How to choose an online cash register for your business. Cash register for individual entrepreneurs: the key to the successful development of your undertaking Which cash register to choose


Buying new cash register, it is important to evaluate the number of goods in the assortment of the company, the number of operations per day, the mobility of activities, the method of connecting to the Internet. There are 3 types of cash registers on sale - autonomous cash registers, POS-terminals, fiscal registrars. Depending on the scale and features of the functioning of the business, you can choose a cash register in the price range from 9,000 to 80,000 rubles.

The transition to the new rules of cash discipline requires business entities to purchase a modern cash register that will meet the new conditions for interaction with the tax authorities. In particular, such devices should be able to transmit information to fiscal data operators (FDOs), who will subsequently forward them to the tax authorities.

There are a number of criteria for choosing this device.

  • Firstly, the main requirement for a cash register is that it must be included in the register of online cash desks of the Federal Tax Service, which is regularly updated with new models.
Note: As of July 3, 2017, 81 online cash desks from several Russian manufacturers were listed in the register - Atol, Shtrikh-M, NCT - meter, Evotor, Iskra, etc. Source: Official website of the Federal Tax Service
  • Secondly, the technical parameters of the device must correspond to the specifics of the company's activities (volume of turnover, number of operations per shift, etc.).

When choosing an online cash register, it is important to take into account the taxation regime used and the legal form (IP, LLC, JSC), since not all firms will switch to a new cash discipline from July 1, 2017.

  1. Organizations involved in the sale of securities, public transport tickets, ice cream and soft drinks, seasonal vegetables, as well as shoe repair and recycling - can not burden themselves with this issue.
  2. Companies operating under a patent or on the terms of UTII can postpone the purchase of an online cash register until July 1, 2018.
Topic material: .

At the same time, all business entities will have to acquire new devices by July 2021.

Considering the various types of online cash registers, it is necessary to take into account the main indicators of the functioning of the company:

  • the number of goods in the assortment;
  • the presence among them of excisable products;
  • throughput of goods or the number of transactions per shift;
  • Internet access option.

After clarifying the above positions, you can proceed to the selection of a suitable online cash desk.

Online checkout - what to look for when choosing?

Entrepreneurs, when choosing a new cash register for their business, should know the six main parameters of an online cash register that you should pay attention to.

Device Bandwidth

It shows how many checks per minute the cash register prints. The most expensive devices are distinguished by the maximum output, the acquisition of which is pointless with a small business scale.

Device mobility

If the firm plans courier delivery or works outside a stationary point, then it should choose equipment on an autonomous battery, and not on mains power.

Internet access option

All cash registers from the register of the Federal Tax Service can be divided into three groups: those connected to the Internet via an Ethernet cable, Wi-Fi or a built-in modem (SIM card).


This parameter is relevant for stand-alone registrars (they are able to save no more than 10,000 transactions), and those cash desks that work through a computer use its memory.

Ease of management

Touch cash registers are rightfully considered the easiest to manage - they display prompts for the user. Some devices display the error number on the screen (Atol-90F) or even provide comments on them (Pioneer-114F)

EGAIS support

This option is important for companies selling alcohol - the presence in the cash register of a special UTM module that supports EGAIS. An example of such a device is the Mercury cash register model 180 F.

The main types of online cash desks - how to make the right choice?

The list of new cash registers currently on the market is extremely wide. However, they can be conditionally divided into three groups - autonomous cash registers, POS terminals and fiscal registrars.

Autonomous cash desks are devices that have their own power supply and built-in memory. They can work independently from the computer. The structure of such CCPs includes:

  • small processor and memory card;
  • small display;
  • panel with buttons;
  • mini-printer with the ability to print checks on a narrow ribbon.

Examples of autonomous cash desks included in the register of the Federal Tax Service are Dreamkas-F, Atol-90F, Mercury-115F, Elves-MF, etc.

Fig. 2 The Atol 90F cash register is a typical representative of the autonomous cash register class. Source: Spb-Kassa website

POS terminals- these are CCPs that are also able to function without connecting to a PC. However, unlike stand-alone cash registers, they have the following characteristics:

  • more powerful processor and built-in memory;
  • color touch display;
  • receipt printer;
  • magnetic card reader.

Convenient and functional POS-terminals are Viki Mini F, Evator Standard-MF, Viki Tower F 10, etc.

Fiscal registrars are stationary cash registers. They can only work in conjunction with a computer, because they do not have a processor, memory and display. Their job is to print checks.

Examples of high-quality fiscal registrars are Viki Print 57 Plus F, Atol-55F, Shtrih-Light-01-F, etc.

"On the use of cash registers" regulates mandatory application such technology for all types entrepreneurial activity who sell various goods or provide certain services.

When performing such actions, the individual entrepreneur must issue to the consumer check confirming payment for the purchased goods or services.

Concept, purpose and choice

Control- cash registers(KKM) are an electronic mechanism that allows tax and other regulatory authorities to carry out constant supervision for the movement of cash received by the company from the sale of goods or services.

In addition, KKM helps to collect the necessary information for reporting and keep accounting records of the organization.

When purchasing a cash register, a businessman or his authorized representative must clearly know which operations are necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise and which are not. Main differences any model range are:

  • price, which depends on the model of the device, as well as on the place and method of its sale;
  • the number of printed checks for a certain period of time, respectively, the higher the print speed, the more expensive;
  • auxiliary functions that any cashier can do without, especially if the company's budget does not have large expenses for the purchase of cash equipment;
  • the presence of connectors that make it possible to connect various devices, such as barcode scanners, bank cards, electronic scales, and the like;
  • the presence of a rechargeable battery that allows you to carry out mobile sales without a permanent electrical source;
  • the ability to operate equipment with large temperature fluctuations.

It turns out that a cash register with a sufficiently large number of additional functions will cost much more expensive conventional and compact "KKM".

Who is required to use

The current legislation provides compulsory use control equipment for all enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, which receive or provide services.


Individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system (STS), required to use cash.

There are special computer programs that allow you to make the necessary records, as well as print checks. To do this, you just need to install the program on a personal computer located at the workplace of the seller. Thus, the owner can save almost half as much financial resources as when buying.

However, taxpayers under the "simplification" have the legislative right not to apply the CCP, if:

  1. All financial settlements with the population or other clients are carried out by bank transfer. The only big disadvantage of the exception is that such financial transactions are problematic and almost impossible to carry out with individuals.
  2. An individual entrepreneur provides a service to a consumer. But in this case, the businessman is obliged to issue a certain receipt to the client, which displays the amount and date of payment, the name of the company, information about the owner, his signature and the wet seal of the company.
  3. The businessman carries out his production activities in remote places that are approved by law. At the same time, the condition for issuing an act on accepting cash from the consumer is mandatory.
  4. The sale of medicines is carried out by pharmacies, services are provided by paramedical institutions located in the countryside.
  5. Entrepreneurship is based on freight or passenger traffic. A prerequisite is the provision of tickets to passengers.


Individual entrepreneurs on OSNO have legal right not to use cash registers in case of mutual settlements with the population to whom a certain service was provided.

But in this case, the client must provide BSO(form of strict reporting), which is purchased in specialized stores or printed by order in printing houses.

Such an act of mutual settlement should indicate the following information:

  • detailed information about the taxpayer;
  • actual and legal address of the company;
  • clear name of the service provided;
  • series and number of circulation;
  • date of issue of the form;
  • the cost of the service provided;
  • profession and signature of the person issuing the BSO.

The system without cash payments can only be used when receiving cash from individuals. Mutual settlements with legal entities must be made by bank transfer or only through KKM.

In the event that the taxpayer, under the OSNO, uses exclusively non-cash forms of payment, including with individuals, checkout is not required.


In the event that a businessman pays a state duty on a single tax on temporary income () and carries out retail, then the decision on the presence cash register undertaken individually.

Thus, in the absence of a CCP, the entrepreneur must hand over to the buyer, instead of a cash receipt, another document confirming the calculation. This may be a receipt, or other typed or handwritten acts. The main thing is that the necessary information is displayed on them, and the seller's signature is on them.

However this rule valid only until 07/01/2018, since the regulatory legal act No. 54-F3 regulates after this period availability of cash registers. At the same time, the cash desk must be connected to the Internet for uninterrupted transmission. necessary information to tax authorities.

Therefore, from the middle of 2018, individual entrepreneurs will face considerable financial costs:

  • purchase of equipment and software;
  • conclusion of agreements with the operator of fiscal data;
  • workplace equipment for a cashier (cashier).


For you need to resort to specialists located in the technical service center.

Exactly there legal entities sell and service cash registers.

To register newly purchased equipment, you must collect and provide to the service center the following acts:

  1. Application with a request to register a specific model of the device. Such a document is drawn up in two copies, one of which is provided to the legal maintenance authority, and the second with the resolution of the organization remains with the applicant.
  2. , which is formed by the operator of the enterprise.
  3. Magazine "KM-8"- this document reflects all calls to cash desk service specialists.
  4. registration certificate registered device.
  5. Confirmation document on the availability of a specific room for the location of cash equipment.
  6. Holographic label, confirming the availability of service.

Among other things, a businessman is carried out in a tax institution at the place of business. In this case, employees public institution require evidence of the right to own equipment.

To do this, the owner or his authorized representative must present a fiscal receipt for the purchase of the device or other documentary act that can prove the purchase.

After the application was accepted by the tax authority, one week later, specialists service center install "KKM". This action should be carried out only in the presence of employees of the tax institution.

The checkout process includes the following actions:

  • sealing the cash register;
  • formation of the necessary details;
  • checking for correct operation.

At the end of the installation process, the businessman is awarded package of documents, which certifies the registration with the relevant authority.

Here, a very important aspect is the need to check the entry of equipment into the base of the cash register office (CCO). If all the paper nuances are met, the specialists proceed directly to the installation of the equipment in its permanent place.

A significant section is the constant maintenance of the cash register, which should be carried out:

  • once a quarter– inspection of the external state of the device;
  • once a year- a complete check of the serviceability of the device and its compliance with all stipulated standards.

The service life of a cash register, according to legal documents, should not exceed 7 years. However, if this device is in good working order and after the expiration date is on the list of the register, then it can be operated further until the tax state agency excludes it from the database.

Upon expiration of the period of use, a tax service specialist must personally exclude such equipment from the register and deregister. Before that, he is obliged to notify in writing the owner of the cash desk, that is, an individual entrepreneur

Work principles

When using cash register equipment, such processes:

  • printing of a tear-off check;
  • drawing up an imprint on the control tape;
  • entering financial calculations into the memory of the device;
  • entry in fiscal memory cash desks.

To perform the above actions, the cashier only needs to punch the check, after which all further operations will be performed automatically by KKM. Only a service technician can influence the automatic operation of the system, since other persons have no access to such interventions.

Accounting for proceeds Money carried out automatically and occurs after the cashier has punched the check. If the check does not break through, and the product or service is sold, then accounting for finances at the KCP is not performed.

The basic principle of operation of the device is aimed at constantly breaking through the check after the perfect sale of a product or service. The process of punching a receipt at the checkout occurs in the following way:

  • the consumer, when making a purchase of goods, transfers a sum of money to the seller;
  • after taking cash, the seller recalculates the correctness of the transferred amount and accepts them at the cash desk;
  • the cashier punches the check and together with sold goods passes it on to the client.

As a result, the mutual settlement between the cashier and the consumer was carried out.

Depending on the CCP model, information can be entered using:

  • built-in keyboard;
  • the connected recognizer of bar codes and plastic cards;
  • connected personal computer or laptop;
  • electronic scales.

You need to know that the client has every right to demand when making a purchase cash receipt, and the seller, after accepting the funds, is obliged to issue it, since non-issuance of a check or non-use of existing cash equipment entails penalties and other unpleasant consequences for the entrepreneur.

Changes for 2018

In 2018, there is smooth transition use of old modifications of the cash desk for new ones, which have the ability not only to record cash settlements, but also at any time of the day to instantly transfer all completed transactions via the Internet to a specialized department of the tax service.

Thus, in order to ensure fast and uninterrupted communication with customers and government agencies, individual entrepreneurs need to purchase, register and install new and improved devices to replace the old ones.

The exceptions are those businessmen who:

  • the service life of the old unit has not expired, since it is produced for improved equipment after the expiration of the service life of used cash desks;
  • there are problems with the Internet connection or its absence at all (however, the businessman must prove the existence of this problem).


The price of new models of electronic cash registers primarily depends on the fact that it contains most of the details. foreign production. Therefore, the price will differ significantly from the old modifications.

Also plays an important role currency market, on which the dollar exchange rate and, accordingly, the cost of imported parts depends. But taking into account the fact that such cash desks will be assembled by domestic design enterprises, therefore, one should hope for a small price difference.

Innovations will affect individual entrepreneurs who are on a patent and on a single tax from temporary income. Since it is they who will be able to receive a tax deduction of up to 18,000 rubles for the purchase of a modernized cash register.


The limit of cash income in 2018 for businessmen is not regulated, in this regard, entrepreneurs have every right to choose personally need and install it.

If the business owner has refused the limit, then he is obliged to form an appropriate order about this and put it into effect.


This year, the activities of individual entrepreneurs and cash registers are experiencing impressive changes, which are aimed at increasing the amount of administrative penalties in the form of fines. Thus, the minimum fine in 2018 is 3,000 rubles.

Legislative act of 15.01.2016 introduced the following fines for violation in the application or use of cash registers:

  • non-use of accounting equipment by a businessman - a fine ranges from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles;
  • repeated detection of violations or the amount of funds not passed through the cash desk is more than 1 million rubles, the suspension of the activity of the owner of the company is provided for up to 3 months or 90 calendar days;
  • use of unregistered or non-working equipment - the administrative penalty will be from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles.

When can you not use a cash register? Details are in this video.

The history of online cash registers began back in 2014, when, during an experiment, the Federal Tax Service introduced a new generation of cash registers connected to the Internet in Moscow and the region, in Tatarstan and the Kaluga regions.

The experiment was considered successful, so on June 14, 2016, the State Duma adopted amendments to the law on cash registers No. 54-FZ, which significantly tightened the requirements for cash registers. From this article, you will learn which cash registers in 2019 for individual entrepreneurs should be used when making settlements with customers.

Who is obliged to use the new cash registers

Cash registers in 2019 are required to use more and more entrepreneurs, but the changes will be gradual. Do I need a cash register for individual entrepreneurs working on PSN and on in the new year? How long do you need to connect? Which of the payers of the simplified tax system and OSNO in 2019 can still work without a cash register?

In this table, we have collected information on the timing and categories of taxpayers who are required to install a new type of cash desk.

The new law not only established a KKM, but also a list of organizations and individual entrepreneurs who still have the right not to use a cash register for cash and card payments (Article 2 of Law No. 54-FZ of 05/22/03):

  • sale of newspapers, magazines and related products in kiosks, provided that at least half of the turnover is newspapers and magazines (revenue accounting for this group of goods must be kept separately);
  • sale of securities;
  • catering services for employees and students of educational institutions, if they are provided during training sessions;
  • trade in retail markets, fairs, exhibition complexes (with the exception of such trading places as shops, pavilions, kiosks, tents, auto shops, containers and others that ensure the safety of goods), except for the sale of non-food products, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • sale in kiosks of ice cream and non-alcoholic drinks in bottling;
  • trade in kvass, milk, vegetable oil, live fish, kerosene from tank trucks;
  • seasonal sale of vegetables, fruits, gourds and gourds;
  • peddling trade in food and non-food products, except for those that require certain conditions of storage and sale;
  • acceptance of glassware and waste materials from the population (except for scrap metal, precious metals and precious stones);
  • realization of products of national art crafts by the manufacturer;
  • repair and coloring of footwear;
  • production and repair of metal haberdashery and keys;
  • plowing gardens and sawing firewood;
  • services for the supervision and care of children, the sick, the elderly and the disabled;
  • porter services at stations and ports;
  • rental of housing by an individual entrepreneur, if it is his property;
  • pharmacy organizations located in rural areas;
  • IP on PSN for some.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs conducting settlements in remote or hard-to-reach areas(except for cities, district centers, urban-type settlements), if these settlements are indicated in the list approved by regional authorities. In addition, Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated December 5, 2016 No. 616 is allowed to use old models of cash registers in settlements with up to 10,000 people instead of online cash desks.

But even when the activities of an entrepreneur fit into these exemptions, they do not apply if excisable goods are traded or when automatic settlement devices are used ( vending machine). Without any reservations, cash payments without a cash register are provided only for the sale of objects of religious worship (religious literature) and the provision of services for religious rites and ceremonies.

Received an individual entrepreneur without employees if they provide services or sell products own production. This category of entrepreneurs has the right to work without a cash desk until July 1, 2021. However, if the IP hires an employee before this date, then within 30 days after the conclusion employment contract it is necessary to register and start using the CCP.

How online checkouts work

An additional difficulty in introducing the new procedure is related to the fact that online cash registers operate on a completely different principle than cash registers with a fiscal drive. Cash registers with data transfer to the tax office send information about each purchase made in real time to the FTS server. Moreover, at first this information from the online cash desk is transferred to an intermediary - a fiscal data operator (OFD).

After receiving them, the intermediary sends a confirmation that the sales data has been accepted and the receipt has been assigned a fiscal attribute. Without confirmation of the operator, the check will not be generated. Further, the OFD transmits information about the payments made to the IFTS, where it is accumulated and systematized in a special data storage system.

In addition, at the request of the buyer, who will leave his data, the seller is obliged to send him an electronic receipt. If the buyer, having compared the details of a paper check and an electronic check, finds a discrepancy between them, he can report this to the tax office, and an audit will be carried out on this fact.

New cash registers with Internet connection have been operating since July 2017 in many retail outlets, and quite successfully. But, as practice has shown, it immediately paralyzes the work of millions of sellers. But after all UTII and PSN payers start using CCP, the number of online cash registers will be almost 3.5 million units.

It is also necessary to add here those who are now providing services to the population, issuing them printed forms of strict accountability (BSO). From July 2019, a new automated system, which is also recognized as cash register equipment, will have to be used to issue BSOs. Whether cash register manufacturers and fiscal data operators will be able to ensure the smooth operation of these devices is a big question.

In total, online cash registers in 2019 must:

  • transmit information about the purchase in real time to their fiscal data operator;
  • generate checks in electronic form;
  • provide printing of fiscal documents.

How much does it cost to install new equipment?

Of course, entrepreneurs are concerned about the question - how much does online checkout and its service for IP? Here it will matter how much the existing cash register corresponds to the ability to install new software and a fiscal device. If the model of the cash register allows, then you can simply upgrade it, while spending from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. The cost of acquiring new equipment is from 25,000 rubles and more.

Please note: you need to buy new devices only from the list of models approved by the Federal Tax Service. CCP sellers are interested in its implementation, so do not take their word for it that a particular model is included in the list of the Federal Tax Service. See for yourself.

However, the matter will not be limited to the costs of acquiring or upgrading cash desks. The entrepreneur will have to pay for the services of high-quality Internet communications at the rates of his provider, as well as the services of a fiscal data operator.

Please note that OFD must also be selected only from the official list. The lowest tariffs of operators for the first year of service are 3,000 rubles, in subsequent years the price will be higher - up to 12,000 rubles for one device. Accordingly, the total cost will depend on how many cash registers the operator will connect to. In addition, a new cash desk must be registered with the IFTS. This can be done through OFD (2,000-3,000 rubles) or for free on the website of the tax service if you already have an electronic signature.

*(free if you already have a digital signature or from 3 thousand if you want to order an electronic signature)

Total minimum costs for one year of operation of new cash desks will be from 25 thousand rubles for one device, provided that you do not buy it, but upgrade the existing one.

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Penalties for violating legal requirements

In addition to all these tightening technical specifications KKM and a significant expansion of the categories of entrepreneurs required to issue a cash receipt, the law raised the amount of fines for individual entrepreneurs under article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • non-use of cash registers - from ¼ to ½ of the purchase amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles;
  • repeated violation, if it is proved that KKM was not used in calculations for purchases of more than 1 million rubles - an administrative suspension of the activity of the individual entrepreneur for up to 90 days;
  • the use of old-style cash desks or violation of the procedure for their registration / re-registration - a warning or a fine of 1,500 - 3,000 rubles;
  • refusal to issue a paper check to the buyer or send it in electronic form - a warning or a fine of 2,000 rubles.

Let's summarize - is a cash register needed for individual entrepreneurs and in what situations:

  1. For individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system, OSNO, ESHN, the requirement to work only with a new type of cash register entered into force on July 1, 2017.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs working in the field of trade and catering on PSN and UTII and without employees, from July 1, 2019, must apply CCP.
  3. The same transition period - July 1, 2019 - is also established for those individual entrepreneurs that provide services to the public, and at the same time have employees.
  4. The right to a temporary deferment from the cash desks (until July 1, 2021) is enjoyed only by individual entrepreneurs without employees who provide services to the public or sell products of their own production.
  5. Before buying or upgrading the device, make sure that the model is included in the list of the Federal Tax Service.
  6. Enter into an agreement for the provision of services only with those fiscal data operators that are listed on the official website of the tax service.
  7. List of categories of taxpayers for which new order does not apply, is specified in Article 2 of the Law "On CCP" No. 54-FZ.

01/30/2018, Tue, 09:36, Msk , Text: Maria Sysoikina

Marketers, financial analysts and business coaches talk a lot about how to make the store perfect, throw big words, refer to global trends. But in fact, everything is simple: if we are not talking about some high-tech AmazonGo, but about a conditional "Ryabinka" of the format "at home", which does not differ from competitors in either prices or goods, then there is only one way out: to fight for customer loyalty. And start with the simplest and at the same time difficult: to destroy these disgusting queues. Andrey Muradov, senior product manager of the Pilot group of companies, tells how to do this with the help of cash register equipment (CCT).

Why KCT?

As they say, size matters. A small box, which used to be called a fiscal registrar, and now proudly and incomprehensibly called cash registers, has begun to play a huge role in retail since last year. And all because, according to the new requirements of 54-FZ, an important mission was assigned to it: to notify the tax office of each sale of the store. As a result, the device itself was complicated, improved by a fiscal drive (FN), and the wishes for its speed increased.

However, the basic requirement remains the same: the faster and more reliably the device works, the more customers the store manages to serve, the higher its profit, the happier customers, which means that they are more likely to return for new purchases.

The performance of cash registers is affected by five main factors: the layout of the device, convenience and ease of maintenance, the reliability of the printer and check cutter, as well as the consistency of the cash register with the software installed at the checkout.

Entrails at autopsy

All cash register equipment according to its layout can be divided into two categories. The first is that the elements of the device, such as the printing mechanism, the case, the printer's motherboard, and the fiscal board, are made by different manufacturers. The second is that all elements of the device are made by the same manufacturer.

The first category, let's face it, is a tricky one, as components made by different manufacturers can affect the overall build quality. In most cases, such a CCP will take longer to print a check, as the time for passing signals from one element to another will increase. In addition, the owner of such a device may encounter difficulties in supplying spare parts. At some point, all the necessary parts may not be available, or the manufacturer of one of the CCP elements will set exorbitant delivery times. As a result, cash registers will gather dust on the shelf, and the store, especially if it does not have spare cash registers, will begin to lose profit and face an increase in queues.

Therefore, it is better to pay attention to representatives of the second category. Previously, it was believed that CCP, all elements of which are made by the same manufacturer, is expensive. However, with the development of the production of domestic cash registers, which was spurred on by 54-FZ, quite affordable models appeared on the market. For example, in the CCP developed by Pilot, the internal elements (printing mechanism, housing, motherboard and fiscal board) are made at the same factory, which makes it possible to achieve high printing speed (300 mm/sec).

Reliability is reliable

Equipment reliability is determined not only by the availability of spare parts, which may be required not only for repairs, but also for servicing cash registers. And if you really cannot do without scheduled maintenance, then it is quite possible to wait a little with repairs. For example, out of 15,000 pieces of KKT POSprint FP510-F sold by Pilot, the defective rate was less than 0.001%. By the way, this model is now on sale.

In order to talk about the reliability of a CCP, one should take into account its overall service life and the possibility of uninterrupted operation of individual elements, for example, a print head or a check cutter. On the Russian market a good indicator of the reliability of CCPs is a printing speed of 200-220 mm per second; print head resource 100-150 km of checks; knife for a check tape, providing 1 million cuts.

So it is advisable to choose a device whose characteristics correspond to those listed, and, ideally, exceed them. For example, SKY-PRINT 54-F prints checks at a speed of 300 mm/sec, its knife life is 1.5 million cuts, the print head is capable of printing 150 km of checks, and the total life of the device is 7 years.

Cut so cut

The quality of the installed receipt cutter, although it is only a small part of the cash register, is of great importance in solving the problem of queues in the store. If the KKT check cutter quickly becomes dull, it does not cut paper well. As a result, the cashier has to tear off the check. Moreover, not only does it take him more time to give the check to the buyer, minor troubles are also possible. For example, in such a situation, the check often comes off unevenly, and important data does not fall on it. We are all shoppers. Imagine that you are given a somehow torn off check, on which, for example, there is no information about the total amount of the purchase. This can be a real reason to contact the administrator of the outlet with a claim.

Working in conjunction

Cash register equipment is not independent equipment. It works in constant conjunction with the POS computer, which means it should be easily and seamlessly integrated with the cash register software. It would seem, what difficulties can arise here? But in fact, this is a very delicate and not the easiest task.

When replacing a fleet of equipment, a retailer always has to spend time and money on a new integration of cash registers and cash register software. However, sometimes this can be avoided. For example, a cash register manufactured by Pilot has a single driver that allows you to avoid the need to re-synchronize it with the cash program when replacing a device.

Serve with one left

KKT is a cashier's working tool. These employees most often do not have a special technical education, so ease of maintenance of cash registers is of great importance to them. It is equally important that this process does not take much time. Let's imagine a typical situation for a store: the CCP ran out of receipt tape. If a new ribbon cannot be quickly inserted into the device, then during peak hours this will inevitably lead to an increase in queues and dissatisfied customers.

In addition, CCP users need to regularly - every 13-15 months - change the fiscal drive in the device. Therefore, it is desirable that cash registers be easily disassembled, otherwise this operation will take a lot of time and effort. For example, SKY-PRINT 54-F is equipped with a special hatch for removing the fiscal drive. That is, in order to get the FN, you do not need to disassemble the device.

small bonus

Note that when choosing a cash register, it is also worth paying attention to two more points that do not directly affect the size of the queues - the size of cash registers and its design. It is desirable that the device be miniature. The fact is that the area next to the cashier's workplace in any store is considered the most profitable - after all, all buyers, without exception, pass through the cash register. Goods placed next to the checkout are in the direct line of sight of customers, which means that the likelihood of their resale increases. Accordingly, the less space on the cashier's desk is occupied by cash registers and other cash register equipment, the more goods can be placed on it.

The stylish design of the cash register has a positive effect on the image of the store. Especially when it comes to boutiques, electronics and clothing stores. Unsightly cash registers on the cash desk in such outlets can scare away customers. Conversely, if the device has an interesting design and fits into the overall concept of the enterprise, customer loyalty can grow.

So, cash register equipment is not just a necessary device for any store in accordance with the law, but also an effective tool for dealing with queues. However, its choice is not an easy task, the solution of which must be approached as responsibly as possible. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, do not hesitate to contact professional integrators who will help you choose exactly the equipment that will best meet the requirements of your store.

Control over the implementation of trade operations both on the scale of companies and in the activities of individual entrepreneurs is being improved with the development of electronic technologies. And 2018 in Russia became the starting point for the transfer of specialized cash registers to a new format. Now control devices thanks to modern online communication, they can issue not only paper checks, but also electronic ones.

This method of mutual settlements in a pair of seller / buyer for both has a number of positive aspects:

  • easier for the seller to work with tax office, as the process of processing data by the fiscal authority is accelerating and the possibility of errors is approaching zero;
  • for the buyer, a chance is created to create an online database or archive of receipts for long-term storage, control their expenses and predict future expenses;
  • for all participants, this is a great way to avoid misunderstandings in the trading process, to form a reliable and, most importantly, evidence-based electronic database that does not take up much space, if they nevertheless arise, it will come to trial different levels. In addition, paper checks issued in parallel in any store additionally ensure the safety of each purchase and sale.

The new type of equipment is well protected from information leakage, has a design that allows you not to use a cash tape, and quickly, without the need for a personal visit to the tax office, is registered online with the assignment serial number. Absolute transparency and convenience in conducting commercial transactions are undoubted advantages of the operation of cash registers.

In the review-rating, you are offered best models brands that are in the TOP-5 of consumer demand in the Russian market. This technique is in the lead in the list of the most actively sold, taking into account the price category.

The best cash registers worth up to 15,000 rubles.

3 Agat 1F Wi-Fi with FN

The best cost of a QC device with a fiscal drive
Country Russia
Average price: 11,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Despite the fact that the technique belongs to the budget, it fully provides a set of tasks that have to be performed in the process of conducting cash service clients. The available two COM ports are quite suitable for connecting to a PC, a barcode scanner, a terminal for receiving bank cards. In addition, the manufacturer has provided a built-in internal database for 10,000 products that can be downloaded using the 1C system. At the same time, prices are indicated both fixed and free. It is possible to change the goods data both from the PC and from the KKT keyboard. The functional keyboard of the device is protected by a moisture-proof shell, which increases its practicality. Silent printer outputs 8 lines/sec.

The model is equipped with a fiscal drive for 13 months and works without recharging up to 2 days. However, no matter how attractive the product for the sphere of trade, a fly in the ointment was found. The lack of a USB port that has already become habitual for some causes more emotional than practical discomfort. However, this lack of equipment is compensated by high-quality assembly and versatility of the device.

2 Atol 91F with fiscal storage

The most functional novelty of the year
Country Russia
Average price: 14000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This innovative generation cash register features a streamlined, rugged design, versatile design, and light weight (390g) to fit into any mobile point of sale. This novelty has already been included in the CCP register in accordance with the relevant order, which guarantees the absence of problems with its use. The model, in fact, is a continuation of the predecessor 90F with an improved appearance design and corrected deficiencies in technical equipment. The most commonly used functionality is displayed on separate buttons, which are made of indelible rubberized material, are smoothly pressed and naturally dampened. In the store, the fixture works productively for up to 8 hours, the integrated indicator light will tell you in time the need to charge the battery.

Among the advantages of the product, IP and company employees call:

  • convenience in different types of trade, including outbound;
  • complete set with a fiscal drive for 13/15 months;
  • high-quality thermal printing;
  • the presence of a large LCD display with backlight and brightness control;
  • low cost of spare parts;
  • simple replacement of the drive;
  • options for working with paper 44 or 58 mm wide;
  • the ability to transfer data to the OFD via Wi-Fi, 2-3 G, Bluetooth, Ethernet;
  • support for USB, microUSB.

The disadvantage of the device, according to its owners, is the lack of a connector for connecting a cash drawer.

1 Mercury-185F with fiscal drive

The best equipment
Country Russia
Average price: 12000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The control equipment is designed and manufactured by Incotex in accordance with the latest legal requirements for CCP (54-FZ). Despite the debut role in the market, the car received components that have shown themselves well in previous models. With its help, work in trade is carried out both through wired and wireless Internet connections. The connection is made in one of 4 modes: GPRS only or Wi-Fi; GPRS (backup Wi-Fi); Wi-Fi (backup GPRS). A registered operator acts as an intermediary in the transfer of fiscal data. Information is sent to the OFD immediately after it enters the memory of the fiscal drive.

The necessary information can be recorded on an SD card up to 32 GB. One of the advantages is the function of fixing individual upper and lower clichés at the rate of 6 lines each. The option allows you to place the name of the store, IP data and other useful information. The backlit LCD display increases the durability of the device and comfort of use. The device itself withstands a temperature range of -20 - +45 degrees, is powered by a conventional network, a built-in battery (up to 30 hours without recharging), which has a buffer mode. Of the relative disadvantages, users note the difficulty of replacing FN in the absence of skills. In some cases, this can lead to its fatal failure.

The best cash registers worth over 15,000 rubles.

2 Pioneer 114F with fiscal drive

Excellent color display
Country Russia
Average price: 18,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Pioneer Engineering company has relied on the best technologies and high quality components when developing an online cash register. You don't have to stare at a dull monochrome screen all day long, which is what so many competitor models are equipped with. The multi-line color display will not allow the eye to blur. In addition, through the settings, you can set the time for its automatic transition to economy mode when the equipment is powered by battery. A moisture and dust-resistant touch keyboard makes it easy to enter a large amount of information. Users note the possibility of adding more than 90,000 products to the database being formed.

Connection to the OFD occurs via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, and the device is compatible with any operators. Electronic versions of checks are sent to buyers via SMS, E-mail. Thanks to the USB port, a barcode scanner as well as a PC/POS keyboard can be easily connected. At the same time, users call the lack of a slot for SIM-cards a significant disadvantage.

1 Evotor 7.2 with high-capacity FN

Perfect compatibility with external devices
Country Russia
Average price: 20,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A young brand with a promising name (TORgovli EVOLUTION) powerfully burst into the CCP segment in the leading positions, which confirms the high consumer demand for products. Evotor 7.2 is a universal smart terminal designed for the complex organization of the work of service enterprises, catering, and shops. As for individual entrepreneurs, the device also meets their expectations: it promptly accepts both cash payments with a check printout, the formation of an electronic version, and bank cards, and supports loyalty programs.

Equipped with a fiscal drive for 36 months, the device can additionally be connected to a barcode scanner, cash drawer, scales. 6 USB-connectors will help to solve all problems. The security of its work is guaranteed by encryption of transmitted data. The machine has many advantages due to the technical ability to connect to many programs based on 1C. The remark is only caused by a non-alternative power supply from an external network adapter and weight, which even without the latter is 1 kg.

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