What to do not to fall. "You stand and think how not to faint." Is it worth it to "shuffle" with a baby carriage in public transport? What to do after


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How to understand that there will be a faint

Pre-syncope (lipothymic) state is characterized by a feeling of discomfort, general weakness, nausea, dizziness. There is ringing or noise in the ears, vision deteriorates, the skin turns pale, the pulse quickens or, conversely, slows down, and coordination is disturbed. The good thing is that if you have time to sit down or lie down in this phase, you can avoid fainting altogether.

How not to faint

Fainting (syncope) is a short-term loss of consciousness, which is accompanied by a loss of normal muscle tone. If you stand, you risk falling and getting hurt.. So first of all figure out where you can lie down. If you are on public transport, do not hang out, ask passengers to leave the seat.

Are you already sitting? Then remember 3 basic steps to be taken.

  1. Lie down on a flat surface so that your head is lower than your torso, and raise your legs a little higher: this will ensure blood flow.
  2. Get access to fresh air (so that oxygen enters the brain). People around to help: let them open the window or take you outside (according to the situation).
  3. Get rid of tight clothing: unbutton buttons, untie scarf, remove belt.

How to come to your senses

Is there ammonia? Inhale its vapors: a pungent smell has an exciting effect on the autonomic nervous system. One or two drops on cotton wool or cloth - and to the nose (a distance of about two centimeters).

Other options are to splash your face with cool water, wipe it with a wet towel or wet wipes.

What to do after

Do you feel better? Do not jump up abruptly - make sure that you are able to stand firmly on your feet. Then arrange yourself a tea party with sugar. And be sure go to the doctor: fainting can occur with violations of the heart, anemia, hypoglycemia and other dangerous conditions.

If, after all the measures taken, the unpleasant symptoms do not go away and last not a second, but already a minute, call an ambulance. Stay calm until the doctors arrive.

Any person has fallen into a difficult situation of grief, failure or loss in his life. Everyone knows the feeling of confusion, despair and hopelessness, the feeling of one's own inferiority. Someone knows how to quickly cope with such a state and rebuild, someone succeeds with time, and some are “knocked out of the saddle” for a very long time, if not forever, consider themselves losers, broken by fate or circumstances, stop acting, live a full life , go into illness or hard drinking, and maybe into depression. What to do?

Despondency is one of the deadly sins. This means that one should not give in to panic, indulge in decadent moods, despair, lose hope and fall into the blues. This is very easy to say, but very hard to do. Let's try to figure out how not to indulge in despair and how to overcome despondency. Perhaps, after all, there are some ways to fight and overcome this difficult state of mind.

1. Believe in yourself and your strengths

It means knowing that you will endure and be able to overcome a lot. To know that a lot depends on you and that you are not just a “cog”. If it doesn't work the first time, it will work on the next try.

2. Soberly, honestly (to yourself) and realistically assess your capabilities and abilities

This means being aware of the level of your knowledge and skills, understanding that someone can be better than you. A balanced assessment will avoid disappointment and trouble, unnecessary and wasted energy. But does anyone prevent us from becoming better, stronger, wiser, more professional? Nobody but ourselves.

3. Calm analysis of the situation

It is necessary to calmly, without emotions, assess the unsuccessful experience and understand what was done wrong: perhaps the efforts were not enough, or maybe, on the contrary, too much. An analysis of the situation will give peace of mind, only in a balanced state can a constructive solution be found. And a calm, even state is no longer a blues.

4. Learn a lesson

It means understanding that failures are the harbingers of victory, and everyone has failures, but not everyone treats failure as a failure. It's just EXPERIENCE. Tolerating failure unleashes success. It is necessary to develop the habit of benefiting from failure, this is one of the most important techniques for achieving success.

5. Get support - moral and professional

This means asking for help from close people - family, friends. And / or contact specialists - doctors, teachers, psychologists, spiritual teachers. Everyone needs support and help from loved ones in difficult situations. But, if you very often asked for help and exhausted the credit of trust of relatives and friends, then a difficult situation is just the case when you can take control of your destiny in your own hands.

6. Look for the positive in what happened

It is a well-known fact that as a result of the crisis, one very wealthy businessman lost $100 million. He had ONLY $100,000 left. He committed suicide. The loss of money was for him the loss of everything, even worse than the loss of life.

And now let's imagine an average citizen who did not have a ruble and suddenly 100 thousand dollars! A lot of money! It turns out that this is from what point of view. They remained alive and well, everything is fine in the family - the rest can be experienced and overcome.

7. Do not break the laws - state and moral

This will make it possible to live in harmony with oneself and with others, and will not lead to difficult and dangerous (and perhaps irreparable) situations.

8. Distraction

Remember what Scarlett O'Hara said? “I'll think about it tomorrow…” An intractable, and maybe completely insoluble situation is not the whole of life, it is only a part, although it is very painful. There should be a lot in life that "keeps afloat". These are love, friendship, religion, nature, art (literature, painting, music, etc.), sports, hobbies. Find an activity that will distract you from heavy thoughts, or just do something else. It could be spring-cleaning, repair, something that will take all the time and effort. After all, it is not in vain that people say that the morning is wiser than the evening.

Just do not "go away" in alcohol and other similar pleasures. This will only drive the problem deep, where it will be difficult to get it from, and even add a moral and physical hangover.

9. Avoid Negative Emotions, Especially Guilt and Shame

These emotions are not helpers in solving complex life problems. Negative emotions impede the full functioning of the brain; with them it is impossible to accept the right in this moment decision. And the saddest thing is negative emotions- this is the basis for the emergence of various addictions, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, etc.

10. Take responsibility

Taking responsibility for yourself means understanding that only you yourself are responsible for your life, its quality, personal achievements, and not shifting the blame onto colleagues, parents, teachers, bosses, etc. If you did something wrong, then try to correct the situation in word and deed - apologize, talk and explain your position, help fix what you spoiled.

11. Smile!

If you feel very bad at heart, try to smile and even forcefully stretch your lips in a smile. The body remembers that such a position of the lips corresponds to a good mood, and, surprisingly, the mood will begin to even out and even (!) Improve. Tension, emotional and physical, will begin to subside, the situation will no longer seem so intractable or tragic.

Failures that haunt us can develop a fear of failure and a strategy for avoiding failure. This means that a person will not strive to achieve success, but will refuse to take active steps and try with all his might to avoid failure. The worst news is that no one can help overcome this fear. But the best news is that everything is in our hands. We have a choice: either we grow huge weeds of fear, or we can sow the seeds of faith in ourselves and our strengths. Good luck!

Autumn days, when the night rain that passed the day before freezes on the pavement in the form of an ice crust in the morning, motorists jokingly call “tinsmith days”, and all because on such days the number of small accidents with dented fenders and broken bumpers increases significantly on city roads. However, these days can rightfully be called "the days of the traumatologist and radiologist", since the number of patients in trauma centers and X-ray rooms also increases significantly.

The coming winter brought new dangers - these are stairs uncleaned after a snowfall, the descent along which resembles the descent of a climber without insurance, and ice rinks powdered with snow. For schoolchildren, such skating rinks are great fun, making the way to school and home.
more fun, but for adults, ice hidden under the snow threatens with an unexpected fall and serious injury.

Nevertheless, it is in our power to protect ourselves from bruises, sprains and fractures in winter by following a few simple rules.

Proper footwear

At the first sign of ice, put on winter shoes. The sole of such shoes should not be slippery. When choosing shoes in a store, pay attention to the material from which the sole is made, since it is he who primarily determines the ability to resist slipping, and not the tread pattern, as many believe.

The softer the sole material, the more stable the shoe. best material from this point of view, rubber is considered, but it tends to wear out quickly. Polyurethane is also okay, but if the frost is very strong, then the sole will harden and become slippery.

Equally important is the thickness of the sole. If the sole is too thick, then the flexion of the foot during walking will be difficult, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in stability. If the sole is thin, then stability will increase, but with it the risk of cooling the feet will also increase, which, as you know, can provoke the development of colds.

Correct gait

Once in a slippery place, you should not think about the beauty of walking and how you look from the outside. If, nevertheless, such thoughts visit you, then imagine how you will look in a hospital bed with a plastered leg or arm.

You need to walk on the ice with small but confident steps, stepping on a slippery surface with your whole foot at once, and not rolling from heel to toe, as usually happens during normal walking.

Despite the fact that you are not going to fall, you still need to prepare for the fall, for which, group in advance in an appropriate way so that during the fall, tense muscles can protect bones, ligaments and internal organs from injury. If you are ready to fall mentally and physically, then there will be much more chances to get up healthy.

How not to fall

Most often, you don’t expect a fall, and everything happens almost instantly. There is no need to talk about making a decision in a split second, since all movements are carried out reflexively. However, it is in our power to form the right reflexes in ourselves, for which it is not a sin to visit the gym and practice falling on soft mats, or do it at home, laying something soft on the floor.

If you neglect such preparation, then it is unlikely that during the fall your arms and legs will be in the most advantageous position and you will only have to hope for a lucky chance.

Among common mistakes when falling, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Reliance on a straight hand. In this case, the falling person is trying to prevent or soften the impact of the body on the ground by substituting a straightened arm under him. Thus, the entire weight of the body exerts the strongest pressure on the elbow joint, which as a result often breaks with fragments and displacement.
  2. Elbow support. As in the first case, the falling person "softens" his fall, but substitutes his elbow. The load in this case is transmitted through the humerus to the shoulder joint and collarbone. The clavicle is not the strongest bone in our body, which is why it breaks most often.
  3. Fall on the buttocks. In some cases, this species falling is very safe, for example, it can be practiced to avoid hitting a tree while skiing. However, if this happens while walking on ice, then the dynamics of the fall will turn out to be completely different - the legs will slip forward and the body will land in free fall on the fifth point. Most of the load in this case will fall on the spine, which can lead to compression of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, injuring them (compression injury).
  4. Fall on the knee. This happens, as a rule, when a person stumbles and begins to fall forward or to the side, and at this time his hands are busy with full bags from the supermarket. The body of an unbalanced person continues to remain in a vertical position, but moves relative to the legs. Trying to save food and the cleanliness of clothes, the participant in the incident puts his knee as an emphasis, on which almost the entire body weight, plus the weight of the precious food set, falls as a result. The kneecap of such attention can simply not withstand and break due to unaccustomed. If this happens, then, under the impression of pain, the unfortunate man commemorates with a strong word both the slippery path, and all the janitors living in the world, and, of course, all the products in the packages, according to what is indicated in cash receipt list.
  5. A blow to the back of the head when falling back. Such a nuisance occurs when a falling person does not have time to tighten the muscles of the neck, as a result of which the head continues to move after the shoulders have stopped. It turns out a kind of lever like a sling, at the end of which there is not a stone, but a head, which hits the back of the head with great speed on the ground. The outcome, at best, may be a bruise of the soft tissues of the back of the head, at worst, a concussion, a crack in the skull, the base of the skull, etc.

How to fall right

There are many ways to maintain the integrity of body parts during a fall. Those who practiced judo or some other kind of martial arts know that the first training sessions are boring, but the coaches persistently try to teach them how to fall correctly, because in this case the outcome of the fight largely depends on the technique of falling.

In our case, precious health and full capacity for work are at stake, so the technique of falling becomes even more relevant.

Most often, a person falls in three known ways: forward, backward and sideways. In all cases, the first thing to do is to free your hands, throwing away what is in them. The discarded things will have a chance to fall into a soft snowdrift, and you will have a chance to land without serious consequences.

Fall forward

If you stumble and fall forward, then your task is to group in such a way as to avoid mistakes number one and number four. To do this, straighten your legs and put forward both arms, bent at the elbows and slightly tense. Spread your fingers and bend slightly so that the palm resembles a large spider. The fall should occur immediately on both hands, which will bend and soften the force of the blow, or even prevent the collision of the torso and the ground. The final position should be known from physical education lessons or from films about the army, lying down.

Fall back

When falling back, you must, on the one hand, save your tailbone and spine, and on the other hand, protect your neck. To do this, tilt your head forward as much as possible, resting your chin on your chest. Close your teeth and do not try to scream, much less speak (there will be time for a strong word when you are on the ground), otherwise you risk biting your tongue hard.

Bend your legs at the knees to about a right angle and spread them apart.

Straighten your arms and spread them apart at an angle of forty-five degrees relative to the body, while palms with closed and straight fingers should look down.

Bend your back in an arc so that, if necessary, you can roll from your lower back to your shoulders and vice versa, thereby extinguishing the force of inertia.

With this method, your hands will be the first to receive the blow and will certainly soften it. In order for the shock absorption to be greater, you can hit the ground with your hands when you fall, but not too hard to knock your palms off.

Side fall

In this case, you must prevent the fall on the elbow and straight arm. To do this, straighten your arm and stretch it forward, pointing your palm down. As with a backward fall, the arm must touch the ground first and along its entire length, resulting in a decrease in the force of the blow.

The leg should also take part in the cushioning, so bend it at the knee and take it to the side of the fall, trying to touch the ground with its entire side surface. The area of ​​contact in this case will be larger and the energy of the fall will be distributed more evenly.

Tilt your head to your chest and in the direction opposite to the direction of the fall, as a result of which you will avoid hitting your temple and ear.

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Everything is relative? Why do we even compare ourselves to others?

When making some decisions - where to study, whom to marry, what to choose in the store, we often collect feedback from the environment. We are used to focusing on other people: what choice did they make? We weigh, evaluate and develop something of our own. This is normal for social life.

But this is where it all begins - we get used to being equal to someone and often measure our life results with other people's results.

Although the circle of important personalities with whom we "measure" are people with initially different conditions and it is simply pointless to compare ourselves with them.

In general, comparison plays an important role in social achievement: through it we move in the competitive struggle.

It's hard not to compare yourself to others at all. Because the competition that moves us towards the goals is very important for the result.

What is the basis for comparisons?

You can compare yourself to someone for a variety of reasons.

Often the comparison is based on envy, less often admiration.

But since envy is perceived as a negative reaction, many deny it: “I never envy!”. Therefore, the motivational factor of achievement and interaction with people in general becomes blurred.

A person does not always understand from what aspirations he wants something, or why he is so unhappy watching someone else's success.

Let's remember the value of "I".

There is value from uniqueness - I am valuable simply by birthright.

And there is the value of "I", tied to actions and accomplishments, which can only be determined in comparison.

And so it turns out - to find yourself in eternal torment. After all, if your value is tied to achievements that are constantly compared with other people's achievements, you will always feel slightly insignificant.

There will always be people who are better, higher, and stronger in some way.

By the way, in fact this is not necessarily the case - just many know how to impress. Nevertheless, looking at them, you envy or admire and think; "Eh ... but I'm out of luck!"

Here's what happens: if all our stories of achievement are fueled by comparison with other people, we always lose. You can always find someone who does better (or so we think).

In fact, everything is unknown - you can’t get into other people’s thoughts, look at a bank account, so that the comparison is objective.

When we get used to our vision, do not question it, the subjective reality becomes equal to the objective one every time we encounter the success of the reference group. It can include a very different number of people: 1-2 people or in general all around. They can be combined on the basis of classmates, classmates, everyone who works in your field.

People get used to living like this, they don’t particularly analyze why they compare themselves with others, and where does this phenomenon “grow legs” from.

Any signal about a new achievement or a good result leads to the fact that you start thinking: what do I have at this moment? And I have, let's say, nothing.

And then there is a so-called blockage in the pit of depreciation. If we are tied to an infinite comparison - and it really can become infinite - a lot of energy goes there. And if the accompanying experience is not yet realized - often it is really envy, which can be denied - the person is immersed in sad and heavy thoughts.

All this can lead to not very positive outcomes:

Go into depression, lie down and do nothing - cases of someone else's success hurt so much;

Acquire perfectionism - strive to do everything at the highest level. And as you know, perfectionists generally plague the world;

Get into the habit of procrastinating - putting it off until the last minute, not because something is distracting you, but because right now I can't do it perfectly.

What to do?

First, move towards awareness. That is, to understand what caused the desire to compare yourself with someone.

For example, a certain Masha won another cup. The problem is that people feel unhappy at the exit from the situation with Masha, but they are not fully aware of what specifically “catches” them. Most likely, this is an experience of "unfiltered" envy.

Allow yourself to envy someone.

Second, start comparing yourself to yourself. It is very useful to do this dynamically. There is such an exercise: to connect different time points of life.

Let's say today is July 26, 2018. You started working on the problem that you solved today two years ago. You need to go back to these two years and describe from that point to this point what and how you did, what transformations happened to you personally, so that you can do it.

If you compare today's person with him yesterday, in most cases he definitely adds.

Third, comparing yourself to others is pointless. Everyone has different conditions: coming into this world, upbringing, education, starting to participate in something.

You can compare similar things, or when we do something the same, we participate in some kind of competition - and even that is not very good, because we have different abilities and levels of training. But at least it's comparable.

Fourth, confirming the comparison with other people's opinions can become a support, and this is not a good ground for personal transformation. To some extent, it's great when the leaders you look up to recognize you as equal or stronger in some matters.

Yes, someone else's opinion, approval, support is really very important to us. After all, the other person - even if he treats you very well, admires and supports you - cannot be you, which means that he is not capable of evaluating something from your position as a whole. It will be HIS look.

And if you do not grow self-identity in yourself, you will have to always turn to comparisons and external assessments. And other people do not know you well enough for their assessments, help and approval to be useful to you.

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Good afternoon, dear adults and children! Winter holidays and New Year's holidays are over. We are in a hurry every day. And the weather, no, no, yes, it will surprise us. Very often it happens: you go out into the street, and there is ice!

And so we slide along the icy paths and paths and carefully try to keep our balance. I do not want to try on plaster clothes at all. Therefore, I propose to discuss how not to fall into ice and what can be done to maintain your health.

Lesson plan:

How to put on shoes in icy conditions?

If slippery sidewalks do not impose special requirements on outerwear, the main thing is a sufficient overview to at least see where you are going, but the “Ice Age” has a lot of complaints about shoes.

So, the wider the sole, the greater its contact and grip with a slippery surface and stronger. Therefore, fashionable mothers will have to postpone high and stylish heels until better times.

Not the last contribution is made by the material from which the shoe sole is made. The softer it is, the easier it is to move on slippery surfaces. So, rubber does not harden in the cold, so in such shoes you will be more stable on ice. The tread available on the rubber, similar to that of winter car tires, will add an additional plus and allow you to escape from pirouettes.

But with a smooth leather sole, it is unlikely that it will be possible not to slip, it is not at all easy to avoid falling in such shoes.

We do shoe tuning

To prevent shoes from slipping, you can add your five cents to the design idea using various folk devices and overlays.

First of all, you can “not invent a bicycle” and just trust the professionals by giving your winter boots to a shoe shop. There you will be offered anti-slip prevention and rubber pads will be glued to the soles and heels.

Do not look for easy ways and want creativity? Then choose from experienced advice.

Studs for Norfin winter shoes (universal) | Buy with delivery | My-shop.ru

In addition to proper footwear, traumatologists advise learning how to walk properly on slippery surfaces.

Learning to glide on ice

So, we put on the right shoes, but it's too early to relax. How to walk on slippery paths to avoid falling?

The main rule in icy conditions is not to rush! Therefore, we don’t run across the road in front of cars, we leave the house early, so as not to mince quickly, and even more so, not to run, feeling that time is running out. Confidently we go out with nature for a duel!

The very first mistake of all passers-by is to hide their hands in karmas. And this applies not only to ice. You can unsuccessfully dive and rest your nose in the summer, just stumbling and not having time to pull your hands out of your clothes to rest on the ground. Just in winter, such a curly pirouette turns out many times faster.

Therefore, we put on mittens and, as if with wings, balance when moving. We hang bags and briefcases on the shoulders, and preferably behind the back, for additional balancing.

If there is no place on a slippery area where you can get around it or what you can grab onto, we “get on the skis” and start to slide, or try on the image of an old man and move with small shuffling steps. At the same time, we put our legs wider than usual, and slightly bend at the knees.

It is clear that from the side the spectacle is something else! But it's better than watching passers-by in the same position from the window of a hospital room, but successfully coped with the ice marathon.

We also fight with slippery steps according to the rules. To do this, hold on to the handrail - one, stand on each step with two feet - two.

Landing safely

It is clear that sometimes falling cannot be avoided. When you slip, you no longer have time to remember in a matter of seconds how to fall correctly and land on the right point in the right trajectory.

Nevertheless, we must know how best, suddenly someone wants to train these skills to automatism, and then, like a persistent nesting doll, overcome slippery sidewalks.

  • So, in the first seconds we try to immediately sit down to reduce the height of the fall. We do not put our hands forward, we keep our legs together. Sometimes it helps, so to speak, not to fall completely, keeping the balance on your haunches somewhere near the ground.
  • Then we group and fall on our side, substituting the forearm as a shock absorber under the blow.
  • You feel that you are diving on your back, then rather your chin and hands to your chest so as not to hit the back of your head. By the way, the backpack previously placed behind your back in this case will be of great help!

Did you fall badly and hurt something? Ice can be applied to the knee and elbow for a short time, but with a hit back of the head and other head injury, you should immediately consult a doctor.

I really hope that the general rules of conduct on how many roads will allow you to always stay on your feet and win this duel, to which Mother Nature sometimes challenges us!

That's all for today! I leave you in the company with a video about how to quickly and easily make simple leggings with your own hands.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

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