Saying of very famous people about choice. The Importance of Choice: You choose how your life will be. There is always a choice


From early childhood, a person is taught to tell the truth. Do not lie - this is one of the rules of morality. But the truth is not always liked by a person, and in certain cases it can lead to tragedy, become life-threatening.

So what is still better: the bitter truth or the sweet lie?

It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Of course, the answer suggests itself that the truth is better, whatever they may be. The ability to speak the truth, not to lie, not to change one's moral principles - this is characteristic only of a strong person, morally pure. After all, not everyone likes the truth. Especially if a person's opinion is contrary to generally accepted views, foundations.

How many examples history knows when people sacrificed their lives, but did not betray their views. It is worth recalling the famous D. Bruno, who died at the stake for asserting that the earth is round, who dared to express a theory that runs counter to the canons of the church. From time immemorial, people went to the block for their ideas, for the truth.

And yet one must speak the truth. To live according to conscience is difficult, but also easy at the same time. No need to dodge, invent non-existent, adapt to the opinion of the interlocutor. A truthful person lives with a clear conscience, does not fall into the net of his own lies. It is the truthful people who move history, they are the initiators of the greatest deeds, this is the color of any country, any people. It is no coincidence that truthfulness, according to psychologists, is in one of the first places among the positive qualities that people distinguish.

But what about lies?

After all, she is so sweet, pleasant, lulling. It may seem strange, but lies also have the right to exist in our world. It is simply necessary for people who are weak, selfish, not self-confident. They live in an illusory world of deceit.

Yes, the insight will be terrible, the truth will still come out, it is invincible, but for now, such people think, let everything remain the same. It's so nice when a person is praised, admired, admired. Sometimes these people do not even understand where the line between truth and lies is. This is the real human problem. It is good if there is still someone nearby who will open his eyes, show the truth, no matter how difficult they may be. And let it happen as soon as possible.

However, sometimes a lie is simply necessary for a person. How to say that he is hopelessly ill, that he has only a little bit left to live? A person is characterized by the belief that he will still live, sometimes this faith does real miracles - in fact, it prolongs a person's life. And this, albeit a few, but still days, months, and sometimes even years, when a person lives next to loved ones who love him.

The choice between truth and lies is made by each person himself. This choice ultimately shows what it is.

There is no such person who at least once did not face a choice: to lie, saving himself, his friend, or to tell the truth, on the one hand to the detriment of himself, on the other hand, making his own life easier. Everyone has heard the phrase "a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie" more than once. And if you think about it, you can understand that this statement is true.

Because no matter how hard we try, most of the time the lies are eventually exposed. After all, when creating a legend, you need to take into account many details for its plausibility, which is quite difficult. Any, the most insignificant trifle can give out deceit. Moreover, coming up with a truly believable story is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance.

Even if no one ever finds out the truth, lying brings anxiety and fear that the lie will be exposed. This is called remorse. Some conscience will torment all their lives, others only a couple of days. It all depends on the significance and size of the lie. But this fear of the unknown, which conscience throws you "under the pillow" can get even in a dream. A certain paranoia appears, which in most cases ends in a few minutes of shame and a burning sense of shame. It's hardly worth the moments of relief you get when your lies aren't told right away.

Also, every action causes a reaction. More precisely, what a crime, such a punishment. If the lie is revealed, then the liar will be punished. Perhaps not in the way that mom usually punishes in childhood, putting you in a corner, or somehow financially, for example, depriving you of the opportunity to eat ice cream after dinner. You will simply fall in the eyes of a person, and lose the most important part of a good relationship between people - trust, which is much more difficult to earn again than to acquire when meeting.

Everyone loves to hear the truth, but not everyone is happy to tell it. Perhaps lying is sometimes necessary, but only in exceptional cases. Be sure to remember that to lie is to commit a negative act, which is certainly not worthy of praise. Of course, the truth is bitter and not pleasant. Having told the truth, you don’t know how you will be treated after it, rejected or accepted with open arms, so doing this is much more difficult than just inventing a story that is beneficial for yourself. But if the lie is revealed, it will be much worse, and having told the truth, you can breathe easy, forgetting about everything that happened, so we can say with confidence that the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie.

Option 2

Which is better: sweet lies or bitter truth? Philosophical - psychological question that torments the younger generation. To try to answer this question, let's look at a few illustrative examples.

When we first hear this question, of course we want to answer: "the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie." This is what our parents taught us, as the proverb says. But is it really so? Consider a situation in which a lie is likely to be more appropriate than the truth. Suppose a young girl dreams of a child. She is undergoing examinations and full of hope awaits the results. The doctor who received the results sees that this woman is infertile and the chance of getting pregnant tends to zero. The doctor is faced with a choice: tell the truth or lie. The doctor chooses not to ruin the hopes of a young girl. Is this the right decision? I think so in this situation. Now the girl will not give up, she will not stop hoping and believing, she will undergo various courses of treatment. All thoughts are material and it is possible, when - whether she will be able to give birth. What would happen if the doctor told the truth? The girl would have lost the meaning of life, would have fallen into depression, her health, both physical and mental, would have deteriorated, and this clearly would not have led to anything good.

Or consider another example. Let's say that an old grandfather was hospitalized with a heart attack. On the same day, his son had an accident and died. Should you tell your father about your son's death? Of course yes. But not in this moment. Now it is better to come up with an urgent business trip or urgent business. And when the father gets better, you can say about the death of his son. Otherwise, the already weakened heart of an old grandfather may not be able to withstand it.

It is necessary to tell the truth when you are sure that it will not bring harm. For example, if your closest friend did something bad. Don't you tell him the truth, no matter how bitter it is? In this case, if you lie sweetly, then you are doing your friend a disservice. Speak the truth, even if the truth hurts a person's pride.

Tell the truth or lie only your own choice. This choice depends on the situation, on the person who is listening to you. Perhaps this person is very receptive and honesty can lead to irreversible consequences.

Which is better: the bitter truth or the sweet lie? It is impossible to answer this question by choosing any one of the positions. Everyone decides for himself what to say and to whom.

Some interesting essays

  • The image and characteristics of Ilya Muromets in epics (Grade 7)

    The most famous epic hero, of course, Ilya Muromets. His fame spreads not only in our country, but also abroad. So in the German poems of the thirteenth century, there are references to the mighty Russian hero Ilya.

  • Characteristics of the heroes of the Oblomov novel (description of the main and secondary characters)

    Oblomov is a hereditary nobleman of the old school. He is 31 - 32 years old, lives in St. Petersburg in a small rented apartment, and is a person who spends all his time at home.

  • The birth of each new day begins at dawn. This is the time when nature comes alive. Some people have already woken up, gone for a morning run, and there are those who work at night and every time they can watch the beauty of the dawn.

  • What is a Turgenev girl? writing

    Probably, there is no such person who would not have heard of such a concept as "Turgenev's girl". And as soon as they hear about this concept, they immediately imagine a pure, immaculate, kind and gentle girl.

  • The main characters of the work One Day of Ivan Denisovich

    The protagonist of the work is a peasant named Shukhov, a simple Russian man of forty years old. Born in the village, served at the front. He spent about eight years in the camp. He is a very compassionate person and feels sorry for everyone.

1) Introduction………………………………………………………………….3

2) Chapter 1. Philosophical view………………………………………..4

Item 1. The “hard” truth…………………………………………..4

Point 2. Pleasant delusion………………………………………..7

Item 3. Separation of Lies……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

Item 4. Harm of the truth…………………………………………………...10

Item 5. Golden mean……………………………………………...11

3) Chapter 2. Modern view………………………………………..13

Item 6. Is it worth it to lie? .............................................. ..........................thirteen

Item 7. Survey………………………………………………………..14

Item 8. Modern opinions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4) Conclusion………………………………………………………………17

5) List of used literature…………………………………..18


I think that every person at least once in his life faced a choice: to reveal the true state of affairs or to embellish the situation, if appropriate. This is a difficult choice, many even suffer because they have to choose. There are people - born liars; there are those who hate lies and prefer the truth; and there are people for whom there are certain situations where lying is considered appropriate and necessary.

So what is better: a pleasant delusion or a “bitter” truth, sometimes even a sad one? I want to consider this issue as accurately as possible and go as far as possible into the essence of the problem, find out what people prefer in our time to a greater extent and whether their preferences converge with their actions, as well as draw certain conclusions for myself.

Chapter 1. Philosophical view.

"Children and fools always tell the truth," reads
old wisdom. The conclusion is clear: adults and
wise people never tell the truth."
Mark Twain

Quite a lot of events happen in our life: joy, sadness, luck, love, etc. All good events always alternate with less joyful events. They cannot even be called bad, and rather they are not even events, but certain obstacles that a person has to face. If you think about it, you can notice one very important detail - no matter what, people always demand a "bitter" truth, reliable information, and not a "sweet" lie. We often believe in a fairy tale, we live behind these rose-colored glasses, and the reality is much more false and meaner. Hiding behind dreams, we do not notice a simple needle in this beautiful world, which, oddly enough, can “prick” us painfully.

Point 1. "Heavy" truth.

The most common misconception concerns human feelings and relationships. I recall the work “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedova and one of the main characters of Sophia, who, having fallen in love with Molchanin, accepts his romantic impulse as a gift of fate that will help her become happy . However, all her hopes and dreams are shattered at one moment, when she sees the scene of the declaration of love between Molchanin and the maid, she realizes how erroneous her opinion about her beloved was before.

Disappointment is the eternal companion of delusion. And the later the true picture opens, the more difficult it is to accept and survive, and most importantly, to change something in your life for the better. For example, in Germany, doctors tell their patients the whole truth, telling cancer patients about the severity of their condition, and it seems to me that they only at beat in them the desire to resist and fight for their lives. Of course, miracles rarely happen, and maybe they don’t happen at all, but you can’t take hope away from a person.

German scientists tried to figure this out, they interviewed a number of people and asked them just one question, what would they like "a bitter truth or a sweet lie." Here's what we found out from this survey: After examining the patient, the doctor discovered a malignant tumor. And what to do next? Lie to the patient, calling stomach cancer an ulcer, lung cancer - bronchitis, and thyroid cancer - an endemic goiter, or tell him about a terrible diagnosis? It turns out that most patients prefer the second option. A sociological survey conducted among patients oncology departments of various hospitals in the UK showed that 90 percent of them need truthful information. Moreover, 62% of patients would like not only to know the diagnosis, but also to hear from the doctor a description of the disease and a probable prognosis for its course, and 70% decided to inform their families about the disease. An important role in determining preferences is played by the age of the patient - for example, among patients over 80 years old, 13% prefer to remain in the dark, and among their younger "brothers" in misfortune - 6%. All this suggests that most people prefer the truth, no matter how bitter it is, and no matter what problems it brings in the future.

In love, for example, we often overestimate our chosen one, the sincerity of his intentions: perhaps his words are at odds with his actions. " 40% of women, when meeting men, downplay their age"- the series" Lie Theory. " They lie first of all to those they love- Nadine de Rothschild. From this we can conclude that when we are mistaken in some significant issue for us, we sink into the world of illusions, creating a fairy tale that not only we like, but many other people as well.

On the one hand, “sweet” lies, or as it is also called “white lies,” are quite appropriate. But do you want to lie to your loved ones? After all, this lie can lead not to a positive outcome, but to pain and disappointment.

I don't like being lied to my face
Trying to keep me out of pain!
I don't like being told the wrong thing;
That at first they wanted to say so!
I hate pity eyes
that pierce my soul!
I hate, I hate
When they say one thing, and I hear another!
I do not accept sweet speeches,
Which are so flattering and false!
I hate the world where you are nobody
Where everyone is afraid of the truth, everyone is cowardly!
I don't want deceit and lies
I do not want pity and flattery!
I hope I deserve the truth
And the only truth I dream of.
Let it be bitter like a straight arrow
Not the kind that's so nice to hear
Let it hurt me sometimes
Let the heart only hear the truth! 1

It seems to me that this poem shows us very well that a person not only does not want to hear a lie, he also hates it. In his work, the author speaks of truth as something sacred that must be earned.

« When in doubt, tell the truth" - Mark Twain. This


the quote is true, because having lied, it is you who have to unravel all the threads that you have twisted. A pleasant delusion can only help at first, but then it will be much worse.

And as they say in the feature film "Brother-2": "- Tell me, American, what is the strength? Here the brother says that strength is in money. You threw someone, became richer, so what? I believe the strength is in the TRUTH, whoever is right is stronger ».

Point 2. Pleasant delusion.

In contrast, I want to quote, unfortunately, I don’t remember the correct presentation, so I’ll change it in my own way: “ If you want to harm a person, then it is not necessary to slander and gossip, it is enough to tell the truth about him". People really always want the truth, try to find it. Although they themselves only do what they hide, conceal, keep silent. How often do you tell the truth to your superiors? How often do you tell the truth about what you really think about your friends and acquaintances? Have you ever told the whole truth about yourself? Without concealing anything, to your parents, for example? Or the same friends?

I think the answer will be negative, the truth is too "bitter". " Unpleasant truth, inevitable death, and women's mustaches are three things we don't want to notice." Lie Theory series. We lie at work to colleagues, talk about the happy life of our family. We lie to relatives without talking about problems at work. We also tell time to friends so that they do not think that in some situation we feel weak and helpless. The worst thing about all this is that any, even a small lie, is subsequently revealed.

And how can your relatives, friends, colleagues trust you after that? If you are constantly not talking. " We like people who dare to tell us what they think, as long as they think the same way we do." - Mark Twain. 2 All this leads to the loss of loved ones, friends, because now they


They think that you do not trust them, since you always kept something with you.

And the worst thing is that your harmless lie can turn into a "big one" that borders on betrayal. So maybe you should train yourself to tell the truth?

As an example, I would like to cite an old parable about truth:

Man, no matter what,
I set out to find the truth.
Put a lot of effort into it
It was not easy for him on the way:
Wandered the untrodden road
And in the cold, and in the rain, and in the summer heat,
About the stones in the blood wounded his legs,
He lost weight and became like a gray harrier.
But he achieved his cherished goal -
After long wanderings and losses
He is in the hut of Truth, in fact

He opened the unlocked door.

There was an old woman sitting there.
It was evident that guests were not expected.
The man asked, gathering his courage:
- Isn't your name Truth?
"It's me," the hostess replied.
And the Seeker then exclaimed:
Humanity has always believed
That you are beautiful and young.
If I reveal the truth to people,
Will they become happier?
Smiling at our hero
Truth whispered: "Deceive."

Item 3. Separation of lies.

« The average person lies three times in a ten minute conversation". This is a quote from the series Lie Theory. A person is so arranged that he cannot help but lie, a lie is a part of our life. Even when they ask us - "How are you?", we answer - "everything is fine" or "normal", despite what state we really have, simply justifying this by the fact that we do not want to share problems with those around us is not enough acquaintances, people. Agree, because this is a small, but still a lie. Answering this almost every day, we get used to the lie and in order to somehow justify it, we begin to divide the lie: into positive and negative.

Lies are good or bad
Compassionate or merciless,
Lies are clever and clumsy,
Cautious and reckless
Delightful and joyless
Too complex and too simple.
Lies are sinful and holy,
She is modest and elegant,
Outstanding and ordinary
frank, impartial,
And it's just a hassle.
Lies are scary and funny
Now omnipotent, now completely powerless,
Now humiliated, then wayward,
fleeting or lingering.
Lies are wild and tame
Everyday life can also be a front door,
Inspirational, boring and different...
The truth is only the truth...

The fact that we begin to share lies, can be explained as a defense? Or is it still an excuse? How can our “normal” harm people? Nothing, however, gradually, we will begin to deceive not only others , but also themselves.

When we have a lot of problems, we sit and console ourselves that “everything is fine”, “everything is fine” and do not take any action to solve the difficulties.

But not everyone is like that, there are people who are like an open book, they always say what they feel, talk about their plans for the future. A lot of people have to work hard not to give out the whole truth.

Unfortunately, in our time, people who tell the truth are not valued. As evidence, we can take the words of Robert Greene: Reckless openness leads to the fact that you become so predictable, so understandable that it is almost impossible to respect or fear you, and power does not submit to a person who is not able to evoke such feelings. ».

Item 4. Harm of the truth.

Honesty can cause incalculable harm, both mentally and physically. For the truth, they can harm your relatives, close people or kill you yourself. The knowledge of the truth and the likelihood of its spread pushes many people to terrible deeds or drives them to the grave.

It may be better to adapt and tell people what they want to hear rather than what you really think or feel . After all, the truth can bring disappointment and pain not only to the people you tell it to, but also to yourself. As proof, we can recall a quote from the work "The Tale of Fedot the Archer, a daring young man":

“Is it good, is it bad news, -
Report everything to me!
Better bitter but true
What a pleasant, but flattery!
Only if the ent is news
It will be again - not God knows,
You are for such truth
You can sit down for ten years! - (Tsar - to the General) 3

Life is an incredibly complicated thing and, unfortunately, lying is often the only way out. Although if we take into account the quote by M. Bulgakov: " The tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can't", then it turns out that we can recognize when they lie to us, and when they tell the truth? However, it seems to me that this is not so. After all, if this were possible, humanity would not have existed for so long.

We cannot determine whether a person is lying to us or not. But because of the desire to know the truth, a person is looking for various ways to detect lies, one such example is a lie detector. However, people who have experience passing it say that a well-trained person or a person who knows how to control his emotions can easily deceive the detector. The phrase from the series "Theory of Lies" fits very well here: " No crisis in the business of lies". Since people always lie, regardless of the object of the lie, whether it be a person or a machine, which, as it seems at first glance, has been taught to separate truth from lies .

Item 5. Golden mean.

There is always a middle ground. There are situations when it is necessary to lie. And it seems that this is the most correct way. But one must understand that one should speak the truth or lie in moderation, taking into account all the circumstances. Because " Often the question is not whether someone is lying, the question is whether


why"- the series" Lie Theory. For example, the Indians said:

“With a friend, with a wife, with an old father
don't share your whole truth.
Without resorting to deceit and lies,
tell everyone what is appropriate.”

Agree, there is no such person on earth who would never lie. Lies have taken root in our society. " No one can only tell the truth - it's subjective; we value all points of view of personal experience - that's the truth"- the series" Lie Theory. Sometimes we don't even notice that On the other hand, if everyone always told the truth, there would be neither love nor peace. Nothing can be done about lying, but it seems to me that it is worth resorting to it only in the most extreme cases. Use white lies.

Chapter 2. Modern view.

As mentioned earlier, lies are firmly established in our lives. We lie every day, sometimes on purpose, and sometimes without even realizing it, because it is a common habit.

All people, absolutely everyone, want to know the truth and say that they would rather hear only it. But ask yourself - how often do you yourself tell the truth? Do you deserve to know the very truth you want? First, do not forget that everything secret becomes clear; secondly, even the most, in my opinion, terrible news can be presented in different ways. You can escalate the situation, panic, speak with pessimism, or you can simply calm down, say that the problem is solvable, and that together you can find ways to solve it.

Item 6. Should I lie?

As I have often observed, trust, love and friendship crack because of seemingly harmless lies. I met a friend on the street, sat and chatted in a cafe, naturally told the young man that she went shopping with a friend. Well, who knew that this very friend called him at that moment and was looking for me? Or, for example, this situation: he told his wife that he was doing a report at work, and he himself was at the birthday party of a very nice employee. Lied to my wife because she doesn't like it when you go or stay at these events. And when she met you at the door, drunk, and you smelled like women's perfume three kilometers away, believe me, she has already drawn such pictures for herself that it will be extremely difficult to convince her otherwise. And then prove that nothing happened, and that you are faithful.

Now, after all, even the truth you said will be perceived as a lie. After all, we do not believe people who have lied to us before, even when they tell the truth. Suffice it to recall the parable about the boy and the wolf, in which the boy lied about the wolf attacking the sheep, but when this actually happened, no one believed him.

And this is true, because no relationship will be strong if lies prevail in them. Therefore, it is worth thinking before telling a lie, even the most harmless one.

Item 7. Poll.

I did a survey among my friends. The question was in the following way: "What do you prefer more: "bitter" truth or "sweet" lies? More than 100 people took part. The results were quite expected, given what I discussed at the beginning of the second paragraph.

"Bitter truth - 91.43%

"Sweet lie - 8.57%

We can see that the vast majority prefer the truth. But I am more than sure that each of them lied at certain moments of their lives and every day they also lie, for example, to teachers, or when it was necessary, for example, to avoid punishment from their mother. True, during the discussion, some difficulties arose. Here are the words of two of my friends out of more than 100 respondents.

Anna Kozlova - " Hmm, I sit and think for five minutes ... On the one hand, the truth, because I still recognize it anyway .... but on the other, it sometimes happens that it’s better not to know it at all.<…>In any case, no one will answer you the truth now, by the way, because it all depends on what the truth is, how bitter it is. It’s just that what I thought about - yes, it’s definitely a lie, although the realization that I (the lion, by the way, according to the zodiac) is screwed up just makes me sick, but someday all the lies have always been revealed and it’s doubly painful here - because more and realize that you have been deceived. . <…> Just until it's revealed. Personal experience shows that the probability of disclosure is 99%. I lie quite convincingly, but everything secret becomes clear, even in a year, in 2, even in 10 years, but it will become the same ! »

Alexey Yusipov - " Everyone wants to hear the bitter truth, and then they are still outraged by what they heard. In our world, the "bitter" truth is superfluous information that does not need to be said, but for someone to hear it. . Well, lies can be good.<…> Sometimes the truth puts other people at risk. For example, some superhero will reveal his identity to a lady in love, and then she will be under threat. The most striking example. In life, there are so many ».

So, the bitter truth. So I wanted to write to them that if you want to make more enemies for yourself, then always, to everyone, under any circumstances, tell the truth. Imagine walking down the street and seeing a fat man. Go up to him right away and tell the truth that you don't like him appearance, then, in intensive care, you will have something to think about.

In general, it is even better to start fighting for the truth. Great idea. Let's see what will happen to you after the start of all this action. And, in the end, you will ask yourself the question: “Do I need it?”. " The truth is the most valuable thing we have; Let's use it carefully" - Mark Twain.

Item 8. Modern opinions.

So, what is better: the “bitter” truth or the “sweet” lie? Maxim Gorky in the play "At the Bottom" tried to figure this out through the mouths of his heroes. Speaking as Satin, he says: “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the God of a free man. Is the so-called white lie necessary? Here are the responses we are hearing now:

«« Bitter truth is a person's right to suffer, sweet lies are our duty to give him the opportunity to avoid it. »

« Lies are sweet, because they support the illusion, like a drug, the illusion of wholeness and happiness. »

« Secret, ALWAYS become clear. Probably, a lie is needed in critical situations, for example, when the life of another person is threatened. Or at home. What is better: to say: yes, I have a lover, and ruin the family? Or deny it and save the family? And there are an infinite number of such ambiguous situations of choice ... » .

I think it is necessary to lie in very small quantities or not to lie at all. Sooner or later, fate will make you pay for this lie, even for salvation . Based on my experience, I can only say that it is better to tell the truth.


I considered the statement "better a 'bitter' truth than a 'sweet' lie". The conclusion is that people in our time prefer the truth, whatever it may be, but very often they themselves do not finish speaking. Lies are already part of us and we will not get away from it.

Tell the truth or hide something? There is no answer to this question, everyone has their own criteria and their own framework, as well as their own understanding of this statement. And yet, the majority choose the golden mean and believe in "white lies."

We are shaken from edge to edge.
Along the edges are doors.
The last one says "I know"
And on the first it is written - "I believe".
And having one head,
You will never enter both doors -
If you believe, then you believe without knowing
If you know, then you know without believing.

And forming my consciousness,
Every day since birth
We are walking on the path of knowledge
And with knowledge comes doubt.
And the mystery will remain eternal -
Scientists foreheads will not help:
If we know, we are negligibly weak.
If we believe, we are infinitely strong. 4



1. Balyazin V. - “The wisdom of millennia. Encyclopedia" - M.: OLMA-Press, 2005

2. Gorky M. - “At the bottom. Summer Residents "- M .:" Children's Literature "- 2010

3. Griboyedov A.S. - "Woe from Wit" - M .: "Pravda" - 1996

4. Robert Green - "48 laws of power"

5. Panchatantra. Table book of Indian princes.

6. Paul Ekman - "The Psychology of Lies" - W. W. Norton & Company - 2003

7. The series "Theory of Lies" - 1, 2, 3 seasons







    Chapter 1. Philosophical view………………………………………..4

Item 1. The “hard” truth…………………………………………..4

Point 2. Pleasant delusion………………………………………..7

Item 3. Separation of Lies……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

Item 4. Harm of the truth…………………………………………………...10

Item 5. Golden mean……………………………………………...11

    Chapter 2. Modern view………………………………………..13

Item 6. Is it worth it to lie? .............................................. ..........................thirteen

Item 7. Survey………………………………………………………..14

Item 8. Modern opinions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


    List of used literature…………………………………..18


I think that every person at least once in his life faced a choice: to reveal the true state of affairs or to embellish the situation, if appropriate. This is a difficult choice, many even suffer because they have to choose. There are people - born liars; there are those who hate lies and prefer the truth; and there are people for whom there are certain situations where lying is considered appropriate and necessary.

So what is better: a pleasant delusion or a “bitter” truth, sometimes even a sad one? I want to consider this issue as accurately as possible and go as far as possible into the essence of the problem, find out what people prefer in our time to a greater extent and whether their preferences converge with their actions, as well as draw certain conclusions for myself.

Chapter 1. Philosophical view.

"Children and fools always tell the truth," reads
old wisdom. The conclusion is clear: adults and
wise people never tell the truth."
Mark Twain

Quite a lot of events happen in our life: joy, sadness, luck, love, etc. All good events always alternate with less joyful events. They cannot even be called bad, and rather they are not even events, but certain obstacles that a person has to face. If you think about it, you can notice one very important detail - no matter what, people always demand a "bitter" truth, reliable information, and not a "sweet" lie. We often believe in a fairy tale, we live behind these rose-colored glasses, and the reality is much more false and meaner. Hiding behind dreams, we do not notice a simple needle in this beautiful world, which, oddly enough, can “prick” us painfully.

Point 1. "Heavy" truth.

The most common misconception concerns human feelings and relationships. I recall the work “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedova and one of the main characters of Sophia, who, having fallen in love with Molchanin, accepts his romantic impulse as a gift of fate that will help her become happy . However, all her hopes and dreams are shattered at one moment, when she sees the scene of the declaration of love between Molchanin and the maid, she realizes how erroneous her opinion about her beloved was before.

Disappointment is the eternal companion of delusion. And the later the true picture opens, the more difficult it is to accept and survive, and most importantly, to change something in your life for the better. For example, in Germany, doctors tell their patients the whole truth, telling cancer patients about the severity of their condition, and it seems to me that they only at beat in them the desire to resist and fight for their lives. Of course, miracles rarely happen, and maybe they don’t happen at all, but you can’t take hope away from a person.

German scientists tried to figure this out, they interviewed a number of people and asked them just one question, what would they like "a bitter truth or a sweet lie." Here's what we found out from this survey: After examining the patient, the doctor discovered a malignant tumor. And what to do next? Lie to the patient, calling stomach cancer an ulcer, lung cancer - bronchitis, and thyroid cancer - an endemic goiter, or tell him about a terrible diagnosis? It turns out that most patients prefer the second option. A sociological survey conducted among patients oncology departments of various hospitals in the UK showed that 90 percent of them need truthful information. Moreover, 62% of patients would like not only to know the diagnosis, but also to hear from the doctor a description of the disease and a probable prognosis for its course, and 70% decided to inform their families about the disease. An important role in determining preferences is played by the age of the patient - for example, among patients over 80 years old, 13% prefer to remain in the dark, and among their younger "brothers" in misfortune - 6%. All this suggests that most people prefer the truth, no matter how bitter it is, and no matter what problems it brings in the future.

In love, for example, we often overestimate our chosen one, the sincerity of his intentions: perhaps his words are at odds with his actions. " 40% of women, when meeting men, downplay their age"- the series" Lie Theory. " They lie first of all to those they love- Nadine de Rothschild. From this we can conclude that when we are mistaken in some significant issue for us, we sink into the world of illusions, creating a fairy tale that not only we like, but many other people as well.

On the one hand, “sweet” lies, or as it is also called “white lies,” are quite appropriate. But do you want to lie to your loved ones? After all, this lie can lead not to a positive outcome, but to pain and disappointment.

I don't like being lied to my face
Trying to keep me out of pain!
I don't like being told the wrong thing;
That at first they wanted to say so!
I hate pity eyes
that pierce my soul!
I hate, I hate
When they say one thing, and I hear another!
I do not accept sweet speeches,
Which are so flattering and false!
I hate the world where you are nobody
Where everyone is afraid of the truth, everyone is cowardly!
I don't want deceit and lies
I do not want pity and flattery!
I hope I deserve the truth
And the only truth I dream of.
Let it be bitter like a straight arrow
Not the kind that's so nice to hear
Let it hurt me sometimes
Let the heart only hear the truth! 1

It seems to me that this poem shows us very well that a person not only does not want to hear a lie, he also hates it. In his work, the author speaks of truth as something sacred that must be earned.

« When in doubt, tell the truth" - Mark Twain. This


the quote is true, because having lied, it is you who have to unravel all the threads that you have twisted. A pleasant delusion can only help at first, but then it will be much worse.

And as they say in the feature film "Brother-2": "- Tell me, American, what is the strength? Here the brother says that strength is in money. You threw someone, became richer, so what? I believe the strength is in the TRUTH, whoever is right is stronger».

Point 2. Pleasant delusion.

In contrast, I want to quote, unfortunately, I don’t remember the correct presentation, so I’ll change it in my own way: “ If you want to harm a person, then it is not necessary to slander and gossip, it is enough to tell the truth about him". People really always want the truth, try to find it. Although they themselves only do what they hide, conceal, keep silent. How often do you tell the truth to your superiors? How often do you tell the truth about what you really think about your friends and acquaintances? Have you ever told the whole truth about yourself? Without concealing anything, to your parents, for example? Or the same friends?

I think the answer will be negative, the truth is too "bitter". " Unpleasant truth, inevitable death, and women's mustaches are three things we don't want to notice." series "Lie theory". We lie at work to colleagues, talk about the happy life of our family. We lie to relatives without talking about problems at work. We also tell time to friends so that they do not think that in some situation we feel weak and helpless. The worst thing about all this is that any, even a small lie, is subsequently revealed.

And how can your relatives, friends, colleagues trust you after that? If you are constantly not talking. " We like people who dare to tell us what they think, as long as they think the same way we do." - Mark Twain. 2 All this leads to the loss of loved ones, friends, because now they


They think that you do not trust them, since you always kept something with you.

And the worst thing is that your harmless lie can turn into a "big one" that borders on betrayal. So maybe you should train yourself to tell the truth?

As an example, I would like to cite an old parable about truth:

Man, no matter what,
I set out to find the truth.
Put a lot of effort into it
It was not easy for him on the way:
Wandered the untrodden road
And in the cold, and in the rain, and in the summer heat,
About the stones in the blood wounded his legs,
He lost weight and became like a gray harrier.
But he achieved his cherished goal -
After long wanderings and losses
He is in the hut of Truth, in fact

He opened the unlocked door.

There was an old woman sitting there.
It was evident that guests were not expected.
The man asked, gathering his courage:
- Isn't your name Truth?
"It's me," the hostess replied.
And the Seeker then exclaimed:
Humanity has always believed
That you are beautiful and young.
If I reveal the truth to people,
Will they become happier?
Smiling at our hero
Truth whispered: "Deceive."

Item 3. Separation of lies.

« The average person lies three times in a ten minute conversation". This is a quote from the series Lie Theory. A person is so arranged that he cannot help but lie, a lie is a part of our life. Even when they ask us - "How are you?", we answer - "everything is fine" or "normal", despite what state we really have, simply justifying this by the fact that we do not want to share problems with those around us is not enough acquaintances, people. Agree, because this is a small, but still a lie. Answering this almost every day, we get used to the lie and in order to somehow justify it, we begin to divide the lie: into positive and negative.

Lies are good or bad
Compassionate or merciless,
Lies are clever and clumsy,
Cautious and reckless
Delightful and joyless
Too complex and too simple.
Lies are sinful and holy,
She is modest and elegant,
Outstanding and ordinary
frank, impartial,
And it's just a hassle.
Lies are scary and funny
Now omnipotent, now completely powerless,
Now humiliated, then wayward,
fleeting or lingering.
Lies are wild and tame
Everyday life can also be a front door,
Inspirational, boring and different...
The truth is only the truth...

The fact that we begin to share lies, can be explained as a defense? Or is it still an excuse? How can our “normal” harm people? Nothing, however, gradually, we will begin to deceive not only others , but also themselves.

When we have a lot of problems, we sit and console ourselves that “everything is fine”, “everything is fine” and do not take any action to solve the difficulties.

But not everyone is like that, there are people who are like an open book, they always say what they feel, talk about their plans for the future. A lot of people have to work hard not to give out the whole truth.

Unfortunately, in our time, people who tell the truth are not valued. As evidence, we can take the words of Robert Greene: Reckless openness leads to the fact that you become so predictable, so understandable that it is almost impossible to respect or fear you, and power does not submit to a person who is not able to evoke such feelings.».

Item 4. Harm of the truth.

Honesty can cause incalculable harm, both mentally and physically. For the truth, they can harm your relatives, close people or kill you yourself. The knowledge of the truth and the likelihood of its spread pushes many people to terrible deeds or drives them to the grave.

It may be better to adapt and tell people what they want to hear rather than what you make up or feel. . After all, the truth can bring disappointment and pain not only to the people you tell it to, but also to yourself. As proof, we can recall a quote from the work "The Tale of Fedot the Archer, a daring young man":

“Is it good, is it bad news, -
Report everything to me!
Better bitter but true
What a pleasant, but flattery!
Only if the ent is news
It will be again - not God knows,
You are for such truth
You can sit down for ten years! - (Tsar - to the General) 3

Life is an incredibly complicated thing and, unfortunately, lying is often the only way out. Although if we take into account the quote by M. Bulgakov: " The tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can't", then it turns out that we can recognize when they lie to us, and when they tell the truth? However, it seems to me that this is not so. After all, if this were possible, humanity would not have existed for so long.

We cannot determine whether a person is lying to us or not. But because of the desire to know the truth, a person is looking for various ways to detect lies, one such example is a lie detector. However, people who have experience passing it say that a well-trained person or a person who knows how to control his emotions can easily deceive the detector. The phrase from the series "Theory of Lies" fits very well here: " No crisis in the business of lies". Since people always lie, regardless of the object of the lie, whether it be a person or a machine, which, as it seems at first glance, has been taught to separate truth from lies .

Item 5. Golden mean.

There is always a middle ground. There are situations when it is necessary to lie. And it seems that this is the most correct way. But one must understand that one should speak the truth or lie in moderation, taking into account all the circumstances. Because " Often the question is not whether someone is lying, the question is whether


why"- the series" Lie Theory. For example, the Indians said:

“With a friend, with a wife, with an old father
don't share your whole truth.
Without resorting to deceit and lies,
tell everyone what is appropriate.”

Source - Panchatantra. Table book of Indian princes.

Agree, there is no such person on earth who would never lie. Lies have taken root in our society. " No one can only tell the truth - it's subjective; we value all points of view of personal experience - that's the truth"- the series" Lie Theory. Sometimes we don't even notice that On the other hand, if everyone always told the truth, there would be neither love nor peace. Nothing can be done about lying, but it seems to me that it is worth resorting to it only in the most extreme cases. Use white lies.

Chapter 2. Modern view.

As mentioned earlier, lies are firmly established in our lives. We lie every day, sometimes on purpose, and sometimes without even realizing it, because it is a common habit.

All people, absolutely everyone, want to know the truth and say that they would rather hear only it. But ask yourself - how often do you yourself tell the truth? Do you deserve to know the very truth you want? First, do not forget that everything secret becomes clear; secondly, even the most, in my opinion, terrible news can be presented in different ways. You can escalate the situation, panic, speak with pessimism, or you can simply calm down, say that the problem is solvable, and that together you can find ways to solve it.

Item 6. Should I lie?

As I have often observed, trust, love and friendship crack because of seemingly harmless lies. I met a friend on the street, sat and chatted in a cafe, naturally told the young man that she went shopping with a friend. Well, who knew that this very friend called him at that moment and was looking for me? Or, for example, this situation: he told his wife that he was doing a report at work, and he himself was on the birth of a very nice employee. Lied to my wife because she doesn't like it when you go or stay at these events. And when she met you at the door, drunk, and you smelled like women's perfume three kilometers away, believe me, she has already drawn such pictures for herself that it will be extremely difficult to convince her otherwise. And then prove that nothing happened, and that you are faithful.

Now, after all, even the truth you said will be perceived as a lie. After all, we do not believe people who have lied to us before, even when they tell the truth. Suffice it to recall the parable about the boy and the wolf, in which the boy lied about the wolf attacking the sheep, but when this actually happened, no one believed him.

And this is true, because no relationship will be strong if lies prevail in them. Therefore, it is worth thinking before telling a lie, even the most harmless one.

Item 7. Poll.

I did a survey among my friends. The question was as follows: “Which do you prefer more: the “bitter” truth or the “sweet” lie?”. More than 100 people took part. The results were quite expected, given what I discussed at the beginning of the second paragraph.

"Bitter truth - 91.43%

"Sweet lie - 8.57%

We can see that the vast majority prefer the truth. But I am more than sure that each of them lied at certain moments of their lives and every day they also lie, for example, to teachers, or when it was necessary, for example, to avoid punishment from their mother. True, during the discussion, some difficulties arose. Here are the words of two of my friends out of more than 100 respondents.

Anna Kozlova - " Hmm, I sit and think for five minutes ... On the one hand, the truth, because I still recognize it anyway .... but on the other, it sometimes happens that it’s better not to know it at all.<…>In any case, no one will answer you the truth now, by the way, because it all depends on what the truth is, how bitter it is. It’s just that what I thought about - yes, it’s definitely a lie, although the realization that I (the lion, by the way, according to the zodiac) is screwed up just makes me sick, but someday all the lies have always been revealed and it’s doubly painful here - because more and realize that you have been deceived.. <…> Just until it's revealed. Personal experience shows that the probability of disclosure is 99%. I lie quite convincingly, but everything secret becomes clear, even in a year, in 2, even in 10 years, but it will become the same

Alexey Yusipov - " Everyone wants to hear the bitter truth, and then they are still outraged by what they heard. In our world, the "bitter" truth is superfluous information that does not need to be said, but for someone to hear it.. Well, lies can be good.<…> Sometimes the truth puts other people at risk. For example, some superhero will reveal his identity to a lady in love, and then she will be under threat. The most striking example. In life, there are so many».

So, the bitter truth. So I wanted to write to them that if you want to make more enemies for yourself, then always, to everyone, under any circumstances, tell the truth. Imagine walking down the street and seeing a fat man. Just go up to him right away and tell the truth that you don’t like his appearance, then, in intensive care, you will have something to think about.

In general, it is even better to start fighting for the truth. Great idea. Let's see what will happen to you after the start of all this action. And, in the end, you will ask yourself the question: “Do I need it?”. " The truth is the most valuable thing we have; Let's use it carefully" - Mark Twain.

Item 8. Modern opinions.

So, what is better: the “bitter” truth or the “sweet” lie? Maxim Gorky in the play "At the Bottom" tried to figure this out through the mouths of his heroes. Speaking as Satin, he says: “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the God of a free man. Is the so-called white lie necessary? Here are the responses we are hearing now:

«« Bitter truth is a person's right to suffer, sweet lies are our duty to give him the opportunity to avoid it. »

« Lies are sweet, because they support the illusion, like a drug, the illusion of wholeness and happiness. »

« Secret, ALWAYS become clear. Probably, a lie is needed in critical situations, for example, when the life of another person is threatened. Or at home. What is better: to say: yes, I have a lover, and ruin the family? Or deny it and save the family? And there are an infinite number of such ambiguous situations of choice ... » .

I think it is necessary to lie in very small quantities or not to lie at all. Sooner or later, fate will make you pay for this lie, even for salvation . Based on my experience, I can only say that it is better to tell the truth.


I considered the statement "better a 'bitter' truth than a 'sweet' lie". The conclusion is that people in our time prefer the truth, whatever it may be, but very often they themselves do not finish speaking. Lies are already part of us and we will not get away from it.

Tell the truth or hide something? There is no answer to this question, everyone has their own criteria and their own framework, as well as their own understanding of this statement. And yet, the majority choose the golden mean and believe in "white lies."

We are shaken from edge to edge.
Along the edges are doors.
The last one says "I know"
And on the first it is written - "I believe".
And having one head,
You will never enter both doors -
If you believe, then you believe without knowing
If you know, then you know without believing.

And forming my consciousness,
Every day since birth
We are walking on the path of knowledge
And with knowledge comes doubt.
And the mystery will remain eternal -
Scientists foreheads will not help:
If we know, we are negligibly weak.
If we believe, we are infinitely strong. 4



    Balyazin V. – “The wisdom of millennia. Encyclopedia" - M.: OLMA-Press, 2005

    Gorky M. - “At the bottom. Summer Residents "- M .:" Children's Literature "- 2010

    Griboyedov A.S. - "Woe from Wit" - M .: "Pravda" - 1996

    Robert Green - "The 48 Laws of Power"

    Panchatantra. Table book of Indian princes.

    Paul Ekman - "The Psychology of Lies" - W. W. Norton & Company - 2003

    The series "Theory of Lies" - 1, 2, 3 seasons adults do it. We just... Abstract >> Psychology

    To diseases. Girls it is better developed tactile sensitivity and sensitivity... Religion and culture. - M.: Truth, 1990-p.243-244 Rubinstein M.M. Question ... explain the meaning of the proverb: “ It is better bitter, truth, how sweet False." How to explain the meaning...

Given the choice between a woman and death, sometimes the former is better.

Vadim Mozgovoy

Everyone thinks that what is abandoned is the best.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (junior)

The force of habit is powerless over choice.

Alexander Minchenkov

They choose the lesser of two evils, and then they experience all the charms of its cultivation.

Elena Chaplenko

Only contradictions lead to choice.

Evgeny Khankin

Jean Leron d'Alambert

You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.

Omar Khayyam

If the choice is between death and a woman, then the choice is clear.

Some think, while others act mindlessly.

Vadim Mozgovoy

Have the strength to choose what you like, and no longer back down.

Albert Camus

A woman chooses a man who chooses her.

Paul Geraldi (Paul Lefevre-Geraldi)

Hesitation is justified when slowness is based on caution.

Martin Heidegger

A woman must choose:
with a man whom other women love, she will never be calm;
with a man whom other women do not like, she will never be happy.

Anatole France (Thibault)

It was only possible that it happened.

James Joyce

A smart young woman has to choose between dumb and full of strength and health young men and smart and - how should I put it? - old goats avid for women.

George Bernard Shaw

The more options, the harder it is to choose.

Vadim Mozgovoy

If I had to choose: to have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I would choose the latter without hesitation.

Thomas Jefferson

Freedom of choice is between "Everything" and "Nothing".

The choice of two evils: "Who does not want to work for us, will work for a pharmacy."

Alexander Minchenkov

The more interesting for you the alternative from which you refused, the more interesting for you will be the one you chose.

Bodo Schaefer

Taking the easy way doesn't mean doing the right thing!

You say two evils? I also have an assortment!

Wiesław Brudzinski

Of two evils, one is usually chosen which is easier to inflict.

Danil Rudy

The greater evil always hides behind the lesser.

Vladislav Grzegorchik

The lesser evil is usually more durable.

Wiesław Brudzinski

Men choose women like women choose dresses - so that they are beautiful and not expensive.

Of the two evils, choose the better.

Caroline Wells

All in the elections of two evils!

Boris Krutier

Elections involve choice
Choice implies options.

The choice is the privilege of a free man.

I will not choose from what is! I'll wait for what I want! And I do whatever it takes!

Sofia Ramilyevna Isupova

It is better to choose punishment than vile self-interest, for the first will upset you once, and the second forever.

Chilo of Lacademon

When the spirit hesitates, you can incline it in one direction or another with any smallness.

Publius Terence

There is good - it is possible without the best, there is the best - it is possible without good.

Vadim Mozgovoy

The choice of elections is different.

Konstantin Kushner

Decisiveness in any matter is even more pernicious than a bad choice.

The main choice that we have to make in the abyss is with whom to rise from it.

When choosing the golden mean, do not find yourself between a hammer and an anvil.

Konstantin Kushner

The middle is not always golden.

Erian Schultz

Where the annual election ends, slavery begins.

John Adams

Look for your correct answer, but don't stop there. Calculate what answer the teacher expects to hear, and then find at least two more. By acquiring the ability to find many solutions to a problem, you will provide yourself with a choice. Unlimited choice is the key to freedom. Above all, there are simply no right answers; there is only an unlimited number of different ones. Life without such variety quickly turns into an insignificant boredom.

Robert Kiyosaki

In general, everything can be said. You just need to choose the right time, otherwise the truth will become worse than a lie.

Sergey Lukyanenko

In rich countries, people are afraid because they have a choice. In poor or totalitarian countries, people despair because they have no choice.

Alain Robbe-Grillet

You need to choose based on reason, not feelings.

Life is a series of choices.

Choose, they told him: wealth or intelligence? As a smart man, he chose wealth.

Mechislav Shargan

One must be able to choose: one cannot demand both money and sympathy at the same time.

Marcel Achard

Of two evils choose the less. Modified


People are able to endure almost anything if they have no choice. Courage is when you have a choice.

Terry Anderson

Over the years, you choose the lesser and lesser of two evils.

Semyon Altov

Humanity stands at a crossroads between mortal despair and complete extinction. Lord, give us the wisdom to right choice!

Woody Allen

I have the utmost respect for the monstrous choice of my people.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky

Sin is not a substance, it is a choice.

Ernst Heine

Very often we choose not from what we want to have, but from what we are afraid to lose.

If you suddenly have to choose, then which of the positions should you be inclined to choose - to become a victim of injustice yourself or to commit an unjust deed?

Is it fate what happens? When we have a choice, what is the fate of the choice? If we choose white, is it fate if we want to choose black instead? How do we know that this is a change of fate, choosing something else? What if our destiny was to change our choice?

Margarita Klimchuk

If the majority sometimes makes the right choice, it is only under the influence of false motives.

Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Necessity leaves no room for choice, but the best choice is made out of necessity.

Konstantin Kushner

The electrician is mistaken twice: the first time - when choosing a profession ...

And the lack of choice is a dilemma.

Leonid S. Sukhorukov

LIFE is a constant choice between creation and destruction.

Viktor Krotov

QUESTION - the choice of direction to the answer.

Viktor Krotov

The choice of a wife and the purchase of a sword cannot be entrusted to another.

George Wells Herbert

The sooner you realize the wrongness of your choice, the sooner you will find what you are looking for.

Olga Anina

Good and evil have always existed side by side. Man is free to make his own choice.

The choice is always before us
Sets a whirlwind of shocks:
It hurts so much to move your brain
In order not to betray and survive.

Eduard Aleksandrovich Sevrus (Vorokhov)

Life is a series of choices.

Humanity faces a choice: freedom or happiness, and for many, happiness is better!

I'm sure if a man falls in love with a woman, her choice of perfume is lucky.

Jean-Paul Guerlain

God gave everyone the right to choose: to rejoice or be sad, love or hate, build or destroy, give or take away, live or slowly die.

Olga Anina

Even for the richest girls, there comes a time when it's time for them to choose someone.

Jean de La Bruyère

You are faced with the most important task of making a choice: either you decide to play your symphony of success, where you become a conductor, or you prefer to take with you to the grave all your music, which potentially exists in your soul, but will remain unplayed and which no one will won't hear.

Colin Turner

When you have to make a choice and you don't, that is also a choice.

William James (James)

Necessity excludes choice, but the best choice is that which is caused by necessity.

Konstantin Kushner

There are two important choices in life: accept the circumstances as they are, or accept the responsibility to change them.

Fate is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice.

It seems that life is a choice between two wrong answers.

Sherine McCrum

Of the two evils, I always chose the one that I had not tried before.

Which makes it very easy to choose when everything is the same.

Marilyn Monroe

Any choice has a spiritual meaning.

Absalom Underwater

Elections are not so much the right to make a mistake, but rather the obligation to taste its fruits.

Mikhail Mamchich

If money is the greater of two evils, then there is no choice.

Mikhail Mamchich

The true chosen one has no choice.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

You are a child of your time. You have the choice of whom it will bring you into the world.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The pessimist, faced with a choice between two types of evil, chooses both.

Oscar Wilde

Money gives freedom to choose delusions.

Gennady Malkin

If a person has freedom of choice, he chooses freedom.

Mikhail Genin

Elections from two evils will not lead to good!

Boris Krutier

Elections from two evils in the name of good.

Gennady Malkin

The alternative is the freedom to choose delusions.

Gennady Malkin

The main meaning of the activity is to choose the best options for the activity of the enterprise, and the economist-scientist is to create methods for such a choice.

Necessity relieves us of the difficulty of choice.

Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

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