Motivating yourself to achieve the goal. How to stay motivated and achieve your goals. True desire is enough


Big and fiery greetings, guests and readers of the blog! How often do you motivate yourself, make you do what leads you to success. Sooner or later, all people who have a certain motivation face a lack of motivation. And often you have to make a lot of efforts, including internal ones, in order not to quit the enterprise and move on. Today I want to talk about how to push yourself in further action, internally set yourself up for work and eventually succeed.

When people reach a certain level of well-being, they begin to philosophize about those things that are far from the teaching of higher matters, and motivation has suffered the same fate. The caveman didn't think about whether he was in the mood to run after a mammoth with a spear, he was too busy not dying, that is, he followed an irresistible biological stimulus, which many of his fellow species, including you, do not need. Feeling pain, you try to stop its source, feeling hungry, you satisfy it, but with the possibility of intellectual or physical progress, you suddenly start looking for an inspirational impulse, that is, a magic pendel.

This happens because human thinking is tailored to biological needs, and under comfortable conditions of existence, we do not strive to develop abilities, which is perceived as an excessive expenditure of resources. When amateurs convince their followers that “you need to believe in yourself and then everything will work out”, they ignore the fundamental principles of psychology, and therefore their advice has an effect, in other words, those who are helped by motivational “dummies” could do it themselves, and the rest to offer such funds is useless.

How to motivate yourself to reach your goals and succeed

The methods presented in this article affect the psychological mechanisms, and not the tools of their work. This does not mean at all that they will help you, because laziness is difficult to overestimate, but if you are really interested in giving the advice offered, tune in to carefully read and apply all the advice in practice. Experience feelings as if the simulated situation is actually happening, so that non-material ideas are projected onto reality.

Get specific and ask yourself provocative questions

Negative feelings do not stand up to certainty. They take advantage of the weakness of our thinking, load us to the fullest, trying to identify the causes, consequences and solutions to problems. Ultimately, our brain finds questions in its subconscious, the answers to which are clear.

Let's say you want to move abroad. At first, this idea is frightening, since her image is devoid of any specifics, but, looking closely, details that are devoid of emotional color appear, and instead of a negative first impression, you get a clear plan.

The main idea of ​​this method is to replace the question "How should I be?" to “What needs to be done?”, which exposes the weaknesses of a conditional enemy, even if you are one. For example, you have an important interview ahead of you and, of course, you are worried. "Why?" - Interested in a practical vein. Are you ready? Have you gone through all the possible questions? you can impress competitive advantages? This does not guarantee you success, however, what difference does it make if you are looking for a new platform for self-realization anyway?

Be afraid to miss the opportunity more than fear

Surprisingly, negative emotions, overwhelming, can themselves serve as a motivator if directed in the right direction. For example, you want to participate in a contest and don't know how it will go. Set aside the practical issues of preparation and participation. First ask yourself why you are doing this. Imagine the ultimate goal in all colors, feel the solemn atmosphere and the intoxicating taste of victory, and then pour the black paint of uncertainty and cowardice over a beautiful fantasy. Feel that oppressive feeling of regret about the lost chance.

There is always a chance of failure, even if you make every effort, but it does not matter when you put your whole soul into the project, and do not work carelessly and make excuses with ridiculous excuses, not believing in success. Look at the goal selflessly, feel how you want to achieve it, kill it mentally in order to understand how dear it is to you, and then the desire to realize yourself will overpower anyone.

Respect yourself enough to overcome weaknesses

In fact, no matter how many similar articles you read, you still won’t achieve anything and this is not a figurative statement at all. Say why? Because you are lazy, irresponsible and smart as a 120 degree angle. It's a pity to waste time on such uselessness ... Pricked? Then get acquainted - this is an indignant self-esteem.

Disbelief and underestimation sting pride, which instantly mobilizes resources for retaliation, so it is another effective lever for increasing motivation and strengthening willpower. Insult yourself, ridicule your fears until your cheeks are red with shame, hurt your self-esteem so that it shakes up and gets rid of the fettering outgrowths of insecurity and laziness. Take offense at your attitude to work, at stupid doubts and indecision, at the habit of putting off important things for later, regret how less capable competitors bypass you, and then earn respect by work.

Set a goal to outperform someone or healthy competition

From time immemorial, the existence of our species was characterized by competitive struggle, which is gradually losing relevance due to the satisfaction modern conditions life. However, she is in full force when it comes to a place in the sun, because there are always enough applicants for it, but they also help you. Firstly, they create an attractive halo around the goal (for example, an important position and the privileges associated with it), arousing the herd instinct at its best, thanks to which you aim at the subject and are inspired by its relevance, secondly, rivalry irritates gambling and appeals to self-esteem, claiming that you can overcome everyone.

The same principles apply in everyday life, in particular, you can learn to play the guitar by competing in absentia with eminent guitarists in this matter, trying to surpass them. Define a specific intermediate goal to avoid an abstract perception: the position of the head of an evil corporation is a dream, and the position of deputy head of the mischief department is a feasible task. Then focus on an obvious or notional opponent who fights for their piece of the pie without too much thought, and when you realize that you have the same right, study the requirements of the challenge and outshine the competition.

Be an example for someone, at least for yourself

Narcissism interacts with the stick as effectively as with the carrot, especially when it comes to consolidating the result, and not the first step, since artificial stress at some point can have the opposite effect. When the environment rewards efforts with admiration and compliments, the desire to impress naturally arises.

In psychology, there are as many as three levers on how to motivate yourself to succeed. Firstly, people love to teach anything, sometimes completely unaware of the topic, because in this way they provide themselves with authority, but if you include the education factor in this program, you get an excellent self-development motivator. As you absorb knowledge and practice it, focus on the impression it will make on others to make work easier, help family and friends become better, just don't go too far. That is, you need to learn to gain experience in order to pass it on to others.

Secondly, the attention of the environment to one's own person is the basis of the social process of the individual, in other words, we love when they pay attention to us, so your task is to elevate this desire to the rank of the ultimate goal. For example, why do you play sports? To be healthy? That's right...and boring. Flaunting on the beach with a flawless figure? Now that sounds more inspiring!

Thirdly, people like to stand out from the crowd, only in this case the idea is different from the incentive of competition. The motivation for this approach is to rise above some social group (steps in the company's hierarchy) or part of the society (against fellow countrymen) in terms of significance and thereby serve as a model of some qualities for the rest, however, it is only suitable for more or less large targets.

Have fun overcoming obstacles

Taking the line is not only exhausting, but also causes an influx of moral strength that can fully compensate for fatigue. Remember that feeling when you completed some major project with success. The emotional upsurge probably pushed you to take on something new right away, since the severity of the path you have traveled has lost its value against the backdrop of achievement and is perceived as something insignificant. Imagine yourself as a winner, feel all the beauty of the trophy and, mentally holding it in your hands, rethink your attitude to work. Cast aside doubts, focus on the fact that you have already achieved what you want, and the hardships of work are only short-lived obstacles, and no matter how high the new peak is, you will conquer it. Be strong, enjoy the fact that no obstacle can stop you. Visualization techniques can help you a lot. I wrote about them and.

Sometimes the imagination cannot arouse sufficient self-confidence, so it needs help. Divide a big goal into many smaller ones to change the overall perception of the task. Getting a red diploma is too big a task to constantly keep attention on it, instead do every lab with excellent marks and get the highest score for a particular seminar. Go a long way not from the beginning to the end, but from halt to halt, give all your best and become a winner every day.

Reward yourself for your hard work

Intellectual needs like self-improvement and security are always inferior to biological ones. The latter act as a racketeer who block the path to the goal, demanding payment. Imagine that you need to write a long article. With unwavering patience, you could do it in one sitting. But then the work drags on, and the desire to return to it decreases, and what gave you pleasure or, at least, did not annoy you, infuriates you, and all because you have not yet received an award.

To become more determined, motivate yourself with a reward that will give meaning to your efforts in the form of a final point. Our psychology is geared towards reaping benefits as soon as possible and with minimal effort. “If I run every day, I will lose a couple of pounds in… a million years, oh my god! I'm over it!" is the wrong example of motivation, as it violates both characteristics of the inspiring reward, which is usually unrelated to the challenge itself. “When I finish the project, I can watch my favorite TV series” - this example is more applicable in practice if the work takes half an hour or an hour, otherwise it needs to be fragmented and rewarded with a little rest, but just a reward. Take positive things as a reward for something, form an encouragement for work in the task condition, which will shift the focus from work to a trophy and thereby divert attention from the process itself. By the way, do you know about ? This is a technique that significantly improves work efficiency and productivity.

What made the primitive man get out of the cave, make a fire, invent clothes and tools? Motivation. Without them, we see no point in making efforts. This is the meaning and purpose for which it is worth overcoming internal and external resistance.

Motivation and incentive - is there a difference? Motivation is called the engine of progress. Without it, people would continue to live the way they lived in the cave age, and would be content with what they have. But they improved their tools in order to get more, to know themselves and the world, and often at the cost of their own lives.

- great strength. Whoever has it can move mountains. If a person knows why and for what he must do something, and understands what the meaning of his work is, he will achieve what he wants.

The term “motivation” was first used by the German philosopher A. Schopenhauer in his work “Four Principles of Sufficient Cause”. And the word "motive" comes from the Latin moveo - "I move", movere - "incitement to action." Lack of motivation, on the contrary, leads to inaction. Figuratively speaking, we will not budge if we do not know why we need it.

A fruitless dreamer - this is the name of the hero of N. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" by Manilov. He dreams of transformations on his estate that will improve the lives of his serfs. His castles in the air are beautiful, but these projects are not feasible, because, in fact, he does not need: he is fed, dressed and provided. Another type of person who cannot lift himself off the couch, but at the same time thinks about how to live, was described by I. Goncharov in the novel Oblomov. “I know everything, I understand everything, but there is no strength and will,” said Oblomov. And, of course, there is no motivation either.

Although almost two centuries have passed since the writing of these works, modern Manilovs and Oblomovs do not allow us to forget the images of these heroes. Or maybe, to some extent, we sometimes remind ourselves of them when we make unrealizable plans.

Someone has been making a promise to himself for years, "but things are still there." And someone takes it and does it because: dreams of working in a foreign company, plans to marry a foreigner, wants to read the classics in the original, etc.

Motivation, at first glance, resembles an incentive. In fact, they have more differences than they have in common.

It is curious that the word "stimulus" comes from the Latin stimulus - a stick with a sharp metal tip, which was used to drive bulls. With the help of such an external influence, the reluctant bulls were forced to go further.

Thus, the incentive implies the impact of an external factor that encourages action. Well-known incentives used in enterprises are bonuses, allowances, salary increases, valuable gifts, corporate parties, etc. This also includes warnings, reprimands, etc. In general, the methods of carrots and sticks.

Motivation must evoke in a person inner desire act, for example, personal development, etc. And it is motives, not incentives, that guide people's actions. The role of the stimulus is to awaken motives and desires, but this may not happen if the stimulus does not match the needs.

Among those who have studied the issues of motivation and human behavior are the Anglo-American psychologist William McDougall, the Austrian psychologist, the Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov, the American psychologist, and others. Therefore, if we suddenly feel that our motivation is starting to fade and it becomes difficult for us to force ourselves to get down to business, perhaps we will be comforted by the thought that our problem, the problem of motivation, has been tried and is trying to be solved by the outstanding minds of the world.

Motivation issues concern not only individuals in terms of self-development, but also managers, directors of companies, because it is in their interests to organize work so that employees do not sit out the allotted time, but burn at work. Only this state of affairs guarantees the success of their enterprise.

The American writer Ray Bradbury wrote that a person can get everything he needs, but only if he really needs it.

So how do you motivate yourself to get “everything you need” and become successful?

1. Set a goal

So, to be successful. But this goal is too abstract, so it needs to be specified. We ask ourselves the question: in what area of ​​our life do we want to be successful? In work, sports, personal life, hobbies, or in all at once, which, of course, will require a lot of effort on our part, but if desired, it is possible.

The goal is closely related to motivation: without motivation, it will loom somewhere ahead. Motivation is what motivates us to move towards a goal. The stronger the motivation, the more likely it is to achieve it. The reason that almost half of the goals that people set for themselves remains unfulfilled is the lack of motivation.

For example, we want to lead a department in a large company, and this is our goal. But we may want this until retirement, if we do not start working on ourselves. We may have to get additional education, learn several languages, work on your image, etc. On the one hand, it will not be easy, on the other hand, motivation will help us overcome difficulties, which will spur us on and support the desire to move towards the goal.

Of course, we need to set realistic goals - those that we can achieve. Goals like “become mayor of New York” or “lead Deutsche Bank” are great, but hardly achievable even with a strong desire. Or maybe we want to lose the extra 20 kg within a month? It is unlikely that we will succeed without compromising health. Failures will lower our self-esteem, discourage any desire to act, which means they will move us away from the goal, while successes bring us closer to it.

2. We break the goal into subgoals: we build a “tree of goals”

In order not to frighten us with its volume, we break it into several simple subgoals.

We briefly define each and describe in detail which way we intend to go towards it, as well as what result and in what time frame we expect to get. If the subgoal is too capacious, we also break it into several points and describe specific steps to achieve it. We celebrate what has been done - this is a good incentive to continue what we started. It is possible and even necessary to make adjustments to the plans, because in the course of completing the tasks we will certainly have some clarifications.

There is such a thing as a "tree of goals". This tree is compiled according to the principle "from general to particular". The general is its peak, here the global goal is indicated, which gives an answer to the question: for the sake of what are we trying, what will we get as a result of these efforts? Branches are subgoals or smaller tasks, the solution of which brings us closer to achieving the main goal. They answer the questions: under what conditions can we realize the set goal, what specific steps should we take? Etc. We split the goals until we get the simplest small tasks, the consistent solution of which will ultimately allow us to achieve success in the implementation of a complex goal.

3. Surround yourself with like-minded people

Achieving success is facilitated by a clear goal, sufficient motivation and like-minded people who strive for the same goal as we do, support us when our motivation fades or we lose faith in our strength and want to go the distance. In turn, we also provide them with support if they need it.

People who do not believe in our capabilities should be avoided. With phrases like “You won’t succeed anyway, you’ll just waste your energy, time and money,” they are trying to reason with us, because, according to them, they want “what’s best.” In fact, they themselves are not averse to getting what we are striving for, but they are simply too lazy. We, with our positive attitude and energy, instill anxiety in their souls, cause envy, but instead of being infected by our excitement, they prefer to program us for failure so that we “don’t stick out” and be like everyone else.

Particularly impressionable people, indeed, succumb to decadent moods, lose motivation and abandon their goals.

4. Tell friends, relatives or colleagues about your goal

By dedicating others to our plans, we will receive additional motivation to achieve the goal. After all, no one wants to be known as an idle talker, windbag or empty talker, whose words mean nothing. The fear that we will no longer be taken seriously will drive us when motivation alone is not enough.

True, there is an opinion, and quite justified, that you should not tell everyone and everyone about your plans, because in this case they risk remaining plans. After all, the more we talk about them, the less we want to start implementing them: our subconscious perceives the voiced goal or desire as already implemented.

5. We think not about the difficulties that lie ahead of us, but about the benefits that we will receive in the end

We paint in detail in mind or on paper all the benefits that we will receive when we reach the goal. They will inspire and motivate us. We answer ourselves the questions: how our life will change - financial situation, lifestyle, what interesting people we can meet, what new things we can learn, where to visit, how our horizons will expand, what opportunities will appear?

From photographs and drawings that correspond to what we want to achieve, we can create our own “dream collage” and hang it so that our eyes fall on it as often as possible, not letting us forget about the reward for our work that awaits us. Such visualization of desires can be a good motivation. At the same time, we create an “anti-collage”, where we also colorfully depict what we don’t want, we are afraid of and want to avoid - black and white photographs, which depict boring dull people, poverty, misery, etc.

6. Remember ambition

The word “ambition” evokes negative associations for many people. This is probably because it is often combined with the word "inflated". People with inflated ambitions claim a lot without having sufficient grounds for it, and overestimate their personal qualities and capabilities. Conversely, a person with low ambitions does not need anything: he seeks to satisfy only minimal needs.

But ambitions are also healthy. And in this case, they are a great source of motivation. A person with healthy ambitions is constantly on the move, he strives to stand out with his knowledge and skills, sets goals and achieves them. And although psychologists assure that ambition lies in childhood, it can still be developed in itself. Especially helps in this communication with ambitious people who always need more than others. The desire to keep up with them, to be no worse, is a good motivation in striving to become successful.

7. Self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis, when used skillfully, works wonders. With the help of target settings that affect the subconscious, you can change yourself, as they say, beyond recognition. Quite often, people trigger the self-hypnosis mechanism involuntarily. For example, calling themselves losers, they begin to behave accordingly - like losers. Doctors assure that the power of thought can both defeat the disease and go to another world.

So, by repeating such phrases as “I believe that I will succeed”, “I can, it’s not difficult for me”, you can program yourself for success. To be more effective, they should be repeated in the morning as soon as we wake up in order to create the appropriate mood for the whole day.

8. We get excited, we strive to “catch the wave” or “get into the stream”

American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience” writes that the best motivation is the immersion of the soul in a state of internal drive, which he calls “flow” (and we call it inspiration). This powerful energy flow captures a person so much that he does not think about anything other than his favorite business. Scientists caught in the stream make outstanding discoveries, people of creativity - artists, musicians, poets and writers - create masterpieces.

9. Watch motivational movies and videos, read motivational books

Help create the right mood. For example, "The Pursuit of Happyness" (about a single father who wants his child to be happy), " Social network"(about the history of creation by fellow students that made them millionaires)," Always say "Yes" "(about how a short word" yes "can change your whole life), "Rain Man", "Knocking on Heaven", "... And I dance in my soul”, “Until I played the box”, etc.

Among the books are Ray Bradbury's The Cure for Melancholy and Dandelion Wine, Lance Armstrong's My Return to Life, Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea, Jerry and Esther Hicks' Sarah, and others.

However, for sure everyone has their own book or film, to which they want to return again and again, especially when mental strength is running out. The main thing is not to forget that, according to the English poet Matthew Arnold, "the biggest bankrupt in this world is a man who has lost his enthusiasm for life."

10. Remember the Yerkes-Dodson Law

According to the law derived by British psychologists Robert Yerkes and John Dodson, the highest results are achieved with an average level of motivation. It is the average level that is optimal. The second name of the Yerkes-Dodson law is the law of optimum motivation.

Empirically, psychologists have found that when too high level motivation, a person begins to get nervous, fearing not to live up to expectations and not to cope with responsibility. Fear does not allow him to think adequately, and he makes mistakes.

“Self-pity is our worst enemy, and if we give in to it, we will never be able to do anything wise in this world.” - Helen Keller.

From the moment teachers kindergarten asking us what we would like to be in the future, and to the interview question where we see ourselves in five or ten years - everyone around us seems to want to know what we are doing with our lives. Some of us have detailed "road maps" in our minds, with markers for each goal: get higher education, create a successful career, start a family, visit Mars, achieve world domination ... It doesn't matter. We have a vague picture of someone in the distant future who looks like us and does amazing things. But they are too far. It doesn't matter if we've planned our lives since the age of five or just improvising, we all need to get a little jolt from time to time that keeps us moving in the right direction.

Here are eight creative ways to motivate yourself to reach your goals.

1. Sing to yourself

No seriously. Like laughter, sun and fresh air, singing elevates our mood and enhances our well-being. It can even be group exercises to strengthen relationships with others. Studies have shown that singing promotes the production of endorphins (happy hormones), which are natural chemical agent in the human body, capable of relieving pain and stress. When we become happier, we get to do a lot more. This explains why Snow White loves to hum melodies while she works.

2. Visualize your success

According to Dr. Frank Niles, visualization is the simplest yet most useful motivational method, because as you form a picture of the future in your mind, you begin to see an opportunity to achieve that goal. When I was working on my dissertation at the university, there were days when the tasks that I set myself seemed insurmountable, not to mention the completion of the entire thesis project. When I started to feel overwhelmed, I visualized the moment of achieving the goal, imagined how I was walking on stage, having finally received confirmation of 5 years of study, how I was finding a great job thanks to this diploma ... And I was immediately inspired and had the strength to move on . Trust me, it really works.

3. Talk about achieving goals using only unambiguous and positive terms.

Instead of saying “if I get married,” “if I get a raise,” “if I quit smoking,” say “when I get married,” “when I get a promotion,” “when I quit.” This leads to a shift in focus from possibility to reality.

World bestselling author and Ph.D. Wayne Dyer details the impact of the positive "I am" statement on success and overall living standards. Dyer humorously says that God did not address Moses with the phrase "I would like to" or "I hope everything works out." Not! He simply said, "I am." Using this statement in our own lives can help visualize our goals and focus on the ultimate prize.

4. Use a Grade Graph

We all remember the feeling of satisfaction when we raced home to our parents to show them the A's we got on our homework at school. Who will prove that this positive reinforcement cannot work in adulthood?

Schedule your goals with different steps on the way to achieving them. Each time you manage to get over one step, rate yourself or put on a gold star/smiley face - something that gives you a sense of accomplishment. This is closely related to the visualization technique. Charts like these provide solid evidence that you are making progress.

5. Keep a goal diary

Writing down your goals and regularly reflecting on their progress is what will help you focus on your desired outcomes and hold you accountable for your dreams.

In 1979, a survey was conducted among Harvard University graduate students on whether they had goals and whether they wrote them down. Just 3% of those surveyed wrote down their goals, 13% just had goals but didn't write them down, and 84% didn't have well-defined goals at all. Ten years later, a study found that the 3% of students who wrote down their goals were the most financially successful. And financial stability is just one way to quantify success. Research continues to point to a link between clearly defining what you want and achieving it.

6. Find a buddy with a common goal

This is very useful way, to motivate students to finish their homework, and also works well for those who have difficulty getting to work. I repeatedly noticed that I get the highest marks for tasks that I completed when my friend sat next to me and did the same. The other person becomes the racket that tosses your ideas. Even Sherlock Holmes relied on Watson's presence to carry out his tasks.

7. Create a whiteboard at your workspace or line of sight

Personally, I consider Tim Burton and Peter Jackson my biggest inspirations. It's hard to say "probably shouldn't try this" or "I'll save it for later" looking them in the face. Hang your favorite movies, books, characters, and idols you admire on a board or wall, choose your favorite inspirational quotes, and keep them close by to remind you that you can achieve whatever you set out to achieve.

8. "Fast dream"

According to teacher Margit Terpalaru, there is a conscious, creative and honest way to put things off “until later”. Terpalu, who uses this technique all the time, calls it the "micro-break". For many of us, it's a reflexive desire to go to Facebook or Vkontakte for just five minutes, and then half an hour later we wonder how we were "sucked" into the whirlwind of social media.

Instead, Terpalaru proposes a method called "quick dreaming". Take your eyes off your computer screen, take a few minutes and think about all the glorious things that await you in a day or a week: biking with a boyfriend, a party with friends, a summer vacation at the sea ... Like the other visualization methods that we talked about, this practice allows you to keep your focus on the end goal.

How do you motivate yourself? What kind helpful tips do you know? Share your thoughts in the comments

Good undertakings to improve life rarely survive until the next Monday.

You decide to join the sport (create an interesting and profitable project / learn a foreign language / improve your skills), for some time you are enthusiastically engaged in ...

And then laziness, fatigue and friends with a case of beer come. All plans are postponed “for tomorrow”, then again for tomorrow, then imperceptibly forgotten. Until the next burst of motivation. Or for good.

How to maintain and increase motivation?

For me, this question is relevant, I am just in the middle of the first week of my new life. The comments on convinced me that to be successful in achieving your goals, it’s not enough just to free up enough time.

Therefore, I analyzed all my positive and negative experiences and formulated several principles that help to keep myself in the right condition. So.

0. Proper planning and goal setting

There is so much written and said on this topic that any recommendations look terribly banal. I will only mention two points: the most important and the one that is often completely ignored.

Most important advice is to clearly define their goals. Those who are really close to you; the ones you really want to work for. If the goal is inspired by fashion, the example of a neighbor, or something else in the same vein, then this is 99% a bad goal.

Another dangerous trap is using the plan not for time management but for something else. For example, in order to somehow force yourself to do something. Or, on the contrary, so that the goal is at least somehow and at least once achieved. I explain.

Often people write down unrealistic amounts of work in their plan, relying on willpower. Say, once I wrote it down, I'll do it! And I'll get it fast! Another option is too little commitment, very little stress on the plan. Here the calculation is reversed: one way or another I will do it!

The plan is just a tool for the rational allocation of resources. Trying to use it to increase motivation or calm small faith in one's own strength is wrong. It's like playing ping pong with a tablet.

1. The first days are not for Stakhanov's exploits, but for developing habits

At first, emotions are in full swing, I want to work on my goals day and night. This enthusiasm is the most valuable capital, it must be properly disposed of.

It would be wrong to just work hard, trying to overfulfill the plan. First, if the plan is good, it is not required. Secondly, you run the risk of simply being physically and emotionally overtired. Thirdly, after a couple of weeks you will not be able to constantly work at the same level - and you will gnaw at yourself for not meeting the raised bar.

All this negatively affects motivation.

The right approach is to use the first days to create conditions in which you will be comfortable working. Develop habits that will help you stay focused on your goals. Here is the main recipe - to change not only yourself and your attitude, but also the situation around.

What does it mean? What exactly do you need to take care of at first (and subsequently maintain the established rules)?

2. We monitor the physical condition

What kind of motivation can we talk about if a person feels unwell? We introduce at least elements of a healthy lifestyle:

  • Daily routine (go to bed and get up at the same time, and not too late).
  • Diet.
  • We limit alcohol.

Breaking the regimen is not an easy task, perhaps with the transition to a healthier option, on the contrary, your health will worsen somewhat. That is why you need to tune in a new way in the first peppy days.

3. Build work habits

Firstly, this is also a regime, a habit at a certain time to do a certain thing. This schedule should be made taking into account personal characteristics - when it is better to work, when it is worse, when it pulls to unwind. Within a day, as within a year, there are individual rhythms. Life in harmony with them is much easier and more joyful.

For example, I am maximally collected and efficient in the morning, at 9-10 o'clock; in the afternoon (at 13 - 15 o'clock) drowsiness and laziness come over me. That is why I made it a rule to study English grammar right after breakfast. After lunch, I watch educational videos, where the lecturer's peppy voice keeps me awake, and the material chewed down to molecules is easy to digest.

In addition to the regime, it is worth attending to:

  • Regular breaks.
  • Rational duration of classes.
  • The habit of concentrating on a particular task.

4. We regularly analyze our affairs and look for support

An extremely important point and another useful habit.

Find an opportunity to have a confidential discussion with someone about your business in terms of achieving goals. This does not mean that you should have a personal fan who will cheer you on in the spirit of "come on!"

This means that by regularly talking about the progress of the plan and the accompanying emotions to another person, you better understand yourself. Your motives and aspirations. This helps to identify implicit, just beginning trends (for example, a weakening of zeal) and understand their causes.

And a side view will help make it even better. Also, in the process of discussion, you will inevitably touch upon the ultimate goals of your work. They are the main motivator.

It may very well be that such an analysis will reveal incorrectly set goals or allow us to find shorter paths to them.

5. Breaks, variety in life and quality rest

They should be.

This could be the end, but I will note an important detail. It is highly desirable to completely forget about your goals on the weekends and have fun without any special restrictions (unless you are too out of your daily routine). At least it works great for me. After doing a couple of days of easy pleasant things, I start to get bored and inevitably remember the goals and objectives that make up the meaning of life.

Holidays are sacred!

6. Prepare in advance for the fact that not everything will go smoothly

If you break the usual rhythm of life and take on new things, obstacles and unplanned things will inevitably arise. You are invading uncharted territory, otherwise it does not happen. I remember how, at school, I decided to harden myself - and caught a cold on the second day.

Such disruptions to plans should be taken calmly, preparing in advance to return to the work begun when it becomes possible.

Motivation external and internal (results)

It is easy to see that the principles described above are indirectly related to motivation. I believe that the right way is to create the conditions and habits with which you can rationally and fruitfully achieve the goals that are dear to you, which themselves want to become a reality.

Traditional motivating events - pumping up emotions with the help of bright pictures, videos and trainings - are not a good solution. As well as fashion declarations (public announcement “I will do this and that for the New Year, or I am a sucker and pay my friend XXX$”).

The fact is that this is an external motivation, a “magic pendel”. This means that the very essence of achieving goals is being replaced. Simplifying a bit:

  • Intrinsic Motivation: I achieve this because I myself decided and really want it.
  • External motivation: I achieve this because someone else's uncle told me so.

Of course, you can also use external incentives. But how much and what - you need to decide on your own, "to taste." Since it’s brought down on a culinary topic, I’ll give a comparison. External motivators are a hot pepper.

And the internal, natural ones are the soup to which it is added. The correct proportion of both = PROFIT.

Self-motivation. How to set goals correctly? Self-motivation is an unusual event, but for some it is simply necessary.

It is clear that when it comes to pleasant things, an adored job or a long-awaited vacation, there is no need for motivation. Everything fits together perfectly.

But it happens that the achievement of some goals is given to us with great difficulty. Laziness, doubts, fears, lack of time and just absent-mindedness get in the way. How to motivate yourself?

If the planned business does not move from the dead point, you can look for problems as in the absence of motivation,as well as in the wrong goal setting.

Sometimes people immediately set themselves something global, difficult to achieve, or even completely illusory. And then they get scared, shy away and for years they are going to start a long journey.

1. Divide the whole into parts

In order to set goals correctly and not discourage your desire to achieve them, remember that houses are built brick by brick, in stages. First - the foundation, then - the walls, the first floor, the second ...

Try and you "cut" your desire into many components, so-called micro-goals. Make a plan and make sure that each of the ten small goals is quite achievable.

Move from the first to the second, gradually. It's such a fun thing to tick off the little things you've completed!

It is good when the goals are specific, visible, understandable and measurable, and not philosophical. Learn the language to the level of "intermediate", narrow the waist to 70 centimeters, remove the extra 5 kilos, get a salary increase of 5000 rubles, turn in the project by next Tuesday, read four books from the list in a month.

My friend's parents dreamed of their own cottage by the sea. But at the pre-retirement age and without savings, this can only be a dream. However, they saved money, saved up and eventually bought a small clay plot in the lowland.

A start was made. For seven years, on weekends, they came here and built a house brick by brick, ennobled the site, planted small trees.

Ten years later, the house, to the surprise of the neighbors, was completed, the gas was installed, and tall stately trees amazed with curly crowns. And the whole success lay in rigorous planning.

2. True desire is enough

As psychologists assure, those who crave something with all their heart do not need additional motivation in the form of gingerbread, whips and other “carpets”.

And if a woman is not in a hurry to train, quits diet after diet and now and then breaks into chocolates, it means that she doesn’t really want to lose weight. Not enough to be tough and strong-willed.

Before setting a goal, check, is it that important to you. And in general - is it yours?

Often, parents who press on schoolchildren inspire them with their dreams: to become a doctor, learn English, conquer the stage, travel half the world. And the child begins to sluggishly and laboriously crawl towards these alien goals.

The same applies to moments when a husband asks his wife to lose weight, and she, in turn, requires her husband to quit smoking. Whose desires are these - their own or imposed by the environment?

3. Convince yourself

Ask yourself the question: “Is this exactly what I want?”, And the second one is “Why do I need this?”. Write down the points to which the achievement of your goal will lead, what bonuses you will have. Sometimes motivation is lost because in trying to achieve what we want, we forget about the main thingwhat is all this for.

Take a piece of paper and write down the points:

“If I lose weight by June, then: 1. I will have more respect for myself. 2. I will wear an open swimsuit bought in Madrid without hesitation. 3. I will reduce the risk of diseases arising from excess weight. 4. I will go to the resort and I will definitely find a free handsome man there.

4. The main method of self-motivation is a reward

Come up with a reward for achieving each micro-goal- a trip to a cafe, a trip to the sea, a session in the spa, a new dress. And at the end of the path, outline the main prize that is closely related to your goal.

Example: you want to lose weight by the summer. Promise yourself that after losing 10 kilos (the goal must be specific and adequate!), you will buy a new expensive swimsuit and book a tour to Mallorca.

Start looking at bikinis and flipping through photos from the resorts - this will inspire you and will not let you forget about the "goal of a long trip." Constantly provoke yourself with fantasies about a happy future, and this will cheer you up.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation