How to open an anticafe. Financial plan of anticafe. How much does anticafe earn


It is not so easy to keep track of all the novelties that have appeared with increasing speed in recent years. One of these innovations can be called anticafe. Such institutions began to appear in large cities for a long time - in Russia, the first of them appeared back in 2010. But many users still probably do not fully understand what it is, what is done there, why and who goes there and pays for what.

Let's help you figure it out: IQReview compiled a detailed manual for those who want to get to know these institutions better.

What is an anti-cafe, what does it have, and what do they do there?

D To begin with, you need to figure out what it is in general.

(time cafe, time club)is a public institution in which the visitor pays for the time spent in it.

It can be used for various purposes:

    for work (this version of the anticafe has its own name - coworking);

    for conducting master classes, trainings, lessons;

    for fun ( film screenings, video games, board games, "hobby circles" with various hobbies);

    for creativity (drawing, writing, some other areas of art).

The institution itself is usually a spacious room (one or more) with equipped workplaces. Depending on what exactly this anti-cafe is intended for (work, entertainment, education) - jobs can be organized in different ways. For example, in coworking centers (“working” anti-cafes), the design resembles an ordinary office, perhaps with a more original design. Each user can move around the institution unlimitedly, occupying any free space.

Definitely in anticafe there is a public wifi, free sockets for charging gadgets and a "kitchen" area in which you can for free prepare tea or coffee, take refreshments for drinks for free(the assortment is usually small, and the products are from an inexpensive segment) and warm up food . Most places do not prohibit bringing food with you.

There is also a ban - on alcohol and smoking (of course, and on drugs). Printers may be available in “working” anticafes, presentation equipment (projector, interactive board, screen).

Some establishments may have "full" kitchens, meeting rooms and separate rooms for teamwork.

Anti-cafes are usually chosen by those who, for whatever reason, cannot work at home or in the office. At home, distracting relatives can be such reasons. Not everyone needs an office, and not everyone is comfortable in it.It is also useful to come to the anti-cafe for those who have arrived in another city for a while and do not have a normal workplace.

In which cities did it start, and in which is it popular?

BUT Ntikafe is not just another Western startup, as many people probably think. Actually, such business project was invented by a Russian writer Ivan Mitin. In 2010, in Moscow, he opened the "Tree House" - a place intended forpastime of creative people. Initially, the payment in it was unregulated (everyone paid the amount at their discretion), but quickly became clearer - by the minute.

The term "anticafe" itself appeared in early 2012, and was initially used for an institution called "Butterflies". From the same year, such points began to open actively both in Russia and in other countries. At the end of 2014, there were several hundred active and well-known establishments in 8 states (Russian Federation, USA, France, England, Finland, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic).Now (at the end of 2016) similar places can be found in other countries, and they open even in small towns. True, for small settlements, only “working” anti-cafes are usually relevant.coworking spaces - other options in them are unlikely to be able to reach profit .

The largest number of anti-cafes in Russia (and in general in the CIS countries) is in the capital. In total, there are more than fifty such establishments (at the end of 2016), of which at least half were opened 1-2 years ago.

Among the most popular Moscow time cafes are:

    Butterflies (working since 2012);

    Ziferblat (one of the first Moscow anti-cafes, which was opened by the founder of the direction, Ivan Mitin);

    Green door;

  • checkpoint( the largest anti-cafe not only in Moscow, but throughout the world - it has 16 rooms, each of which has a unique design);
  • Nest;
  • Copernicus.

Average per minute rate for Moscow time clubs - 2.5- 3 ruble (or about 1 5 0-1 8 0 rubles per hour).

Time club in Moscow

In St. Petersburg there are a little less than fifty establishments. There are both anti-cafes from the capital's chains (Dial), as well as individual brands. Among the most famous can be mentioned:

  • Typical Peter;
  • Now;
  • Free time;
  • permanent residence;
  • Miracle.

The average per-minute rate for St. Petersburg establishments is slightly lower - about 2. 5 rubles (or 150 rubles per hour).

In other large cities of Russia with a population of about a million or more, there are also anti-cafes. On average, in each regional center you can find about 10 such establishments. Average price - about 2 rubles per minute(about 120 rubles per hour).

The main contingent: who visits such establishments?

O The main audience of anticafe is:

    freelancers of all categories: programmers, designers, layout designers, testers, copywriters, translators, SMM and SEO specialists, marketers (more details can be read separately);

    start-ups and entrepreneurs (you can often find a freelance specialist of the required profile in your project in the “working” anti-cafe);

    creative people (mostly writers, artists; of course, no one will let you play musical instruments when there are a dozen other people around doing their own thing);

    just sociable people, mostly students (both in a company and who come to meet one by one), who like to spend time in a team, but do not have such an opportunity (in ordinary cafes - it's expensive, at home - relatives, or there is not enough space for a large number of guests ).

Those who just want to read a book (both educational and artistic) come to the time cafe. Basically, these are those whose home conditions do not allow doing this - students of "overloaded" hostels, or those who have many relatives in a small apartment.

Visiting such establishments is also relevant for travelers during transfers. If you need to wait several hours before the flight - this does not have to be done at a noisy train station - you can go to an anti-cafe.

On what and how much can an anti-cafe earn?

First of all, the income of anti-cafe is formed due to the fact that there are visitors in it. Almost all institutions of this format charge per minute, the average rate in the Russian Federation is 2-2.5 rubles. In many places, for the second and subsequent hours of stay, the rate is reduced by an average of 25%.

Premises for anti-cafe

Often you can purchase a "club card", which allows you to stay in the establishment for a prepaid number of hours. This option is a little cheaper than the standard rate.

It was mentioned above that refreshments (tea and sweets), entertainment and the use of technology in such establishments are free. In this regard, anti-cafes are much more profitable than ordinary cafes - in them one cup of coffee will already cost the same 100-150 rubles. A printout of 10-15 A4 sheets in Moscow will cost about the same (in an anti-cafe, if it has a printer, no one will limit the guest in the number of printed sheets).

If some additional dishes are offered in the anti-cafe, in addition to drinks and sweets, their price is usually equal to or very close to the cost price. Food is not the menu item on which such establishments seek to earn money (although this option can become a source of additional income).

The minimum check in anti-cafe is usually present, and equals the cost of 1 hour (that is, about 120 rubles). The average check is about 200-300 rubles - that is, about as much as the average leave in a coffee shop.

An additional source of income is the rental of premises for some events (presentations, negotiations, and so on). In such cases, a time-based payment is usually also charged, but already for the maximum number of people that the hall can accommodate, even if there are fewer people present (since the room is closed for other guests at this time). That is, for example, if a room accommodates 10 guests at an hourly rate of 150 rubles, then 1500 will have to be paid per hour of rent, even if there are 5 people present.

There are enough options for additional earnings that are not implemented everywhere. After all, the anti-cafe has an audience, which means that it can be offered other types of services that can also be profitable.

Of the possible options:

    Sale of board games (if the anti-cafe is dedicated to such an activity).

    Sale of souvenir paraphernalia (with the name of the institution - this will also be an additional way of advertising).

    Expansion of the range of drinks and food. Since prices in ordinary cafes can be several times higher than the cost of cooking, anti-cafes can easily charge a small surcharge, selling food much cheaper.

    Organization of events (film screening, training, performance musical group, creative evening, some interesting and unusual game). This option requires advertising - you need to inform potential visitors about the planned event. Holding some events in general can be made a permanent phenomenon, but in this case, the owners will be required to regularly be more active.

    Holding tournaments (if the institution has and is in great demand consoles). For participation in competitions, you can charge some kind of payment, give part of the collected amount to the winner, and keep the other part for yourself - for the organization.

    Advertising of other types of business - both on a commercial basis (for a fee) and on mutually beneficial terms. Representatives of related fields of activity are best suited for the role of potential partners. For example, if this is a co-working space, then you can offer your services as a paid platform for finding a job or an artist. If this is a creative institution, you can offer cooperation to stores that sell relevant products (musical instruments, art supplies). Well, and "universal" types of services: advertising taxis, food delivery services, online clothing stores, hairdressers.

    Provision of paid services for washing, ironing, drying things (relevant if the institution is located close to the train station or student hostel).

    Provision of paid showers.

What profit does anticafe bring

If we generalize and calculate the average profitability of such establishments, we can give the following figures: from one “square” of the premises, the anti-cafe earns about 7,000 rubles a month. The area of ​​an average institution is 100-150 "squares", that is, it can earn 700,000-1,050,000 rubles per month.

These are figures close to the maximum - it is possible to achieve them if about 200 people come to the anti-cafe every day and spend about 4 hours in the institution. This is possible for anti-cafes that have been operating for more than a month (or rather, not even for the first year), and which are actively advertised. In fact, the income (for most "average" anti-cafes) turns out to be about 1.5-2 times lower on average (that is, 1 "square" area brings about 3500-4700 rubles per month, and an establishment with an area of ​​100 "squares" will give an income of about 350,000 -470.000).

Every year anticafe as a business is gaining popularity. These are establishments that do not have the usual waiters, menus and features of ordinary cafes. Main feature– visitors pay for the amount of time spent in the anti-cafe, and not for the products. Customers come to such establishments to have a cultural time, and not to enjoy delicious dishes or alcoholic beverages.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of the idea
  • Step-by-step plan for opening an anti-cafe
  • Services
  • Which room to choose?
  • What equipment will be needed?
  • Staff
  • What documents are needed to open an anticafe?
  • The choice of OKVED for anticafe
  • Optimal taxation system
  • How much money do you need to start?
  • How much can you earn on anticafe?
  • Possible risks
  • Advertising

An anti-cafe can accommodate several rooms inside for conferences, dances, co-working and eating. The owners of such establishments rent out separate venues for seminars and celebrations.

In order for the idea of ​​​​creating an anticafe to come true, you need to draw up a plan containing all the main points of the organization.

Advantages and disadvantages of the idea

Business in this industry is especially relevant at the present time, as there are many who want to gather in one place and spend time with benefit. Anticafe is a great place to meet friends and hold events. Children's birthdays can also be held in an institution of this format.

The purpose of the business idea is to provide visitors with halls designed for specific events (trainings, holidays, meetings, lectures) for a certain fee, most often by the minute.

Every business has both positives and negatives. Before you open your own business and make a plan, you need to find out what are the pros and cons of opening an anti-cafe.

The peculiarity of establishments of this kind is that it is forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco in them. But there are places where this is allowed, though there are not many of them. This item is undoubtedly a plus for customers who lead healthy lifestyle life. They will be much more pleasant to be in a room where the air is fresh and pleasant, and not smoky.

Step-by-step plan for opening an anti-cafe

There are several types of institutions of this specificity. These include:

  1. Anticafe for people who care about their health(do not drink alcohol and do not smoke). Such places are in demand, especially among parents with children. But the anti-cafe loses some of the customers who want to hold a meeting while drinking alcohol.
  2. Anticafe with spacious areas. They are aimed at large groups of people who gather for a seminar, training or other similar event. They can gather 150 people at the same time.
  3. Anticafe with a small hall. These establishments can accommodate a small number of people. In particular, they are aimed at freelancers and small groups of people. Such an institution accommodates about 50 people at a time.

Anticafe clients are most often:

  • freelancers
  • students
  • designers
  • photographers
  • actors
  • painters
  • musicians

These people need a place where they can go about their business, meet friends, use the free Internet, attend a seminar or master class, play board games.

The business is aimed at people who are about 25 years old.

Anticafe are public institutions of a special format that embody the concept of a healthy non-alcoholic holiday.

They are characterized by a bright social orientation, focus on intellectual development, familiarization with modern art, music, and literature.

Distinctive features of the institution

Anticafe patrons are in a public space where everything is free except for time, and is endowed with more freedom than in ordinary catering establishments. The main activity is a pleasant and useful pastime, entertainment, attendance at events, meetings, work or cultural recreation. They do not smoke, do not drink alcohol and do not use obscene language.

In anticafe visitors pay only for the stay, and all other services - food, entertainment, activities - are provided free of charge. The standard price for one minute is 1.5-2 rubles, there are discounts and subscriptions. The menu usually includes tea of ​​different varieties, coffee, chocolate, delicious pastries. Food can be taken with you or ordered using the delivery service from partners. As a rule, anti-cafes are open from the afternoon until midnight, and sometimes they work all night.

This new format of the restaurant business is described in the following video:

The relevance of the idea of ​​​​creating an anti-cafe at the present time

The idea of ​​organizing an anti-cafe appeared among Russian creative entrepreneurs about five years ago, at the same time the first establishments of this format were opened. Today in Russia and other countries of the world there are already hundreds of anti-cafes, this profitable business with a high income. Sometimes you can find the names "time cafe", "time club", etc., but their semantic concept will be identical.

Due to specifics this business most of the anti-cafes are built according to the type.

anticafe popular today not only among the creative intelligentsia, for whom being in the world of art is familiar, but also among wealthy people who are fed up with ordinary types of recreation and feel the need for a varied and creative pastime, novelties in the restaurant and coffee business. And for young students, such free areas are a favorite place for interesting communication.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest this can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant at your plant and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

What services can this establishment provide?

The high popularity of anticafe is largely due to a wide range of services provided to visitors:

  • Stay in the free space of the institution;
  • Provision of free Wi-Fi, laptops, printer;
  • Rental of educational and entertainment equipment;
  • use of the site;
  • Various entertainment programs;
  • Free tea, coffee, sweet treats;
  • Booking tables and games for the company;
  • Nightly movie screenings and concerts of musical groups;
  • Online video games and board games, tournaments;
  • Exhibition and sale of paintings, ;
  • Conducting various events: seminars, business meetings, psychological trainings master classes, concerts, etc.
  • Invitation of poets, writers, actors, musicians, etc.;
  • Use of the mini-library and exchange of books;
  • Carrying out small "kvartirniki" in honor of the holidays, etc.

Usually practiced in anticafe from time to time find out the preferences of your guests regarding the holding of creative meetings and events. An interesting unusual program every day is extremely important in this institution, since creative people are tuned in to the constant perception of the new and the satisfaction of their intellectual claims.

In a classic anti-cafe can be equipped and hold matinees, birthdays and other holidays. The concept of anti-cafe for children is also quite interesting.

Children's anti-cafe embodies the idea of ​​free space for creativity and play. It is no secret that today there are not many places for a truly full-fledged varied recreation for children. Staying in an anticafe is different from the same entertainment centers increased opportunities for self-realization of the child's creative abilities, disclosure of his talents, education of taste from a very early age. Here you can celebrate a birthday, play, attend children's workshops and just relax with your parents.

In the anti-cafe, children can try themselves as an artist, designer, architect, artist, engineer, etc. Classes are held in a free form, together with parents and teachers. On the tables are a variety of materials for creativity: pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, paper, plasticine, puzzles, designers, and other toys. The menu includes tea and cookies, so parents should bring the rest of the food with them and heat it up in the microwave.

Anticafe with hookah- a slightly unusual combination, but some establishments now practice this additional service. As a rule, a separate cozy and comfortable room with ottomans, lighting and space is allotted for smoking hookah. You can buy a hookah, or bring tobacco with you and pay only for your pastime (unlike the standard one). For many, this format will become interesting as a rest after a hard day's work. The combination of a delicious good hookah, coffee or tea perfectly relaxes, helps to relieve stress.

Advantages of anticafe compared to conventional cafes and restaurants are:

Closest competitors Internet cafes and coworking centers act as anti-cafes, but the range of their services is not so diverse.

Target audience are youth, creative and business people. The main visitors are high school students, students, freelancers, people of creative professions - musicians, artists, photographers, designers, actors, etc., as well as businessmen who are fond of art and looking for creativity. Usual age range: 16-45 years old.

Usually, visitors are divided into two groups: resting in a cultural environment and working in a calm, comfortable environment. Travelers waiting for their flight, people who have gadgets in order to recharge them, etc. can also go to the anti-cafe. Among representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, it is fashionable today to hold business meetings, master classes or just work productively here.

For information about Anticafe, see the following video:

Deciding on a location

The most successful place for organizing such an institution will be the city center, streets near the center.

It is better that it was a historical part of the city with beautiful views from the windows. At all original idea is the placement of an anti-cafe in the house where a celebrity, a creative figure once lived.

An important role is played by the proximity of the institution to stops. public transport or metro, shopping and business centers, educational institutions. Of course, it is better if there are no other cafes or restaurants nearby, but the target audience of the anti-cafe is quite specific and is focused specifically on the desired format. Therefore, you should not be afraid of competition with classical establishments, and anti-cafes themselves are not yet very common.

It is more difficult to open an anti-cafe in a small provincial town. The fact is that the number of visitors to a non-standard creative institution there may be limited, and people prefer more ordinary cafes or restaurants. This requires careful marketing analysis.

We register a business and draw up the necessary additional documentation

Anticafe as a business is subject to state registration in the shape of . Codes suitable for this institution are: 92.51 (activities of club-type institutions) and 92.72 (other recreational activities).

Besides, need to get a number of permits and other documents:

  • Availability of PPK (Industrial Control Program) in compliance with sanitary and anti-epidemiological measures and rules;
  • SES permission;
  • Compliance with the requirements of the State Fire Supervision Authority for the compliance of the premises with fire safety requirements with a permit act;
  • Documents on registration of CCA;
  • Medical books for staff;
  • Product certificates.

What should be the room

In order for visitors to have the most comfortable rest, an anti-cafe needs a room with an area of ​​​​at least 150 square meters. m.

The first time, while people will look closely at the institution and get used to it, it is better to rent a room. At the stage of formation of a permanent client base you can think about expanding the business, or even acquiring a property. An acceptable option would be to repair the basement, where street noise will not be heard. Be sure to have a powerful dedicated power grid, a good Internet connection, sewerage, water supply.

As a rule, anticafe is one large hall or several rooms with a cozy home interior in which visitors spend their time. It is necessary to correctly calculate the distance between the tables so that different companies do not interfere with each other to sit comfortably. There is also a treat area or a small kitchen where guests can make their own tea, coffee and sweets.

Required utility room for staff and inventory storage, as well as a bathroom.

Distinctive feature anticafe is original design and environment. Usually, the design is carried out in one or more similar styles, it can be an intellectual living room, a modern art gallery, a room with high-tech elements, etc.

Situation should be bright, creative and soothing, relaxing at the same time, because the usual anti-cafe motto is: “We feel good at home, only a little better.” Unusual decor elements, paintings by young artists, musical instruments, etc. will do.

Typical a set of furniture, inventory and various things for anti-cafe it can be like this:

  • for the hall and rooms: sofas, tables, chairs, armchairs, pouffes, bar counter, paintings, lamps;
  • for the kitchen: kitchen set, tables, stools, microwave oven, refrigerator, toaster, dishes;
  • entertainment and educational equipment: computer, laptops, printer, projector, game consoles, board games, books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

We can advise the organizers of the anti-cafe to eventually purchase high-quality coffee with natural ground coffee, install it with popcorn, heated pizza, burritos, and sweets.

We select personnel

For the normal functioning of the anticafe may be required the following employees:

  • director of the institution - 1 person;
  • administrator, waiter and animator in one person - 3 people;
  • promotion specialist (or art director) - 1 person;
  • accountant (possible to hire) - 1 person;
  • cleaning specialist (part-time) - 1 person;
  • security guard (in the evening hours) - 1 person.

The total number of staff is 8 people.

Primary requirements to candidates:

  • relevant education: higher or secondary special;
  • active life position;
  • developed communication skills;
  • responsibility and discipline;
  • absence bad habits.

Anticafe promotion

Traditionally the most the best advertisement anticafe is the communication of the guests of the institution with their friends and acquaintances. Satisfied visitors will gladly share information about the new unusual site, post reviews and photos on social networks.

There are others ways to attract new customers:

  1. advertising in transport and mass media;
  2. distribution of promotional leaflets;
  3. advertising on the Internet: creating your own website, in social networks, on forums, etc.
  4. mutual cooperation with partners: delivery services, taxis, holiday agencies, creative teams and performers, art shops, etc.
  5. participation in various startup forums, etc.

Regular customers can be offered quality service and discounts. A successful marketing ploy will be the availability of discounts depending on the time spent in the anti-cafe, as well as the possibility of purchasing subscriptions. A constant dialogue with customers about upcoming events and promotions held in the institution is also important.

Financial part of the business

Calculations are provided relative to the average Russian city.

One-time expenses:

  • Starting capital - 1 million rubles.
  • Repair and decoration of the premises - 460 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture, machinery and equipment - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising company - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of a business and registration of permits - 20 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Renting a 150 sq. m (plus Internet access, payment utilities) - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salary and related deductions - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Books, newspapers, magazines - 5 thousand rubles.
  • Products - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses (including tax and depreciation deductions) - 20 thousand rubles.

Expected daily customer flow- 50 people.

The average check of 1 visitor is 200 rubles.

The total profit per day is 10 thousand rubles.
Total per month - 300 thousand rubles.

Approximate - 1-1.5 years.

Project - 20-25%.

Possible risks

Before opening an anticafe, it is worth considering possible risks associated with both financial losses and loss of reputation. They may be:

  • the entrepreneur's lack of spare financial resources for unforeseen circumstances;
  • low attendance of the institution, especially in small towns;
  • security concerns;
  • cases of possible conflicts between visitors.

Experienced businessmen are advised to start their own business in this area with the purchase of a franchise, since it is easier to master all the subtleties and nuances of this type entrepreneurial activity. However, if you pursue a competent financial and marketing policy and be prepared for unforeseen situations, it is quite possible to open an institution on your own.

According to experts, the popularity of establishments of this format in the modern world will increase, since anti-cafes perform an important social function - they provide educated intelligent people without bad habits with a convenient platform for a pleasant pastime, educational and entertainment services, assist young talents and interesting projects.

An example of the work of one of these institutions is presented in the following video:

Anticafe is a specific institution. If you have a desire to open such an institution, then we offer an anticafe business plan for consideration. It will help evaluate the feasibility of implementing your idea.

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Business Description

Anticafe is a newfangled type of establishments where people can relax, communicate, and be creative. The specificity of the anticafe, or time cafe, is that the visitor pays only for the amount of time he spent in the establishment. Tea, coffee and a variety of sweets are provided free of charge. The idea of ​​anti-cafe is quite fresh, if you approach the opening of a business with creativity. To get the maximum profit, you need to design an anti-cafe business plan (or download it on the Internet) and follow it clearly.

The video from the channel "Seventh Day" provides an overview and reviews of the anticafe.


In fact, the anti-cafe is a paid platform for a variety of activities, creative ideas, entertainment and communication in a cozy and warm atmosphere.

The following services can be offered to visitors:

  • connect to free WI-FI;
  • organize master classes and participate in them;
  • hold a party of interest;
  • watch movies from the video library;
  • hold a tournament on various types of board games on a specially organized platform.

Seminar friendly meeting Master class Common interests Creativity Party

You need to think about what drinks and sweets to offer visitors, for example:

  • black or green tea (leaf or in bags);
  • cappuccino or espresso brewed in a coffee machine;
  • cookies in assortment;
  • various types of nicotine-free steam cocktails.

It is not forbidden to bring food and drinks with you to the anti-cafe. You can also order dishes from other restaurants.


Despite the fact that more and more anti-cafes are opening, this species business is not yet fully developed. If you approach the creation of an institution creatively and come up with new entertainment for visitors, you can stand out against the background of establishments of a similar format.

Types of anticafe

Depending on location and target audience time cafes can be divided into several categories:

  • without bad habbits";
  • a small anti-cafe;
  • anti-cafe with a large hall.

With the absence of "bad habits"

This type of anti-cafe will attract visitors who advocate a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle). It will not be possible to hold a business meeting that involves the use of alcohol. But there will be regular customers who will be comfortable in such an environment.

Small anti-cafes

Such anti-cafes are created for small companies and individual clients. Accordingly, the anti-cafe will be located in a small room. Here you can meet friends, chat or find inspiration for creative achievements.

Anticafe with a large hall

Description and analysis of the sales market

Before opening an anti-cafe, you should decide on the target audience and assess your competitiveness. It is better to open an institution in a large city with a multi-million population in order to withstand competition. In the provinces, such a business may be unprofitable. Since the invention of the anticafe format, establishments have opened in more than 8 countries of the world, with the largest number of anticafes operating in Russia and the CIS countries.

The widest networks of anti-cafes operate on a franchise basis. For example, these:

  • Jeffrey'sCoffee/ NewYorkCoffee (20 anticafes in Russia and Ukraine);
  • Necafe (22 establishments in Russia and Kazakhstan);
  • Ziferblat (11 anticafes in Ukraine, Russia, Slovenia and Great Britain);
  • TimeClud (4 time cafes in Russia).

Other anti-cafes and co-working spaces also compete.

The target audience

The main visitors of the anti-cafe are young people (schoolchildren, students) and creative people who are in free swimming. Freelancers can also come here to work in a relaxed atmosphere, or business people to meet with customers and partners.

Depending on what the person is looking for, the target audience will be the following:

  • designers, musicians, artists, startups, photographers and other people looking for inspiration;
  • businessmen and freelancers who want to work in a cozy atmosphere;
  • people passing the time waiting for transport.

Competitive advantages

To distinguish your anti-cafe, you need to analyze the work of competitors and decide what new things can be done. Yes, location is important. Here it is desirable not only to focus on a large flow of people, but also to think about the contingent. For example, proximity to higher educational institutions, whose young students always strive for active communication.

To attract attention, you need the original name and the appropriate design of the room. It would be nice to stick to one style. For example, the name may emphasize the interior solution associated with a certain historical era. It's good to think of some kind of "trick". For example, the organization of changing exhibitions of stamps, postcards, posters, photos that reflect the mood of that time.

Promotion and advertising

2-3 weeks before the start of work, you can start advertising your anti-cafe so that the first customers already come to the opening.

  • through promo flyers;
  • on radio, television;
  • in transport;
  • through social networks;
  • by working together with musicians, taxi drivers, animators;
  • by participating in the forums.

Most effective method promote anticafe - marketing by word of mouth. If a person likes you, he will definitely advise anti-cafe to friends, acquaintances, relatives, share a photo in social networks. networks.

What do you need to open?

After you have decided on the audience and made up a business project, you should do:

  • collection of documents;
  • search for premises;
  • selection of a work team.


To create an anti-cafe, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur with the OKVED code 92.51 (activities of club-type institutions) and 92.72 (other recreational activities).

The following permissions are also required:

  • PPK from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority for the compliance of the premises with fire safety requirements.

If you plan to sell alcohol and allow smoking in an anti-cafe, you will need a liquor license and designation of the premises as a smoking area.


The choice of premises is the main aspect in opening an anti-cafe. It must be spacious (at least 100 m2) and be located near transport or subway stops, on a street with a good crowded flow. It is desirable that there is parking near the anti-cafe.


The territory for anti-cafe should include:

  • plumbing and sewerage;
  • electricity and heating;
  • toilet and staff room.


To organize the work of the anti-cafe, people will be required for the following positions:

  • director;
  • administrator;
  • waiter and animator (it can be one person);
  • cleaner;
  • marketer;
  • accountant.

Candidates for the above vacancies must be active, honest, sociable and disciplined.

Step-by-step instruction

For novice businessmen who decide to open their own anti-cafe from scratch, a guide is provided:

  1. The choice of the direction of the institution.
  2. Drawing up a business plan with calculations.
  3. Preparation of documents.
  4. Room selection.
  5. Team set.
  6. Promotion of the institution.

Financial plan

The business plan must include the item "calculation of expenses and income." It is necessary to calculate what and how much it costs, take into account the rent of the premises (about 100 m²) and wages working team.

Example of initial investment:

  • repair and decoration of the premises - 300,000-400,000 rubles;
  • equipment and inventory - 300,000-400,000 rubles;
  • other costs - 100,000-200,000 rubles.

That is, for the first time you will need to invest about 700,000-1,000,000 rubles.

Regular investments

When planning monthly expenses, it is worth considering:

  • rent - 40,000-60,000 rubles;
  • salary to employees - 80,000-120,000 rubles;
  • other expenses - 30,000-50,000 rubles.

In total, the average monthly expense will be 150,000-230,000 rubles.

Opening dates

It is not difficult to determine the start date for work on your own if there is a ready-made anti-cafe plan. It is better to build on the time it takes to complete the documents, and then everything depends on your flexibility, internal organization and desire.

Risks and payback

Risks due to which anti-cafe can go negative are divided into external and internal. External risks are associated with the instability of the economy in the country, and internal - with the quality of service and the work of the establishment.

External risks include:

  • the presence of stronger competitors;
  • rising prices for the materials used and the rent of the premises.

Internal risks include:

  • decrease in the flow of customers;
  • business orientation at a certain time of the year;
  • loss of prestige due to improper organization of work or poor quality service.

A kind of risk for anti-cafe - the client can place an order for an amount exceeding the payment for the duration of his stay. In this case, the expenses will exceed the income.

Regarding payback, it all depends on prices and the flow of visitors. For example, payment for staying in an anti-cafe is 1.5-2 rubles per minute. The average flow (20-30 clients for 120-180 minutes/day) will bring from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles/day. That is, the monthly profit of the anti-cafe will be 30,000-50,000 rubles. A full payback will come within 1.5-3 years.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation