Vachkov psychology of training work. Center of modern NLP technologies. Methods of psychological training at school


Imagotherapy as a kind of symbolic self-expression method

Methods psychological training at school. Lectures 1-3

Methods of psychological training at school. Lectures 4-5

Methods of psychological training at school. Lectures 6-8

Fairy tale in the work of a psychologist: definition and typology

Fairy tale therapy in the work of a child psychologist

Fairy tale metaphor as a means of mutual understanding

The original book allows you to correlate and systematize scientific, applied and everyday ideas about psychological training, about the types of training groups and the main methods used in the practical work of a trainer. The analytical text is accompanied by metaphorical illustrations and recommendations for beginners and experienced trainers.

The book will be of interest to students of psychological faculties, novice trainers and practicing psychologists, as well as experienced specialists in the field of psychological training.

Fundamentals of group training technology. psychotechnician

What is training? Psychological features, methodology and technology of group training.

Classification and types of training groups. Evolution of the group in training and the role of the facilitator. Warm-up games and psychotechnics.

The book is a textbook summarizing the practice of using modern methods of developing self-awareness in training groups. Psychotechnics, games and exercises are given with specific recommendations on how to conduct them and analyze the results. Each chapter is equipped with questions and tasks for self-control.

Adventures in the Inner World. Psychology for high school students

A fascinating fantasy story about the inner world of man.

The boy Ding finds himself in the amazing Kingdom of the Psychic Sorceress, where incredible adventures happen to him: a meeting with Imagination, the struggle of Conscious and Unconscious Motives, the pursuit of Forgetfulness, the hunt for the Bird of Intuition and much more.

The book is addressed to high school students who are interested in psychology and want to know themselves better. School psychologists can effectively use it in the lessons and electives in psychology. It will also be of interest to first-year students of the faculties of pedagogy and psychology and pedagogical colleges.

Psychological fairy tales about leadership for younger students

In the booklet "Psychological Tales of Leadership for junior schoolchildren"- nine psychological tales united by one theme - leadership.

With the help of these fairy tales, you can work on the formation of leadership qualities in children. Tales are meant for individual work; the main character can be called the name of the child with whom the psychologist interacts.

Psychology for kids

Will preschoolers be able to understand the meaning of psychological categories? A positive answer to this question is explained by the fact that our science operates with concepts whose meaning at the everyday level is already recognized by a preschooler: personality, communication, behavior, abilities, character, thinking, memory, etc. Of course, a deep scientific understanding is not available to children, and it is unlikely is necessary.

Fairy tale therapy. Development of self-awareness through a psychological fairy tale

Psychologists have been interested in fairy tales for a long time. However, only in recent years did fairy tale therapy emerge as an independent area of ​​practical psychology and immediately gained popularity.

The first part of the book discusses the theoretical issues of developing the self-awareness of students and teachers and reveals the reasons why psychological fairy tales can serve as an effective means of developing the self-awareness of the subjects of the educational environment.

The second part is devoted to the practical aspects of using psychotales in the work of a school psychologist. Specific "fabulous psychotechnologies" are given, as well as psychological tales of various authors, which serve as illustrations for the main text of the book.

Me and my inner world. Psychology for high school students

If you are interested in psychology and want to better understand yourself - this book is for you! After studying it, you can find out: how our memory works, what thinking is, how to develop your mind, what are the origins of our mood, what temperament is and what its properties are, how character is formed, how to evaluate your own capabilities and make the right professional choice. You will understand that your inner world is available for knowledge and change. The tasks included in the book for introspection and self-study will help you with this.

Psychology of training work

This publication will provide real assistance to university students studying in the direction and specialty "Psychology": in mastering the professional skills of conducting psychological training, as well as in preparing for exams, writing essays, term papers and theses.

The book will be extremely useful for practical psychologists, as it discusses the general approaches, content, methods and features of training in a broad context (business training, psychotherapeutic training, training with adults, teenagers, children, etc.).

The Center for Contemporary NLP Technologies is one of the most respected educational institutions in its field. For more than 20 years, the NLP Center has been successfully operating and offering its services in the field of neuro-linguistic programming, as well as Ericksonian hypnosis. In the center of modern NLP technologies, certification courses are waiting for you in all possible NLP disciplines: "NLP Practitioner", "NLP Master" and "NLP Trainer". The center also regularly conducts the course "Erickson's hypnosis", after which students receive international certificates. Such certificates are issued to all graduates of the center who have successfully completed the chosen course.

  • During the learning process, our NLP Center invariably uses the most modern, new NLP technologies;
  • The hosts of our courses are professionals, authors of books on neurolinguistic programming and unique models NLP;
  • The vast experience of our trainers allows us to make the learning process not only amazingly effective, but also insanely interesting;
  • Training always covers all necessary information, which is provided for by the full programs of the Interregional Association of Centers NLP;
  • The classes take into account all the individual expectations and requests of the participants;
  • The practicality of using neurolinguistic programming techniques is put at the forefront of the courses of our NLP center. Ease use of NLP in everyday life is the main task of learning.

Other NLP centers very different from our center is that the programs NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis have a pronounced applied character. To put it more precisely, our NLP programs are focused on the practical real use of acquired knowledge and skills, as well as on solving problems in any area of ​​life: business problems, personal relationships, personal growth problems. Not all NLP centers are ready to offer such an applied focus of courses.

Our NLP Center gives you an absolute guarantee that the courses contain all the necessary and additional elements provided by the programs of the Interregional Association of NLP Centers. Due to the fact that in our center training NLP always takes place using the latest NLP technologies based on confinement simulation, the effectiveness of training in our center is an order of magnitude higher than others can offer NLP centers, and this allows students to master a much larger amount of material, spending much less time on learning.

Neuro-linguistic programming ( NLP), in exactly the same way as a huge number of other areas, began its path to development by looking for opportunities to find out how successful individuals achieve this success. NLP its main task was to identify the structure of success, the visual structure of mastery. NLP has every reason to believe that if there is at least one person who knows how to do something certain, then another person is able to learn it. It is this structure of experience that we strive to highlight NLP so that a person has the opportunity to teach the desired skill to himself and others. This is the main task NLP. And NLP strives to ensure that the training was truly masterful, so that even experts could not detect the difference between what was done by a newly trained student and a professional master.

The Interregional Association of NLP Centers is headed by its president - Timur Vladimirovich Gagin, who is a trainer NLP international class, the developer of a fundamentally new technology for system modeling, the author of numerous books on NLP, doctor of psychology, professor.

Absolutely all the leading NLP courses of our center have higher education(and often more than one), tremendous experience in both individual counseling and group sessions, plus each has significant experience in practical business and leadership. The applied orientation of the NLP programs and the Ericksonian hypnosis program of our center distinguishes it from the services that others can offer. NLP centers. The programs involve the analysis of specific real problems proposed by course participants, and the solution of these problems using techniques NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis. Tasks can relate to any area of ​​life - personal growth, business tasks, self-development.

For those who want to explore the field NLP in more detail and from unusual angles, our NLP center offers a number of specialized author's trainings. Such trainings are recommended for visiting both those who have been successfully practicing NLP or hypnosis for a long time, and those who are far from this topic, but are happy to comprehend new horizons for themselves.

phrase "neuro-linguistic programming" (sometimes used without a hyphen, which is not a mistake), or abbreviated NLP derived from the English “Neuro-linguistic programming” and is a set of techniques, models, and operating principles that can be applied as a personality development approach that uses the modeling of effective mental and behavioral strategies.

We offer you a wide range of books, articles and real stories about tricks. neuro-linguistic programming and how to use it in everyday life.

As for Erickson's hypnosis, it is based on the use of the natural, inherent in all people, without exception, the ability to plunge into an involuntary trance. This state has a beneficial effect on a person, because it is the trance that allows the human unconscious to actively get involved in the work and help its owner achieve his goals. Right hemispheric resources are most clearly revealed in a trance, intuition, the ability to be creative and solve various life problems and business tasks are activated.

In the modern world, Ericksonian hypnosis is popular in many areas of human activity at once. After all, Ericksonian hypnosis is a universal tool that everyone can use because of their needs. The most popular way to use Ericksonian hypnosis is self-hypnosis - in other words, restoring mental and physical strength, getting rid of pain and unpleasant experiences, bringing oneself into a good mood, etc. The most talented hypnotists with experience manage to master various hypnotic phenomena, such as, for example , change in the course of time, the discovery of previously unknown reserves of the body. One way or another, Ericksonian hypnosis allows a person to learn how to use those hidden abilities that previously existed only in his imagination.

A person who masterfully masters any skill (speaking in front of an audience, driving a car, building a personal life, writing articles or stories, making money, treating people, drawing pictures, composing music, or something else) can teach this to other people. After all, if someone once did something, then the other person can not only repeat, but also perform it as masterly as the master himself.

For those who are interested in the most detailed information about NLP techniques and methods, we recommend the NLP Articles section of our website. We draw your attention to the fact that articles only allow you to get acquainted with some theoretical information, but are by no means capable of instilling any stable skills. You will not become a good judoka without a real trainer and you will not be able to snowboard confidently just by reading a book with instructions for this sport, only the practical classes of our NLP center will allow you to learn real NLP skills and do it in an interesting, effective and easy way.

Content, organizational and methodological aspects of conducting a training group

Recommended by the UMO Psychology Council for Classical University Education as study guide for students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction and specialties of psychology

Moscow, Eksmo, 2007
Dubrovina I.V. — Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. laboratory of scientific foundations of child practical psychology of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education

Leaders A.G. — Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Developmental Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

This publication will really help. university students, students in the direction and specialty "Psychology": in mastering the professional skills of conducting psychological training, as well as in preparing for exams, writing essays, term papers and theses.

The book will be extremely helpful. practical psychologists, as it considers the general approaches, content, methods and features of training in a broad context (business trainings, psychotherapeutic trainings, trainings with adults, teenagers, children, etc.).

- a general idea of ​​the training;

— subjective paradigm of psychological training;

- training methods;

— metaphorization in psychological training;

— typology of training groups;

– organizational and methodological aspects of the training;

detailed description more than 100 training games, exercises, psychotechnics.


Before you is a textbook devoted to the difficult issues of the psychology of training work. At present, psychological trainings have become so firmly established in the arsenal of a practical psychologist that it is almost impossible for him to do without them, if, of course, he wants to be as effective as possible. It is likely that you already have personal experience not only of participating in training groups, but also of conducting your own trainings. Then it will be easier for you to understand the psychological and methodological intricacies of organizing and conducting trainings. However, if you do not have such experience, the proposed manual at least to some extent compensates for the lack of knowledge in this area; at the same time, of course, you will have to develop the skills and abilities of training work on your own.

First of all, let's pay attention to the fact that below we will talk about psychological trainings in the broadest context - from trainings with children and adolescents to business trainings and trainings of a psychotherapeutic nature. Of course, for each age category and for solving different problems, there are specific features of the implementation of training methods. But since, according to statistics, most psychological trainings in our country are conducted with teenagers and young people, then the examples of using the methods of training work in the manual will mainly be associated with these age categories.

We will talk about the most general of these methods; when describing them, we will indicate specific ways to use them when working with different groups. At the same time, understanding the trainings quite broadly and considering that the student needs to have an idea about the training work as a whole, we will also describe those methods that can only be used to a limited extent within the framework of a particular institution in which a psychologist works.

It should be noted that the content, methods and features of training, the typology of training groups are considered in this manual through the prism of the psychology of subjectivity as one of the most promising modern scientific areas. At the same time, we deliberately avoided a dry academic style of presentation. Since the principle of metaphorization, in our opinion, is the most important for psychological training, the text of the manual on the psychology of training turned out to be full of metaphorical stories, parables, and real cases from practice.

The second part of the tutorial includes about a hundred detailed training games and exercises. Most of them are original developments of the author, some are modifications of well-known psychological techniques. It also contains exercises created by psychologists who have undergone the author's training of trainers at different times.

The manual will allow students not only to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of conducting psychological training and get acquainted with ready-made psychotechnics, but also learn how to independently develop training programs, as well as create their own original games and exercises.



General idea of ​​the training

Already by the fifties of the last century, it became clear that specially organized training is one of the most convenient, constructive, fast-acting forms of psychological work with groups. At the same time, the training should include, in addition to special psychotherapeutic and psycho-corrective techniques, business and role-playing games, discussion methods of group decision-making, etc. - in other words, all those techniques that are aimed at developing the necessary skills. It is training among other psychological methods that allows you to implement the necessary psychological conditions development of professional and personal self-consciousness of people and actualization of their resources, change their behavior and attitude towards the world and other people.

At the same time, it is still unclear what exactly training is. Let's take the following story as an illustration.

An experienced and well-known psychologist was asked:
When you lead your groups, you
do you treat people?
“Yes, of course,” he replied.
- Or maybe you still help them in their personal development?
“Definitely,” he confirmed.
- But people who have been in your groups say that you do almost nothing and are silent almost all the time!
- And it is true!
— So what is the secret of the effectiveness of your work!?
- I'm interested in people. And I believe in their ability to change.

IN AND. Slobodchikov and E.I. Isaev allocate two understanding of "practical psychology": 1) practical psychology as an "applied discipline", a feature of which is "orientation towards academic research psychology of the natural-scientific type"; 2) practical psychology as a "special psychological practice" where the main focus is not on the study of the psyche, but on "work with the psyche" (V.I. Slobodchikov, E.I. Isaev, 1995, pp. 113-115).

Training can be understood in both ways. In the first case, training is interpreted as a kind of research method within which interpersonal relationships or social phenomena are constructed and studied (it is significant that the first training center in the United States was called the Training Laboratory). In the second case, training is considered as one of the ways practical work with the psychological characteristics of specific people. From the difference in understanding the essence of training, the reasons for different expectations from the psychologist-trainer arise. It is especially problematic when the coach himself and the customer hold fundamentally different points of view on the essence of the training and do not notice this.

In order to clearly enough answer the question of what is the most important thing in training, perhaps it will not hurt to turn to the word “training” itself. Obviously borrowed from English the word "training" of the same root with the well-known to us "training" essence any workout? During a workout man does what he trains to do. And there is no need for reproaches in tautology! After all, it is quite clear: in order to learn how to swim, you need to swim; and running water into the pool only after everyone who wants to first learn how to swim in a dry hole is completely pointless.

But based on this, one has to object to those who claim (and this opinion is quite common) that training is “a kind of model of life”, “a way of constructing a reality similar to the real one”. This is not a model of life! To learn how to live start living! This means that the training should become a part of the life of its participants.

Training and other meta-methods of practical psychology

So what is the purpose of the training? Before answering this question, it is worth thinking about what is the general purpose of the work of a practical psychologist. Of course, in the debate about this, many copies have already been broken. We have heard opinions that the purpose of the work of an educational psychologist is to provide psychological assistance, provide psychological support, support, create conditions for the optimal development of the child, ensure psychological health, etc. Perhaps it would not be an exaggeration to say that in all these positions, there is one thing in common: the global goal (= meta-goal) of any psychological work is the development of the child and positive changes in his life. At the same time, the psychologist often turns out to be aloof from the child, helping him indirectly, without waiting for a direct request from him about it. But no less often, the psychologist's clients - children and adults - come to him with an explicit request. What kind of help in solving their problems, overcoming the difficulties they encountered, do they expect from a psychologist?

First of all, the client can simply request this or that psychological information, which is not enough for him to independently implement the desired changes. A basic expectation that can be present in both a high school student and a teacher. "Tell me what psychologists think about this." For example, a company employee asks a psychologist. "I'm in recent times I am constantly in conflict with my colleagues. How do you need to communicate so as not to conflict? In this case, the method of activity of the psychologist will be informing client.

Secondly, the client may need the psychologist not only to provide information but also to help relate it to the client's immediate situation, actually make a psychological diagnosis, and work with the client to develop the project(s) of the necessary changes, by implementing which the client will achieve the desired. Base Expectation: “Explain how I can best handle this situation.” For example, our client might not just be interested in “How to effectively communicate with people?” . In this case, the main method of activity of a psychologist will be counseling client.

Thirdly, the client may want the psychologist not so much to give him information or help in the development of the project of the necessary changes, but to take and make these changes - the basic expectation: "Make me feel good, help me!" For example, a psychologist is forced to become a facilitator (intermediary) in resolving a conflict between a father and a young son. Or even initiate the involvement of social protection authorities and power structures in the problem, if, for example, facts of systematic violence against a child in the family are revealed. In this case, the method of the psychologist's activity will be directly intervention(intervention) in the life of the client (for now, we leave aside the question of how often and in what situations this method should be used).

Finally, fourth, the client may wish not so much to get rid of this or that problem as to learn how to independently solve it in the future. Base Expectation: “Teach me how to do things that I can’t do right now.” Let's say our client directly states, “You told me about how to communicate correctly. But I still can't do that. Teach!” In this case, the method of activity of the psychologist will be workout the ability of the client to carry out a particular activity.

Thus, from the point of view of the requests of the client (child or adult), there are four main goals of practical psychological activity and, accordingly, four ways to achieve them, which can be designated as meta-methods of psychologist activity : 1) informing, 2) counseling, 3) intervention and 4) training.

The first three meta-methods of psychological work are ways to solve the client's actual problems and - usually - they do not pretend to be more. As for the fourth meta-method, training, its fundamental difference from the rest lies in the fact that it is aimed not only at solving the current problems of the participants, but also at preventing their occurrence in the future, in particular, due to the opportunity provided to them. learn to solve problems.

A very important, one might even say, even key, point is that within the training, the psychologist can implement information, counseling, and intervention. It is only necessary that these methods do not become leading ones. If this happens, then training as a method loses its specificity and turns into something else.

Possible errors of a psychologist when using meta-methods in training

1. Passion for information. Psychologist's clients - both teenagers and adults - come to the training, among other things, for new knowledge. However, the desire to present the participants with as much information as possible can play a cruel joke with the presenter. It is useful for the coach to remember one remarkable parable more often.

One young priest decided to read a sermon to the inhabitants of a distant village. He had been preparing for it for a very long time, thinking through every thought, carefully polishing every word. But when he came to the village, it turned out that all the inhabitants were in the field, hurrying to harvest before the rains. Only one boy remained in the village - the groom's assistant.
- What should I do? the priest asked sadly.
“You know, I’m only a groom’s assistant, and you are an educated person. But if I came to the stable and saw that all my horses had run away, except for one, I would have fed her.
Inspired by his words, the priest seated the boy in the center of the first row in the meetinghouse and began his sermon. He spoke eloquently and passionately, with enthusiasm and joy. He spoke, spoke, spoke... For three whole hours. And when he finished, he decided to get confirmation of his oratory skills.
- Well, how did you like my speech? the priest asked.
"Like I told you, I'm just helping out at the stables," the boy said, rubbing his stiff legs. - You are an educated person. But if all my horses were to run away, except for one, I would, of course, feed this horse. But I wouldn't give her all the food I had.

The transformation of the training into a monologue of the leader, that is, into the most banal lecture, deprives the training of one of its main attributes - the activity of the participants themselves, mastering an activity that is important for them. This does not mean, of course, that the coach should be silent all the time, as if hiding a terrible military secret. But his speech should be short and succinct. In the case of an explicit request for information (“tell us what psychology thinks about ...”), the trainer can easily redirect the question to the group: “What do other participants think about this?”. The discussion in this case will almost certainly turn out to be more productive and useful for the group than the broadcast of scientific statements by the leader (however, he will have such an opportunity if he wants to summarize the discussion).

2. Passion for counseling and interpretation. Very often, especially at the beginning of the group, clients' questions about themselves and their difficulties are addressed exclusively to the trainer. For the participants, it seems to go without saying that since the coach started all this, he must clearly and intelligibly explain: for what, why, what does it mean and most importantly - did I do it right or wrong: I'm waiting for your advice and recommendations. The temptation is great. Moreover, the coach himself is sometimes absolutely sure that he knows The best way interpretations and is ready to "analyze" the participants to their most reserved depths. But this is a trap that can be easily fallen into!

What happens in the case of a "precise hit" when the client's problem (and therefore pain) points are highlighted by the ruthless beam of psychological analysis? Often a person feels that he was exposed to the public, and, since it happened, he is waiting for very specific recommendations, which the psychologist - where to go now! - compelled to give. And the training instantly turns into a public consultation: all the other members of the group unanimously take a queue for what they give.

3. interest in interventions. Intervention (what a word, it just smells of aggression and military action!) in psychology actually means influence, intervention, which sometimes turns out to be inevitable, necessary on the part of the psychologist. The great Leonardo da Vinci once composed a parable that seems to illustrate this point well.

Having once received a strong blow from the flint, the flint indignantly asked the offender:
"Why are you so mad at me?" I don't know you. You seem to be confusing me with someone else. Please leave my sides alone. I don't harm anyone.
“Don’t be angry for no reason, neighbor,” said the flint and flint in response with a smile. “If you have a little patience, you will soon see what a miracle I will extract from you.
At these words, the flint calmed down and began to patiently endure the blows of the tinderbox. And finally, a fire was hewn out of it, capable of performing genuine miracles. Thus the flint's patience was justly rewarded.

However, one-sided influence deprives the participants of the training of the natural right to their own activity and self-realization. Therefore, intervention should be carried out only when it is really indispensable to do without it. The leader must always remember that the constant craving for intervention indicates excessive conceit and autocracy. By the way, there are trainers who start trainings solely to revel in the feeling of being chosen and the situation of worship and admiration. Moreover, it seems that this happens most often with those practical psychologists who are passionate about neurolinguistic programming (NLP). Perhaps this is due to the fact that there are rumors about this direction as the most manipulative.

One incident comes to mind. One day, a very young trainer (who had mastered the basic knowledge of NLP) received a certain amount from some sponsor, for which he decided to purchase furniture for the training room. I happened to be a casual witness of how he was looking for options in the catalog. The participants were given comfortable easy chairs. Such a choice, of course, could not cause any objections. But! He decided to get himself a chair for the bar - one that you have to climb, like Kilimanjaro. He did not hide his delight from the fact that he would sit tens of centimeters higher than the rest.

Tasks of psychological training

So, training as a method is aimed at helping participants master any activity. But what conditions ensure the assimilation of a new activity? Obviously, a person must: 1) to want do it; 2) know, how to do it and 3) be able to do it. In relation to psychological training, this means solving the following tasks:

1. The task is to motivate and form positive attitudes towards new activities. But what is an attitude? Subjective attitude exists in different forms. Attitude can arise only to a significant object, in the emotional sphere it is experienced as a feeling, desire, when understanding the object, it manifests itself as meaning, in the aspect of the orientation of the personality - as a value, in the regulation of behavior - as an attitude (at an unconscious level) or as an attitude (at a conscious level). ), and in self-determination in relation to the social environment - as a disposition. To put it simply, the named task is connected with the need to form in the participants of the training a desire to master a new activity, to see the meaning in it for themselves, to realize its value. For example, in the training of professional pedagogical self-awareness, the work of a psychologist should help the participants - teachers really want to learn how to deeply reflect on their activities, see the undoubted benefit for themselves in understanding the characteristics of their personality, their relationship with students and teaching methods.

Pedagogical University "SEPTEMBER ONE"

Doctor of Psychology


Course Curriculum

newspaper number Educational material
33 Lecture number 1. Psychological training and its mythology
35 Lecture number 2. Training in the system of methods of practical psychology
37 Lecture number 3. The essence of training methods
Test No. 1 (due date - until November 15, 2004)
39 Lecture number 4. Training methods for working with past events
41 Lecture number 5. Training methods for working with "happening" events
Control work No. 2 (due date - until December 15, 2004)
43 Lecture number 6. Training Methods for Working with Constructed Events
45 Lecture number 7. Organizational aspects of the implementation of training methods
47 Lecture number 8. Examples of training methods and exercises
Final work. The final work should be a program of training sessions, created in accordance with the form proposed in the lectures, and contain at least one session, described in detail and provided with comments on the methods used. There must be a certificate from the educational institution confirming the fact of the specified training. Final work, accompanied by references from educational institution(acts of implementation) must be sent to the Pedagogical University no later than February 28, 2005.

Lecture four.

To As was shown in the third lecture, training methods can be classified based precisely on the typology of events unfolding in the training reality. In this case, the traditional classifications of training methods turn out to be of little use, however, in the subsequent consideration, we will correlate the classification we propose with the existing ones.
Let's start with an analysis of the methods of the trainer's work with the events that occurred before training, and then we will go up the timeline. Therefore, the lecture will focus on those training methods that involve working with past events. This group of methods includes the following:
regression method(activation of the event in the psychological space);
experience exchange method(activation of the occurred event in the space of discourse);
simulation method(activation of the occurred event in the space of physical reality).

This is a method (implemented, like all others, by a wide variety of techniques and techniques), with the help of which the coach helps the client to re-immerse himself in a situation that requires psychological study, and re-experience the event in the inner plane. This method has many varieties. In neurolinguistic programming, it is called the method of structured regression (or the method of changing personal history), Gestalt therapists call this technique "journey into the past", in transactional analysis and a number of other areas - the resolution method.
Sometimes the living of an event in the psychological space occurs in a state of induced or spontaneously arisen trance, which is subjectively perceived as an event unfolding in physical reality (note, however, that the use of trance techniques in training, especially in educational institution, when working with children, is generally discouraged). It is important that the re-experiencing of an event that once occurred leads to changes in the client (in his ideas, subjective relations, ability to resolve the situation - even mentally), otherwise we will have to talk about the meaningless cyclicity of the process of experiencing the event - a sort of "groundhog day" in training (The last remark concerns all three methods of working with past events).
For those who have forgotten what "Groundhog Day" is, let me remind you that this is the name of one of the most famous comedies by Harold Ramis. This film tells about the radio host Phil, who one day had to go to the provincial town of Pankswataunee to report on a funny holiday called Groundhog Day, which is celebrated in this town every year on February 2nd. However, something strange happens to Phil. "Groundhog Day" passed, but the next morning, Phil suddenly found that he was still in the second of February - "Groundhog Day", reliving this day from the very beginning.
It happens to him over and over again. Phil wakes up on the second of February, spends the day, and at six in the morning on the third of February, he jumps back to the second of February, regardless of what happened to him yesterday. At first, the complete egocentric Phil is pretty amused. Indeed, you can get drunk, rob a collector, buy any expensive things, and so on, and you won’t get anything for it. They can put you in jail, kill you, or do something else to you, but you will still find yourself in bed at six in the morning in a private pension Pankswatauni, and the second of February will stand in the yard - "Groundhog Day" ...
In psychotherapy, many varieties of the regression method are called immersion, which is understood as a real collision of the patient with situations or objects that cause negative experiences, most often fear. At the heart of various immersion techniques, according to experts (see, for example, "Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia" edited by B.D. Karvasarsky, 1999), there is a mechanism for extinguishing fear by actually testing situations, reassessing their significance and one's capabilities, and correcting inadequate expectations .
Methods such as systematic sensitization in behavioral psychotherapy or paradoxical intention in Viktor Frankl's logotherapy, and many other methods of various directions, also involve immersion.
In addition, working with past events in order to transform them in psychological space is very clearly reflected in the symbolic modeling technique developed by Albert Bandura. Within the framework of this technique, the task is to modify a persistent stereotype of behavior with a gradual replacement with another one - in the imagination.
In psychological training conducted by a school psychologist with adolescents, the regression method is necessary if it is necessary to change the attitude of participants to any event of the past and the leader has sufficient qualifications. In this way, work can be carried out, for example, with an event that once caused persistent fear. At the same time, this method is productive for creating a state of self-confidence before the exam.
Then the regression method is implemented as follows: adolescents are asked to close their eyes and imagine as vividly as possible the situation when they were successful in something. Deep immersion in the situation of success and remembering your state in it allows you to call up this very state in yourself at the right time (in particular, at the time of the exam) and use it as an additional resource.

This way of working as a trainer could also be called the method of updating the biography. Most often, it is implemented in the form of a group discussion, when participants share with each other their experiences of certain events that had (and still have) special significance for them. By revealing their subjectivity to another, the participants present their experience of building their own subjective world, and at the same time this experience expands the field of possible options for other members of the group.
One of the main advantages of this method of psychological work in a group is that the group experience counteracts the alienation that can arise in individual work with a psychologist. A client (for example, a teenager), interacting only with a consultant, often cannot get rid of the feeling that his problem is one of a kind. There, behind the walls of the office, there are happy and carefree people who do not know how hard it is for him. It seems to him that the event that he experienced, no one has ever experienced.
Once in a training group, a person discovers that his problems are not unique, that others experience similar feelings, and similar events happened to them. Almost always, he meets people in a group with such problems, in comparison with which his own are just flowers. And they - these other members of the group - live, act and do not lose optimism. For many, this discovery in itself is a powerful psychotherapeutic factor.
In some groups, the method of exchanging experiences (updating the biography) becomes almost the main one (for example, in the groups of “anonymous alcoholics” or “anonymous drug addicts”: “At first I drank beer several bottles a day, then switched to vodka ... But one day when my girlfriend left me, I realized that if I don't stop..."). However, if the life difficulties experienced by a person are much more serious than those of other participants, and the event that he experienced is very traumatic, then working in a training group using only this method may be less useful than individual consultations.
This method, in its spirit, is related to the directions focused on psychotherapeutic work with the past, especially group analysis, therefore, in trainings with such a conceptual basis, it can also turn out to be the main one.
By the way, I recall a funny episode of a group analysis seminar held in Moscow by British experts in the early 1990s. Group members - Russian psychologists and psychotherapists - sit in a circle, looking forward to the start of work. The host is a middle-aged woman, a very experienced group analyst, after saying hello, silently looks at us. We are silent, she is silent. 5 minutes pass. We are waiting to be told what to do. She is silent. 15 minutes pass. We look at each other in surprise, but patiently wait. Half an hour passes. The tension rises, but none of us dares to break the silence. HOUR passes. Tension seems to ring the air in the auditorium. An hour and a half goes by! The presenter opens her mouth and says: “Break” (?!).
During the break, we decide: “Why be silent? A lot of money was paid for the seminar. Let's talk ourselves." And the process started. The host intervened in our dialogues infrequently, directing the discussion with short but capacious remarks.
At that time, we had no idea about such methods of starting a group, which, by the way, are used not only in group analysis, but also in other schools.
One of the most common forms of experience exchange method are biographical group discussions. Such discussions are traditionally distinguished among the basic methods of group psychotherapy, along with discussions of thematic and interactional orientation.
Biographical discussions involve a discussion of stories, individual episodes and situations from the life of a group member, his problems, conflicts, relationships, attitudes, behaviors at different points in his biography. It is believed that more useful is not an isolated discussion of the biography of each participant (in turn), but a spontaneous reference to biographical material in the process of interaction and communication of participants. Of course, this discussion is not necessary at all in order to “open up barely healed wounds”, but in order to help a person, through immersion in the discourse of the event, reconsider his ideas about what happened, change his attitude to the event and build - at least in verbal plan - a strategy for changing your life in the future.
People relate to their past and their experiences in different ways. Hence - and a different understanding of the meaning of time. You can remember the wonderful parable of the three wise men.
Three wise men argued about what is more important for a person - the past, present or future. One of them said:
- My past makes me who I am. I know what I have learned in the past. I like people with whom I used to feel good, or similar to them.
"I can't agree with that," said another. - Man makes his future. No matter what I know and what I can do now, I will learn what I need in the future. My actions now depend not on what I was, but on what I am going to become. I like people who are not like those I knew before.
- You have completely lost sight, - the third intervened, - that the past and the future exist only in our thoughts. The past is no more. There is no future yet. And regardless of whether you remember the past or dream about the future, you act only in the present.
And the wise men argued for a long time, enjoying a leisurely conversation.

Simulation modeling of behavior is the primary element of all role-playing games used in line with various theoretical orientations: in the psychoanalytic schools of A. Adler and K. G. Jung, and in the psychodynamic approach, and in the concept of personality-oriented psychotherapy by K. Rogers, and in Gestalt therapy, and in directions of a behavioral nature. Meanwhile, it should be noted that in the history of psychological thought, the primacy in an attempt to explain the mechanisms of influence of role-playing games and the development of strategies and tactics for their meaningful use belongs to the psychodramatic direction, created more than 70 years ago by the Austrian psychiatrist J. Moreno.
Jacob Moreno was a rather enigmatic figure. He loved the halo of mystery and seemed to consciously create it around himself. To begin with, he is neither Jacob nor Moreno. His real name is Jacob Moreno Levi (Moreno is the name of his father, which he made his surname in exile).
He was born either in Bucharest, or on a ship crossing the Mediterranean, or in 1889, or in 1890, or in 1892. And there is no reliable information about many other episodes of his biography. Needless to say: the maestro of psychodrama loved hoaxes!
In his life he: studied philosophy and collaborated with Kafka, Scheler, Buber (through the literary and philosophical journal "Daimon"); wrote poetry (published two collections - and anonymously); developed his own religion (he called the Bible "the psychodrama of God", and designated his own position as "positive religion"); created "improvisation theatres"; finally, he became the founder of such areas as psychodrama, sociodrama, social psychiatry, etc.
According to the psychodramatic concept (and one must agree with this), the imitation method is implemented under the following conditions:
First, it is assumed that clients present their conflicts in some kind of stage action, and do not talk about them. Concretization is also achieved due to the fact that with the help of auxiliary persons (other members of the group) and necessary objects, often symbolic, the environmental factor is modeled;
secondly, the enacted behavior must be authentic, i.e. the description reconstructed by the patient must reliably reflect the psychological state at the time of the event;
thirdly, the imitation method in psychodrama uses selective amplification (focusing), i.e. fixation on certain, specific, most important aspects of the event;
fourthly, in contrast to the real situation, where various factors inhibit the manifestation of open emotional reactions and new forms of behavior, the simulated event is protected and safe for a person, which gives a new chance for psychological and sociocultural reintegration;
fifthly, the process of simulation modeling (in the form of psychodramatic games) includes a sequence of interrelated episodes played out and the possibility of transitions to other past events that are somehow connected with the event that was actualized at the beginning.
Despite the fact that the simulation method is currently used in trainings based on different conceptual foundations, its mechanisms are most deeply developed by J. Moreno.
Unlike traditional (primarily psychoanalytic) approaches, according to which psychological problems have their roots in intrapsychic processes and therefore the reproduction of the real context in psychotherapy is considered optional, the concept of J. Moreno is based on a different postulate: psychodynamic and sociocultural adjustment to an undesirable natural environment suggests " application of behavioral modeling of existential realities with the help of role-playing games in the therapist's office” (D. Kipper, 1993, p. 29).
It can be said that the emphasis on the intrapsychic in the psychodynamic approach was determined by working with past events in the space of discourse, but did not move into the space of physical reality, and J. Moreno preferred to work with past events in the physical space.
About how pointless it can be to carry the burden of past negative events, tells the "Parable of the Heavy Burden", popular among psychodramatists (here is this parable in the retelling of Peter Kellerman, slightly modified by me).

One wanderer had a habit of taking some souvenir at the place where it happened to him. misfortune. His journey was long, and the bag in which he carried all these souvenirs became heavier and the pain in his shoulders became more and more unbearable. One day, at a crossroads, he met wandering actors. They asked the wanderer why he had such a heavy bag. He took out one souvenir from the bag and told the story associated with it. The actors were inspired, and they immediately presented this story in a dramatic manner. Soon the wanderer himself joined the performance, playing himself in the drama of his life.
When all the performances associated with each of the souvenirs were played out, itinerant actors offered to make a monument out of them for the difficulties encountered by the wanderer on the way. Soon the monument was ready, and the traveler realized that he could leave it here as a symbol of his freedom.
Thanking the actors, the wanderer continued on his way, feeling some special light inside him, for he had thrown off a huge burden from his shoulders.

However, one should not think that the simulation method should include all the role-playing games available in the arsenal of practical psychologists. In a broad sense, a role-playing game can be defined as a method of psychological modeling of various systems of human relations in the process of unfolding certain events, aimed at changing participants through the organization of various situations of interaction. Role-playing games include: 1) actually situational role-playing games; 2) living games; 3) drama games; 4) creative games;
5) spontaneous improvisational games.
Imitation methods actively used in trainings, in addition to a significant part of psychodramatic techniques, primarily include only situational role-playing games from this list.
A situational role-playing game implies reliance on a real event that happened to one of the group members in the past, the presence of a fairly clear instruction, pre-planned roles, and a certain (at least approximately) plot. Roles are usually distributed consciously, either by common agreement or in accordance with the opinion of the participant whose event has become the subject of a common experience. During the unfolding of the event, the coach can intervene, for example by asking certain questions to the performers. In the course of such a game, the transformation of the initial situation is possible: that is, the event is experienced once again in the physical space of the training reality, but in a different way.
In training, a situational role-playing game serves as an effective method of modeling situations that can effectively promote socialization and adaptation to life circumstances, neutralize stress-generating loads and, therefore, can act as a means of recovery. The most important function of a situational role-playing game is, therefore, the ability to play out a situation that is painful for a person in psychologically quite safe circumstances and not only survive(and therefore - to live) it, acquiring a unique experience of overcoming all its negative impacts, but also by enumeration and analysis to find the optimal (in any case, acceptable) behavioral pattern that allows you to cope with a negative situation both in the conditions of game simulation and in real life conditions.
Role-playing games were originally based on the theory of roles, which - each in its own way - was developed by J. Mead, J.L. Moreno and R. Linton. Now role-playing games are used very widely - both in the areas of psychotherapy that recognize catharsis (sociometry and psychodrama, Gestalt therapy, meeting groups, Yanov's primary therapy, etc.), and in behavioral psychotherapy. In a certain sense, work with destructive games in communication, carried out in the transactional analysis of E. Bern, can also be attributed to game methods.
In training groups focused on personal growth, self-development and self-knowledge, role-playing games are also used very actively, although they do not exhaust all the game content of the classes.
The most important features of a role-playing game that characterize it as a universal concept include: a game context that includes time and space (a game zone - psychological, discursive or physical), within the boundaries of which the game action is carried out; the presence of roles and their interaction with each other; one or another degree of variability in the development of the plot; availability of goals and criteria for the success of the implementation of the action.


1. Vachkov I.V., Deryabo S.D. A window into the world of training. Methodological foundations of the subjective approach to group work. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2004.
2. Grinder D., Bandler R. From frogs to princes. - Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1993.
3. Kellerman P.F. Psychodrama close-up. - M.: Independent firm "Class", 1998.
4.Kipper D. Clinical role playing and psychodrama. - M.: Independent firm "Class", 1993.
5.Moreno I. Psychodrama. - M.: April Press, EKSMO-Press, 2001.
6. Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia / Ed. B.D. Karvasarsky.- St. Petersburg: Peter Kom, 1999.

1. Expand the content of the concept of "regression method" in the training. Give examples of a specific implementation of this method.
2. Expand the content of the concept of "experience exchange method" in the training. Give examples of a specific implementation of this method.
3. Expand the content of the concept of "imitation method" in the training. Give examples of a specific implementation of this method.

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