There is a blood clot in the egg. Why is there blood in a chicken egg - can it be eaten. How to help a chicken


The problem of blood chicken egg familiar to many experienced poultry farmers. But novice farmers, blood eggs can be confusing. For what reasons does blood appear on the egg shell or inside it? What to do in such cases? We will give answers to these questions in this article.

It's no secret that domestic birds are prone to various diseases. Each bird reacts differently to diseases, and almost all diseases in one way or another affect the health of the chicken as a whole. If we talk about the appearance of blood on chicken eggs or inside them, then this does not indicate the symptoms of the disease, but the consequences. And every poultry farmer who has encountered this asks a completely logical question - why does this happen? Below we will try to answer why this happens and how this problem can be solved.

inside the egg

Blood spots, as a rule, appear inside the chicken egg, in particular - on the yolk. According to experts and just farmers with experience, blood appears on the yolk as a result of the rupture of the ovarian capillaries during the process of ovulation. When chicken eggs are formed, blood clots enter the oviduct, and the egg white is already layered on these clots.

Remarkable is the fact that the entry of blood clots into the oviduct may well be inherited by chickens. But it may show up over time or not at all. According to experts, the greatest likelihood that blood clots will appear inside the egg is relevant for colored hens. As for white individuals, according to experts, they have strong enough immunity to resist this.

So, for what reasons does blood appear inside a chicken testicle, why does this happen?

The factors are:

  1. As a result of the chicken being stressed. Almost every animal organism can be exposed to stress, especially when it comes to birds. Any frightening situation can affect the health of a bird. This may be a fright resulting from contact with a cat or dog, or the chicken simply fell from a height. In any case, stress is the first reason.
  2. If your coop has a lot of chickens and very little space. When stocking density is disturbed, it is likely that the hen will lay eggs with blood. Pay attention to this. The normal stocking density of laying hens is about 3, no more than 4 individuals per one square meter.
  3. If your brood lacks roosters. Oddly enough, but a lack, and sometimes even an overabundance of males, can cause blood clots in the yolk. The best option is one male for ten chickens.
  4. Another reason for the appearance of blood is the lack of mineral nutrition. Especially the lack of minerals is most obvious in the winter season and in the spring, as a rule, at this time, succulent food is hard to find. You won't be able to replace them.

Please note that if your birds bleed as a result of one of these factors, then they are at risk. First of all, you need to check all the conditions of detention. The deficiencies must be eliminated, after which the hens will again lay eggs without blood.

on the shell

In the event that blood appears directly on the egg shell, then the reasons will be completely different. In practice, this problem is mainly associated with trauma to the oviduct. But what is the reason for this?

After all, poultry farmers note that chickens do not carry such eggs from the very beginning, this can manifest itself at different times:

  1. First of all, trauma to the oviduct, when chickens carry eggs with blood on the shell, can be the result of excessively large testicles. In particular, this applies to crosses. Cross-country, as you already know, for the most part have a small weight and a fairly compact physique. Accordingly, a very large testicle can cause damage to the oviduct. The intensity of the masonry also directly affects this.
  2. Secondly, the blood on the shell may be the result of inflammation of the same oviduct. Inflammation may appear from the fact that the bird has suffered an infectious disease, which could well have entered your brood along with new individuals. In both cases, there will be blood stains on the shell. Accordingly, in order to prevent the further spread of the disease, it urgently needs to be treated.

It is possible that as a result of diseases, due to which blood stains appear on the egg shell, the condition of the bird may generally worsen, which is even fraught with death.

How to solve the problem?

So, how to solve such a problem? It all depends on why it appeared. Solutions will be discussed below.

If the chicken has inflammation of the oviduct, then you need to do the following. Two or three teaspoons of salt should be diluted with a glass of warm water (about 250 ml), the oviduct is washed with this solution. To do a flush, you must use an enema. Before starting this process, you should check if there are any testicles in the oviduct, only after that you can start the procedure. The chicken may not like it, so we advise you to do this with someone.

Also in this case, the bird should be given antimicrobial medications. In practice, many poultry farmers buy Metronidazole and mix half a tablet with the solution. As for the duration, on average, such a course of treatment lasts about a week, but you still need to consult a veterinarian. As a rule, improvement is observed already from the first few doses of the drug, but the whole process must be completed. At first, in the first few days, enemas should be done only in the mornings and evenings, the remaining time - in the evenings.

If your bird does not have an inflammation of the oviduct, but an injury, then the treatment process will look different. In general, the treatment will be longer, but if everything is done correctly, the result will please you. So, if a chicken has an oviduct injury, then it must be isolated from the entire brood - in this case, the bird should be planted in a dry place where the light will not be bright. All in order to artificially reduce egg production, so as not to irritate the oviduct. If you notice that blood clots come out of the chicken cloaca, then the reason for this may be cannibalism. In these cases, the light is also dimmed and a lamp is installed only above the feeder.

It is possible that birds still bear testicles, but at the same time they feel pain. In such cases, you, as a caring poultry farmer, need to alleviate the suffering of poor birds; for this, the cesspool must be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Vaseline is applied to the finger, after which the inner part is smeared with the finger, and the wound itself can be treated with ordinary pharmacy peroxide. Peroxide will eliminate germs, and the color of the cloaca will not be red, but white, respectively, you can also reduce the risk of cannibalism. Metronidazole also has an antimicrobial effect, which means it can also be used, only not half a tablet, but a quarter.

In this case, we cannot tell you the exact timing of treatment, which means that you need to monitor the general condition of the bird on a daily basis. If the condition of the bird has not improved, but only worsened, then there is no other way out, except for slaughter. In principle, this rarely happens, so there is no need to raise a panic in advance. As practice shows, improvements are usually observed 10 days after the start of treatment, if so, then the bird can be returned to its brood. As you understand, when recovering, there will be no blood on the egg shell.

Blood in a chicken egg is an unpleasant phenomenon for both buyers and owners of laying hens. In the first case, it raises doubts about the quality of the product, and in the second, concerns about the condition of the birds. The appearance of blood clots on the surface of the shell and inside it. In what cases can chickens lay an egg with blood, and how to get rid of the problem?

Most often, traces of blood appear inside the egg - they can be seen in the protein or yolk when using the product as food. The defect is most often observed in hens of a variegated shade or in brown eggs. The mechanism is as follows - in the process of ovulation, capillaries break, which penetrate the yolk sac, after which protein is layered around the blood clot.

The reasons for the rupture and the subsequent appearance of blood marks inside the egg can be various factors, usually a violation of the rules for keeping poultry and caring for them:

  1. stressful situations. Chickens get used to a calm rhythm of life, and any major changes can lead to disruption of the body, which affects the quality of the eggs. Factors that can provoke stress include falls from a great height, fights with other inhabitants of the house, encounters with predatory animals.
  2. Violations of the rules for keeping livestock. The optimal number of chickens in the room is 4 individuals per square meter, but not more, and there should be 1 male per 10 layers. If there are too many or too few roosters, this can affect the laying of birds and the characteristics of the eggs.
  3. Wrong nutrition. In winter or early spring, when there is no opportunity to release birds for free range, chickens sometimes have beriberi - a lack of nutrients in the diet.

Chicken eggs with blood impurities are suitable for human consumption and do not harm human health. The only problem is that they are unpleasant to eat, but usually blood clots can be easily removed from the yolk or protein.

Attention! The appearance of blood in an egg can be genetically transmitted - accordingly, if a similar phenomenon is observed in a laying hen, there is a high probability that the female offspring will also inherit this defect.

Causes of blood on the shell

Blood stains on the surface of the shell is an alarming sign for the farmer, as it indicates the pathological processes that occur in the body of the laying hen. They can lead to serious health problems, infection of other birds or death of individuals.

Blood can appear both inside the egg and on the surface of the shell

Table 1. Reasons for the appearance of traces of blood on the surface of the eggshell

CauseFeatures and signs
Pecking the cloaca with other chickensIn spring and autumn, chickens begin to molt, and the bare parts of the body attract other inhabitants of the poultry house, who begin to peck at their neighbor. Since feathers fall out first of all in the back and anus, it is they who suffer from the increased attention of other birds. As a result of pecking, bloody wounds appear on the skin, and its traces can be seen on the eggshell
Eggs that are too large or too heavy to layMost often, the phenomenon occurs in small-sized laying hens with a lean physique that carry large eggs. It is difficult for chickens to push the egg out of the cloaca, and cracks and small wounds appear on the surface of the oviduct due to overvoltage
Injury to the oviductBroken egg shells, foreign matter or pebbles in the feed can injure the mucous membranes of the oviduct, as a result of which drops of blood will appear on the surface of the eggs
cloaciteThe disease is an inflammatory process that develops as a result of malnutrition and the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The first symptom of cloacitis is diarrhea, contamination of the feathers around the cloaca, sticking them together and crusting. It tightens the skin and mucous membranes of the cloaca, resulting in wounds and bleeding.
SalpingitisPathology is accompanied by prolapse of the oviduct through the anus, and most often develops during the active period of oviposition when hygiene is not observed in the room where chickens are kept. Birds suffering from salpingitis become restless, sit on nests for a long time and lay eggs only after much effort.

When blood appears on the surface of the eggs, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology as soon as possible and begin treatment, otherwise unpleasant consequences and serious material losses are possible.

Cloacite is one of the reasons for the appearance of traces of blood on the surface of the shell.

Attention! Chickens that ooze blood from the anus or changes in the cloacal area should be isolated from other individuals as soon as possible. There are two good reasons for this: other birds can peck it to death, and if there is an infection, it can infect them, causing the disease to spread throughout the house.

Video - Hen laid an egg

How to help a chicken

If blood clots appear inside the egg or on the surface of the shell, the features of chicken care and its diet should be reviewed. In the poultry house, you need to regularly clean and disinfect, change the material that is used as bedding, pour clean water into the drinkers. Chicken should be fed with juicy healthy feed containing nutrients, immunomodulators, vitamins and trace elements, and the consumption of roughage should be limited.

A good effect in such cases gives fresh grass. It contains a substance called routine, which helps to stop bleeding and heal damage to the mucous membrane.

To stop the inflammatory process, you can drink the chicken with a decoction of medicinal herbs ( chamomile, sage, calendula), and wash the buildings passage with a weak solution potassium permanganate or an aqueous solution of the mixture soda with salt. For salpingitis or cloacitis caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, birds are given antimicrobials (for example, metronidazole), but such treatment can only be carried out after the chicken has been examined by a veterinarian and an accurate diagnosis has been made.

To facilitate the process of oviposition in birds of small size, you can use hydrogen peroxide and vaseline. The cloaca needs to be treated with hydrogen peroxide, and then lubricate its walls with petroleum jelly. The procedure not only facilitates the passage of eggs, but also changes the color of the tissues, which eliminates the possibility of pecking the anus of the chicken by the rest of the inhabitants of the house.

Attention! If the chickens began to peck at each other, you need to determine the instigator of the riots, for which you should watch the chickens for some time. A bird that behaves aggressively towards its neighbors should be isolated from other individuals for some time. In the absence of changes in behavior, it is better to kill it, otherwise fights will constantly occur in the house.

Other egg defects

Bloody eggs are not the only defect that farmers notice in their livestock. They may be the wrong or too small size, two yolks, soft shells, or other abnormal features. Each of them has its own causes and features of elimination.

small eggs

The size of eggs is directly related to the age and breed of birds. Young laying hens or individuals that, for some reason, began laying prematurely, may lay small or defective eggs. You should not panic about this - in healthy individuals, the work of the reproductive system will improve over time, and egg production will return to normal.

If such a deviation is observed in sexually mature individuals, attention should be paid to their breed affiliation. In some of them, small egg sizes are genetically laid down - birds of the white sultan breed and representatives of similar varieties carry eggs no more than 45 grams. To get large eggs, you need to choose laying hens of universal or meat breeds.

The pathological cause of too small eggs is hormonal disorders and beriberi in chickens. In such cases, it is recommended to show the laying hen to the veterinarian and eliminate errors in diet and care, otherwise the laying hen may get sick and even die.

An egg has two or more yolks

Two-yolk eggs are popularly considered an indicator of the high quality of the product, but in fact this is a sign of a malfunction in the reproductive system. The mechanism for the appearance of such eggs is as follows: several ovulations occur in the body of the chicken, as a result of which two yolks descend through the esophagus, where they are enclosed in one shell. A similar phenomenon is often found in young individuals, especially if they belong to highly productive breeds of poultry.

In addition, double-yolk eggs are found when birds are given hormones and medications to increase performance. To fix the problem, you need to give the chicken natural feed and exclude the use of pharmaceuticals.

For reference! By poultry standards, 1-2 eggs per clutch may be too small or irregularly shaped. This phenomenon is associated with temporary malfunctions in the reproductive system of chickens, is considered a variant of the norm and does not require human intervention.

Soft or calcined shell

A thin and soft or, conversely, too hard shell with a coating of calcium is found in older laying hens, and it is especially characteristic of hybrid representatives of high-performance breeds. Before leaving the eggs for a certain time are in the shell gland, where they are covered with a layer of calcium. If the egg is left there too long, it acquires a white or pink calcified coating, and the one that follows is not overgrown with calcium, as a result of which its shell becomes soft or transparent.

Eggs with the "wrong" shell can appear in hens on hot days when the temperature outside the window rises and feed intake decreases. Another reason is mental disorders in young chickens, who try to protect eggs from negative factors and keep them inside until the very end.

watery protein

With age, the performance of chickens and the quality of eggs decreases significantly - the yolk may become pale and the protein watery. In addition, certain diseases affect the characteristics of the contents of eggs - for example, infectious bronchitis. Sometimes such an egg can be distinguished by appearance- their shell becomes rough and wrinkled. It is not dangerous to eat such a product, but its taste leaves much to be desired.

Advice! The presence of bacteria on the surface of eggs is not considered a pathology, therefore it is recommended to wash the shell thoroughly with soda before use. But before storage, it is not recommended to process the product, otherwise pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate inside and begin to multiply in the protein and yolk.

Video - Diagnosis of chicken diseases

Prevention of egg defects

To prevent the appearance of blood inside and on the surface of the egg or other defects, you need to follow some rules:

  • provide birds with vitamins for the whole year, especially during the cold period, when chickens are deprived of the opportunity to eat fresh food;
  • observe the rules for placing livestock in the chicken coop, avoid crowding of individuals and fights between them;
  • exclude stressful situations, falls and injuries of the abdominal cavity;
  • regularly examine the birds, and if symptoms of pathologies appear, isolate suspicious chickens from the rest of the livestock and show them to the veterinarian;
  • in order to ensure the normal productivity of laying hens in winter, it is necessary to provide them with additional and high-quality hygiene in the poultry house.

Eggs with blood or other defects, if properly handled, can be eaten, but they can indicate serious illnesses in laying hens, and therefore require special attention from the farmer. With proper care of chickens, the egg production of birds and the quality of eggs will be at the proper level.

Almost all professional farmers faced the problem of blood appearing on the surface of the shell or even inside the chicken egg. But for beginners, this can be a real problem. After all, not everyone knows what can cause such a deviation.

If the chickens began to lay eggs with blood inside, then you need to look for the root cause. As a rule, blood clots or dots present in the composition of the yolk are not a sign of a disease. And such testicles can be consumed without fear.

Blood impurities are most often seen in the yolk.

Blood impurities are most often fixed in the yolk. Professional farmers explain this fact in the following way: in the process of ovulation, injury occurs, and sometimes a complete rupture of the ovarian capillaries.

And during the formation of the egg, the formed clots fall into the oviduct. Subsequently, egg white is layered on the yolk, which contains a small amount of coagulated blood.

It is worth noting that the tendency to rupture of the ovarian capillaries in chickens can be inherited, but this genetic defect does not appear in all laying hens. Most often, owners of colored chickens face this problem. Birds with white plumage have a stronger immune system that can control this defect.

In addition to a genetic failure, the causes of blood clots inside the egg in the yolk can be:

Important. First of all, when blood appears in the yolk, it is necessary to improve the conditions for laying hens and eliminate provoking factors.

If chickens carry eggs with blood on the shell, then the reasons are completely different. Most often, the problem is caused by trauma to the oviduct. It is worth noting that such a problem does not occur immediately after the start of masonry. This happens later.

If blood appears on the shell, the oviduct may have been injured in the chicken.

The reasons may be:

  • Ovarian injury. May be caused by too large eggs. This problem is typical for laying hens of the cross breed. Laying hens in this group are compact and light in weight, and the large size of the egg increases the likelihood of injury to the oviduct. In addition, the cause may be too active masonry.
  • Inflammation of the oviduct. Inflammation can be either an independent pathology or be formed as a result of a previous infection. The disease can be introduced along with new laying hens.

In order not to be the cause of the appearance of blood on the egg shell, this problem must be eliminated.

If the chicken has inflammation of the oviduct, then the treatment is carried out as follows:

Metronidazole tablets are used for douching.
  • Douching. In a glass of warm water, you need to stir three small spoons of salt (without a slide). Use the resulting saline solution to flush the oviduct. Before starting the procedure, you must make sure that there are no eggs in it.
  • Giving antimicrobials. The most commonly used remedy is Metronidazole in tablets. Dissolve ½ of the pill in the solution for douching. The average duration of therapy is 7 days. As a rule, improvement is observed already on the first day, but the course must be completed in full.

The first three to four days, washing the oviduct should be done in the mornings and evenings. Then the procedure is performed only in the evening.

Treatment of an injured oviduct is carried out differently. As a rule, the healing process is quite lengthy and will require a lot of time.

First of all, the laying hen must be removed from the main herd in a dry and darkened room. This is one of the ways to artificially inhibit egg production, which reduces the risk of additional irritation of the existing wound. Only the area of ​​​​the feeder should remain brightly lit.

Rupture of the mucosa may occur due to the large size of the egg.

To alleviate the condition of the bird, the injured cloaca must be treated as follows:

A little Vaseline can be applied to the damaged cloacal mucosa.
  • take a little ordinary petroleum jelly on your fingertip and gently treat the inner surface of the mucosa;
  • cauterize the existing wound with hydrogen peroxide. The tool will disinfect the inflamed area, destroying microbes. In addition, the mucous membrane will acquire a normal color, which excludes pecking of the inflamed cloaca by other chickens.

Metronidazole tablets can also be used to cover the wound.

It is impossible to determine the exact timing of treatment and wound healing, since everything is individual. But remember that it is necessary to examine a sick laying hen and carry out the procedures prescribed by the veterinarian daily until the mucosa is completely healed.

If the general condition of the chicken does not improve, then the only way out is slaughter. This happens in rare cases, as injuries heal quite well.

As practice shows, improvements are fixed 10 days after the start of treatment. If the wound is well healed, then the bird can be returned to the general herd. A sign of recovery is the absence of blood stains on laid eggs.

Chickens that get the right diet rarely get sick.
  • Organization of proper nutrition. If the chickens receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, then the birds will not get sick. To solve the problems associated with a lack of vitamins and nutrients, the introduction of grain into the diet of poultry will help. It contains all the necessary elements that help strengthen the bird's immune defenses.
  • If there are any health problems with the bird, it must be shown to the veterinarian. Only a qualified specialist will be able to make a correct diagnosis and choose an adequate treatment.
  • Organization of correct content. In addition to properly organized nutrition, it is necessary to provide chickens with good lighting. With a lack of sunlight in the chicken coop, you can turn on the light.


Chicken eggs are a healthy, tasty, nutritious product that is used in cooking to prepare a wide variety of dishes. But what to do if, after breaking the shell in an egg, you notice bloody substances - clots, inclusions, threads? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, but if you identify the root cause, almost all of them can be easily eliminated.

Main reasons

Many poultry farmers and farmers have encountered such a problem when, with normal productivity, laying hens began to give bloody eggs. To solve this problem, it is necessary to establish the cause, to determine why the shell is covered with blood or blood clots, threads, inclusions are visible in the egg itself.

Everyone is well aware that poultry, regardless of species, is susceptible to various infections and diseases throughout their lives. Any disease negatively affects the condition of the feathered wards, leads to a decrease in productivity and can cause mass mortality, which will invariably entail significant financial losses.

Important! Blood on eggshell, inside the eggs, as a rule, is not a symptom of any disease or infection, but a consequence.

Blood usually appears inside the egg, on the yolk. This is due to the fact that in the process of ovulation there was a rupture of blood vessels, small capillaries of the ovary. During the formation of chicken eggs, blood clots penetrate the oviduct, which are superimposed on the protein.

It is worth noting that the ingress of blood, clots, threads into chicken eggs is often transmitted genetically, by inheritance. In this case, such a state may not appear immediately, but after some time. According to experts, "blood" eggs are most often carried by hens of colored breeds. In birds with white plumage, a similar problem rarely occurs due to a strong immune potential, better health.

If laying hens began to give eggs with blood, among the main reasons are:

The reason for the appearance of blood on the shell, inside the eggs, is the large crowding of birds in a limited space. Unfavorable conditions of detention, violation of the rules of care, non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules can also provoke the appearance of bloody clots in chicken eggs.

If blood clots are visible on the protein, this is due to the fact that the chickens do not receive enough nutrients, minerals (magnesium, calcium, selenium). Most often, a similar situation is noted in the autumn-winter period or if the bird has a poor diet.

Blood in eggs or on the shell

Blood inside laid eggs or on the shell is often the case if the hen is laying eggs that are too large. If a large egg is laid, it can injure the bird's oviduct. In most cases, this is due to anatomical features. In particular, a similar problem is most often noted in crosses, which have a fairly compact physique.

It happens that an excess of proteins (proteins) in compound feeds, a large amount of protein-containing additives in the diet of birds can also cause blood to appear in a laid chicken egg.

What to do if the chicken lays "bloody" eggs

If there is blood in a chicken egg, as already noted, it is very important to establish the root cause of the presence of blood in the middle of the eggs or on the shell. The method of solving the problem, the further treatment of the bird depends on this.

If the blood in the egg or on the shell is provoked by inflammation of the oviduct, you must do the following: 2-3 teaspoons table salt dilute in 250 ml of warm water. Using a small syringe, wash the oviduct with this enema solution. Douching is carried out daily for a week.

Important! Before performing the procedure, be sure to check for testicles in the oviduct. For these purposes, you can also use any antiseptic preparations, but be sure to consult a veterinarian before using them.

In addition to washing, if there is a suspicion that the chicken has had an infection, complex antibacterial drugs are used. Metronidazole helps a lot. The course of treatment is 5-6 days. The chicken is given half a tablet once a day. A positive effect can be seen within a few days after the start of treatment.

If you notice blood in a chicken egg, you can use other antimicrobial agents, complex antibiotics of the tetracycline, penicillin series. Having calculated the correct dosage, the drugs are added to drinking water, feed.

If the oviduct is injured in the rabbit, the treatment will be quite long. The bird is isolated from the brood, favorable conditions are created. The room should be dry, clean, well ventilated, with not too bright lighting. Lack of bright light reduces egg production.

To alleviate the condition of the bird, lubricate the tip of your finger with petroleum jelly, treat the inner surface of the oviduct. Wounds can be cauterized with hydrogen peroxide.

To prevent chickens from laying "bloody" eggs, create optimal conditions for keeping feathered pets. Observe sanitary and hygienic standards, regularly disinfect cages, poultry houses, brooders.

The diet of laying hens should be nutritious, complete, balanced. To improve the body's defenses, activate immunity, supplement nutrition with special premixes, immunomodulators, vitamin complexes.

If uncharacteristic symptoms appear, which may indicate an infection, disease, isolate the chicken from the rest of the herd, call a veterinarian for an examination.

Is it possible to eat eggs with blood

This question interests many housewives. If you find blood in a broken chicken egg, in the yolk, on the protein there are bloody substances, such testicles, according to veterinarians, can be eaten without restrictions, but only after preliminary heat treatment. Blood clots can be removed with a regular toothpick, the tip of a knife.

If the shell is smeared with blood, simply rinse the egg under running water. Eggs with blood on the shell can also be eaten without restrictions. However, after washing, it is not recommended to store such a product.

Finding blood clots in a chicken egg is not a sight for the faint of heart. It happens that after this for some time you don’t even remember about scrambled eggs.

It is good if such a phenomenon is observed by an avid chicken breeder, but for a beginner it can become very unpleasant and even shocking. A lot of questions arise, is it possible to eat such eggs, what are the diseases of chickens and whether it is a disease, how contagious is this phenomenon for the rest of the bird. I will answer these questions in the article, and also talk about when chickens lay eggs with blood, what to do in this case and how to help the bird.

Why do chickens lay bloody eggs?

I hasten to reassure the owners of poultry, who found blood inside the chicken egg and on top of the shell - this is not a disease, but only its manifestation. Such eggs are not dangerous to human health, only the visual perception of blood clots causes discomfort.

Eggs with blood are a consequence of the fact that something is wrong in the chicken's body, as a rule, with internal organs. This is not an infectious or viral disease, it does not spread to other chickens. When they say that there is blood inside the egg, this means that the blood clot is inside or on top of the yolk.

This is due to the fact that the capillaries of the ovary can develop at the time of ovulation. Blood clots enter the yolk when the egg forms in the oviduct and the albumen coats the top of the yolk.
Such a reaction does not occur suddenly, it is a certain predisposition of chickens to rupture of the ovarian capillaries, that is, a property of the body. There is a bird that transmits such a property of the organism by inheritance. It also happens that such an ailment does not manifest itself for the time being, and then becomes noticeable. It is possible that the disease will not make itself felt at all during the life of the chicken, but it happens that it returns from time to time.

Interestingly, more often eggs with blood are laid by chickens with multi-colored plumage, in birds with a white color, eggs with blood are much less common.

In addition to heredity, there are other factors due to which chickens lay eggs with blood, these are:

  • If the chicken fell from a height, it could be a high fence or the roof of a building;
  • In the case when the bird has experienced severe stress, this may be a difficult and long journey or the presence of a predator, other negative factors;
  • When there are too many roosters in the chicken coop. One rooster is enough for ten hens;
  • Incorrect feed balance when it lacks mineral elements. The presence of blood in the egg is typical for the cold period, when the bird does not have access to grass, there is only dry food.

Blood happens not only inside the egg, but also outside, on the shell, which is also an alarming sign, but the roots of this phenomenon are different. The main reason when chickens lay eggs with blood on the shell may be an injury to the oviduct.

If hens lay eggs that are too large, this can damage the oviduct. Blood on the shell is characteristic of chickens with a compact build and large eggs. A similar phenomenon is characteristic of egg crosses.

Blood on the shell can also be noticeable in chickens, which are distinguished by frequent oviposition, let's say, in overly hardworking ones.

The source of blood on the egg can also be inflammation of the oviduct, this is due to infection. Old-timers can get a similar infection after settling in a poultry house or from a person who came from another chicken coop.

If chickens lay eggs with blood: how to treat

In a situation where chickens lay eggs with blood, what to do and how to help a pet, the question is relevant. We must act immediately, otherwise you can lose chickens, laying eggs with blood. By the way, in most cases, this phenomenon is treated and subject to correction. Only in the most difficult cases, due to extensive rupture and injuries of the oviduct, the bird is slaughtered.

If chickens lay eggs with blood: what to do:

First of all, you need to treat the area under the tail of the chicken with a swab and a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

Then prepare a solution to rinse the oviduct: 2 teaspoons of salt are dissolved in 250 ml of warm water. The oviduct is checked for the presence of an egg, and if it is not there, an enema is made from the prepared solution;

Enemas with saline solution for the treatment of the oviduct are done for seven days, on the first three days in the morning and evening, on the remaining four days - only once a day.

Also, for seven days, give the bird the drug metronidazole, half a tablet a day. This is an antimicrobial medicine, the effect of which will become noticeable the very next day.

The presence of internal injuries of the oviduct is evidenced by blood oozing from it, while usually the area around the tail of the chicken is in the blood.

When the oviduct is injured not outside, but inside the chicken, the treatment will be a little more complicated, namely:

  • Chickens are moved to a spare house, you need to separate them from those that carry eggs without signs of blood discharge;
  • It is important to properly equip this temporary shelter for a sick bird, it should be warm, the litter should be dry, and the light should be dim. It is also good to curtain windows so that the sun's rays do not illuminate the house. This is done so that the birds, seeing traces of blood on each other, do not begin to peck at their companions;
  • Several times a day, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  • If a chicken with an oviduct injury continues to lay eggs, then after treatment with hydrogen peroxide, the cloaca is liberally lubricated with petroleum jelly to avoid further ruptures and reduce pain in the bird;
  • They use the same drug - metronidazole, but give one fourth tablet a day;

It is mandatory to add sprouted grains to the poultry diet. This is the element of nutrition that will significantly affect the favorable outcome of treatment and make up for the lack of trace elements.
I did not mention how long it is necessary to give the bird the drug and continue the treatment for the reason that there is no exact period, for each chicken it is individual.

For one laying hen, a 10-day treatment period is enough, and for another, a month will be needed.

You can find out that the treatment can be completed and you can stop giving the drug only on one basis - the absence of spotting on the eggshell. Such a bird is observed for a couple more days and returned to the poultry house.

If chickens lay eggs with blood: how to prevent

In order to avoid, if possible, such a problem when chickens lay eggs with blood, what to do, you need to remember that in most cases, this phenomenon can be prevented:

  • In the diet of chickens in cold weather, food in the form of germinated grains must be present;
  • When buying, young animals need to be kept in quarantine for about two weeks;
  • Take care of the quality of compound feed by purchasing it in trusted stores;
  • inspect poultry to identify injuries of the esophagus and blood droplets on feathers;
  • Change clothes after coming from a neighbor's chicken coop or returning from a bird market.

What to do if chickens lay eggs with blood video

How to deal with fleas and lice in chickens, you can

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