Implementation and development of electronic document management systems: getting rid of misconceptions and forming true goals. The effectiveness of the implementation of electronic document management systems in the enterprise Definition of goals and strategies


With the spread of computers, 100% of documents are created electronically. Nevertheless, more than half of them are still printed out for review and approval.

As for the exchange of documents and the signing of contracts between business entities, here paper carriers are almost always used.

There are three submission methods:

  • Through the Guaranteed Message Delivery System in the taxpayer's personal account;
  • On magnetic media with EDS
  • Through the "Taxpayer Terminal" program in the offices of the tax inspectorate.

Increasing efficiency and reducing costs is the goal of any business that plans to stay in business for years to come. And it can be achieved with the introduction of electronic document management, especially since this is provided for in Russian legislation.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to those documents that must be printed in paper form according to the law and make sure that paper and electronic document management do not duplicate each other, because in this case nothing will be saved.

If everything is organized correctly, then electronic document management is the key to the efficiency of a modern enterprise.

In accordance with the developed world and domestic practices for the implementation of information systems (IS), in this article we will consider the process of implementing an EDMS, which includes several stages of work. The result of the introduction of the EDMS is the industrial operation of the System throughout the enterprise.

The cost-effectiveness of the workflow is not always associated with its reduction. Increasing the efficiency of document flow and convenience for managers should be considered in conjunction with an increase in the quality of the content of information. The purpose of optimizing (designing) the workflow is to bring it in line with the needs of management while reducing the cost of maintaining it. The enlarged procedure for optimizing (designing) the workflow includes the following five steps.

Workflow optimization includes two major areas:

  • 1. Improving the qualitative content of information (binding to responsibility centers; optimal set and content of indicators; high quality of norms and standards; availability of information about deviations).
  • 2. Increasing the efficiency of document flow and convenience for managers (eliminating information duplication, optimizing traffic routes; combining primary accounting for accounting and operational management, etc.; bringing the names of documents in line with the content).

Increasing the efficiency of workflow and convenience for managers should be considered in conjunction with the first direction, i.e. efficiency of workflow is not always associated with its reduction. The loss of part of the information can lead to a negative effect on the whole enterprise.

Consider the option of reducing the workflow while maintaining its information capacity. So, the goal of optimizing (designing) the workflow is to bring it in line with the needs of management while reducing the cost of maintaining it.

The enlarged procedure for optimizing (designing) the workflow includes the following steps:

  • Step 1. Pre-project survey or description of the enterprise.
  • Step 2. Detailed description of the existing workflow.
  • Step 3. Analysis of the qualitative content of information.
  • Step 4. Document flow optimization.
  • Step 5. Creation of standards (instructions).

Information survey and analysis

The tasks of the first step - the description of the enterprise - are to determine the needs of management and identify the influence of factors. The needs of management are identified based on the study of the functions laid down in job descriptions and the description of groups of management decisions taken at different levels of management. For critical analysis, existing in-house reporting can be used. We recommend that the work be carried out in parallel with the analysis of the qualitative content of the information.

When building a workflow, as well as when creating organizational structures for management accounting, work begins with studying the influence of such factors as: technology features, product composition, organization of production and management of an enterprise and its structural divisions, business processes, material flows. The organization of workflow largely depends on the presence of responsibility centers in the organizational structures of management; development of the mechanism of intra-company entrepreneurship; availability of deviation control; the competence of management and the use of progressive methods of decision-making; availability of personal computers, information networks, etc.

In the course of pre-design work, in particular, greater detail is needed in terms of describing the centers of creation (transformation, use) of information and their personalized relationships (accounting points); description of documents and existing document flows.

The development of document management systems for management purposes and management psychology, of course, taking into account the technological and organizational features of the enterprise, should begin without being tied to a specific software product. First you need to create an ideology, and only then look for a software product for it.

Before starting the process of implementing an EDMS at an enterprise, we recommend that you conduct an express survey (pre-project survey) in order to:

  • obtaining general information about the object of implementation of the EDMS;
  • determining the goals of implementation;
  • definition of general key requirements for the EDMS and project boundaries;
  • determining the general state of the organization of document circulation and office work;
  • determination of the main participants of the project (formation of a working group);
  • determining the overall level of complexity of a potential project;
  • needs assessment for data migration and integration with other software;
  • collection of information necessary for the preparation of an effective and winning Commercial Proposal, if the survey and implementation will be carried out by a third-party company.

At this stage, the choice of the platform on which the EDMS will be developed is carried out.

At this stage, based on the received primary information, a Project Manager (PM) is appointed, who draws up a basic work plan, a hierarchical work structure (WBS), as well as the Project Charter.

During the information survey, existing business processes are examined and described (“as is” - “as is”). As a result of the analysis of the collected data, optimized business processes are proposed (“to be” - “as it should be”), functional requirements for the EDMS are formulated.

The objectives of the information survey are:

  • study and accurate description of business processes to be automated;
  • development of recommendations for optimizing document flows and organizing workflow and office work;
  • definition and description of system modifications, interfaces, incl. interfaces with external systems and means of transferring data from existing programs to be developed and implemented during the project;
  • development of technical specifications (TOR).

In order to obtain the necessary information, surveys and interviews of the main users (heads of interested departments and employees who will directly have to work in the new EDMS) are carried out. In the course of work it is recommended:

  • Make a list of existing types of documents in the organization and make a survey of each type of document:

describe the documentation technology (a set of details, if necessary, their location, sequence and design features); show the conditions for the movement of documents (the presence of signatures, visas, checks, etc.), the scheme for the movement of documents (route) or a list of the main approvers, signers, etc.; describe the method of registration (registration number format);

  • Make a list of employees responsible for the creation of documents (who / what department and what types of documents creates).
  • Make a list of employees who approve, sign, approve documents (who approves / signs what types of documents; conditions under which a visa / signature is required).
  • Make a list of document registrars
  • Determine what types of documents need to be put under control (determine controllers, conditions for putting under control, conditions for removing control and other necessary information).
  • Make a list of others responsible for the processing process.
  • Based on the information listed above, draw up an algorithm for the movement of documents (operogram). See example 1.
  • Determine the necessary reporting documents (conditions for creating reports and their forms).
  • Based on the survey, draw up an Instruction for the preschool educational institution (if necessary).
  • Draw up a Nomenclature of cases indicating the periods of storage and principles for the formation of cases (if necessary).
  • Compile a list of documents indicating the conditions for granting access to them (for example, depending on the position).

Based on the information listed above, functional requirements for the EDMS or terms of reference for its development (TOR) are developed. In particular, the Analyst must draw up requirements for the format and composition of registration and control cards (set and arrangement of fields in the card, methods of filling in the EDMS, etc.), routes for the movement of documents and other requirements necessary for setting up and developing the EDMS.

Based on the practice of designing document management systems, the following sequence of work can be proposed:

  • 1. Construction of schemes of registration points of the main production, auxiliary productions, functional services.
  • 2. Construction of schemes of their interconnections.
  • 3. Collection of completed forms of documents and reports in the context of registration points.
  • 4. Organizing them into albums.
  • 5. Description of the deadlines for submission, the direction of movement of documents and reporting forms (in what time frame, to whom and from whom the document is transferred).
  • 6. Construction of thematic and consolidated workflow schemes.
  • 7. Conducting logical and requisite analysis of documents.
  • 8. Analysis of the path of documents in the process of their creation, approval and approval.
  • 9. Development of proposals for making changes to the existing scheme of documents and reporting in connection with proposals for changing other parameters of management accounting (accounting for deviations, responsibility centers, etc.).
  • 10. Development of proposals to eliminate duplication of information.
  • 11. Development of proposals for the unification of documents.
  • 12. Development of proposals for streamlining the movement of documents and reporting.
  • 13. Development of a project for an optimized summary scheme of document flow and internal reporting.
  • 14. Development and implementation of workflow standards and internal reporting.

When performing the above operations, there are some tips to keep in mind.

accounting points. First, you define the subjects of the relationship during the exchange of information. They can be called centers of origin, consumption and transmission of information, or accounting points. So, the reference points are fixed, at the previous stage the interconnections of departments are described, now you can, by connecting and supplementing this material, build a diagram of the interconnections of the reference points.

These schemes will help you not only cut off irrelevant connections in the first steps of the project without putting them into documentary form, but also save time and money. They are indispensable when testing proposals for optimization on the subject of "everything is taken into account."

Albums and descriptions of documents. An important step is the creation of albums of documents that exist at the time of the project, and their description; this is the most time-consuming, uninteresting and thankless job.

When carrying out work to optimize workflow, use the advice obtained as a result of the analysis of the practice of errors: set restrictions in a timely manner - “do not grasp the immensity”; find out if the document is compiled by the same employee who signs it, or if there are real invisible performers; in situations where the shop manager signs an invoice for the transfer of a semi-finished product to the next shop, decide how many times you describe the movement of the document: once from shop to shop, or follow the whole way. In this case, there should be an identical principle of records for all divisions of the organization.

When carrying out work, a mandatory condition must be observed: the description of documents must be presented in a uniform form for all departments of the organization.

Local and general workflow schemes. After describing the documents, you can proceed to the construction of schemes. They contribute to the answer, for example, to the question - how difficult is the path of an ordinary document in four copies, in contrast to the production operation itself. An analysis of the document movement pattern makes one think about the appropriateness of the final routes. For example, why do we need primary documents on internal relocation in the planning department?

Example 1. We propose to issue the information obtained as a result of the survey in the form of an operogram (see Figure 1) or in the form of an algorithm (see Figure 2). As an example, we propose to consider the life cycle of orders for the main activity. The technology of working with this type of documents is the most unified and can be used in various enterprises.

Figure 1. Operogram of the life cycle of an order for the main activity

Figure 2. Algorithm for processing orders for the main activity

The article "Information survey as part of the implementation of the EDMS", published in the journal "Office management and document management at the enterprise" No. 2, 2007, lists questions that can be used in questionnaires or when interviewing users. Questions are advisory.

There are no clear requirements for conducting a survey, therefore, in each specific case, using ready-made developments, you need to be creative in obtaining the necessary information, structuring and displaying it.

An information survey is an important step in optimizing the preschool educational institution and implementing the EDMS. After all, the quality of decisions made to optimize processes and develop requirements for the functionality of the EDMS directly depends on the information received and the quality of its presentation. In this regard, it is necessary to adhere to the main principle of the survey - to obtain complete, reliable and up-to-date information about the processes that are planned to be automated.

Thematic analysis and workflow optimization

The clutter of the workflow, its irrationality can be seen by analyzing by topic. Let us analyze, for example, the inputs and outputs of the material flow in the department (the movement of semi-finished products, finished products). It may turn out that the solemn fact of the transfer of a container with processed raw materials from shop to shop will be accompanied by a firework of entries in primary documents, journals, summaries and reports. Significant duplication also occurs in the transfer of semi-finished products within the same workshop.

To make a decision on the reduction of records, it is recommended to conduct a requisite analysis in a tabular or graphical form. It formally shows duplication of indicators in documents. An analysis of local schemes, supplemented by clarifying the specific purpose of a document, summary or entry in the accounting register (management decision, etc.), will help to identify duplication of documents or details in essence. As a result, a decision is made to reduce or transform documents, taking into account the technical equipment of the workshops and the capabilities of the automated control system. Recommendations for merging logs can also be given:

The expediency and logic of the implementation of all types of work are evaluated in terms of how they contribute to the optimization of information support for management decisions, the efficiency and accuracy of their implementation.

Development and configuration of the EDMS

At this stage, the implementation of the requirements described in the TOR is carried out: setting up the EDMS, its refinement or the development of new functions of the System on the selected platform.

The goals of the physical implementation of the EDMS are:

  • development of the EDMS database structure;
  • development of screen forms;
  • development of mechanisms: sighting, registration, execution, etc.
  • development of technical documentation for the System.
  • The presence of the necessary functions in the system (procedures for approval, registration, execution, control over execution, granting access, etc.);
  • Availability of required documents;
  • Complexity and cost of System development;
  • The maximum number of simultaneously working users, at which the system works stably and the speed of processing requests is satisfactory;
  • The maximum number of users connected to the System;
  • Cost of licenses (per server, 1 workstation);
  • Complexity and cost of System administration, technical support;
  • Possibility, complexity and cost of updating versions;
  • Ability to work with remote users (if necessary);
  • Cost and quality of consulting services;
  • Reliability of the Supplier (degree of fame in the market, number of successfully completed projects, etc.).

During this stage, the requirements described at the stage of information survey are directly implemented.

Most of the development work is carried out outside the territory of the Customer, therefore, the constant and effective interaction of the Developers with the Customer is a key factor for the successful completion of the development and acceptance of the system by the Customer.

The testing process is crucial in ensuring the quality of the development. Test planning and preparation should begin as early as possible. End users should be involved as much as possible in the preparation of test criteria. It is critical that the testing be carried out by the Customer.

Pilot operation

The purpose of the System implementation is the fact that users start working in the EDMS (the System must meet the needs and requests of users) and a stable System (without failures and errors).

During the implementation process, the following works are performed:

installation and configuration of software;

  • training of personnel and EDMS administrators;
  • development of documentation for EDMS for users (Help);
  • elimination of errors in the system;
  • finalization of the EDMS according to the comments and suggestions of users;
  • development of regulatory documentation: instructions for preschool educational institutions, regulations for working with various types of documents;
  • organization of technical support for users (consulting users on how to work in the system).

This stage is the most difficult for all project participants (users, developers, implementers). At this stage, the software product is adapted, tested, tested in real working conditions. The most difficult thing is to overcome the psychological barrier for users when starting work in a new environment for them, because. users are forced to change their usual and established ways of working. In this regard, at this stage it is important to conduct training and consulting of users. This will help them adapt to the new working conditions.

Industrial operation

Industrial operation of the EDMS is the use of a stably operating EDMS that fully meets the requirements of users in the process of performing the official duties of employees of the organization.

Works performed during the operation of the EDMS:

  • Consulting and training of users on work in EDMS;
  • Directory administration (organizational structure, users, approval routes, mailing lists, etc.);
  • Server and software administration;
  • Implementation of backup (back-up)

At this stage, you can initiate the development process of the EDMS: adding new functions, expanding the boundaries of the implementation project (adding new categories / types of documents, expanding the number of users / divisions / enterprises of the holding, adding new functions).

In order to reduce the time for the implementation and implementation of the EDMS, the work of the listed stages can be implemented in parallel, depending on the level of complexity of automation tasks, the software used, etc.

Throughout the life cycle of an EDMS implementation project, project management work should be carried out. For example, the US standard ANSI/PMI 99-001-2004 (PMBOK Guide) is recommended.

Project management

A project is a temporary venture to create unique products or services. Project management is a separate area of ​​management designed specifically to manage temporary activities with unique results.

The most famous/widely used project management standards are:

  • PMBOK (American standard:;
  • Prince2 (English standard:;
  • IPMA (European standard:;
  • P2M (Japanese Standard:

Main actors:

  • Project manager (leader) - the person responsible for managing the project.
  • Project Sponsor - a person who provides financial resources for the project and provides administrative and organizational support to the project.
  • The customer (consumer) of the project is the person who will use the results of the project.
  • Stakeholders in the project - persons actively involved in the project and / or whose interests may be affected by the implementation of the project (who influence and are affected by the results of the project).

Project life cycle example:

Project charter is the first official document of the project. Formally confirms the existence of the project. Gives the RP the authority to commit the organization's resources to project operations. The RP is determined and assigned as early as possible. The PR should always be assigned prior to planning and preferably during the development of the Project Charter.

The project charter is detailed during the planning phase of the project.

The project charter may include:

  • Description of business needs for project initiation;
  • The purpose or basis of the project;
  • Description of needs and expectations, as well as the degree of influence of interested parties;
  • A summary plan of key project milestones (Milestones);
  • Description of functional organizations;
  • Description of organizational assumptions and restrictions;
  • The total budget of the project.

Description of the scope of the project- this is information about the goals and objectives of the project received from the Customer at the stage of initiation (information survey). It may contain general indicators, and is subject to further refinement and development by the project manager at the planning and development stage. This is the formulation of the project (what needs to be done).

The project scope statement development process describes and documents the characteristics and scope of the project and associated products and services, as well as acceptance methods and scope management.

The main components of the document:

  • Project goals;
  • Project product description
  • Project results
  • Assumptions and restrictions in the project, project boundaries;
  • Project milestone plan.

Project management plan is a formally approved document to guide the execution of a project. It is a document that contains and integrates the results of planning in all areas of the project (time, costs, resources, risks, quality, etc.)

The project management plan may consist of one or more supplementary plans, such as:

  • Project Scope Management Plan;
  • Calendar plan;
  • Cost management plan;
  • Quality management plan;
  • Personnel management plan;
  • Engagement management plan;
  • Risk management plan;
  • Supply management plan;
  • Process Improvement Plan

It is impossible to create a detailed plan for the entire project at once.

Basic plan is a formally approved document against which the performance of the project is measured and which will be used to manage and control the execution of the project. Used to control project progress deviation.

Work plan is a document or set of documents that changes as the project progresses and more information becomes available. The work plan, as a rule, always differs from the base one. The work plan is modified by the WP.

Project execution- the main process of project implementation (a significant part of the resources is involved).

The main responsibilities of the RP include:

  • Integration and coordination of actions to implement the project plan;
  • Constant comparison and analysis of deviations of the current project execution in comparison with the basic project plan;
  • If necessary, initiate change requests;
  • Forecasts of cost and terms of the project.

Implementation of an electronic document management system. What lies on the surface?

Dmitry Sadovnikov

Nowadays, many business leaders have become more cautious about their options for implementing enterprise software. This is primarily due to the economic situation, and an important component here is the fear of getting bogged down in the process of “implementation of what is not implemented”. Everyone recognizes the need for implementation, but no one wants to become a "cash cow" either for their own or, especially, for external implementers. You know how it happens - either “a nuance was formed”, then the form turned out to be wrong, then the server is weak, then something else ... And the money was pulled ...

Lotsia Soft has been working closely with its Russian users for almost two decades. We sympathize with such a reserved position of managers and apply a policy of absolute honesty in relation to potential users. In this regard, I would like to note that despite the fact that Lotsia PDM PLUS is considered primarily as a program for organizing technical workflow, its rich features and usefulness can manifest themselves faster if used to automate management workflow. This lies on the surface, closer to the management, it seems to be even simpler and does not directly affect production activities, which can be the starting point for recognizing the start of implementation as successful and expanding the use of Lotsia PDM PLUS to solve other problems.

Nevertheless, we were forced to take into account such a moment that most managers consider the management document flow to be typical. We ourselves do not think so, but here, based on the fact that the client is always right, we decided to follow his lead. As a result, we have released a new version of the standard configuration for managing correspondence and organizational and administrative documentation (ORD), which will be included in the Lotsia PDM PLUS delivery kit absolutely free of charge. Moreover, any organization - the user of Lotsia PDM PLUS can request and receive this setting for free for study and use. So for users, this is a direct saving of time and money. Time - due to typicality, money - due to the readiness of settings for implementation on their own and at minimal cost.

What exactly does the new version of the Lotsia PDM PLUS configuration for managing correspondence and organizational and administrative documentation include? If you simply list what is included in the setup, nothing special will be found. Yes, and no. The question is in the implementation and, attention (!), in the costs of maintenance. Therefore, it would be more correct to comment on some functions.

Let's start from the very beginning - the user menu. We implemented the user's menu in an enlarged way - in two versions. It may be convenient for the user to first select an operation: open, find, register, view the type of document (Fig. 1). Or maybe he wants to immediately access the document type and perform an operation with the selected type (Fig. 2).

The menu is tied to the user's profile, and it is possible that some of the users will be more comfortable with one menu, and others with another. Please use both menus.

But our menu customization example may involve more detailed user profiling. For example, only one or two people will be involved in the registration of documents. Then the corresponding items will “leave” the general menu and remain in the menu of registrars.

There are also more interesting options. If you look closely at the copies of the menu screens shown in the figures, you can see items such as "Registration Log ...". These are reports. Reports in Lotsia PDM PLUS are generated based on the data that has already been entered into the system. The method of building reports in terms of content and design can be different - this is determined when setting up a report in the built-in report generator (Fig. 3).

But for the end user, the most important thing is the ability to quickly navigate the displayed data. For this, a unique fast filtering mechanism was developed at one time. It is based on autofilters known to almost everyone. But we went further and implemented the ability to instantly filter the form by the specified field values: just press the Alt key and click on the value of one or more fields. This provides an unprecedented speed and convenience of visual data filtering. For example, a user wants to view all incoming letters from Buttercup JSC. He presses Alt and clicks on the word Buttercup. If he wants to filter by some other field, he additionally presses Ctrl. If you want to reset the filter, press Esc. Returning to autofilters, we note that users who do not like working with the keyboard can use the traditional way of marking filtered values ​​in the drop-down list with the mouse. It's just faster and more convenient with a keyboard, you can even add - more professional.

So, some users, having learned about the possibility of quick filtering, say that they don’t need anything else: they opened the report in the morning, and the whole day will only have to filter, getting the necessary information.

This is really convenient, given the possibility of building a huge variety of report forms. At the same time, all reports allow you to get more detailed information. Double-clicking on a row will show the user the full version of the document card. In addition, it is easy to implement and edit data directly in reports.

As for data entry, then, in relation to the subject under consideration, it is important to ensure speed. First of all, we are talking about the registration of documents: incoming and outgoing letters, orders, orders, memos, and secondly, about the comments of performers. The key points here are:

  • the button for calling the document registration window should always be “at hand”, in the menu, in the toolbar;
  • the information entered must be stored as quickly as possible. This is especially true when registering, for example, telephone messages;
  • the user should be spared as much as possible from manual input.

When developing the settings for managing correspondence and ORD in Lotsia PDM PLUS, due attention was paid to the speed of data entry and reliability. What does it mean? Let's explain with the example of the above key points:

  • the button for calling the document registration window is always available, no matter what Lotsia PDM PLUS window the user is working in. Moreover, you can call the document registration window with a shortcut from the desktop or from another folder, or from the taskbar;
  • the speed of information entry is ensured by only two required fields. Simply select the sender and enter a subject. The sender is selected from the directory, but the directory can be replenished on the fly, during the registration of an incoming document. When developing the procedure for replenishing the directory, the same principle of input speed was used;
  • the less the user makes input errors, the more complete the information in the reports will be and the higher the search speed. To minimize input errors, any possibilities are used to avoid keyboard input - checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists, selection boxes, directories.

Files of an incoming letter (Fig. 4) can be received in the usual way, as well as from a scanner or from an e-mail message. Lotsia PDM PLUS is integrated with TWAIN scanners and an email client is included in the basic package.

It is important to note here that the files of all documents are stored in secure storages and access to them for editing or viewing is possible only according to the settings of the Lotsia PDM PLUS security system. Without any exceptions. The history of access to each document file is maintained. And all user operations in the system, including logging into it, are logged in the most detailed way.

Outgoing documents can be registered (Fig. 5) either as initiative or as a response to incoming ones. In the same way, incoming letters can be registered as replies to outgoing ones. In such cases, the history of correspondence is automatically kept - the entire chain of letters is built in chronological order. Moreover, if the letter was originally sent to several recipients, then the responses from each of them are registered and automatically fall into the correspondence history.

Without a doubt, the possibility of automated generation of formalized documents with "blue" signatures and integration with office applications, which allows you to directly work and exchange information with Lotsia PDM PLUS, as well as automatically generate and save PDF files in Lotsia PDM PLUS, will be in great demand.

Resolutions can be imposed on incoming letters, instructions can be issued, and a responsible executor and co-executors can be appointed. The resolution and all instructions are displayed in the document structure (Fig. 6).

The built-in generator of reports and output forms provides the formation of logs of registration of incoming and outgoing documents for the selected period, and the report "Progress of execution of the document" (Fig. 7) shows the entire history of resolutions and instructions, the timing of their receipt, execution and comments of performers. Again, by double-clicking on a row in the report, the user is at least able to see the details of the data. There are many other options for handling double and single clicks on a row or on a specific field, so it makes no sense to describe them in detail here. We confine ourselves to the following thesis: everything is in the hands of the administrator. His own, not external. Is this not an indicator?

As for working with organizational and administrative documentation: orders, instructions, memos, here the work technology is similar, only the screen forms are different, corresponding to the type of document (Fig. 8-10).

It can be noted here that for orders in the document flow block, an approval procedure is provided.

In addition, all ORD documents can be linked to other ORD documents and correspondence, both as a basis and as a result (Fig. 11).

In pursuance of an order, orders can be issued, so this possibility is provided directly from the order form, while the order is automatically associated with the order as a subsequent document (Fig. 12).

All related documents are immediately displayed in the form and allow you to double-click to view detailed information.

Workflow in Lotsia PDM PLUS is a whole system of possibilities. Here we have incredible flexibility, achievable without programming, and unlimited branching by performers, and mechanisms for assigning access rights, statuses, and other attributes of information objects that are transparent to users.

In the basic setting for managing correspondence and ORD, we offer a universal route scheme that allows you to coordinate any documents (Fig. 13).

The peculiarity of this route is that any list of approvers in the required sequence is determined before being sent for approval, each approver can approve the document or issue any number of comments. At the same time, the system automatically controls the approval period by each participant and, after a specified number of working days after the receipt of the document for approval, reminds about the expiration of the period.

In this case, the reminder system uses the company's production calendar, which is generated annually in Lotsia PDM PLUS.

Thus, the new free setting Lotsia PDM PLUS for managing correspondence and ORD was created on the principles of maximizing the speed of data entry, monitoring execution and maintaining a list of current tasks for users. At the same time, the setting itself is open to improvement on its own, which significantly reduces the cost of implementing an already inexpensive system.

And, please, remember that correspondence management and ORD is only the beginning of a long and interesting journey, which Lotsia Soft will always help you take the shortest route in order to quickly move on to the effective implementation of technical document management and product data management tasks.

Implementation of EDMS: Experience of Zarubezhneft-Dobycha Kharyaga

Goals and objectives of the project

Situation before the start of the project

Solution architecture and scale

Project results

Brief description of the project

Zarubezhneft company - Mining Kharyaga" has implemented an electronic document management system based on the "1C: Document Management" solution. The system made it possible to unify the processes of processing office documents, automate the approval of contractual documentation and the formation and control of instructions. After the introduction of the EDMS, the time for searching for the necessary information and the total time for collective processing of documents was halved, and the efficiency of obtaining information increased significantly.


Zarubezhneft-dobycha Kharyaga is part of the Zarubezhneft group of companies. The company's staff is 350 people. Zarubezhneft-Dobycha Kharyaga is the operator of the Kharyaginskoye project and is developing the 2nd and 3rd objects of the Kharyaginskoye field under the terms of a production sharing agreement.

Goals and objectives of the project

The business goal of implementing an EDMS is Improving employee performance through:

  • increasing the efficiency of obtaining the necessary information;
  • increasing the transparency of business processes by automating document processing processes in accordance with specified routes;
  • unification of the processes of preparation, processing and movement of incoming, outgoing, internal, as well as contractual documents in electronic form;
  • automating the process of negotiating contractual documentation in accordance with the specified routes;
  • automation of the process of formation and control of orders;
  • streamlining the work of employees with documents: eliminating the possibility of losing versions of documents or crossing fragments during simultaneous work, improving the quality of the finished material and streamlining the work of users;
  • reducing the time of searching for the necessary information and the total time of collective processing of documents;
  • creating a closed loop of information exchange through integration with existing systems of the organization.

Tasks of implementing an electronic document management system:

  1. Optimize the work of employees.
  2. Implement data exchange mechanisms between the corporate management system, reference and related systems - a document management system, a unified accounting system based on the solution "1C: Holding Management", "1C: Payroll and Personnel Management", a system for controlling treasury operations.

Situation before the start of the project

“Earlier, the document flow in terms of office work and negotiation of the terms of contracts was carried out in paper form. There was no unification of corporate systems. This made it very difficult to exchange data quickly,” said Alexander Egorov, Deputy Head of the Department of Metrology, Automation, Communications and IT at Zarubezhneft-Production Kharyaga.

The situation was further complicated by the fact that the project to introduce an electronic document management system took place in the context of the formation of a new company. Prior to the start of the project, the company did not have a unified system for maintaining electronic document management. Business processes and work regulations were built and agreed upon at the time of project implementation.

Solution architecture and project scope

The automated electronic document management system is built on the basis of the 1C: Document Management solution. It integrates the solution with the corporate reference information management system. Also, to ensure the uniformity of data, the reference information of the corporate system for managing regulatory and reference information was synchronized with 1C: Holding Management, 1C: Salary and Human Resources Management and the treasury operations controlling system.

Through the electronic document management system (EDMS), access to directories of regulatory and reference information is provided through the subsystem of remote control of regulatory and reference information. It is possible to create a request in the system to add a new element to the regulatory reference information and replicate it to the system.

The exchange of data between the information systems of the company in terms of directories of the groups "Agreements", "Contractors", "Management Analytics", "Organizational and staffing structure" is provided.

The scheme of integration of the electronic document management system with other products

The following separate and structural divisions participated in the project:

  • Zarubezhneft-dobycha Kharyaga LLC (Moscow);
  • A separate subdivision of Zarubezhneft-dobycha Kharyaga LLC in the Komi Republic (Usinsk);
  • remote workplaces providing warehouse accounting in the field - in the Komi Republic (field sites).

Features and uniqueness of the project

During the implementation of the project, the activities of the separate subdivision Zarubezhneft-Production Kharyaga were automated, as well as remote workplaces - without a full-time presence at the workplace. Another feature of the project is that the electronic document management system was installed at the field itself in the village of Kharyaga.

The training, consulting and support of the employees of the enterprise was carried out completely remotely using video communication, which made it possible to reduce the costs of the project without affecting the quality of the services provided.

The capabilities of the system made it possible to solve the issues of automating labor-intensive repetitive operations, the efficiency and transparency of the reports received, and the creation of a single information space in the company. The system works with incoming and outgoing documents, with organizational and administrative documentation, with procurement and contractual documentation.

For managers, a personal interface has been developed that allows you to optimize work with incoming tasks and documents, as well as quickly control the work of employees. The form “Tasks for me” has been improved in the interface. When creating a subtask based on your own task, the created subtask is displayed on the form.

One of the features of the project is that an electronic document management system was installed at the field itself in the village of Kharyaga

Grouping of tasks by types (execution, approval) has been implemented, a color display of a new incoming task has been added, as well as the “New!” prefix. On the task form, active links to related documents, to visas by document, have been added. Improved the tab "Report on the execution of the task" on the form of the task with the ability to save the progress of the task.

In addition, when creating the system, the following improvements were made to the 1C: Document Management solution:

  1. Refinement of the register of contracts (universal report).
  2. The report “On the control of the ZNDKh” and the “Report on completed orders” were developed on the control orders of the General Director on the basis of documents.
  3. The mechanism for monitoring the execution of instructions has been improved. If the responsible executor fulfills his order and it is removed from control, then the order for co-executors is automatically completed.
  4. A report on the implementation of control orders from the General Director for the Deputy General Directors has been developed.
  5. Improved the "Issues of activity" command. If the setting is set, then the “Questions of activity” command will appear in the Regulatory and reference information section, and the field “Question of activity” will appear in the documents.
  6. Improved approval list for internal and outgoing documents.
  7. A report on the average duration of approval has been developed. The report is generated for a specified period, allows you to customize the hierarchy of information output and change the level of grouping from the deputy general director to department employees.
  8. In the printed form of the minutes of meetings, the ability to display the line "Noted" has been added.
  9. In the printed form of the protocol, automatic filling in of the registration number and date from the associated internal document was added, as well as automatic filling in of the details "Protocol number" and "Protocol date" in the event card.
  10. The form of tasks not accepted for execution has been improved. Added display for the executor of tasks on delegation of authority. The form allows you to see the tasks coming to the role or to a specific performer.
  11. The form of "Case (volume)" has been improved. Implemented the creation of links with internal documents using the "Permanent storage files" variable. Cases are closed automatically after the associated document is approved.
  12. Developed pop-up windows about the arrival of new tasks.
  13. An approval sheet has been developed in accordance with the template for the purchase requisition.
  14. An approval sheet has been developed in accordance with the template for an additional agreement and contract.
  15. A voting sheet has been developed in accordance with the template for the “Decision of the Tender Committee”.
  16. Added the ability to set the rights to save the list of approval results for a certain group of users in an editable format.
  17. In the "Events" block, the functionality for launching instructions according to protocols has been improved: A distinction has been made for launching control and non-control instructions depending on the type of event (internal meeting; meeting with the CEO).
  18. Implemented the ability to configure a ban on deleting a certain step in the template of a complex process before starting.
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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation