Presentation ecosystem of early childhood education. Presentation "The system of ecological education of preschool children in kindergarten and family" () in biology - project, report. "Ecosystem in a preschool organization"


The system of ecological education of children preschool age in kindergarten and family

Rubtsova Natalia Valerievna

  • Security area:
  • formation of ideas about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and ways of behavior in them;
  • familiarization with the rules of safe behavior for a person and the environment.
  • Area "Knowledge":
  • sensory development;
  • development of cognitive research activities.

  • environmental education tasks. study of the possibility of raising the level of ecological culture of teachers, parents, children; formation of motivational readiness for testing new forms, types and content of activities; the use of additional opportunities for the integration of specialists, educators, children, parents in the work on the formation of environmental culture; at the level of children: fostering love for nature through direct communication with it, the perception of its beauty and diversity; formation of knowledge about nature; the development of empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its preservation. diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, relations of all subjects of education; ensuring the continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family
  • environmental education tasks.
  • study of the possibility of raising the level of ecological culture of teachers, parents, children;
  • formation of motivational readiness for testing new forms, types and content of activities;
  • the use of additional opportunities for the integration of specialists, educators, children, parents in the work on the formation of environmental culture;
  • at the level of children: fostering love for nature through direct communication with it, the perception of its beauty and diversity;
  • formation of knowledge about nature;
  • the development of empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its preservation.
  • diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, relations of all subjects of education;
  • ensuring the continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family

Scheme of building environmental education in preschool educational institutions



Nature to man

man nature

Security rules

nature - personal

everyone's participation

in environmental


Ecological space model in preschool educational institution

In room


Location on





corners of nature

Mini museums





Trees and


Mini planetarium

vegetable garden




Pharmacy on

natural and




territory features

Ecological centers: group corners of wildlife about experimental laboratories

  • observation method with connection of various analyzers,
  • experiences and experiments
  • problematic situations or conducting experiments (allowing “to discover new knowledge”);
  • verbal methods (conversation, problem questions, stories - description, etc.),
  • Practical activities in nature (labor in nature, environmental actions, visual activity with a reflection of nature),
  • game methods and game,
  • practical work and search activities;
  • excursions,
  • project method

  • classes;
  • excursions;
  • practical activities in nature;
  • environmental actions;
  • environmental projects (pedagogical, parent-child);
  • holding environmental quizzes and competitions;
  • production by children of environmental leaflets, posters, booklets, newspapers, mugs "Young Ecologist", "Young Researcher", "Young Traveler"

  • the most important of them is “observance of silence” (as defined by L.P. Simonova),
  • patience (the ability to observe plants and animals for a long time),
  • mindfulness (children should be taught to find relationships in nature, check folk signs, predict the consequences of people's behavior),
  • thrift (to protect what is created by nature, "every bug is created by nature for something")

  • development of the content of emotionally positive communication between children and parents in social and labor relations within the family, during the holidays;
  • creation of an ecological-developing environment for the purpose of the competence of teachers and parents in this matter;
  • methodological support, including work plans and summaries of activities for familiarization with nature.

Projects are one of the forms of environmental work with children and parents.


  • development of communication skills and coherent speech,
  • development of research skills,
  • ability to plan activities to obtain the final result,
  • increasing the personal confidence of each project participant,
  • reflection (awareness of one’s activity, how the result was obtained, what difficulties were encountered, how they were eliminated, what the person felt at the same time

  • parent-child projects,
  • family clubs,
  • Meetings of Interest
  • Information education of parents,
  • Joint events (excursions to museums, zoo, arboretum, planetarium),
  • joint classes,
  • Ecological holidays and entertainment,
  • Joint promotions
  • And other

The authors: Kazantseva Natalya Vitalievna, Karimova Irina Mikhailovna
Position: preschool teacher
Educational institution: MKDOU combined type kindergarten No. 2 "Firefly", Vyatskiye Polyany, Kirov Region
Locality: city. Vyatskiye Polyany, Kirov Region
Material name: Report
Topic:"Ecosystem in a preschool organization"
Publication date: 07.06.2018
Chapter: preschool education


"Ecosystem in a preschool organization"

"The world surrounding the child,

- it is first of all the world of nature

with an infinite wealth of phenomena,

with inexhaustible beauty.

Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind"

V. Sukhomlinsky.





intensive search for ways to comprehend the values ​​of nature, means of development






education is a necessity, the awareness of which is already present not only among





save the planet and this desire must be developed from childhood.







are laid










the relationship of the child to the nature around him, to things and materials of natural

origin, which he enjoys, awareness of himself and other people

parts of nature.





aimed at the implementation of specific tasks of environmental education:

Communication, consolidation and enrichment of knowledge about the world around;

Formation of the habit of taking care of nature and its inhabitants;

Development of the ability to find relationships between phenomena, objects and

draw conclusions;

Raising a love for the nature of the native land.



environmental education of preschoolers: daily observations of phenomena

in nature and in the process of caring for plants, specially organized games

and learning situations, targeted excursions, holidays and entertainment, creative

workshops, environmental campaigns and subbotniks, experiments, experiments, etc.

In addition, classes are systematically conducted on seasonal changes in nature,

about animals living in different ecosystems, about plants growing in

different climatic zones, on the streets and parks of the native city, on the territory






children studying ecological spaces on the territory of the kindergarten.

In-depth work on the study of ecosystems (forest, meadow, reservoir, steppe, etc.)





relationships and

unpredictable consequences. In the process of studying any ecosystem, one can

identify three levels of environmental knowledge:

Objects of nature without any connections;

Objects of nature in interconnection (thus, learning what these or those


are building


determine the value of one object for another, for example, the value of a forest for

rivers, etc.);

Processes affecting objects (first considered, seasonal

phenomena based on the action of natural factors; Secondly,

effects caused by human activity

For practical study of objects and natural phenomena on the territory





ecological path.





route to nature. Creating an ecological trail on the territory of the kindergarten,






shrubs, herbs, which for 40 years have been carefully preserved by more than one

generation of employees and parents. We have included in the plan of the ecological trail

different species of trees, shrubs, grasses and mosses to visualize

children distinguishing features of different life forms of plants.











helps teachers to acquaint children with representatives of the local flora and fauna,










habitats, as they are associated with certain plants, features

food and accommodation.

The natural objects of the ecological trail include:

1. Trees




fluffy, warty, spruce, larch, mountain ash, oak, pine, cedar,

2. Shrubs - lilac, wild rose, sea buckthorn, acacia.

3. Old stumps.

4. Meadow grasses

5. Forest herbs

5. Birch grove.

6. Garden - apple, plum, cherry.

7. Anthills.

8. Log.



created objects


Flower beds.

2. Alpine slide.

3. Birdhouses.

4. Bird feeders.

5.Children's weather station.

6. Rural yard.

7.Children's garden.

8. Corner of medicinal plants.

9. Corner of the forest

10. Glade of insects.



is being updated.

the present

almost all trees of our natural zone grow. Our students have learned



observation, but also the organization of didactic games "Guess the tree by the sheet",

“Run up to the tree that I will name”, “Guess from the description”, etc.









are placed




observing birds flying to the feeders, children can name them,

determine the characteristics of their behavior, but most importantly, children understand that

the life of birds, especially in winter, when it is difficult for them to get food, depends on us.







trail help





pupils comprehend the inextricable unity of nature and man, come to

the realization that wild nature lives by its own laws, doing without

human help.

The territory of the preschool educational institution is a kind of ecosystem, but it is no longer artificial

created, because all connections characteristic of a natural ecosystem are not broken

and not isolated from each other. This ecosystem is sustainable, capable of

to self-renewal, as it is in its natural habitat.




eco system,




energy and resources, and its main inhabitants are people (educators and

children), plants surrounding them.

There are many different plants in the preschool, which are observed and cared for

preschoolers. Flowers in the premises of the kindergarten play not only an aesthetic




highlighting useful














technical devices. Moreover, the worse the air quality for a person, the

better for the plant. Some houseplants are used as medicines,

for example, aloe and kalanchoe, the leaves of which are applied to boils, and the juice






window sill of the onion we get vitamins.

One of the ecosystems in the preschool educational institution is the "Window Garden", which can

stay green all year round. Children, together with teachers, sow in it

crops, then observing their growth, analyzing the best conditions for





is an onion grown on a windowsill.




are located

artificially created mini-ecosystems: the multi-tiered forest ecosystem,

meadow, desert, coast


the opportunity to visually and easily convey to children the diversity of the environment








is an


factor of environmental education in the preschool educational institution. The team of our preschool

institutions have made some progress in this direction. wanted

stop at them:

Diploma of the laureate of the district competition "Beautiful School - 2008" II

degree in the nomination "The best territory of an educational institution"

Gratitude from the administration of the city of Vyatskiye Polyany Kirovskaya





Diploma of the 1st degree of the regional competition "Beautiful School - 2015" in

nomination "Gardens of nature".

Letter of thanks for active participation in the regional competition

environmental and civil initiatives "EcoGreen" and a special nomination

"Ecology in Literature" - in 2015.

Certificate of participation in the international game competition "Man

and nature" - 2017.








international level.

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental

education, so it is not by chance that teachers face the task of forming




nature management.

The accumulated knowledge of preschool children is not an end in itself. They are

necessary as a condition for the development of emotional, moral and effective

relationship to the world.

look around

look around


named places have their own microcosm, their own ecosystem, created by artificial

or naturally. And we, people, live in this environment, next to its small

inhabitants - animals, plants. And our souls, like plants: will fall into

a seed on the ground, it will rain, the sun will warm and the seed has sprouted! Everyone

care is needed - and the tree, and the flower, and the butterfly, and the ant, and even the almighty

to a person. Care of Nature! And in order for this care to be enough for everyone, we need to

save her!

Material prepared:

Kazantseva Natalya Vitalievna,

Karimova Irina Mikhailovna

slide 1

Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Topolek" r.p. Tokarevka, Tambov region

slide 2

Model of ecological upbringing and education of preschool children The purpose of ecological education: Formation of the beginnings of ecological culture in children, development of ecological consciousness, thinking, ecological culture in adults (educators, parents) who educate them. Developing environment: Ecological path, laboratory, alpine slide, artificial reservoir, flower beds, educational garden, Dr. Aibolit's corner (medicinal plants), living corners with animals: guinea pig, parrot, aquarium fish, plants; bird pole, poplar alley, orchard.

slide 3

Ecological and educational block. Tasks: -development of ecological ideas; -development of cognitive skills; - mastering the skills of caring for living beings.

slide 4

Forms and methods of work: 1. Ecological classes; 2. Circle work. Children's fantasy. 3. Lessons of thinking. Why does the tree have green needles? Where do birds sleep? How does a birch breathe? Why are the leaves blooming? 4. Excursions. Search for autumn signs. Park in winter. Meadow plants. To the pond. 5. Ecological games. - Imitation (Ecological pyramids); -Competitive ("Question-answer", etc.); - Travel games ("To the bottom of the sea", etc.); -Didactic (“Who lives where”, “Who has what kind of house”, etc.). 6. Ecological trail.

slide 5

7. Observations. Why do cats walk quietly? What do we know about the dog? What are the trees? Clouds are white-winged horses! 8. Examination of reproductions of paintings, illustrations. 9. Laboratory of a young ecologist: - conducting experiments; - Viewing collections. 10. Classes in a corner of nature. 11. Walks in the kindergarten area and beyond. 12.Modeling: Whose legs are these? Track down? Settled in the house.

slide 6

Ecological and health-improving block Tasks: formation of health and healthy lifestyle children's lives by means of nature. Forms and methods of work. 1. The traditional system of recreational work in the fresh air (morning exercises, hardening, etc.) 2. Hiking around the site and beyond. 3. Psychological trainings involving animals. 4. Walking along the path of health (lined with cones, pebbles, twigs, chestnut seeds, walnut shells, straw). 5. Phyto-corner. (Respiratory exercises in the corner of volatile plants.) 6. Classes in the corner of Dr. Aibolit. (About medicinal plants.) 7. Safety lessons. The road to the house (about the rules of behavior on the street). Sultry summer (of hot weather). So tasty and dangerous (about berries, fruits, vegetables). Let's go swimming! 8. Outdoor games (edible-non-edible). 9. Phytobar, rinsing the mouth and throat with decoctions of plants: chamomile, sage.

Slide 7

Slide 8

Ecological and aesthetic unit Thanks to the perception in nature and art, a person discovers the beauty in himself. V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Tasks: - the formation in children of the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature, to protect beautiful creations; - development of aesthetic taste in children through natural objects; - development in children of positive emotions and feelings from communication with nature.

Slide 9

Forms and methods of work: Integrated classes (isoecology, ecology and music, ecology and fiction). observations in nature. Autumn leaf fall. Fluffy white snowflakes fall. Silver frost. April, April - drops in the yard again. 3. Ecological exhibitions. Such different trees (photo). What does it look like (boughs, stones similar to any object of wildlife). Drawing winter. What can be done from natural material. Man and his good deeds on Earth. 4. Ecological entertainment and holidays. Vosenushka-autumn! Hello winter guest! The day of arrival of the rooks. Summer is red, the sun is bright! five. Ecological promotions. Beauty will save the world. Our kindergarten is a green house. 6. Collecting. 7. Day of ecological creativity. 8. Examination of reproductions of paintings, illustrations.

slide 10

slide 11

Ecological and moral block. Tasks: -formation of emotionally positive attitudes of children to nature; -accumulation of children's experience of humane treatment of plants and animals; - formation of an understanding of the dependence of the state of the natural world on human actions.

slide 12

Forms and methods of work. 1. Ecological trainings with animals. 2. Ecological actions. We build castles for birds. Sanitary day. Plant a tree. Feed the birds in winter. We care about everything, etc. 3. Integrated classes (ecology-social world, ecology-fiction). 4. Role-playing environmental games. City construction. We rest in the forest. Green patrol, etc. 5. Lessons of kindness. How to take care of indoor plants? What should be done to avoid scaring the animals? What do you feel when you hug a tree? When have I been kind to nature? What has nature told you? 6. Conversations. 7. Discussing and playing situations, the plot of books. 8. Classes in a corner of nature. 9.Psychological training with the participation of animals.

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Presentation on the topic: Ecology in preschool educational institution

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Description of the slide:

Preschoolers are the initial link in the system of continuous education. Elementary environmental knowledge acquired by children at a young age will help them to master environmental subjects in the future. Knowledge is not an end in itself, it only helps to form in children a certain attitude towards nature, environmentally competent and safe behavior, and an active life position.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

The content of environmental education in kindergarten is aimed at solving the following tasks: 1. Formation in children of ideas about the biological laws of nature; 2. Development of curiosity, cognitive interest, cognitive activity; 3. Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards nature (joy, surprise, desire to show sympathy, understanding of responsibility); 4. Development of practical skills in caring for plants and animals.

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Description of the slide:

1. Formation in children of ideas about the biological laws of nature, understanding that there are 2 worlds: the natural world and the world created by man; understanding that in the natural world there are various animals and plants, there are many of them, but they are all living and neighbors (diversity and unity); the idea that all these organisms adapt differently to the conditions of life (nutrition, movement, protection from enemies); - every living being changes: it grows, develops, and this requires certain conditions (light, temperature, air) and care, housing, etc.

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The ecological development of preschoolers in the preschool educational institution is based on integration with other aspects of development - this is security, socialization, communication, reading fiction, work, artistic creativity, health, experimentation. All this ensures the integrity of the educational process.

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The educational area "Reading fiction" includes such a task as the Formation of a holistic picture of the world. That is, an integrated approach to designing a holistic educational process allows you to organically weave environmental education into general process personal development of children and achieve optimal developmental outcomes

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according to the nature of cognitive tasks, observations are divided into groups: recreating (for example, observing footprints in the snow), recognizing (observing a kitten), long-term (observing the growth of an onion) Loginova V., etc. According to the method of organizing children: - frontal, - with subgroup, - individual independent observations of children By time: 1. episodic (short-term); 2. cyclic (long

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Description of the slide:

Observations are used as a method on excursions, walks, in a corner of nature. On walks, observation acts as a method and type of activity. Observation accompanies search activity, labor in nature. Observation includes a dialogue between the teacher and children about the observed object (questions, answers), observation must be accompanied by a literary word. Questions to children in older groups should be problematic; observations may include TRIZ methods (What do tree leaves whisper about? Where does the stream run? Who are mom and dad at the wind? etc.) In older groups, the content of observations should be devoted to introducing children to relationships in nature. Compact carrying out of a cycle in time; The predominance of contemplation over the word; All children must participate; Use of physical activity of children; Reliance on biological laws; Engage as many of the children's senses as possible; The results of observations should be recorded in order to consolidate, clarify, and systematize the ideas of children.

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Use of visual aids and modeling Painting is the most common method of environmental work. The picture allows you to clarify the features of the appearance of animals, to reveal the mechanisms of fitness. (For example, the painting "Squirrels in Winter"), the growth and development of animals. Examining the picture develops cognitive activity in children (Will the marten catch up with the squirrel?). Paintings allow you to develop aesthetic perception (consideration of landscape paintings - reproductions, paintings by great artists).

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Models Models are substitutes for real objects, objects (Reismers N.). From a scientific point of view, a model is a special kind of symbolic-sign idealization. The purpose of models in the environmental education of children is that models always contain images of those objects that children once perceive, i.e. allow you to recall in memory.

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groups (kinds) of models Material (material, real): static (forest model) and dynamic (clockwork toys). Ideal: figurative (iconic), pictograms, schematic (abstract) and spatial-graphic. In the Development program, models are the leading method. Models in the "Development" program are distinguished: sign-symbolic (signs denoting animals), mental, mental-imaginary (Euler circles, classification tree).

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Description of the slide:

games with rules didactic games didactic games with natural material (seeds, fruits, room plants). didactic desktop - printed (zoological loto, botanical lotto, dominoes, split pictures, etc.) didactic word games (Where do mushrooms grow? When does it happen? Edible - inedible, etc.). creative games The game is recommended for use in all age groups.

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Game training situations (ITS) 1st type - the use of toys - analogues. A live kitty and a toy - a kitten, a real Christmas tree with a toy one (comparison) A toy bunny wants to learn about the life of hares in the forest. Type 2 - the use of literary characters (Carlson, Chipollino, Cheburashka, Aibolit, etc.). Carlson talks about bird nests, Kolobok delves into the life of forest dwellers. The character acts in this case as a partner of the child in cognition. 3 type - role-playing games on a trip (to the sea, to the Arctic). Approximate theme of travel: The mysterious world of the past. Riches of the bowels of the Earth. The region where I live. Life in the depths of the sea. How the shirt grew in the field.

slide number 26

Description of the slide:

Cognitive - research (Search activity Search activity is a joint activity of a teacher and children aimed at understanding objects and natural phenomena, it is a search for answers to problematic questions of nature. Experiments and experiments are the basis of search activity. Requirements for search activity and the content of search activity Experiments should not harm living beings The methodology of experiments should be clear, simple Content of search activities: Experiments with inanimate phenomena (N. Ryzhova "Magic Water"; Experiments with plants (Khaidurova); Experiments with animals (Sikoruk);

slide number 27

Description of the slide:

The project method is a practical method for the ecological development of preschoolers. The project is a way of organizing the educational process based on the interaction of the teacher and children, interaction with the environment, step-by-step practical activities to achieve the goal, solve the problem.

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It is based on the idea of ​​relying on the search behavior of children. Search behavior is the tension of thought, fantasy, creativity in conditions of uncertainty. The suppression of children's initiative blocks search behavior, as a result, a passive position in the future develops, a refusal to overcome difficulties.

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Design is a complex activity, the participants of which master new concepts and ideas about various aspects of life. Types of projects are diverse. Types of projects: Research - creative (children experiment, and the results are drawn up in the form of newspapers, dramatization of children's design); Role-playing (children enter the image of fairy tale characters and solve the problems posed); Creative (project results are presented in the form children's holiday). Adventure (e.g. Journey to the Land of Butterflies, Into the Kingdom of Indoor Plants, Singing Forest, Sky Islands, etc.) Practice-oriented or constructive (e.g. building a birdhouse)

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An excursion is also a type of outdoor environmental education lesson. The excursion includes all elements of educational activity (goal, educational, educational tasks). Targeted walks are organized in all age groups, starting with the younger ones.

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Holidays and entertainments of ecological theme Entertainments (in June). "Our little friends (insects)"; in theatrical activities, children consolidate knowledge about insects. Holidays: Bird Day (March 18), Earth Day (April 22), Water Day, etc. Holidays and entertainment give children a lot of joy and at the same time contribute to solving the problems of environmental education

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Ecological actions are socially significant, long-term events that include a cycle of observations, work, competitions, games Creation of an ecological museum (posters, environmental signs, children's creative works, collections, herbariums, etc.) Ecological expeditions, hikes Natural theater Exhibition of records nature (presentation of exhibits of natural material - seeds, fruits, knots of unusual, unique, children measure, weigh) Creation of a meteorological center, weather forecasting island (to help children predict the weather according to folk signs, keep a calendar of nature) Conducting environmental quizzes, Issuing environmental leaflets, Environmental training (guess whose voice is birds)

Description of the slide:

Formation of elementary ideas about the correct ways of interacting with plants and animals: examining a plant without harming them; observing animals without disturbing or harming them; feeding animals only with the permission of adults. Explain to children that it is impossible to tear any plants and eat them. These tasks are set before us by the Program "From Birth to School" for the entire period of preschool childhood.

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Description of the slide:

Acquaintance with nature 1 junior group. To acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena. To teach to recognize in nature, in pictures, in toys of domestic animals a cat, dog, cow, chicken, etc.) and their cubs and name them; recognize some wild animals in pictures (bear, hare, fox, etc.): name them. Watch for birds and insects on the site (butterfly and ladybug), for fish in the aquarium. Teach children to feed the birds. Learn to distinguish vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot) and fruits (apple, pear, etc.) by their appearance. Help children notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year. Cultivate respect for plants and animals. Learn the basics of interaction with nature (examine plants and animals without harming them; dress according to the weather). Seasonal observations Autumn. To form elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature: it got colder, the leaves turned yellow on the trees and the leaves fall; that many vegetables and fruits ripen in autumn. Winter. To form ideas about winter natural phenomena: it became cold, it is snowing, ice, slippery, you can fall. Encourage participation in winter fun (sledding and sledding, playing snowballs, making a snowman, etc.). Spring. To form ideas about spring changes in nature: it is warmer, snow is melting; puddles, grass, insects appeared; buds swollen. Summer. Observe natural changes with children: bright sun, hot weather, butterflies fly.

slide number 37

Description of the slide:

Acquaintance with nature 2 junior group Expand children's ideas about plants and animals. Continue to acquaint with pets and their cubs, their behavior and nutrition. Introduce indoor plants (ficus, geranium). Understand that plants need land, water, and air to grow. To acquaint with the characteristic features of the consecutive seasons and the changes that occur in connection with this in the life and work of adults and children. Give an idea of ​​the properties of water (flows, overflows, heats up, cools), sand (dry - crumbles, wet - molds), snow (cold, white, melts from heat). To form ideas about the simplest relationships in animate and inanimate nature. To acquaint with the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.).

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Description of the slide:

Acquaintance with nature middle group Introduce representatives of the class of reptiles (lizard, turtle), their appearance and methods of movement (the lizard has an elongated body, it has a long tail that it can shed; the lizard runs very fast). Expand children's ideas about some insects (ant, butterfly, beetle, ladybug). To consolidate children's knowledge about herbaceous and indoor plants, their names (balsam, ficus, chlorophytum, geranium, begonia, primrose, etc.); learn how to take care of them. Learn to recognize and name 3-4 types of trees (tree, pine, birch, maple, etc.). Tell children about the properties of sand, clay and stone. Organize observations of birds arriving at the site (crow, dove, tit, sparrow, bullfinch), feed them in winter. Expand children's ideas about the conditions necessary for the life of people, animals, plants (air, water, food, etc.). To develop the ability of children to notice changes in nature. In the process of various activities, expand our understanding of the properties of sand, water, stones and clay.

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Description of the slide:

Senior group Expand and clarify children's ideas about nature. Strengthen the ability to observe. To consolidate ideas about the plants of the immediate environment: trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. To introduce the concepts of "forest", "meadow" and "garden". To form ideas about the alternation of seasons, parts of the day and some of their characteristics. To acquaint with the diversity of native nature; with plants and animals of different climatic zones. Show how a person uses water, sand, clay, stones in his life. To form ideas that a person is a part of nature and that he should preserve, protect and protect it. Learn to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena (season - vegetation - people's work). Show children the interaction of animate and inanimate nature. Talk about the importance of the sun and air in the life of humans, animals and plants.

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preparatory group Concretize children's ideas about the living conditions of indoor plants. To acquaint with the methods of their vegetative propagation (cuttings, leaves, mustaches). Learn to establish relationships between the state of the plant and environmental conditions. Introduce medicinal plants (plantain, nettle, etc.). Expand and systematize knowledge about domestic, wintering and migratory birds; domestic animals and inhabitants of a corner of nature. Continue to meet wild animals. Expand ideas about the features of adaptation of animals to the environment, Expand children's knowledge about mammals, amphibians and reptiles. Introduce some forms of protection for amphibians and reptiles from enemies (for example, it scares away enemies with a hiss, etc.) Expand ideas about insects. To acquaint with the peculiarities of their life (ants, bees, wasps live in large families, ants live in anthills, bees live in hollows, hives).

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Description of the slide:

To cultivate respect for the work of rural residents (farmers, machine operators, foresters). To consolidate the ability to generalize and systematize ideas about the seasons. To form ideas about the transition of substances from a solid to a liquid state, and vice versa. Observe such natural phenomena as frost, hail, fog, rain. Explain to children that everything in nature is interconnected. To consolidate the ability to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena (if insects - pollinators of plants disappear, then the plants will not produce seeds, etc.). To bring children to the understanding that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment: clean air, water, forest, soil have a positive effect on human health and life. To consolidate the ability to behave correctly in nature (do not break bushes and tree branches, do not leave garbage, do not destroy anthills, etc.). Make albums with children about the seasons: select pictures, photographs, children's drawings and stories.

slide number 42

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Preschoolers should understand the reasons for the need to preserve all kinds of animals and plants without exception. For them, there should be no concepts of "harmful, useful." Children need to be taught not only not to pick flowers, but also to teach that flowers will disappear due to habitat disturbance, for example, when trampling. Ecological knowledge forms a certain system of values. The idea of ​​a person as a part of nature, about the dependence of one's life, one's health on its state. It is important to teach the understanding of the need for reasonable consumption - do not pick more berries than you can eat. Children need to form an active position, a desire to change something around them for the better - at least not to throw garbage past on the street. They must also understand their responsibility for the state of the environment. When telling children about any problems that arise in nature, the educator must necessarily emphasize what each of us can do to solve them. Let it be a small help, but its price will be high.

slide number 43

Description of the slide:

Thus, the implementation of the field of FGT "Cognition" should contribute to the organization of the process of active activity of the child, provide him with the position of an "inquisitive researcher", develop the foundations of environmental consciousness, which further contributes to the formation of a person's theoretical thinking.

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