Zeroing life. Zeroing and general cleaning of your life. Preparation for concentration


Sometimes life is so full of events that it is difficult for us to move forward. And then it is necessary to renew, clear the mind of unnecessary information and accumulated emotions and experiences. After all, if we do not do this ourselves, then fate will still find a way to implement it. Coach Kira Feklisova recommends methods tested on clients and on herself.

1. Anesthesia

Yes, this is the very case when you did not manage to harmonize in time and now you have to do it by force. If you find yourself on the operating table, and anesthesia awaits you ahead, then you should use all its capabilities to the fullest. It's not just going into deep sleep. In order to wake up “as good as new” after anesthesia, you should think about what exactly you would like to get rid of: what kind of relationships, emotions, obsessive thoughts, repetitive situations. And before you plunge into an unconscious state, say all that you are freed from.

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2. Extra things

Things accumulate information about the donor, the place of purchase and your condition. Most often, for some reason, you don’t like a thing, but you don’t get rid of it, but hide it away in a closet. It is this "warehousing" that creates stagnation of the energy of life and inhibition of affairs. What is worth getting rid of? From everything that you do not use: clothes, books, dishes, appliances, souvenirs. Something that no longer brings you joy. Because now it takes your energy. And you don't have to throw things away. They can always be taken to a social assistance fund or a church and bring joy to others.

3. Computer and phone

Virtual space is part of your life. So, everything superfluous that is there clutters up your life and at the same time complicates the work of devices. Photos and contacts of the "former" will interfere with new meetings and acquaintances. And unsuccessful projects hinder the implementation of new ones. It also makes sense to delete lists of completed ideas plans and wish lists and create new ones. And then there will be a constant flow of energy in life. And you will have the strength to fulfill them.

4. Unfinished business

All tasks that are on the “Waiting” list must either be transferred to the “In Progress” status and completed, or acknowledge that they are not important and cancel them. Unfinished business still reminds of itself, takes away your attention and energy, and sometimes causes negative emotions. What does this lead to? In addition to the fact that the execution of current affairs is slowing down, the mood deteriorates, and sometimes you start walking in circles without getting closer to the goal. Sometimes it's better to admit that you won't do what you set out to do, and that will speed up the speed of everything else in life.

Social networks are sources of information, and they also affect your mood and success. The people you follow can be a source of both good and bad emotions. Before you do a deep clean, ask yourself, “What inspires me about this person’s posts? Why am I reading them? If the main motivation is “A person complains about life all the time, and reading it, I understand that everything is not so bad with me,” then feel free to delete the contact. Filling your space with complainers, angry people and gossips is like voluntarily cutting off a bright piece of your life and throwing it away. It won't motivate you to move on. After all, you are doing well. So, you can sadly stay in your swamp and condemn others along with the rest. Customize your channels so that you receive useful and inspiring information. So that you would like to go forward and achieve the impossible.

6. Church

Attending a service in a church, communicating with a spiritual mentor helps to realize many processes and let go of painful thoughts. Even if you go to the temple in complete despair and with vain thoughts, a burning candle, the faces of saints and listening to the reading of psalms and church choir will calm the confusion in your soul. And they will help you enter into a state of acceptance and harmony that we need in order to leave the old and step into the new.

7. Nature

A walk alone in a park or in a forest will help bring your thoughts into a calm channel and clear yourself of the hustle and bustle. Why in fairy tales the hero often finds himself in a dense forest, from which he needs to find a way out? The forest in fairy tales symbolizes a different world, where a variety of incredible events happen to the hero. And the protagonist returns from the forest completely different, with new powers and abilities. Of course, while walking in the park, you will not meet Koshchei the Immortal, but it is quite possible that you will get an answer to your question. After all, Koschei, like your problem, is just a fiction of the mind. And nature is a place where all this is easily resolved.

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8. Bath

Another element found in fairy tales. Remember how Baba Yaga soared a good fellow in a bathhouse, and then gave him a magic ball of thread? You could just give a ball. Why even a bath? It's simple, the bath cleansed the body and mind of the accumulated experience, physical and emotional. There was a reset effect. And only after that, a good fellow could use the power of a magic item. In Japan, by the way, there is a whole bathing ritual: an ofuro bath, where the Japanese go once every two weeks to cleanse the soul and body. The Russian bath is a separate history and tradition. Special for the New Year.

9. Tibetan singing bowls

With the development of cities and the spread Vehicle our life is filled with "gray noise", that is, a constant sound background. It causes chronic fatigue and irritability. From the accumulated background (according to the principle of "knock out a wedge with a wedge"), you can clear yourself with harmonizing sounds - Tibetan bowls. They have long been used in Asia during meditation and various rituals. Today, singing bowls are actively used all over the world for harmonization. Science has established that the human brain is in a different state of consciousness depending on the length of sound waves. The wave range of the singing bowls corresponds to the alpha waves that the human brain emits during meditation. The perception of alpha waves from the outside contributes to an increase in neural connections in the brain, that is, it literally expands consciousness.

10. Bath with salt and essential oils

Water, sea salt and essential oils have very strong cleansing properties. And together they work wonders. According to aromatherapy, peppermint, frankincense, and lavender essential oils are best for zeroing and clearing energy. Choose what is closer to you, and then fill the bath with water at a temperature of 38-40 ° C, drip 8 drops of the selected essential oil 300 g of sea salt and dissolve it in water. It is not recommended to take a bath for longer than 20 minutes. It is better to do this in the evening before going to bed, because after the aromatherapy you will be very relaxed. But the dream will be strong, and the launched zeroing process will continue until the morning.

There are two ways to reset consciousness and move to a new level:

1 is long and difficult. You slowly come to know yourself by going through different practices and austerities. Knowing the world of matter and spiritual bliss trying to find balance. Ups and downs are mixed. You work hard and at a certain moment you will become enlightened! You no longer understand how it visits, but life changes and everything in your universe merges together. Diseases are already perceived as a step in the transition to a new level of development. Your body is getting younger and more beautiful, your eyes become soft and everything around you begins to see different colors. Money and abundance are just there. You see and understand everything much earlier than everyone else, but there is no longer a desire to teach and teach. You are just enjoying life. Love yourself and everyone around you. It is a long way to connect to the universal server of love and abundance. From it we go out to it and strive through all our lives. And if your access to the universal server has been authorized and all password-lessons have been completed, please receive the energy of love and abundance. You can see such people. We all know them. Great spiritual leaders of the planet Earth. There are no poor and hungry among them. If his age is already great, you can’t tell about his numbers right away. They are cheerful and full of energy. Their eyes and speech are full of love for everything on earth and in heaven. They bring us messages from the Almighty about love and care. We just need to follow the path of heart and love. Love brings joy and abundance.

Well, or path 2:

If a quick but short-term way to connect to the flow of love and a person pays dearly for it, with his health. This is alcohol and drugs, it takes you to the top very quickly and you get a short pleasure, then a painful break occurs and evil and aggression come. The universal server of love does not accept you forever, there is only one way, through knowledge and acceptance of yourself as a loved one. And again and again, attempts are made and in return the body is distorted, the flow of abundance and money is closed, the nervous system is completely out of order, but there remain short connections and an exit into oblivion with attempts to receive love.

Sometimes both paths are intertwined and only you choose your path.

Only you yourself can understand what is wrong with you and where you are, and what you really need.

Maybe you should clear your mind and forgive yourself.

We know how to update and start everything from the very beginning.

Every year on December 31, with the strike of the clock, we make attempts to reset our lives and start over. Almost all people perform this ceremony and most importantly it works. The collective unconscious has tremendous power.

Live with love in your heart and remember you can always reset your life and start everything the way you want. No matter what hole you are in and no matter what heights your work has taken you to, you are worthy of love and abundance. All people are worthy of love and abundance, and it all awaits them. All will be!

With love to you!

This term - zeroing in psychology is not at all clear to many. How is it to reset? Leave everything and everyone? Break everything that was built and dump to live in a happy country? Start painting a picture of life from scratch? Of course, it sounds extremely tempting, romantic, bold and desperate. But not believable.

No, breaking and quitting is not a problem at all, leaving too, but only this is not about zeroing, but about trying to escape from the routine, from the accumulated problems. But do you understand that all this will return? Albeit with new people, in a new country. And note that the problems will most likely be very similar to the old ones, to those that were allegedly broken.

Zeroing is the recognition of the fact that you were wrong in your conclusions, in your way of thinking, in your views of the world. That all your accumulated life experience turned out to be worthless, and is not able to help solve the problems that arise. And they appear! Yet you persist in trying to solve new problems in your old ways. And when once again, resting your horns against the wall, you give up and say - oh my bastard, I really don’t know how to live on - this is already zeroing. And it is from this point that the NEW begins. But it is really very difficult to admit that you were wrong. Especially difficult for the ego. How it is? I’m generally well done, but the fact that I’ve been running in circles for many years now is all nonsense.

So, zeroing is when you just give up and decide to learn to live differently and look for new ways to solve your problems, and not break everything around, and not run away to other countries. Everything can remain the same - work, and a man, and a house, but here you are. You will be different. It's just a new level, baby.

Generally a reasonable question. And yes, it’s not enough just to understand that it’s reset to zero. In this state, you can hang for a long time, and as a result, return to normal, until the next wall and the next recognition of your insolvency. I say this from experience - yes, it was, I went to the penalty loop at a time.

Until I understand one simple thing - you can admit your failure hundreds of times, but at the same time continue to stubbornly follow the old paths, or you can take a closer look at your mistakes and the previous ineffective ways of solving problems.

Why do it? I will say this - as long as you do not see the rake and bumps on your road at close range - you will inevitably get there, it's a habit. It's like walking in the dark and hoping for a chance. It may work, of course, but I prefer to save my own forehead and shine a flashlight.

So, having figured out your old mistakes, there is a chance not to make them. Of course, this will not insure against committing new ones, but the chance of success increases by exactly 50%. I think normal efficiency? What do you think?

And now the most interesting - how to act? How to understand what is true and what is not? In fact, each of us knows this. And feels. The right action is the one that the soul approves of. And it can go against the so-called "common sense". It is usually about obvious benefits, but sometimes (not even sometimes - always) actions that are not beneficial from the point of view of reason, but approved by the soul, bring much more benefit, more often, extremely unexpectedly.

And there is no clearly defined plan here, there are signs on the road - there are people who can send books. But you still have to think and make decisions on your own. The conveyor of happiness has not yet been invented, and this is wonderful.

ICPA Coach, ThetaHealing Practitioner, Olga Fresh

Everything we perceive, we perceive in relation to ourselves. We are the reference point for ourselves, the zero of our "coordinate system". In order to adequately, without distortion, understand and be aware of the environment, one should become an “absolute” zero, and not conditional, that is, get rid of the “displacements” already existing in us.

Notice you always have some kind of mood. It can be good, bad or something else. But it is always there. And you can no longer be the origin, because you are in a "shifted" position along the "axis of emotions." Also, you always have a set of judgments and personal opinions that move you away from zero on the "belief" axis. Purpose of the exercise "Reset" enter a state of "absolute zero", remove your own emotions and beliefs.

Start monitoring your emotions. Notice when they arise, how you know about it, what changes. Create for yourself such a thing as an emotional background and watch for changes in it. The emotional background is best represented as a kind of shell that describes your entire body.

Over time, you will learn to notice that certain emotions appear in certain areas of this shell. You will notice how and where the emerging emotions shift, what they displace and where they “settle”. You will begin to feel all your emotions literally physically.

After that, learn to mentally “grab” the emotions you don’t need and throw them out of your emotional background. Try to catch the emotion as early as possible, at the stage of its penetration into your emotional background.

You can “play” by shifting the emotion to another place, where it is unusual for her. You will notice that in doing so, it acquires new qualities and may even change completely. Fear can become anger, joy can become apathy, and so on.

Also, you need to learn how to "transform" emotions - having noticed and localized an emotion, you will give it the necessary properties with your will. So you can make a positive emotion out of a negative one and vice versa.

Learn to catch, shift, transform and throw out any emotions, both positive and negative. Later, if you want, you can choose which ones to leave, but you need to be able to completely get rid of emotions, even pleasant ones. Accustom yourself constantly in any situation to automatically feel and adjust your emotional background. By doing this exercise, you will understand how our emotions are unstable and controllable. (Including outside.)

To reset beliefs, do similar manipulations, but in the sphere of beliefs. Notice when your beliefs start to come out and try to influence your decisions. Do not let them do this, you need to be able to assess the situation with an open mind.

Let me remind you once again that the three exercises above are auxiliary for practicing the exercise. "Base" specifically for practicing awareness. Although you can use them autonomously, outside of this complex, if you see fit.

Fulfilling "Base", you will get a sea of ​​new interesting sensations. In order to control the execution of the "Basic", start a clock with a pick-up timer so that it picks every half hour or every 10 minutes. And at each timer signal, check yourself if you are doing "Basic" in this moment. Over time, you will learn to do such checks without a timer, more and more often, until one day you find that you are doing the "Basic" always! And here you will discover amazing things! Believe...

With a serious approach, the results appear after a week of classes, significant changes can be expected no earlier than a month later.

Internal Dialogue

I will not talk here about consciousness, subconsciousness, attachments, fixing the assemblage point and everything else. In the preface, I made the reservation that I would leave the theory for other books.

Now I will only say that, roughly speaking, in our head there are constantly a lot of our own and other people's thoughts, fragments of songs, someone's phrases, commercials and all sorts of other nonsense. All this is pretty mixed and fragmentary. In addition, we are accustomed to talking to ourselves in our minds when we think, read, write... and in general, at any opportunity. It's amazing that we can still think at all.

At this stage, you must definitely learn to stop the internal dialogue in your head. You should be able to enter and stay in a state of “inner silence” for as long as possible (preferably permanently). Only from this state should all exercises be performed, especially more or less complex ones. And this is half the success in mastering many techniques.

When you read the description of some technique before, you might think “This is nonsense, this will not work!”. And they would be right, because your experience told you that by following the steps recommended in the technique, you will not get the expected result. But you didn't realize your limitations before, you just tried the described exercises and didn't get any effect. And they expanded the circle of their stereotypes, adding one more fact to their experience: “It doesn’t work!”. On that they calmed down. Since then, when you encountered such “magical” techniques, you immediately evoked the desired stereotype, backed up by experience, and made a diagnosis in advance: “This will not work either!”.

Your mistake was that you didn't realize you were trying to do the impossible. All magical techniques imply that the person who performs them is in a certain state of consciousness. You did not know this and did not even guess that there are some “other” states of consciousness. That's why you didn't get anything.

So, a stopped VD is one of the most important conditions for the success of any technique. The inability to stop the VD entails frequent failures and the inability to apply any technique. Until you learn how to stop your VD, all magic will be just a fairy tale for you.

The ability to control and stop the VD is not the only condition for success in magic, but one of the most important, so let's move on to the exercises ...

Exercise "Knockout"

This type of exercise is based on the fact that you quickly switch from one thought to another, as if knocking out of your head the thoughts that have settled there by others. And since you change thoughts quickly, your consciousness weans from the fact that they settle, and becomes more flexible and mobile.

For example, you start singing a song. You immediately cut it off and sing another one. Cut it off again and sing the next one. Then you can change the song for poetry, for some thoughts, for pronouncing your current actions to yourself. The point is to gradually accelerate the change of the "current" thought. And now you change your thoughts faster and faster...

And then bam! Everything flies out of your head, and you find yourself in absolute silence. Your consciousness could not cope with the set speed and turned off. You should remember the desired state and try to return it by willpower, without the help of exercises, because this is the main task.

Most likely, for the first time, your consciousness will quickly recover from this and thoughts will fill the "ether" again. But you will already know that this is all rubbish ... You have already felt the silence and now you only need time to learn how to return it for a long time!

Exercise "Fade"

The essence of this class of exercises is to follow your thoughts. So you think about something, notice it and follow how the thought develops, what it passes into ... And now you see how it leaves attention and fades.

To increase efficiency, you can resort to "substitution". Specially enter into the field of attention any simple thought. For example, many recommend using a mantra or a simple image for this. Strengthen this thought as much as possible, get it to capture all your attention. Keep it on for a few minutes.

Then begin to weaken it, but leaving it in the field of attention. Gradually, this thought will also fade away enough so as not to disturb you, and if it has well occupied your attention, then the rest of the thoughts will not return for some time. And you'll get a little WP stop.

This, of course, is a certain compromise and over time you should learn to do without it.

For more case study imagine a pendulum. Follow him, let him swing in the rhythm of your thoughts. And then start slowing down the movement of the pendulum until you stop it completely.

You can also follow your breath or “tick” in the style of “Tick, tick, tick, … tick … tick …….. tick ……….. tick ………………… ti …………………. .ti ……………. t……..… …". I hope I explained clearly.

Exercise "Barrier"

This class of exercises is based on a system of filters and is somewhat similar to the Zeroing exercise.

You begin to think and at the same time try not to pronounce thoughts “to yourself”. Feel where a thought is born in your head and when it begins to want to turn into a word spoken in your head. As soon as she was born and wanted to become a word, you realize her and let go. It has already been taken into account by you and can leave.

In my opinion, this is the most effective of the exercises-gimmicks to stop the AP. Gradually, while doing it, you will begin to notice that it has become easy and pleasant to think, your consciousness is very mobile, and you have become, as it were, “smarter”. You will begin not so much to "think" as to see your thoughts in images. You are just about to think about something, as you already see the answer in the form of an image. This kind of thinking happens instantly.

Having achieved this result, you can move on. Take care that your thoughts stop forming for a while. In fact, you have already removed the VD, but have not yet reached the “inner silence”. You just have to stop forming thoughts altogether. To do this, you can take all thoughts out of the conditional circle and leave them there to wait until you need them again. Feel how all the images gathered around the head and went beyond the area conventionally designated by you. Look at them a little because of the conditional partition and return to your head - now it is empty there.

The ramp gives this modification of this exercise:

Imagine that you are sitting in a completely dark room on the top floor of a skyscraper; in front of you is a large window, covered with a black curtain, without any drawings, nothing that could distract. Concentrate on this curtain. First of all, make sure that there are no thoughts in your mind (mind is a black curtain), and if thoughts try to get in, push them back over the edge of the curtain. You will succeed, it is a matter of practice. The very moment a thought flashes on the edge of the curtain, throw it back, make it go away, then concentrate on the curtain again, force yourself to lift it up and see what is behind it.

Once again, as you look at the black curtain, you will find that all kinds of thoughts are trying to penetrate it, they are trying to make their way into the focus of your attention. Push them back, push them back with a conscious effort, deny them permission to enter.

This is the most primitive class of exercises, based on the fact that the mind cannot keep too many objects in its field of attention at the same time and on the fact that when we are very busy or performing a complex action, we do not have time to think.

The main types of exercises in this class are as follows:

Attention overload - try, for example, to listen to everything around you, fix all the slightest sounds. Now start noticing everything you see, capture all the objects you see. In the meantime, don't stop listening. Now add to this fixation of all sensations in the body. Well, how? I can tell you with certainty that if you still keep the ability to think to yourself, then you just did the exercise carelessly.

Another option. Look at the grains of sugar scattered on the table. Try to fix each grain. You can also fix any objects, of which there are a lot.

In the later stages, it is quite enough to concentrate well on the sensation of the body and the immediate surroundings.

Change of modality - all people can be conditionally divided into groups according to how they perceive the world. Someone perceives everything mainly through sight, someone through hearing, someone through sensations, someone through reason. Determine what type you are and try to "live in a different perception."

Unusual action - Try simultaneously slapping your head with your right hand and stroking your belly with circular movements of your left hand. If this does not seem enough, start tapping your right foot in a certain rhythm, and make rotational movements with your left (in this case, of course, you need to sit on a chair).


These, in my opinion, are the main types of exercises to stop the VD. However, I note that there is another option - just stop the VD without resorting to any tricks. Simply by an effort of will to create inner silence. This is the simplest and most effective method, but, unfortunately, it suits few people :-) To be convincing that this is possible, I note that I did just that.


Once you've learned to relax and stop the VDs, it's time for your concentration to show itself. Concentration implies an arbitrarily long concentration on an object of your choice. Concentration must be complete and absolute. You must fully perceive the object and perceive absolutely nothing that you do not need at the moment.

The necessary conditions for concentration are physical, moral and mental relaxation, stopping the VD, and then moving to the "zero state" (see the "Zeroing" exercise). After that, you can start doing concentration exercises.

But you can learn to develop concentration at the same time as relaxing and stopping the AP, although it will not be as effective during this period. Therefore, I present concentration exercises within the framework of this article.

When you master the relaxation and stopping of the AP, you will notice a significant qualitative improvement in your concentration. Until then, you will probably be distracted by your body, your thoughts and emotions. You won't be able to concentrate properly until you learn to manage your body. In order to help you somehow cope with this, I will give a series of exercises for the development of "perseverance".

Here I will immediately notice that, unlike the work with IC and relaxation, concentration exercises are best done while sitting. In this case, the lotus position or any similar position in which you manage to sit is considered optimal. Lower your hands freely, put them with your palms on top of each other so that your palms look up (like a bucket). Your hands, therefore, should rest with your palms on the soles of your feet in the center of the vertical axis of your body. Imagine the head as if suspended on a string so that the neck and back do not strain. If it is uncomfortable to sit like this, you can lean your back against the wall or the edge of the bed.

The position is really very comfortable, especially when you get used to it. But do not forget to get out of it slowly and stretch your stiff legs. And yet do not sit on a cold floor, in a draft, and do not sit with your back against a cold wall. When you relax, the effect of drafts and other things on your body is several times stronger. Checked.

Try several times to sit very still for five or ten minutes without propping up your back with your eyes closed, without feeling restless or sleepy. For concentration, try to choose a position of the body that would be free from disturbing impressions. You will probably find that your body is not as obedient as you would like it to be. It is often restless and impatient and capable of becoming anxious due to insignificant sensations, and this even when you have eliminated all causes for anxiety. Don't let this happen! You should be comfortable and quite comfortable in any position.

Exercise "Statue"

Do one of the variations of this exercise in one session. Every day, do one or two times something of your choice from the list:

1. Stand calmly, without tension, evenly, arms freely lowered along the body, legs slightly apart, eyes closed. Stand like this for at least 5 minutes, making sure that during this time there is no nervousness, impatience or anxiety. The body should remain perfectly still the whole time, and you should be quite comfortable.

2. Sit in a lotus (or equivalent) and sit quietly for 5-10 minutes.

3. Stand up as in step 1, but raise your hands straight in front of you or apart, or just lift them up. Stay calm for 5-10 minutes.

Do some exercise in the morning. Be sure to include stretching exercises for muscles and ligaments. Repeat some of the exercises from the charge during the day and after the “Statue” exercise. Work on proper breathing. (Exercises will be given at the end of the article).

Now directly exercises on concentration. I have tried to list them in order of increasing difficulty. Accordingly, it is better to first master the initial exercises, and then take on more complex ones.

When exercising, check your body from time to time. It shouldn't be tight. It is important! Likewise, the mind must be absolutely calm and relaxed, but collected!

Preparation for concentration

Before starting each concentration exercise, take the sitting posture described above and do the “Enter”. Close your eyes and wait until the background in front of your eyes becomes solid. It is better if it is black or dark gray, but the main thing is the uniformity and lack of flicker. Upon completion, "Exit" and stretch your legs and whole body.

I decided to reset my life. I felt cramped among old things and memories. Of course, the past is important, without it there would be no present and all that...but I don't want to think about it. I will throw away my suitcase with the past at the bus stop and calmly drive on.

Old things and old thoughts are unnecessary energy. And when you start a new stage in life, zeroing is necessary.
I used to think that it was possible to start life from scratch, but changing handwriting was not.
Now I do not agree with this. You can change everything, and even more so the handwriting.

But this requires a complete reset.
And even now I do not agree with such a popular saying: the quieter you go, the further you will be.
This is only true if you are driving.
But success in life and realization in all areas is possible only at a fast speed!
To make the computer work faster - it must be "cleaned".
Therefore, a complete clearing of thoughts, at home, zeroing all previously hung questions is necessary!

Here is a reset plan for those who really intend to paint a new picture of their lives:

1. Throw out the trash
We get rid of all garbage. For starters, from your home. Throw away, distribute, take to the shelter:

Clothes that you don't wear.
- Unusable or outdated utensils, appliances.

Approach all things with the question “Do I want to leave this energy or let a new one come in its place?”.
Do not pour into a full glass of water.
You empty your own glass. How much you pour out, so much will pour in.
By the way, this applies to all your spaces, including the workplace in the office, cottage, car, private jet, and whatever else you have there.
2. Throw out files
Throwing out garbage is flowers. It's time to throw out the files!
We are used to storing everything on the computer. Why throw away? Enough hard drive.
Here the principle is the same: cleansing is the release of energy. Keep only what you like and value.
You cannot switch life to a new speed if chaos reigns on your desktop and in your apartment.

3. We finish unfinished business or reset them.

And now for cleaning!)


I decided to reset my life. I felt cramped among old things and memories. Of course, the past is important, without it there would be no present and all that...but I don't want to think about it. I will throw away my suitcase with the past at the bus stop and calmly drive on. Old things and old thoughts are unnecessary...

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