Cash registers. What to do with an old cash register Old cash registers


In 2017, cash registers with ECLZ became invalid. The old cash registers were replaced by online cash registers, with a fiscal drive, which independently transmit data to the Federal Tax Service online. Online cash desks in 2018 began to be used by the vast majority of entrepreneurs and organizations. Buying an online cash register has become important not only for complying with the 54-FZ law, but for automating trade and providing services. In this article, we tell you what you need to know about online cash registers in 2019.

What changed

54-FZ is the main law for controlling a business that deals with the acceptance of cash. Changes to this law directly affected retail business, cafes and restaurants, pharmacies, gas stations, law firms and service companies.

The most important thing that changes this law is the procedure for the interaction of business, which, by the nature of its activity, accepts money from the population, with the Federal Tax Service. All forms of interaction with the department and reporting are transferred to automatic mode. New cash desks, which are obligated to use the law, will independently send checks to the Federal Tax Service, in the “online” mode, excluding the possibility of “correcting” the data in favor of the entrepreneur.

The main purpose of the law, as officials openly declare, is to make business more transparent, increase tax revenues and reduce the burden on their department. Therefore, special attention in the law is paid to the automation of business processes and the online exchange of information with the Federal Tax Service.

Main changes:

  1. The procedure for interaction with the Federal Tax Service (interaction is carried out through the OFD).
  2. The procedure for settlements with the end consumer (the appearance of electronic checks).
  3. Requirements for cash registers and business automation (replacement of ECLZ with Fiscal Accumulator, mandatory inventory system).
  4. The circle of entrepreneurs who must use CCPs will change.
  5. New requirements for the method of forming a strict reporting form (important for individual entrepreneurs who provide services to the public).

Timetable for the transition to online cash registers

The transition to the new trading rules was gradual and included several stages:

  1. From July 15, 2016- start of the "voluntary" stage of data transfer to the Federal Tax Service using online cash desks. Voluntary online registration of new generation cash desks (with FN) in the Federal Tax Service. You can register and work at the old-style cash desks (with ECLZ).
  2. From February 01, 2017- the start of the "transitional" period. Prohibition on registration of cash desks of the old generation. Mandatory online registration. You can work at the box office with ECLZ, and with FN.
  3. From 01 July 2017- "main" period. Cash registers with ECLZ are a thing of the past. You can register with the Federal Tax Service and work only at the cash desks of a new model (with FN).
  4. From July 01, 2018- mandatory use of cash registers for entrepreneurs who were not previously required to use them: individual entrepreneurs with employees, with the exception of the public services sector and some others. But sellers will be required to issue a strict reporting form (BSO) of a new sample, which, in fact, is one of the options for a cash receipt.
  5. From July 01, 2019— self-employed entrepreneurs working in the field of trade and entrepreneurs providing services to the public (with the exception of those engaged in the activities specified in paragraphs 2 and 2.1 of Article 2 of 54 Federal Law) will also have to install online cash desks and issue a fiscal receipt.

Scheme of data transfer to the tax

Cash registers registered with the Federal Tax Service operating under the new rules transmit data to the tax office as follows:

  1. The cashier punches the check.
  2. The fiscal accumulator receives the check data and signs it with a fiscal sign, in other words, it encrypts it.
  3. The fiscal accumulator sends data electronically to the OFD.
  4. OFD checks the information and sends a response to the fiscal accumulator (also signed with a fiscal sign).
  5. OFD sends data to the Federal Tax Service.
  6. OFD stores all processed information about electronic checks in the so-called "non-correctable form". OFD stores data on checks for 5 years.

In the event of a breakdown of the device, the responsibility for the transfer of fiscal data to the Federal Tax Service lies with the manufacturer of the online cash register.

He must disassemble the device transferred under warranty, extract data from it and send it to the tax office. Therefore, before buying an online cash register, an entrepreneur must make sure that the manufacturer is reliable and provides them with all service guarantees.

The principle of operation of the online cash register

The principle of operation of modern online cash desks differs from its predecessors, first of all, in the stages of processing fiscal information. All participants in trading operations receive benefits from innovations: buyers, entrepreneurs and tax inspectors. In order to fully appreciate the capabilities of the updated CCP, it is necessary to consider the procedure for its work and the scheme of interaction between the participants in the process:

  1. After breaking through the goods, the buyer is issued a paper fiscal receipt. Modern cash registers should provide for the possibility of sending its electronic version to e-mail or telephone, which makes it possible to legalize the work of online stores.
  2. According to the above scheme, the check information is encrypted and written to the fiscal drive, after which it is sent to the OFD. Then the documents are sent along the chain to the Federal Tax Service. Ideally, this process takes place online, although in fact the CCP can work without the Internet for 30 days. But frequent delays in the transmission of information are tracked by the FTS, which can increase the likelihood of an audit.
  3. The store administrator can always view all checks in the online checkout or OFD cabinet by checking their data with the item accounting system of the outlet.
  4. The tax authorities can also analyze the dynamics of the store at any time by comparing the breaks in sending checks with the actual schedule of the outlet.
  5. The buyer gets the opportunity to check the received check on the website of the Federal Tax Service or the smartphone application. The absence of a document in the database may indicate a concealment by the store of real income or other fraud of its owners.

Each sale at the online checkout is clearly traced by all its interested parties using computer technology. In such a situation, the fear of penalties for violating the law 54-FZ makes entrepreneurs work legally, providing buyers with their consumer rights, and tax - ease of monitoring the business.

How cashier's checks have changed

Online cash desks with a fiscal drive must send checks in electronic form not only to the Federal Tax Service, but also to the end consumer. If we are NOT talking about distance selling, then an electronic check must be sent to an email address or via SMS at the request of the buyer (and if technically possible). Paper checks remain mandatory for entrepreneurs.

If we are talking about distance selling, then the seller is obliged to send a check or BSO in electronic form, and is not obliged to issue paper checks and BSO.

  • date of;
  • calculation time;
  • place of purchase mailing address or website address of the online store);
  • taxation system;
  • VAT rate;
  • QR code;
  • data on the fiscal drive, etc.

Who exactly needs to use the online checkout

Since July 2018, they have lost the right not to use the online cash register:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs and organizations of the public catering system.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs engaged in trade with employees.
  3. Sole proprietors and organizations engaged in vending.

From July 2019 the same fate will befall:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs providing services to the public, except for those specified in parts 2 and 2.1 of article 2 of 54-FZ.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs and organizations of the public catering and trade system without employees.

Thus, even self-employed entrepreneurs will have to buy an online cash register and use it from mid-2018.

The vending business managed to achieve a deferment for itself on the use of CCP until 2020

The rules of trade for individual entrepreneurs providing services have changed. Such companies can issue strict reporting forms (SRF) instead of cashier's checks, and this right will remain with them until July 2019. However, the requirements for the BSOs themselves are changing.

Now the requirements for BSO are as follows: they must be printed either at a printing house or using automated systems, including those based on CCP. From July 1, 2018, it will be possible to generate forms only by one the only way: using the "automated system for forms of strict accountability." This system will be subject to the same requirements as for cash registers with FN. BSO will become a kind of cashier's check.

What to do if there is no internet

In this situation, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the lack of Internet. If it is not available at all in the city or village, which is confirmed by the relevant decision of the authority, then entrepreneurs must issue a check from the online cash register, but are not required to transfer information to the Federal Tax Service. At the same time, the need to use CCT remains.

Online cash desks, according to the law, are transferred in this case to a special offline mode, which allows them to work indefinitely without blocking the drive. But all information about sales is still stored on the fiscal drive and can be transferred to the tax office when reporting or during an audit.

In addition, entrepreneurs living in hard-to-reach places may not use CCP at all. The list of such settlements must be approved by the local authorities. But the absence of a CCP in this case does not relieve the entrepreneur from the need to issue a BSO at the request of the buyer.

In the event of a temporary lack of Internet for technical reasons, no problems should arise either. After all, everyone has interruptions in electricity and communications. But if this happens regularly, then it is better to play it safe and ask the energy supply company, housing office or provider for a certificate confirming the reason for the operation of the online cash desk without the Internet.

List of violations and possible fines

List of violations



Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

For non-use of control cash register according to established order

At least 10,000 rubles

(From one fourth to one second of the settlement amount)

Not less than 30,000 rubles

(From three quarters to one amount of the calculation amount)

For systematic violation of the law

Disqualification for a period of one to two years

Administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days

For the use of non-compliant cash register equipment

For failure to provide information and documents at the request of tax authorities or violation of deadlines

Warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles

Warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles

For failure to provide the client with a paper or electronic check at his request

Warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 2,000 rubles

Warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 10,000 rubles

Stationary online cash desk for a point without acquiring

from 19 900 rub. for the equipment

11 900 rub. for FN, OFD, CEP

Mobile online cash desk for a courier without acquiring

from 24 500 rub. for the equipment

11 900 rub. for FN, OFD, CEP

Mobile acquiring

from 8 900 rub. for the equipment

(there are offers for rent and deferment)

Where to buy online cash register

How to connect online checkout

Regardless of whether you decide to completely change the cash register or modify the one that is, the procedure will be as follows:

STEP 1: get an electronic digital signature (EDS)

The cost of an EDS (or CEP, which is the same thing) is fixed, it is 1,500 rubles per year and does not depend on the number of cash registers.

Where to get an EDS?

In a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Communications or with representatives of certification centers, for example, EKAM.

What do you need to get an EDS?

The list of documents is determined by the certification authority. As a rule, a passport and SNILS of the head are enough. Electronic signature needed to register a cash register with the Federal Tax Service.

STEP 2: connect online cashier in point of sale to mobile or wired internet

STEP 3: register the new fiscal registrar with the Federal Tax Service

It is no longer required to involve the CTO and visit the tax office for this purpose. You can register a cash desk yourself on the website of the Federal Tax Service or use the service specialized organization(for example, EKAM or TsTO). This is the advantage that the new legislation gives. If there is an EDS, then registration on the website of the Federal Tax Service takes about 15 minutes.

What do you need to register a cash register on the website of the Federal Tax Service?

  • In the taxpayer's personal account (on the website of the Federal Tax Service), send a request for registration of a CCP signed with an EDS (or CEP)
  • The Federal Tax Service reconciles the data on the cash register and fiscal drive with the registry and, if everything is in order, registers the cash register
  • The registration number is registered in the fiscal registrar, after which a registration report is printed, the data from which is entered on the website of the Federal Tax Service to complete the CCP registration procedure.
  • After that, the Federal Tax Service “issues” a registration card, which can be “received” in your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

STEP 4: sign an agreement with OFD

To connect to the OFD, you need to select it and conclude an agreement with it for the processing of fiscal data. By this time you need:

  1. Get an EDS.
  2. Prepare a cash register and cash register software of a new sample.
  3. Conduct internet.

If you connect to the OFD on your own, the cost will be 3,000 rubles per year.

Connection schemes for online cash registers

There are several schemes for connecting online cash desks, depending on their type.

Scheme for connecting a stationary online cash register

If I have couriers who accept payment, what should I do with them?

In this case, each courier is obliged, in accordance with the requirements of the law, to have a cash register with him (at the time of settlement with the buyer) and knock out a check at the time of transferring cash or debiting the payment from the client's bank card. But the law also allows punching a check in advance at the office and bringing it to the client along with the order no later than the next day after paying for the goods. It is forbidden to knock out a check before payment.

Using a mobile modem, you can even connect a portable online cash register to the store's cloud database. As a result, the courier will be able to receive complete information about the assortment, the balance of goods and current prices through the EKAM program installed on the smartphone.

Is it possible to register two legal entities for one online cash desk?

No. Legislation quite clearly dictates the rules - one cash desk is drawn up for each legal entity.

Is it possible to connect two sites with online sales to one online checkout?

Yes, you can. The law says that one cash desk should be used on one legal entity. How many sites are managed by the same legal entity. faces, in this case, does not matter.

Is it possible to connect online cash registers to mobile Internet?

Can. Moreover, in the event of a temporary lack of wired Internet, each entrepreneur is recommended to purchase a 3G modem to ensure the transfer of information from the online cash desk to the tax office. The minimum price of such devices will be $30-50. They will also be useful in outbound sales, in the work of courier and delivery services, in the sale of goods in places where there are no wired Internet providers at all.

From the equipment, you can purchase USB modems or more functional WiFi routers that support work with an inserted SIM card.

Mobile operators took care of entrepreneurs, and specifically under the law 54-FZ, they developed a number of cheap tariffs. In addition, universal SIM-cards appeared on sale, supporting work with the four largest networks at once. For unlimited access to mobile internet for an online cash register you will have to pay about 100 rubles.

Is it possible to issue an online checkout when paying for goods with a credit?

Until July 2019, entrepreneurs may not issue an online checkout when paying for goods on credit. Although, before the adoption of the law 192-FZ in the summer of 2018, this was mandatory, as the Ministry of Finance spoke about in its letter No. 03-01-15 / 54339.

To display credit transactions, a fiscal receipt has special details. Therefore, entrepreneurs are advised to set up online checkouts appropriately now and start issuing checks to customers when paying for goods on credit. Postponing the implementation of this functionality for later is not worth it.

How often do you need to replace the fiscal drive?

Does the state provide assistance with the purchase of online cash registers?

Yes, the state has taken care of individual entrepreneurs who find it difficult to independently raise funds for the purchase of cash registers. Legal entities are not eligible.

But not all individual entrepreneurs will be able to take advantage of government assistance. Since the second half of 2018, entrepreneurs on PSN and UTII, who are engaged in retail and catering. The rest can still apply for reimbursement of the cost of purchased equipment until July 2019.

The state does not provide financial assistance, but it allows to reduce tax payments in 2018-2019 by the amount of the cost of cash registers, but not more than 18,000 rubles. Compensation affects not only the cost of purchasing CCP, but also its configuration and installation. Thus, small entrepreneurs can buy an online cash register almost for free.

A prerequisite for obtaining a tax deduction is the registration of the CCP with the Federal Tax Service. Without this fact, the refund will not be paid.

Where can I repair an online cash register?

Law 54-FZ significantly liberalized the market for servicing cash registers. Now there are no direct requirements for companies that carry out service repairs of CCPs.

The entrepreneur himself can also repair equipment. However, certain nuances in this area remain. So, if the integrity of the warranty seal on the device case is violated, the entrepreneur loses the warranty. Therefore, if the fiscal registrar breaks down, he will have to pay the cost of repairs out of his own pocket.

In fact, there was a reformatting of the old central heating centers into ordinary service centers. They were certified by manufacturers of cash registers and received extended rights to sell and repair them.

When repairing it yourself, it is important not to violate the integrity of the fiscal drive, otherwise the entire period of its operation will be counted by the tax authority as a period in which the online cash register was not used. And that comes with very heavy fines.

When to issue a check for remote payment and home delivery?

The law provides, but with remote payment, it is allowed to deliver the check of the online cash register to the client the next day after receipt Money. This facilitates the work of many urban retailers who use the services of couriers.

Now, after receiving payment for the goods on the Internet, you can print out a paper receipt for the client and put it in the package with the goods. The main thing is to deliver the document to the buyer before the end of the next business day. Such a payment scheme eliminates the need to use portable online cash registers and greatly facilitates the work of many entrepreneurs.

Our other articles about online cash registers

  • How is cash on delivery reflected in the online checkout and who should issue the check ;; BSO - Strict Reporting Form;
  • KKT— Cash register equipment;
  • CEP— Qualified electronic signature;
  • FR— Fiscal registrar;
  • ECLZ— The electronic control tape protected;
  • EDS- Electronic digital signature;
  • OFD- operator of fiscal data, plays the role of an intermediary between business and the Federal Tax Service. The function of the OFD is to collect information from cash registers and transfer it to the Federal Tax Service. OFD can be any organization that has passed the test and received a license from the FSB to process fiscal data. OFD stores all received data for 5 years;
  • FN- fiscal drive, analogue of EKLZ. The device in a sealed case is responsible for encryption and data transmission to the OFD. Writes data in an uncorrected form. It is assumed that the entrepreneur can independently change the fiscal accumulator. For OSN, a replacement of the FN is required once every 13 months. For UTII and PSN - 1 time in 3 years;
  • Register of fiscal drives- in addition to the register of cash registers, there will be a register of fiscal drives. When registering and re-registering cash registers, the Federal Tax Service will verify the data of the cash register and the data of both registers.

There are many new definitions in 290-FZ, the entire list can be found in the text of the amendments.

Presentation of the work of the EKAM platform

Video presentation of the EKAM platform


Yu.V. Kapanina,
accounting and taxation expert

If you were unable to upgrade the old-style CCP to the online version, then you will undoubtedly have a question about what to do with unusable equipment after deregistration with the IFTS. So, it must be disposed of with the help of a specialized company. At the same time, the costs of this event can be recognized in tax accounting.

What to do with an old cash register

Let's say right away that you are not required to keep the old cash register (the shelf life of 5 years is set only for fiscal data X paragraph 1 of Art. 4.1 of Law No. 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003). However, it is impossible to simply throw CCP into a landfill like household waste. After all, it contains substances that pose a threat to the environment. The retired CCP belongs to the production and consumption waste of the 4th hazard class And Order of Rosprirodnadzor dated May 22, 2017 No. 242. And such waste is subject to disposal by specialized companies that have licenses. Yu articles 4.1, 9 of the Law of 06/24/98 No. 89-FZ. By the way, there is a fine for improper waste management. f Art. 8.2 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation:

for legal entities- from 100 thousand to 250 thousand rubles;

for their leaders - from 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles;

for individual entrepreneurs - from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles.

It turns out that in order to avoid unnecessary problems, it is better to hand over the old CCP under the contract of a company that professionally deals with the disposal of equipment. Of course, with the drawing up of an act of disposal.

If your CCP was listed as part of the OS, then it must be written off the balance sheet based on the decision of a special commission created by order of the head. At the same time, you need to draw up an act indicating the reasons for writing off the cash register (for example, non-compliance with Law No. 54-FZ, the inability to upgrade to an online cash register). It is also desirable to reflect the fact of the transfer of the device for disposal (with the details of the relevant document). The act is signed by members of the commission.

If this cash register has a residual value that you did not have time to depreciate, then it can be taken into account when calculating income tax on the date of approval by the head of the write-off act OS sub. 8 p. 1 art. 265 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Note that you can take into account the costs of disposal not only for “profitable”, but also for “simplified” purposes as part of material costs. in sub. 7 p. 1 art. 254, sub. 5 p. 1, p. 2 Art. 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; Letter of the Ministry of Finance of August 21, 2007 No. 03-11-05 / 193. This was confirmed to us by the Ministry of Finance.

Recognition of expenses for the disposal of CCP under the simplified tax system

Companies or individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system with the “income minus expenses” object, when calculating the “simplified” tax, can take into account the costs of disposing of the old CCP as part of material costs as costs for acquiring third-party services for the receipt, storage and destruction of environmentally hazardous waste

  • a courier will come to you will bring all documents prepared for sale and will pick up the cashier
  • deregistration by proxy

What models of cash desks do we buy?

Online checkout only. Old-style cash registers with ECLZ - unfortunately, we do not redeem.
Not sure which cash desk you have? Call, write - we will definitely figure it out!

The procedure for the seller when selling a cash register

1. Transfer all data to the OFD, close the shift, and close the archive of the fiscal drive installed at the checkout.
2. Deregister the cash register in tax office:
- either through Personal Area taxpayer (need EDS)
- or with a personal visit to the tax office.
3. Draw up a sales contract and a consignment note.
4. Accept payment from the buyer. Important point: if the payment is made in cash, you are obliged to provide the buyer with a fiscal cash receipt. You can break it through at the same checkout - in this case, the payment between the seller and the buyer will need to be made before the moment when the FN archive is closed (see clause 1), and in the sales contract, specify the period during which the checkout will be deregistered and transferred to the buyer after payment.

If you sell the cash register to us, we will help you go through all the procedures.

The cost of purchasing cash registers:

You can sell us a cash register at the following rates:

Cash register Used purchase
Evotor 5 without FN 4 000
Evotor 7.2 without FN 3 000
Evotor 7.3 without FN 4 000
Evotor 10 without FN 7 000
ATOL 11F and others. 4 000

Good afternoon, dear IP!

IN Lately I go shopping a lot and already on the machine I pay attention to who issues what cash receipt. New requirements or not?

After all, the check printed by the online cash register can be identified very quickly: it contains the so-called QR code (a two-dimensional barcode in the form of an incomprehensible square at the end of the check =)

And I concluded for myself that not all Retail Stores that I visit have switched to new technologies. And here the question arises of how dangerous it is to use the “old” cash registers after July 1, 2017?

I already wrote a small note about this here:

But recently I read another letter from the Federal Tax Service dated July 11, 2017 No. ED-4-20 / [email protected] where this issue is raised again.

Here's what the tax authorities say:

At the same time, on the issue of making settlements after 01.07.2017, the position of the Ministry of Finance should be taken into account. Russian Federation contained in the letter dated May 30, 2017 No. 03-01-15/33121, according to which, upon detection of the fact that organizations and individual entrepreneurs do not use cash registers when making settlements in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 290-FZ dated 03.07.2016 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Use of Cash Registers in Cash Payments and (or) Settlements Using Payment Cards” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 290-FZ), but if there are circumstances indicating that the person who committed the administrative offense took all measures to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of cash registers, the said person in such a situation should not be held liable.

In order to establish the fact of taking exhaustive measures to comply with the above requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation the contract for the supply of a fiscal drive concluded by the user may be examined for a reasonable period before the expiration of the block of the electronic secure control tape (ECLZ) or until the deadline for the possibility of its use determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of cash registers.

Also, the Ministry of Finance of Russia in the said letter informed that if the taxpayer does not have the possibility of using cash registers in accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. individual entrepreneur and buyer (client).

It should be noted that a letter was sent to the territorial tax authorities, according to which in the event that cash register equipment that does not comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 290-FZ is deregistered by tax authorities unilaterally after 07/01/2017, and due to the inability to use cash register equipment under the new procedure, in the presence of the circumstances specified in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2017 No. 03-01-15 / 33121, such a device is used for issuing to the buyer (client) on paper in order to confirm the fact of the settlement between an organization or an individual entrepreneur and a buyer (client), then organizations and individual entrepreneurs are not brought to administrative responsibility in this situation.

Let's summarize

If an individual entrepreneur uses an old-style cash register when selling (that is, not an online cash register), then in order not to run into a fine, you need to:

  1. Have a contract for the supply of a new online cash register (fiscal drive) in hand. Pay attention to the following fragment in the letter “the contract for the supply of a fiscal drive concluded by the user may be examined for a reasonable period before the expiration of the block of the electronic secure control tape (ECLZ) or until the deadline for the possibility of its use determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of cash registers”
  2. At the same time, the “old” cash register can be used to print paper receipts until new equipment arrives.
  3. It is advisable to conclude an agreement with the OFD in advance. Almost all OFDs allow you to do this without prepayment. That is, they take money starting from the date of registration of KKM in their service.
  4. But it is clear that endlessly hiding behind the contract from possible fines will not work. Sooner or later, you will have to switch to new online cash desks.

By the way, many of my friends are now working in this mode. We paid for the online cash register, and until it arrives, they use old equipment. The shortage has not subsided yet, the delivery time is quite long.

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    Dmitry, thanks for your newsletter! Is there any review on online checkout models for online stores (couriers), that is, when the checkout is used in the field? And another question for 1% in excess of 300 thousand and its reflection on the personal account of the IP. IP turns out to have both an account for crediting contributions and an account individual, where pension savings should be reflected, as well as other working people. For some reason, I see fixed contributions on my pension account of an individual, but where does 1% over 300 thousand go and why are they not visible?

In the company "First BIT" you can order cash registers (CRE) at the best price. Experienced specialists will select the devices that meet all your needs.

Sale is carried out not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan, UAE, Canada, USA, Ukraine.

Also professionals "First BIT" are engaged in:

  • pre-sales preparation
  • commissioning,
  • maintenance,
  • CCT repair.

We do not only sell cash register equipment and service, but also registration, removal from it. Turning to us, you will receive a full range of services. He ends up in the First BIT CTO.

Main types

  • Active cash register(KKM). These devices are in demand by many organizations. A POS cash register is usually considered as such a system. It has a complete set necessary functions. The presented models can work both in passive and offline mode. Such devices allow input and output of information, its processing, storage, display on the monitor.
  • standalone model. Such devices are the most compact. Independent technology needs a device that provides input and output of information. The cash register is controlled by a special program. It can work without network access.
  • passive model. Such a cash register cannot be controlled through a computer. Usually devices of the presented type are used in the service sector.
  • fiscal registrar. Such retail and cash equipment can operate in high-speed mode. It is suitable for large retail chains. The device solves all problems only together with a POS-terminal or a special computer system.

The main advantages of the presented cash registers

  • High quality. Each cash register in our range is distinguished by its reliability and long service life. It accurately performs all operations and can work for a long time even under constant high load. This is due to the fact that when creating cash registers, only high-quality components are used.
  • Ease of operation. To use any type of CCP, an experienced operator does not have to go through additional training. The study of all functionality takes place online.
  • Availability. You can buy at the best price.
  • Functionality. Capable of solving a number of critical tasks.
  • Versatility. Many devices can be installed both at retail facilities and in organizations providing various services.
  • A large number of operating modes.

Do you want to purchase high-quality and reliable equipment? Contact us!

  • We sell cash registers modern type. All devices meet the needs of consumers. They cope with all tasks.
  • The sale of equipment is carried out by us at the maximum favorable conditions. Even popular novelties we sell at a low cost. This allows you to select devices that meet all consumer needs.

Choose! Call to find out more about the presented devices. We are ready to answer any questions.

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