How to open a grocery store. How to open your first grocery store? How to open a small grocery store correctly: we determine the location, assortment and equipment


I want to start a business, but I do not know which sector of activity to choose? Every second person who wants to work for himself and receive a stable income asks himself this question. The problem is solved when you see a competitive direction that promises stable profits in the future. People want to eat, even in a crisis, the demand for food does not fall. It is this fact that motivates entrepreneurs. How to open a grocery store and get profit?

Formula for success

There are several factors that ensure the profitability of a trading business:

  • Grocery store location.
  • Competition analysis.
  • Assortment formation.

A good start - position from the point right place, quality products and good service. Compliance with these points guarantees a positive result.

Where is the best place to open

The search for a retail space location is based on the following formats:

  1. Small shop in the center of the residential area. This option is successful for the outlet. A circle of potential buyers is immediately formed - residents of houses near the store. The second point is to get acquainted with the products of competitors, you need to make sure that your product is superior.
  2. A large outlet (mini-market - an area of ​​​​more than 100 sq. M.) Assumes distribution according to the self-service format.

Important: opening a large grocery store requires a lot of money, and places with high traffic of people.

By specifics outlets share:

  • Narrow range - trade in one type of product (sausage, cheese, wine, beekeeping, coffee and tea).
  • Specific specialization - vegetable, fish, meat or grocery store.
  • Combined point - meat and milk, bread and confectionery, wine and groceries.
  • A department store (market) includes all types of products.

It is profitable to open your store when there is room and the initial circle of buyers is formed.

Deciding on a business model

The entrepreneur must choose legal form enterprises. This will allow you to calculate further costs for registration and how much you need to spend on doing business.

  1. Franchise. The food market often offers to buy a business. The option is very convenient, as it eliminates the steps to promote the store.

Attention: franchising creates an impressive obligation for the entrepreneur under the terms of the contract.

  1. Medium or small business - revenue restrictions for 12 months (1 billion rubles and 500 million rubles).
  2. IP (micro-enterprise), including a small set of personnel (up to 15 people), and no more than 50 million rubles. revenue for the year.

Tip: you need to open an individual entrepreneur first, this is the easiest option that does not require unnecessary red tape with documents.


The organizational moment for any business is the mandatory registration of activities. A set of documents depends on the type of goods sold. List of required permissions:

  • Certificate of ownership of the premises (lease or sale agreement).
  • Registration of the form of activity (LLC or IP).
  • The conclusion of the SES, allowing trade in food products.
  • Information about the work on disinfestation.
  • Availability of health books for employees of the store.
  • Information about the observance of fire safety.
  • Certificates and licenses for the sale of all goods available in the store.
  • Settlement and cash receipts for servicing (cashier journal, technical and ordinary passport of the KKM version).
  • Equipment test document.
  • The book of reviews and suggestions is always in the trading room.

Important: the list is incomplete, so you should collect documents in accordance with the rules provided for by the law of the Russian Federation "On Retail Trade". A separate permit must be obtained for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products.


The normal functioning of the outlet depends on the equipment. It can be rented, bought or contracted with one manufacturer. It is profitable and economical to rent furniture and devices for goods. The process is divided into three stages:

  • Counters and racks should be universal for buyers. The availability and openness of the product attracts the client, and increases the chance of making a profit.
  • Freezers should be selected for economy (reducing energy costs).
  • Refrigerators, special containers for drinks, offal are best rented from trusted suppliers. It guarantees timely maintenance of equipment and the correct display of goods.

Important: in order to determine the amount of equipment and other trade components, you should know the total area of ​​​​the store. There is no need to clutter up the outlet with a lot of furniture, there should be room for the movement of staff and customers.

Don't forget the product

Where to start, forming an assortment. First of all, this is the order of essential goods. Bread, dairy products, pastries, meat are purchased from local suppliers. This will prevent product damage. The assortment of the store is from scratch, it has a variety: a confectionery department (at least 20 types of sweets and cookies), vegetables, you can add household chemicals. The main thing is that the buyer goes to the store and buys everything he needs to the maximum. Submission Requirements:

  • Exceptionally fresh appearance, products have normal production time.
  • Pastries and bread are in clean boxes or racks.
  • No dust and dirt on display cases.
  • The sale of goods takes place in polyethylene gloves.
  • The presence of a pleasant smell in the store.

You can diversify the service of a grocery store with the help of hot drinks (tea or coffee) on the spot, how much this service costs is determined by the cost of the goods. Additional profit is immediately formed, due to people who stopped for a bite to eat or just dropped in at lunchtime.

Tip: you need to place the product in accordance with its categories, you should not put the products in one pile. For the client, such a scheme will be inconvenient for perception.

Cooperation with food companies

In order to promote the business, suppliers of the goods, proven in practice, are selected. Criterias of choice:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the terms of delivery of products (schedule, cost of goods).
  2. Is it possible to return damaged products?
  3. How services are paid - installment plan, discount on the sale of goods of a particular company.
  4. Is it profitable to sell the goods of this supplier - the variety of assortment, the presence of well-known brands.
  5. How much money is needed for the wholesale purchase of products from the selected wholesaler.
  6. Availability of all related documents for the goods (license, quality certificate).
  7. Forms of conclusion of the transaction (permanent or temporary work).

Responsible supplier - effective work grocery store.

Personnel selection

The entrepreneur hires employees based on the volume of work in the store. It can be two or four salespeople with experience in the trade. The vacancy is placed by means of the announcement in the newspaper or on Internet sites.

Important: the employee must be neat, sociable and friendly. The activity of the staff affects the influx of people by 15%.

A small store provides for the hiring of an accountant, a security guard and a cleaner. A successful leader cares about the staff, so it would be useful to introduce a motivation system. Where to begin? First of all, offer employees piecework wages - a fixed percentage for the worked shift

Creating a "chip"

A large number of competitors forces entrepreneurs to take unusual business steps. There are grocery stores at every step, and the buyer is not surprised, except perhaps by the low cost of goods. Each point of sale has only one chance, on the path of generating income. To implement a successful business from scratch, non-standard ways of thinking are used. Advertising alone is not enough: a bright signboard, distribution of leaflets and attraction with discounts. The scheme is quite hackneyed in the retail market, and does not have much effect. Interesting offers:

  • The conversation with the client takes place in his language. The seller makes it clear to the person that he is offering a product that is beneficial only to him.
  • Sale of point of arrival and purpose of travel. Do not impose a product, but simply talk about what benefits the buyer will receive.
  • Creating inspiration for people - this rule works for all products in the retail market. The client receives a lot of positive emotions, which increases the percentage of visiting the store for the second time.

The marketing moves of entrepreneurs allow you to reach a new level and stay ahead of your competitors by a large number of steps.

Development of a financial plan

How much does it cost to open a grocery store from scratch? Where to get money? How to distribute start-up capital? These are the three main questions of doing business. We find a solution.

Formation of start-up capital includes costs:

  • Rent of retail space - about 100,000 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase (rent) of equipment - about 200,000 - 300,000 thousand rubles.
  • Production costs - about 500,000 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of activities - about 80 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses (disposable tableware, accessories, advertising) - about 50,000 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to employees - about 200,000 thousand rubles.

Total: RUB 1,230,000 thousand

Sources of money. There is not always such a large amount, so you should choose options to support your business:

  1. Making loans. There are credit organizations that provide the required amount of cash. Advantages of this method: payment of the entire amount in installments. The downside is the high interest rate.
  2. Attracting investors. Develop a business plan, and start looking for founders who are willing to invest in trading.

Important: the idea of ​​​​promoting a store includes points - the total cost of opening, and the payback of the project. Experienced analysts and economists will check how profitable it is for them to cooperate with you.

  1. Participation in public funding. There is a special program that helps start-up entrepreneurs. To do this, register at the employment center, and provide detailed plan store opening.

Distribution of money. With a successful strategy, the promotion of a grocery store will not take much time - from 6 to 12 months. During this period, income and costs are carefully formed, where a mark-up of 50% is necessary, or vice versa, discounts for illiquid goods. Proper management of finances will prevent the occurrence of risks when opening a store from scratch.

One entrepreneur who made his fortune in food retailing said that people can save on everything except their stomach.

This makes sense, because even at the time of the crisis in the economy and with a decrease in consumer wages, the income of the owners of retail outlets or supermarkets does not fall significantly.

That is why many are wondering how to open a grocery store from scratch? There are certain guidelines for opening own business, which will exclude the possibility of problems at the very beginning of developing your own business.

When opening any business, an impressive package of documents is drawn up. Documentation consisting of numerous permits and licenses can be issued independently or law firm which specializes in providing such a service.

If you know what documents are needed, you can prepare them yourself. So let's take a look at the paperwork.

To set up a food retail business, you will need the following documents:

  1. IP certificate of a person or group of legal entities. You need to issue a certificate at the local authority that regulates the issue of accounting for legal entities. Registration of the certificate takes place within 5-30 days. When registering a certificate, you need to take a certificate that indicates the absence of debt.
  2. In order to obtain the necessary license, you must also submit documents establishing the rights to use real estate.
  3. SES and GPN must give approval opinions, which indicate the compliance of the premises with the established standards. A sanitary passport is also being created.
  4. The established norms determine the need to draw up an agreement for the removal of garbage from the store.
  5. A document that contains a list of the assortment of an outlet. If there is alcohol in the assortment, then you need to have a license to sell it.

A package of documents is submitted to the Consumer Market Administration. In order for the verification to take place within one calendar month, the information provided must be reliable and drawn up in accordance with the established rules. Otherwise, the process of reviewing the submitted package of documents will take a lot of time.

However, permission alone will not be enough to start trading. After that we make out:

  • certification of the place of work of each employee;
  • registration of cash and control equipment;
  • a document stating that it is possible to contact emergency services;
  • a copy of the license allowing retail trade;
  • copies of product licenses presented during the inspection.

A book of complaints and suggestions is being created to regulate the relationship between the seller and the consumer in accordance with the rules.

Room selection

The choice of premises and its lease or purchase when organizing the business in question should be carried out before the start of registration of entrepreneurial activity and other documents. This is due to the fact that they will contain information about the premises: address, area and much more.

A step-by-step plan for choosing a room provides for consideration of its location. This is due to the fact that the store should be located in high traffic areas.

Many people don't look at small shop or big, coming home from work. The main thing is that you do not need to deviate from the intended path. The plan to create your own business should take into account how many people (rough estimate) pass by the location of the future store.

The calculation takes into account transport interchanges, the number of residential buildings nearby and industrial buildings, offices.

When organizing a business retail the estimated profitability of the outlet is determined by whether there are other stores nearby. When considering competitors, their assortment, prices, service, features of the premises and much more are taken into account.

You can determine all the indicators when drawing up a plan that indicates the possible audience of the outlet.

Premises for rent

An easy start of a business with a small amount of money is possible when concluding a lease agreement. When choosing, it is recommended to consider facilities that were originally designed for food retailing.

Otherwise, the money will be used to remake the area so that it meets the established standards.

Particular attention should be paid to the drafted lease agreement. It is recommended to conclude it for a long time, because otherwise the investment in the preparation of the plan and its implementation will not bring profit.

However, one should not forget that in the event of a loss-making trade, the tenant terminates the long-term contract, and this can, in some cases, be done only with the payment of a penalty. Therefore, it is worth entrusting the drafting or review of the lease agreement to lawyers.

Before renting a room, you need to consider that it must comply with all the standards of the SES and other authorities. These include:

  • The presence of a ventilation system: artificial or natural. This is due to the fact that there can be many people in the store. According to the established norms, artificial or natural ventilation should be organized in crowded places.
  • The safety instruction determines the need for fire protection systems, evacuation plans.
  • Attention is paid to electrical wiring.

All regulations can be obtained from the relevant regulatory authorities. IN Lately became popular shopping malls where all norms are met, but their rent is not always advisable.

Another selection criterion can be called the mandatory equipment of the building with water supply, electricity, heat supply, and a ventilation system.

Important! All communications must be properly designed, otherwise there is a possibility of problems with opening a store.

How much does the correct design of the supply of communications cost? An exact answer can only be given by considering a specific case, but always self-registration will lead to a bad start for your own business.

When concluding an agreement, you need to pay attention to the correct execution of documents for real estate and other points: the form of ownership, how many owners, whether the property is a pledge for a loan.

Search for suppliers and conclusion of contracts

To obtain a constant profit, it is necessary to provide for the need for a constant supply of goods. The plan to create your own business provides for the conclusion of long-term contracts. Often wholesale companies become suppliers.

The instructions for choosing suppliers are as follows:

  1. To begin with, we study the demand in the halo of opening a store. Using the results of research, determine the popularity of goods in the region.
  2. The next moment is the choice of suppliers of products from a certain range.
  3. The main selection criterion is how much the product costs. But in some cases it is more profitable to buy from a supplier located nearby, and not from the one that sells cheaper. If you deliver from afar, then you need to pay attention to a unique product that is not widely distributed in the region.

The original idea can be called the purchase of goods from local farmers. Natural product, fresh fruits and berries are always in demand. People are even ready to overpay if they are sure of the naturalness and quality of the products.

Purchase of commercial equipment

When trading products, it should be borne in mind that they need to be stored in the refrigerator. Some products cannot be sold without refrigerators installed.

In addition to refrigeration units, you may need:

  • showcases;
  • racks;
  • freezers and refrigerators.

You can make the store more practical and attractive if you use the services of companies that furnish retail space.

Such a service consists in creating a design project, which will indicate the plan, the type of furniture and equipment to be installed, sketches and much more. Already taking into account this information, the furnishings of the premises will be carried out.

You can arrange the pavilion by renting equipment and furniture. Some vendors specialize in equipment and furniture rentals.

Selection of cash equipment

Cash register equipment is an integral part of every store. If you are creating a grocery store, then you need to consider the need for a scale and a scanner.

Scales are necessary for the goods to be weighed. The scanner is needed if the pavilion is open and visitors pay at the exit.

Correctly chosen cash register equipment will allow:

  • increase sales control;
  • reduce costs arising from the errors of cashiers;
  • unload cashiers, which will speed up the calculation of visitors.

The check is issued to all buyers according to the purchased product. This is due to the established rules in consumer rights law.

In the plan for registering entrepreneurial activities, it should be noted that you need to obtain the relevant documents for the installation of a cash register.

To do this, registration is carried out with the Federal Tax Service, KKM is registered with service center who is responsible for monitoring the health of the equipment.

The registration process is as follows:

  1. An appropriate application is submitted to the tax office.
  2. Next, you need to conclude an agreement with the center that supports KKM.
  3. To account for CMC, its diagnostics are carried out.
  4. EKLZ is installed in each KKM.

Unregistered cash registers cannot be installed in the store. This rule is established by law, its violation leads to administrative liability.


After the base is fully prepared, the moment comes when you need to hire staff. The business in question is built on the fact that each employee will perform their duties. A recruitment agency can recruit staff, but you can do it yourself.

  • to attract attention, you can place an ad on the Internet;
  • the announcement may be distributed through the media;
  • flyers on or around the store can also attract potential employees.

The interview will determine who is more suitable for the job. When attending an interview, potential employees must have:

  • a certificate that allows you to work in the country;
  • the health book is an important document. At the same time, its presence required condition for every grocery store worker.

In addition to cashier-sellers, staff should be hired who will be responsible for keeping the store clean, for delivering goods to the shelves, for guarding the premises, and so on.

Registration of a point of sale

The way the product lies on the counter depends on its attractiveness. For starters, you can use the services of a merchandiser. At the same time, it is not entirely necessary to take such a specialist on the staff, you can conclude an agreement for the provision of services.

The store itself can be decorated in different ways. The main thing is that it should be bright, attract the attention of others.


The process of creating your own business, which consists in the sale of goods, is simple. The main thing is to follow the established plan.

How much does it cost to open your own store? The question is quite complicated, since the final price depends on the location of the pavilion, its area, assortment and other features.

Estimated income also varies widely. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the development of a business plan and its accuracy.

There are not many types of businesses that do not depend on financial crisis and other material hardships. For example, grocery store - profitable business even in unstable times, when the market for service enterprises is narrowing, and some niches are completely curtailed until better times. Consider the steps you need to take to successfully open your grocery store.

Certainly, grocery store is not the ideal type of business. It, like other formats, is subject to the same market laws of development, external and internal factors. And during the crisis, despite the stable demand for food, the purchasing power of the population still fell in this niche. Grocery store business owners were among the first to feel the decline in profits. Due to a shift in the consumer's focus of consumption. Simply put, the consumption basket has become cheaper and more modest.

But - good news from the site - demand for everyday goods and food will never be zero. Consumers change only the consumption pattern.

Given this rule, a food store can be made to break even. To do this, it is necessary to change and rebuild the assortment in a timely manner, look for new suppliers and manufacturers, consider cheap alternatives to expensive food products, introduce promotions and come up with other ways to increase customer loyalty.

The concept of opening a grocery business is quite simple. To open a grocery store, you need to collect a package of documents and permits, find and equip a suitable room, select and conclude agreements with suppliers, purchase special equipment for storing products and start advertising campaigns to attract customers..

Choosing a location for a grocery store

The most optimal solution when choosing a room- find a ready-made, already equipped for food trading. It can even be considered the only correct solution, with some reservations.

This problem, of course, concerns only those who do not have their own premises. Owners, on the contrary, have an undeniable advantage in the form of premises and the ability to equip it the way they want. the site is not looking for easy ways, therefore, we will assume that the premises are supposed to be rented.

If the premises are not ready for the opening of a grocery store - re-equipment of the area for the sale of food products according to the norms, established by law is a rather complex process. He can "eat" a lot of money, nerves and time. Moreover, the time spent on registration and obtaining all the necessary permits will take the most. It is necessary to pay special attention to engineering communications. SES, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other inspection bodies establish special requirements, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises for the store, for the fire extinguishing and fire alarm system, ventilation, lighting, and the serviceability of electrical wiring. Naturally, this will not happen in an unprepared room. And you have to do everything yourself.

If you manage to find a ready-made premises, it is imperative to check the availability and correctness of permits for the premises in accordance with all necessary standards. If there is no such documentation, or the owner of the premises offers to resolve this issue "later", then, without a doubt, the tenant will have to decide everything, at best, on their own. At worst, the further functioning of the grocery store will become simply impossible.

Of course, the reader of the site will say, a ready-made room for a grocery store will cost a pretty penny, but you still have to redo it to fit your needs. And he will be right. Moreover, it is very difficult to find a good ready-made premises for a specific purpose. Everything that will be offered on the market, one way or another, has problems, such as the need for cosmetic repairs, or, even worse, major repairs. Therefore, the search for a ready-made premises is the only right decision, with these very reservations that it will be very difficult to find a suitable one. Almost impossible.

The optimal solution to this dilemma is to find a room for the possibility of converting it into a grocery store. This means the following: the possibility of arranging the necessary engineering communications, the possibility of repairing any complexity, the possibility of arranging a separate exit. And, most importantly in this decision, the possibility of obtaining the necessary permits. All this, one way or another, will have to be done independently. Good landlords, as a rule, in this case go to meet the tenant - they give rental holidays for the required period, or they can take part of the costs for themselves, they also assist in obtaining permits - they provide the necessary certificates, extracts and other "bureaucracy".

Do not forget about store location is the basis for the success of any retailer. Placement in a passing place is a lot of luck and the best advertisement for a profitable business.

If you plan to rent a room, then the following simple tips will be very useful.

  • A long-term lease is more profitable than a short-term lease; a long-term lease is more likely to give a discount.
  • The conditions for the renewal of the contract should be transparent and should not provide the landlord with a unilateral right to increase the cost of rent. Such an increase should take place as an additional agreement with prior notice to the tenant. It is better to review all the terms of the contract together with a lawyer experienced in real estate transactions.
  • The terms of early termination must be included in the contract without fail. Despite the low risks of business loss, anything can happen and, for example, a large area will not be able to reach self-sufficiency. Conditions must suit the tenant.
Documents required to open a grocery store

The current rules for the use of checkout equipment assume that the new grocery store uses an online checkout (KKT-online). That is, a terminal that transmits information via the Internet. It is not difficult to purchase such a CCP, there are many companies specializing in the installation and maintenance of cash equipment and other accounting systems for goods turnover. They will take care of all the paperwork for this equipment. The owner of a retail outlet for the sale of food products will only need to arrange the store itself. Of course, this design can also be delegated to third-party specialists for a separate cost, or save money and do everything yourself. Moreover, according to the site, not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance:

  1. . Takes 5 to 25 days. It is carried out at the tax office at the place of registration, or at the place where the store is opened. If the owner already has own LLC, allowing you to open a grocery store, it is enough to get a certificate of no debts from the Federal Tax Service (FTS).
  2. With a ready-made lease agreement (or a certificate of ownership, if the owner of the premises himself opens his own small grocery business), it is necessary to obtain from the SES and the State Fire Supervision Authority (or other similar municipal services and departments) that the store premises comply with all standards. In SES it is also necessary to issue a sanitary passport for the premises.
  3. With a local government body (HOA, ZhEK) or private company you need to sign a contract for the removal of household waste.
  4. If you plan to sell strong alcohol, then you need to obtain a separate license for the sale of alcoholic beverages.
  5. It is also necessary to prepare a list of the full range of goods for the opening outlet.

To obtain a permit to trade in food products, the collected package of documents must be submitted to the local consumer market department. In a month, if all the documents are in order and pass the test, a trade permit will be issued.

After the permission is received, it is necessary to register cash register equipment and attestation of workplaces. Also, without fail, it is necessary to organize a consumer corner, where:

  • emergency phone numbers;
  • a book for complaints and suggestions, of the established form;
  • a copy of the current law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • copies of licenses for all products subject to licensing;
  • a copy of the trade license.
Grocery store equipment

For a grocery store, equipment is divided into two types - commercial equipment and, as noted above, cash registers. Installation of equipment is one of the most expensive items of expenses for opening a store. It's all about its high cost. Especially for new technology. And this item of expenditure cannot be avoided.

Because the organization of space inside the grocery store is regulated by the norms and laws of the state. Installing obviously unsuitable equipment can result in fines and sanctions, the total cost of which exceeds the cost of suitable equipment.

Shop equipment. The equipment is selected based on the needs of the owner and the capabilities of the outlet. The display of goods implies the presence of various racks and showcases suitable for placing suitable goods. The most expensive will be the purchase of refrigeration equipment. The way to save, in this case, is to rent or installment equipment. Many commercial equipment companies have such offers. Also, suppliers and food manufacturers can provide their own (branded) equipment for the entire period of the supply contract. Renting and branded equipment is a great way out for those grocery store owners who are on a budget.

Cash register equipment. Since 2018, the use of cash registers is mandatory for all UTII and PSN payers. The grocery store must be equipped with a cash register, a reader for plastic payment cards, scales and a label scanner. According to federal law N 54-FZ "On the application cash register equipment when making cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards » the CCP owner is not obliged to conclude an agreement for Maintenance cash register equipment. However, all the problems that arise in the operation of this equipment will have to be solved independently or to involve outside specialists. The same law allows you to register CCP yourself, without involving specialists and overpayment.

To register a CCP on your own, you must:

  • Equip the cash register with a fiscal drive;
  • Conclude an agreement with any fiscal data operator (OFD);
  • Submit an application for registration of your cash register with the Federal Tax Service (this can be done using the Internet, through the official website of the Federal Tax Service, for this you need to obtain an electronic signature);
  • After consideration of the application for registration, if successful, a unique registration number will be assigned, which must be entered in the CCP.
Recruitment of sales staff for a grocery store

A prerequisite for store employees is the presence of a valid sanitary book. In case of violation - the absence of sanitary books - the business owner faces a large fine. Also, in the state it is desirable to have movers, goods handlers and cleaners. If the store is small, the display of goods and cleaning of the premises can be occupied by sellers for an additional fee.

Suppliers of goods and work of a grocery store

The choice of suppliers is the secret to the success of any grocery store. Suppliers can be wholesale companies and manufacturers of goods. To select suppliers, you can use the services of a logistics specialist, he will help you select and organize the assortment of a grocery store for any format. If you plan to do everything yourself, then for this you need:

  • To study the demand of buyers and offers of the nearest competitors;
  • Based on the data obtained, create a product matrix - a list of goods that are planned to be sold;
  • Based on the list, select suitable suppliers that will help form a competitive advantage.

Competitive advantages lie not only in selling prices, but also in the availability of goods or even some of its exclusivity. Even an expensive product makes a profit if it high demand exceeding the offers of neighboring competitors. Sometimes low Wholesale price is not the reason for serious savings, the benefit is facilitated by more convenient logistics of goods from the supplier, which can also cost a pretty penny.

The very same loyalty of customers - the preference of the audience of visitors to visit a particular grocery store - is formed not so much by promotions and a range of goods, but by the quality of products and the service provided. It is these two components that form the general trend of the store development and its further work.

Therefore, by finding the optimal combination of all factors, even a small grocery store can be profitable. And vice versa - a large trading network - barely reaches self-sufficiency .. It reacts vividly to changes in demand, the financial health of the population and other external and internal factors. An experienced store owner must and must take into account these circumstances.

"Newbies" in this business, as well as everyone else, can try to open a business selling products under any federal franchise. This will allow you to study all the processes from the inside, learn how to sell products, go through all the stages from choosing a premises to opening a retail outlet. In addition, the federal network of franchised grocery stores has an undeniable advantage - a sign and a well-known name that is well known to consumers. Which also plays on the loyalty of the audience. The downside, without a doubt, in this case is the lack of several degrees of freedom of behavior and choice in business. An experienced entrepreneur may not like this. On the other hand, this will save the “newbie” from imprudent steps and serious mistakes.

Opening your own grocery store, with the right approach, is a great way to establish a profitable and stable business. Own business!

Many people who decide to start their own business think about opening a grocery store, guided by the thought: “everyone wants to eat every day.” This argument, of course, is weighty, but it covers the very essence of the business idea very superficially.

The success of a grocery store will depend not only on the influx of visitors, but also on a number of other factors. In the process of work, absolutely all the nuances of this case must be taken into account. This includes merchandising, appearance point of sale, advertising campaign and even store equipment.


  • Market. The food market today is not just large, it is constantly expanding. In stores you can find products not only from domestic manufacturers, but also from foreign ones. At the same time, imports are increasing every year. It is best to open a small convenience store. In terms of their payback, such establishments take the lead compared to supermarkets, because a person often pays attention to exactly what is at hand.
  • Range. When opening a store, it is recommended to fill its assortment with what is sold in a competing outlet. Despite the fact that the products will be similar, it will bring you profit, especially if the establishment is within walking distance. Not every person, including pensioners, will want to go to the supermarket on the next street when the store with the necessary goods is located near the house.
  • Wholesale supply. If the wholesale supply system is well developed, then you will not have to go and buy goods yourself. Representative offices of wholesale companies will advise you on which product will be most in demand in your store. They will help you make a purchase order and deliver products to your store.
  • Stock of goods. In most cases, stores make purchases food products several times a week (1-2 times). Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the fact that old goods will lie on the shelves (its volume is calculated in advance for 1-2 weeks of sales). Dairy and bakery products are calculated on average for 1-2 sales days.
  • Low level of staff. To work in a store, you do not need to hire salespeople with special knowledge or qualifications. At the first stage of doing business, you can refuse to hire qualified employees, and hire cheaper staff, thereby reducing the cost of wages.
  • The pricing policy of the store is proportional to inflation in the country. As a rule, food suppliers raise prices for goods several times a year. This is due to rising prices for raw materials from which products are made, as well as fluctuations in exchange rates. Thus, prices in the store rise at the same time as prices in the entire market.

When forming a pricing policy, it is not necessary to take into account the annual inflation rate. All you need to do is keep the margin at a fixed level. In many industries, increasing the price of a product can be quite risky, because you can lose a significant part of customers. Therefore, entrepreneurs keep the price as low as possible for as long as possible, thereby operating at a loss. In a grocery store, this problem practically does not exist.


  • Workload. A large amount of store work will be primarily associated with the purchase and acceptance of goods. In practice, the average mark-up on food products is between 10 and 20 percent. Thus, stores make a profit by the volume of goods sold. If the outlet has a high turnover, then several purchases will have to be made daily. To facilitate the work, it is necessary to deliver the goods to the arrival in specialized programs, for example, "1C Store".
  • Shortage of goods. In most stores, shortages are the main reason for falling profits. This may be due to theft of buyers, sellers, errors in receiving goods or in the work of cashiers. To avoid shortages of products, it is necessary to appoint responsible for the theft of staff and customers. It is also worth noting that the shortage leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the staff, because it is followed by deductions from the salaries of employees.
  • Expiry date control. Since the shelf life of most food products is limited, it is necessary to organize a certain control system in the store. In accordance with it, the goods are divided into those that can be sold, and those that have expired. Some damaged goods can be returned to the supplier. In any case, the store will always have products that must be written off from sales or deducted from the salaries of those responsible for them. Write-offs and payroll deductions can take a toll on your bottom line.
  • Supervisory authorities. Food products that will be sold in your store, alcohol and tobacco products have a certain expiration date. It is physically impossible to keep track of each name, so certain violations related to the implementation may occur in the store. If violations are found, fines will have to be paid, which are quite high today.

How to open your own store- in the next video:

Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, necessary documents

First you need to register your business. The first thing you need is to choose the form of your organization (it can be). The choice of form depends on which store you plan to open. If this is a point of walking distance, an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) is quite suitable. If in the future the store will be expanded to trading network, it is better to choose LLC.

In order for your business to be legal and comply with the law, you need to collect and prepare the following documents:

  • Certificate of registration of sole proprietorship or LLC.
  • Lease or purchase agreement.
  • Certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological station.
  • Conclusion from fire brigade, confirming that the room complies with all fire safety standards and does not pose a threat to the lives of staff and visitors.
  • Contract for the conclusion of sanitary measures in the premises.
  • Contract for the removal of food waste.
  • Waste collection agreement.
  • Staff medical records.
  • Buyer's corner with all necessary documents: license for entrepreneurial activity, reference and legislative information, a book of reviews and suggestions, documents on the sale of products in the store, certificates from the sanitary and epidemiological station on the compliance of products with sanitary standards.
  • Certificates for sale and tobacco products.
  • Quality certificates.
  • Certificates and documents for the cash register.
  • Certificates for entry in the commercial register.
  • Documents of instrumentation.

Selection of location and premises

The main task before opening a store is choosing its location. This is what the revenue will depend on. According to statistics, about 50 percent of the profit depends on the location of the point. If the place is chosen incorrectly, the business can be considered burned out.

To choose the right place, you need to analyze the so-called preferred zones in your city and open a store there.

You also need to select a retail space. His choice will depend on which store you are going to open. If the establishment is within walking distance, then the premises should be chosen small (30-50 sq.m.), when opening a supermarket or mini-market, the area should be from 150 to 300 sq.m. m.

Choice of trade direction and format

The supermarket is considered the most profitable form of a store. Such shops can be opened both in a small area and in a large one. For the buyer, they are convenient in that you can always view the product and check the information of interest (for example, composition or expiration date), and only then pay for it at the checkout.

If you plan to sell only certain products, then choosing the “counter-seller” format would be an ideal option.

In such cases, buyers, especially pensioners, will have the opportunity to consult with the seller when choosing the right thing. If your store has friendly sellers, then the flow of customers will be on high level.

The choice of the direction of trade and the format of the grocery store will depend on what kind of institution you plan to open, as well as on its location - in a village, village or city.

Necessary equipment

To store products, you need to purchase the right equipment. First of all, you should buy refrigeration equipment, racks, cash equipment, freezers.

In addition, you need to purchase inventory: lockers, carts and baskets for groceries. If the store sells homemade products (for example, salads, fish, meat), then you should definitely buy knives, cutting boards and other similar inventory.


If you do not have the required experience in recruitment, it is recommended to hire directors who is well versed in this matter. In addition, he must know the range of products, properly organize working environment and optimize it as much as possible.

The shop should be hired several sales consultants to the trading floor, interchangeable sellers-cashiers(if you open a supermarket). Also take care of store security, which you can hire yourself or by contacting special security agencies. You can hire more than one if you want. movers who will unload the goods.

How much does it cost?

Here you should carefully determine all the income and expenses that will accompany your business. As soon as this estimate is drawn up, you can think about opening your point.

Basic expenses:

  • Room rental - 100 thousand rubles per month.
  • Salary to employees - about 150 thousand rubles a month.
  • The cost of purchasing equipment is 300 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of food - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

According to rough estimates, at least 1,150,000 rubles may be required to open.

How to advertise a point

To open shop brought a steady income, you will need a constant stream of customers. To do this, you need to carry out various promotions that will favorably distinguish your outlet from the rest.

First of all, you need to try to make the opening as noisy as possible. You can decorate the entrance to the store with balloons, organize interesting events. One of the best options will become a contest in which visitors can win household appliances(electric kettle, microwave, etc.).

Be sure to consider a system of discounts. The best option is to issue discount cards for a discount of a certain size.

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