Fear has great eyes presentation. Presentation of the fairy tale "fear has big eyes" presentation for the lesson (speech development, younger group) on the topic. Learning new material


Equipment: - textbook L.A. Efrosinina “Literary reading, 2nd grade. I h ";

Notebook "Literary reading" (I part);

Folklore Flower Poster:

Cards "Beginning in a fairy tale", "Ending a fairy tale":

Cards for phonetic charging;

Audio recording of the song "I went up the hill";

Presentation "Fear has big eyes."



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Literary reading lesson in grade 2

Theme "Fear has big eyes" Russian folk tale

Objectives of the lesson: - to form the skills of working with text; form monologue speech; - enrich the reading experience

r o m c o p e n o n

morocco boots satin ribbon

“filled apples” “ruddy cheeks” “golden leaves” “silver twigs” “morocco boots” “satin ribbons”

Inversion is a change in the normal order of words in a sentence, accompanied by a shift in its intonational center.

HEROES positive negative

Plan How the heroes of a fairy tale went for water Fear has big eyes

An epithet is a vivid figurative definition For example: golden autumn, blue sea, snow-white winter, velvet skin, crystal ringing

I remember everything well I was interested, but I worked slowly The questions were difficult for me

Homework Level Ⅰ - Compulsory pp. 86-88, read expressively, answer TA questions p. 37, #4 or #5. Ⅱ level - training to retell a fairy tale according to plan Ⅲ level - creative (optional) draw the characters of a fairy tale (optional); pick up proverbs suitable for the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes."

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This presentation was compiled for a literary reading lesson for grade 2 according to the program " elementary School XXI century"...

Lesson modeling 1. Didactic substantiation of the lesson: The subject of literary reading Class 2 The author of the textbook L.A. EurosiTheme of the lesson: "Fear has big eyes." Russian fairy tale. Didactic goal: to introduce ...


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Slides captions:

Literary reading - listening lesson Grade 2 School XXI century Topic: Fear has big eyes

cowardly behavior, timidity, timidity. a person who easily succumbs to fear. very strong fear, strong fear. Coward Cowardice Fear

Russian folktale

Once upon a time there lived an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a chicken-klokhtushka and a little mouse. Every day they went for water. The grandmother had large buckets, the granddaughter had smaller ones, the chicken had the size of a cucumber, the mouse had the size of a thimble. The grandmother took water from the well, the granddaughter - from the deck, the hen - from the puddle, and the mouse - from the trace of the pig's hoof.

They’re going back, grandmother’s water is three-e-x, plyo-e-x! My granddaughter has three! bad! The chicken has three or three! plop-plop! The mouse - three-three-three! puff puff puff! That time our water carriers went for water. They collected water, they go home through the garden. And in the garden an apple tree grew, and apples hung on it. And under the apple tree, the bunny sat. A breeze flew into the apple tree, shook the apple tree, the apple clap - and the bunny in the forehead! A hare jumped, and right under our water carriers' feet. They were frightened, they threw the buckets and ran home.

The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind the grandmother, the hen flew up on the stove, and the mouse hid under the stove.

The granddaughter is crying: - Grandmother, what a terrible wolf ran into me! Grandma groans: - Oh! The bear nearly ran over me!

The hen on the stove cackles: - Ko-ko-ko! The fox crept up to me, almost grabbed me! And the mouse squeaks from under the stove: - What a mustachioed cat! That's the fear I've had! And the hare ran into the forest, lay down under a bush and thought: “That's passion! Four hunters were chasing me, all with dogs; as soon as my legs took me away! »

It is true that they say: “Fear has big eyes: what is not there, they see it.”

A deck is a kind of wooden trough - a log with a hollowed out middle.

Well - a narrow, deep pit fortified with a log house for receiving water.

A thimble is a cap worn on a finger when sewing to protect the fingers from pricks with a needle.

a proverb about who, once frightened, is afraid of everything, exaggerates the danger IN FEAR, THE EYES ARE GREAT - How do you understand this proverb?


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation for the lesson of literary reading Grade 2.

Presentation for the lesson of literary reading in grade 2 on the topic "K. I. Chukovsky" Fedorino grief ". The presentation highlights new facts from the life of K. I. Tchaikovsky. ...

Target: To teach children to see the hidden meaning contained in fairy tales. To develop reading skills, reading by roles, to educate children in volitional self-regulation of behavior, to develop creative abilities, speech skills.

Equipment: projector, attributes for staging, illustration of a fairy tale.

During the classes:

1.Org. moment.

2.Updating knowledge.

1. Proverbs (projector)

The timid and the shadow are frightening.
Do not go into the forest if you are afraid of a hare.
A coward is afraid of his own shadow.
Who trembles, he runs.
- Read the proverbs to yourself.
What do these proverbs have in common? (cowardice)

On the board: cowardice
- There is another word "fear".
These words are similar but different.
- What is the difference?
- And the explanatory dictionary of Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov explains these words in this way.
A coward is a person who easily succumbs to fear . (projector)
Fear is a very strong fear, a strong fear.
Cowardice - the behavior of a coward, timidity, timidity.

Today we will read the Russian folk tale "Fear has big eyes."
- How do you understand the name of this fairy tale “Fear has big eyes”?
Let's read the story now.

2 Learning new material.

1. Reading a fairy tale by a teacher (projector. illustration display)
- What did you feel?
- Were you scared?
- Why did you find it funny?
2. Students read a fairy tale on their own.

3. Working with text.

What difficult words met? find in the text? (projector. dictionary words)

A well is a narrow, deep pit fortified with a log house for receiving water.
Kolod - a kind of wooden trough - a log with a hollowed out middle
A thimble is a cap worn on the finger when sewing.
What interesting words have you noticed?
What did the author want to show with these words? (water gurgles, splashes as they walk)
What else are they interested in? (words related to the character of the characters)

4. Work in groups.
In Russian folk tales there is some other peculiarity. For example, in this tale there is a correspondence of attributes to heroes. Let's watch this. In each group I give cards with tasks. You must fill in each column with schematic drawings. Figures should learn from the text. (discussion, from each group they come out and tell. The grandmother is big and the bucket is big, she takes water from the well and the object of fear is big. Why, because the grandmother is big. The mouse is a lamb ... ..)
- In what fairy tale there is a similar correspondence. (Three bears. Book display)
Today at the lesson we got acquainted with another feature of folk tales.

5. Reading by roles.
- This tale can be read by roles?
- When you read by roles, what should we show? (intonation, voice should show).

6. Staged.
- And now we will all become artists of the large children's theater and show our fairy tale with a staging. Want to?
- And who wants to participate in our performance?
- When we play, try to convey the character of your hero. Well, now let's show it all. Let each artist think about how he will show the image of his hero.
Thank you guys. You did very well.

7. Summary of the lesson
-Did you like the lesson?
- What did you especially like?
The name of our fairy tale is taken from a proverb. “Fear has big eyes” - a proverb about who, once frightened, is afraid of everything.
Thanks everyone for the lesson.

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Slides captions:


Once upon a time there lived an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a chicken-klokhtushka and a little mouse. Every day they went for water. The grandmother had large buckets, the granddaughter had smaller ones, the chicken had the size of a cucumber, the mouse had the size of a thimble. The grandmother took water from the well, the granddaughter - from the deck, the hen - from the puddle, and the mouse - from the trace of the pig's hoof.

They’re going back, grandmother’s water is three-e-x, plyo-e-x! My granddaughter has three! bad! The chicken has three or three! plop-plop! The mouse - three-three-three! puff puff puff! That time our water carriers went for water. They collected water, they go home through the garden.

And in the garden an apple tree grew, and apples hung on it. And under the apple tree, the bunny sat. A breeze flew into the apple tree, shook the apple tree, the apple clap - and the bunny in the forehead! A hare jumped, and right under our water carriers' feet. They were frightened, they threw the buckets and ran home.

The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind the grandmother, the hen flew up on the stove, and the mouse hid under the stove.

Grandma groans: - Oh! The bear nearly ran over me!

The granddaughter is crying: - Grandmother, what a terrible wolf ran into me!

The hen on the stove cackles: - Ko-ko-ko! The fox crept up to me, almost grabbed me!

And the mouse squeaks from under the stove: - What a mustachioed cat! That's the fear I've had!

And the hare ran into the forest, lay down under a bush and thought: “That's passion! Four hunters were chasing me, all with dogs; as soon as my legs carried me away!

It is true that they say: “Fear has big eyes: what is not there, they see it”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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