Our family business in Slovenia. As an Internet marketer from Rostov-on-Don, she opened a business in Slovenia. Tightening immigration policy


Each dream carries a special meaning. And in order to correctly determine its meaning, it is necessary to approach this issue with responsibility.

If you want to know what the cry is about in a dream, then when you wake up, write down your dream. Be sure to consider all the details, they will help you determine the true meaning of night dreams. After that, open the dream book and start the "journey to the future."

Who were you yelling at?

Any dream about a scream implies a powerful emotional load that the dreamer experiences in reality. Often such dreams can be seen when a person performs an unloved or someone else's work. This problem oppresses him and with his cry in his sleep he tries to somehow free himself from it.

Also, the visions in which you scream are harbingers of events that await you in the near future.

  • Raising your voice at your mother dreams of trouble.
  • Shouting at a husband or wife means expressing your displeasure to your loved one.
  • Swearing at a child - to unexpected events.
  • Yelling at an animal is embarrassing.
  • To a stranger - to relief.

If you happen to cry and swear loudly in a dream, then a favorable period will soon come for you. And improving relationships with a friend is what a cry is dreaming of, because of which he starts to cry.

As the dream book writes, to scream, but not to hear your voice, means to feel helpless. And if you heard an echo, you will soon see the one you consider your best friend.

Reason for screaming

Screaming in a dream with fear means that you will soon get rid of accumulated problems. And crying at the same time is a sign that you cannot do without the help of loved ones.

The dream in which you scared the child and he screamed in fear warns that you are overestimating your capabilities. And yelling in a dream while watching a horror movie means being disappointed in who you were hoping for.

A cry for help is interpreted by the dream book as avoiding trouble. They will pass by and will not affect the calm course of affairs in any way. And to hear the cry of a child asking for help means to get into a situation from which you can emerge victorious.

  • Swearing over money - to material receipts.
  • Screaming and crying in pain - to calmness.
  • Screaming in a dream from hopelessness - to reconciliation with those who were offended.

To swear at a child for bad behavior means to feel superior to others. And shouting at him because of unsatisfactory grades is to strive for new knowledge.

A dream in which you yell because someone stepped on your foot portends a quarrel with a stranger. And the dream book interprets the cry of joy as a pleasant pastime with friends.

If you manage to correctly determine what you dream of screaming for, you will be able to calculate your actions in advance and prevent unpleasant events. Author: Vera Fractional

Talking in a dream is equated with parasomnia. In medicine, the phenomenon is called somniloquia. The problem concerns more often children who have not reached puberty. Experts attribute the failure to the peculiarities of the development of the nervous system and a weakened psyche. With age, the condition should normalize on its own. If an adult screams in a dream, the reasons may be more serious. The advice of psychologists is used as treatment, folk remedies and medicines. The doctor is obliged to draw up a course of therapy, focusing on the results of the diagnosis.

Sleepwalking (somniloquia) is a common and harmless parasomnia. A person talks in his sleep or even shouts out certain phrases loudly, but in the morning he does not remember anything. The attack lasts about half a minute with a high probability of recurrence.

Approximately 6% of the world's population is affected by the problem. The majority of patients are under 16 years of age. The risk group includes people who abuse bad habits, do not observe sleep hygiene, or have a hereditary predisposition.

The severity of the failure depends on the causative factor. Children scream because of nightmares, and mutter incoherent sounds when large volume incoming information. In adulthood, emotional shock comes to the fore. The situation is aggravated by taking medications, alcohol and constant stress.

Characteristic manifestations of the phenomenon

Somniloquia is usually divided into 2 types. The first type is characterized by the pronunciation of clear phrases during the REM stage of sleep, and the second - incoherent sounds during the slow stage. Sleep talk rarely reflects dreams and manifests itself in varying degrees. Relatives of the patient can timely find out about the presence of parasomnia by the following signs:

  • The sleeper turns to someone or starts calling for help, which creates the appearance of awakening.
  • Words are spoken in a whisper or in a loud voice. Speech is clear or slurred depending on the phase of sleep.
  • A person begins to yell, wake up in the middle of the night, cry and wave his arms if he has a terrible dream. The situation worsens under the influence of drugs, drugs or alcohol.
  • A sleeper, without waking up, is able to get out of bed, scream or ask something from relatives. Symptoms of somnambulism are characteristic.

Advice! Waking up a person talking in a dream is very difficult and is not recommended so as not to disturb the psycho-emotional background.

The problem is rarely detected on its own, since in the morning the patient does not remember anything. Learn about this type of disorder advantage from people sleeping nearby, forced to constantly hear screams, unintelligible sounds and conversations at night.

Finding a reason

Experts in the field of neuropathology and psychiatry believe that screams through sleep appear against the background of excessive excitation of the nervous system. Perhaps the patient often drinks coffee before going to bed or watches horror in the evenings. In second place are the consequences of the accumulation of negative emotions due to regular exposure to stressful situations. If you do not learn to relax and splash out the negative, psychosomatic failures will begin to develop over time. A general list of reasons why people scream in their sleep is given below:

It is important to know! From the point of view of esotericism, the main reason why adults scream and toss and turn in their sleep are internal experiences. The sleeper may be afraid of certain things in real life that leaves its mark on the subconscious.

Reasons for concern

Cries at night stop in children under 16 years of age. If the problem persists or worsens, the help of a neurologist will be required. The specialist will check the child for neurological disorders. In the absence of failures, the patient will be redirected to a somnologist and psychotherapist to compile a picture of sleep and examine the psyche. In some cases, it is urgent to start acting earlier than the announced deadline. The following list of alarming symptoms will help you navigate in a timely manner:

The situations mentioned above should not be left to chance. Alarming symptoms may indicate the development of serious pathological processes. The patient needs to be urgently examined to draw up an optimal treatment regimen and prevent dangerous consequences.

Treatment options

On their own, patients can try to exclude the effects of external stimuli and use the available methods of calming the nervous system. Relevant advice in the absence of alarming signs. In other cases, you will need the help of a doctor. The course of therapy may include the following treatment options:

  • traditional methods;
  • folk recipes;
  • advice from psychologists.

You will have to combine the therapy regimen with the observance of sleep hygiene. Treatment is aimed at stopping the causative factor and eliminating discomfort.

traditional medicine

Traditional methods are used if the failure is difficult to eliminate by simply observing the rules of healthy sleep. The course of treatment is compiled by a somnologist based on the results of the examination. The scheme of therapy with 3 integral elements is presented:

  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • undergoing physiotherapy procedures;
  • the use of drugs to calm the nervous system.

Attention! Means with a hypnotic effect and physiotherapy are prescribed only by the attending physician. On your own, you can only drink vitamins and medicines with a slight sedative effect on a plant basis.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine rarely causes adverse reactions and is simply prepared at home. There is a sedative effect due to lemon balm, valerian, hawthorn and other natural ingredients. To normalize sleep, the following methods are suitable:

  • Herbal infusions with a sedative effect eliminate nervous excitement. A medicine is being prepared from 1-2 tbsp. l. collection (hawthorn, valerian, peppermint), filled with 500 ml of boiling water. After 20 minutes of infusion, discard the raw materials and leave the liquid. The remedy is taken in the morning and in the evening for ½ cup.
  • Inhaling relaxing aromas calms the nervous system. The patient needs to fill in equal parts lavender, chamomile and lemon balm in a rag bag and put it under the pillow or next to the bed.
  • Warm water with the addition of 1 tsp. honey perfectly relieves nervous tension. It is enough to drink a sweet drink 1 cup before bedtime.
  • Evening foot baths allow you to relax and forget about problems. Improve the effect by adding to warm water essential oils, needles and chamomile.

Most of the techniques are relevant for the treatment of representatives of any age categories.

Advice! If you are prone to allergies, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using folk remedies.

Screams in a dream are regarded by experts as a manifestation of repressed emotions. In real life, many people cannot fully express dissatisfaction, irritation, resentment because of the disapproval of such demonstrations by society. Gradually, the negative accumulates, which leads to the development of parasomnia.

As a treatment, it is enough to understand the cause of the failure and “pour out” emotions to a loved one. person or express indignation in writing. You can repeat the procedure until complete recovery. If the recommendation does not help or the patient is not able to understand what exactly is “squeezing inside”, you need to do the following exercise:

  • find a comfortable body position;
  • close eyes;
  • make sure that breathing remains even;
  • recall the happiest memory;
  • think about the sensations experienced after waking up;
  • comparing emotions, draw a conclusion for yourself.

If done correctly, you will be able to see the source of the problem. Further actions should be aimed at splashing out suppressed emotions.

Prevention of disruptions in the rhythm of sleep-wake

The development of parasomnia can be stopped if the influence of irritating factors is excluded. The patient should establish a sleep-wake schedule, create a suitable environment for relaxation in the bedroom and follow the recommendations of doctors. It is easier to focus on the general list of tips:

  • Refuse bad habits. The body is adversely affected by alcohol-containing drinks, drugs and cigarettes. If you can’t stop yourself on your own, you should contact specialized institutions.
  • Creation of comfortable conditions for rest. In the bedroom, a person should feel relaxed. It is necessary to try to create a quiet and darkened environment with an air temperature of 18 to 22 ° with a humidity of up to 50-60%.
  • Try not to excite the nervous system in the evening. A few hours before the rest, it is recommended to stop working at the computer and watching TV. Only moderate physical and intellectual loads are allowed. Instead of coffee and energy drinks, it is better to drink tea or a decoction based on plants with a sedative effect. Shortly before bedtime, you can walk down the street, listen to relaxing music, read a book or take a bath.
  • Follow the schedule. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Failure to comply with the rule will lead to disruption of daily biorhythms and lack of sleep.
  • Don't overeat before bed. The last meal is preferably carried out 2-3 hours before rest, otherwise there will be problems with digestion.

Cries in a dream are considered a frequent manifestation of excessive excitation of the nervous system. In the absence of other irritants, it is enough to follow the advice of specialists to normalize the psycho-emotional state. If the problem is the development of pathologies or dependence on harmful substances, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Do you want to develop your business in Europe? Which country to choose? Where does the whole process start? Daria Golob Koritnik, a certified lawyer, head of the business department of the DATA company in Slovenia, answers.

Almost every businessman at least once thought about moving his business to Europe or starting new business in Europe. In this article, I would like to describe the opportunities for your business in Slovenia, which is a member of the European Union, the Schengen Agreement, and also a member of NATO, a country with a stable and developing economy, with a favorable economic and geographical position (neighboring countries Italy, Austria, Croatia , Hungary, the country has a coast, also thermal springs and mountains), a safe country. By opening a company in Slovenia, you can easily work throughout Europe.

Forms of companies in Slovenia

Before starting each business, an entrepreneur must first of all decide for himself in what form his business will exist. In Slovenia, there are such forms of business as:

  • individual entrepreneur (s.p.),
  • society with limited liability(d.o.o.)
  • limited liability company (d.n.o.),
  • joint-stock company(d.d.),
  • limited liability partnership (k.d.),
  • joint stock limited partnership (k.d.d.),
  • partnership company (dvojna družba),
  • private business (osebno dopolnilno delo),
  • social company (socialno podjetje).

Third-country nationals can register in Slovenia, at least initially, several types of companies:

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC);
  • Subsidiary company;
  • Branch (representative office).

I would like to consider each type of company in more detail.

Limited Liability Company

LLC - the number of founders should not exceed fifty people, before registration it is necessary to issue a tax number and a certificate of no criminal record, then during direct registration, the presence of all the founders and directors of the future Slovenian company is mandatory, it is possible that the company has one mediator and director in one person, also you you need to open an account in a Slovenian bank where you will contribute a minimum share capital of 7,500 euros, this capital can subsequently be spent on any needs of the company, such as paying taxes, wages, purchase necessary equipment or materials.


When opening a subsidiary, you will also need to issue a tax number in Slovenia for the parent company and for the director, a certificate of no criminal record from Slovenia, the presence of the director or directors of the parent company, as well as the future director or directors of the Slovenian company, you must open an account in a Slovenian bank and deposit on this account share capital of a minimum amount of 7,500 euros.

Branch (representative office)

Branch - tax numbers are also required. Certificates of no criminal record, when registering, the presence of the directors of the parent company and the future branch is required, the authorized capital is not needed, but in any case it is necessary to open an account in a Slovenian bank, documents on the parent company are required, for example, such as an extract from the register of the parent company, the balance sheet of the company for the last year, etc.

After a year of stay in Slovenia, you can open a sole proprietorship in Slovenia, however, it should be borne in mind that sole proprietors in Slovenia are liable with all their personal property in the event of bankruptcy or payment of debts, while joint-stock companies in Slovenia and limited liability companies are liable only with the property of the company, not your personal.

Full registration of a company in Slovenia takes quite a bit of time, the minimum period is 5 working days. After registering a company, it is necessary to provide accounting support for the company and the presence of a legal address in Slovenia. Also, by registering a company in Slovenia, you have the right to purchase real estate. The Slovenian real estate market is extremely diverse, you can buy property on the sea coast for recreation, near ski resorts or near thermal springs.

Obtaining a residence permit and permanent residence in Slovenia

There are also opportunities for you to obtain a residence permit (temporary residence permit), then permanent residence (permanent residence) and citizenship in Slovenia. You will also have the opportunity to transfer all members of your entire family, that is, your spouse and minor children, through the family reunification process to Slovenia. It seems to me that for every person, including a businessman, the environment matters, especially with regard to the family, Slovenia has one of the most favorable environmental situations, a huge number of forests, mountains, lakes, and you will find all this within ten minutes of leaving the capital - Ljubljana. What is also important is that in Slovenia the health care system works on the same terms both for Slovenian citizens and for foreign citizens living or working in Slovenia.

Legislation and taxation

Slovenian legislation is extremely loyal to new companies, so there are no clearly defined profit margins or required condition availability of profit. Also, unlike other countries, you do not have to employ a Slovenian citizen in your company.

Another plus is that you don't have to worry about double taxation in Slovenia, as Slovenia and a number of other European countries have a double tax treaty. The list of these countries includes: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania , Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain.

When starting a business, it is worth considering which activities will require a license or permit, the so-called regulated activities. to regulated activities. For example, activities such as insurance, tourism activities, construction, etc., also if you plan to provide hairdressing services, beauty services, physiotherapists, etc. You will need to get permission first.

Also, based on the new legislation, in Slovenia, all processes related to registration, registration in the health insurance system, any changes in the structure of your company are carried out in one place, which is called VEM točka (point "everything in one place").

Slovenia also has a fairly loyal taxation system: income tax 17% (one of the lowest in Europe), VAT (value added tax) 22%, VAT on drinks, food, hairdressing, etc. 9.5% , income tax is assessed at a progressive rate starting from 16%.

In Slovenia, it is possible to receive loans with a reduced interest rate, as well as various grants, a common condition is the employment of a Slovene of a certain age and a certain residence permit, it may sound a little strange, but in Slovenia, like in many countries, take care of the employment of their citizens.

Thus, Slovenia is a fairly promising and favorable country for doing business, and every year more and more foreign businessmen open their business in Slovenia.

Starting your own business in Slovenia is difficult, but if you have good idea, entrepreneurial ability and small initial capital- You can also try. Your reward will not only be operating business, but also a residence permit in a European state.

Slovenia cannot be called the most attractive, from an economic point of view, country of the European Union. Meanwhile, the idea of ​​opening your own business here has its own advantages, which attract foreign investors to Slovenia.

First of all, one can name the favorable geographical position of Slovenia - in fact, own business here opens up access to the whole of southern Europe.

In addition, it is important that in Slovenia there are enough high level there is a tourism sector, as well as engineering and manufacturing industries. Not reaching the level of Germany or Great Britain, Slovenia, nevertheless, shows better welfare indicators than in the same Czech Republic or Slovakia, with which Slovenia is often confused.

We can also mention the fact that Slovenian legislation supports dual citizenship - but this may be of interest to novice businessmen only in the future. But a fairly simple procedure for registering a business, the flexibility of tax legislation - this is relevant from the very beginning.

On the other hand, there are two main disadvantages that a foreign businessman will inevitably have to face in Slovenia: firstly, relatively high real estate prices, which BusinessTimes will write about in more detail in one of our upcoming materials, and secondly, a very small market of potential buyers if you are targeting only the inhabitants of Slovenia itself. Therefore, it is better to think over the options for buying or renting real estate in advance, carefully study the market, and look for possible exits to countries neighboring Slovenia.

If everything is ready, and you want to take action, then you need to decide on the type of your enterprise. In Slovenia, the following options are most popular:

- Druzba z ormejeno odgovornostjo - d.o.o. — Limited Liability Company; The minimum authorized capital is 7.5 thousand euros.
– Delniska druzba – d.d. - Public corporation; Minimum authorized capital: 17 thousand euros;
- Druzba z neomejeno odgovornostjo - d.n.o. – Company with unlimited liability;
— Komanditna delniska druzba k.d.d. — Limited liability company for shares;
— Branch of a foreign company;

As for what kind of business to open in Slovenia, here, as elsewhere, a lot of options are possible - however, today foreigners in Slovenia prefer either to deal with real estate - i.e. buy and rent real estate, for example, by the sea. On the one hand, this good way to invest capital, on the other hand, a real business. Developed infrastructure, good roads only contribute to tourism in Slovenia - and this is the second direction popular with foreign businessmen in this country. In the field of tourism, foreigners open recreation centers, ski resorts, SPA-salons. They organize group tourist tours, provide interpreters to tourists from their countries.

Finally, the third direction in which foreign businessmen are active in Slovenia is transport services. Private carrier companies provide a variety of services here, and this is, of course, due to the geographical location of the country.

As for the design own business in Slovenia, this procedure consists of the following steps.

First, in the presence of a notary, you draw up a charter, determine the founders. At the next stage, it is necessary to open an account in a Slovenian bank and deposit the authorized capital. Next is the execution of documents for obtaining a TIN and VAT certificate, but this, most often, can be done easier and faster with the help of intermediary companies. Finally, the final stage of registering your own business in Slovenia is the entry of the company into the register of companies in Slovenia. The entire procedure for registering a business in Slovenia takes from 20 days to 2 months.

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