Bumpy shells in chicken eggs. Why do chicken eggs have thin shells. What causes shell thinning


1502 09/10/2019 6 min.

A chicken egg contains many useful trace elements and vitamins, the shell is no exception. But sometimes chickens have problems that affect the appearance of the eggs. Thin shells on chicken eggs are a frequent and common phenomenon. Therefore, when you see this, you should not immediately panic, there are quite a few reasons for this and they are not always associated with some kind of disease. Experienced farmers first of all pay attention to the behavior of chickens, their diet and living conditions, initially adjusting these factors. And if the problem persists, contact the veterinarian. Below are the main causes of thin shells and the steps to be taken to eliminate them.

The chemical composition of the shell

The main constituent element of the shell is Calcium, or rather its compound is calcium carbonate. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that due to the synthesis of the transformation that the shell went through when leaving the bird, calcium is 100% absorbed by the human body. The connection occupies 90% of the total share in chemical composition, the remaining 10% is distributed among the following elements:

  • copper;
  • fluorine;
  • molybdenum;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • silicon.

The shell also contains trace elements such as selenium and zinc. In total, scientists have counted over 27 units of useful components.

Calcium carbonate in the human body forms stable compounds with phosphorus, in the form of calcium phosphates. This has a beneficial effect on the formation of the skeletal system and teeth.

The uniqueness of the shell lies in the fact that during the formation of the egg, calcium ions are easily attracted, forming a strong frame, therefore, when they enter the human body, they are just as easily separated and distributed at the cellular level.


There are many factors that affect the condition of the shell, including parameters that differ from the genetics of different breeds of chickens, their mobility, age, and so on. But the main factors still stand out:

  • poultry nutrition;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • infectious diseases.

The egg shell is formed under the influence of three important bioactive trace elements: nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. But the lack of others also affects the defects, albeit to a lesser extent. Do not forget to add foods rich in zinc, iodine and manganese to the diet. Find out why chickens don't lay eggs.

Bad Diet

Chickens of domestic breeds in farm conditions are laid all year round, so the diet should always be balanced and rich in vitamins. If these conditions are not met, a problem arises in the absence of the shell or its thinning.

The correct egg has an oval shape, hard, smooth to the touch with a slight roughness.

The membrane becomes thinner if there is an acute shortage of vitamins. For example, feeds are not balanced and do not include the right amount of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin D and C.

  1. Calcium is the primary source and basis of the shell.
  2. Phosphorus provides a stable connection and hardness of the shell.
  3. D and C improve the connection of calcium ions with each other.

Newcastle disease

This is a systemic disease. Symptoms are visible to the naked eye. In addition to lethargy, lack of appetite; there are inflammatory processes in the eye area, suppuration, discharge from the nose, diarrhea.

The productivity of laying hens decreases up to 50%, the eggs themselves can be either with a very thin, almost transparent shell, or without it at all (egg casting or syndrome-76). As a rule, such eggs are unsuitable for food.

The spread of the infection is rapid, so the diseased individual is removed from the chicken coop at the first sign.

Bird flu

Bird flu is known firsthand by many farmers. An acute infection affects all organs: breathing, esophagus and spreads among chickens very quickly, leading to death. Eggs of infected laying hens are contraindicated for eating. This disease affects the quality of the shell - it becomes soft. The type A influenza virus itself does not survive at high temperatures, so you can eat sick chicken meat with hourly heat treatment. But if the H5N1 strain is diagnosed, then such layers are disposed of and local quarantine is declared.


Each specific disease requires a specific treatment regimen, which is prescribed only by a veterinarian based on the analyzes and visual observations made.


For a balanced diet, it is important to introduce carrots, cabbage, greens into the diet. Wheat bran, vegetable oil are very useful. They are rich in manganese and phosphorus.

Wheat is a natural and powerful biostimulant, so grains are included in the daily diet of poultry. Read how to germinate wheat for laying hens.

Most often, chickens that eat leftovers from the master's table suffer from a lack of vitamins. Such an improper diet leads to thinning of the shell.

The chicken processes only half of the vitamins given, so you need to add 2 times more to the diet.

Improving conditions of detention

Changing housing conditions is a budgetary and sometimes the most effective solution to the problem of laying eggs. In order for laying hens to strengthen their immunity and receive a large amount of vitamin D, they are provided with regular grazing in a free area on the sunny side. At cell content enclosures are equipped with ultraviolet lamps. This improves the synthesis of substances and calcium is absorbed much better and faster.


In the video, they show you how to properly feed chickens with thin egg shells.


Thin shell is a widespread and solved phenomenon in poultry farming. The main thing is to understand the reason that led to the thinning of the membrane.

  1. Poor, unbalanced diet, shortage, improper conditions of detention are the most popular root causes.
  2. Infectious and viral diseases also affect the composition of the shell, but they pose a danger not only to the bird itself, but to the entire chicken coop. It is important to identify and eliminate a sick individual from the population in time.
  3. If, with a change in the quality of food and conditions of detention, there is no visible improvement in oviposition, then the laying hen should be shown to the veterinarian.

The shell protects the egg from the penetration of pathogenic flora - bacteria and microbes that can adversely affect the quality of hatching and food eggs. The owners of laying hens sometimes notice that the birds have begun to lay eggs with a thin shell, or even without it, and this problem can occur with chickens of any age.

There can be many reasons for this - starting with the wrong diet and ending with stress and inappropriate ones. In this article, we will consider this problem in detail, all the possible causes of its occurrence and suggest what to do to solve such unpleasant cases.

Also, the bird can get stressed after the move, for example, immediately after the purchase or when moving to a new poultry house.

Viral diseases and congenital pathologies

The most unpleasant case is the detection of viral and infectious diseases in laying hens. In large farms and at poultry farms, all birds are compulsorily vaccinated, and are regularly carried out on the premises. But what about the owners of small household plots?

The only way out is to call the veterinarian if the slightest hint of a disease is found and timely cleaning and disinfection of the house.

Infections that result from laying eggs with or without thin shells include:

  • egg drop syndrome - with this disease, laying hens are noticeably reduced, the egg shell is rough and thin, or may be completely absent. Owners are advised to call a veterinarian for vaccination, treatment and culling of the birds.
  • Newcastle disease - chickens become lethargic, they do not eat well, there is inflammation of the eyes and conjunctivitis, the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose, eyes, and diarrhea. This disease spreads very quickly throughout the poultry house, so it is necessary to eliminate sick chickens as soon as possible.
  • infectious bronchitis - this disease affects the respiratory organs of birds, egg production is noticeably reduced. If this disease is detected, it is necessary to disinfect the poultry house with special aerosols, during which the birds must be left indoors so that they also undergo treatment. Also, often hopelessly sick birds are disposed of.
  • mycoplasmosis - this disease is characterized by a decrease in egg production, inflammation of the oviduct and damage to the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes. In the early stages of laying disease, they are treated with special aerosol medications. If the disease is advanced or progresses very quickly, sick individuals must be slaughtered.
  • helminthiasis - this disease is dangerous not only for chickens, but also for humans, so you need to be extremely careful and work with birds only in protective equipment. With the development of this disease, the birds do not eat at all, they quickly lose weight, yellow diarrhea, a decrease in egg production and eggs with fragile shells are observed. If these symptoms are observed, then chicken manure must be taken to the laboratory for analysis, with the results of which you need to contact the veterinarian for treatment.
There is also a congenital defect in the oviduct or other part of the reproductive system of the laying hen. Unfortunately, this pathology is incurable and all that remains for the owners is to either leave the chicken as a pet or cook broth from it.

How to solve the problem?

As we see, not always a thin shell indicates the presence of diseases or infections. What to do if you notice

Kira Stoletova

The density and thickness of the shell is one of the most important indicators of egg quality. At industrial facilities, there is a special control system that includes a number of measurements that indicate the quality of the product. This is due to the fact that the thin shell of chicken eggs reduces their price, as they become unsafe for the consumer.

There are actually many factors that determine the thickness of the shell. In some cases, chickens do not receive enough certain substances, while in others, individuals may be. Shell quality control can help keep not only the eggs, but also the health of the laying hens. The thinnest shell is at.

Causes of thinning egg shells

In fact, the factors that determine the thickness and strength of the shell in eggs are quite diverse. So, these parameters can be different for various breeds and crosses of chickens, however, under normal conditions, the contents of chicken eggs will still be qualitatively protected, regardless of the type of bird, therefore, first of all, we should talk about pathological changes.

It must be understood that the shell is a rather complex product, the creation of which requires certain resources. The formation of the egg shell consumes 3 biogenic macronutrients:

  • nitrogen;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

However, it is also not worth neglecting microelements, the content of which in the body of a bird is much less than the previous ones, otherwise they will not be in the eggs either. The contribution of these chemical elements is significant, so care must be taken to ensure that they also fall into the diet of chickens.

In total, 6 trace elements are isolated that affect the formation of eggshells: zinc, cobalt, cuprum, ferum, manganese and iodine. Without these substances, the formation of a full-fledged shell is impossible.

What causes shell thinning

Usually the reason that eggs have a weak shell is a lack of the aforementioned chemical elements. Among other things, vitamin D, which can also be called the "sunshine" vitamin, is of great importance in this context. It is very necessary for the assimilation of macro- and microelements.

The lack of vitamin D leads to the fact that the bird is not able to use the elements obtained from food. Ultimately, this can affect not only the eggs, but also the health of adult birds, leading to the development of a number of diseases, primarily rickets and bone diseases.

However, the most common reason lies in the wrong ratio of phosphorus and calcium. Usually chickens normally need to receive 3-5 times more Ca than P. Among other things, a lack of calcium affects the development of osteoporosis.


Once you know what causes soft shells, you can start thinking about what to do about it. Care must be taken to ensure that the chickens are provided with the right amount of macro-, micronutrients and the aforementioned vitamin D. To do this, the following foods can be included in the diet:

  1. To increase the amount of calcium received - ground into powder eggshell, limestone, chalk, cottage cheese, oven ash, limestone and shell rock.
  2. If you want to increase the amount of both calcium and phosphorus, phosphates containing Ca are also excellent.
  3. The main source of nitrogen is table salt.

However, with the latter, you must be extremely careful. Large particles of salt, as well as its excess, can lead to chicken poisoning and death. In summer, it is advisable to limit yourself to nitrogen obtained from herbaceous plants: clover, sorrel, plantain, meadow bluegrass and dandelion.

Regarding calcium, it must be said that about 2.1-2.3 g of this element is usually spent on the formation of the shell and its contents.

But it must be borne in mind that the chicken is only able to use up to 50% of the calcium received, which is why the above value needs to be doubled. So, in order for a very thin shell to strengthen, the bird should receive from 4.4 to 4.6 g of this macronutrient per day.

How and when to introduce complementary foods to strengthen the shell

Feeding calcium-rich food to birds is recommended after dinner. This will allow chickens to optimally consume the element, taking into account physiological needs.

Moreover, in order for the shell to be strong, it is advisable to feed limestone to chickens in the morning, and after dinner, at about 14-15 hours, shell rock. This is due to the fact that the last product, entering the body, lingers in the gastrointestinal tract for a longer period than limestone.

However, in some cases, a fragile shell is just one of the symptoms of a certain disease. In such a situation, it is hardly possible to strengthen it without curing the bird. First, it is recommended to make sure that the chickens do not suffer from the following diseases, because the trouble with the shell is precisely them.

Chicken eggs have a thin or soft shell: what to do, how to feed chickens recent times I began to notice that my chickens began to lay strange eggs with soft shells. They are poorly stored, easily spoiled. And for some reason, it was in the spring that I noticed that a thin shell appears in chicken eggs. What to do in such a situation, how to correct the situation and how to feed the chickens? The thin shell of a chicken egg, especially in the spring, is one of the first signs of a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the bird. Of particular importance for chickens are elements such as phosphorus and calcium, as well as vitamin D, or the "sunshine" vitamin, as it is also commonly called. The presence of the first two substances in the correct ratio is responsible for the normal formation of the skeleton in young animals, the shell in laying hens. For example, the rate of calcium and phosphorus for chickens is 0.7-0.9% of the total daily feed. Thin or soft shells in chicken eggs. Also, signs of a lack of calcium are a decrease in appetite, delays in growth, development, and light bones. Vitamin D has a significant impact on the absorption of both elements. With its deficiency, they are not absorbed by the body, resulting in rickets, deterioration of the bone tissue of the limbs (chickens lameness, weakness of the legs). The hens lay eggs either unshelled or film-coated. Vitamin D deficiency can be further exacerbated by the lack of minerals needed by the chicken. You can make up for its lack by giving chickens Tetravit, Trivitamin, which you can buy by going to a specialized store. In order to strengthen the shell of eggs and to prevent a lack of vitamins and minerals, chickens should be given supplements containing phosphorus and calcium: these are shell rock, chalk, meat and bone meal, fish oil, slaked lime, etc. You can treat the birds with ash, cottage cheese, their own crushed shells, which must be boiled, dried and ground into powder. The formation of egg covers in a chicken takes about 2.1-2.3 g of calcium, which means that she needs to receive about 4.5 g of this element per day. At the same time, birds should eat at least 50% of calcium-containing supplements after dinner (at about 14-15 hours) - this option will allow the chicken's body to receive calcium in accordance with its physiological needs for shell formation. Thus, it will be stronger and better. In the morning it is better to give limestone, and in the afternoon - crushed shells, since it will linger in the digestive system longer than the first feeding option. Also without fail, the chicken should be able to walk in the sun. It is very important for chickens and the correct ratio of "calcium-phosphorus". The optimal ratio for laying hens is 3-5:1. Violation of this balance can also cause fragility of the shell. A decrease in the strength of the egg covers can also be affected by a lack of manganese and zinc. An excellent source of the first element is bran, root crops, grass. It should be remembered that the calm, measured life of a bird also greatly affects the quality of the shell. Under stress, as well as during illness, the chicken will not be able to carry good eggs. The quality of the product is strongly affected by bird flu, bronchitis, encephalomyelitis. You can make up for the lack of minerals by giving the bird also various top dressings sold in stores. It can be Laying hen, Ryabushka and others.

Sometimes it happens that poultry farmers find eggs, appearance slightly different from ordinary ones, but with a soft shell. It turns out that this can indicate both a banal lack of calcium and very serious health problems with the bird.

Under natural habitat conditions, the problem of soft eggs is unfamiliar to birds: this is due to the fact that wild birds lay eggs solely to reproduce offspring. While the house laying hen feeds us tirelessly useful product. There may be several reasons why a bird lays soft eggs:

  • improperly composed diet, as a result of which the chicken does not receive a number of useful vitamins and trace elements;
  • individual hormonal disorders in laying hens, which may be related to age;
  • defeat of a bird by infectious or viral diseases.

Video “Reasons for the lack of shells in eggs”

From the video you will learn why a chicken lays eggs without a shell.

Errors in the preparation of the diet and placement of chickens

To answer the question why chickens lay eggs with a thin shell, you need to know the number of birds and the size of the chicken coop.

As practice shows, the smaller the poultry house, the less attention the poultry farmer pays to compiling a diet, believing that chickens should have enough food leftovers from the master's table. Very rarely, in such situations, the need to add vitamin components to the feed is taken into account. As a result, in the end, you get eggs with soft shells or none at all.

True, the problem does not manifest itself immediately - for some time the body of the laying hen makes up for the lack of necessary substances at the expense of its internal resources: then the chest and costal bones suffer. To overcome the problem, you need to add crushed shell rock, chalk or eggshells to the feed. It is important to take into account that the diet of laying hens should contain a sufficient amount of zinc and vitamin C. Do not underestimate the scale of the problem, if the poultry farmer does not take any measures to normalize the diet, then the body of the laying hen will be so exhausted that one day the bird simply will not be able to get up and will inevitably will die.

Another possible problem with the appearance of soft eggs is improper organization of the room. If laying hens are kept in a cramped and dark house, rarely going outside, the egg laying can also become soft. In this case, the correct organization of walking or additional lighting of the chicken coop will help.

Hormonal disorders

The process of egg formation in a laying hen is controlled by the central nervous system of the bird. If the bird is experiencing a stressful situation or there are problems with the nervous system, of course, the oviposition process is also disrupted, which is manifested by an increase in the number of soft-shelled eggs.
When this happens, and provided that you are absolutely sure of the usefulness of the diet and the correct conditions for keeping the layers, it is worth taking the bird to the veterinarian to find out the causes of dysfunction and prescribe therapeutic measures.

Viruses and infections

Thin shells in chicken eggs and what to do if the reason lies in the presence of infectious diseases. First of all, you need to correctly establish the diagnosis. Oviposition disorders can be caused by the following diseases:

If a bird suffers from egg drop syndrome, it begins to lay deformed eggs with violations of the density of the shell. In this case, veterinary care is indispensable: only a specialist will be able to determine the extent of the problem, prescribe treatment, or recommend selective culling of livestock.

If your chickens have caught infectious bronchitis, they must be treated with special preparations right in the house to prevent the spread of the disease. In cases where they suffer from manifestations of mycoplasmosis or Newcastle disease, they, unfortunately, will have to be destroyed in order to avoid the progression of the infection. True, mycoplasmosis is treatable, but only in the earliest stages of the disease.

Video “Diseases of chickens”

From the video you will learn about the most common diseases of chickens.

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