Presentation "Text Formatting" in informatics - project, report. Text Formatting Explaining a New Topic with a Presentation


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Text formatting

Informatics teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 2 of Ershov, Saratov Region" Marina Valentina Nikolaevna

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After the text has been entered from the keyboard and edited, various operations are performed with it to design it.

(by giving the document the look that it will have on paper).

slide 3

slide 4


When formatting (formatting) changes appearance text by choosing: font type; font colors; font style; paragraph alignment.

slide 5


All computer fonts can be divided into four groups: serifs chopped calligraphic decorative

slide 6


Some fonts have small dashes at the ends of the letters - serifs. When reading, the eye "clings" to them. Serifs facilitate the visual perception of letters, which means the process of reading. Serif fonts are used in books, textbooks and other publications with a long line.

Slide 7


Serrated fonts are used in newspapers and magazines, where the text is arranged in short lines (several columns).

The text of this slide is arranged in two columns and is typed in sans-serif type.

Slide 8

Calligraphic fonts

Calligraphic fonts imitate human handwriting. They are often used to design covers and postcards. They collect congratulations and letters.

Slide 9

Slide 10

Sample Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting

Font type Arial Arial Black Comic Sans MS Monotype Corsiva Times New Roman

slide 11


The regular font does not stand out. Bold font is darker and more visible. Italic font is slanted. This is underlined text.

Several styles can be applied to text fragments at once (for example, bold underline, underline italic, bold italic, or bold underline italic).

slide 12


Font size is measured in points. 1 point = 1/72 inch (0.3 mm).

Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting

slide 13

Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting Formatting


Slide 14

When text is right-aligned, the right border of the paragraph forms a straight line. Each line ends at the same distance from the edge of the page. This paragraph is right-aligned.

Center-aligned or centered text is arranged like this: on both sides of each line, the width of the free space is the same. On both sides, the edges of the paragraph are uneven. This paragraph is center aligned.


When text is left-aligned, the paragraph's left border forms a straight line. All lines are equally indented from the left edge of the page. This paragraph is left aligned.

slide 15

Independent work

Give a description of the text document according to the plan: font, style, alignment.

slide 16


Formatting is the stage at which various operations are performed to give the document the look that it will have on paper.

font - serif style - italic underline alignment - right

font - sans serif - italic bold alignment - left

font - calligraphic style - italic bold underline alignment - centered

Slide 17

Invitation card Dear friend! We invite you to a New Year's party, which will take place on December 31 at 10.00 in the House of Culture. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Practical work Issue an invitation card according to the model:

Slide 18

Informatics: a textbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013. Informatics: a workbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013. Presentation "Text: history and modernity" - Electronic supplement to the textbook "Informatics" for grade 5

1 slide

2 slide

The purpose of the lesson: repetition of the material related to the creation of information objects by means of a word processor and a graphic editor; familiarization with the methods of creating combined documents; getting an idea about the simultaneous work in two applications.

3 slide

Match each term in the first column of the table with the definition from the second column 1. Computer a). Information about the world around us and its objects 2. Information b). Text processing software 3. Information processes c). Universal software-controlled device for information processing 4. Text editor d). Graphic information processing software 5. Graphic editor e). Actions performed with information

4 slide

Combined documents are documents containing textual and graphical information.

5 slide

Adding an inscription to the picture: Activate the "Inscription" tool Mark the text area in the figure Enter text in the input field that appears Format the text using the text attribute panel ("View" - "Text Attribute Panel")

6 slide

Adding a picture to a text document 1. Without closing the Paint program, launch Word or WordPad and open the template for the workshop "Amazing Trees" 2. Read the description of the tree and switch to Paint to draw it 3. Copy the resulting picture and paste it into the template 4. Format document 5. Save in a folder named "Tree"

7 slide

Criteria for the project "Amazing Trees" Drawing of a tree is made in Paint Information about the tree in Word or WordPad Originality of design

8 slide

Now we can: create inscriptions using the Inscription tool and configure it; simultaneously work with two applications - word processor Word and graphics editor Paint; insert a drawing made in a graphical editor into a document prepared in a word processor; make changes to a picture inserted into a text document.

Class: 7 a, b Date: 02/06/14 Class: 7 c Date: 02/07/14

Plan summary of the lesson of informatics on the topic:

“Insert graphic objects and decorative inscriptions. Formatting inscriptions and drawings»

Goals: Explain to students the order and methods of inserting objects into text. Acquisition of skills for inserting into text and formatting graphic objects, symbols, decorative inscriptions. Practicing skills in working with the tools of the Image Adjustment panel.



    • Get to grips with the app's interface Microsoft Word

      Consolidate the knowledge gained in the previous lesson on working with MS Word

      Learn how to insert objects into the text word art, pictures

      To consolidate the ability to edit and format information objects inserted into a text document

      Continue to introduce students to the basics of design while creating a document


    • Development of cognitive interests

      Developing the horizons of students

      Formation of skills to clearly and logically answer the questions asked

      Development of skills to apply knowledge in practice;

      Development of cognitive skills (highlight the main thing);

      Correct the switching of attention by changing the forms of work during the lesson

      Replenishment of vocabulary by studying special terminology in the subject

      The development of fine motor skills of the hands


    • Instill love for the subject

      Education of motives for learning, a positive attitude to knowledge;

      Education of discipline;

      Ethics of conduct



    multimedia installation

    Textbook "Informatics", Grade 7

    Handout Interface, Formatting, proverb variants

    Presentation Repetition

    Presentation Inserting objects into a text document

During the classes

    1. Organizing time

Checking student preparation for the lesson

class greeting

Motivating students for the lesson (Today we will have a very interesting lesson where you can gain knowledge and, most importantly, you will evaluate yourself. To do this, fill out the Assessment sheets that lie on the edge of the desk)

    Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

The topic of today's lesson: Inserting graphic objects and decorative inscriptions. Formatting text and graphics

The purpose of the lesson is: To learn how to insert graphic objects, pictures, and decorative inscriptions into a text document MS Word and format them.

    Actualization of students' knowledge

Review with students what they learned in the previous lesson. presentations repetition

    • What is the name of the program for creating text documents? (Microsoft Word )

      What type of software is Microsoft Word? (applied)

1. A paragraph is:

    indented text

      character removal

      copying text fragments

    4. A space is placed:

      before punctuation mark

      after punctuation mark

      cut, copy




    Slide 5: Verification by peer review. Students change notebooks, check work.

    Answers: 1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a

    Submit grades on the Score Sheet

      Learning new material

      Lecture material

    Add artistic text using WordArt objects.

    To create a special effect, you must click on the Insert tab and select a WordArt object in the Text group. The WordArt Collection window will appear on the screen. Microsoft programs WordArt to select the text style.

    After selecting a style, a window for entering the text itself will appear. Enter the text, and after clicking on the OK button

    it will appear on the page where the cursor is.

    Inserting an image

    Now we will look at inserting two types of illustrations onto a slide: pictures from the gallery and images from files.

    Insert pictures. Selecting on the tab Insert>Clip…, you enter a gallery of pictures, categorized or placed together. When you click on the selected picture, and then on the Insert Clip button of the drop-down menu, this picture is inserted in the center of the slide. This operation can be repeated many times, inserting the required number of pictures.

    Insert from file. You can insert images stored on your computer in various file formats into a slide. Selecting on the tab Insert>Picture, you enter the Add Image window. At the bottom of it is a window for choosing the format of the picture. Above is a window for selecting a disk, and below is a window for selecting a folder and the desired image file.

    Paste Shapes: Select on the tab Insert - Shapes

      Repeating TB while working on a PC

    TV video show

      Consolidation of the studied material

      Performing practical work on a PC -

      Draw with autoshapes Medals 1, 2, 3 places

      Create a Certificate of Appreciation



    ranked ______

    at the 22nd Winter Olympics

    on _______________________

    Pictures to copy from Folder 2014 Olympics

      Draw an Olympic Bear with AutoShapes

    Submit grades on the Score Sheet.

      Consolidation of the material covered

    Oral survey:

    1. How can I insert decorative inscriptions in MS Word?

    2. In which tab are the Shapes?

    3. How can I insert ready-made pictures from a file?


    Create a Valentine's Day greeting card

      Lesson results, grading for the lesson

    Discuss with students the course of the lesson and its results.

    When summing up the lesson, pay attention to the complexity of this topic and the need to study it. Praise students and give marks.


    What new did you learn at the lesson today?

    TM - 7 - 37

    1. A paragraph is:

      a piece of text ending with the Enter key

      indented text

      text that starts with multiple spaces

      3. Paragraph formatting operations include:

        alignment, line spacing, indenting

        style, size, color, font type

        character removal

        copying text fragments

      4. A space is placed:

        on both sides of the punctuation mark

        before punctuation mark

        after punctuation mark

      5. What commands put a piece of text into the buffer?

        cut, copy




      TM - 7 - 37

      1. A paragraph is:

        a piece of text ending with the Enter key

        indented text

        text that starts with multiple spaces

        With button
        set the position of the object on the page;
        With button
        wrap around
        change the way the text wraps around the selected object;
        Move forward

        Move back

        move the selected object one level up (down) in relation to other objects.
        With button
        highlight separate objects and change their order, show all or
        To graphic objects in
        word art
        Objects Inscription
        Insert algorithm:
        Position the cursor at the object's insertion point in the document;
        On the menu
        press the button
        and select
        text style.
        box, enter the desired text.

        Insert decorative
        word art
        Consider the purpose of the object formatting buttons:
        With button

        color, width and line type for text outline;
        With button

        to the text various design effects: shadow, glow, reflection, volumetric rotation.
        With button

        you can change the text orientation to vertical, column, or rotate the text in a given direction

        With button

        you can change the text alignment in the frame: top, middle, bottom
        With button

        link the current caption to another one so that the text flows between them

        Microsoft Word 2010
        Insert graphics
        Consider the purpose of the object formatting buttons:
        With a group of buttons

        you can change the style of the shape or line;
        With button

        add color and type
        shape fills;
        With button
        can change
        color, width, contour line type;
        With button
        Shape Effects

        shadow, glow, reflection, rotation
        With button
        change text fill to gradient, pattern, etc.
        Self-study task
        Read lecture notes.
        Learn the purpose of the main buttons on the "Format Objects" panel
        Formatting an inserted object
        Before formatting an object, it must be selected with a mouse click.
        multiple objects can be clicked on each object while holding down the key
        when the inserted object is selected, a ribbon with formatting buttons will appear on the screen:
        Practical work

        On the menu
        press the button
        select a shape and draw it.
        To enter text inside a shape, you need to call the command from the context menu of the shape
        Add text
        Place the cursor at a point in the document;
        On the menu
        press the button

        select a team
        Draw an inscription
        and enter your text or select the built-in ready-made format
        Consider the purpose of the object formatting buttons:
        Using group buttons

        change the height and width of the selected object
        With button

        perform grouping of objects to treat them as one object. To
        objects select the command from their context menu
        Grouping - Ungroup
        With button

        align selected objects to the center or evenly across the width of the page;
        With button
        rotate or flip the selected object.

        listed formatting commands
        you can also
        select from context menu
        selected object

        On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

        Lesson topic: Inserting graphic objects Purpose: To introduce the graphic capabilities of the MSWord program (insert images and the WordArt object in MSWord, teach how to draw and work with graphic ...

        The "included" relationship. Practical work No. 3 "Repeat the possibilities of a graphic editor - a tool for creating graphic objects" (tasks 5-6)

        Technological map of the lesson. The "included" relationship. Practical work No. 3 “We repeat the possibilities of a graphic editor - a tool for creating graphic objects” (tasks 5–6). UMK Boso ...

        slide 2

        Character Formatting

        Symbol - the smallest graphic unit of text

        Character properties:

        1) font
        2) font size
        3) inscription
        4) color

        The font menu is called using the context menu - right-click, then select the FONT option.

        slide 3

        slide 4

        • Serif fonts (serified)
        • Sans serif fonts
      1. slide 5

        slide 6

        Slide 7

        Slide 8

        Slide 9

        Slide 10

        FONT SIZE

      2. slide 11

        FONT SIZE

        • font height, measured from the bottom edge of the lowest letter (for example, y) to the top edge of the highest letter (for example, b).
        • POINT is measured in points (1 point 0.35 mm. or 1/72 inch
        • 1 inch (2.54 cm)

        14 points - 4.9 mm. - 0.49 cm.
        18 points - 6.3 mm. - 0.63 cm.
        32 points - 11.2 mm. - 1.12 cm.
        40 points - 14 mm. - 1.4 cm.
        72 points - 25.2 mm. - 2.52 cm.

        slide 12


      3. Slide 14


        • A rectangular area is allocated for each character, in which the picture of the character is placed.
        • Symbol color - the color of the visible part of the symbol (its image).
        • Symbol background color - the color of the rectangular area allocated for the symbol, not occupied by its drawing.
      4. slide 15

        Paragraph formatting

        A PARAGRAPH is a part of a document between two adjacent non-printing (not displayed without a special command) control characters for the end of a paragraph (the end of a paragraph ends with the ENTER key).

        Paragraph formatting

        slide 16


        • Left
        • Right
        • Centered
        • By width
      5. Slide 17


      6. Slide 18

        • No indent
        • Indented left
        • Indented on the right
        • Indented first line
        • With a ledge of the first line
      7. Slide 19


      8. Slide 20


      9. slide 21


        • Paper orientation (landscape or portrait)
        • Headers and footers (supporting information that is displayed on each page of the document)
        • Page numbers
      10. slide 22

        Saving a document in various text formats

        • TXT - saves text without formatting (only control characters of the end of a paragraph are inserted into the text)
        • DOC is Microsoft Word's own document format.
        • ODT - Writer's native document format
        • RTF - a universal format that preserves all formatting (converts control codes into text commands that can be read and interpreted by many applications; have a large information volume)
        • HTML is the format used to store web pages.
        • PDF is a format that ensures the correct display of the document regardless of the operating system
      11. slide 23

        Visualization of information in text documents

        • LISTS
        • TABLES
        • GRAPHICS
      12. slide 24

        TYPES OF LISTS (lists are a way of writing all sorts of lists):

        • 1) Numbered lists (single-level and multi-level)
        • 2) Bulleted lists (single-level and multi-level)
        • 3) Mixed lists (single-level and multi-level)
      13. Slide 25


      14. slide 26

        Slide 27


        • Inserting charts
        • Inserting tables
        • Inserting Smart Art
        • Inserting pictures from a file
        • Insert videos, clips
        • Inserting formulas (objects - Microsoft Equation 3.0)
      15. Slide 28

        Text recognition and computer translation tools

        • OCR programs
        • Computer dictionaries
        • Translation software
      16. Slide 29


        • Formatting text is the process of formatting it.
        • The main purpose of formatting is to make the perception of the finished document simple and pleasant for the reader by isolating and uniformly designing the same type of structural elements of the text (direct and style).
        • Direct formatting is applied to arbitrary character fragments (individual characters, words, lines, paragraphs)
        • Style formatting is applied to elements that have the same functionality, a certain formatting style (a set of formatting options, for example, for the main test, for examples, for headings, for footnotes, etc.)
      17. slide 30

        • Formatting characters - changing the values ​​of the properties of the entered characters: picture (font), size, style, color, etc.
        • Formatting a paragraph - changing its properties such as alignment, first line indent, line spacing, left and right indents, intervals before and after, etc.
        • The main parameters of the document page are paper size, page orientation, margin sizes.
        • Text document saving formats: TXT, DOC, ODT, RTF, HTML, PDF
      18. Slide 31


        1) When entering text, adjacent words are separated by one space.
        2) Punctuation marks (, : . ! ?) are written together with the previous word and separated by a space from the next word.
        3) Quotation marks and brackets are written together with the corresponding words.
        4) The dash is separated by spaces on both sides.
        5) The hyphen is written together with the words it connects.

      19. slide 32


        • Open the Microsoft Office Word application (Start-Programs-Microsoft Office)
        • Type on the keyboard the text from pages 162-163 of the Bosov Informatics textbook, 8th grade, 2012. (The text begins with the MOST IMPORTANT paragraph and ends with PDF.)
        • Preservation of the same design style (alignment, style, etc.) will be evaluated.
      20. Slide 33

        The task

        • Run practical work on the computer (Task No. 4.1, No. 4.3, No. 4.4, No. 4.5, No. 4.6, No. 4.7, No. 4.9, No. 4.10, No. 4.11)
        • Run No. 4.12, No. 4.14, No. 4.17, No. 4.18, No. 4.19, No. 4.20, No. 4.21) pp. 181-192 of the textbook
        • Homework: Preparation of the essay "History of the development of computer technology" (p. 193)
      21. View all slides

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