Swap body containers. What are SWAP BODY containers? Main characteristics of universal containers of international class


Most of the cargo in Russia is transported in standard ISO containers. They, like huge bricks, are stacked on ships, then loaded onto platforms and sent across railway or transported by trucks. However, there is a less known, but very effective alternative to the standard ISO container, this is the SWAP BODY container (literally - a removable body). We will talk about them in this article.

Benefits of using SWAP BODY

The key difference between a swap body and a regular container is more effective use volume and improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the product. Unlike the typical ISO construction, which has rigid parallelogram-shaped edges, the swap body frame is more streamlined, resulting in a significant reduction in "blank" space in the package. The following benefits are provided:

  • Volume flexibility. For example, if tank containers in the swap body format are used, it is possible to choose a product with a volume of 29.5 to 35 thousand liters with a frame length of 7.15 to 7.82 m with a standard width of 2.55 m. containers for rent.
  • Reduced fuel consumption of tractors. First of all, swap body allows you to optimize the costs of logistics companies that rely on automobile transport, since the ratio of the useful and gross weight of the cargo for swaps is much better than for ISO.
  • Acceleration of transportation by road. Since the SWAP BODY is specially designed as a "swap body" of a car, it is ideal for a tractor, equipped with special supports for changing vehicle and has a number of technical solutions to speed up and simplify the process of transportation by road.
  • Versatile design that can include cabotage and stacking dividers. Depending on the planned route, various solutions can be selected so that the cargo can be delivered to its destination.
  • A wide range of tank designs that allows you to transport almost any liquid and gaseous substances by this method. Explosive, flammable and other substances are no exception.

Is the logistics dominated by road transport? Choose SWAP BODY

Despite the not very high popularity of this format in Russia, more and more logistics and industrial companies choose this particular option for transportation, as it allows to reduce the cost and increase the speed of transportation. Therefore, it can be expected that over time the market share of this method will increase significantly.

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  • DC(Dry Cube) GP(General Purpose) and DV(Dry Van) - different designations of standard universal containers, type 1CC or 1AA, they are also called dry cargo containers.
  • HC(High Cube) - the same as DC, but a high container or container of increased volume, type 1ССС or 1ААА.
  • PW(Pallet Wide) - a universal container, but slightly wider than the standard one, i.e. pallet width. The overall width of such a container is 2500 mm, two euro pallets are placed inside in width.
  • OT(Open Top) - a specialized container that has removable: a canvas awning roof and an upper end beam above the doors.
  • HT(Hard Top) - the same as the OT container, but with a removable metal roof.
  • U.P.(Upgraded) - a container of increased strength and increased carrying capacity.
  • FR(Flat Rack) and PL (Platform) - platform container.
  • SB(Swap Bodies) - a car container.
  • tank containers- tank container.

Terms and Definitions

cargo container- a unit of transport equipment of multiple use, designed for the transportation and temporary storage of goods without intermediate reloading, convenient for mechanized loading and unloading, loading and unloading; internal volume - 1m3 and more.

Large container- a freight container with a maximum gross weight of 10,000 or more.

Medium container- a freight container, the maximum gross weight of which is not less than 3,000 but not more than 10,000.

Small container- a freight container with a maximum gross weight of less than 3,000.

Universal container- a cargo container for piece cargo of a wide range, enlarged cargo units and packaged piece cargo.

Specialized container- a cargo container for goods of a limited range or goods of certain types.

tank container- a specialized container consisting of a frame (frame elements), a tank or tanks, complete with fittings and other devices, with unloading of cargo, both under gravity and under pressure, and intended for the carriage of liquefied gases, liquid or bulk cargo.

Container for the transport of bulk cargoes without pressure of the "box" type- a container of rectangular design, with a doorway on at least one end wall and unloading under the action of gravity. It is allowed to use such a container as a universal one.

platform container- a container having only a base with a floor, provided, in addition to the bottom corner fittings, with top corner fittings.

Isothermal container- a specialized container, the walls, floor, roof and doors of which are covered or made of heat-insulating material that limits heat exchange between the internal volume of the container and the environment.

refrigerated container- isothermal container having refrigeration equipment(e.g. mechanical compressor, absorption plant, etc.)

Container classification

In accordance with the ISO 830 standard, a freight container is understood as an item of transport equipment:

  • having a permanent character, therefore strong enough to be suitable for repeated use;
  • a special design that allows for the transportation of goods by one or several modes of transport without intermediate transportation of goods;
  • equipped with devices that allow it to be reloaded, in particular, transferred from one mode of transport to another;
  • made in such a way as to facilitate the process of its loading and unloading as much as possible.

Containers are classified according to four main features: purpose, design, gross and net weight, and area of ​​circulation.

By appointment- containers are divided into universal, intended for the transportation of packaged cargo, and specialized, intended for the transportation of bulk materials, liquid, refrigerated, gaseous and other cargoes.

By design- containers are divided into covered and open, waterproof and non-sealed, metal and polymeric materials with a metal frame, etc.

By gross and net weight- containers are subdivided according to ISO (International Organization for Standardization) recommended fixed values. The most common are containers weighing 30 and 20 tons, with a constant width of 8 feet (2.438 m). The height of containers is different: 8 feet (2.438m), 8.5 feet (2.59m), 9 feet (2.74m) and 9.5 feet (2.896m). Currently, containers are mainly used with a height of 8.5 feet (2.59m) and less often 9.5 feet (2.896m). For the transportation of heavy goods that are not subject to damage in any weather conditions, containers without a roof with a height equal to 0.5 standard are used, as well as platform containers - flats (flats) - for laying oversized cargo on them. Container lengths: 40, 30, 20 and 10 feet.

By area of ​​circulation- containers are divided into international, trunk, approved for transportation on one or several modes of transport within one state, intra-factory.

Classification of containers by purpose

By purpose, containers are divided into universal and specialized.

Universal containers are general definition applicable to all types of containers intended for the carriage of a wide range of general cargo. Universal containers transported on the rolling stock of all main modes of transport, depending on the gross mass, are divided into three categories:

  • large-capacity vehicles with a gross weight of 10,000 or more;
  • medium-tonnage vehicles with a gross weight of 3,000 to 10,000;
  • light-tonnage with a gross weight of less than 3,000.

Main characteristics of universal containers of international class

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AT recent times I, as a specialist in the field of transportation, encountered some misunderstandings related to my immediate field of activity. This misunderstanding is connected specifically with the means of transportation, block containers, and in particular with the swap body containers. All that some clients who seek advice know for sure is that they need a container, and it is on legs, the so-called swap body. To avoid such a misunderstanding of the subject, in this article I will try to convey the very essence and purpose of such containers.

Yes, such containers have a number of fundamental features and differences from other containers. So, what are these differences and features? The most important difference is the legs on which the containers are installed. These are support devices that provide a fundamentally different way to install the block container. Unlike ordinary containers, swap body does not require the use of special equipment, transportation is carried out by means of cars and other similar equipment. That is, in the case of their use, there is no need to use the railway or barge, as, in fact, any other mode of transport - transportation is carried out by land. When it is convenient - in all those cases when it is expedient. That is, if there is a need to transport a container over short distances, within the same continent, it is quite convenient to use this particular type of block module. Undoubtedly, this fact does not mean that transportation over long distances is not for the swp body - transportation in the traditional sense of the word is also relevant.

This type of container is widely used in European countries, where it actually comes from. If we talk about the role of Europe in the history of the existence of containers as a way of transporting various goods, it is impossible not to mention that it is Europe that is the birthplace of containers as such. Modular, or as it is also called, mobile construction received an impetus to development in the countries of Europe, after the end of the Second World War. In those days, when countries were just beginning to recover from the devastating actions of Nazi Germany, this type of construction was especially in demand. The short construction time with the minimum amount of money spent was an undeniable plus in a situation where new buildings were required in large numbers in the shortest possible time. When no one in our country took seriously such a phenomenon in the field of construction, the Europeans built multifunctional buildings, gradually leading their countries out of the post-war crisis. And just like at the beginning of its existence, containers continue to receive their functional development from Europe, where innovations and improvements are regularly implemented. Just as it happened in the case of the swap body containers.

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