Travel certificate in the year sample. How to write an order for a business trip? Features of drawing up an order for sending on a business trip


An employee's trip by order of the employer for a certain period of time to perform an official assignment outside the place permanent job referred to as a business trip (part 1 of article 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The direction of the employee on a business trip is carried out on the basis of the relevant order. How to draw up an order to send on a business trip, we will tell you in our consultation, and we will also give a sample of 2018-2019 for the business trip order.

We draw up an order to send an employee on a business trip

An order to send an employee on a business trip is drawn up in any form. For convenience, you can use unified forms, which are currently not mandatory for use (Information of the Ministry of Finance No. PZ-10/2012). So, as a sample order for an employee's business trip, you can use the unified form No. T-9 "Order (instruction) to send an employee on a business trip." And if you need to issue a business trip for several employees at once, it is convenient to use form No. T-9a (Goskomstat Resolution No. 1 dated 05.01.2004).

Regardless of whether the order is drawn up in a unified or independently developed form, a sample order for sending on a business trip should contain, in particular, the following information:

  • FULL NAME. and position of the posted worker;
  • place of business trip;
  • business trip period.

To confirm the economic feasibility of business trip expenses, it is advisable to indicate in the order the purpose of sending the employee on a business trip.

It is necessary to familiarize the relevant employee with the order on a business trip against signature.

Here is a sample filling for an order to send an employee on a business trip.

For a business trip order (sample 2018 - 2019), you can download the form from the link below.

If a business trip is canceled for any reason, you can draw up an appropriate order in the form given in a separate.

In cases where the permanent work of employees is carried out on the road or has a traveling character, we are not talking about business trips, but about business trips (part 1 of article 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, sending an employee on a business trip may also be accompanied by an order in the form given above.

Please note that in order to recognize expenses for a business trip or a business trip for tax purposes, drawing up an order is mandatory.

Order for a business trip (form T-9, T-9a)- an administrative document that sends an employee of the organization on a business trip. If it becomes necessary to send an employee on a business trip, then first of all you need to draw up an appropriate order. The Ministry of Finance has developed unified forms T-9 for one employee and T-9a for a group of employees; it will be easiest to use these forms. You can download forms T9 and T9a at the end of the article.

How to write a travel order? Consider filling out an order using the example of a business trip for one employee in the T9 form.

A sample of filling out an order for a business trip (form T-9)

In the unified T-9 form, everything is thought out, so filling out this form will not cause any difficulties. Consider the main data in the document:

  • We set the date of execution of the order, assign it an individual number. Also, at the top of the form, do not forget to indicate the name of the organization and its OKPO.
  • In the body of the order, we indicate the personal data of the employee sent on a business trip: full name, position, structural unit, as well as the personnel number assigned to him when he was hired.
  • We indicate information about the place of the employee’s direction, that is, in which locality the traveler is sent and to which organization.
  • The terms of the business trip are indicated in numbers, the first day of the business trip is the day of departure from the settlement of the permanent place of work, the last day is the day of arrival at the place of permanent work.
  • We prescribe the purpose of the trip depending on the one issued to the employee.
  • If necessary, fill in the line “business trip at the expense of funds”, indicate the source of funding for the business trip.

As a rule, the head of the department in which the employee works draws up a job assignment, which is given in the order for a business trip in the line "reason". The head of the organization signs the order, then we acquaint the employee with the order, while he puts his signature as a sign of his consent.

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An example of issuing an order for a business trip for an employee

Quite often, enterprises and organizations send their employees on business trips for business reasons. This may be due to the exchange of experience, interdepartmental cooperation, the fulfillment of various contractual obligations, etc. Issues related to business trips are regulated by Chapter 24 Labor Code RF (TK RF). It reflects the very concept of such a trip with an industrial or other need, the issues of reimbursement to employees for these purposes, guarantees of maintaining a job (position).

The unified form T 9 is an order for an enterprise or organization to send an employee on a business trip. It should be noted that since the beginning of 2015, the previously valid travel certificates and official assignments have been legally canceled (subparagraph 2 of the amendments approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1595). Since August 2015, there is no need to keep a register of employees sent on business trips (clause 3 of the amendments approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2015 No. 771).

At present, the unified form T 9 of the order with the attached advance report, which includes all expenditure documents related to the performance of the official assignment of the enterprise's management, is the only document confirming the direction of the employee on a business trip. The form of such an order is filled out by a specialist in the personnel service.

The unified form T 9 is also used by individual entrepreneurs to send their employees on business trips.

A sample of filling out a unified form T 9

Form of order to send an employee to business trip must be completed without errors and include all the necessary data for the accounting calculation. In order to avoid errors, consider a sample of filling out the form.

The completed form of the unified form T 9 of the order to send an employee on a business trip includes the following data:

  • the name of the organization is indicated at the top of the form;
  • OKPO;
  • number and date of drawing up of the issued order;
  • personnel number and full name of the seconded person;
  • title structural unit, if there;
  • indication of the position held;
  • destination of the trip;
  • the time period of the business trip in calendar days with a breakdown of the start and end dates of the trip;
  • the purpose to be achieved during the trip;
  • what funds are used to finance the trip;
  • grounds for sending an employee on a business trip;
  • signature of the head of the enterprise or organization;
  • signature of the seconded specialist on familiarization with the order.

The sample fill demonstrates how to enter data.

When it is necessary to send an employee to perform a task outside the place of his work, that is, to send a business trip, an appropriate order from the head is necessary. It is fixed in the order of the established sample (the so-called T-9 form). When preparing it, it is extremely important to follow all applicable requirements and not to miss the necessary details. How to properly create such a document will be discussed further.

We will explain what can serve as the basis for issuing an order to send an employee on a business trip, and what are the features of its preparation. In addition, we suggest using the sample and form of such a document to simplify its preparation.

Grounds for issuing an order to send on a business trip

An order to send an employee, as a rule, is drawn up if there is a corresponding job assignment. This is the primary document that is issued when it becomes necessary to send someone on a business trip. And only after that the order is issued.

The job assignment can be drawn up in accordance with the model approved by the State Statistics Committee (form T-10a). Today, its use is not mandatory, but is still widespread. The task specifies the name of the company, information about the employee who needs to be sent on a business trip, the purpose and conditions of its implementation. The task is signed by the head of the department where the person sent on a business trip works, after which the document is approved by the director of the company or other authorized employee. The finished official task is transferred to the personnel department for issuing an order on business trip on its basis. Upon returning from a trip, the section “Summary report on the assignment” is filled in the document.

Features of drawing up an order for sending on a business trip

The State Committee on Statistics (Goskomstat) has developed a T-9 form of business trip order, which you should follow to fix your own orders to send workers to other settlements. This form was approved by the order of the department dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 and contains all the details necessary for such documents.

In most cases, the procedure for seconding an employee is as follows:

  • Stage 1- preparation of a draft order for a business trip, which is carried out by a personnel service specialist based on a job assignment.
  • Stage 2- approval of the document by the head of the company.
  • Stage 3- transfer of a signed order to the accounting department, which issues an advance payment to an employee going on a business trip.

It is not necessary to adhere to this scheme of distribution of tasks. The accounting department can also prepare an order, and in a small business it is often practiced to draw up such documents independently by the head.

Important: if several employees go on a business trip at once, another sample order is used, namely T-9a, according to which information about each seconded and the conditions of his business trip is indicated in tabular form.

The following details must be present in the order containing the order on business trip:

  • The name of the company in which the seconded employee works and the OKPO code assigned to it.
  • Registration (serial) number according to a special journal and the date of the order.
  • Document's name. This may be an order or an order to send an employee on a business trip.
  • Information about the employee who is sent on a business trip - full name, position (profession, specialty), personnel number, department where he works.
  • The purpose of the trip. Her personnel service specialist, who draws up a draft order for a business trip, duplicates from a job assignment.
  • The basis for sending seconded outside the place of permanent work. The number and date of issue of the relevant document are indicated.
  • Destination. The name of the organization in which the business trip will take place, the locality and the country are mentioned.
  • Period and duration of the assignment. The manager determines how many calendar days the business trip will last. The order specifically indicates the date of departure of the seconded and his arrival. In this case, in the first case, we are talking about the day of departure. vehicle from the place of work, and in the second - about the day of his return to the organization.
  • Signature of the director or other person endowed with the appropriate authority, indicating the surname, initials and position. If the manager himself goes on a business trip, he can sign the order for himself.
  • A mark on familiarization with the order of the employee to whom it concerns.

Important: in addition to the mandatory details, the business trip order may contain Additional Information, for example, about what funds will be used to pay travel expenses.

The imprint of the seal on the order is not affixed, since this is an internal document of the organization (additional confirmation of its authenticity is not required).


A business trip is a trip of an employee to another area to achieve certain production goals set for him by his superiors.

This event requires appropriate documentation.

The procedure that must be followed in this case is reflected in the labor documentation of the Russian Federation and regulations in force on the territory of a particular company.

Is it necessary to send an employee on a business trip?

The order to send on a business trip is one of the main documents issued for a working trip. The order must be drawn up in each case, regardless of the nature of the business trip.

A few years ago, many travel documents lost their mandatory status. For example, a business trip.

It is important to consider that this did not happen with the order to send on a business trip. This document is one of the few that is subject to mandatory execution.

The issuance of an order of this nature starts a further process. The rest of the documentation is being prepared, tickets are being purchased,.

Basis for clearance

Before proceeding to the issuance of an order to send on a business trip, the employer receives or independently draws up a document, which later acts as the basis for issuing an order.

Download a sample of filling out an order to send one employee on a business trip -

How to apply for several people?

If a group of people goes on a business trip, information about each employee is entered in the order. In this case, the order is issued taking into account standard requirements. The only exception is that data on posted workers are reflected in the table.

In the form of order T-9 there is a table in which you can enter data on 3 employees. If necessary, it can be extended to more people.

Download the order form for sending several employees on a trip form T-9a -.

Free Form Example

If at the enterprise an order to send on a business trip is issued in any form, a note about it must be present in the internal documentation of the company.

Download a sample order on sending a trip in any form -

An example order structure might look like this:

Form according to OKUD 012345

OKPO 456789123

Limited Liability Company "Vasilek"

(LLC "Vasilek")

Order No. 111

sending an employee on a business trip

Send Maksim Dmitrievich Nikitin, specialist of the marketing department, on a business trip. Personnel number - 1234567. Destination - Moscow region, the city of Sergiev Posad. Quadra Company.

The total duration of the trip is 4 days. Departure date is November 1, 2019, return date is November 4, 2019.

The purpose of the working trip is to agree on a plan for further work with the partner company Kvadra LLC. The business trip is paid by the employer.

The reason for the trip is a memo from the head of the marketing department dated October 28, 2019 - Solovyov R. Yu.

General Director of LLC "Vasilek" Komsomolov V.Yu. Signature

Acquainted with the order. Employee of the marketing department Nikitin M.Yu. Signature

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