ready-made package of documents for IP.

Important! If the head of the farm is already registered as an individual entrepreneur, then it will no longer be possible to register a peasant farm for himself.

What to do to get subsidies to start a farm from scratch?

To receive subsidies for opening a farm, at the initial stage, you will need to come to the Employment Center and register. It is not necessary to register an individual entrepreneur before applying.

Under the self-employment program, start-up entrepreneurs are provided with a subsidy to start their own business in the amount of 60 thousand rubles.

To apply for a loan (if necessary) It is worth choosing banks with state support. The most optimal choice is Rosselkhozbank, which has special loans issued for the development of agriculture.

The only thing is that the entrepreneur must own land plot where the farm will be located. To receive large amounts, you will need to provide a deposit

We will talk more about the costs of starting your own business below.

There is also an option to attract investors - they can act as members of the farm, and based on the share of their investments (which are determined by an agreement between the members of the farm), they will receive a share in the profits.

And now - about the main thing. Consider several areas of activity for peasant farms with numbers and calculations.

Farming: business plan with calculations

rabbit farm business plan

Rabbits are relatively profitable farm animals. From them they get skins and meat, which is considered dietary and sells well. Frequent illnesses are their greatest disadvantage.

If several rabbits fall ill, almost the entire livestock will eventually die, which is a serious problem. You can protect yourself from this by regularly vaccinating the livestock, and by obligatory compliance with the conditions for keeping rabbits.

Fundamental rules

It is forbidden:

  • To allow crowding, overpopulation of rabbits in cages;
  • Buy animals from unverified breeders;
  • To plant new rabbits to the main livestock without prior quarantine;
  • Neglect mandatory vaccination;
  • Keep rabbits in damp, poorly heated and ventilated rooms.

Subject to these simple rules and proper feeding, breeding problems should not arise. For breeding should choose rabbits directly meat breeds(not mixed and not fur). These include: white giants, Californian breed, New Zealand - white and red.

These breeds are characterized high speed growth, as a result of which by 4-5 months it is possible to slaughter young animals. Rabbits of these breeds reach a weight of 4-5 kg ​​by 5 months.

The cost of equipping a rabbit farm (business plan) with a capacity of up to 1000 heads per year

Purchase of breeding stock30 females + 2 males15,000 for a 3-month-old young
Purchase of feedCompound feed, hay, mineral supplements150,000 per year
VaccinationVeterinary drugs10,000 rubles per year
Veterinary servicePreventive inspection of livestock5,000 rubles per year
Building a shed or barnMaterials + workFrom 10 to 25 thousand rubles
Buying cellsBased on 60 cellsFrom 30 to 60 thousand rubles
Hiring1 person (optional)180 000 rubles per year
Equipment for slaughter and waste disposal From 20 to 50 thousand rubles
Refrigeration equipmentCarcass storageFrom 20 to 40 thousand rubles
Other expenses 50 000 rubles per year

Profits from a rabbit farm

Calculation of net profit: 1,300,000 - 345,000 = 955,000 rubles per year. You can reduce costs without hiring staff, then the net profit will be 1,135,000 rubles a year from a small population of 30 females.

The advantage of rabbit breeding is that the volume of livestock can be increased very quickly, due to which profits will also begin to grow. It should also be noted that dressed rabbit skins in large volumes are purchased at a higher price.

Dairy farm business plan

Consider a plan for a small dairy farm for 10 cows. The sale of milk has been and will be a relevant area, in addition, cows and calves are also meat. The average cost of a pair of veal - 200-300 rubles per kg ( Wholesale prices), beef - 200-250 rubles.


Approximate profit

Calculation of net profit: 1,625,000 - 370,000 = 1,255,000 rubles when selling milk and meat in bulk. At retail products - 2,755,000 rubles a year. You can increase profits by producing cheese, sour cream and other dairy products for sale.

Also, you can temporarily eliminate the slaughter of calves for meat (heifers), and increase the number of livestock. After the first calving, the young animals will begin to give milk yield, respectively, they will begin to make a profit.

It should be noted that with a higher live weight of a cow (that is, she is well fed), her milk production increases. There are also a number of elite breeds that give up to 30 liters of milk per day.


Creating a farm from scratch - which will not lose its relevance. At the moment, there is no high competition in this industry in Russia, but there is a constant consumer demand.

The cost of opening your own farm pays off in an average of 2-3 years, after which the farm begins to make a net profit. In this area, you can expand and scale.

For example, starting with breeding rabbits, after six months or a year, buy a bird or engage in fish farming, thereby increasing your income. Based on the above, we can conclude that opening your own farm is

How to open a farm from scratch in Russia? Watch the following video interview:

If relatives decide to join forces for agricultural activities, then they need to open a peasant farm. People can process, store or sell agricultural products without special registration. But how according to all the rules and legally? Our article is designed to help in this matter. Next, we will give step-by-step instructions, simple and understandable to everyone.


Check out as legal entity not required, is a private person, he has the status of an entrepreneur. The main condition for this form of activity is the family ties of all participants in the economy with its head.

The main condition for this form of activity is the family ties of all participants in the economy with its head.

Before you open a farm from scratch, you should find out its features, which such an organization implies:

  • The head of the farm is the representative of the organization and the official representative of all participants.
  • Participants in the household must be relatives and the age limit is from sixteen years.
  • is the common property of all members.
  • Farm members personally work in their organization, although it is permissible to take on up to five outside workers.

Federal law numbered regulates the work of such farms. When creating a farm, it is necessary to conclude between the participants. If the organization is created by one person, no agreement is required. A written agreement (if any) is submitted to the tax authority. It includes the following information:

  • List of participants in the peasant economy with their passport data.
  • Appointment of the head of the organization.
  • Detailed rights and obligations of members.
  • The procedure for the formation of tangible property of the economy.
  • Rules for accepting new members and rules for excluding old members.
  • On the rules for dividing manufactured products between participants.

To create a peasant farm, you will need to register with the tax office at the place of residence. Insurance premiums for the head and members of the peasant farm are fixed and rather small. In this, the state went to meet the farmers. But to pay to the funds for employees will have to pay 21 percent of the salary every month.

Insurance premiums for the head and members of the peasant farm are fixed and rather small. In this, the state went to meet the farmers.

detailed instructions

People who want to create a peasant economy in 2017 can do without outside help in this matter, for this there is our step-by-step instruction:

The following documentation is submitted to the tax office:

  • Application form p21002.
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state fee in the amount of eight hundred rubles.
  • Passport of a person who wants to become the head of the economy.
  • An agreement between the participants or the decision of one person to create a peasant farm.

After that, you should wait a maximum of five working days that the tax service has to process the documents. When the registration process is completed, the farmer will have to come to the Federal Tax Service and receive a list of documents:

  • Certificate of formation of a peasant farm.
  • Extract from the unified state register.
  • A document confirming registration with the tax office.

And there remains the third, final step. It can be done simultaneously with the submission of documentation to the tax office. This is a transition to a single agricultural tax. To do this, an application is submitted to the tax authority.

It is considered the most “humane” tax regime, because it does not involve payments for profit and from property, as well as VAT. Here the rate is only six percent of the actual cash profit. Payments are made twice a year, and reporting is submitted once a year.


It is not difficult to arrange a peasant economy today. It will take a minimum of documents and only 5 working days for registration. The procedure for registration in the tax office is simple, the main thing is to submit along with the submission of documentation to the taxation form of the Unified Agricultural Tax, because it is best suited for peasant farms.

The Ministry of Agriculture actively supports start-up farmers through subsidies and special programs. Subsidies are issued for the purchase of agricultural machinery and for the equipment necessary for the operation of the farm. To learn about all KFH support programs, you need to contact the department for agriculture at the place of residence.

In order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities, you should strictly follow this instruction when creating your own farm, and not violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

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