Presentation on theme: "Sense organs. Eyes-Sight organ Ears-Hearing organ Nose-Charm organ Language-Taste organ Skin-Touch organ What sense organs do you know?" - transcript. Our sense organs presentation for the lesson (senior, preparatory group) on the topic


summary presentations


Slides: 17 Words: 890 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Anatomy. Sense organs. Fundamental question. Why do we need sense organs? Problem questions. What are the sense organs? Can a person live without sense organs? The indications of the sense organs are the sources of ideas about the world around us. general information. From the history of anatomy. Man has five senses. Hearing organs. The human ear includes three compartments - the outer, middle and inner ear. The visible part of the ear is called the auricle. organs of vision. The eye works like a camera. Organs of touch. The sense of touch allows a person to learn and do a lot. Organs of smell. - Bodies.ppt

Sensor systems

Slides: 10 Words: 360 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Project: What role does taste, sight, smell play in human life. The fundamental question is: is life possible without a sensory system? Annotation. Expanding horizons. Instill interest in the sensory system. Acquisition of skills for independent work in a group. Didactic goals of the project: To teach to analyze the acquired knowledge. Learn how to use reference books. Learn to synthesize information. Methodological tasks: Do you think a person can exist without a sensory system? Retina auditory analyzer visual analyzer. What do the following terms mean? - Sensory systems.ppt

Sense cognition

Slides: 12 Words: 213 Sounds: 0 Effects: 72

Sensory knowledge. Certain properties of objects evoke sensations in us. For example: - the smell of a flower; - the taste of strawberries; - warm; - cold. - Yellow - Oval - Sour - Juicy - Aromatic. - Green - Prickly - Smells like resin. Different people - different perception of the object. But everyone will surely admire the talent of the artist! Performance -. sensual image of an object this moment not perceived by us, but perceived earlier. Lemon. Spruce. The most important. With the help of the senses, we cognize individual objects and phenomena. The possibilities of sensory knowledge are limited. Let's discuss. - Sensual Cognition.ppt

Feeling and Perception

Slides: 11 Words: 352 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

School of the young psychologist. The evolution of the psyche. The psyche is a form of reflection of objective reality. The appearance of photoreceptors. Neuron. visual sensations. Auditory sensations. Auditory sensation - individual perception of various sound signals. A person is able to feel a sound stimulus in the frequency range 20-20 "000 Hz. animal and human touch, pressure, stretching.Channels of perception.- Sensation and perception.ppt

sense organs

Slides: 22 Words: 716 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Sense organs. Guess a riddle. Brother and brother Across the road they live, And one does not see the other. Eyes. Take care of your eyesight! Visual defects are nearsightedness and farsightedness. Don't read lying down. Don't read on public transport. Don't watch TV for a long time. At the animal on top. Ears. With the help of our ears, we hear the speech of other people, the sounds of nature, music. The second most important sense organ in humans is the ear. The ear is divided into outer, middle and inner. The ear is a very delicate and complex sensory organ. Hearing is the body's ability to perceive sound waves. Hearing is closely related to speech. Rules. Between two luminaries In the middle I am alone. - Sense organs.ppt

Biology sense organs

Slides: 12 Words: 678 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The theme of the project is "Sense Organs". or "Tentacles of the Brain". What happens if a person or animal loses receptors? The following fact seems to be a clear answer. Learning theme: "Sense Organs". Fundamental question: Is it possible to live without sense organs? Academic subjects: Biology Participants: Pupils of the 8th grade. Didactic goals of the project: Development of independent cognitive activity students in the study of biology. Methodological tasks: Questions for independent research: The structure of the organs of vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste. Study "The effect of noise on hearing acuity". - Sense organs biology.ppt

human sense organs

Slides: 16 Words: 567 Sounds: 1 Effects: 64

Our helpers. Organ of vision. Find mistakes. Human sense organs. Vision hygiene. The eyes are the organ of vision. Human sense organs. Let's make a note. Look and rest. Hearing hygiene. To save the organs of hearing. Ears are the organ of hearing. Clap your ears. Minitest. Sense organs. Puzzles. - Human sense organs.ppt


Slides: 24 Words: 894 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

"Tentacles of the brain". Lesson topic: "Organs of balance, musculoskeletal sensitivity, smell and taste. Didactic goal. Content goals. Lesson type. Learning new material and primary consolidation. Teaching methods. Partial search, problem, reproductive, research. Methods of teacher activity. Lesson plan Interaction and interchangeability of analyzers Pavlov's works Consolidation of new material Homework Checking homework What are sensory systems What are analyzers Who first introduced the concept of an analyzer What is the structure of an analyzer? - Analyzers.ppt

Biology analyzers

Slides: 20 Words: 351 Sounds: 3 Effects: 37

Color meditation. Sensitivity of analyzers. Interaction and interchangeability of analyzers. Generalization of knowledge on the topic "Analyzers". Generalize and systematize the knowledge gained in the study of individual analyzers. Create learning situations that contribute to the development of skills to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions. Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of interaction, improving the culture of communication in the classroom. I don’t see anything… What can’t you identify with a blindfold? I don’t hear anything… When my nose is stuffed up… What doesn’t give us the opportunity to fully judge the information received? - Analyzers biology.ppt

Biology Analyzers

Slides: 22 Words: 377 Sounds: 0 Effects: 61

How do we see what we see? How do we hear what we hear? How do we feel, what do we feel? Analyzers. Sense organs. We receive all information about the world around us thanks to sensory systems. Up to 90% of information we receive through the visual sensory channel. Visual analyzer: retinal receptors, optic nerve, visual cortex. In the primary sensitive zones - the analysis of sensations, in the secondary zones - the formation of images. With the help of hearing, you can perceive information at a considerable distance. There sounds are recognized, analyzed, evaluated. hearing centers. - Biology Analyzers.ppt

Human analyzers

Slides: 6 Words: 155 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

Sensory systems. Introductory lecture. The explanation was found by the Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. What is the first to take on the effects of stimuli of the external and internal environment? What is an analyzer? Only individual frames are recorded on film, but cinema is perceived as a continuous process. How do various stimuli turn into real sensations? - Human analyzers.ppt

Characteristics of human analyzers

Slides: 18 Words: 513 Sounds: 1 Effects: 7

Analyzers. complex formations. Differentiation of the sense organs. Eyes. Sense organs. properties of the sense organs. Nervous apparatus. Analyzer properties. The value of analyzers. Types of analyzers. Analyzer structure. Characteristics analyzers. Taste zone. Gravity. Homework. Thank you for your attention. Answer to d / z. Changes in body position. - Characteristics of human analyzers.ppt


Slides: 16 Words: 1220 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Chemoreception. ability of living beings. Ancient type of reception. General chemical feeling. paramount importance. Smell. Olfactory epithelium. Distal departments. Taste system. Taste buds. Central taste tracts. Taste and perception. Taste adaptation. Skin analyzer. Pathways of the skin analyzer. Chemoreception. - Chemoreception.pptx

Types of human analyzers

Slides: 31 Words: 1408 Sounds: 7 Effects: 15

Analyzers. Olfactory analyzer. Olfactory area. Support cells. Types of human analyzers. Taste analyzer. Papillae on the tongue. Sweet receptors. Types of human analyzers. Olfactory cells. Taste buds. Types of human analyzers. Leather. The structure of the skin. Epidermis. There are two layers in the dermis. Blood and lymph vessels. Types of human analyzers. Sweat glands. Hair. The hair is covered with horny scales. skin receptors. The structure of the skin. skin functions. excretory function. Heat transfer regulation. Hardening action. skin functions. hygiene requirements. - Types of human analyzers.ppt

Hearing analyzers

Slides: 12 Words: 353 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Hearing and balance analyzers. Hearing hygiene rules. What is an analyzer. The structure of the analyzer. The structure of the auditory analyzer. Auriculotherapy. The structure and functions of the departments of the organ of hearing. Why is it advised to suck on lollipops when taking off and landing an airplane. What parts does the auditory analyzer consist of. Functions of the organs of hearing. Sensitive ears. Thank you for the lesson. - Hearing analyzers.ppt

auditory analyzer

Slides: 10 Words: 496 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

What is the difference between visual and auditory analyzer? Purpose: Find the difference between visual and auditory analyzer. Tasks: Visual system. The visual system provides the function of vision. Eyes. In animals and humans, the organs of vision are the eyes. auditory system. There are three parts to the human ear: the outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear consists of the auricle, which passes into the external auditory meatus. Earwax plays a protective role. The tympanic cavity is not closed. The cochlea contains auditory cells. - Hearing analyzer.ppt

The structure of the auditory analyzer

Slides: 12 Words: 993 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

auditory analyzer. Knowledge about the meaning and structure of the auditory analyzer. Sounds. The structure and functions of the auditory analyzer. Man lives in the world of sounds. Birdsong. Noise of the forest. Early Sunday morning. Noise. Noise affects the human nervous system. Alarms. Silence. - The structure of the auditory analyzer.ppt

hearing organ

Slides: 33 Words: 1102 Sounds: 1 Effects: 36

Organ of hearing. Analyzer. Iris of the eye. Luxury. The structure and functions of the organ of hearing. Terms and concepts. The meaning of hearing. Fluctuations. Interrelation of a structure and functions. auditory hole. auditory sensory system. Peripheral department. Outer ear. Eardrum. Middle ear. Introspection. Explanation. Auditory ossicles. Inner ear. Ear sections. The mechanism of perception of sound vibrations. Sound wave. Water. Receptive apparatus of the cochlea. Sound. Hearing hygiene. Effects. Noise. Rest in silence. Organ of Corti. Sign. Tick. Thank you for your attention. - Organ of hearing.ppt

human hearing organ

Slides: 25 Words: 1095 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Organ of hearing: the structure is normal; major pathologies. auditory analyzer. auditory analyzer. The structure of the hearing aid. Human hearing organ. Inner ear. The structure of the inner ear. Organ of Corti. Organ of Corti structure. vestibular apparatus. Vestibular apparatus structure. hearing pathology. Hearing impairment. Defects. Individual. Classification of hearing impairments. Conducting a sound wave. Sensorineural hearing loss. Neurosensory (sensoneural) hearing loss. Hearing aid. Technical perfection of the equipment. Rehabilitation of children with hearing impairment. Rehabilitation work. - Human hearing organ.pptx

Organ of hearing and balance

Slides: 11 Words: 427 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Organ of hearing and balance. The outer ear consists of the auricle and the external auditory meatus. The function is to capture sounds and transmit them to further parts of the organ. Outer ear. Middle ear. Inner ear. The sound waves enter in the form of vibrations transmitted to the fluid filling the cochlea. A person is able to hear sound in the range from 16 Hz to 20 kHz. Hearing norm. It is possible to determine the leading ear using special tests. From which ear there are more correctly recognized words, then the leader. Hearing aid. The amplified and transformed sound reaches the eardrum through the earmold. - Organ of hearing and balance.ppt

Hearing genetics

Slides: 13 Words: 915 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

Hearing genetics. Dictionary work on genetics. Dictionary of genetics. Hearing loss. Deafness. What can be deafness. Types of deafness. The reasons. Causes of congenital hereditary deafness. The complexity of hereditary deafness. Type of inheritance of deafness. dominant deafness. recessive deafness. - Genetics of hearing.ppt

ear structure

Slides: 8 Words: 172 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

How do we hear? Ears are different. We are interested in the question: how does a person hear? Man also has ears. The structure of the human ear. With the help of the auricle, we determine the direction from which the sound comes. At the same time, the eardrum is well protected from any damage. Detailed structure of the human ear. Functions of the organ of hearing. Air vibrations are transmitted through the outer ear to the eardrum. The vibrations of the membrane are picked up by three small bones. All human life takes place in the world of sounds. Our hearing picks up vibrations from 16 to 22 thousand times per second (from 16 Hz to 22,000 Hz). - The structure of the ear.ppt

The structure of the human ear

Slides: 50 Words: 1092 Sounds: 9 Effects: 9

Why is the bell ringing. Quiet hour. Autumn. School bell. Let's all freeze for a few seconds. The structure of the human ear. The structure of the human ear. The structure of the human ear. The structure of the human ear. The structure of the human ear. The structure of the human ear. The structure of the human ear. The structure of the human ear. The structure of the human ear. We live in a world of different sounds. Wave. Sounds. Hearing aid. The structure of the human ear. Middle department. The structure of the human ear. Bone curl. The structure of the human ear. Ear passage. How should one treat such a complex body. Cherish. Doctor. Ears are afraid of noise. -

State Educational Institution

Secondary School No. 121

St. Petersburg

Synopsis of the lesson of the world around for grade 2 according to the program " Primary School XX I century"

Topic: "Our helpers are the sense organs."

Primary teacher development

Kostromina O.V.

Target: clarify the concept of the sense organs.


    To form an idea about the sense organs and their role in human life;

    To develop sanitary and hygienic skills in caring for the senses;

    Teach children observation, develop imagination and draw conclusions.

During the classes.

    Check readiness for the lesson.

    Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

- In the last lesson, we learned what an organism is and what various organs form it. Let's remember what they are called. You have a big crossword puzzle for me, listen to the riddles and fill it out. Crossword opens (Slide 1)

1. At the little animal on top,

And we are above the eyes. (Ear)

2. At night, two windows

Close themselves

And with the sunrise

They open themselves. (Eyes)

3.We are into it in winter and summer
Dressed from head to toe
We can't even take it off at night
Because it… (Leather)

4. There is a cliff between two lakes,

There are two caves in it - this is ... (Nose)

5. Used to be the first to try

Treats are all….(Language)

3 k

1 y








2 g


4 n








Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the sense organs that are present in our body.

    Work on the topic.

    The game "Wonderful bag". Organ of vision.

There are various objects in the bag: a cube, a vial, a toy - a spatula, a booklet, a brush, etc. All objects must be different in color, shape, made of different materials.

I have a wonderful bag that contains many different items. Who can determine what this object is, and what it is? (Children describe the object without looking at it)

What is the color of this item?

Why can't we say? (can't see)

Now let's take it out of the bag and see.

What helped you?

The eyes are the organs of vision that help us see everything around us. (Slide 2)

What do you think about protecting your eyes? Why? (Children's answers. It is possible to draw up rules on how to protect your eyes)

The eyes are the organ of vision. They are placed in the hollows of the skull - eye sockets, protected by movable eyelids - upper and lower. There are eyelashes on the eyelids. The eyelids and eyelashes protect the eyes from strong winds and dust. Eyebrows prevent sweat droplets protruding from the forehead from flowing into the eyes. If a mote gets into the eye, then tears come out. They moisturize the surface of the eye, wash away all foreign particles and kill germs. The eye consists of the pupil, lens, iris, and optic nerve.

Vision is the ability to perceive the size, shape, color of objects and their


- Now we will play a little again. The game is called "Guess the neighbor's voice". One of you comes out and turns your back to the class, and the rest of you take turns saying the rules we made up. The driver must determine whose voice he hears. (3-4 people participate)

- What helped the facilitators to guess? (Slide 4)

- Our ear is made up of three parts: outer, middle and inner. What we call the ear is part of the ear - the auricle. It allows you to pick up sounds. The ear canal runs inside and ends at the eardrum. This is the outer ear. There are three bones in the middle ear. They transmit vibrations to the inner ear, where the endings of the auditory nerve are located. The auditory nerve sends impulses to the brain.

- Think about what should be the rules for caring for the ears? Need to protect your ears?

Children's statements.

Hearing is the human ability to perceive sound waves.

3. Work with the textbook. Olfactory organ.

And now you all close your eyes, I will carry a thing around the class, and you determine what it is. (It is advisable to get an orange or tangerine, they have a persistent smell)

What? How did you know?

Open your textbooks to page 19. Read Which Sense Organ Helps You Smell?

What is the name of this sense organ? (The organ of smell, slide 5)

Odorous substances, together with the inhaled air, enter the nasal cavity. In the upper part of the nasal cavity are the sensory endings of the olfactory nerves. Odorous substances irritate these endings, the excitation is transmitted to the brain and the person smells.

Do you think there are people who invent scents? Who are they?

Sense of smell is the ability to smell odors.

Child performance: Perfumer - a person involved in the composition of perfume compositions, the creation of the idea of ​​new fragrances and / or the sale of perfumes. Every major perfume and cosmetics company has its own perfumer. He (and more often - she) is engaged in the preparation of perfume compositions. The Chief Perfumer (the "Nose") in many countries is the key figure in a perfume firm in the process of creating a new composition, or in reproducing the traditional scent of a perfume with new ingredients.

4. Organ of taste

And now let's remember what helps us to determine the taste of candy, lemon, salted tomato, mustard? (Language)

Read about this body on page 22.

What is it called?

The tongue is covered with a mucous membrane, in which special taste buds are located. Food irritates the tongue and we feel the taste. The quality of food is helped by the tongue to determine the organs of vision and smell. (Slide 6)

The tongue helps to distinguish the taste of food.

5. Organ of touch. Game "Find out what it is?"

And so we have one more, the last sense organ. Now I will ask 2 people to come to me. I will blindfold one, and the second will touch his hand with various objects. The one who, with his eyes closed, must guess what was touched to him. (You need to have cotton wool or a brush for drawing, a prickly object (comb), a warm object (heated), heavy (weight, weight).

What do you feel? (Heat, pain, cold)

What helps to determine what kind of object it is?

With the help of the skin, you were able to determine the properties of objects: temperature, their severity. The skin helps to feel various touches. The skin is the organ of touch. (Slide 7)

Guys, do you think our skin needs care? What? (children's answers)

Touch is the ability of a person to feel touch.

6. Work in a workbook.

    Summary of the lesson.

Today we talked about the external sense organs. Let's remember what they are called? You can offer to fill out pre-prepared cards, for example:

Write the sense organs.

ear - ____________ tongue - ______________ eye - ________________

nose - ____________ skin - __________

and check Slide 8

What role do they play for a person?

With these organs we can feel the world around us. The sense organs must be treated with care. For the senses, colds and smoking are harmful. Therefore, protect yourself from colds, harden your body, avoid bad habits, lead only a healthy lifestyle.

- Did you like the lesson?

- You did a good job. Well done.

Additionally, you can offer interesting data about the sixth sense.

Previously, it was believed that a person has five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. And only poets who perceive the world in a different, subtler, deeper way were endowed with a “sixth sense”. Is it correct?

Close your eyes and stand in some position, then “quietly”, and then again in the same position. Which of the five senses mentioned above allowed you to repeat the movement?

It was the "sixth sense" - kinesthetic, that is, a sense of movement caused by irritation of special receptors (terminal formations of nerve fibers) embedded in muscles, tendons, and joints.

When walking, dancing, cycling, you feel a change in the speed or direction of your movement due to the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. It is he who perceives the change in the position of the head and the direction of movement of the body.

In addition, we feel hunger, thirst, abdominal pain, and so on.

All these are so-called interoreceptive (from the Latin words: "interior" - internal and "receptio" - reception) feelings.

Here, it turns out, how many "sixth senses" any person, and not just a poet, have, although in all these cases it is more correct to speak of sensations and analyzers, and not of feelings and sense organs. The “sixth sense” that poets talk about is a sense of beauty and intuition. We have already written about intuition.

Cognitive material for children of the senior and preparatory groups is provided in the form of a presentation. Dunno turns to children for help: he cannot figure out the names of the parts of his face. The guys tell him about our senses. They make riddles about the eyes, about the tongue, about the nose, about the fingers. They talk about the rules for protecting eyesight, caring for hands, about the functions of the tongue, nose. Dunno learns from children that the most sensitive skin is on our fingers.



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Slides captions:

OUR SENSES Educational material for children of the senior and preparatory groups.

Completed Konovalova Nadezhda Ivanovna, teacher of the joint venture Kindergarten"Birch" GBOU secondary school "OTs" with. Augustovka.

Guys, I'm back to you for help! My face! I'm so beautiful! But how much is there! Help me to understand!



Two Egorkas live near the hill. They live together, but do not look at each other.

Why do people need eyes?

The iris of the eyes of all people is different (gray, brown, blue). And the black dot in the middle is the pupil. It helps us to see around. What are eyelashes for? Brows? eyelids?

Remember, Dunno, the rules for the protection of vision. 1. Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands. 2. You can not watch TV closely and for a long time, play computer games. 3 . Protect your eyes from contact with caustic and dangerous liquids. 4. Protect your eyes from piercing and cutting objects. 5.Train your eyes, do exercises. 6. Walk outdoors. 7. Eat more fruits, vegetables, berries.

Always in the mouth, not swallowed.

Why do we need language? How can you tell what a product is without seeing it?

Remember, Dunno: 1. You can not taste medicines, unfamiliar berries, mushrooms, herbs, flowers. 2. You can not eat unwashed vegetables, fruits, berries, spoiled foods. 3. Do not eat very hot food. 4. Keep your tongue away from sharp objects. 5. Do gymnastics for the tongue.

People always have it. There are always ships.

Why does a person need to smell?

Functions of the olfactory organ. 1. Protective (purifies and disinfects the air). 2. Warms and humidifies the incoming air. 3. Participates in breathing, speech and facial expressions. 4. Warns of danger. Take care, Dunno, your nose! 1. Don't put anything up your nose. 2. Take care of the blows. 3. Don't get cold.

Olya listens to the cuckoo in the forest. And for this we need our Olya ... (EARS).

What would happen if we couldn't hear? Observe, Dunno, the rules of hygiene for the ears! 1. Don't pick your ears. 2. Protect from strong wind. 3. Don't listen to loud music. 4. Don't blow your nose too hard. 5. Do exercises for the ears.

The five brothers are inseparable, they are never bored together. They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, an axe.

Touch is a property of the human skin. The most sensitive skin is on the fingertips.

We touch objects with our fingers, recognize them by touch, play with them, work with them.

And here, Dunno, the rules for caring for hands. 1. Wash your hands cleanly with soap. 2. Protect from bruises and cuts. 3. Don't touch hot objects. 4. Cut your nails on time. 5. Do gymnastics for fingers and hands. 6. Wear mittens in frosty weather.

slide 3

Objectives: 1. To form the concept of "sense organs". 2. Show the role and specifics of different organs

feelings. 3. Develop thinking, speech, cognitive interests. 4. To instill aesthetic taste in self-knowledge.

slide 4

Tasks:1. Organize student experience. 2. Start building knowledge about the role of organs

senses in the knowledge of the surrounding world. 3. Promote the development of interest in self-knowledge. 4. Teach to explore (experimental definition) the signs of objects with the help of the senses.

slide 5

Equipment: 1. Drawing of a person without eyes, mouth, ears, nose. 2. Separate drawings of eyes, mouth, ears,

nose. 3. Materials for experiments and observations, for group work: - cut fruits and vegetables; - perfume, coffee, orange, cucumber, lemon; - paints: yellow, red, blue; - album sheets; -poster "Our helpers-sense organs".

slide 6

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Update.

3. Statement of the learning task.

4. Statement of the problem.

5. "Discovery" of new knowledge by children, work in groups.

6. Physical Minute.

7. Primary consolidation: work on the textbook.

8. Independent work: work in a notebook

9. The result of the lesson.

Slide 7

1. Organizational moment. Good afternoon to the sun and birds, Good afternoon to smiling faces.

(Children sit down) Now smile at each other. Smile at me.

Slide 8

2. Actualization Our textbook is called "Me and the world around." - What gives us the opportunity to learn

the world around you? -How do you determine where you are? -How do you distinguish between objects? -What helpers help us recognize the signs of objects?

Slide 9

3. Statement of the learning task.

But first I would like to introduce you to one interesting little man. (image of a man, but without a face)

A very strange man. What is strange about it?

This man has no face. He has no ears. No eyes, no mouth.

Slide 10

4. Statement of the problem And he believes that he does not need them. Here's another - wash them, wipe.

Do you think he is right? We need to prove to him that without our helpers we will not be able to fully exist.

slide 11

5. "Discovery" of new knowledge by children - In order to accurately and fully answer these questions, we have to

conduct a real study. What will be the subject of our study? That's right, the subject of our today's study will be a person, or rather, his body (you probably already heard this word).

Work with the textbook. (p.54)

Tell us what Lena and Petya see, hear and feel?

What do we do with our eyes?

What do we do with our ears?

What signs of objects do we determine with the help of the nose?

What can you learn about objects with your hands?

Guess why the sense organs are called our helpers?

slide 12

Working with the poster "Our helpers are the senses."-What sense organs can detect

these objects? -Find out what is the "profession" of these sense organs?

slide 13

Work in groups. Group 1: Blindfolded, identify fruits and vegetables by touch. Group 2:

Blindfolded, recognize coffee and orange by the smell. Group 3: Blindfolded, distinguish sugar from salt. Group 4: Mix paints on an album sheet. What will happen?

Slide 14

Analysis of work in groups.

The captains of each group express their team's assumptions about the role of the senses in human life, attach pictures with their image to the drawing of a man.

slide 15

6. Physical education minute.

  • slide 16

    7. Primary consolidation: work according to the textbook (p. 55)

    Complete the task: tell us how Misha and Lena feel.

    Slide 17

    8. Independent work: work in a notebook.

    Completion of assignments 3.4 in the workbook p.23.

    Slide 18

    9. Summing up the lesson.

    • Add suggestions:
    • Today I found out...
    • I realized that….
    • It was interesting….
  • Slide 19

    Eyes - the organ of vision

    Help to determine the color, shape of objects, their movement, read books, watch TV

    "Better to see once than hear a hundred times".

    Slide 20

    slide 2

    • Olfactory analyzer
  • slide 3

    • Olfactory analyzer
    • The olfactory region is located in the superior nasal concha. Olfactory cells are bipolar neurons, 6-12 cilia are located on the dendrite, an axon departs from the base.
  • slide 4

    • Olfactory analyzer
    • Between them supporting cells. The olfactory surface reaches 10 cm2. Information is transmitted through the ethmoid bone to neurons located in the two olfactory bulbs, then along the olfactory nerve to the central nervous system, to the temporal lobes.
  • slide 5

    slide 6

    • Taste Analyzer
    • The peripheral part of the taste analyzer - taste buds - is located in the papillae of the tongue. At the top of the kidney is the taste pore.
    • There can be up to 200 buds in a papilla, each opening with a taste pore. Inside the kidney are taste receptor cells, between which are supporting cells.
  • Slide 7

    • Taste Analyzer
    • The papillae on the tongue may be mushroom-shaped - at the tip of the tongue, sensitive to sweets;
    • leaf-shaped - on the sides of the tongue, sensitive to sour and salty;
    • trough-shaped, surrounded by a roller - to bitter, at the root of the tongue.
    • For a taste sensation to occur, the irritating substance must be in a dissolved state.
  • Slide 8

    • Taste Analyzer
    • Up to 30 fibers are in contact with each receptor cell using synapses.
    • Sweet receptors are located at the tip of the tongue, bitter receptors are located at the root, and sour and salty receptors are located on the sides of the tongue.
    • The central sections of the taste analyzer are located on the inner surface of the temporal and frontal lobes.
  • Slide 9

    Slide 10

    • What are olfactory cells?
    • Where are the olfactory bulbs located?
    • Where are the centers that analyze information from the olfactory organs located?
    • Repetition
  • slide 11

    • What are taste buds?
    • What types of papillae are located on the tongue?
    • Where are the centers that analyze information from the taste organs located?
    • Repetition
  • slide 12

    slide 13

    • Skin is the outer cover of the human body with an area of ​​1.5 - 2 m2. It consists of two layers: the epidermis and the dermis, under which there is subcutaneous fatty tissue.
  • Slide 14

    • Skin structure
    • Nails, claws, horns (except for the horns of deer and giraffes), feathers, hair, horny scales are derivatives of the epidermis in amniotes.
  • slide 15

    • Skin structure
    • The epidermis is ectodermal in origin, separated from the dermis by a basement membrane. The epidermis has 5 layers:
    • 1 - basal (Malpighian), represented by dividing and pigment cells with melanin;
    • 2 - prickly, cells connected by numerous processes;
    • 3 - granular, contains keratohyalin protein granules;
    • 4 - shiny, the nuclei of the cells of this layer are destroyed;
    • 5 - horny, formed by dead cells containing keratin.
  • slide 16

    • Skin structure
  • Slide 17

    • Skin structure
    • In the dermis, two layers are distinguished: - papillary, due to the papillae of which scallops and grooves are formed, a papillary pattern is formed and a mesh, in which collagen and elastic fibers form a network.
    • The dermis contains blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, sweat and sebaceous glands, and hair. Below is the subcutaneous adipose tissue.
    • Sweat, sebaceous and mammary glands are derivatives of the epidermis.
  • Slide 18

  • Slide 19

    • Skin structure
    • Sweat glands (about 2.5 million) are long tubes, the initial part is twisted into a ball, open with pores. They are responsible for thermoregulation, remove water, NaCl, uric acid, ammonia, urea.
    • The sebaceous glands open into the hair follicle. Sebum lubricates the skin and hair. Contains fatty acids, waxes, steroids. Water-repellent layer, protection against microorganisms.
    • The mammary glands are derivatives of the sweat glands.
  • Slide 20

    • Skin structure
    • Hair consists of a shaft and a root. The root forms a hair follicle, into which the papilla protrudes, nourishing the hair. It is located in the epithelial vagina, surrounded by a connective tissue bag, to which smooth muscle is attached. The vagina and pouch form the hair follicle, which contains the hair. The hair shaft consists of a medulla and a cortex containing the pigment melanin.
  • slide 21

    • Skin structure
    • Outside, the hair is covered with horny scales. By old age, the amount of pigment in the cortical layer decreases and the amount of air in the medulla increases, the hair turns gray.
    • Hair loss is associated with atrophy of the lower part of the hair bulb, but even before hair loss, the epithelial sheath surrounds the hair papilla and new hair growth begins.
  • slide 22

    • Skin structure
    • Skin receptors:
    • Free nerve endings in the epidermis form mechanoreceptors and pain sensitivity receptors, up to 200 per cm2.
    • Krause flasks perceive the action of cold;
    • Taurus Rufini - the action of heat;
    • Meissner's bodies - touch;
    • Merkel disks - pressure;
    • Pacinian corpuscles, the largest encapsulated nerve endings, perceive vibration.
    • Where does the analysis of tactile information take place?
    • In the posterior central gyrus.
  • slide 23

    • Skin structure
  • slide 24

    • Skin functions
    • Skin reception: per 1 cm2 of skin there are about 200 pain receptors, 15 cold, closer to the surface than thermal, 1-2 thermal, 25 tactile.
    • Protective: protection against mechanical damage, impervious to microorganisms, protection against excess ultraviolet radiation by the formation of melanin.
  • Slide 25

    • Skin functions
    • The excretory function is carried out due to the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands. A person loses about 1000 ml of sweat per day with dissolved salts and protein metabolism products.
    • Respiratory function - up to 1.5% of the total gas exchange occurs in the skin.
    • Formation of vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
    • Storage of energy materials in subcutaneous adipose tissue.
  • slide 26

    • Skin functions
    • Regulation of heat transfer by changing the intensity of sweating (in hot weather, during hard physical work, the body can lose up to 12 liters of fluid due to sweating) and by changing the speed of blood flow in the skin. The blood flow can vary from 1 ml / min to 100 ml / min, heat transfer increases by 5-6 times. Below the level of the capillary network are "shunts", with the narrowing of which the blood passes below the capillary network. Subcutaneous adipose tissue plays a heat-insulating role.
  • Slide 27

    • Skin functions
    • Hardening action. Regular hardening adapts the body to a rapid restructuring of metabolism, to a change in heat transfer due to a change in blood flow through the skin and a change in the intensity of sweating.
    • With a disease of the internal organs, the sensitivity of the skin in the area that strictly corresponds to a specific organ is disturbed.
  • Slide 28

    • Skin functions
  • Slide 29

    • Skin functions
    • In order for the skin to cope with its functions, hygiene requirements must be met. The skin must be clean, on clean skin, pathogens quickly die. Hands must be washed with soap and water several times a day, before meals and after going to the toilet - a must;
    • wash the whole body at least once a week;
    • legs - every evening.
    • For hair care, a shampoo is selected for your hair type, you need to wash your hair as it gets dirty, but at least twice a week.
  • slide 30

    • Repetition
    • What is indicated in the figure by numbers 1-10?
    • What are the layers of the skin?
    • What is the total surface area of ​​the skin?
    • What horn formations are found in human skin?
    • What glands are found in human skin?
    • Where are the sebaceous glands located?
    • Where do the ducts of the sebaceous glands open?
    • Where are the cells that produce melanin located?
    • What are the receptors in the skin called?
    • 1 - epidermis; 2 - dermis; 3 - subcutaneous fatty tissue; 4 - hair; 5 - hair bag; 6 - free nerve endings; 7 - Pacini's body; 8 - Meissner body; 9 - Krause flask; 10 - Ruffini's body; 11 - sweat gland.
  • Slide 31

    • Repetition
    • Give answers to the questions:
    • What is the origin of hair and nails?
    • Where are the blood and lymph vessels located?
    • How does heat transfer through the skin increase with an increase in ambient temperature?
    • What vitamin is produced in the skin?
    • Why do people sunbathe in summer?
    • Correct judgments:
    • The epidermis contains blood and lymphatic capillaries.
    • Free nerve endings are located in the epidermis.
    • Melanocytes are located in the dermis.
    • The sebaceous glands open into the hair follicle.
    • There are more cold receptors than heat receptors.
    • Cold receptors are located deeper than heat receptors.
  • View all slides

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