Sample order for sending a slinger to training. Sample order for employee training. Additional professional education


Qualified specialists are required in every enterprise. Personnel training and advanced training can take place according to specially designed programs or courses for a specific area of ​​the company's activities. The direction of an employee for training is issued by order of the head, a sample of which can be downloaded below.

The head of the organization has the right to independently decide on the direction of subordinates for training, based on the employee's labor functions and the goals facing him (studying equipment, obtaining new qualification levels, classes).

Training activities

Based on the director's resolution set out in the order, the employee is trained in an educational organization, retrained or improves his qualifications.

The training of a specialist is accompanied by the conclusion of an agreement with an institute, technical school, university, training center. An agreement is drawn up with the employer, in which you can add information about the period of working after graduation, or an agreement to the current labor contract. Labor law does not indicate the maximum period of development, the decision is made by mutual agreement of the parties and depends on the costs incurred and the time of their payback.

  • short-term courses - 72 hours are allotted for classes at the workplace of a specialist, the acquired knowledge is confirmed by passing an essay or passing a test;
  • seminars - the procedure lasts 72-100 hours, more significant and vulnerable areas of labor activity are considered;
  • long courses - their focus is similar to seminars, but the study of issues takes place in more detail, classes last more than 100 hours.

Courses can be carried out with a full, partial separation from work or in parallel with work.

The documentary basis for sending an employee to training takes the form of an order in which the manager gives an order to send an employee or a group to a person for training.

How to apply for a referral to study

If there is a need to study any information by subordinates, an order is issued by the employer to send the employee to training, courses or seminars.

This document does not have a mandatory form and is compiled in an arbitrary form.

The name of the order is indicated in the "header" of the order legal entity, title, location and date of the document.

The preamble of the order contains an indication of the article Labor Code or the emergence of a production need.

The text block consists of:

  • Full name of the specialist sent for training and his position;
  • start and end dates of courses or studies;
  • full name of the educational institution;
  • conditions of training and the amount of payment, compensation;
  • an instruction to the personnel specialist on the preparation of the necessary documentation (job assignment, travel certificate, entering data into the time sheet);
  • signatures of the director, indicated in the order of the specialist, the personnel inspector and the chief accountant.

When training several employees, a single document is drawn up.

There are professions for which the manager is obliged to provide professional education and additional:

  • medical workers;
  • civil servants;
  • notaries;
  • teachers;
  • coaches and professional athletes.

The head of the enterprise assumes all the costs of obtaining the necessary knowledge or pays compensation to the trainee.

Do not neglect the execution of a student agreement, which confirms the fact of expenses Money legal entity for training. Upon dismissal of such an employee, a situation may arise to recover the amounts spent on him.

In the case of sending an employee to receive training in remote area, additionally issued .

Consent to visit an educational institution or training centers is not required from the employee. But by refusing this procedure, the employee may be unsuitable for the further performance of his labor functions, which will lead to the termination of the employment contract.

An order to send an employee to advanced training courses is a free-form document that confirms the intention of the director of a company or organization to send an employee to advanced training courses.


Why send to advanced training courses

The director of a company/organization is interested in having highly qualified personnel who are able to effectively cope with work in as soon as possible. This means that the firm or organization:

  • will constantly develop economically;
  • will be able to compete with other firms in the market conditions;
  • will be able to quickly make decisions related to current, strategic and organizational issues.

Forms of advanced training

According to paragraph 41 of the Model Regulations, an employee can improve his qualifications:

  • breaking away from work;
  • not looking up from work;
  • partially breaking away from work;
  • in individual form of education.

According to Art. 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if an employee was sent to study, tearing him away from work, then he must definitely retain his place of work, his position and average salary. If an employee was sent to study in another region, then he must be paid not only travel expenses, but also pay average salary for the entire period of being on a business trip.

If an employee improves his qualifications without breaking away from work or partially breaking away from it, then he must receive a salary for the time actually worked. If an employee studies and works at the same time, then according to Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the total duration of working time should not exceed the daily norm.

Who decides to send employees for advanced training

Whom to send to advanced training courses is decided by the director of the company or organization. Before making a decision, he analyzes the employee's work functions and the tasks facing him (for example, to study new equipment or get a new level in qualifications).

Information to be displayed in the document

The order must contain the following:

  • full name of the organization;
  • title of the document;
  • where the order was issued;
  • registration number;
  • the date the document was drawn up;
  • an indication of the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the reason why there was a production need;
  • Name of the person who is going to send;
  • his position;
  • term of study (start date and end date);
  • full name of the educational institution;
  • argumentation of the need for training;
  • conditions for passing the training;
  • the amount of tuition fees;
  • the amount of compensation;
  • person's name, responsible for study;
  • registration number of the employment contract or additional. the agreement on the basis of which the direction is carried out;
  • the signature of the person being referred;
  • director's signature;
  • signature of the personnel department specialist;
  • signature of the chief accountant.

If the organization plans to send several employees for advanced training, then a single document is drawn up with a list of all the names. If an employee has to go to study in another region/city, then an additional order is issued on his business trip.

Requirements to be met when filling out the document

When drawing up an order, the following requirements must be observed:

  • Adhere to the legal distance between the edges of the page and the text.
  • The document must be on a white and high quality sheet of A4 paper.
  • Write the date of the document in Arabic numerals or in a word-numeric way.
  • The document must contain all signatures plus their transcript.
  • Seal.

Mistakes that are made when filling out a document

Most often, filling out an order, a specialist can make such mistakes:

  • the date of preparation of the document is not affixed or the wrong date is set;
  • the full name of the person who should be sent for training is missing;
  • writing the text with a simple pencil or a pen of a different color;
  • the entry was made in illegible handwriting;
  • blots, corrections;
  • spelling mistakes;
  • the full name of the educational institution is incorrectly indicated;
  • the name of the organization is incorrectly indicated;
  • artificial aging of the document;
  • eraser text.

How to correct the mistakes made

If an error was found in the document, then you must do the following:

  1. Rewrite/reprint the document. You can use this method only if an error has been noticed:
    • before the signature of the head was put;
    • at the time of signing.
  2. Issue a new order. But before proceeding with the issuance of a new document, it is necessary to create an annulment order in which there are errors. It should contain the following:
    • order registration number;
    • the date it was drawn up;
    • document's name;
    • the beginning of the text in the order should begin with the words: “Recognize invalid” / “Consider invalid”;
    • briefly why they decided to cancel it;
    • who is responsible for corrections;
    • signature.


And, as a rule, depending on the level of training, highly qualified personnel increase salaries and rates.


An employee can gain knowledge in the field of labor safety during the course of labor protection (OT) training events in a specialized center for certification of employees of organizations or in production.

At the same time, an order is issued on a mandatory basis to send it to the appropriate employee signed by the head of the organization.

These standards also apply to ordinary workers who undergo planned training at an enterprise or a third-party organization in accordance with a certain schedule.

On the need for OSH training activities

Implementation of measures aimed at compliance with production safety standards experts are doing.

These can be both ordinary employees who are charged with the performance of these duties, and individual specialists who are exclusively engaged in activities in this area.

Appointment to such positions is carried out by order of the management.

However, in order to perform such a labor function, according to the requirements of the law, an OT specialist must have a certain set of knowledge that can be obtained by passing.

For the effective execution of their job duties, preventing the manifestation of emergency situations and violations in the field of labor protection the specialist must have skills and knowledge in this area and apply them in practice during briefings, training events and various inspections.

Also, the specialist must know the federal and regional regulatory framework in this area and maintain relevant documents on the subject of labor protection and production safety.

Where are the workers going?

The legislation provides for several options for sending an employee to receive OSH training:

When choosing a place for training, management must necessarily take into account the specifics of the enterprise and the degree of knowledge in this area required from the employee in the course of work.

The order of registration of the procedure

The direction of the employee to the appropriate training is carried out in a certain order:

  1. Manifestation of reasons- in accordance with or appointment to the position of an occupational safety specialist, when hiring or a fundamental change in the employee's labor function, as well as in the event of an emergency situation requiring advanced training in the field of industrial safety.
  2. Issuing an order guidelines on sending an employee/group of employees for training. In the case of choosing a specialized educational institution, an agreement on the provision of educational services is concluded.
  3. When training at the enterprise, at the end of it, certification and identification of shortcomings and violations in the work of employees.

Employees who have successfully completed training are allowed to continue working, and employees who do not pass the certification are subject to disciplinary measures.

How is an order made?

An order to send an employee is issued in accordance with the rules and procedures for internal document management, as well as in accordance with GOST standards for document management.

The order must indicate:

  • name of the company, signature and position of the head;
  • grounds for referral to study;
  • personal data indicating the position of the employee or group of employees sent;
  • time, place and method of conducting training within the enterprise or in an external organization.

Also, additional training data can be added to the order.

Advanced training is the training of specialists of various profiles and levels of training, aimed at updating theoretical knowledge, improving and obtaining new practical professional skills. Practically all employees with special and higher education need to periodically improve their qualifications.

From this article you will learn:

  • how is the professional development of employees with a separation from work;
  • how to properly focus on professional development;
  • how to draw up an order for referral to advanced training.

According to the law Russian Federation, the employee can be sent to advanced training courses with his consent. The educational institution where the employee will take a course of study must have the appropriate accreditation from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (clause 26 of the Model Regulation on educational institution additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 N 610).

Don't miss: the main article of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

Encyclopedia of personnel orders from the Kadra System.

Professional development with a break from work

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the concept, procedure for referral, registration of professional development by such regulations:

  1. Article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - the concept of the qualifications and professional standard of an employee, the procedure for determining the professional level of employees.
  2. Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - defines the obligations of the employer in relation to vocational education and retraining of employees;
  3. Article 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - guarantees the right to an employee to receive additional education according to the existing specialization.
  4. Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - defines the list of guarantees for an employee when they are sent to advanced training courses.

Referral to advanced training courses in another city at the initiative of the employer is not business trip(Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation No. VP-6-19 / 437 dated June 7, 2000 “On the norms and procedure for reimbursement of travel expenses when sending to advanced training courses”).

Advanced training has a clear classification:

  • Short-term advanced training courses - the volume of the training program is from 72 hours, followed by passing exams, tests or defending an essay on a given topic;
  • Thematic professional seminars - a training program of 71-100 hours, involves obtaining new skills in specialization and obtaining new knowledge in the field of new technical, industrial, scientific, socio-economic developments and legislative projects;
  • Long-term advanced training - the duration of training is 100-500 hours, it involves an in-depth study of subjects related to the direct specialization of the employee with filling in the gap professional knowledge or skills.

The advanced training of employees at the initiative of the employer is carried out in educational institutions with which this enterprise contract signed. In the local regulations of the organization that determine the procedure for improving the qualifications of employees, it is necessary to indicate the following data:

  1. Educational institution, place of study - possibly on the territory of the employer or an educational institution.
  2. Forms of training for various categories of employees - off-duty, part-time, on-the-job.
  3. The plan and program for training employees, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise and the professional duties of employees.
  4. List of guarantees to employees for the period of training.

Direction for advanced training

According to part 3 of Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the adoption of local regulations regarding the advanced training of employees of the enterprise should be carried out taking into account the opinion of the trade union. The procedure for sending an employee to advanced training courses is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • It is necessary to first coordinate this fact with the employee and obtain his approval;
  • The head of the enterprise must write an order to send an employee to advanced training courses;
  • HR department on the basis of the order of the head creates order on the direction for advanced training;
  • With the order it is necessary to familiarize the employee with a personal signature.

According to part 2 of Art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an additional agreement must be drawn up between the employer and the employee sent for training or advanced training. In the employee's report card, the entire period of training is coded PK (07) when training with a break from work at the place of residence, PK (08) when training with a break from work in another locality.

The order to send an employee to training must contain the following factors:

  1. The goal is to improve the qualification level of an employee or in connection with the production need.
  2. Information about the employee - full name, position, structural unit where he works.
  3. Information about educational institution– the name and details of the license or accreditation.
  4. Training data - the number of hours of the training program, the dates of the beginning and end of the study.
  5. Guarantees provided to the employee - retention of the position and wages, reimbursement of travel, accommodation and additional expenses in the presence of supporting documents.
  6. Reason - information about employment contract and an additional agreement with the employee.

The order must be signed by the head of the enterprise, with the obligatory familiarization against signature - the deputy, the immediate supervisor, the chief accountant and the employee sent for training.

ATTENTION! Sample order - list.


About enrolling in courses

advanced training

in the academic year


1.Send to advanced training courses at the Center for Organizational and Methodological Support of Physical Education of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow for academic year the following specialists:

Physical education teachers in the amount () people

Kindergarten teachers in the amount of () people.

Instructors for physical culture in the amount of () people.

Trainers-teachers in the amount of () people.

Methodists in the amount of () people.

Leaders structural divisions in the amount of () people.

The lists are attached (Appendix No. 1).

(signature) (decipher)

ATTENTION! Sample order - individual.

Sample order for referral to advanced training courses

(performed on the letterhead of the organization)


"______" _____________ 20_____ No. __________

About enrolling in courses

advanced training

in the academic year

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", as well as in order to improve control over the advanced training of specialists in physical culture and sports


1. Send a specialist to the advanced training courses at the Center for Organizational and Methodological Support of Physical Education of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow for the academic year:

FULL NAME. (in full), education, position (at the time of filing the order)

2. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Director of the UMR _______________________ F. AND ABOUT.

MP Director of the educational institution ___________________ ______/______________/

(signature) (decipher)

SAMPLE Appendix 1

to Order No. ________

dated "_____" __________20___


physical culture and sports specialists



Physical education teacher

Physical education instructor

Note: Full name (in full), education (higher or specialized secondary), position (at the time of issuing the order).

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