Training and evaluation of personnel in the controlling system. Essence, goals, tasks and functions of personnel controlling. Controlling is necessary to consolidate the business position of the company


The concept and essence of personnel controlling

Definition 1

Personnel Controlling is a concept personnel management organization that strives to meet the new, in recent times significantly increased role of human resources in the enterprise. It should be noted that the importance of human resources has recently increased in all areas of activity due to numerous changes in society and technology.

Personnel controlling is a system of intra-company control and planning in the field of work with a human resource, with the help of which the planned strategies of the organization are "transformed" into specific measures and planned values, and basic provisions for personnel management are also formed.

Personnel controlling includes the development of tools to ensure the growth factors of labor productivity in the organization. The key task of personnel controlling is the implementation of constant monitoring and feedback between the systems of planning and analysis of plans, as well as deviations from them.

Personnel Controlling Functions

The following functions are distinguished in the personnel controlling system:

  1. Information-supporting function. It consists in building information system, which covers all the important and necessary information: personnel costs, productivity, etc. This function is implemented by creating a database of working personnel in the organization, with the possibility of generating reports.
  2. The planned function of personnel controlling is to obtain predictive, regulatory and target information, for example, determining the organization's need for employees (skill level, number) for the release of new products.
  3. control function Personnel controlling is the development of a number of proposals aimed at eliminating negative trends. So, for example, when an unforeseen deviation occurs between the actual and planned training costs per employee per year, in this case, the personnel controlling service sends its recommendations on making adjustments to plans and budgets to the finance department and the personnel department.
  4. The control and analytical function of the personnel controlling system is the measurement of the level of achievement of the goal, the analysis of actual and planned indicators for the personnel of the organization. When the identified deviations do not go beyond the interval determined by the controlling department, then there is no need to apply control actions. In the case when the opposite trend is observed, the personnel controlling service reports the alarming trends to the relevant departments of the enterprise. For example, when the staff turnover at the enterprise falls within the acceptable range (4-5%), but there is a tendency to increase the indicator, then it is necessary to inform the personnel department about this.

Personnel Controlling Tasks

To implement the above functions, the personnel controlling service needs to solve a number of key tasks:

  • provide information, services and services to the head of the human resources department;
  • review the effectiveness of the use of the organization's personnel for the reporting period (usually once a year). This assessment is made by the management of the enterprise on the basis of tools and methods developed by the controlling service;
  • determine the need for personnel in various aspects (strategic, operational and tactical). These calculations are carried out by the personnel controlling service on the basis of these plans and reporting of the organization: operational and strategic plans, types and quantities of products, market segments;
  • carry out development, stimulation, selection and dismissal of employees, as well as manage personnel costs.

Personnel management covers the main phases of management. For the effective performance of a function that ensures competitiveness, a personnel controlling system is developed. Read more about creation and implementation in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Personnel Controlling: Functions and Tasks

Personnel controlling is a system of intra-company planning and control in the field of work with human resources. It allows you to convert strategies into planned values, specific activities, to form provisions for managing personnel. Personnel controlling involves the development, provision of tools to ensure labor productivity.

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When evaluating employee performance, use both quantitative and qualitative indicators. Use different instruments. Quantitative comparisons refer to employee performance measures. Qualitative ones reflect the degree of loyalty, the level of satisfaction.

To evaluate and measure qualitative indicators, use the tools and methods of fuzzy sets, verbal expert assessments and interval data. Verbal assessments are useful when it is impossible to measure a phenomenon. To establish a direct and indirect relationship between the result of the organization's activities and data on employees apply tools and methods of correlation and regression analysis. They determine the quantitative relationship between indicators, set goals, tasks for personnel controlling.

Personnel controlling is a modern concept of personnel management, striving to correspond to the new, significantly increased role of human resources in the firm (enterprise). The role of human resources in all areas of activity has increased recently due to numerous changes in technology and society.

Personnel Controlling is a system of intra-company planning and control in the field of work with a human resource, which helps to "transform" strategies into planned values ​​and specific activities, as well as to form the main provisions for managing the personnel of an enterprise.

Personnel controlling involves the development and provision of tools to provide increase factors labor productivity at the enterprise. The main task of personnel controlling is to provide constant feedback between planning and analysis of plans and deviations from them.

There are the following main functions of personnel controlling :

- Information support function- this is the construction of an information system that covers all the necessary information: productivity, personnel costs, etc. This function is implemented, as a rule, by creating a personnel database at the enterprise, with the ability to generate reports.

- Planned function- this is the receipt of forecast, target and regulatory information, for example, determining the need for employees (number, skill level) for the release of new products.

- control function is the development of proposals to eliminate negative trends. For example, if there is a deviation between the planned and actual training costs per employee per year, then the personnel controlling service makes recommendations to the personnel department and the financial department on adjusting the respective plans and budgets.

- Control and analytical function- this is a measurement of the degree of achievement of the goal, an analysis of planned and actual indicators for personnel. If the deviations do not go beyond the interval calculated by the controlling department, then no control actions are needed. But if the opposite trend is observed, then this service contacts the relevant departments of the enterprise and reports alarming trends. For example, if staff turnover remains within acceptable values ​​(4-5%), but there is a tendency to increase it, then this should be signaled to the personnel management.

To implement the listed functions, the personnel controlling service must solve the following tasks :

  • provide information, service and services to the boss personnel department;
  • check the effectiveness of the use of personnel for the reporting period (usually once a year). The assessment is carried out by the management of the enterprise on the basis of methods and tools developed by the controlling service;
  • determine the need for personnel in the strategic, tactical and operational aspects. These calculations are carried out by the personnel controlling service on the basis of the following data: strategic and operational plan, types of products (services), their number, market segments;
  • to carry out development, selection, stimulation and dismissal of employees, as well as management of personnel costs.

Consideration of personnel controlling as a system object requires clarification of the following parameters:

  • personnel controlling goals and their hierarchy;
  • a list of elements that make up the system;
  • connections of elements among themselves (mechanism of functioning and development);
  • requirements for personnel controlling as a system;
  • personnel controlling links with external environment(clarification of the influence of factors on the change in the personnel controlling system, its inclusion in the system of corporate controlling).

Since personnel controlling is an integral part of corporate controlling, its goals should not contradict the activities of the organization, but, on the contrary, be derived from its goals.

This is especially important, since the coincidence of the goals of organizational management and personnel management is a common parameter of effectiveness: since the personnel management system is an integrated part of the enterprise management system; its effectiveness is determined by the end result of the organization's activities.

In personnel controlling, which is part of the controlling of the enterprise as a whole, operational and strategic directions(Table 1).

Strategic Personnel Controlling aligns HR perspectives with the company's management strategy. For example, if it is planned to enter new markets and improve product quality, then measures should be planned to attract (train) highly qualified specialists.

Operational Personnel Controlling implements tactical measures, focusing on strategic goals. At the operational level, the priority is to achieve economic efficiency use of frames.

For example, such indicators as output per person in rubles or physical units (tons, meters, etc.), personnel costs in the structure of production or full cost, cash flow per employee, etc. are measured and evaluated.

An integral part of all the above tasks is the controlling of working time (it must be consistent with other activities of personnel controlling).

Main directions of working time controlling :

  • setting goals, for example, reducing the loss of working time in production by 10% within two years;
  • collection of current information about activities, for example, the reasons for absenteeism or low productivity, etc.;
  • presenting results to management, participating in discussions and making suggestions;
  • implementation of feedback by asking employees what, in their opinion, should be done by the first persons of the company in order to increase labor productivity and reduce loss of working time. So, for example, the main reason for absenteeism may be the low prestige of work and workers are not afraid that they will be fired, because it is difficult to find new employees for these jobs;
  • discussion of the results of the activities carried out in terms of their compliance with the goals set.

In the course of assessing the effectiveness of the work of personnel, both quantitative and qualitative indicators are used. It is advisable to use various tools, for example, quantitative assessments may relate to such personnel performance indicators as cash flow per employee; qualitative - the degree of staff loyalty to management, the level of satisfaction with the organization of the workplace.

To measure and evaluate quality indicators in the personnel controlling system, it is necessary to approach the choice of evaluation methods informally. It is advisable to use the methods and tools of fuzzy sets, interval data and verbal assessments of experts.

For example, it is not entirely correct to measure the average age of personnel by calculating the arithmetic mean. It may turn out that not a single person in the enterprise will correspond to the received figures. If half of the employees are 25-30 years old, and the rest are 50-60 years old, then the average age will be about 40 years old, while in the company such people do not work at all. Therefore, it is more correct to determine the interval of average age, in this case it will be 30-50 years.

Verbal (verbal) assessments should be used when it is difficult to measure a phenomenon. For example, the level of responsibility of employees cannot be represented in numbers - it is usually characterized as “low”, “medium”, “high”, etc.

To establish the relationship between the result of the enterprise and personnel data, it is worth using methods and tools correlation and regression analysis when a quantitative relationship is determined between indicators, for example, employee productivity (output per unit of time) and qualifications or work experience.

All information about personnel in the personnel controlling system is collected in a single database, structured and documented. It serves to receive, accumulate, process, evaluate and transfer data on personnel and jobs.

Documentary support of controlling staff includes:

  • Formulation of the goals of the activity. The definition and clear formulation of goals is a necessary prerequisite for the use of controlling technology. Goals for the management of a unit may, for example, come in the form of a decision by a higher level of company management.
  • Reflection of these goals in the system of indicators. The scorecard serves as a kind of coordinate system in which the goal is set in the form of target values ​​of indicators.
  • Activity planning and determination of planned (target) values ​​of indicators. The action plan is reflected as a trajectory of movement towards the goal, deployed in time.
  • Regular control (measurement) of the actual values ​​of indicators. Control over the execution of the plan is carried out by measuring the actual values ​​of the indicators regularly and repeatedly during the planning period.
  • Analysis and identification of the causes of deviations of the actual values ​​of indicators from the planned ones.
  • Adoption on this basis of management decisions to minimize deviations.

Personnel controlling service can be positioned in the enterprise in the following way:

  • as part of a centralized Controlling service. In this case, there is a danger that its management, which is more focused on economic and financial indicators and reporting, will not allow the creation of a personnel controlling system that takes into account the peculiarities of personnel management;
  • as staff structure reporting directly to the first persons of the company;
  • Be part of a human resources department with the same rank in the management hierarchy as, for example, the development service. However, there is a risk that personnel controlling will lose its special role of coordination and information support other departments in the field of employee management;
  • as a headquarters structure reporting directly to the head responsible for the personnel of the enterprise.

It should be noted that personnel controlling should not turn into a centralized and standardized system, limited only to monetary indicators from the financial and management accounting.

The personnel controlling department also needs to use in its work the physiological and socio-psychological characteristics of employees, which should contribute to the growth of objectivity in measuring and evaluating the main resource - the personnel of the enterprise.

Personnel controlling, as one of the most important components of the overall system of personnel management of companies, began to be introduced relatively recently. The scheme of work, common with modern controlling, was used within enterprises before, but it was not as efficient, high-quality and productive as possible. In such conditions, the integration into the management policy of enterprises of methods that ensure proper control of personnel has become a competent step towards improving the personnel strategy of business entities.

"Smart" human resource management

Since many enterprises began to test the experience of introducing controlling in the personnel management system quite recently, this area of ​​activity can be fully called an innovation in management policy. Given this state of affairs, it is necessary to understand in detail what the essence of personnel controlling is, what are the key goals of this system.

The personnel control system is aimed primarily at creating an effective, well-thought-out human resource management strategy within the enterprise. After all, what is a human resource? This is the most difficult component in terms of competent management building. Personnel levers are so difficult to manage (a person is not a machine, managing him is a whole art; it’s not for nothing that there is a concept of the so-called “human factor”) that special mechanisms and well-thought-out methods are needed to build approaches in this area. That is why there is an urgent need to introduce a personnel controlling system at enterprises, which allows creating a high-quality managerial climate.

The goals of such a system (we list here only the main components, noting that this model, due to its scale and multi-stage nature, has a whole range of relevant goal-settings) are planning a personnel strategy and exercising “total” control over its implementation. Competent controlling is built in such a way that these two main target components are closely interconnected and, as they say, “work” well for each other.

It is important to emphasize here that the control of the work of personnel, taking into account all the strategically significant points associated with this area of ​​activity, is necessary for the top management of companies. That is, for the head of enterprises, as well as for representatives of the highest echelons of the management "top". With the help of controlling mechanisms, top managers and senior specialists develop a personnel management policy, introduce these mechanisms into the overall system of the enterprise, clearly monitor the efficiency of the implemented system, identify shortcomings and bottlenecks. They also model and modernize the personnel policy, taking into account the identified shortcomings in the methods of working with the team.

In short, personnel controlling is a service option for management. Using it, top managers can efficiently coordinate and regulate the personnel strategy, competently build a line for organizing working time.

Controlling is necessary to consolidate the business position of the company

In addition to purely utilitarian, controlling has more global goals. Through management tools labor resources the business reputation of the enterprise can be strengthened. How?

By building HR management “smartly”, in accordance with modern requirements and a set of innovative trends, the manager creates a good microclimate within the enterprise team.

First, psychological. Secondly, directly the worker. Working in comfort psychological conditions, in the necessary working rhythm, consistent with the goals and objectives of the enterprise, the employees of the team ensure high labor productivity and worthy indicators of their professional activity. In a well-regulated system of work, there is no place for such negative phenomena that are typical for the practice of companies that run counter to modern personnel requirements, such as production incidents, downtime, malfunctions, dissatisfaction of team members with each other, etc.

As a result, a well-functioning team ensures not only the implementation of the activity plans outlined by the management, but also creates a new "face" of its company - with a decent business reputation, an extensive circle of reliable business partners (confident in the quality and mobility of their counterparty), high level competitiveness, confident conquest of new specialized markets. And also long-term successful development their professional activities.

How to build a model of "human capital" management?

This question, if we keep in mind the use of personnel control mechanisms, can be easily resolved. The management, which has set the task of introducing a system of profile personnel controlling, should follow this path. To begin with, it is necessary to form and integrate the following work models into the general scheme of the enterprise's activities:

  1. Information. It is needed in order to ensure the effective collection of information on the state of personnel policy, the effectiveness of the functioning of the team (the level of labor productivity, the potential in this area, personnel costs, the feasibility of cutting or, conversely, increasing the level of financial injections into this area, etc.) .
  2. Direct manager. This model is necessary for the development and coordination of personnel policy measures, the modernization of the system of work with the team.
  3. Control and analytical. This component allows you to measure the degree of achievement of the set goals, the quality and mobility of movement towards the targets. In addition, it is designed to create a basis for analyzing ongoing work, evaluating personnel activities, generating new ideas that improve the team management system.

At the discretion of management, the types of these models may vary depending on the goals and objectives set. The proposed scheme can be taken as a basis and, taking into account specific goals, change it.

After the formation of these control and management models, the company's management should be focused on the second important step. It consists in a deep understanding of what is included in the functions of the personnel controlling service (or a specialist appointed responsible in this area). The tasks of such a service are large-scale, among them it is important to note the following:

  • collect and provide information to the management of the enterprise or the head of the personnel department;
  • to check the effectiveness of personnel for a specific time period;
  • determine the personnel needs of the enterprise (both in the medium and long term);
  • contribute to the effective functioning of the system that develops professional competencies workers;
  • assist management in assessing the processes of "turnover" of personnel, identifying the true causes of these processes, correcting the situation associated with the departure of personnel;
  • manage personnel costs;
  • offer a set of incentive measures that increase labor productivity and the level of efficiency of the team;
  • initiate a set of incentive measures that allow you to gently, unobtrusively, but specifically highlight distinguished employees.

Risks and mistakes

Of course, any activity is not immune from erroneous actions and risks and problems arising from them.

In a situation with controlling, there should be a minimum of such shortcomings.

What are the main mistakes made at enterprises following the path of introducing an “audit” of personnel? Here the main problem should be emphasized. It is connected with the unwillingness of the company's management to actually apply the levers of management integrated into the area under consideration.

It often happens that representatives of the management team set a goal for subordinates to introduce personnel controlling. However, things do not go further than this: the management does not monitor the processes of implementing the system, does not apply the results obtained in practice.

As a result, the controlling service works in vain, its activity becomes a kind of “soap bubble” that exists, but does not provide real help.

And what is the efficiency?

As a result, personnel controlling helps representatives of the management staff of the enterprise to improve the existing organizational structure of your team, reduce the number of duplicating functions performed by personnel, increase the level of labor and performance discipline, and optimize business processes.

It creates barriers for the development of crisis situations - both related to the actual relationships in the team, and industrial emergencies.

What is very important, personnel controlling works not only for the interests of the enterprise - it allows you to improve the working conditions of employees, that is, it works for the company's staff itself, for each of its members.

In particular, the management human capital» modernizes the activities of the personnel service, has a positive effect on the system of remuneration, incentives, and motivations.

Strategic personnel control links the perspectives in the field of work with personnel with the company's management strategy. For example, if it is planned to enter new markets and improve product quality, then measures should be planned to attract (train) highly qualified specialists.

Operational personnel controlling implements tactical measures, focusing on strategic goals. At the operational level, the task of achieving economic efficiency in the use of personnel is in the foreground. For example, such indicators as output per person in rubles or in physical terms, personnel costs in the structure of production or full cost, cash flow per employee, etc. are measured and evaluated.

Having considered the personnel controlling system, we can conclude that this system is complex, and allows you to successfully solve many tasks of the enterprise's personnel policy.

Thus, taking into account the requirements of a modern market economy, the activities of the personnel services of domestic enterprises should include various methods for improving personnel policy. It, in turn, should be aimed at the formation of such a system of work with personnel, which would be focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social effect, which would subsequently allow the organization to function more successfully and actively achieve its goals.

3.2. Foreign experience in personnel policy management

USA. The US credit and financial system is much younger than similar systems in Europe. The main features of American banking management are as follows:

    training of bank employees takes place according to various programs, which sometimes leads to inconsistencies in the practical activities of banks;

    increased attention of HR services to testing issues that do not always represent the objective characteristics of candidates for open vacancies;

    selection of senior executives of banks from outside from other credit and financial structures;

    increased staff turnover, reaching 20-25% per year, not effective work with reserve for promotion;

    insufficient attention to the issues of advanced training of bank employees, the lack of specialized training programs for these purposes;

    contract system with employment limitation compared to Europe for 3-4 years;

    a widely practiced system of social benefits, adequate in cost to 60-65% of the annual income of bank employees.

Japan. The Japanese mentality makes it possible to recruit and manage bank employees much more efficiently than is the case in European banks and US banks. Labor productivity in US banks managed by Japanese is 30-40% higher than in banks where managers are Americans.

We list the most important features of banking management in Japan:

    availability of a management specialist in the staff of banks. Efficient firms advising the activities of banks in the field of finance and management;

    selection of future employees of the bank in the first courses of specialized educational institutions. Candidates for work in banks additionally listen to lectures by practitioners from among the management of banks. The bank for promising students allocates additional funds for full or partial tuition fees and increased scholarships. The funds spent can be long-term loans, or are irrevocably repaid after several years of work;

    parents working in banks and wishing to be in order family tradition prepare their children as banking specialists, loans are provided and jobs are prepared;

    the system of "lifetime employment" used in banks guarantees a constant increase wages and receiving various social benefits depending on the length of service;

    professional development of employees is carried out in specialized training centers with a break from work;

    the system of moral encouragement of employees is widely practiced, the rank system of promotion is applied;

    methods of self-assessment by employees of their work are used in parallel with assessments given by managers;

    horizontal movement of workers is constantly practiced, contributing to the study of related professions;

    regularly held seminars and conferences for bank managers;

    the presence in the states of banks, the so-called godfathers - experienced managers who mentor young employees for several years.

Until recently, Russian banks had a traditional attitude to personnel management services, the same as to other headquarters services. The structure of these services in most banks is similar to those available in other industries. And only a few large banks, headed by people who have managed to learn from the experience of the largest banks in Western countries, have changed their attitude towards the activities of personnel management services.

Banks do not have a long-term personnel management strategy in their assets. Most personnel management services perform only technical functions, and personnel issues are resolved by the heads of functional departments and services, who independently search for the necessary specialists, take care of advanced training and prepare a reserve for promotion, thereby fulfilling the duties of the personnel management service.

The status of employees of the personnel management service is very low. In Western banks, the heads of such services are vice presidents. In the United States in recent years, not only in banks, but also in enterprises of other areas of activity, the vacancies for presidents of firms that have opened are, first of all, claimed by the heads of the personnel management service, i.e. those who are trained to work with people.

The high status of heads of personnel management services allows the latter to be aware of all the affairs of banks or companies. Changes in the strategy or policy of the organization are immediately reflected in the strategy and tactics of the work of the personnel management service. The status of the personnel management service is determined by a special regulation. The regulation provides for subordination, the procedure for appointing and moving managers and specialists, responsibility corresponding to rights, and the performance of functions in space and time.

The personnel management service, as well as other departments, must determine the strategy for the future development of the bank.

The primary objective of this strategy is to staff the bank with highly qualified specialists.

Strategy and tactics in the direction of the main task includes the following main points:

    personnel policy should take into account the characteristics of a particular bank, its material and organizational capabilities;

    personnel policy should be carried out by all managers of the bank, and not only by the personnel management service and employees of the highest echelon of management;

    personnel policy should include information files on all employees of the bank, reflecting their business qualities, level of knowledge and health, character traits, etc.

The personnel policy in banks has one very important feature - the employee must be constantly monitored. It is important to know about changes in character, the appearance of damaging relationships, etc.

For this purpose, a document representing an individual dossier is drawn up. This document is necessary because bank employees have access to classified information. The experience of such control is available in the security agencies, internal affairs and the armed forces. The dossier differs from a personal file in that the contents of this document are closed even to the observed object. The dossier contains data on personal connections, behavior, conceit, manifestations of envy, passion for women, propensities for alcohol, gambling, an unreasonably rapid increase in wealth, etc. An individual dossier is drawn up immediately after the employee enters the bank.

In the process of checking candidates for vacancies in a bank, a "lie detector" - a polygraph - is very effective. In the private sector of developed Western countries and in some Russian banks, this method is successfully used:

    for checks and selection of employees in the company; checking the honesty and sincerity of candidates when answering about their experience in the specialty in which they previously had to work, in relation to health, the presence of alcohol and drug addiction;

    for scheduled inspections of the company's employees in relation to compliance with the requirements for this position;

    in case of thefts and other abuses in the bank or in other cases of damage.

Many banks and businesses in the United States have professional polygraph operators on staff who provide some degree of human resources and security programs. Those firms that have purchased polygraphs and hired high-quality professionals have seen a reduction in the number of intra-company thefts and a significant reduction in the time and cost of investigations. As an example, we can refer to the rate of detection using a polygraph of concealing the facts of a criminal record when hiring for a job in banking institutions and jewelry stores. This figure is 95%.

The US National Security Agency has published the results of a survey of 20,000 candidates for various positions related to classified documents. As a result of the survey, it turned out that 7.7% of the surveyed provided falsified data in the questionnaires. Behind the falsification were arrests and convictions for crimes of a criminal nature, the reasons for dismissals and indifferent attitude to work, the provision of false documents on education, and unsatisfactory military service.

In the United States, the concept of the degree of risk has been formed. In accordance with this concept, the entire population of the country is classified into risk groups. There are three of them: low risk, tolerable risk and high risk.

The first group includes highly decent people who care about their honor and dignity. These people most likely will not compromise themselves (12% of the US population).

The second group includes people who, in a certain situation, may abandon their principles. Their behavior is adjacent to the people of the first group, and they will not commit offenses in the case of a high degree of control and high risk (60-70% of the US population).

The third group includes immoral people, criminals who use every opportunity to warm their hands. There are 13% of them.

However, a polygraph test does not exhaust all existing recruitment methods. Professional knowledge and skills are checked when the candidate contacts with experts and specialists, who give an opinion on the suitability of one or the other for an open vacancy.

To date, Russian legislation does not prohibit the use of a "lie detector", and therefore this method is increasingly being successfully used in banks and firms. Employees hired by banks are probation: technical staff - 2-3 months; specialists - up to 6 months; managers - 1 year. At this stage, the final decision is made on hiring an employee or dropping him out.

This practice allows banks to release ballast on time without much difficulty. The trial period must be stipulated in the contract.

Large Russian banks have connections with specialized financial and economic institutions and colleges. In the USA and Japan, work with students begins from the 2nd or 3rd year of study at higher education institutions. educational institutions and colleges. The winners are those banks that enter into long-term contracts with educational institutions where future specialists are trained and their selection is started, first of all, by teachers and university administration. After identifying promising students, the latter need to train during the summer holidays in various positions in banks that are connected by agreements with universities. It is advisable for graduates of specialized universities to perform theses on the materials of the bank, which is going to provide graduates with work.

Western businessmen believe that while an entrepreneur is working, he must study. Financial institutions are no exception. The sphere of banking services is constantly expanding, organizational structures are changing in connection with market conditions, the bank is investing in various sectors of the economy, new equipment is being introduced, and the Internet is being used. All this creates the prerequisites for continuous professional development of employees. AT Western countries the cost of advanced training ranges from 7 to 12% of the amount of staff wages. Large banks, as a rule, organize advanced training on their own or attracted teachers to work within the organization with or without interruption from work. Smaller banks use the services of centralized training courses. Advanced training in banks in Western countries is prestigious and is directly related to a business career. After graduation, employees are promoted or increase their wages.

Unfortunately, most Russian banks do not have strategic plans for the retraining of employees, there is no necessary motivation and an objective assessment of learning outcomes. The organization of such training is one of the most important tasks of personnel management services.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation