Business game for training get out of the circle. Psychological game for children "fly". psychological exercises for training


4.7. Game warm-ups and energizing exercises

Energizers allow the trainer to solve a number of problems, helping to:

It is faster and easier to go through the initial stages of group formation, when acquaintance, establishing contacts between participants and orientation takes place;

rally the group;

Engage participants in action, increase overall activity;

Relieve tension and fatigue;

Switch from one topic or situation to another;

Create a "bridge" for the transition to study new topic at the training;

Create an atmosphere of openness and cooperation;

Form small groups for further work at the training.

There are so many different games and play exercises for the group that can be used as energizers. When choosing from them those that you include in your “baggage” of a business coach, be guided by the following main criteria:

The energizer must like be comfortable for the coach himself. You should not play games in the effectiveness of which you yourself are not sure;

dynamic correspond to its main function - "warming up" the participants. Dynamism can be set through the motor or mental activity of the participants. Competitive games should be used carefully so as not to harm group dynamics;

The energizer must be interesting to the participants and give them satisfaction. Therefore, you should have different types of games in your arsenal so that you can choose the right one for each group;

The energizer must be positive, not to imply the possibility of participants committing unsuccessful actions or falling into offensive, infringing upon the interests of the situation;

The energizer must involve all participants. Games in which elimination of participants is possible should be completely excluded;

The energizer must be short, usually lasting 3-5 minutes and definitely not more than 10 minutes;

An energizing game should be available to all participants. There are groups where some members have physical or emotional limitations (for example, do not like games that require you to be close or touch each other). The trainer's arsenal should allow choosing an energizer that does not infringe on any of the participants;

Energizers must be easy to explain, understand and participate;

Whenever possible, energizers should be related to the content of the training to use them to move to the next topic.

When conducting an energizer, the coach himself must be energetic and try to make the game go dynamically.

The trainer may come across a situation where a group or some participants do not want to participate in energizers for one reason or another. In this case, it is important not to impose the need for the game. Depending on the reasons, the trainer can either use a different type of energizers, or solve the problems of forming group dynamics and energizing participants with other tools. For example, to change the methods of conducting the training so that after the break they use not a mini-lecture or even a discussion, but a more active method, such as a role-playing game.

Examples of energizing exercises.

Samurai, Princess and Dragon. Participants stand in two lines facing each other. The coach explains that these are two teams, the game goes up to three wins for one of the teams or a maximum of five rounds (if there are many “draws”). The coach says that, like any Japanese game, this game is theatrical and it has three figures ("samurai", "princess", "dragon") that must be remembered. He shows the participants how the figures are drawn and asks them to repeat (various postures and gestures can be used to represent the figures). He explains that the game takes place in several rounds, before each of which the team members will confer among themselves and choose one of the figures ("samurai", "princess" or "dragon") to display. Then the participants will stand in two lines and at the same time, at the command of the coach, will show the figure that they planned. If in one of the groups the participants show different figures, it means that the team lost in this round, because they could not agree. Otherwise, the team that showed the stronger piece wins. All figures are in certain relations to each other: "samurai" defeats "dragon", "dragon" - "princess", and "princess" - "samurai".

"Arise, those who..." Participants sit in a circle on chairs. Leading without a chair (that is, one chair is missing). The first leader is the coach. He says: "Stand up, those who ..." and names one or another sign. For example: “Stand up those who are in jeans”; “Stand up those who are in a good mood”; “Stand up those who think they have mastered the technique of paraphrase.” Participants who believe that the named sign applies to them get up from their chairs and change places. The host seeks to sit on one of the vacant chairs. In any case, since there are one fewer chairs than participants, someone remains "extra". He will be the next leader.

"Fruit salad". An exercise similar to the previous one. The difference is that the participants are initially calculated (divided) into "apples", "bananas", "oranges". The facilitator can name one of the fruits, for example, “apples” (then “apples” change places), or say “fruit salad” - then all participants change places. As in the previous game, one chair is missing and the one who did not have time to sit down becomes the next leader.

"Dragon tail". Participants stand one after another, holding the person in front by the waist. The first participant is the “head of the dragon”, the last is the “tail”. The "head" is trying to catch the "tail", the first half of the participants helps the "head", the second - the "tail". The chain does not break; during the game, all participants continue to hold the one in front by the waist.

"Home people". All participants are divided into threes. Each three forms a certain figure: two stand opposite each other and hold hands, the third stands between their clasped hands. Holding hands - "houses", standing in "houses" - "people". The leader (he changes or the whole energizer is led by a coach) can say one of three words: “people” - then “people” change places; “houses” - then the “houses”, without opening their hands, should “catch” another person, while “people” remain in their places; "Earthquake" - then all the triplets of participants crumble and gather into new triplets.

"Brownian motion". Participants pretend to be atoms, randomly move in a certain space, and then, at the command of the coach, they form molecules-groups of as many human atoms as the coach named. The Energizer allows participants to be divided into small groups for further training.

"Touch to ...". The facilitator calls the sign (for example, “touch the white ... gold ... pleasant ...”). All participants must quickly find and touch something that has this sign. Rules - you need to touch only in public, and not on yourself. The last one to touch becomes the leader.

"Shoulder to shoulder". The facilitator (the trainer starts, then the facilitator can change) names the part of the body (for example, “palm to palm”, “shoulder to shoulder”, “ear to ear”). Participants must find a pair and in a pair touch the corresponding parts of the body.

"Catching a finger." Participants stand in a circle, put the finger of their right hand on the palm of the left hand of the neighbor on the right. Thus, the finger of the right hand of each participant is on the palm of the neighbor on the right, and the finger of the neighbor on the left is on his palm. At the leader’s command “one-two-three”, you must simultaneously catch someone else’s finger and prevent your own from being caught.

"Warm-up". Participants stand in a circle. The coach asks everyone to guess someone from the group. Then he instructs all participants to simultaneously run three times around the one they thought of.

"Electrical circuit". Participants form two teams and stand in a line opposite each other ("wall to wall"). All members of each team hold hands, forming an "electric circuit". At an equal distance from the extreme participants, a marker or other object is placed that is easy to grab by hand. All participants, except for the first in the chain and the extreme ones, close their eyes. The last ones in the chain look into each other's eyes. At this time, the leading coach tosses a coin, catches it and shows it to the first participants at the same time. Their task: if the “eagle” falls out, launch a signal along the chain of their team by shaking hands with a neighbor; if "tails" - do nothing. The task of the rest of the participants is to receive a signal and pass it on as quickly as possible along the chain, shaking hands with their neighbor. If the signal reaches the end players on each team, they must grab the marker. The team that grabs the marker first wins. In the event of a false signal being triggered (when the “tails” fell out), the team that allowed this loses. The game includes several rounds.

"Icicle". The trainer spreads a sheet of flipchart on the floor and asks the group members to stand on it so that everyone fits in. Then, round by round, he gradually folds the sheet, reducing the area on which the entire training group should fit.

"How many legs?" The trainer sequentially gives the group tasks to come up with and demonstrate such a combination so that fewer and fewer legs of the participants remain on the floor. Usually the first task of the coach starts with the number of legs n/2, where n– number of participants in the training group. Further, several legs are reduced until the group plays enthusiastically. There are options when only two legs remain on the floor for a group of 15-20 people.

"Unravel the tangle." The group members stand in a circle, everyone stretches both hands forward, close their eyes, go to the center of the circle. Approaching each other, each finds someone's hand. After all the participants are "entangled", grabbing someone's hands, they open their eyes and must unravel without opening their hands.

"Eeyore's tail". Participants in pairs (triples) hold on, hugging each other by the waist, one of them has a “tail” made of paper or rope attached. The task of each of the mini-teams is to break the "tail" of the other team. If it is torn off, the team attaches a new one to itself and continues the game. The team that collects the most "tails" wins.

Logic and intellectual tasks can act as energizers as well as coordination exercises.

Participants stand in a circle or sit in a circle. Everyone takes turns naming numbers, starting with one. The participant, whose turn it is to name a number containing a digit or a number divisible by three, must silently clap their hands. If someone makes a mistake, the count starts all over again.

The task is to connect all the dots with four straight lines without taking your hands off:

Task "Prisoners". Four prisoners were buried up to their necks in the ground (see the picture below). Each of them has a cap on his head, and two of them are black, the other two are white. And the prisoners know this. Each of them cannot look around: the first and second see only the wall, the third - the second, the fourth - the third and second. The prisoners were given a condition: each of them could name the color of his cap. If he guesses correctly, everyone will be released, if not, everyone will be cut off their heads. What prisoner was able to confidently name the color of his cap and save the others?

Greek coordination exercise. The participants stand in a circle, and the coach asks them to say aloud a well-known tongue twister in chorus: “I was driving a Greek across the river, he sees a Greek - there is cancer in the river. He put the hand of the Greek into the river, the crayfish by the hand of the Greek tsap. Next, the coach asks to repeat the tongue twister again, but the word "Greek" is replaced by a certain movement or gesture. The next time, the participants repeat the tongue twister, and already two words are replaced by different movements - “Greek” and “hand”. For the third time, three words are replaced with movements - “Greek”, “river”, “hand”. The trainer participates in the exercise, demonstrating the movements and helping the group.

Examples of energizing exercises that may be related to the content of the training.

Armwrestling is an energizer for conflict resolution training. The participants are divided into pairs, the participants in the pair stand side by side to each other and take the hand of the other with one hand. Instruction sounds in the following way: “The task of each participant is to win by scoring as many points as possible. Glasses represent something very important to everyone, so the more, the better.” The game itself lasts 10 seconds. During this time, if one of the players manages to pull the other's hand towards him, he gets one point. After the game, the coach can discuss the strategy of behavior in the conflict: why some chose to fight, others gave in, and others agreed and, implementing the strategy of cooperation, began to quickly move their hands to each other, scoring points.

Parovozy is an energizer for management training. Participants in threes stand up as a “train”, holding the person in front of the waist. Everyone closes their eyes, except for the last ones in line. Further, the "engines", following the commands of the coach, begin to move around the room. Commands in each of the “trains” are given by the last, “sighted” participant by signaling to the middle one with hands on the waist, who also sends him signals with his hands on the waist of the first participant where to move. After a while, the participants change places. It is desirable that everyone should be in three roles - "sighted", first and middle. Participants can tell in which role it was easier for them and why, discuss how employees feel who are “on the front line”, who do not fully understand the tasks and are confident in the correctness of the orders of higher management, emphasize the importance of trust in management.

"Jumping" is an energizer for team interaction and taking into account the interests of other team members. Participants stand in two lines, the coach turns some people in each of the groups in different directions. At the clap of the coach, each of the participants necessarily makes a 90-degree turn to the left or right, or a 180-degree turn, you can’t stay still. The task for both lines is to stand facing each other. The first team to line up facing the other wins. The intrigue of the game is that the coach turns only a part of the participants, the rest at the time of the start of the game remain in the line “as it should be”, facing the other team. If the participants think only about themselves, perceiving the task individually, then they try to immediately turn their faces inside the line, as required, while others are forced to turn away. The game continues until the participants realize the need to think not only about how each of them can complete the task, but also about how everyone can solve it together.

Cotton on the knees


Participants, sitting in a circle, put their hands on the knees of their neighbors so that the right hand of each is on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. After that, they are invited to count in a circle clockwise in such a way that the numbers are pronounced in the order corresponding to the location of the hands on their knees: the one who starts says “one”, the neighbor on the right says “two” (since his hand lies in the order of the next ), the neighbor on the left is “three”, and “four” is again the one who started the count, etc. Whoever made a mistake is out of the game. The counting continues until about half of the players are out of the game. As a complication, you can ask participants to count backwards or add or subtract one from each subsequent number.

The meaning of the exercise

The exercise serves as a good intellectual warm-up, develops mindfulness, creates conditions for observing communication partners.


A long discussion is not required, a short exchange of impressions is enough.

rock climber


Participants stand in a tight line, creating a "rock" on which protrusions ("snags") stick out, formed from the exposed arms and legs of the participants, bodies tilted forward. The driver's task is to walk along this "rock" without falling into the "chasm", that is, without putting his foot outside the line formed by the feet of the other participants. The driver himself chooses a way to solve this problem. You can't talk. It is most convenient to organize the exercise in the form of a chain - participants from one end of the "rock" alternately make their way to the other, where they again "embed" into it.

The meaning of the exercise

Formation of trust, breaking of spatial and psychological barriers between participants. In addition, the exercise works on the development of non-verbal communication skills (communication without the help of words through gestures, facial expressions, etc.) and coordination of joint actions. Physical and emotional warm-up.


Exchange of emotions that have arisen during the game. What feelings did the leaders and the components of the “rock” have when performing this exercise? What helped and what hindered the task?

living mirror


Participants are grouped into threes. The music turns on, and one person from each trio begins to make any movements that he wants to it. Two other participants act as a "living mirror" - they repeat all his movements (1.5-2 minutes).

Then the roles change, so that each of the participants has been in an active position.

The meaning of the exercise

Warm-up, rallying, creating conditions for a more complete mutual understanding and receiving feedback - the opportunity to look at your movements "from the outside", through the eyes of other people.


What emotions and feelings arose during the exercise? What new did you manage to learn about yourself and about those with whom you were in the top three?

magic key


For the exercise you will need a lock key and a long thin rope (the length is determined at the rate of 1.5 m per participant).


Participants sitting in a circle are given a lock key to which a long rope is tied, and it is proposed to pass this rope under the clothes of each of the participants so that it enters under the clothes from above, at the level of the collar, and exits from below, at the level of the belt. Thus, the whole group is connected. Then you can invite the participants to collectively perform several simple physical exercises (stand up, lean forward, sit down, etc.).

When the exercise is completed, it is advisable to leave the key in the field of view of the participants as a kind of symbol of the group: “With the help of this key, we were connected by one thread. Let it hang in a conspicuous place and remind us that now we are one team.

The meaning of the exercise

Team building, which is largely symbolic (“we are now connected by one thread”). Removal of spatial and psychological barriers between participants.


Exchange of emotions that arose during the exercise, as well as considerations in which life situations the participants dig in “connected by one thread”.

Effective Communication Exercises

relay race with balls


Four inflated balloons(better if there are also a few spares).


Participants are divided into 3-4 equal teams, including an even number of participants (for the possibility of working in pairs). A relay race is held between them according to the following rules: the first pair from each team receives a balloon, with which they must travel the distance (6-10 m), hit the intended target (approximately 50 x 50 cm) and return back. At the same time, you cannot take the ball in your hands, it must be in the air all the time, and partners are allowed to touch it strictly alternately. Then the ball is passed to the next pair from his team, and so on, until he visits each pair. The team that completes the relay faster wins. As a variant of the exercise, the ball is clamped by two participants between themselves in any way, it is forbidden to touch it with your hands. The pair that dropped the ball starts from the beginning of the race.

The meaning of the exercise

Establishing mutual understanding in pairs. Developing the ability to act in a coordinated manner with partners, quickly, decisively and deftly.


What emotions arose during the game? What qualities, besides dexterity, are required to achieve victory in such a relay race? Where else are these qualities needed?



Each participant receives a sheet of paper and writes on it the answer to the presenter's question, after which he folds the sheet so that his answer is not visible, and passes it on to his right neighbor. He answers the next question of the presenter in writing, folds the sheet again, passes it on, etc. When the questions are over, each participant unfolds the sheet that is in his hands and reads the answers written on it aloud, like a coherent text.

Sample list of questions:



With whom?

What did you do?

How did it happen?

What do you remember?

And what happened in the end?

The meaning of the exercise

Outwardly, the exercise resembles a joke, but the resulting texts sometimes turn out to be quite unexpected and make you think about the problems that are significant for the participants.


There is usually no need to discuss this procedure in detail. It is enough to ask the participants to express which of the resulting texts seemed to them the most interesting and why.

Group Spmpathy


Each of the participants gets a minute of time to speak to the group. The performance is carried out in an arbitrary form - it can be oral speech, a small acting role, a demonstration of any sports skills, etc. There is only one task - to arouse the sympathy of the group with the help of this performance. Then each participant evaluates the performances with points from 1 to 5, describing how much the participant aroused his sympathy.

This is done in writing, on small pieces of paper. When all performances are completed, the facilitator collects these sheets and calculates the sum of the points scored by each speaker, and names 3-5 participants with the highest score. It is not recommended to fully voice the list, as this may be uncomfortable; for participants who scored insufficiently high scores.

The meaning of the exercise

Training of self-presentation skills, development of speech competence, training of quick wit. Material for discussion, what are our likes and dislikes in a relationship.


What is the meaning of the word "sympathy"? What do the most highly rated performances have in common?

Guess the rhyme


The participants are divided into two teams. The host pronounces a word from among the common ones in Russian, to which it is easy to pick up a lot of rhymes (for example, you can use: house, nose, day, soup, ice, goal, may). One team comes up with three rhymes for him.

Their task is to demonstrate these rhymes to the other team in such a way that they can guess them. At the same time, it is impossible to speak or point at surrounding objects, you need to demonstrate words only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Then the leader pronounces the next word, the teams change roles, and the game is repeated (total duration 4-6 rounds). There is no formal definition of winners in this game, but the players can be explained that the team that spends less time choosing rhymes and inventing how to demonstrate them, as well as those whose rhymes are more quickly guessed by rivals, is more effective.

The meaning of the exercise

Non-verbal expression develops (the ability to express one's thoughts and states through facial expressions and gestures, without the help of words), observation and the ability to understand interlocutors based on their facial expressions and gestures. Training fluency and flexibility in speaking (the ability to quickly select rhymes is closely related to these qualities).


Who liked the role of inventing and demonstrating rhymes more, and who guessed why? What variants of the proposed rhymes and ways of demonstrating them were remembered, seemed the most interesting, what exactly? Why is it important to be able to convey certain information without the help of words, and also to understand such information transmitted by other people?

Many do not know or do not understand the very meaning of the word training. So what is training? Translated from English, it means education, teaching, and in the classroom, training takes place as a training of knowledge and skills. Training is a kind of active learning, during which certain knowledge and skills are developed not only in theory, but also supported by practical exercises and games.

There are a lot of exercises, and each simulates a real life situation. They can be divided into types: communicative - for teamwork; correctional - aimed at correcting behavior, envy, greed, fears; psychotechnical - the direction of psychology; pedagogical - for teachers; developing - for the development of memory, imagination, attention, and other personal qualities; games and entertainment - for primary school age and teenagers.

Trainings are individual, group and corporate, their end result is aimed at solving a problem and achieving a goal. The very first founder of training was Dale Carnegie. Now they become a part modern society, especially actively they are carried out for their employees by different companies.

Not a single training session is complete without training exercises, and especially stand out psychological exercises which help to understand oneself, identify one's strengths and weaknesses, and also teach to understand others, to become more successful, happier. These exercises are varied and aimed at developing different qualities, so the specialists of the training portal have developed the main psychological exercises:

These are the main and well-known psychological exercises for training, but there are also some fun exercises:

training games

In addition to psychological and interesting exercises, there are also training games. Games are mainly intended for children of primary school age to make it easier for the child to survive the transition from kindergarten to school. Training games will teach communication skills, sociability, how to behave in various situations, prepare for a more adult life. There are also warm-up games that should be held at the beginning of the training, so that it would be easier for the participants to tune in to the main lesson. There are quite a few warm-up games, but the main ones can be singled out: “acquaintance” - a game for getting to know the group with each other; team building games; role-playing games; psychological games; business games.

The choice of exercises, or games, training methods depends on the goal set before the lesson. For example, if this group gathered in order to learn how to work as a team, then both exercises and games will develop for team building. The correct selection of the teaching method contributes to the rapid memorization of the material, and its use in a life situation. In general, everyone who wants to achieve personal growth, develop different qualities, achieve certain goals in life, should engage in training.

Psychological exercises help the participants of the training to know themselves better, to see their strengths and weaknesses, to outline the ways of the nearest development. Another important task of psychological exercises is to learn to better understand other people, it is easier to negotiate with them.

Psychological exercises very varied. But, in the end, they all help the participants of the training to become more harmonious, more successful, happier.

Psychological exercises most often used in personal development trainings. But not only. Coaches also often include psychological exercises in the training program of communication, confidence, stress resistance, goal setting.

The experts of the largest professional portal for coaches have selected for you 7 interesting psychological exercises which can be found in the public domain.

Psychological exercise "Gift"

Target: The exercise increases the self-esteem of the participants, stimulates their work on themselves. Improves the mood of the participants and the atmosphere in the group.

Time: 25-35 minutes

Group size: 8-16 participants

Let's sit in a circle. Have each of you take turns making a gift to your neighbor on the left (clockwise). The gift must be made (handed over) silently (non-verbally), but in such a way that your neighbor understands what you are giving him. The one who receives a gift should try to understand what is being given to him. There is no need to say anything until everyone has received gifts. We do everything silently.

When everyone has received the gifts (the circle closes), the trainer turns to the last member of the group who received the gift and asks him what gift he received. After he answers, the coach turns to the participant who presented the gift and asks about what gift he gave. If there are discrepancies in the answers, you need to find out what exactly the misunderstanding is connected with. If a group member cannot say what they got as a gift, you can ask the group about it.

Outcomes of the exercise:

When discussing the exercise, participants can formulate conditions that facilitate understanding in the process of communication. Most often, these conditions include the allocation of a significant, unambiguously understood sign of a “gift”, the use of adequate means of non-verbal representation of an essential sign, and concentration of attention on a partner.

Psychological exercise "My shortcomings"

: The exercise increases the self-esteem of the participants, stimulates their work on themselves.

Time: 25-35 minutes

Group size: Any

It is very important to try to find a new name for your imagined flaws. Designate them as follows: properties that can be improved. The word “weakness” carries a connotation of hopelessness and immutability. By replacing it with another that allows for the possibility of improvement, you begin to look at life differently.

Within 5 minutes, write a detailed list of reasons why you can't love yourself. If you do not have enough allotted time, you can write longer, but in no case less. After you write, cross out everything that correlates with the general rules, principles: “Loving yourself is not modest”, “A person should love others, not himself.” Let the list of shortcomings remain only what is connected personally with you.

Now you have a list of your shortcomings, a list of what spoils your life. Think about it, if these shortcomings did not belong to you, but to some other person whom you love very much, which of them would you forgive him or, perhaps, consider even virtues? Cross out these features, they could not prevent you from loving another person and therefore cannot prevent you from loving yourself.

Note those traits, those shortcomings that you could help him overcome. Why don't you do the same for yourself? Write them down in a separate list, and cross out those that you can overcome from them.

With those that remain, proceed as follows: let's say to ourselves that we have them, we must learn to live with them and think about how to cope with them.

We will not give up on a loved one if we find out that some of his habits, to put it mildly, do not suit us.

Psychological exercise "I want to change in myself"

Target: The exercise helps the formation of new qualities in oneself, accelerates the personal growth of participants.

Time: 25-35 minutes

Group size: Any

To begin the exercise, take paper and a pen and divide the sheet into two columns.

Traits I want to get rid of

Character traits that I want to acquire

Now, putting the prepared table in front of you, try to relax and think about yourself. You can turn off the lights, but leave enough light so that you can write. Then look at the first column, start brainstorming and quickly and without thinking write down all the traits you want to get rid of. Write down everything that comes to your mind, and don't try to argue whether it is realistic for you to get rid of this quality.

For example, if you snore, then most likely you are not able to get rid of such an ailment - this fact does not prevent you from writing it down in the first column. Continue until you write down at least 5-7 character traits. Then turn to the second column, start brainstorming and quickly write down all the traits you want to acquire. In some cases, they may be the opposite of the traits you want to get rid of (for example, instead of being shy, you want to be more outgoing; instead of being intolerant of people, you want to be more tolerant).


Just keep going with this process and write down whatever comes to mind without trying to criticize or judge it. In addition, do not try to argue now whether it is realistic for you to acquire this quality. Again, keep writing until you list at least five traits, or until the process starts to slow down. When you feel you're done, you're ready to prioritize the traits you want to get rid of or acquire.

Eliminate repetition first. For example, if you wrote down "become less negative and critical," the opposite would be "become more positive and supportive." After you have written down this opposite trait, cross out the character trait that you want to get rid of. To prioritize, consider each of the traits on the list in turn and determine how important they are to you by assigning letters:

  • A (very important)
  • B (important)
  • C (it is desirable to have, but not so important)

Write these letters next to each line. Look at the traits marked A. If you have more than one trait in this category, rate them in order of priority: 1, 2, 3, etc.

You have now set your priorities and will work on developing the traits that are most important to you first. But work on developing a maximum of three traits at once. Once you feel confident that you have made them your personality traits, move on to the next traits on your list in order of priority (work on all the A traits in order, then the B traits, and finally the C traits). If you feel like you've changed a lot, make a new list of priorities for yourself.

Psychological exercise "Unrated"

: Exercise trains the ability to communicate without judgment, develops a more positive attitude towards people.

Time: 15-20 minutes

Group size: Any

The group is divided into pairs. Partners need to take turns telling each other about common acquaintances, avoiding judgments. Statements should be in a descriptive style.

Each partner works 4 minutes. During his speech, the second partner monitors the presence of grades, marks (gives a signal) if they are.

  • What were the difficulties?
  • What helped to avoid evaluative statements?
  • What new qualities have you discovered in yourself?

Psychological exercise "Tangled chains"

Target: The exercise teaches you to communicate effectively with each other, helps to rally the team.

Time: 15-30 minutes

Group size: 12-20 participants

All members of the group stand in a circle, close their eyes and extend their right hand in front of them. And they grapple with the hand that they met first.

Then the participants extend their left arms and again look for a partner. The facilitator helps the hands connect and makes sure that everyone is holding two people's hands, not just one.

Participants open their eyes.

Now their task is to unravel without opening their hands.

As a result, the following options are possible: either a circle is formed, or several linked rings of people, or several independent circles or pairs.

Summing up the exercise:

  • Are you satisfied with your result?
  • What helped and what hindered the process?
  • Who do you want to single out, thank for your result?

Psychological exercise "At risk"

Target: This is a very short exercise. An exercise in trust.

Time: 5 minutes

Group size: Any

Now we will conduct an exercise associated with a certain risk. I ask you to trust me and enter the circle of those who want to help me ... "

After everyone has entered the circle, thank them and say that this exercise is over.

Summing up the exercise:

Ask those who left why they did it? For those who did not enter, why? Discuss how the phrase "Trust me" influenced their decision.

Why do people often trust others without thinking about the consequences, etc.?

Psychological exercise "Life goals"

Exercise helps develop life goals.

Time: 25-35 minutes

Group size: Any

Step 1. Let's talk about your life goals. Take a pen, paper. Take 15 minutes to reflect on the question, “What do I really want out of my life?” Don't think long, write down everything that comes to your mind. Pay attention to all areas of your life. Fantasize. The bigger, the better. Answer the question as if you have an unlimited resource of time. This will help you remember everything you are striving for.

Step 2 Now, in two minutes, you need to choose what you would like to devote the next three years to. And after that, two more minutes - to supplement or change the list. Goals must be realistic. As you work through this and the next steps, unlike the first, write as if it were your final years and months. This will allow you to focus on the things that really matter to you.

Step 3 Now we will set goals for the next six months - two minutes to compile the list and two minutes to correct it.

Step 4 Take two minutes to work on auditing your goals. How specific are they, how do they fit together, how realistic are your goals in terms of time and available resources. Perhaps you should enter a new goal - the acquisition of a new resource.

Step 5 Review your lists periodically, if only to make sure that you are moving in the direction you have chosen. Doing this exercise is similar to using a map on a hike. From time to time you turn to it, adjust the route, maybe even change direction, but most importantly, you know where you are going.

Summing up the exercise:

  • How do you feel after the exercise?
  • What interesting conclusions have you made for yourself?
  • What was unexpected for you?
  • What was the hardest thing? Why?
  • Who has made a realistic plan and is ready to follow it?

So, we presented to your attention 7 high-quality psychological exercises. But it is worth considering that since these exercises are taken from free sources, they may already be known to the participants in your trainings, since they are available to many trainers.

When you need:

  • exclusive and best exercises known only to a small circle of professional coaches
  • exercises with detailed coaching methodology for their implementation, revealing the entire "underwater part" of coaching, all coaching "tricks" and secrets,

then you can always find such exercises for training on a professional coaching portal

This portal has grown on the basis of the largest psychological center "Sinton". For more than 30 years of work, the Sinton center has collected, probably, the largest database of the best games and exercises for psychological training.

the site is a team of professional trainers who:

  • take away only the best, brightest and most effective exercises on a variety of coaching topics
  • describe professionally and in detail hidden method of their implementation!

You can purchase our coaching exercise manuals at the most affordable prices in the section.

The exercise "Traffic Light" is unique, since it is the author's development of professor of psychology N. I. Kozlov.

Incredible in its effectiveness, an exercise capable of making a "revolution" in the minds of the training participants in just an hour. A real "pearl".

Many people do not know how to appreciate what they already have in their lives: material, spiritual benefits, relationships with loved ones. If, in an unexpected way, a person loses what he previously had, then he falls into a state of emotional negativity. And the stronger the event is in terms of the degree of negativity, the more difficult it is for a person to maintain his positive attitude towards people in particular and towards life in general. With the help of this tool, the trainer helps the participants, without going through the situation of loss in life, to make an inventory of their values, while at the same time reducing their emotional involvement in an unpleasant situation.

What do you think will happen if you offer the participants of the training to learn a technique that allows you to completely understand and feel your interlocutor, up to his self-awareness and train of thought? Most likely they will think that you are either playing tricks on them, or you will teach them some complex technique that takes years to learn and has a natural predisposition.

And if you tell them that this is not a joke, and that in 30 minutes you will really teach them a simple and accessible technique for understanding your communication partner, a technique that anyone can learn? Of course, they will gladly seize the opportunity.

The “Feeling” exercise allows you to give an opportunity to practice this very technique and get amazing results already in the first stages.

Very effective and "deep" exercise that can cause real changes in the self-esteem of the participants of the training.

The "Judgment" exercise is really like a court session, so it will most likely be the highlight and important event of the training for all participants, who get the opportunity to publicly hear feedback from their group colleagues. Although the feedback is given in a constructive way, it still contains both "positive" and "negative" remarks, and therefore will be a real test for the group. But at the end of the training participants will receive the opportunity to see the adequacy of their own self-esteem, to test their ability to calmly listen to or voice criticism, to get a more objective idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow their actions and manifestations are evaluated by others.

Exercise is a must for everyone confidence training(what confidence can there be without adequate and stable self-esteem?). It will ideally fit into personal growth training, it will be a good addition to stress resistance training.

A game exercise that increases confidence and opens up new perspectives. It reveals the creative potential of the training participants, sets up and motivates the group for further work. Could be like warming up, as well as the main thematic exercise.

Exercise "I'm good at it!" great for personal growth trainings and motivational trainings. It will be a good option for teenage and youth groups. It can be successfully combined with the tasks of team building trainings, and made very indicative at confidence training

A very good and effective goal-oriented exercise that provides the participants of the training with the opportunity to work through their doubts and possible obstacles on the way to their goal. Increases the energy and motivation of the group for further learning.

Suitable for any training related to the topic of achieving goals. First of all, of course, these are goal-setting, self-confidence trainings, motivational trainings, as well as trainings for personal growth and stress tolerance.

The trainer has the opportunity to visually demonstrate to the participants how minor obstacles that arise can interfere with the achievement of goals, and how easily they can be overcome, simply by having the right focus.

We recommend unique coaching manuals for the best exercises for training:

  • Role-playing game "Promotion-Firing"

    Great exercise!
    An interesting, rich in conclusion exercise for negotiation training or training for managers. As part of the negotiation training (sales, oratory), the exercise will allow all participants to actively practice their skills persuasive argument. As part of a management training exercise, this exercise will provide participants with a powerful experience complex negotiations with employees and fast decision making.

    Exclusive recommendations from professionals! A unique coaching exercise manual developed by professionals. and contains a lot of exclusive recommendations, tips and coaching "chips" that allow you to carry out the exercise in the best possible way and with maximum results. You won't find this anywhere else!

  • I'm great at it!

    Active play exercise expanding the perception of the participants of the training about themselves which increases self-esteem and self-confidence and opens up new perspectives. The exercise reveals the creative potential of the training participants, sets up and motivates the group for further work.
    Exercise "I'm good at it!" great for personal growth and confidence coaching. It can be successfully combined with the tasks of team building trainings, and made very indicative at goal setting training. In addition, the exercise is indispensable for trainings for starting your own business and employment trainings.
    The volume of the training manual for the exercise: 8 pages.
    Bonuses! The technique contains 5 different variations exercises depending on the goals of the trainer and the characteristics of the group!

  • Exercise-challenge "Go to the chair"

    A powerful goal-setting or negotiation training exercise.
    The exercise clearly demonstrates to the participants of the training their habitual patterns of behavior, helps to reveal negative attitudes, beliefs that prevent them from easily achieving their goals or negotiating. Provides training participants with new resources.

    Coaching exercise manual developed by professionals especially for the coaching portal. RU and contains a lot of unique recommendations, tips and coaching "tricks" that allow you to carry out the exercise with maximum results. You won't find this anywhere else!
    The volume of the coaching manual: 12 pages.
    Bonus! The manual contains 3 exercises at once (! ) suitable for three different training topics: goal achievement, negotiation and effective communication.

Which can be used at the beginning of the training or at the stage of "Dating"

Warm-up option for training No. 1 "Lamb's head"

Everyone chooses for himself in 30 seconds the name that he would like to be called during the training. For example, Lenulya, Petrovich, Themistoclus or Aphrodite Ivanovna. Throughout the training, you will be addressed by this particular in-game name.
The use of a game name sets a certain game convention for what is happening in the group, prepares participants to go beyond the limits of everyday limited reality, and contributes to the development of reflexive processes. Only approbation of a "foreign" name allows you to realize and fully accept your own name.
Now let's introduce ourselves to each other. We will make sure that all the game names are immediately and firmly remembered. The first participant calls his name, the second - his own and the name of the previous one, the third - his own and the names of the 2 previous ones, etc. the latter thus must name all the members of the group sitting in front of him. Names cannot be written down. If you forget someone's name, then say "Lamb's head" - of course, the name in view of yourself. When calling a person's name, be sure to look him in the eye.
Addition: can be used at the beginning of the next day with the addition - "my main advantage, my dream, my pride."

Then the participant comes out and presents the project of his “personal business card”.


The trainer suggests creating a metaphor, a comparative analogy on the topic “I am in the profession” or “I am in my business”. For example, "I am in my business, as the king of the hill."
Metaphors must be positive.

Participants can pass the metaphors around. “I am like a fish in water in my profession” - “Igor is like a fish in water in my profession, and I am like a boxer in the ring” - “Igor is like a fish in water in my profession, Lena is like a boxer in the ring, and I - like a computer on the stock exchange”, etc.
At the end of the circle, the participants share their impressions.

Closed club

The trainer invites the participants to introduce themselves as candidates for the Closed Private Club. With tradition. Only for the Chosen. Not everyone will be taken.

Participants are divided into groups of 2-3 people and talk about themselves within the group. Then they make up a short speech "Recommendation" for a neighbor to accept him into the Club.

“Name - (characteristics, features ...) ...
In my life…..
I strongly recommend to accept him into Our Club!”

For that guy

The coach divides the group into pairs. Participants tell each other about themselves, then change badges.
One representative of the couple, with the badge of the other, stands behind the back of the partner's chair and puts his hands on the shoulders of the last one. It seems: “I, (gives the name of the partner), work there (position, company). ……. I will be happy to answer your questions."
The rest of the participants ask questions from a variety of fields, professional and personal. The responder must answer whether or not he knows the exact answer.
At the end, sitting on a chair, for which they have just been responsible, shares with the group - what was the percentage of hits.

After 15 years

The trainer divides the participants into pairs. He proposes to come up with something interesting, interesting or original, or even useful for the world, his partner could do in 15 years.

Participants continue the phrase with a short story
“My intuition tells me that in 15 years,…(Name) might….
I felt that way because…”

Who am I?

Purpose: The exercise is especially suitable for the first session and is in a good way“break the ice” and quickly introduce participants to each other.

Required time: 30 minutes.

Materials: Paper, pencils, pens.

Training: No special preparation required.

Procedure: Each member of the group is given a pencil and paper.

Participants receive the following instructions:
Write the numbers from 1 to 10 in a column and answer the question in writing ten times: “Who am I?” Use characteristics, traits, interests, and feelings to describe yourself, beginning each sentence with a pronoun ("I am...").
After you've finished making this list, pin a piece of paper in a prominent place on your chest. Then start slowly walking around the room, approach the other members of the group and carefully read what is written on each piece of paper. Feel free to comment on other contributors' lists. Alternatively, each member of the group may read their list out loud to the rest of the group.

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