Theoretical foundations for the development of creative writing skills. Written speech as a type of speech activity Writing is a type of speech activity of the Russian language


Writing is a complex speech skill that allows using a system of graphic signs to ensure communication between people.(G.V. Rogova). This is a productive activity in which a person records speech for transmission to others. The product of this activity is a speech work or a text intended for reading.

Written speech is one of the ways of forming and formulating thoughts. Outwardly expressed, as well as oral, written speech is secondary. The secondary nature of writing does not detract from its importance in human life.

Mastering written speech in a foreign language for many years was not the goal of teaching at school due to the dominant position of oral speech in the programs and the difficulty of mastering this skill (with a limited number of hours) and, accordingly, was not reflected in domestic teaching materials in foreign languages. Writing acted only as a means of teaching other types of speech activity, allowing students to better master the program language material, as well as a means of controlling the formation of speech skills and abilities of students. Meanwhile, the written form of communication in modern society performs an important communicative function. Therefore, at present, the attitude towards writing and teaching students the ability to express their thoughts in writing has changed dramatically. Writing as a learning goal is present in programs for all types of educational institutions, at all stages of teaching foreign languages.

The following analyzers are involved in the implementation of writing: motor (main), visual, speech-motor, auditory (secondary).

(B2) Psycholinguistic characteristics of writing as a type of speech activity

Psychologists note that communication is a multilateral process that can act as: 1) the process of interaction between individuals; 2) information process; 3) the attitude of people to each other; 4) the process of their mutual influence on each other; 5) the process of empathy and mutual understanding of each other. In this regard, the functions of communication are distinguished:

    informative (receiving and transmitting information);

    incentive or regulatory (the process of mutual influence of individuals);


    function of speech etiquette;


    conventional (conditional).

In psychological literature speech activity is defined as “the realization of the social and communicative activity of people in the process of their verbal communication” (I.A. Zimnyaya).

There are the following types of speech activity (RD):

Listening, speaking (monologic and dialogical speech, reading and writing)

In any communication situation, there is a speaker or a writer, a listener or a reader. Hence the allocation of the main types of RD: productive (speaking and writing) and receptive (listening and reading). Speaking and listening are oral types of speech activity, and writing and reading are written. Rogova G.V. rightly notes that in real communication, none of these types of RD exists in isolation. Real communication is the interaction of partners.

The following analyzers take part in the process of mastering a foreign language - auditory, visual, speech-motor, motor. By types of speech activity, the participation of analyzers is distributed as follows:

Writing, like speaking, is characterized by a three-part structure: incentive-motivational, analytical-synthetic and executive. In the incentive-motivational part, a motive appears, which acts as a need, a desire to enter into communication, to convey something in writing, to provide some information. The writer has an idea for the utterance. In the analytical-synthetic part, the statement itself is formed: the selection of words needed to compose the text, the distribution of subject features in a group of sentences, the selection of a predicate or a core part in the semantic organization of links between sentences takes place. The executive part of written speech as an activity is realized in fixing the product with the help of graphic signs - written text.

Distinguish between writing and writing. In linguistics, writing is understood as a graphic system as one of the forms of the expression plan. Under written speech - bookish style of speech. In psychology, writing is considered as a complex process in which there is a correlation between speech sounds, letters and speech movements produced by a person. Written speech is the process of expressing thoughts in graphic form. In the methodology, writing is an object of mastering the graphic and spelling systems of a foreign language by students for fixing linguistic and speech material in order to better remember it and as an assistant in mastering oral speech and reading, since writing is closely connected with them. The basis of written speech is oral speech. In both cases, the result will be understanding of the message by other people. Writing is related to reading. They are based on one graphic system of the language. When writing, as well as when reading, grapheme-phoneme correspondences are established; they only have a different orientation: when reading from letters to sounds, when writing from sounds to letters. In the first case, the message is decoded or decrypted; in the second case, the message is encrypted or encrypted.

Often in the methodology, the terms "writing" and "written speech" are not opposed. The term "writing" is a broader concept than written speech, it can include both writing as such and written speech.

The letter suggests:

    graphics - a system of signs-graphemes

    spelling - spelling, a system of rules for the use of signs

    record - written fixation of language units of different lengths

    written speech - a written fixation of an oral statement to solve a specific communicative task.

In the practice of teaching under by letter understand the technological or procedural aspect, and under writing- a complex creative activity aimed at expressing thoughts in writing.

When they talk about writing as an independent form of speech activity, they mean written speech. The purpose of teaching writing in this context is to teach students to write in a foreign language the same texts that an educated person can write in their native language. Any text written by the author is an expression of thoughts in graphic form.

The difficulties of teaching written language are obvious:

    the process of teaching written speech is constantly complicated by discrepancies between the sound and graphic plans for expressing thoughts in a foreign language;

    if, in an oral communication, something can be omitted by the speaker, replenished with facial expressions, gestures, intonation, then when communicating in writing, the statement must be specific and complete, as detailed as possible in order to fulfill its communicative function; the inability to expressively intotone one's speech requires a more careful selection of syntactic means, and the inability to use facial expressions and gestures requires a more rigorous grammatical design of written speech;

    the formation of skills in the field of the graphic and spelling system of the language being studied, the presence of such features as unreadable letters, homophone words, variable forms of grammatical spelling, which appear only in writing and do not entail a change in the sound form of the word;

    mastery of written speech; the student has a certain level of socio-cultural competence.

Writing as a special type of speech activity
Writing is a special complex form of speech activity and includes a large number of operations. Mastering the skill of writing is a complex mental activity that requires a certain degree of maturity of many mental functions (thinking, perception, attention, memory). This process is carried out with the close interaction of various analyzer systems responsible for the psychophysiological basis of writing: speech-auditory, speech-motor, visual, kinesthetic, kinetic, proprioceptive, acoustic, spatial. In addition, such psychological components as emotional-volitional processes, motives and human behavior are involved in the formation of writing.

Writing differs significantly from oral speech in a number of ways. If oral speech is formed in the early stages of a child's development in the process of direct communication, then writing occurs much later and is the result of special education (its mechanisms are formed during the period of literacy and improved in the course of further education). New complex conditioned reflex connections join the already formed connections of the II signal system (oral speech) and develop it. Writing, unlike oral speech, which usually proceeds automatically, is an arbitrarily organized activity.

All these features of the letter suggest that it will be violated more rudely, since this is a more complex and later function. And teaching it at school will also be difficult, also because by the beginning of teaching a child to write, not all the main higher mental functions that make up its basis have yet been completed, and some of them have not even begun their development yet, and teaching writing relies on immature mental processes.

In psychology, some psychological prerequisites for the formation of this type of speech activity have been investigated and formulated, the insufficiency of which leads to various violations of writing or to difficulties in its formation in children.

The first prerequisite is the formation or preservation of oral speech, arbitrary possession of it, the ability for analytical and synthetic speech activity. The second prerequisite is the formation or preservation of different types of perception, sensations and knowledge and their interaction, as well as spatial perception and representations, namely: visual-spatial and auditory-spatial gnosis, somato-spatial sensations, knowledge and sensation of the body scheme, “right” and "left". The third prerequisite is the formation of the motor sphere - subtle movements, objective actions, i.e. various types of hand praxis, mobility, switchability, stability, etc. The fourth prerequisite is the formation of abstract methods of activity in children, which is possible with their gradual transfer from actions with concrete objects to actions with abstractions. And the fifth prerequisite is the formation of general behavior - regulation, self-regulation, control over actions, intentions, motives of behavior.

L.S. Vygotsky, pointing out significant differences between oral and written speech, wrote: “Written speech is not a simple translation of oral speech into written signs, and mastery of written speech is not simply mastering the technique of writing.”

Lecture No. 1 “Writing as a type of speech activity. Peculiarities of written speech and its communicative possibilities»

Purpose: To explore the specifics of writing as one of the types of speech activity in the communicative aspect.
Tasks: 1. Define the basic terms and concepts of the course. 2. Designate aspects of the study of written speech. 3. Analyze the features of the letter in terms of the functions performed. 4. To form an idea of ​​the communicative possibilities of written speech through its comparison with oral speech.
§ 1. Writing as a type of speech activity. The concept of writing culture. Aspects of the study of written speech.
§ 2. Functions of written speech.
§ 3. Basic terms and concepts of the course.
§ 4. Communicative possibilities of written speech in comparison with oral speech.

§ 1. Writing as a type of speech activity. The concept of writing culture. Aspects of the study of written speech.
According to scientists, a person devotes about 70% of his "life" time to various forms of speech activity. The main types of speech activity are reading, speaking, listening, writing.
The criterion for mastering the main types of speech activity determines the degree of a person's communicative competence - the totality of knowledge, skills in the field of verbal and non-verbal means for adequate perception and reflection of reality in various communication situations (V.V. Sokolova).
The characteristic of the main types of speech activity is carried out from the standpoint of the theory of activity developed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin and other scientists. Within the framework of this approach, the functioning of each type of speech activity is considered comprehensively, taking into account various factors: the nature of the intentions of each of the participants in communication and the specifics of their relationships, the genre and typological affiliation of the text, stylistic parameters, in general - the communicative strategy and semantic program that determine the means and methods achieving a certain communicative-pragmatic effect in communication. In line with the indicated approach, each type of speech activity is understood as a conscious volitional act, and not a reciprocal physical action as a result of an automatic reaction of the sense organs and the nervous system to a signal received from the environment. As a result, in modern research literature, the concepts of "physical process associated with speech" and "actual speech activity in its various forms" are divorced. The latter needs to be taught, since a person “does not grow by itself” into speech activity, thus understood (L.S. Vygotsky).
The methodology for studying writing as a type of speech activity involves focusing, firstly, on the study of the characteristics of the written speech behavior of an individual linguistic personality and, secondly, on the analysis of textual activity - a specific form of communication through written texts of different genre and style orientations.
In linguodidactics, a linguistic personality is understood as a person who is able to participate in speech practice. A linguistic personality is characterized not so much by what she knows in the language, but by what she can do with the language (G.I. Bogin). The task of developing a linguistic personality involves, in particular, improving the writing and speech abilities of the highest level, which correlates with the following skills and abilities:
1) purposefully create written texts of different genre and style orientations that meet the pragmatic conditions of communication;
2) work on the formation and improvement of an individual written and speech style, be able to process their own speech experience accumulated in various areas and situations of communication;
3) edit the text taking into account spelling, punctuation, stylistic and other types of written language norms;
4) develop free skills of active and independent interpretation of a written text;
5) perceive and assimilate different types of information from written and speech messages;
6) substantiate and understand the psychological processes reflected in the written sphere of communication, be able to predict and manage them.
At the same time, the fact of dividing the main types of speech activity into receptive ones, aimed at the perception of a finished speech message, and productive ones, involving work on creating one's own texts, is obvious. The letter belongs to the second type.
An extremely important problem of optimizing the speech development of a person is seen from the standpoint of the culture of written speech. The culture of writing is included as a component in the concept of the general culture of the individual and represents the skillful and free use of written language means, taking into account the corresponding communicative situation.
Written speech and written text are the objects of study for numerous areas of scientific knowledge (history, philosophy, psychology, etc.). The list of the most pressing issues of the linguistic study of written speech includes its consideration from the following positions:
1) from the point of view of semiotics (the doctrine of signs), written speech is analyzed as a certain way of encoding meaning in a sign. The letter acts here as a graphic symbol that displays the sound on the letter, the alphabet - as a type of visual sign system;
2) the graphological aspect involves identifying the features of the reflection in the handwriting of the psychological properties of the writer;
3) from the standpoint of normativism, the norms of written speech are analyzed in their relationship with the norms of oral speech;
4) a pragmatic approach in the study of writing is based on identifying various ways of its impact on the addressee;
5) in the aspect of the theory of speech genres, the genre and style features of written texts are studied;
6) the gender aspect involves the "reading" of written texts from the standpoint of "male" and "female" principles, comprehended as certain concepts of culture;
7) within the framework of the methodological approach, written speech acts as the main subject of consideration in various teaching methods;
8) jurislinguistics analyzes written texts from the point of view of the functioning of invective (offensive) linguistic means in them.

Babaeva E.U. On the problem of identifying a person on the basis of written speech // Jurisprudence, 1968. No. 6.
B. de Courtenay. On the relation of Russian writing to the Russian language // Selected works on general linguistics. M., 1963. T. 2.
Volkov A.A. Grammatology. Semiotics of written speech. M., 1982.
Gelb I.E. Experience in studying writing (Fundamentals of Grammar). M., 1982.
Kirilina A.V. Gender: linguistic aspects. M., 1999.
Lebedeva N.B. On aspects of jurislinguistics // Actual problems of philology. Barnaul, 1998.
Morgenstern I.F. Psychographology: The science of determining the inner world of a person by his handwriting. M., 1994.
Muchnik B.S. The culture of writing. M., 1996.
Nefedova N.V. Fundamentals of speech culture: Textbook. Novocherkassk, 2000.
Osipov B.I. The main stages of the history of Russian writing // Language and writing. Volgograd, 1988.

Questions for self-examination:
1. What is the place among the main types of speech activity is writing? Compare your point of view with the opinion of some researchers (in particular, Madeleine Berkeley-Alain) about the following percentage ratio between different types of speech activity: listening - 40%, speaking - 35%, reading - 16%, writing - 9%. Try to comment on these quantitative data.
3. How are all types of speech activity interconnected?
4. In what sequence does a person master the types of speech activity?
5. Describe the features of writing and speech activity from the standpoint of a communicative approach, focusing on the relevance of certain factors of text formation.
6. Tell us about the normative, communicative and ethical aspects of the culture of writing.
7. What are the linguistic and extralinguistic factors that make a person's speech literate?
8. How do the concepts of "culture of written speech" and "speech etiquette" compare?

§ 2. Functions of written speech.
The role of writing in the life of a language, a nation, an individual is great. The list of key functions of writing is as follows:
1. Since the literary language of the Eastern Slavs arises precisely in its written variety, it can be argued that the state of the system of writing and writing as a whole acts as a criterion for the development of the literary language.
2. Written speech is a special form of generation and designation of thought, “a verbalized version of the mental representation of an event” (V. Dijk).
3. Written texts (business records, correspondence, birch bark letters, annals, etc.) - material of historical significance, these are original documents of the era.
4. All written texts are characterized by a communicative function.
5. Writing acts as a powerful language learning tool.
6. Written and speech activity contributes to the generalization and transfer of human experience, it is characterized by the function of a means of developing the cultural consciousness of civilization. From these positions, it seems appropriate to consider the phenomenon of the written mentality of the era - the reflection in writing of the specific features of a certain historical era and national mentality.

Gorshkov A.I. Theory and history of the Russian literary language. M., 1984.
Zinder L.R. Essay on the general theory of writing. M., 1987.
Pedagogical speech science: Dictionary-reference book. Edition 2 / Ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and A.K. Michalskaya. M., 1998.
Friedrich I. History of writing. M., 1979.
Shcherba L.V. Theory of Russian writing. M., 1983.

Questions for self-examination:
1. What is the role of writing in human culture?
2. What is the reason for the appearance of such a genre of writing as a diary? Give examples of modern modifications of this genre.
3. What kind of literary and artistic creativity does not have written as the primary form of its existence?
4. Tell us about the features of the written mentality of the era of Peter I. What linguistic and extralinguistic factors motivate them?
5. What is the role of technological progress in the development of writing and writing?
6. Give examples of communication situations in which any one of the functions of written speech would dominate.

§ 3. Basic terms and concepts of the course.
Letter - 1) type of speech activity; 2) a sign system that displays written speech; 3) the genre of the written text.
Written speech is a special form of generation and designation of thought; speech depicted on paper or other material carrier using a system of special graphic signs (writing signs).
A written text is a product of the implementation of written speech, which has a certain genre and style nature.
The written form of communication is a special form of communication between people mediated through the text, which is distinguished by the distanced (in time and space) nature of contact between the author and the addressee, the absence of a non-verbal component in communication, and the presence of a special system of means of expression.
Writing - 1) a set of written means of communication, consisting of a system of graphics, alphabet and spelling of any language; 2) a set of written monuments of any people, any era.

Zemskaya E.A. Written speech // Russian language: Encyclopedia. M., 1998.
Dyakonov I.M. Letter // Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1990.
Potapov V.V. Brief linguistic guide. Languages ​​and writing. M., 1994.
Stylistic Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language / Ed. M.N. Kozhina. M., 2003.

Questions for self-examination:
1. Give a description of the epistolary genre "friendly writing", taking into account the specifics of the written sphere of communication.
2. How is the lack of non-verbal means of communication “filled up” during written contact?
3. How important is the factor of presupposition (pre-textual knowledge about the situation of communication) in written communication?
4. Explain the reason for the existence of scribes in ancient Russia - collections of samples for writing letters. How does the lack of direct contact between communicants manifest itself in modern written and printed texts of different genres and styles?
5. Ancient written signs, letters are called "letters" (for example, "runic letters", "ancient Slavic letters", etc.). What is their significance?

§ 4. Communicative possibilities of written speech in comparison with oral.
Russian literary language exists in oral and written forms. Each of them has its own specifics and differs in the system of means of expression, the nature of the addressable orientation, certain methods of perception. The differences between written and oral forms of speech are due to the following factors:
1. Oral speech - spoken, sounding, audible, transmitted by sounds (acoustic code). Written speech is visible, transmitted through letters (graphic code).
2. In the conditions of oral communication, there is a visual-auditory contact of the communicants. In the process of writing, the visual-motor apparatus becomes involved.
3. Written and oral forms of speech are characterized by different types of norms: first of all, orthoepic requirements are imposed on oral speech, spelling, punctuation, calligraphic requirements are imposed on written speech.
4. In the oral sphere of communication, as a rule, there is a direct form of contact between communicants. In the written sphere of communication, the author of the text and its addressee are separated by temporal and spatial parameters. This makes it difficult to establish contact, so the author of the written text should strive to improve the text to the maximum extent in order to be understood.
5. The use of a written form of expression of thoughts means the possibility of thinking through speech, while the speaker is forced to think and speak at the same time. A written text can be subjected to literary editing - the process of adaptation to the norms of written speech.
These differences determine the communicative capabilities of oral and written forms of speech - the potential abilities represented in communication.
Oral speech is represented by a rich selection of intonational means, including the melody of speech, logical stress, loudness, clarity of pronunciation, pauses. It is also necessary to take into account the presence in the oral sphere of communication of non-verbal ways of transmitting information. In written speech, intonation is replaced by punctuation marks, but they do not fully reflect the entire diversity of speech, since the system of punctuation marks in Russian is based on the transmission of the syntactic rather than intonation structure of the phrase. Therefore, in written speech, intonation is suggested by the arrangement of words, taking into account their meaning, the use of particles (Compare: He arrived - any word can be stressed; Even he arrived - only the word he can be stressed). But the intonation conceived by the author and reproduced in the letter do not always coincide, as evidenced by the differences in reading the same text by different people, even masters of the word. In oral speech, intonation serves as a linguistic means of conveying meaning; in the field of written communication, it can only be a derivative, dependent phenomenon.
Partly in the written sphere of communication, graphic means (quotes, capital letters, font size, etc.) “take on” the role of non-verbals, starting to perform a semantic function.

Amirova T.A. Functional relationship between written and spoken language. M., 1985.
Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed. OK. Graudina, B.N. Shiryaev. M., 1998.
Lapteva O.A. On the linguistic basis for the selection and differentiation of varieties of the modern Russian literary language // Questions of Linguistics, 1984, No. 6.
Muchnik B.S. Written transmission of ideas. Alma-Ata, 1979.
Sirotinina O.B. What and why a teacher needs to know about Russian colloquial speech. M., 1996.
Elkonin D.B. Development of oral and written speech of students / Ed. V.V. Davydova, T.A. Nezhnova. M., 1998.

Questions for self-examination:
1. Name the general and distinctive properties of oral and written forms of speech.
2. What method of working on written speech is mentioned in the statement of T.A. Ladyzhenskaya: “The speaker speaks fluently, correcting in the course of the presentation only what he can notice in the process of speech. The writer can return to what he has written, improve it many times”?
3. What is the difference between "adjacent" genres of oral and written scientific speech: a report and an article, a lecture and a section in a textbook? Within the framework of which of the functional styles of the Russian language is it impossible to find genre “parallels” with respect to their oral and written varieties?
4. What properties can written speech “oppose” to such characteristics of oral speech as unpreparedness, linearity, irreversibility, connection with the immediate moment of speech, automatism and randomness in the use of speech means?
5. What type of language (oral or written) can be attributed to reading aloud a written text, folklore texts, a theatrical performance, reading the finished text of a scientific report, SMS text messages?

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According to the generally accepted definition, writing is a sign system for fixing speech, which allows using descriptive (graphic) elements to transmit speech information at a distance and fix it in time.

Oral speech is formed first, while the written one uses all its ready-made mechanisms, improving and significantly complicating them, adding to them new mechanisms specific to the new form of language expression.

Children in their oral speech are not always able to convey all the necessary information using only linguistic means, and supplement the speech statement with mimic-pantomime gestures, based on the immediate everyday context, known to both the speaker and the listener. And if oral speech develops in the process of practical communication between a child and adults, then mastering written speech requires training, consistent awareness of the whole process. For a speaking child, the content of his speech is in the foreground, and a child who needs to write a word always deals primarily with the sounds that make up the word and with the letters with which he must write it. In fact, in the process of mastering written speech, children have to master a stylistically new genre of constructing statements.

Written speech is not only a fixation of the content side of speech with the help of special graphic signs, but also necessarily involves the creation of a program for uttering a written text, that is, generating speech in writing.

The following analyzers are involved in the implementation of writing: motor (main), visual, speech-motor, auditory (secondary).

The letter is characterized by a three-part structure: incentive-motivational, analytical-synthetic and executive. In the incentive-motivational part, a motive appears, which acts as a need, a desire to enter into communication, to convey something in writing, to provide some information. The writer has an idea for the utterance. In the analytical-synthetic part, the statement itself is formed. The executive part of written speech as an activity is realized in fixing the product with the help of graphic signs - written text.

One of the most difficult operations of the writing process is the analysis of the sound structure of a word. To spell a word correctly, you need to determine its sound structure, the sequence and place of each sound. The sound analysis of a word is carried out by the joint activity of the speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers.

Distinguish between writing and writing. In linguistics, writing is understood as a graphic system as one of the forms of the expression plan. Under written speech - bookish style of speech. In psychology, writing is considered as a complex process in which there is a correlation between speech sounds, letters and speech movements produced by a person. Written speech is the process of expressing thoughts in graphic form. Writing is related to reading. They are based on one graphic system of the language. When writing, as well as when reading, grapheme-phoneme correspondences are established; they only have a different orientation: when reading from letters to sounds, when writing from sounds to letters. In the first case, the message is decoded or decrypted; in the second case, the message is encrypted or encrypted.

If a child has certain problems at the stage of speech formation, then decoding occurs with errors that are quite stable, since he cannot understand the relationship between a certain sound and a letter. There is a mixing of phonemes with a sign system.

Consider the operations of the writing process

The writing process has a multi-level structure, includes a large number of operations. A.R. Luria in his "Essays on the Psychophysiology of Writing" defines the following operations of writing.

The letter begins with a motivation, a motive, a task. A person knows what he writes for: to fix, save information for a certain time, transfer it to another person, induce someone to act, etc. A person mentally draws up a plan for a written statement, a semantic program, a general sequence of thoughts. The initial thought corresponds to a certain sentence structure. In the process of writing, the writer must maintain the correct order of writing the phrase, focus on what he has already written and what he has to write.


1.1. Writing as a productive type of speech activity…………………..6

1.2. Features of teaching writing in high school…………….10

1.3. Development of students' creative writing skills…………….16

Conclusions on the first chapter……………………………………………………..22

Chapter II. Practical use of creative written assignments as a productive type of learning activity

2.1. Types of written exercises…………………………………………...23

2.1. Analysis of the use of written tasks in modern teaching materials……31

2.2. The use of creative written tasks as a means of developing students' communication skills………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Conclusions on the second chapter……………………….……………………………..44


List of used literature



Teaching a foreign language includes mastering by students such types of speech activities as listening, speaking, reading and writing. The need for a communicative orientation in teaching foreign languages ​​is enshrined in the State Standard and is confirmed by the steadily developing intercultural ties, as well as the experience of teaching foreign languages.

When teaching foreign language communication, as a rule, its oral form is distinguished - speaking. Despite the fact that a lot has been said and written about the role of writing lately, writing as a productive type of foreign language speech activity still occupies a rather modest place in a foreign language lesson.

Subject of our research: "Development of the communicative competence of students through creative written tasks" .

Relevance of the topic due to the insufficient development of various forms of written assignments in modern teaching materials, as well as the low results of schoolchildren when completing the written part of the Unified State Examination in German, especially option C2 - "Essay".

Students, as a rule, do not realize the need to know a foreign language, they have no interest in this subject, since they do not see the practical results of working on the language. One of the ways to solve this problem is to direct the educational process towards active independent work of students, creating conditions for their self-expression and self-development, including through the use of creative written assignments, which in turn will positively affect the formation of students' communicative competence.

Object of study is the process of teaching foreign language writing.

Subject research - creative writing assignments.

The purpose of the course work is to study the influence of creative written tasks on the development of students' communicative competence.

Research objectives:

1) study the scientific literature on the research topic;

2) consider the types of written exercises;

3) to analyze the types and nature of written assignments in modern educational and methodological complexes in the German language;

4) develop creative written assignments for the senior level of teaching the German language.

As a source for the analysis, the educational and methodological complex for the German language “Deutsch. Contact» G.I. Voronina and I.V. Karelina for grades 10-11.

The course work is structurally represented by an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, defines the goal and objectives, characterizes the subject and object of the course work.

The first chapter discusses general information about writing as a productive form of speech activity, reveals the concept of "creative writing".

According to the definition of the linguistic dictionary by V.N. Yartseva, writing is a sign system of speech fixation, which allows using descriptive (graphic) elements to transmit speech information at a distance and fix it in time [Yartseva, 1990: 346].

In the methodology letter- an object for students to master the graphic and spelling systems of a foreign language for fixing linguistic and speech material in order to better remember it and as an assistant in mastering oral speech and reading, since writing is closely connected with them [Leontiev, 1991: 178].

By "creative writing" we mean exercises of a productive nature of varying degrees of complexity, varied in form and content, often in a playful way.

The second chapter is aimed at analyzing the written exercises of the educational and methodological complex in the German language "Deutsch Kontakt" by G.I. Voronina and I.V. Karelina and developing creative written exercises for this teaching material.

In conclusion, the conclusions obtained as a result of the work are presented.

The total number of literature used is 13, including two textbooks by German authors.

The application includes practical and visual material.

Chapter I. Theoretical Foundations for the Development of Creative Writing Skills

Writing as a productive type of speech activity

Letter- complex speech skills. It allows using a system of graphic signs to ensure communication between people. This is a productive activity in which a person records his speech for transmission to others. The product of this activity is a speech work or a text intended for reading.

In linguistics under by letter the graphic system is understood as one of the forms of the expression plan. Under written speech is the bookish style of speech [Galskova, 2004: 105]. In psychology letter is considered as a complex process in which there is a correlation between speech sounds, letters and speech movements produced by a person. Written speech is the process of expressing thoughts in graphic form. In the methodology letter- an object for students to master the graphic and spelling systems of a foreign language for fixing linguistic and speech material in order to better remember it and as an assistant in mastering oral speech and reading, since writing is closely connected with them [Solovova, 2003: 187].

Writing and written speech in the methodology of teaching a foreign language act not only as a means of teaching, but more and more as a goal of teaching a foreign language. Writing is the technical component of written language. Written speech, along with speaking, is a so-called productive (expressive) type of speech activity and is expressed in fixing a certain content with graphic signs. The psychophysical basis of written speech is the interaction of motor, visual and auditory-speech-motor analyzers. Relying on all analyzers in training gives a much greater effect. According to psychologists, the heard material is assimilated by 10%, seen by 20%, heard and seen by 30%, written down by 50%, when speaking by 70%, while teaching another by 90%. Psychologists believe that the basis of written speech is oral speech. Both speaking and writing can be traced from the idea (what to say) to the selection of the necessary means (what words are needed, how to combine them in the statement) and to the realization of the idea by means of the language orally or in writing [Rogova, 1991: 137].

Writing, like speaking, is characterized by a three-part structure: incentive-motivational, analytical-synthetic and executive. In the incentive-motivational part, a motive appears, which acts as a need, a desire to enter into communication, to convey something in writing, to provide some information. The writer has an idea for the utterance. In the analytic-synthetic part, the statement itself is formed and realized: the selection of words necessary to compose the text, the distribution of subject features in a group of sentences, the selection of a predicate or a core part in the semantic organization of links between sentences takes place. The executive part of written speech as an activity is realized in fixing the product with the help of graphic signs - a written text [Kolker, 2000: 184].

Without denying the similarities between writing and speaking, E.N.Solovova identifies a number of differences between them [Solovova, 2003: 190]. A written statement is a monologue, built quite fully. In the absence of direct communication, the writer expands the statement in order to avoid misunderstanding of his thoughts. In this regard, the letter contains additional information, definitions, specifying the features. We strive to present information consistently and logically, clearly and concisely, as there will be no opportunity to change something, repeat and clarify what was written.

Therefore, it is the written speech that is carefully thought out, honed, the author reworks something, reformulates, tries to correctly arrange what was written. As a rule, there is time for this (at home or in class). Written text is more clearly structured, because there is a possibility to check it. One of the main characteristics of oral text is its spontaneity. The speaker can interrupt along the way, improvise, sometimes losing the logic of the statement. It takes more time to create a letter. Written texts are more demanding on the normative nature of the language. The duration of the formation of oral and written speech skills is very different. You can learn to speak a foreign language quickly in the process of learning in an appropriate language environment, i.e. in natural conditions, how children learn to speak their native language. To learn how to write, one must make efforts, special and lengthy exercises are necessary [Maslyko, 1996: 60].

Writing is also related to reading. They are based on one graphic system of the language. When writing, as well as when reading, grapheme-phonemic correspondences are established; they only have a different orientation: when reading from letters to sounds, when writing from sounds to letters. In the first case, there is decoding or decryption, in the second - encoding, encryption of the message.

Let us consider the linguistic content of teaching writing, the mastery of which can provide students with the opportunity to use writing, primarily as a means of learning a foreign language.

Firstly, it is graphics - the totality of all means of this writing. The languages ​​studied at school: English, German, French - use Latin script. The graphics of these languages ​​exist in two versions: printed and handwritten. Each of them, in turn, has uppercase and lowercase letters. Thus, each grapheme is represented by a set of alphabetic units. A comparison of the letter styles of printed and written fonts shows that some graphemes have close correspondences, while others have printed and handwritten versions that differ sharply from each other.

Secondly, the linguistic content of teaching writing includes spelling - spelling or a system of rules for using written characters when writing specific words. If the graphics allow several options for transmitting a sound or sound combination, then in orthography one spelling is always used to convey a certain word with this sound, which is recognized as correct, and all others are erroneous.

Third, recording. If the product of written speech is always a coherent statement, the product of a record can be individual words, phrases, unrelated sentences, a plan of expression, and even abbreviations. Since the mastery of writing is carried out by assimilating letters, words, phrases, sentences, superphrasal units, then each of these units acts as the corresponding levels of writing. The main purpose of recording at all levels is a deeper understanding of the features of the units of language and speech and, consequently, their better memorization.

Fourthly, written speech in school conditions. This can be writing a letter, as well as an abstract and annotation. The latter are closely connected with the work of students in reading, mainly in the upper grades [Leontiev, 1991: 194] .

If we consider writing in general as a productive communicative activity, the need for which manifests itself in life through personal motives (to write a letter, statement) or social necessity (report, report), then in the process of teaching foreign languages, written exercises of a communicative orientation with corresponding tasks are seen as logical.

Writing performs an auxiliary role in the development of grammatical skills, when performing written tasks from simple copying to tasks that require a creative approach, which creates the necessary conditions for memorization. Without reliance on writing, it is difficult for students to retain lexical and grammatical material in memory.

The final requirements for teaching written speech include the formation of students' ability to practically use foreign language writing as a way of communication, cognition and creativity in accordance with the achieved program level of mastering a foreign language [Shatilov, 1977: 117].

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