How to find a well paying job. "On a crooked goat." Temporary or permanent job


Few are satisfied with their salary. Therefore, people so often think about how to find a well-paid job. What is a well paying job? Each person interprets this concept individually. But most dream of finding a job that pays at least a few thousand more than their current or previous job. It happens that a person has worked at one job for some time, and quite successfully. But career growth is not expected there, and the salary is clearly low. In the article we will talk about such situations: what to do to find a job with a better salary.

Assessing yourself and the job market

Before active actions aimed directly at finding a job, you need to prepare. The first thing you need to do to find a well-paid job is to adequately evaluate yourself as a staff member. To do this, you need to analyze all your skills, work experience, level of education, degree of knowledge of foreign languages, and so on. After all, this usually depends on the salary. And unreasonably inflated claims will not allow you to achieve what you want.

If you are sure that you have soberly assessed everything, you can begin to analyze the job market. As the saying goes, you can't jump above the ceiling. Therefore, one way or another, you will have to focus on the upper limit of wages in your region in your specialty. View jobs with requirements that you, as an employee, meet. And you will very quickly understand whether you can count on a higher salary.

If in the chosen specialty the salary is small in general, then you can consider related areas of activity or even completely different ones. Perhaps there you can really get more.

After you have studied the salary levels offered in the areas of interest, decide how much you would like to receive. Of course, here you can name an arbitrarily large figure. But that's why you studied the job market: this figure must be real.

Resume update

The next step is to update your resume. Perhaps you have acquired new skills since you last edited it: you learned a foreign language, got a driver's license, and completed refresher courses.

By the way, if you have never thought about the principles of writing a resume and the role of this document before, we recommend that you create it from scratch. If you are really focused on finding a good job with a good salary, you need to make every effort. We already wrote. In addition, on our site, typical errors in the resume were considered, offered for viewing interesting videos on this topic. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with these materials: they will really help you write a good resume. Try to do everything neatly, without mistakes - and you are already halfway to getting what you want.

AT recent times personnel officers often began to pay attention to the presence or absence of a cover letter. It's becoming a fashionable trend: the evaluation of a candidate already begins when the personnel officer or even the head of the company sees the cover letter or its absence. It will not be superfluous to write such a thing. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with. Naturally, this may be different for different vacancies, but we still recommend that you practice and prepare several cover letter templates in advance.

Work searches

Now we come to the most important thing - the job search itself. Where to look for it? Most job seekers today use the internet to find jobs. This is logical, since most employers use it to post vacancies. There are many job sites out there today. There are all-Russian sites, there are regional ones. View them daily, respond to suitable vacancies. Of course, do not forget to correctly write a cover letter. You need to check jobs often. New vacancies appear every minute on the Internet, and if the place is good, then there will be a lot of people who want to get into it. Missing a day or two, you may miss your chance.

In addition to the Internet, to search for a job, you can use the services of an employment service or the services of private recruitment agencies.

Another source of getting a good job is your relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Mention that you are looking for a job and would be grateful for information about vacancies if they have it.

If you did everything correctly, then the result will be. How soon depends on many factors. If your goal is just to increase your income a little, and other factors are not too important to you, then you will find a job quickly. But it sometimes takes months to find a job that is really good in all respects.


And now the important moment has come - you were invited for an interview. It is important to prepare here, because you can only make a first impression once. Not only what you wrote in your resume will be evaluated, but also your appearance, the ability to speak and hold on, confidence. Try "to the fullest". On our site, by the way, there are useful materials about the interview. For example, about what mistakes candidates usually make during interviews.

Reasonable Caution

If you've been called for an interview, don't get too excited just yet. It does not hurt to exercise reasonable caution, because various pitfalls can be hidden behind the proposed high salary.

For example, the job ad was not submitted by a serious company at all, but by adherents of network marketing. Or in this company a high salary, but huge fines for everything that is possible and impossible. Or the company is famous for gray wages. And some employers are not at all averse to exploiting someone else's labor almost for nothing. So, a good applicant is promised a high salary, but only after passing probationary period. At the end of such a person is simply fired.

In other words, there can be a lot of trouble. Therefore, it would be wise to make sure that the company is trustworthy before going to the interview: look on the Internet, what it does, how long it has been in existence, what reviews are available about it.

Hello! I promised a long time ago to write a post based on the comments on my first article titled "I Just Got Fired".

It was a great experience that will be very useful to me in the future. I enjoy writing and again I would like to thank you for reading my articles. I think that some of us are too obsessed with numbers and corporate big names, forgetting that we are all human beings first and foremost. After all, it's so simple. We have feelings and hearts, aspirations and desires, and we all want to achieve success not only in our professional but also in our personal lives. So why do we complicate things so much?

I am often asked the question: How did you manage to find a new job so quickly?"

Well, I'll tell you. And I hope this will resonate with those in the this moment is in search.

Step one. Send out your resume!

Make sure you have the qualifications for the position you are applying for. The more resumes you send out, the higher your chance of getting an interview. Perhaps some of you will think: "How banal!" You will be surprised how many people don't. Also, make sure that your resumes posted on the Internet portals contain the most up-to-date information. Nowadays, job search portals offer job seekers hundreds of useful tools, and 99% of them are free. Use all possible resources!

Step two. Go for an interview.

I LOVE interviews. I have been in the recruiting industry for three years now. During this time, I acquired the ability to talk for hours about human abilities and why this or that candidate should be hired. That is why it was not difficult for me to tell about myself.

Be confident. This is what you need first. Be proud of your achievements. Is it really unpleasant for someone to talk about themselves? This is something in which each of us certainly succeeded.

Be honest. First of all, I told my potential employer why I was fired from previous place. The job market is currently crowded and competition is high. If you yourself do not believe that you can get a job, the person who will conduct the interview will not be able to believe it either.

Prepare for the interview and ask as many questions as possible. Don't be afraid to openly discuss what interests you. Both parties must be fully aware of the prospects. That's what I was missing... Well, next time I'll be smarter. I will communicate with potential employers as openly as possible and try to find out as many details as possible. Be yourself! Let the interlocutor see your personality without embellishment.

Step three. Insist that this position is yours!

It's very simple, but very effective. At the end of the interview, be sure to ask about what happens next. Be bolder! A respectful and persistent attitude will serve you well. After all, in the end, you really are selling yourself. :) Tell us why you want this job. Let the potential employer know that you really want it and they should make a decision as soon as possible. You will certainly feel much better when you realize that you did your best.

Step four. Feedback. Don't forget to write thank you letters!

Email will allow you to do this very quickly. Thank everyone who participated in the interview. This will let people know that you are serious and that you really want to work with them.

Step five. Repeat until the end.

Finding a job is not an easy task. We all know this. Sometimes hands just drop, life seems unfair, and hope melts before our eyes. And I want to give up. But you can't. You just can't, that's all! When I moved to Los Angeles, it took me three whole months to find a job. And I tried hard again and again, until finally I got the long-awaited answer.

Do not give up! Keep hoping! The more resumes you submit, the more interviews you attend, the more offers you get, the more options you have. Feel this moment. Enjoy it. Learn useful lessons.

In the end, you will succeed! Of course, there is little new in my advice. This is a tried and tested method that really works. I was just trying to remind you that perseverance and perseverance, combined with good old-fashioned methods, can help you get a new job. I also advise you to apply the above techniques when organizing interactions with colleagues. Always be available.

I know that all those readers who are currently on the lookout may find a new job. Yes, yes, you can do it. I believe in you! And you must believe in yourself. That is my opinion. Of course, it is not the only correct one. Everything that I advised above, I checked on my own experience. This may be of use to you. Or maybe not. Dare! And please don't write negative reviews. I don't read them. Spend your energy on something else.

Katy Bruce,
Translation: Airapetova Olga

To find high paying job Now even the most lazy person is dreaming. And how to find a well-paid job and live with pleasure, system-vector psychology will tell us. It will also help you understand the following questions:

  • Who really needs a well-paid job to feel the enjoyment of life.
  • Highly paid - how much?
  • Is a well-paid job a criterion of happiness for all people.

False attitudes that devalue labor

Over the past decades, many have formed the opinion that only those who have a lot of money can feel happy. Therefore, for many, the main criterion in the search suitable job- to be highly paid. And for young people who do not yet have any specialty and work experience. And for those who don't even know how to write a resume, they don't know what it's like to have an interview.

Fertile soil, on which decoys flourished luxuriantly, was the time of troubles after the collapse of Soviet Union. The population of the whole country found itself in a situation where it was necessary to adapt to life in completely unfamiliar social and economic conditions. Someone managed to use the situation, but someone could not rebuild, could not survive this "perestroika".

But everyone wanted to live and were looking for answers to the main question of that time: what to do in order to survive. Topics brought in from abroad, devoted to issues of success, money, business, have become popular for discussion: how to find a new well-paid job. It was then that money began to be put at the head of everything, and the rest was devalued - both professionalism, and respect, and human dignity, and other qualities that were valuable in Soviet times.

On the one hand, it is clear that in order to survive in the modern world, you need a job that gives you money. On the other hand, the peculiarities of the individualistic mentality of people in the countries of the West and America, whose values ​​began to be imposed on people with a collectivist mentality, were not taken into account. Theories and values ​​were introduced into Russia that led to a distortion of the life scenario for a whole generation of Soviet people and their children. Observable examples of obtaining "easy big money" led to the depreciation of labor. It has become fashionable to relax, to rest.

Let's answer one of the most urgent and at the same time the most unconscious questions: why, despite the almost total enthusiasm for and adherence to Western values, there is no mass enrichment of the Russian population and enjoyment of life, as promised by broadcasters of Western values ​​all these years.

Work is like a muse or...

Man consists only of desires. Moreover, from desires, the fulfillment of which gives him the opportunity to feel pleasure and joy. Man, by his nature, strives everywhere and in everything to realize the only principle - the principle of pleasure.

It is set by nature that the desires that appear can be realized by the corresponding possibilities of the body and psyche. Otherwise humanity would not have survived to this day. That is, if a person has any desire, he can realize it and get pleasure.

Realization of natural properties - the only way enjoy the joy of life.

Knowing these basic properties of the human psyche and body, it is easy to build a chain of consistent actions to achieve the goal - to find a decent, interesting, well-paid job and live with pleasure and a sense of the joy of life.

All OUR natural desires are fulfilled.

The fulfillment of OUR natural desires is a source of enjoyment.

To feel and understand your desires is to understand yourself.

Having understood himself, a person begins to understand others - to love others.

A person's love for others arouses in them love for him.

With such a pleasant person, everyone wants to be around, so it is easy for him to choose the activity that he wants to do. Such people find work easily, despite the crisis, lack of specialty and experience. Even if there are requirements for an individual schedule, requirements for a place of work and many other nuances that some consider an insurmountable obstacle to employment. And the search for a job will not take him much time - everyone will be happy with him. And they will teach and support in any situation.

His wishes and dreams come true.

For work done with inspiration, he gets pleasure.

For the excellent work done and for the pleasure received from communicating with him, the management pays him a decent salary agreed upon by both parties.

All these simple steps make it possible to find a high-paying job that brings satisfaction and joy in life.

... Or work - like a burden

The most important thing is that desires should be of this particular person, proceed from the natural properties of his psyche. Otherwise, it may turn out to be alien desires for him. And then he will get a completely different - the opposite result. Let's follow the chain of consequences in this scenario.

It is impossible to fulfill other people's desires, since neither the psyche nor the body is adapted to them - they are different.

Fulfilling other people's desires, a person loses the opportunity to fulfill his own - he loses the opportunity to receive pleasure in life.

Not knowing and not understanding his desires, a person cannot understand why he does something, cannot understand his reactions to people and events in life.

Without understanding himself, a person cannot understand others: "Why do they keep me from being happy all the time." Other people cause him a feeling of hostility, turning into hatred.

Few people are pleased to communicate with such an irritated person, so it will be difficult for him to find a job. And if they do, he will not be able to perform a function that is not characteristic of his nature for a long time without damage to the psyche and health. The tension will constantly increase, unrealized properties and desires will begin to “sick” more strongly. All this will affect the quality of work and relations with team members - you will have to look for another place. And so in a circle.

The chance of finding a normal, suitable, well-paid job is significantly reduced if cases do not intervene in the form of acquaintances who put in a word, or others like that. But in any case, this work will not be a joy with all the already known consequences for such a person.

Who really needs a high paying job

Only 24% of people own the psyche, the values ​​of which are success, social dominance, profit, money. They are fast in body and mind. Promotion in social and official ranks is a symbol of their realization in life, a sign of the realization of their natural properties.

These are people with a skin vector. The question of how to find a well-paid job is their natural call and challenge. When they find such a job, they experience real pleasure, as they satisfy their desires. But only if you have achieved this yourself, and not using deceit, fraud or acquaintance with the “right people”.

Developed and realized people with a skin vector always admire the possibilities of their logical thinking in finding and building optimal solutions to any production and life situations, the ability to discuss several important topics at once and the speed of reaction when circumstances and terms of agreements change.

A person with such a mentality will not look for an activity with the mandatory requirement of permanent employment. He changes employer as soon as another one appears, with more favorable conditions. Official employment for him is also not a priority - he will go where there is a higher ranking and better paid position. He knows what to do in order to find the job he wants on his own - and he will send a resume online, and it is not difficult for him to go to an interview.

What prevents all owners of the skin vector from being so nimble and doing everything? What prevents you from acting and making decisions in life and what prevents you from experiencing joy, even in the presence of a well-paid position? We will continue to talk about all this and much more in the next article.

But already now you have the opportunity to start getting to know yourself in order to better feel and understand your innate talents and properties. Learn to distinguish true desires from false postulates imposed by success trainings, books by European publishers and psychologists who do not have knowledge of system-vector psychology.

To do this, register for the free online training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, where you will have the opportunity to ask your question to him personally.

“... My income has become much higher. My position is higher, my team is unrealistically cool! My supervisors are not only highly professional, but also wonderful people: interesting, smart, developed and realized. Working with them is a real pleasure! We work as one team, one organism. We are on the same wavelength, in the same skin rhythm. It is amazing. I can't believe it's all mine))))"

Perhaps you are thinking about changing jobs right now or are already going to the next one. Perhaps you are the boss and right now you are perplexedly considering another application for dismissal. In any case, this article is written for you. From it the first will learn how to choose best job in your life, and the second about how to make sure that your employees do not even think about quitting you for any price.

What do people pay attention to when applying for a new job?

Yes, you guessed right from one time,.

Of course, this the most important factor, but to reduce everything only to money would be very imprudent. There are hundreds of activities in the world that pay very good money, but you would never start doing. In addition, when a person reaches a certain level of well-being, money as an incentive begins to lose its decisive importance. One can recall dozens and hundreds of examples when successful managers and managers of large companies leave their bright comfortable offices and go to free bread or even into the unknown. And no amount of salaries, social packages, corporate benefits and freebies can keep them from doing so.

So what, after all, are they missing?


Before you get a new job, be sure to rate how interesting it will be for you. Do not forget that you will devote most of your time to this activity. Yes, a good financial reward can make you think about what you can "endure" or "endure, fall in love with." But don’t flatter yourself - in a boring job that doesn’t interest you at all, you will quickly turn into a humanoid robot programmed from 9 to 18 to do your “ functional responsibilities". So it's best not to even try.


I am fully aware that both large and small companies have their own established routine and each employee should have a clearly defined responsibilities. However, one cannot write off the innate need of each person for independence and. So take a close look at what room for independent decision-making looms at your new workplace. If your duties do not even come close to implying any independence or are only a pathetic imitation, when your every look and deed will be closely monitored and corrected, then the value of such work is very doubtful.


Many believe that a person is a lazy creature and always chooses the path of least resistance. Maybe this is partly true, but such a path quickly leads to the degradation of the individual. If no significant effort, mental or physical, is required from you in a new place, then you will quickly get bored and. Therefore, when choosing new job make sure you are in front of quite difficult tasks. Only overcoming difficulties gives rise to the interest that we wrote about in the first paragraph and serves the development of a person.


Not in vain, oh not in vain, the Greek gods sentenced Sisyphus to eternal rolling a stone up a mountain. Hard, endless and fruitless work is a real curse for any person. Therefore, it is very important that in your work activity you can trace direct relationship between the effort expended and the result obtained. It is clear that most often we are talking about monetary rewards, but in some cases a skillfully built incentive system can inspire employees to selfless work even without it.


People love to be respected. Everything - and the drunk with a glass of beer, and the scientist receiving Nobel Prize. Many are ready to work long and hard for this, without salary and bonuses. On the other hand, even the highest paid job, but for which you will be despised and hated, can poison your life. Therefore, look for a job that you can be proud of yourself and that will make your children proud of you.

So When deciding how to find a job that will be the best in your life, after finding out the salary, the availability of a social package, the size of the table and the availability of free cookies, be sure to take a break and answer yourself the following questions:

Will this job be of interest to me in a year? And in five?

Will I be able to make my own decisions?

Are there enough challenges for me to solve?

Will I be able to see the results of my work?

Will I and others respect me for this work?

Moscow is a city of opportunities and prospects. According to ongoing research, it is in the capital of the Russian Federation that the highest salaries in the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is not surprising that many residents of provincial towns tend to get into the metropolis and find a job in order to get a good income.

But as practice shows, difficulties with finding work in this city arise not only among residents of other regions, but also among Muscovites themselves. They often wonder how to find a job in Moscow with a good salary and acceptable working conditions. Initially, it is worth noting that there are two ways to find a job:

  1. On one's own.
  2. With the help of a recruiting agency.

It is not difficult to find a normal job in the capital of the Russian Federation on your own. But you should initially prepare for the fact that, most likely, you will have to go through more than one interview and spend a lot of time, effort and patience. Moscow employers are very selective in choosing employees when it comes to highly paid specialties, because, as a rule, high wages many apply, so employers "have plenty to choose from."

An important aspect in finding a job is citizenship and the presence of a Moscow residence permit (or the Moscow region).

As practice shows, without a residence permit, getting a well-paid job is not only difficult, but almost impossible.

This is due to the fact that most of the highly paid positions provide liability, so employers do not want to take the risk of hiring a person who lives in another city. We are offering to you

To independently search for vacancies from direct employers, you can use sites such as:

On the above sites, various vacancies are published daily, designed for the female and male half of humanity. Many of these portals post vacancies for citizens of retirement age or people with disabilities. - this portal publishes vacancies for students and graduates of higher educational institutions. People without work experience or education will also be able to find a suitable option here.

The principle of the search is quite simple. A person writes a resume and sends it to the vacancy he has chosen. If the resume meets the requirements of the employer, then the applicant is invited for an interview. For a greater likelihood of employment, it is recommended to post a resume not on one site, but at least on 3-4 portals.

One of the most famous sites where you can find vacancy, is called "The Interactive Portal of the Center for Employment of the City of Moscow".

Finding a job with a recruiting agency

Recruiting agencies are recruiting organizations. Recruitment agencies help in vocational guidance, the preparation and correction of resumes, as well as in their mailing. Many large recruiting firms provide employment training.

When contacting recruitment agencies, it is worth remembering that they charge a fee for their services. On average, you will have to pay from 10 to 35% of the estimated annual salary. The cost of recruiting agency services in Moscow can sometimes reach 60 thousand rubles.

It is also worth noting that the agency only selects a vacant place, but does not employ. The fact of hiring depends on the employer.

The best recruiting organizations in Moscow:

  1. CORNERSTONE. This agency became the best in 2011. The organization selects senior and middle-level personnel. The cost of services ranges from 18 to 20% of the annual salary of an employee.
  2. "Anchor". The agency selects vacancies for all people, regardless of work experience and education. The cost of services is 20% of the annual income.
  3. Kelly Services. The organization is engaged in the selection of permanent and temporary work. The cost of services is 25%.
  4. "UNITI". This firm is the most active in the job search market. She has been working since 1999. For services, the agency charges from 18 to 25% of the annual income of an employee.
  5. Ariva-HR. The organization is engaged in the selection of all vacancies. Through this recruiting agency, you can find both a job as a cleaner in Moscow and a job as a top manager.
  6. "Amalco". This organization specializes in the selection of domestic staff. Through this agency, girls can quickly and easily find a job as a nanny, nurse, governess or maid. Men are offered vacancies for security guards, gardeners, butlers, drivers, etc. The cost of the company's services is equal to one monthly income of an employee.
  7. HUMAN CAPITAL. The organization is engaged in the selection of personnel in such areas as:
  • Information Technology.
  • Pharmaceutics.
  • Advertising.
  • Finance.
  • Industry.

The cost of the company's services varies from 20 to 25% of the employee's annual income.

  1. "Skyman". The organization selects employees for retail trade.
  2. TS Persona. This company is engaged in the recruitment of personnel for the restaurant business.

Basic rules when looking for a job

Initially, a person needs to decide on what position he wants to get and what salary to receive.

The main rules in finding a job are:

  1. Persistence. If several employers have not responded to the resume, do not despair.
  2. Using various sources. You don't need to limit yourself to searching only on the Internet. Today, many vacancies are published in periodicals and newspapers.
  3. A well-written resume is already half the battle. It should be short but informative. A resume should highlight the work experience and personal qualities of a person (advantages and disadvantages). When compiling the document, spelling or stylistic errors are not allowed. Agree, few people want to hire an illiterate specialist who makes mistakes in his own resume.
  4. Proper interview preparation. In negotiations, you must show all your professionalism. It would be useful to find out information about the company, the company where you plan to get a job.


A resume is an important part of a job search.

This is a paper version of a person's presentation to his future employer. Your resume should include information such as:

Employment for different social groups

It is almost impossible for students in Moscow to find a well-paid job. Basically, students get seasonal, temporary work or work with daily pay.

Students in Moscow will be able to easily find a vacancy for a promoter, courier, animator, waiter, sales manager, security guard, salesman, etc. It is worth remembering that these positions are very labor-intensive and low-paid. Basically, the payment for one working day does not exceed 1 thousand rubles.

In the field of education, it will also not be possible to find a job on Good work. A woman who does not have a special education can find a job as a cleaner, dishwasher, maid, waitress, nurse, housekeeper, saleswoman, etc. Men without education are provided with low-skilled specialties: a builder, a loader, an auxiliary worker, a driver, a waiter, etc. P.

Without experience, finding a job with high earnings is also unlikely to succeed. But people with education have a chance to get a job that provides an opportunity for training and further career growth. There are cases when ordinary managers or waiters after several years of work became directors and managers.

Women and men without work experience may be employed with daily payments. Positions with daily pay:

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