Scenarios of altered fairy tales by roles. An impromptu fairy tale for adults - “Mushroom-Teremok. A comic tale-improvisation for the New Year for a corporate party - with music on video


Description: If you are preparing a New Year's entertainment program for guests, but you will not have the opportunity to rehearse and your guests should not know the surprises that you are preparing according to the script, then our impromptu skits (without preparation) will help make the program bright and rich. After a few glasses of wine, holiday guests usually like to fool around and take part in various contests, skits and fairy tales. And our options for holding such performances are just right for improvisation! In the Appendix to the scenes 43 muses. track.

In this collection the following types impromptu scenes:

- by roles;
- without words;
- musical;
- in verse;
- instant scenes;
- with chants (replicas);
- with dressing up;
- impromptu theatre.

Props: muzzle masks, felt boots, lollipop, teapot, insect antennae on the rim, small incentive prizes (optional).

2. An impromptu scene based on: “Once in a cold winter season ...”
3. Tale-impromptu about 12 animals according to the Eastern calendar
4. Comic roll call for guests (impromptu)
5. Impromptu musical fairy tale: “How Santa Claus was looking for a successor” + 11 music. tracks
6. Impromptu musical scene: “How the Snow Maiden was looking for a groom” + 21 music. track
7. Impromptu musical fairy tale: "Dragonfly and Ant" + 11 music. tracks
8. Instant scene-congratulation "Now hold on!"
9. Scene without preparation with dressing up: “Mask, I know you!”
10. Fairy tale (impromptu theater) for adults based on: "Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

1. A comic impromptu scene about husbands for the New Year

Description: wives sent their husbands to Magnit for groceries before the New Year. But the husbands-neighbors accidentally met on the street and mixed up the lists ... The scene is in verse, does not require preparation, is impromptu by the guests, the text is read out by the host of the festive event.

Husband Vasya
Vova's husband
Vasya's wife - Larisa
Vovka's wife - Zina

- Once upon a new year
A man goes to the store
The list was given to me by my wife
And gave me three thousand.

The list includes eggs, tangerines, mayonnaise and oranges.
Mineral water and mushrooms, and a piece of ham.
Cheese, champagne, herring,
Cucumbers, loaf and vodka.
Candles, cake and napkins,
Extension cord for socket.
Cat food, spruce branches,
Gram 400 trout,
tomatoes, pineapple,
And kvass for a hangover.

Here he comes and misses
And meets a neighbor here.

The neighbor also has a list:
Take dumplings and sausages,
Sliced ​​cheese, milk,
And two cheese curds with raisins.
corn and peas,
Buckwheat, rice or horns.
Black pepper and wine
And two forks of cabbage.
toilet paper,
And smoked herring.

And the neighbor goes in sorrow,
These wives got it!
Run, Vasya, to the store,
Don't let me drink, damn it!
And the soul calls and cries:
At least buy a beer.
Gotta get it right somehow
Save money and drink.
So the neighbors decided
And they hurried to the Magnet.

While walking, reading the lists,
About dumplings and sausages,
About trout, loaf and vodka,
Milk, peas, herring.
cat food, toilet
Extension cord for outlet.

How did you get to the store?
This is where the eyes popped up.
Messed up all the lists
I took one peas, sausages,
Cucumbers, loaf and vodka,
Black pepper and herring.

………………….text hidden…………………….

2. An impromptu scene based on: “Once in a cold winter season ...”

Description: guests randomly choose a card with a role. The task is to act in a skit without preparation. The best actor receives an award - an artificial mini-Christmas tree. The text of the tale is read by the presenter.


- Once upon a time in the cold winter time
A MAN with an AX went into the forest for a FIR-TREE.
First he crawled up the mountain,
Then he made his way through the windbreak.

Neither the blizzard nor the WIND frightened him,
WIFE he feared most of all.
He left the house almost in the evening,
And more adventures awaited him.

Some groans were heard in the forest,
The MAN was embarrassed, went to look.
Looks in the clearing in languid movements
Waist deep in a snowdrift FOX and BEAR.

MAN, help, I beg, dear,
The BEAR begged, seeing the peasant.
Replace me and LISU with renewed vigor,
Please help me out of death, brother.

The FOX is lying a little alive in the snow,
And something mutters in a hot delirium.
A MAN with an AX approached the FOX,
I found a trap on a fox's paw.

He waved the AX and the trap broke,
The FOX is saved, and the MAN is happy.
I'm going hunting - don't get caught
I'm not used to joking while hunting.

FOX and BEAR went home,
Thank you, dear uncle Vasya!
The MAN took the AX and disappeared into the darkness,
And the blizzard and the wind interfered with him ...

He goes, goes, and towards him
The frightened HARE rushes in delirium.
He jumped into the hands of a MAN,
Save me, he says, otherwise I'll be lost!

Behind him, a gray WOLF hobbles along,
Give back, he says, my delicious lunch.
Half a day I was chasing this eared,
Hungry and angry, terribly tired.

But the HARE begged: Save me, little man!
After all, I'm young, I'm only a year old.
And the WOLF objected: And I'm young!
And my appetite is not bad.

Thought MAN, scratched his pants,
And he took a sausage out of his pocket.
Here, gray, hold my sausage,
Don't touch the hare, I tell you.

The WOLF grabbed a sausage and swallowed it at once,
And the HARE has already screwed up in the snow.
The MAN took the AX AND disappeared into the darkness,
And Gray on the hill howled at the moon.

………………..full text hidden……………………..

3. Tale-impromptu about 12 animals according to the Eastern calendar

Description: The presenter reads out the text, and the guests, having drawn their role by lot, say chants:

Rat - "I'm a super actress!"
Bull - "I'm a real man!"
Tiger - "Just call Igor"

Snake - "To your own board!"

Sheep - "I'm smarter than tuna!"

Rooster - "I love young people!"

Pig - “Pour over the edge! »

In a distant land where the sun rises
Where does the New Year go first?
12 eastern beasts fought,
They chose the king for a very long time.

All, as one, praised themselves:

Rat - "I'm a super actress!"
And Bull - "I'm a real man!"
Monkey - "I'll get drunk!"
Snake - "To your own board!"
Horse - "I can ruffle you!"
Sheep - "I'm smarter than tuna!"
Tiger - "Just call Igor"
Dragon - "I'm a baby in a million!"
Rabbit - "Love workaholic!"
Dog - "The best sign of the Zodiac!"
Pig - “Pour over the edge! »
With the Rooster - "I love the young!"

- Who will be the first to ascend the high throne -
The crown will go to him forever.
And the throne on a sheer giant rock,
Almost in the clouds, on top.

At the appointed time, they came to the foot.

…………………..all text in full version…………………………

4. Comic roll call for guests (impromptu)

Presenter: Who got up early today?
- I!
Presenter: Did you count the money in the safe?
- I!
Host: - Who washed up? And shaved?
- I!
Presenter: - Did you drink coffee and choke?
- ... (everyone is silent)
Presenter: - How long did you look in the mirror?
- I!
Presenter: - And dressed most fashionably?
- I!
…………………further hidden……………………

5. Impromptu musical fairy tale: “How Santa Claus was looking for a successor”

Description: From among the guests, participants are invited to play in a fairy tale without preparation.

Roles: / draw lots /
Snow Maiden - girl

The rest are all men:
Father Frost
Successor 1 - blue
Successor 2 - drunk
Successor 3 - bandit
Successor 4 - party animal (DJ)

The presenter reads a fairy tale, and the one they are talking about depicts:

One day Santa Claus got tired
He began looking for a successor.
And the staff is not at all the same, / Santa Claus shows /
In the cold, he does not get up at all!
The beard almost fell out, / Santa Claus shows /
There are three hairs left.
Can't see with or without glasses
Ready to retire...

Santa Claus: depicts suffering
Music track 01: Gr.Roots - I'm losing my roots

And he had a granddaughter
She drove everyone crazy with her beauty.
Spit - to the floor, good,
And chest, and buttocks and soul!

Snow Maiden: improvising
Music track 02: Glucose - Dance Russia

Advertised by Santa Claus
Seriously find a successor
And the devil brought four to them ...

And the first one came out
I'm not myself
Some weird and weird.

Blue: plays the role of a successor with a non-traditional orientation
Music track 03: B. Moiseev - Blue Moon

The second one came in, dented in appearance,
And he reeks of vodka...

Drunkard: improvising
Music track 04: Dune - Greetings from the Big Badoon

Then the third hurried to Grandfather,
Kicked open the door...

Music track 05: Mafic - Kent

The latter is also not himself,
The headphones are so cool ...

……………………text hidden………………………

6. Impromptu musical scene: “How the Snow Maiden was looking for a groom”

Roles:/drawn randomly/

Snow Maiden
Groom 1 - junior lieutenant
Groom 2 - Caucasian
Groom 3 - accountant
Groom 4 - American
Groom 5 - blond
Groom 6 - Chukchi

Track 01. Background music plays - balalaika

The presenter reads the text:

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl in the world, the granddaughter of famous person in the world. Nooo, not Vladimir Putin, but Santa Claus. And her name was Snegurochka.

/First participant exits./

Track 02. And I'm a Russian girl

The Snow Maiden was lonely and longed to find her destiny.

Track 03. Glory - Loneliness

But she dreamed of meeting not just anyone, but the most brutal man. And so she often sang a song in her soul ...

Track 04. Katya Rostovtseva - Brutal man

/The Snow Maiden sings to the soundtrack and improvises that she is washing herself in the shower./

The Snow Maiden went to a dating site and began to look for the man of her dreams ... And there are so many handsome men that her eyes run wide ... For example, a junior lieutenant:

Track 05. I. Allegrova - Junior Lieutenant

And here is a young Caucasian with a beard ...

Track 06. Dzhigan - I have a beard

But the poor, but very nice accountant ...

Track 07. A. Apina - Accountant my dear accountant

There were also foreigners on the dating site… Here, for example, is an American.

Track 08. Combination - American fight

And of course, the eyes of the Snow Maiden fell on the handsome, blond, who had a caption under the photo:

Track 09. Basque - Natural blonde

And then the Snow Maiden could not resist and wrote to him ...

…………………full text hidden…………………………

7. Impromptu musical fairy tale: "Dragonfly and Ant"

Description: This tale is quite universal, suitable not only for New Year's corporate party, but also for any other holiday: weddings, anniversaries ...

As props, participants can be given a mustache on the rim.



jumping dragonfly
Summer red sang ...
Didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls in the eyes ...

Track 01. And I kept flying ...

The field is dead;
There are no more bright days,
As under each leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.

Track 02. Serduchka - Party

Everything is gone: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who will mind
On the stomach to sing hungry!
Track 03. I want the summer to never end

Evil melancholy dejected,
She crawls to the Ant:

Track 04. Egor Creed - Bachelor

“Don’t leave me, dear godfather!
Give me the strength to gather
And until spring only days
Feed and warm!”

Track 05. Brilliant - Cute helmsman

“Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?”
Ant tells her.

8. Instant scene-congratulation "Now hold on!"

Description: This original New Year's scene can be held both in a homely atmosphere and at a crowded corporate party in a restaurant.


Yolka - “Again, I have to take the rap for everyone!”
Gift - "And who will get such happiness ?!"
Santa Claus - "What? I hear nothing…"
Snow Maiden - “All people are like people, and I am a superstar!”
Symbol of the year - Rat (you can replace it with another one) - "Now hold on!"

Players need to give out ready-made phrases. The presenter reads the congratulations.

Once upon a time there was Santa Claus (...) and his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden (...).
And now the year has come to an end again, and it's time for Santa Claus (...) and the Snow Maiden (...) to get ready for work. First of all, they dressed up the Christmas tree (…).
And then they prepared a big Gift (...)
At that time, the symbol of the coming year, the Rat (...)
Santa Claus (...) put the gift (...) on his back, and the Snow Maiden (...) took the Christmas tree (...)
Together they came to the holiday, but forgot about the symbol of the year - which was a little late (...)
The gift was heavy (...) and Santa Claus (...) got tired of carrying it and left it. The Snow Maiden also refused, because (...)
Then Elka took the gift and said (...)
………………..the whole fairy tale in the paid version……………………….

9. Scene without preparation with dressing up: “Mask, I know you!”

Description: players are given muzzle masks and wigs, after which a competition is held with them.

Arbitrary, according to the masks that you have available.

The actors stand behind the screen, they put on masks and wigs. Only the head is visible to the audience in the hall, the body is hidden behind a screen. Include excerpts from various well-known musical compositions (minuses). And the masks take turns singing to the backing tracks. Guests must guess who is under the mask.

Options for pairs of masks and phonograms:

The mask of Dmitry Medvedev - minus the song American fight
Mask of Svetlana Loboda - backing track - Superstar
…………11 more options……………….

10. Fairy tale (impromptu theater) for adults based on: "Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Description: this tale, like all the others, can be carried out without preparation, using ready-made replicas for the characters.

Props: felt boots, lollipop icicle, or chupik, teapot

Alyonushka - All men are goats!
Brother Ivanushka - All women are bitches!
Good fellow - I'm a natural blond!
Witch - Pretty damn good!

Once upon a time there was a sister Alyonushka and a brother Ivanushka.
Alyonushka was hardworking, smart and beautiful, but she had no luck with men (...). With a brother and that was not lucky (...)
And then one day all the people were preparing for the New Year. Alyonushka went to the forest for firewood, because she had no one to rely on (...) And she strictly forbade her brother to go out into the street and lick icicles.
And Ivanushka waved her felt boots through the window and thought (...) And then he began to get ready to take a walk.
As soon as Ivanushka pulled on his felt boots and went out into the yard, a beautiful icicle appeared before his eyes! He brushed off the thought that his sister would scold (...) and, of course, licked the icicle and stuck to it.
In the meantime, Alyonushka met a Good fellow, who immediately confessed to her (...) But Alyonushka answered skeptically (...)
…………………….the whole fairy tale in the full version……………….


It was an introductory piece with materials. To purchase the full version of the impromptu scenes with music tracks, go to the shopping cart. After payment, the material will become available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 599 R kill Stock

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
Once upon a time there was a sister Alyonushka and a brother Ivanushka. Alyonushka was smart and hardworking, and Ivanushka was an alcoholic. How many times did his sister tell him - “Don’t drink, Ivanushka, you will become a kid!” But Ivanushka did not listen and drank. Once he bought some singed vodka in a stall, drank it and felt that he could no longer stand on two legs, he had to lower himself by four points. And just then the shameful wolves come up to him and say: “Well, the goat, have you drunk yourself?” And so they slapped him on the horns that he threw back his hooves. And his sister Alyonushka got his apartment, because good always triumphs over evil!

Arabic folk tale Ilyich and Aladdin »
In a certain sultanate, in a certain emirate, Aladdin lived. Once he found an old lamp in a landfill and decided to clean it. As soon as he began to rub, a genie came out of the lamp, and let's fulfill wishes. Well, Aladdin himself, of course, ordered the palace, on the princess
get married, the magic carpet is the six hundredth and all the cases. In short, since then, Aladdin's problems have become a breeze. Just a little - rub it and dictate the conditions to the genie. And then one day he went on a cruise, and left his wife at home. And then a man walks down the street and shouts - “I am changing old lamps for new ones!” Well, the wife was delighted and changed Aladdin's lamp to Ilyich's lamp. And how much later Aladdin did not rub this light bulb, Ilyich did not get out of there and did not fulfill his desire. This is how technological progress defeated the backward Asian superstitions.

Joint French-Russian fairy tale about patriotism
Papa Dubois had three sons: the eldest Jacques, the middle Jules, and the youngest Zhandurak. It's time for them to get married. They went out to the Champs Elysees and began to shoot in different directions. Jacques hit the deputy of the National Assembly, but he was already married.
Jules ended up in a cure, but religion does not allow him to marry. And Jean the Fool hit a frog, and in fact he didn’t hit that one, but missed. The frog tried to explain to him in Russian that she was actually a princess, and turned into a frog to get a visa to
the embassy did not stand - but Jean was a Frenchman and did not understand the Russian language. He cooked a frog according to an old recipe and became a chef in a Parisian restaurant. Moral: sit, girls, in your native swamp and do not croak. There is nothing for you to do on the Champs Elysees. And we have enough fools at home.

About the tail
Once a fox stole a whole cartload of fish from a man. Sits and eats. And a hungry wolf comes out of the forest. “Fox, give me fish!” “Go and catch it yourself,” the fox replies. "But as? I don’t even have a fishing rod,” says the wolf. “I don’t have it either,” said the fox, “and I’m tail in the hole
I threw it, so I caught it. ” "Thanks for the idea!" - the wolf was delighted, tore off the tail of the fox and went fishing.

Seaside folk tale about the Old Man and the Golden Fish
An old man lived with his old woman near the blue sea. The old man threw a seine into the sea, a seine came, and there - a pike. "What the heck? - the old man was surprised. — Like gold fish must be. I'm not Emelya, after all. “That's right,” the pike replied. - We worked with the goldfish for a long time in one sector of the market. And just recently, an agreement was reached at the board of directors on the takeover of one enterprise by another. And the pike burped satedly.

Moscow region folk tale about the wrong personnel policy
Once upon a time there was a pop - oatmeal forehead. He had his own business, his own clientele, and there was only one assistant, and even that one was a bullshit. But nothing, the pop coped. Moreover, the assistant worked for a long time > literally for that - well, bullshit, what do you say. However, even the bulldozer has patience
it's over. “The owner,” he says, “when are you going to pay?” And the priest answers him: “Go to hell!”. Well, the bastard went. And he sold all the trade secrets of the priest to the devil. The devil then enticed all the clients from the priest, and he went bankrupt. And serve him right. Because the staff needs to be paid on time, and not wait until they click on your forehead.

Petersburg folk tale about a smart old woman
A soldier was walking home from service. He knocked on the way to a house. “Let me in,” he says, “to spend the night, masters.” And in the house lived a greedy old woman. “Spend the night, - she said, - only I have nothing to treat you with.” “It doesn’t matter,” the soldier replied, “just give me an ax, and I’ll cook porridge out of it.” “What are you, a soldier,” the old woman was indignant, “do you think I’m completely stupid? What am I going to chop wood with later? So the soldier remained without salty slurping. By the way, his name was Rodion Raskolnikov.

The man and the bear. Moldovan folk tale.
Somehow a man decided to organize a joint venture with a bear. "What we are going to do?" - asks the bear. “This year - to grow wheat,” the man replies.
"How to share?" "It is known how: my tops, your roots." "It's coming," agreed the bear. They grew wheat, the peasant took all the tops for himself, sold, sits and rejoices, counts money ... And then a bear came and brought his roots ...

Moscow folk tale about money and whistling.
Somehow the Nightingale the Robber of gold and silver wanted to be undressed. He went to Koshchei the Deathless to offer security services. Koschei got angry, unleashed an unclean force on him - the Nightingale left a little alive. Then he went to the Serpent Gorynych to demand a ransom. The Serpent was angry, blazed with fire - the Nightingale barely took his legs. He goes sad, he sees -
towards Baba Yaga. He thought at least to get money from her, but Yaga departed with a bone leg so that the white light became not nice to the Nightingale. Then he wept bitterly, and Yaga took pity on him. - Go, - she said, - to the road, but hide there in the green bushes. When you see a person passing by - whistle with all your might, he will give you money. The Nightingale listened to the advice of the wise, but since then he has not known the need. That's how traffic cops started up in Russia.

Medical folk tale about Koshchei and healthy lifestyle life.
Ivan Tsarevich married a stupid frog ... no, not like that. Ivan the Fool married the frog princess, and she ran away from him with Koshchei. Ivan was offended and decided to kill Koshchei. How long, how short Ivan walked around the world - he came to Baba Yaga. “Where are you going, good fellow?” Yaga asks. - Why, grandmother, didn’t give you a drink, didn’t feed you, but ask questions? Ivan says. “You are a fool, a fool,” replies Yaga. "How can I feed you if you haven't washed your hands?" Ivan washed his hands, told Yaga about his misfortune. And Yaga answered him: - The death of Koshcheev is in the needle, the needle is in the egg, the egg is in the duck, and the duck in hospital number 8 is under the bed. Ivan went to hospital #8, found a duck, broke an egg and put Koshchei on a needle. This is where Koshchei ends. Drug addiction, it does not bring anyone to good.

Spanish folk tale of the sleeping beauty.
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and a daughter was born to them. And they arranged a ball, and invited everyone there, except for the most harmful fairy, because they knew that she would come anyway.
The most harmful fairy came and said: “Are you happy? Oh well. But when the princess turns 18, she will become a drug addict and inject herself with such a dose that she will pass out and not come to her senses. The princess turned 18 years old, she became a drug addict, injected herself and did not come to her senses. And the king and queen, courtiers and servants, out of grief, swallowed a sedative and also passed out. And gradually all the roads to the castle were overgrown with a dense forest. A hundred years later, a handsome prince rode past and asked what kind of reserve it was.
Told him kind people the whole story and added that only then will the princess come out of blackout when the handsome prince kisses her. The prince bravely rode through the dense forest, entered the castle, took the key to the treasury from the king's neck, loaded all the gold and diamonds on his horse and rode back. And he didn't kiss the princess, no. In fact, why does he need a drug addict?

frog marriage .
In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, a father had three sons - two stupid ones, and the third one was not at all. The father decided to marry them. He took me out into the yard and ordered to shoot whoever hit where. The first son fired and hit the air. The second shot - hit the police. The third shot - hit the headstock. Father spat in his hearts, gave each a frog and went to sleep. And what kind of frog gender, and did not check ... In general, it turned out badly.

Danish folk tale about the little mermaid.
There lived a little mermaid somewhere in the outback. And she wanted to be a pop star. She went to the witch. “It can be arranged,” the witch says, “only you will give me your vote.”
- No problem, - the little mermaid answers, - why do I need it? You, most importantly, make your legs longer. - OK, - the witch agreed, - just keep in mind, if you don’t unwind, you will become sea foam. And what do you think, did it become foam? No matter how! It has been on the top lines in the charts for a month now. a fairy tale, but the harsh truth of life ...

Administrative folk tale about the traveling frog.
There lived a frog. She lived in her swamp and saw nothing but mud. And her duck neighbors traveled abroad every year. Well, the frog, of course, also wanted to, so she persuaded the ducks to take her with them. She clung to the twig with her mouth, and the ducks picked it up with their beaks and flew away. And from below, the heron looks and is surprised: “Wow, what clever ducks! Such a method of transportation was invented! “These are not ducks, I am smart!” - shouted the frog and fell back into the swamp. Then the heron ate it. Moral: we, of course, have freedom of speech, but if you want to fly high, keep your mouth shut. And they won't eat it.

Administrative folk tale "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all".
Somehow they appointed Winnie the Pooh in the forest to manage the economy. He took Eeyore and Piglet as his deputies. And he put Rabbit to work, because he is the smartest.
But no matter how hard the Rabbit tried, under the leadership of Winnie the Pooh, the economy still fell apart. They began looking for the culprits. Went to Winnie the Pooh. He says, “What about me? Look what deputies I have - one donkey, the other a pig! They come to Eeyore and Piglet. They say, “What are we? Look at our boss - he has sawdust in his head!” In general, in the end, the Rabbit was given in the ears. And everyone else was given
hat. From rabbit fur. They also wrote a play about this, “Woe from Wit” is called.

There lived a king with his queen near the blue sea. They lived and lived, but they had no children. And the king says to the queen: - Bake me, queen, a gingerbread man!
- Completely crazy, right? the queen answers. — What am I to you, cook? - Oh, you, - the king was offended, - but I took you as a simple Cinderella, shod and dressed you, brought you to people ... But the fairy tale does not end here. They have a fairy tale on the second day after
wedding is over...

In the scenario of any holiday, there comes a moment when all the main solemn toasts have already been pronounced, but the guests are not yet ready for active competitions or dance entertainment. It was then that, to the aid of the hosts, funny fun comes that can be spent right at the table.

The proposed selection is role-playing fairy tales and games for any holiday, written by talented Internet authors (thanks to them). Each of them can be safely attributed to the category of games - "icebreakers", which "split the hall", liberate guests, give the mood for festive fun, and therefore serve as a wonderful transition to an active entertainment program.

Fairy tale - noise maker at the table "Lambs"

For conducting, the presenter divides those present into several teams, each of which will represent one of the members of the "drum" family: Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother or Son, then the participants, at each mention of "their" character, make "their" noise: rustle, rattle etc. When a family is mentioned in the text, everyone makes noise actions at the same time.

Actors and noise actions:

lamb grandfather- rustling newspapers,

Grandmother-drum- rattling dishes

lamb father- stomp their feet three times and make the creak of an opening door

mother lamb- make a scratching sound on a wooden surface

lamb son- clap your hands three times

lamb family - everyone present makes sounds at the same time.

Leading(reads text):

In the house thirteen on Mira street
In a very shabby old apartment,
That our people call a communal apartment.
lamb family has been living for a long time.
They settled in a huge closet,
Wherever a human foot goes.
This closet, littered for a very long time,
family of lamb here endures two centuries.
Other residents of the communal apartment
Little by little this family was forgotten:
Accustomed to their usual noises and sighs -
Under the same roof, they lived not badly.
lamb grandfather loved at leisure
Slightly play a trick on your dear wife:
shurshal Grandfather old newspaper in the corner
driving Babusya rustling in anguish.
granny in retaliation strummed dishes,
How lamb son was frightened many times.
lamb father when I was out of sorts,
He made a mess in his house:
He stamped his feet, creaked the doors
And everyone is tired of these sounds.
BUT mother lamb loved him so:
I did not scold at all for these tricks.
And as a sign of their tender and fiery feelings
Mommy bought him a watermelon.
lamb father was not known as a stinger -
Watermelon certainly shared between everyone.
Residents of a communal apartment then
Heard how the family champs together.
lamb son tried the hardest:
With relish watermelon he gorged himself.
So friendly lamb family lived,
Until the big trouble happened:
Suddenly, one day they decided to resettle the tenants.
And the house was promptly demolished.
The people left the communal apartment,
family of lamb have, of course, been forgotten.
Now they're looking for another place to live
Where they will be satisfying, cozy, warm,
Where lamb grandfather without any interference
Will continue to rustle with his pile of newspapers,
Where sometimes Granny lamb
Can rattle his old pot
Where lamb son clap your hands,
lamb father foot suddenly stomps,
BUT mother lamb sometimes without fear
Scratch at the door of a dear spouse.
Respond, people who are not very against
Hear all this late at night?

Table role-playing tale "Nebremen non-musicians"

Four guests who received cards with remarks easily "reincarnate" in their heroes, for this it is enough for them to pronounce their phrase expressively after each line where it is said about them. It is important for the host to remember to make small pauses at the right time and, if necessary, to make signs to the participants.

Actors and lines:
Donkey: "Horse I run!"
Dog: " Woof! I want to wet my throat first "
Cat: " Moore-meow, suddenly I will become fat and important!
Rooster: " Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!”

In a neighboring village the year before last
Some peasant suddenly went crazy:
He drove out all the living creatures that are in the house
I have lived side by side for fifteen years.
And lived with him all these years in the world:
DONkey shebutnoy... (Horse I run!)
The DOG that didn't growl anymore...
There lived an old robber, a CAT who loved sour cream...
In the company of this COCK was not superfluous ...

The company quietly wandered along the road,
The paws and legs of the poor are tired.
Suddenly the light appeared in the forest hut -
The terrible robbers have a home there.
And friends began to discuss right here,
How best to scare the robbers.
The DOG was suddenly the first to say softly... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
Donkey, however, decided that he was not passive either. Still would! … (Horse I run!)
The CAT was very afraid of a night ram ... (Moore-meow, suddenly I will become fat and important ?!)
Friends offered to scare the gang -
Disperse the robbers with a cry.
A COCK that has already flown onto the roof ... ( Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)

The animals quietly went to the hut
And all together: DONKEY, DOG, CAT, COCK - they shouted (Everyone screams).
The robbers immediately ran away from the house.
Who settled in it? They are familiar to us.
And lived for many more years in a house in peace
Brave donkey... (Horse I run!)
A DOG that growled menacingly... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
And a subtle connoisseur of homemade sour cream, CAT ... (Moore-meow, suddenly I will become fat and important!)
And, of course, - COCK, he is not superfluous at all ... (Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)


Table role-playing tale "Happiness is near."

Klava has been waiting for happiness for a long time,

Everyone wonders where it is

Then a FRIEND came to her

And hugged the owner.
Together we decided it was time
Invite PETER to visit.
Like, even though he's a fool,
But ditties to sing a master.
PARROT, having heard about it,
Sat on a perch higher
Began, poor, to lament:
"Where would the HOLIDAY wait?"
Here at the first call
PETER came - ready for anything.
KLAVA made a salad
And washed the grapes.
And he approves of the recipes.
There's a knock on the door! KLAVA darted:
Suddenly some kind of setup?
The door opened - the PRINCE appeared.
PETER almost shot himself!
To put it bluntly, without offense:
He had views on KLAVA!
Here they remembered about the HOLIDAY,
The song was pulled together.
PETER hiccupped and choked,
And swung at the PRINCE.
PARROT flew around the cage,
He called his ancestors for help.
And the GIRLFRIEND is only happy:
There will be a fight, what you need!
Only KLAVA does not yawn,
Raises a toast to happiness.
Sipped a glass
And Pyotr's glass is not enough!
But kinder, he's in a drinking bowl
PARROT pours vodka.
PRINCE, eating a herring,
Everyone mutters their motive.
KLAVA says softly:
"Grooms are our glory!"
A GIRLFRIEND whispers to her:
“You pour them a third ...”
The PRINCE made his decision,
Having made an offer to CLAVE.
PETER, blushing with effort,
Cookie makes a GIRLFRIEND.
And from the cage PARROT
Suddenly he let out a dog bark.
It's been a glorious HOLIDAY!
PETER eventually passed out.
PRINCE hid his face in a salad
(It was delicious, by the way.)
KLAVA sings a song
How it all ends, waiting.
And envious, FRIEND,
Though left without a spouse,
Sing along to her too
About "sorrows from the fields."
After seeing these things,
PARROT our gray hair.
He is silent on weekdays
And as a HOLIDAY - so screams.
Here the fairy tale ends
And who listened - well done!

Game moment "Cheerful table orchestra"

Who sits, who sits to the right of the bottle

Beat rhythmically on the glass with a fork.
Who sits, who sits from the bottle to the left
Tap the plate boldly with a fork.
Who sits, who sits to the right of the herring
Hit the plate with a fork and spoon.
Who sits, who sits to the right of the potato
Hit your knees with both hands.
Who is at the table today drank quite a bit
Beat slowly with a fork on a spoon
Who is in this hall today arrived late
Tap the glass gently on the table.
Who is today arrived on time and arrived
Beat as best you can with your heels on the floor.
Who is satisfied everyone left - clap your hands!
Who is a little was angry- don't be shy either.
And now together with everything you can - at once!
Have fun and joy at the holiday with us!

Collection posted for review


Magpies - 2,




The sun,





TEXT (the presenter reads, the participating actors portray):
Today Kitten left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning, the sun spread its rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the Porch and began to squint at the Sun. Suddenly, his attention was attracted by two Magpies, which flew in and sat on the Fence. The kitten slowly crawled down from the Porch and began to creep up to the birds. Magpies chirped incessantly. The kitten jumped high, but the Magpies flew away. Nothing happened. The kitten began to look around in search of new adventures.

A light breeze blew and drove the paper along the ground. The paper rustled loudly. The kitten grabbed it, scratched it a little, bit it, and not finding anything interesting in it, let it go. The paper flew away, driven by the wind. And then the Kitten saw the Rooster. Raising his legs high, he importantly walked around the yard. Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song. From all sides, the Chickens rushed to the Rooster. Without thinking twice, the Kitten rushed into the flock and grabbed one Hen by the tail. But she pecked the Kitten so painfully that he yelled with a heart-rending cry and ran back to the Porch. Here a new danger awaited him. The neighbor's Puppy, falling on its front paws, barked loudly at the Kitten, and then tried to bite him. The kitten hissed loudly in response, released its claws and hit the dog on the nose. The puppy ran away, whimpering plaintively.

The kitten felt like a winner. He began to lick the wound inflicted by the Hen. Then he scratched his hind paw behind his ear, stretched out on the Porch to his full height and fell asleep. We don’t know what he dreamed about, but for some reason he kept twitching his paw and moving his mustache in his sleep. Thus ended the Kitten's first acquaintance with the street.

2. Funny fairy tale - impromptu "King - Optimist"





A fox,



In a certain kingdom-state lived a positive optimistic King. Once the King was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms, generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a multi-colored Butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. But the Butterfly will show his tongue to him. That will make a face. That, in general, the word indecent will shout. In the end, the Butterfly got tired of teasing the King, and she flew away into the thicket of the forest.

And the King laughed and galloped on. Suddenly, a little Bunny jumped out to meet him. The King was frightened by surprise and stood in the pose of an ostrich, head down, that is. Bunny was surprised at such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. Bunny's paws shook. And shouted Zaika in an inhuman voice.

And just then the Fox was returning from the night shift from the poultry farm. Carried a hen home. The Fox saw what was happening on the path, but in surprise she let go of the Hen from her hands. And the chicken was arrogant. She cackled with delight, gave Lisa a crack, so much so that she clutched her head in pain.

And the Hen jumped up to the King and pecked at his soft spot. The King jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the Hare, out of fear of such a fox, jumped on his paws and grabbed her by the ears. The fox here abruptly took a course into the forest thicket.

And the King and the brave Hen also jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then, holding hands, they galloped off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the Chicken? Well, I don’t know this, but I think that he will definitely pour it for her. As well as all the guests present.

So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened .... he pours !!!

3. Comic role-playing fairy tale "Here, no time for erotica!"


P e tr o v i ch, Door, Key, Mirror, Armchair, Floor lamp, C o t M urzi k, P e s A r te m o n, T e l e v i z o r, Wife, B e d.

The text is read by the moderator.

pretty drunk Petrovich was returning home. Groping in the dark Door his apartment, he wanted to knock, but remembered that he had Key. Taking it out of my pocket Key, Petrovich stuck it in Door and turned twice.
Door opened.

Deciding to check whether it was possible to show himself at home in this form, he looked into Mirror and showed him his tongue. Mirror answered the same. Petrovich made a face. Mirror also showed a face. Satisfied with myself Petrovich staggered into the hall, turned on Floor lamp and flopped into Armchair. Immediately jumped on his knees Cat Murzik and purred, releasing claws. Loyal Dog Artemon, delighted by the appearance of the owner, ran up to Petrovich, licked faithfully on the cheek and lay down next to him.

Petrovich turned on the remote control TV set. The time was late and TV showing erotica. Here a beautiful shoulder was bared, but Petrovich I saw a bare knee. Looking forward to something interesting Petrovich began to move closer to TV together with the Armchair, but stumbled about Dog.

Petrovich with Armchair and cat collapsed to the floor. There was a wild meow, a dog howl. I ran to the noise Wife. Shaking her head, she put Armchair, lifted her husband in her arms Bed, turned off Floor lamp and lay down next to me. "There's no time for erotica!" thought Petrovich.

Whatever holiday you celebrate: new year, anniversary or birthday, you always want to laugh and laugh again. And what is needed for this? And you have to come up with funny scenes that will spice up any holiday. For example, fairy tales-alterations for a drunk company in roles will help you arrange a small performance that everyone will definitely like. Such fairy tales-alterations go with a bang in any team. And every time the guests laugh as if they had never laughed in their lives. Watch and help your friends to have a bright time.

Fairy tale-alteration - chicken ripples.
The first fairy tale is familiar to everyone from childhood. Until now, people of the older generation will be able to recite it by heart. And since the fairy tale is known, then let's remake it.
Everything is simple here: the presenter reads out the text, and the actors do that. What you need and say their cue.
Hero responses:
Grandfather Yadrena louse
Grandma ou affairs
Hen Without Bazaar
Mouse Oh, sorry!

And here is the text for the presenter:

Tale-alteration - Ivan the Fool.
And many people know this story. And in general, there are a lot of fairy tales about Ivan the Fool, so all guests will be interested.
You will also need to give the guests roles. But here they will not speak, but will simply do what is said in the fairy tale. But not everything is so simple: after all, a fairy tale has two narrators. The first is good and the second is evil. It will turn out funny and unusual.
Leading words:

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