Indicators of competitiveness of the enterprise in the construction industry. Analysis of modern methods for assessing the competitiveness of construction enterprises. develop an action plan to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise OOO Technosfera


In a market economy, tough competition is the basis for the functioning of any enterprise. The level of competitiveness is the key to the efficiency of the enterprise and the growth of profitability of products.

To date, there is no single approach to assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise.

Analysis of the competitiveness of an enterprise is a choice, as well as the calculation and evaluation of various indicators and criteria that determine the efficiency of the enterprise, that is, create its competitiveness.

The following fundamental principles for determining competitiveness are distinguished:

  • 1. The principle of consistency, which is based on the integrity of the system, i.e. The actions of each individual element of the system affect the entire system as a whole.
  • 2. The principle of a comprehensive assessment. The basis of this principle is such a selection of a system of indicators that will allow a comprehensive assessment of all facets of the enterprise.
  • 3. Accounting for the specifics of the activity, which makes it possible to identify indicators characteristic of the industry in which the enterprise operates.
  • 4. The principle of information support. The enterprise must have reliable information in the amount necessary to calculate the selected indicators of competitiveness.
  • 5. The principle of continuity, the essence of which lies in the possibility of adjusting the necessary indicators, or adding additional ones in the process of obtaining new information about the enterprise under study.
  • 6. The sixth principle is the comparison of the organization's competitiveness indicators with those of competitors.

All of the above principles allow us to give a scientifically based assessment of the competitiveness of a construction company.

Since competitiveness is a relative indicator, then to determine it, indicators of the competitiveness of competing enterprises, or reference enterprises, are used. As a result of the fact that the analysis of similar indicators considered in this course work of competing enterprises is too laborious, the basis for comparing competitiveness will be the values ​​of calculated indicators recommended as reference ones in modern economic literature.

To assess the competitiveness of Technosfera LLC, we will use a combination of the following main elements:

Absolute liquidity ratio, is found as the ratio of cash and short-term financial investments to short-term liabilities. The value for this indicator should be from? 0.2 - 0.5, i.e. from 20% to 50% of short-term liabilities should be covered by the most liquid assets. The coefficient characterizes the ability of the enterprise to extinguish short-term obligations ahead of schedule.

The calculation of the absolute liquidity ratio for the entire analyzed period showed that the company is not able to cover its obligations with cash and short-term financial investments.

Quick liquidity ratio, is found as the ratio of cash and short-term financial investments to short-term liabilities (subject to full repayment of short-term receivables). The value for this indicator should be from? 0.7 - 1.0, i.e. from 70% to 100% of short-term liabilities should be covered by the most liquid assets.

The coefficient characterizes the ability of the enterprise to cover current liabilities in the event of difficulties with the sale of products.

Estimated data show that the company during 2008 and 2009 is able to meet the requirements of creditors for short-term obligations. But by the end of 2010, the company is no longer able to meet the requirements of creditors.

Current liquidity ratio, is found as the ratio of all current assets to short-term liabilities. The value for this indicator should be from? 2 - 2.5, i.e. current assets should be 2-2.5 times higher than short-term liabilities.

The calculation of the current liquidity ratio for the entire analyzed period shows that the indicator is declining without reaching the recommended value. This suggests that the company is not able to consistently and timely pay off its obligations.

Inventory liquidity ratio, is found as the ratio of inventories, excluding deferred expenses, to current liabilities. The value for this indicator should be from? 0.5 - 0.7, i.e. between 50% and 70% of the proceeds from inventory sold should cover short-term liabilities.

The calculation of this ratio showed that the company during the entire period is not able to pay current liabilities through the sale of reserves. For the analyzed period, the coefficient has a downward trend.

Total solvency ratio, is found as the ratio of all assets of the enterprise to all its liabilities. The value for this indicator should be? 2, i.e. assets must be at least twice the total liabilities of the enterprise.

The dynamics of the coefficient shows that this indicator has been growing since the beginning of the billing period, which has a positive effect on the overall solvency of the enterprise.

Autonomy ratio (equity concentration ratio), is calculated as the ratio of equity capital to all sources of funds of the enterprise. The standard value for this indicator is? 0.5. The ratio shows the share of own funds in the value of the property of the enterprise.

During the analyzed period, this ratio increased. But the increase was insignificant, and by the end of 2010 does not reach the normative value, which characterizes the enterprise as financially dependent on external sources of financing.

The autonomy coefficient is very important for an enterprise, because its high rate is a guarantee of obtaining investments and loans, as well as repayment of its obligations.

Debt to equity ratio, is calculated as the ratio of borrowed funds to equity capital. The value for this indicator should be? 1. The coefficient characterizes the amount of attracted funds per one ruble of equity capital.

Calculations show that for the entire analyzed period, the ratio of borrowed and own funds greatly exceeded the normative indicator, which characterizes the financial dependence of the enterprise on external sources.

The graph shows that the curve denoting the ratio of debt and equity has been declining over the period, which is a good sign for the company. This indicates that the situation at the enterprise is improving.

Working capital ratio with own funds, calculated as the ratio of own working capital to current assets. The standard value for this indicator should be? 0.1.

It can be seen from the calculations that the company had a sufficient amount of own working capital only in 2008. Starting from the end of 2009 and until the end of 2010, this indicator had a negative value, which is an indicator that the company does not have its own working capital, which means that all working capital is formed from borrowed sources.

Factor of maneuverability of own funds of the enterprise, is calculated as the ratio of own working capital to equity capital. The standard value for this indicator should be? 0.2-0.5.

The calculation of this ratio shows that before the beginning of 2009, the enterprise used most of its own capital to finance current activities. In 2009, this indicator drops to 30%, and from the end of this year to the end of 2010 it became negative. This suggests that equity capital is not enough to finance the current activities of the enterprise.

The coefficient of financial stability of the enterprise, is calculated as the ratio of equity and long-term liabilities to the asset. The value for this indicator should be? 0.75-0.9, i.e. at least 75-90% of equity and long-term liabilities should form the assets of the enterprise.

The financial stability of the enterprise for the entire analyzed period was below the recommended level, which means that there is a dependence of the enterprise on external sources of financing. This is evidenced by the increase in short-term receivables, lack of funds, growth in construction in progress.

None of the indicators of the analyzed period reached the recommended value. The negative dynamics of financial independence indicators characterizes the decline in financial stability.

We calculate the integral indicator of the competitiveness of the enterprise according to the following formula:

where Rij is an integral indicator of the market object under consideration and the reference enterprise; A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , ..., A ij - single indicators for assessing the competitiveness of the considered object of the market and the standard enterprise.

Based on the data obtained, we find the level of competitiveness of Technosfera LLC from the ratio of the obtained integral indicator of the analyzed enterprise and the enterprise taken as a standard:

At the beginning of 2008: 2.3/3.4 = 0.6

At the end of 2008/beginning of 2009: 2.4/3.4 = 0.7

At the end of 2009/beginning of 2010: 1.8/3.4 = 0.5

At the end of 2010: 1.6/3.4 = 0.4

  • 0? K? 0.4 - unsatisfactory;
  • 0.4? K? 0.7 - satisfactory;
  • 0.7? K? 0.8 - good;
  • 0.8? K? 1.0 - high level of competitiveness.

Figure 2.6 Dynamics of the level of competitiveness according to the scale of I. Ansoff

The calculation shows that the level of competitiveness of Technosfera LLC, for the period from 2008 to 2010, did not rise above a satisfactory level, and starting from the beginning of 2009, it began to decline and at the end of 2010 was at around 0.4, which, according to the scale I .Ansoff is unsatisfactory.

To increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, it is necessary to develop an action plan that will allow the organization to get out of this situation.

UDC 335.12:045.73


The article discusses the factors of competitiveness in construction, the formation of competitive advantages of a construction organization, ensuring the competitiveness of a construction organization at the operational, tactical and strategic levels.

Key words: competition, competitiveness, competitive advantages, factors of competitiveness, levels of competitiveness.

In modern economic conditions, one of the most important elements of market regulation is competition. The development of competitive relations is a necessary condition for the effective impact of market mechanisms on ensuring sustainable economic growth both at the level of the state and region, and at the level of a particular industry. According to the Law of the RSFSR No. 948-1 dated March 22, 1991 “On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activities in Commodity Markets”, competition is the competitiveness of economic entities, when their independent actions effectively limit the ability of each of them to unilaterally influence the general conditions for the circulation of goods on the corresponding commodity market. It is with competition in industries that modern scientists closely associate the concept of “competitiveness of an organization”. However, at present, there is no single definition of the term “competitiveness of an organization” and many authors interpret it differently.

Competitiveness is a dynamic category, and its mobility is primarily due to external factors, a significant part of which can be recognized as controllable parameters. Expressing the author's position, it should be noted that the competitiveness of an organization, including in the construction industry, is a set of properties and characteristics of management processes with all the resources available to the organization, which allow them to be rationally distributed and used as efficiently as possible, which ultimately ensures the development of the organization and its successful functioning in the markets of goods, capital and labor, taking into account the impact of factors of the external and internal environment.

The main factors determining the competitiveness of a construction organization are the following:

The quality of the construction work and services being carried out;

The level of management and staff qualifications;

The organization has an effective marketing system;

Technological level of construction production;

Availability of funding sources;

Availability of innovative solutions and developments in the field of construction;

tax environment.

Competitive advantages allow you to clarify those characteristics and properties of the work performed and the services provided, with the help of which the construction organization achieves superiority over competitors, and offers the best combination of consumer characteristics for customers and buyers. The specificity of the perception of the concept of "competitiveness" in construction lies in the fact that the investment and construction complex reveals its economic essence at the regional level. In this regard, the competitive environment is formed within the framework of the regional space. In addition, perfect competition is impossible in construction, since construction products cannot be the subject of mass demand and consumption. Price competition prevails in the market of construction works and services, which manifests itself in lowering the cost of construction and in the future receiving a larger amount of income.

The classification and content of internal factors of competitive advantages in construction are shown in fig. 1. In detail, competitive advantages in the course of the activities of a construction organization are expressed:

* © Barbarskaya M.N., 2012

Barbarskaya Marina Nikolaevna ( [email protected]), Department of Financial Management in Construction, Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 443001, Russian Federation, Samara, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 194.

Rice. 1. Classification of internal competitive advantages of a construction organization

In the volume of construction work and the timing of their construction;

In the cost of construction work;

As the construction work performed (including the compliance of the quality of the work performed with international quality standards of construction

research and production of competitive products that are in demand by the consumer);

In providing guarantees to customers and future users of the construction site;

In developing a set of measures to reduce the risks associated with the implementation of an investment and construction project;

In the effective management of financial, labor, material, technical and all other types of resources of the organization;

There is a well-established mechanism of external and internal corporate relations;

In the innovative potential of the organization;

In the presence of a long-term strategy that ensures the growth of the production activities of the construction organization and the positive dynamics of sales of construction products.

The competitiveness of an organization is initially determined by resource factors, but they are not enough to maintain leadership positions in the market. To do this, in the course of the organization's activities, it is necessary to develop mechanisms for managing resources and business processes that make it possible to effectively use existing competitive advantages and form new ones in order to maintain competitive positions in the occupied market segment.

The first stage of competitiveness assumes that the construction organization that has a significant amount of initial resource advantages and a high degree of endowment with production factors has success in the competitive struggle. At the second stage, in order to increase the level of competitiveness, the priority is the further development, strengthening and improvement of competitiveness factors. The prerequisites for their further development are legislation, infrastructure, information capabilities of the organization, the level of education of its employees, the possibility of introducing

introducing innovative solutions into its activities, etc. For the further development of competition in the third stage, the main role is played by modern technologies, innovative solutions, both in the production process and in the organization's management system, and investment opportunities.

The key characteristics of the organization's activities and approaches to assessing its competitiveness make it possible to determine the basic principles for ensuring the growth of the organization's competitiveness. Ensuring the competitiveness of a construction organization in modern market conditions should be carried out at three levels: operational, tactical and strategic. In this regard, ensuring competitiveness should be considered as a change in three successive stages, shown in Fig. 2.

At the operational level of ensuring competitiveness, the main emphasis is on ensuring the competitiveness of the construction products that the organization is engaged in. In the system of factors that determine the competitiveness of an organization, this factor is given one of the key places. At the tactical level, the competitiveness of an organization is determined by a comprehensive assessment of its financial and economic activities. The strategic level of competitiveness is characterized by investment attractiveness and is focused on increasing the value of the organization's business.

Levels of competitiveness Operative Competitiveness of construction products - Indicators of competitiveness of construction products *■ Expert, qualimetric, complex assessment methods

Tactical +■ General state of the organization Comprehensive assessment of the state of the organization Methods for a comprehensive assessment of the financial and economic activities of the organization

Strategic -* Investment attractiveness * Increasing the value of the organization ■> Comparative, costly, profitable, option methods of valuation of the organization

Rice. 2. The scheme of formation of the competitiveness of the organization

Thus, the implementation of each of the levels forms certain competitive advantages of the construction organization, which underlie its successful activity in the market. But in order to strengthen a certain competitive status, strive to improve it, and maximize the profitability of an organization, such a process as retaining competitive advantages is important.

The period of retention of competitive advantages depends on three factors:

First, from the source of the formation of a certain competitive advantage;

Secondly, on the number of sources of competitive advantages available to the company;

Thirdly, and most importantly, from the constant modernization and improvement of the production and other activities of the organization.

Ultimately, in order to maintain and improve its competitiveness, an organization needs to improve competitive advantages, increase the range of their sources, strive to establish long-term advantages that will be more difficult to copy by competitors. The list of sources for providing competitive advantages of any order is significant, but it is primarily formed at the expense of the organization's labor resources. Thus, the main bearer of abilities in an organization is a person: he sets in motion all production and organizational

mechanisms, it is he who plays the main role in creating and using the competitive advantages of the organization. The very definition of "competitiveness" implies a static character, and a person brings the necessary dynamics into it, forcing it to serve his needs and interests.

Bibliographic list

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activities in Commodity Markets” dated March 22, 1991 No. 948-1. (as amended on July 26, 2006)

2. Mazilkina E.I., Panichkina T.G. Competitiveness management: textbook. M.: Ome-ga-L, 2007. 325 p.

3. Kozlova E.G. Development of human potential as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of business structures: dis. ... cand. economy Sciences. M., 2006. 172 p.

4. Chernikov A.B. Planning for the development of enterprise competitiveness // Bulletin of the Moscow University (Ser. 6: Economics). 2007. No. 3. S. 57-66.

5. Akhtyamov M.K., Likholetov V.V. Models of competitiveness of an organization in the light of a systematic approach // Problems of modern economics. 2009. No. 1 (29): electronic scientific journal. URL:

6. Tolstobrov M.Yu. Influence of the human factor on the competitiveness of the organization // Samizdat: electronic journal. 2003. URL: shtml.


The article deals with some factors of competitiveness in civil engineering, problems of forming of competitive advantages of a building organization, ensuring competitiveness of a building organization at operating, tactical and strategic levels.

Key words: competition, competitiveness, competitive advantages, factors of competitiveness, levels of competitiveness.

* Barbarskaya Marina Nikolaevna ( [email protected]), the Dept. of Financial Management in Civil Engineering, Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Samara, 443001, Russian Federation.

The goal is to determine the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The task is to assess the relative competitive position of the enterprise.

The enterprise and its competitors are evaluated and conclusions are drawn on the basis of this. To study competitiveness, the main tool in the work of an enterprise is necessary - management.

The Stroyinvest group of companies is one of the most advanced construction companies in the construction market of the Perm Territory. It is a member of the Association of Builders of Russia on the company's account, the implementation of many of the largest projects in Perm. Also in cooperation with foreign investors, a high degree of customer satisfaction, vast experience in the implementation of large, technically complex facilities, the availability of its own material and information base. The company has one of the highest levels in the development of IT technologies in the city - the production base, offices and facilities under construction are integrated into a local network. Information exchange takes place instantly, using modern software, coordination of design and management decisions is accelerated at times. The quality of fabrication of metal structures is the highest in the Perm Territory, this conclusion was made when looking for partners to carry out a large order, today in the Perm Territory there is no plant capable of competing with the Stroyinvest plant. Developed design divisions are another significant advantage of Stroyinvest LLC.

Industry characteristics.

The goal is to assess the working conditions of the enterprise, determine the nature and strength of competitors and draw conclusions.

The competitive advantages of an industry are in many ways similar to the competitive advantages of enterprises in the industry. In each region, enterprises advertise their competitive advantages in the Internet media and participate in exhibitions and tenders to attract investment in the region's industries.

  • 1. Market size. Own market share is one of the most important factors. Stroyinvest has a significant market share and many regular customers who prefer Stroyinvest when conducting tenders. The company is constantly increasing its market share: negotiations are underway with potential new customers, taking part in tenders, and cooperating with partner competitors.
  • 2. Degree of competition. Stroyinvest Group of Companies competes with enterprises in Perm, the Perm Territory and companies from other regions.

Market growth rates and life cycle phases.

GC "Stroyinvest" is in the stage of "maturity". The enterprise is sufficiently developed for the Perm market. The company is developing dynamically in Perm, but since 2010, orders have been received from other regions of the country for design work and metal fabrication services, which opens up new markets for the company and allows the company to grow further.

  • 4. Number of competitors and their relative size. The number of large competitors at the enterprise is small (Recon, Trust No. 7, Promtekh), the number of small ones is much larger (various small construction companies).
  • 5. Barriers to market entry. There are barriers to entry to the market, but the company offers a full range of services from design to commissioning, which saves the customer from unnecessary functions and unforeseen costs during the implementation of the project. There are three main competitors on the market capable of performing a full range of services on their own: Recon, Trust No. 7, Stroyinvest. Access to the market for enterprises - newcomers is difficult.
  • 6. Degree of diversification. The company designs, manufactures building structures, using modern equipment with machine-building precision in the factory, which ensures high speed of construction, the quality of metal structures is the highest in the Perm Territory. The company offers different ways of construction, taking into account the wishes of the customer and the technical features of the building.

The study of the industry and its economic features showed that the Stroyinvest group of companies has a significant market share and successfully competes with enterprises in Perm and the Perm Territory. The stability, efficiency and competitiveness of an enterprise depends on the functioning of individual sectors of the region's infrastructure.

Analysis of the magnitude of the forces of competition (Porter's five forces model).

The five forces determine profitability because they affect prices, costs, and investment.

Competition among existing businesses.

It is the most powerful force. The company has both large "Recon", Trust No. 7, and small competitors (various small construction companies). The main competitors of the company are intra-industry competitors who perform similar work, both on their own and as a general contractor. To increase competitiveness, the company chooses an offensive strategy.

The goal is to gain and maintain competitive advantages.

The company's offensive strategy is carried out in two directions:

1. Attack on the strengths of competitors.

The goal is the possibility of obtaining market share by superiority over the strengths of weaker competitors or by nullifying the competitive advantages of one or more competitors, namely the promotion of design services using a metal frame.

2. Attack on the weaknesses of competitors.

The goal is to increase the speed of construction, in metal frame construction there is great potential for the development of this direction.

There is a tough fight between the main competitors: Recon, Trust No. 7, Stroyinvest. They conduct various marketing researches, participate in construction exhibitions and tenders. Weak competitors (various small construction companies) are defeated by the Stroyinvest group of companies due to its superiority (high speed of construction, high quality of structures, a wide range of services, a reputable brand, the ability to start work without advance payments, at the expense of its own resources).

The strength of the competition of potential newcomers.

If the enterprise is small, then it is difficult for it to enter the market, as there are barriers to entry into the market. There are the following market entry barriers:

  • Economies of scale (the company increases the market share necessary to achieve competitiveness);
  • Warnings to the customer that the novice company will not be able to perform the work efficiently and on time;
  • · capital needs, since the organization of the construction process and the maintenance of the organization itself, significant capital, and customers in 40% of cases prefer to work without advance payments;
  • · Administrative resource Large companies have a powerful administrative resource, using which it becomes almost impossible for newcomers to enter the company.

The threat of new competitors reduces the overall profitability potential because they seek market share. Despite the barriers, large enterprises can enter the market and compete with existing companies. The company is studying the barriers that can stop or prevent a potential newcomer from entering the market, and it erects these barriers.

The strength of the competition of goods - substitutes (construction technologies).

The availability of substitute products limits the price that the firm asks, otherwise high prices will induce the buyer to turn to the substitute. There are companies on the market that offer construction using their own technologies, for example, Recon specializes in the construction of a monolithic reinforced concrete frame, Trest 7 on precast concrete. Therefore, the company should try to create all conditions for consumers to prefer technology using a metal frame, emphasizing that all structures are manufactured in the factory, and not at the construction site, as is the case with monolithic construction. This improves the quality, increases the speed of construction, the buildings are lighter, which provides for savings on foundations, while constantly increasing the speed of frame production by modernizing the production process.

Supplier competition.

There are many suppliers on the market today. Therefore, the company carefully selects suppliers. The stability and profitability of the enterprise depends on the correct choice of supplier. The price of supply of materials, their quality, the form of payment, the guarantee of completeness depend on the suppliers. Due to the large volumes of purchases of goods by the enterprise, suppliers, competing with each other, reduce the price, while the quality of materials remains the same. The Purchasing Service is a separate division of the company, which deals with the work with suppliers and their careful selection. Tenders are held between them, which allows you to purchase materials and structures on the most favorable terms. Permanent suppliers, being confident in the financial position of the enterprise, supply goods without advance payment with deferred payments so that there is no cash gap. Tenders are also held between organizations for the performance of narrow-profile works (installation of engineering networks, landscaping, etc.), which helps to save money during the implementation of the project, and monitor prices in the market for these services. The service also maintains a list of unscrupulous counterparties violating the terms and agreements in the provision of services and goods. The Procurement Service actively cooperates with Metalinvest, the RukkiRus Structural Plant, Stroypanelkomplekt, ZhBK-1, the Ural Steel Industrial Company, etc.

Buyer power.

The company understands that the main buyers are developing companies that count on a speedy return of invested funds in the form of profits from constructed facilities, and often (if construction is carried out at existing production facilities) without stopping their activities. Therefore, the company prioritizes the speed of construction and is fully trying to adjust its work to the client's work schedule in order to influence his processes as little as possible. Great attention is paid to the image of the company in the implementation of projects, in particular: the culture of production, the degree of equipment of the company's employees with tools and equipment, the appearance of workers and engineering and technical workers. Each object has a mobile headquarters equipped with modern office equipment for holding meetings, both with customers and for internal operatives, cameras are also installed at the objects and through a local network, both the customer and the management can see the work in real time. As a result of such persistent and thorough work on its image, Stroyinvest enjoys a reputation and preference among most customers.

Another significant criterion for clients is the absence of unforeseen costs during construction (additional work), since large enterprises approve budgets long before the start of construction, Stroyinvest strives to ensure that the preliminary cost of the project is final.

After analyzing the forces of competition, it is possible to identify the key success factors that have a direct impact on the profitability of the company. The next step in the analysis of the company in the formation of a strategy to increase competition will be the identification of strengths and weaknesses, which will be discussed in the next section.

SWOT - analysis of Stroyinvest LLC.

When developing strategic plans for the enterprise, it uses SWOT analysis.

The purpose and objectives of SWOT - analysis.

The starting point for a detailed analysis is the SWOT analysis, one of the most common types of analysis in strategic management. SWOT analysis allows you to identify and structure strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential opportunities and threats. This is achieved by comparing the internal strengths and weaknesses of their enterprise with the opportunities that the market gives them. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is made about the direction in which the enterprise should develop its business.

The purpose of the SWOT analysis is to formulate the main directions for the development of the enterprise through the systematization of the available information about the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as potential opportunities and threats.

Tasks of the SWOT-analysis:

  • identify strengths and weaknesses in comparison with competitors;
  • identify opportunities and threats in the external environment;
  • link strengths and weaknesses to opportunities and threats;
  • · to formulate the main directions of development of the enterprise.

To conduct a SWOT analysis, the necessary information is first collected from all available sources: internal information, market overview, competitor advertising, magazine articles, the Internet. The result of collecting information gives a clear, clear idea of ​​the opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

Elements of the internal environment: strengths and weaknesses. Under the strengths and weaknesses can hide a wide variety of aspects of the enterprise.

The first step in a SWOT analysis is to assess your own strengths. The first stage will allow you to determine what are the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

Strengths of the company:

  • 1. High technical level of the enterprise:
    • a) high-tech production (plasma installations, anti-corrosion treatment section);
    • b) high quality of work performed;
    • c) qualified working personnel;
    • d) a highly developed design direction (two design departments) allows designing several objects at the same time, and design is the first stage of construction, usually a design contract is followed by a construction contract, as this reduces the burden on the customer in coordinating actions and increases the level of responsibility of the contractor.
  • 2. A stable financial position. Stroyinvest Group of Companies has a stable financial position:
    • a) The company has regular customers in the face of large enterprises, as the company constantly receives new orders. At the same time, several large and many small projects are under construction in Perm and the Perm Territory;
    • b) timely payment of taxes, timely payment of wages to employees of the enterprise and other payments;
    • c) Established reporting system BDR notifies managers of the performance and financial position of their units.
  • 3. Well-known name "Stroyinvest".

The company has successfully implemented many technically complex, large-scale projects in Perm and has a strong reputation among regional and foreign investors.

The marketing service collects and processes the information necessary to receive new orders and attract potential customers, maintain relationships with regular customers, promote the Stroyinvest brand through the media, the Internet, exhibitions, and participate in tenders.

  • 4. High professional level of employees. The company has many employees who have many years of experience in the construction industry and are highly qualified, and the share of young energetic specialists and managers is also increasing in the company. Everyone who comes to the company receives a stable salary and the opportunity to move up the career ladder. Training sessions are held for employees to improve their professional skills. Also, every six months, certification is carried out (testing the knowledge of employees). This company has paid vacation and sick leave. For the successful operation of the enterprise, systems of stimulation and motivation of labor are used. The level of salary in the company is above the average among construction companies in the Perm Territory.
  • 5. The organization of management reporting allows you to overcome crises with the least losses and increase the pace after they pass.

Weaknesses of the company.

  • 1. "Turnover" of personnel. "Turnover" of personnel exists in any construction company. To improve the efficiency of the enterprise, it is necessary to reduce the "turnover" of personnel. The "fluidity" of personnel in the management team leads to constant changes in the work of the enterprise. This does not always have a beneficial effect on the development of the company. "Turnover" of personnel occurs and among the lower level, because of this, the efficiency of the enterprise is reduced. The reason for the "fluidity" of staff can also be a difficult work schedule.
  • 2. There is no PTO department that connects the design department with the designers, as a result of which, the frequent mistakes of the designers lead to additional costs during construction and damage the company's reputation.
  • 3. The high cost of manufactured structures due to production costs that can be avoided and high management costs that can be reduced with an increase in the volume of work.
  • 4. Blurred boundaries of responsibility between departments.

The second step of the SWOT analysis is a kind of “reconnaissance of the area” market assessment. This stage gives an assessment of the situation outside the enterprise and understand what opportunities exist, as well as what threats should be feared (and, accordingly, prepare for them in advance).

Elements of the external environment: opportunities and threats. Opportunities and threats are outside the organization's control.

Enterprise Capabilities:

  • 1. Possibility of access to new markets or segments (see Table 2.2.). The company has the opportunity to receive orders for the design and manufacture of metal structures from other regions.
  • 2. Emergence of new market segments (see Table 2.3.). The company does not stand still, but is constantly in search of new market segments and provides new ways to make a profit by providing new services, the technology of frameless construction of hangars, which are in increasing demand, has been mastered, a UMM site has been created that provides equipment and mechanisms and equipment for rent to third parties. The management plans to master the segment of housing construction.
  • 3. Increase in demand (see Table 2.4.). As a result of increased investment in the development of many enterprises in the Perm Territory, where the enterprise has already proven itself: Novomet-Perm, Henkel-Pemos, Sirial-Partners, Turbogaz, Permskaya Yarmarka, Perm Meat Processing Plant, construction of the Oris plant and others, the number and volume of orders from the company is increasing, since Stroyinvest is their main contractor has a good reputation in most of them, and a positive reputation in other enterprises is the second criterion (after cost) by which the investor chooses a company to carry out their development plans.
  • 4. Leaving the market or weakening the positions of competitors on it (see Table 2.5.). The company will be able to take advantage of this opportunity in the weakening of the positions of only small competitors. The company is unable to change the positions of its main competitors.
  • 5. Increasing the general scientific and technical level of development of the industry in which the enterprise operates (see Table 2.6.) And the huge potential of construction using metal structures, which is still gaining momentum, the use of metal frame construction in residential construction.
  • 6. Receipt of orders from other regions (see Table 2.7.).

Opportunity Matrix

For a successful analysis of the enterprise environment, the SWOT method - analysis not only reveals the threats and opportunities of the enterprise, but evaluates their impact on the enterprise strategy.

Table 2.2. Ability to access new markets or segments

The CC field - an opportunity is of great importance for the enterprise, and it must be used. Opening to present their products in other regions through suppliers (feedback), top management contacts, tracking news in the construction industry in more interesting regions, exhibitions, etc.

Table 2.3. Emergence of new market segments

The BC field - the opportunity is of great importance, and it must be used. In addition to the main activity of the construction of buildings and structures, the company carries out orders for the implementation of specialized services and it is necessary to develop this area by developing projects for more efficient use of the company's available resources, this attracts additional orders to the company and makes the company more financially stable, as it provides for a variety of sources of financing .

Table 2.4. Increasing demand for products

The BC field - an opportunity is of great importance for the enterprise, and it must be used. An enterprise, having received large orders, will be able to simultaneously carry out a number of internal investment projects that will increase its competitiveness: reorganization of the design company, modernization of the production base (automation of production), which will increase productivity and reduce production costs, improve the construction process, using new technologies in construction management, while strengthening positions of Stroyinvest in these enterprises.

Table 2.5. Leaving the market or weakening the position of competitors on it

HC field - the opportunity can be used if the enterprise has enough resources. Enterprises will be able to take advantage of this opportunity if only small competitors are weakened. The company is unable to change the positions of its main competitors.

Table 2.6. Increasing the overall scientific and technical level of development of the industry

CC field - the opportunity can be used if the enterprise has enough resources. Having a strong design direction, the company can develop and market pre-fabricated high-rise buildings for residential and commercial purposes using ready-made modular structures, which will increase the speed of construction, and therefore significantly reduce the cost per square meter - which will be a sharp leap forward from competitors, since there will be two The main advantages of Stroyinvest are construction speed (return on investment) and price.

Table 2.7. Receipt of orders from other regions

CC field - the opportunity can be used if the enterprise has enough resources. Given that orders from other regions are already coming in and the high degree of customer satisfaction suggests further cooperation and recommendations for other potential customers, new lucrative contracts are possible. The heads of departments that have the opportunity to perform these services - these are design departments and a steel structure manufacturing plant - need to work on loading and developing their departments.

Enterprise Threats:

  • 1. The appearance of competitors on the market (see Table 2.9.). There are a large number of construction companies in Perm and the Perm Territory that are engaged in the same activities as the Stroyinvest group of companies. There are many small enterprises on the market and they do not pose a big threat, the number of large competitors for the enterprise is small. If the quality of the company's products is worse than others, then the company may lose a consumer. Competition is one of the main problems, and even more so for such a large enterprise as the Stroyinvest group of companies. The company needs to maintain its image through advertising, actively cooperate with suppliers, promote the brand, improve the quality and speed of services provided, immediately respond to customer comments, and improve technical equipment. Of course, the enterprise does a lot to maintain its reputation, but it is necessary to develop new ways of developing the enterprise. If the company's image improves, it will be able to attract new customers, skilled workers, as well as stop the "turnover" of personnel (good personnel can go to competitors) and improve the performance of competing enterprises. The threat of the emergence of new major competitors from other regions is also great. Therefore, the enterprise needs to control this threat.
  • 2. Changes in legislation and regulations in construction (see Table 2.10).
  • 3. Losses in tenders due to price cuts by competitors (see Table 2.11).
  • 4. Delays and poor-quality work performed by subcontractors (see Table 2.12).
  • 5. Additional requirements for the quality characteristics of products (see Table 2.13). Any consumer is concerned about the problem of product quality. Therefore, the company should especially monitor the quality of services provided and manufactured products.

Threat Matrix.

The matrix is ​​compiled to assess threats (Table 2.8.).

Table 2.8. Threat Matrix

Threats that fall on the fields:

  • 1. BP, VK and SR - pose a very great danger to the enterprise and require immediate and mandatory elimination.
  • 2. BT, SC and HP - should be in the field of view of top management and be eliminated as a matter of priority.
  • 3. NK, ST and VL - require a careful and responsible approach to eliminate them.
  • 4. NT, SL and NL - you should also observe them and carefully monitor their development.

Table 2.9. Entry into the market of competitors

This threat can lead to two results. ST field - the threat requires a careful and responsible approach to eliminate them. A strong competitor may appear on the market, which can compete with the enterprise. SL field - you should also observe the threat and carefully monitor its development.

Table 2.10. Legislative change

Field ST - the threat should be in the field of view of top management and be eliminated as a matter of priority. Changes in regulations can cause serious problems if they are not taken into account in the design in a timely manner and lead to litigation, costs and damage to the company's image. Building code requirements are constantly changing and require careful study.

Table 2.11. Losses in tenders

Field HT - the threat must be in the field of view of senior management and must be eliminated immediately. Some construction companies that are underutilized set dumping prices for the construction of objects that do not provide for profit, and sometimes work at a loss to keep the enterprises afloat or underestimate the real cost of the project. In the event of a loss, a company partnership is offered to the winner.

Table 2.12. Delays and poor-quality work performed by specialized organizations

VL field - this threat can damage the company's image. Poorly performed work ends in litigation or additional costs. It is necessary to identify a group of the most conscientious contractors who already have a positive reputation in Stroyinvest and a number of jointly implemented projects that are interested in further cooperation. Between these main players to hold closed tenders. New members are invited only after a thorough study of fixed assets and work experience.

Table 2.13. Product quality requirements

HT field - you should also observe the threat and carefully monitor its development. Any consumer is concerned about the problem of product quality. In order to prevent a threat to the enterprise, it is especially necessary to monitor the quality of services and products. The company needs to pay special attention to quality control of design work, and work performed directly at the facility.

Based on the results, the main stages of development are determined. The criteria are the following:

  • The significance for the enterprise of this strength and weakness;
  • The significance for the enterprise of this opportunity and threat.

In general, the company is working successfully. He has strengths that allow the enterprise to operate efficiently. For example, a high technical level is modern equipment, own production, information support and qualified personnel. Another strong point is the brand Stroyinvest, the company has a serious reputation and extensive experience. A significant advantage over small competitors is the financial stability of the enterprise, a company leading the construction of several large projects can temporarily finance the construction of one project at the expense of proceeds from another. This allows not to stop the construction process, if the investor has formal financial difficulties, which turns into a serious problem for small competitors and their customers. With the help of these strengths, the company has the opportunity to weaken the position of smaller enterprises - competitors and strengthen its position (expansion in its market and entering a new market).

Like any enterprise, Stroyinvest has its weaknesses. For example, this is the "fluidity" of personnel. This problem makes the strong position of the enterprise weak. Good staff can go to competitors. And this is no longer a weakness for the enterprise, but a threat. Also, as a result of the “fluidity” of personnel at the enterprise, the enterprise loses qualified personnel. Availability of qualified personnel is the strength of the company. As a result of the "fluidity" of personnel, the enterprise loses its strong side and acquires a weak one.

The enterprise has the opportunity to form new business units focused on the development and implementation of modern technologies in construction and specialized areas in its core business. In addition to the main activity of capital construction, the technology for erecting frameless hangar-type structures was mastered and consistently receives orders throughout the Perm Territory, since this direction has a high profitability and has a significant advantage over analog technology.

But the company may lose this opportunity, because the enterprise has a threat - this is competition. Competitors may occupy vacant niches, and the company may lose the opportunity to expand its market share. Therefore, special attention should be paid to quality.

Competition is a very big threat to the enterprise. Having considered and analyzed the external environment and the internal environment of the enterprise, it is necessary to draw the main conclusions on this topic.

The internal environment of the enterprise requires the attention of management. The internal and external environment are interconnected and interact with each other. Changing one of them to a certain extent affects the other. Positive indicators of the internal environment may not necessarily lead to the efficiency of the enterprise, if there are negative indicators in the external environment, and vice versa. The internal well-being of the enterprise depends on the external environment, and their interaction contributes to the achievement of the overall goals of the organization. The success of an enterprise depends on the external environment of the organization, without which the life cycle of any enterprise is impossible. The leader must take into account the external environment. Factors that have an immediate impact on the enterprise, refer to the environment of direct impact, the rest of the factors - to the environment of indirect impact. The external environment has properties of complexity and uncertainty.

Assessment of relative competitive position.

The strategic group consists of enterprises competing with each other: OJSC "Trest No. 7" and LLC "Stroyinvest". These two enterprises are characterized by similar approaches to competition and occupy approximately equal positions in this market.

Enterprises competing with each other: Stroyinvest LLC, Rekon LLC, Trust No. 7 OJSC and Promtekh LLC (see Table 2.14).

Criteria: price, quality, speed of construction, service. Five criteria were used in this competitiveness assessment method.

Table 2.14. Assessment of relative competitive position

Principles: 5 points.

2 - much better than ours;

1 - better;

  • 0 - also;
  • -1 - worse;
  • -2 is much worse.

An assessment of the relative competitive position of the enterprise showed Stroyinvest LLC and Trest No. 7 OJSC are on an equal footing, Rekon LLC and Promtekh LLC are inferior in some criteria.

The above analysis made it possible to identify the general directions of development in the construction market of the Perm Territory, and the SWOT analysis outlined the possible prospects for the company's development.

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Department of Economics and Road Management

Assessment of the competitiveness of a construction industry enterprise

Explanatory note to the course work


Work manager

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Korotaev D.N.

I've done the work

student of group EUD-09E2

Nersesyan A.V.


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy (SibADI)"

Department of Economics and Road Management


on term paper

in the discipline “Management. Management in road construction»

Student: Anna V. Nersesyan

1. Theme of work: Assessment of the competitiveness of the enterprise in the construction industry

2. Deadline for the student to submit the completed work: 05/18/2013

3. Initial data for work: according to option No. 12

4. The content of the settlement and explanatory note (list of issues to be developed)






5. List of graphic material (with mandatory drawings) _____________

6. Date of issue of the task 09.03.2013

Head: Korotaev D.N. ___________________________________

The task was accepted for execution: 03/09/2013

Student's signature


1. Calculation of the efficiency of the production activity of the enterprise

1.1 Profitability of products

1.2 Return on assets

1.3 Labor productivity

1.4. wage-to-living wage ratio

2. Calculation of indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise

3. Analysis of the influence of factors on the change in profit

4. Calculation of the competitiveness of the enterprise

5. Reserves for increasing competitiveness and developing a strategy for ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise


Bibliographic list


Management (from English Manage) - a type of activity to guide people to achieve a specific goal when using the labor of intellect and motivating people's behavior, taking into account the definition of their activities; the process of expedient impact on groups of people for organizing and coordinating activities in the production process; a type of activity that transforms an unorganized crowd into an efficient, productive and purposeful group.

The main goal is to make a profit. Tasks: 1. definition of specific goals 2. identification of specific goals 3. development of an enterprise strategy 4. determination of the necessary resources and the source of their provision. 5. control over the fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

External environment of the organization of indirect influence - political factors, socio-cultural factors, the state of the economy, international events and other factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on operations, but nevertheless affect them.

External environment of the organization with direct impact - suppliers, workforce, laws and government regulations, customers, competitors and other factors that directly affect the operations of the organization and are directly affected by the operations of the organization.

The internal environment of the organization - part of the overall environment, located within the organization: - human resources;

Technical resources.

Commercial resources;

Financial resources.

In general, the entire organization consists of several levels of management and various departments that are interconnected. This is called the structure of the organization. All departments of the organization can be attributed to one or another functional area. The functional area refers to the work done for the organization as a whole: marketing, manufacturing, finance, etc.

Hierarchical type of management structures - each lower level is controlled by a higher level and is subordinate to it.

Linear organizational structure - one leader concentrates in his hands the management of the entire set of processes that have a common goal.

The line-headquarters structure includes specialized units (headquarters) that do not have the right to make decisions and manage any subordinate units, but only help the relevant leader in performing certain functions, primarily the functions of strategic planning and analysis

Divisional management structure - the key figures in the management of organizations with a divisional structure are no longer the heads of functional departments, but managers who head production departments (divisions). A division is a large structural subdivision of an enterprise, which has great independence due to the inclusion of all necessary services.

The matrix organizational structure consists of the basic basic structures of the "circle" type. Such structures are rarely permanent, but are mainly formed within the enterprise for the rapid introduction of several innovations at the same time.

1. Calculation of the efficiency of the production activity of the enterprise

1.1 Profitability of products

The profitability of all sold products gives an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the current costs of the enterprise and the profitability of products sold. The profitability of all sold products is determined by the ratio of profit from sales to sales proceeds.

Conclusion: in 2012 the enterprise is more profitable

1.2 Return on assets

This indicator allows you to judge how much production in monetary terms per 1 ruble of fixed production assets, that is, it characterizes the efficiency of using the fixed assets of the enterprise.

Conclusion: In 2011, the company used its fixed assets more efficiently.

1.3 Capital intensity

The capital intensity is the value, the return of capital productivity and characterizes the cost of OPF per unit of production.

Conclusion: In 2012, the enterprise has a higher cost of OPF per unit of production

1.4 Labor productivity

Labor productivity depends on the level of automation and mechanization of production, on the use of high-performance equipment with little or no waste technological processes, and on the timely performance of their functions by personnel. This indicator reflects the efficiency of the organization and use of labor force. It is defined as the ratio of sales proceeds to the average number of production personnel.

Conclusion: The efficiency of the organization and use of labor force is higher in 2012.

1.5 Wage-to-living wage ratio

This indicator indicates the interest of enterprises in stimulating employees. The higher this indicator, the greater the interest of employees in labor efficiency, and the higher their motivation to achieve better results.

Conclusion: In 2012, the interest of employees in labor efficiency is higher, and, consequently, the motivation to achieve better results.

The main indicators are presented in the form of table 1.

Table 1

Economic indicator

Reporting period

Previous period





Sales proceeds (thousand rubles)

Profit from sales

Average annual cost of OPF (thousand rubles)

Average number of production workers (persons)

Average salary

Product profitability, %

return on assets

capital intensity

Labor productivity

2. Calculation of indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise

Under the financial condition of the enterprise refers to the ability of the enterprise to finance its activities. It is characterized by the availability of financial resources necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise, the expediency of their placement and the efficiency of their use, financial relations with other legal entities, as well as solvency and financial stability.

In market conditions, when the economic activity of the enterprise and its development is carried out at the expense of self-financing. and in case of insufficiency of own financial resources - at the expense of borrowed funds. An important characteristic is the financial condition of the enterprise. which is largely related to the overall capital structure of the organization and its dependence on creditors.

Indicators of the financial condition characterize the structure of assets, the level of borrowed capital and the organization's ability to service debt. Among the indicators characterizing the financial condition of the organization are:

a) autonomy coefficient;

b) financial stability ratio;

c) funding ratio;

d) financial risk ratio.

2.1 Calculation of the autonomy coefficient

The autonomy coefficient shows what part of the total capital of the organization is own funds, i.e. independence of the organization from borrowed sources of funds. The higher the value of this indicator, the more financially stable, stable and independent of external creditors the organization is.

The autonomy coefficient must be >0.5

Conclusion: both in the previous and in the reporting period, the organization is independent of borrowed funds and in 2012 the organization is more independent of borrowed funds.

2.2 Calculation of the financial stability ratio

The financial stability ratio shows what part of the total capital is own funds and funds received from sustainable sources. The growth of this indicator means an increase in the share of own funds in financing the enterprise. If its value is 1, it means that the owners fully finance their enterprise.

The financial stability ratio should be >0.7.

Conclusion: In 2012 the organization is more stable.

2.3 Calculation of the funding ratio

The financing ratio shows which part of the activity is financed by own funds and which by borrowed funds.

Conclusion: Since >1, then the company's equity shows all costs. The most stable enterprise in 2012.

2.4 Calculation of the financial risk ratio

The financial risk ratio is calculated as the ratio of borrowed capital to equity and shows how much borrowed funds are attracted per 1 ruble. own funds invested in assets.

Conclusion: in 2012 the company is more independent of borrowed funds.

According to the calculated indicators, we form the final table 2.

table 2

Economic indicator

Reporting period

Previous period

Absolute deviation



Autonomy coefficient

Financial stability ratio

Funding ratio

Financial risk ratio

2.5 Calculation of balance sheet liquidity indicators

The balance is considered liquid if its condition allows, due to the rapid sale of funds on the asset, to show term liabilities on the liability. At the same time, the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet are divided into 4 groups:

GROUP A1- includes the most liquid assets. Consists of cash and short-term financial investments.

GROUP A2 - includes quickly realizable assets, the conversion of which into cash takes a short time. These include goods shipped, receivables with a maturity of up to 12 months. The liquidity of this group depends on the demand for products and their competitiveness. forms of calculation, timeliness of shipment, etc.

GROUP A3 - slow-moving assets. These include inventories, work in progress, finished goods, and goods that take a significant amount of time to turn into cash.

GROUP A4 - hard-to-sell assets. These include fixed assets. long-term financial investments.

There are also 4 groups in the liabilities side of the balance sheet:

GROUP P1 - the most urgent obligations that must be repaid during the current month (accounts payable)

GROUP P2 - medium-term liabilities with a maturity of up to 1 year (loans and credits)

GROUP P3 - long-term liabilities (long-term bank loans 5-10 years).

GROUP P4 - equity capital at the disposal of the organization.

The balance is considered absolutely liquid if A1? P1, A2? P2, A3? P3, A4? P4.

The results of the calculation will be entered in the table.

Table 3

Previous period

Reporting period

Asset group

Previous period

Reporting period

2011 2012

A1> P1 A1> P1

A2>P2 A2> P2

A3> P3 A3> P3

A4< П4 А4< П4

Conclusion: The balance is considered liquid, since the company has enough funds to pay off obligations.

1) Current liquidity ratio (coverage ratio) - characterizes the overall assessment of the liquidity of assets and shows the extent to which current accounts payable are secured by current assets. Since the enterprise repays short-term liabilities mainly at the expense of current assets, then, therefore, if current assets exceed current liabilities in value, the enterprise is considered to be successfully functioning.

Conclusion: >1, therefore, the company covers its liabilities with current assets. The enterprise functioned more successfully in 2011.

2) Quick liquidity ratio (quick liquidity) - is an intermediate ratio and shows what part can be repaid with current assets minus reserves. Calculated according to the formula:

Conclusion: In accordance with the obtained quick liquidity ratios, the enterprise functioned more efficiently in 2011.

3) Absolute liquidity ratio - shows what part of short-term liabilities can be, if necessary, repaid immediately. It is determined by the ratio of the most liquid assets to short-term liabilities. This ratio is the most stringent criterion for the solvency of an enterprise.

Conclusion: In accordance with the obtained absolute liquidity ratios, the company was more solvent in 2011.

Calculations of indicators will be presented in table 4

Table 4

Since the values ​​of the obtained indicators are greater. than the recommended values, it can be concluded that the company's financial resources were used inefficiently.

3. Analysis of the influence of factors on the change in profit

We calculate the influence of factors:

1) Change in sales volumes

To determine the influence of this factor, it is necessary to determine the implementation of the plan in terms of sales volume, based on their identical prices:

In the future, the planned profit from sales should be adjusted by % overfulfillment by sales volume:

Consequently, the overfulfillment of the plan in terms of sales volume increased the profit from sales by 0.4 thousand rubles.

2) Changing the range of sales

2-2-0.4 = -0.4 thousand rubles

Consequently, the change in the range of sales led to a decrease in profit by 0.4 thousand rubles.

3) Change in cost of goods sold

4-2= +2 thousand rubles

Consequently, the cost of goods sold in the reporting year increased by 2 thousand rubles, thereby reducing the profit from sales by the same amount.

4) Change in selling expenses

2-1= +1 thousand rubles

Consequently, an increase in selling expenses led to a decrease in sales profit by 1 thousand rubles.

5) Change in management costs

2-1= +1 thousand rubles

Consequently, the growth of management expenses in the reporting period reduced the sales profit by 1 thousand rubles.

6) Change in prices for products sold

9-6= +3 thousand rubles

Consequently, the increase in prices for products in the reporting period led to an increase in sales profit by 3 thousand rubles.

7) Determine the balance of factors that influenced the change in sales profit

0.4-0.4-2-1-1+3= -1 thousand rubles

Conclusion: A change in the factors indicated in the table led to a decrease in profit by 1 thousand rubles

4. Calculation of the competitiveness of the enterprise

Analysis of competitiveness is carried out according to the main indicators of the enterprise. For this you need:

1) Select 3-5 competing enterprises that perform similar types of work or produce similar products;

2) Select 3-5 indicators characterizing the activities of the enterprise;

3) Using a matrix approach, evaluate the indicators of competitiveness;

4) Draw conclusions.

2. In each row of the table, we divide the values ​​of competitiveness indicators by the maximum value of each row.

3. We add the indicators by columns:

DRSU-10: (0.625+0.06+0.44)/=0.38

DRSU-11: (1+0.05+0.59)/ 3=0.55

JSC "DRSU-12": (0.056+0.07+0.18)/3=0.102

ZAO Magistral: (0.006+1+1)/3=0.67

Intermediate conclusion: the organization ZAO "Magistral" has the maximum value of the indicator, in this regard, it is the most


4. The final calculation of competitiveness, taking into account the significance of competitiveness indicators:

Conclusion: The expert method for assessing competitiveness showed that the most competitive at a given level of significance of indicators is the organization CJSC "Magistral"

5. Reserves for increasing competitiveness and developing a strategy for ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise

A reserve is understood as an essential circumstance in some process, phenomenon; a source from which specially saved resources are drawn in case of a special need for their use. Potential opportunities for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise are associated with the elimination of irrational losses of available resources and unused opportunities in the market situation, since these losses are due to the irrational use of the entire potential of the enterprise in the conditions of existing production; conditions of a particular environment of a particular market; socio-economic and political situation in the world and the country. Competitiveness reserves are unused opportunities to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise, concluded in the whole set of factors and, on this basis, to reduce the cost of living labor per unit of created consumer value.

The most important groups of enterprise competitiveness reserves:

Reserves for the use of the market situation;

Reserves for the use of the organizational potential of the enterprise;

Reserves for the use of the production and technological potential of the enterprise;

Reserves for the use of the financial and economic potential of the enterprise;

Reserves for the use of the personnel potential of the enterprise.

To create a competitive enterprise, it is necessary not only to modernize production and management, but also to clearly know why this is being done, what goal should be achieved. The main thing in this case should be one thing: the ability to determine, quickly and effectively use in

compete with their comparative advantages. All efforts must be directed to the development of those aspects that distinguish the enterprise from potential and real competitors.

The development of an enterprise competitiveness strategy has two main goals:

1) efficient distribution and use of resources (internal strategy). It is planned to use limited resources such as capital, technology, people. In addition, the conquest of new markets and exit from unwanted markets is carried out;

2) adaptation to environmental conditions. The task is to ensure effective adaptation to changes in external factors (economic changes, political factors, etc.).

3) In economic theory, how many types of basic strategies are distinguished:

4) - limited growth. This strategy is used by most organizations in established industries with stable technology. With a limited growth strategy, development goals are set from “achieved” and adjusted for changing conditions (for example, inflation);

5) - growth. This strategy is most often used in dynamic enterprises with rapidly changing technology. It is characterized by the establishment of an annual significant excess of the level of development over the level of development of the previous year;

6) - reduction or last resort strategy. This strategy is the least frequently chosen by organizations. It is characterized by setting goals below the level achieved in the past. The reduction strategy is resorted to when the performance of the organization acquires a steady downward trend and no measures change this trend;

7) - combined strategy. This strategy is any combination of the strategies discussed - limited growth, growth and contraction. The combined strategy is most often followed by large organizations that are active in several industries.

8) Each of the above strategies is a basic strategy, which in turn has many alternatives.


As a result of the course work, the efficiency of the production activities of CJSC "Magistral" (profitability of products, capital productivity, labor productivity), indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise (autonomy coefficient, financial stability ratio, financing ratio, financial risk ratio, balance liquidity indicators) were calculated, an analysis was carried out the influence of factors on the change in profits, a general assessment of competitiveness is given, reserves for increasing competitiveness and strategies for ensuring the competitiveness of the organization CJSC "Magistral" are identified.

Bibliographic list

Porter M.E. Competition. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Williams", 2000. - 495 p.

Fatkhutdinov R.A. Competitiveness of an organization in a crisis: economics, marketing, management. - M., 2002.

Yudanov A.Yu. Competition: theory and practice: Study.-pract. allowance. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2001.

Lifits I.M. Formation and assessment of the competitiveness of goods and services. - M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2004. - 335 p.

Matantsev A.N. Strategy, tactics and practice of marketing. - M.: Lawyer, 2002. - 378 p.

Marketing in construction./Ed. I.S. Stepanova, V.Ya. Shaitanova - M.: UNITI, 2004. - 375 p.

Methods of financial analysis / A.D. Sheremet, R.S. Saifulin. - M.: INFRA-M, 1996. - 176 p.

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When assessing the level of competitiveness of construction enterprises, the following tasks should be consistently solved:

  • 1. Formulation of the ultimate goal of assessing the competitiveness of construction enterprises;
  • 2. Formation of criteria (indicators) for assessing competitiveness;
  • 3. Collection of primary information necessary for the assessment;
  • 4. Calculation of the current level (rating) of the competitiveness of construction enterprises;
  • 5. Determining the patterns of changes in the competitiveness of the enterprise in the study period;
  • 6. Identification of "weak spots" that reduce the competitiveness of the enterprise;
  • 7. Determination of directions and reserves for increasing the competitiveness of the object of study;
  • 8. Practical implementation of the planned activities.

The ultimate goal of assessing the competitiveness of construction companies may be different. In accordance with the goal, the tasks that need to be solved in order to achieve the goal will also change. These may include: determining the competitiveness rating of a construction company in order to identify the share it occupies in the market; identification of "weak points" of the enterprise, to improve the identified indicators; comparison of the company's activities with the "main competitor".

In accordance with the objectives of the study, the assessment of the competitiveness of a construction company can be determined as of a certain point in time (assessment of the static state of competitiveness), as well as over a certain period of time (assessment of competitiveness in dynamics). According to the degree of detail of the study, the assessment of competitiveness can be carried out superficially (according to several available generalizing indicators), or in detail (according to all indicators of the activity of an economic entity). The choice of methods for assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise depends primarily on the tasks facing the study. Often used is the option when several methods for assessing competitiveness are used at once, thereby forming a comprehensive assessment of competitiveness. It was noted above that there are many methodological and methodological approaches to assessing the competitiveness of construction enterprises, but the problem of developing a methodology and an analytical apparatus for building models is still relevant.

After determining the objectives of the study and choosing methodological tools for assessing the competitiveness of construction enterprises, researchers are faced with the problem of forming indicators (criteria) of competitiveness.

The formation of competitiveness indicators in this study refers to their creation, organization, grouping and determination of calculation methods (formulas). In the action of various indicators (criteria) that form the competitiveness of a construction company, both their distinctive features and the features of a construction company and construction products are manifested.

In the scientific literature, as the main tool for identifying (development) indicators of competitiveness, an approach is used that combines various elements of supply and demand parameters, analysis of the competitive environment (competitors), production and financial indicators.

When conducting a practical assessment of the competitiveness of construction enterprises, a researcher developing competitiveness indicators should take into account the following factors: features of construction products and enterprises; the specifics of the market in which the researched enterprise and its competitors act; the purpose of the study of competitiveness (the main objectives of the study are given above).

When determining the competitiveness rating, in order to identify the place occupied by an enterprise in the market, the researcher may encounter difficulties associated with the limited availability of the necessary data on the total sales volume in each segment and information on the sales volume of the main competitors. To determine market share, global marketing agencies offer 10 main methods:

  • 1. Retail audit - measuring the relative share of sales of various products using sales data from a representative sample of retail stores.
  • 2. Diary consumer panel - using a constant sample of respondents (panel), with the help of a diary (records + checks and receipts) all purchases made by panel participants are recorded. The data obtained are translated into relative shares of sales of goods - market shares.
  • 3. The scanner panel is similar to the previous method, except for the method of fixing purchases. In this case, the respondents are given an identification card (or the respondent's credit card is used).
  • 4. Preference survey - Respondents are directly asked what products and how often they buy - the frequency of purchases is multiplied by the average purchase.
  • 5. Paired survey of preferences - pairs of brands are compared, from which the respondent must choose one.
  • 6. Spying on the personnel of competitors - knowing approximately the productivity of labor in the industry and the number of workers employed in the production of the main competitors, one can estimate the production volumes of competitors by multiplying labor productivity by the number of workers.
  • 7. Spying on raw materials - knowing the cost of raw materials per unit of production and the volume of purchases of raw materials by competitors, it is possible to estimate the production volumes of competitors by dividing the volume of purchases of raw materials by the cost of raw materials per 1 unit of production.
  • 8. Spying on Waste Material Disposal - Knowing the average waste material yield per unit of product and the volumes of industrial waste of competitors, it is possible to calculate the volume of production of competitors by dividing the volume of industrial waste by waste per unit of product.
  • 9. Direct espionage - finding out the volume of production of competitors.
  • 10. Tax espionage - obtaining classified data from the tax authorities. In domestic realities, it is of little use, since the tax inspectorate does not always know the whole truth.

Based on the essence of the methods presented above, indicators (groups of indicators) of competitiveness are easily formed.

Before the formation of indicators (criteria) of competitiveness, it is advisable to rank them in order to identify the most significant classification features. For example, such indicators can be ranked depending on the scope of their manifestation (financial, industrial, market, etc.), according to the stages of the life cycle of manufactured products (operational, constructive, technological, etc.).

When determining the "bottlenecks of the enterprise", as well as in order to improve the identified indicators, as a rule, complex groupings (classifications) of competitiveness indicators are formed. In this case, as a rule, all aspects of the enterprise's activity are covered: production, financial, service indicators.

To compare the activities of an enterprise with its main competitors, any of the methods and classifications listed above can be used. At the same time, the choice of indicators, as a rule, depends on what information the enterprise under study can obtain about its competitors.

After determining the set of studied indicators of competitiveness, the object of study proceeds to the next stage: the collection of information necessary for the assessment.

The completeness and reliability of the collected information serves as a guarantee for the objectivity of conclusions about the competitiveness of the objects under consideration. Essentially, this is about competitive intelligence.

Each company needs to think over the organization of a system for collecting information about competitors, take care of its effectiveness. Each employee of the company should not only understand, serve and strive to satisfy customers - he should be interested in obtaining information about the actions of competitors and transferring it to authorities or to a specially formed interdisciplinary team. There are usually four steps involved in building a competitive surveillance system:

  • Creation of the system. The first step is to determine the vital types of competitive information, identify its sources and appoint a system manager (this stage is implemented when setting the research objectives given above).
  • Data collection. Data is collected on an ongoing basis in the "field" (sales personnel, distribution channels, suppliers), comes from employees of competitors. Although the proposed information gathering techniques are completely legal, some techniques are ethically questionable.
  • Evaluation and analysis of information. Data are checked for validity and reliability, interpreted and systematized.
  • Dissemination of information and responses. Key information is sent to the appropriate authorized persons or in response to requests from managers.

Company managers with an organized monitoring system receive timely information about competitors from special bulletins, information sheets and reports 1 . Managers may also contact the Surveillance Department when they need help assessing a competitor's unexpected move, need information about a competitor's strengths and weaknesses, or when they want to discuss a competitor's possible reaction to certain company moves. In small firms that do not have the ability to create a competitor watch service, employees should be appointed to analyze the actions of the main competitors so that any manager who needs relevant information can contact an in-house expert at any time. A well-organized competitor monitoring system makes it easier to develop a company's competitive strategy. In addition, customer perceived value analysis can be very effective in identifying a company's strengths and weaknesses relative to its competitors.

After collecting primary information, the current level (rating) of the competitiveness of the research object is determined. There are many methods and guidelines for assessing the competitiveness of construction enterprises, the study of which will be carried out in the next paragraph of this study. Here we note that, in contrast to the concept of competitiveness, level (rating) competitiveness can be clearly defined.

Determining the level (rating) of competitiveness (the choice of methods and methodological provisions for assessing competitiveness) should be based on the goals and objectives set for such an assessment, the formed indicators (criteria) of competitiveness, as well as the volume and quality of the collected information necessary for such an assessment. In some cases, the assessment of the level (rating) of competitiveness can be carried out using several methods (as a rule, this is possible only in the case of a large amount of information available about competitors).

The results of the assessment should be focused on solving subsequent tasks, i.e. identifying patterns of changes in competitiveness, identifying bottlenecks, etc.

Determining the patterns of changes in the competitiveness of an enterprise in the study period should reveal the dynamics of the competitiveness rating. The correct definition of the causes of changes in the level of competitiveness allows the management of the enterprise to develop sound management decisions.

At the same time, even the positive dynamics of changes in the level of competitiveness may not always mean favorable prospects for the enterprise in the near short and long term. Therefore, the next step in determining the level of competitiveness of a construction company should be to identify "bottlenecks" that reduce the competitiveness of the enterprise.

It seems obvious that the assessment of the competitiveness of a construction company is necessary and is carried out not so much to determine some numerical indicator or value, but to identify its advantages and disadvantages in terms of competition in the occupied market, elimination of the latter and development of the former.

First of all, the reliability of such a study depends on the chosen methodology for assessing competitiveness. It has already been noted above that there are a lot of such methods. But to identify "bottlenecks", first of all, multifactorial methods and methodological provisions should be used.

With the help of such methods, first of all, it is necessary to localize the causes of low competitiveness. The elimination of such causes is the main goal of assessing the competitiveness of construction enterprises.

The objectivity of assessing the obtained level of competitiveness, which can be achieved through the correct choice of methods and techniques for assessing competitiveness, as well as the reliability of information obtained at the third level, is of paramount importance.

After the weaknesses of the enterprise that prevent it from taking a strong competitive position in the market have been identified, the most important stage is implemented: determining the directions and reserves for increasing the competitiveness of the object of study.

This stage can be divided into several sub-stages:

  • 1. Determination of directions for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise (based on the above identification of "bottlenecks");
  • 2. Assessment of the existing reserves of the enterprise and the possibility of attracting them from outside; 3. Development of a plan to improve the competitiveness of the research object.

Let's take a closer look at each of these sub-steps.

The organizational directions for increasing the competitiveness of the object of study include:

  • direct influence on the consumer through marketing methods;
  • improving the quality of manufactured products and their technical characteristics, taking into account the requirements of consumers and competitors' proposals;
  • reduction in the cost of manufactured products;
  • orientation of the enterprise to the production of products;
  • differentiation of production for the production of new goods and services;
  • proposal of new areas for the use of manufactured products;
  • change in the system of incentives for suppliers. Improving the system of after-sales service of goods sold.

The listed directions are not exhaustive, and can be supplemented depending on the nature of the identified "bottlenecks" at the previous stage of assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise. In addition, all measures can be recommended for use both individually and in their various combinations.

After the first sub-stage (determining the directions for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise), it is necessary to determine the possibilities and implementation available for the object of study, first of all, we are talking about the availability of the necessary resources.

In general, all reserves for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise can be classified into five large groups: personnel reserves; taking advantage of favorable market conditions; organizational and managerial potential of the enterprise; production and technological capabilities of the enterprise; financial-investment-economic reserves of the enterprise.

Under the personnel reserves, first of all, one should understand the increase in the productivity of the organization's personnel, since with the high existing level of manufacturability of construction production, there are always opportunities for a qualitative improvement in the use of working time by improving the skills of personnel and reducing production and non-production losses of working time.

The use of a favorable market situation implies a prompt response of the enterprise to the emergence of new tax benefits; reserves for receiving state subsidies, investments, subsidies, credits and loans; insurance of certain risky activities; accounting and use of the legislative and regulatory system. This group of reserves should first of all be identified by the marketing service of the enterprise.

The organizational and managerial potential of an enterprise is understood as the possibility of using its scientific and technical reserves, which make it possible to resist innovations that appear on the market, as well as other non-price aspects of the enterprise's activities.

The production and technological capabilities of an enterprise are determined by the use of the main production means of labor available to it. The high level of market development in industrially-technologically developed countries has led to the fact that an enterprise cannot obtain significant competitive advantages due to only material and financial factors due to their fundamental general availability.

Financial-investment-economic reserves of the enterprise, first of all, should ensure the fulfillment of the previous groups of reserves to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. Here, first of all, the financial stability of the enterprise, the availability of its own free funds, as well as the possibility of attracting investment and credit resources should be assessed.

After determining the directions for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise and identifying the resources available for their implementation, a plan is developed to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. Such a plan must be drawn up with a degree of accuracy that is compatible with the uncertainty of future activities, both of the object of study and its competitors. At the same time, increasing competitiveness can be considered a systemic task, which implies the complexity of its implementation. The content of the plan must include the following elements:

  • 1. Description of specific problems and directions for their solution.
  • 2. Sources of funding for the developed activities.
  • 3. Calendar schedule for the implementation of the planned work.
  • 4. Indicators of achieving the set goals and objectives.

In fact, the plan for improving competitiveness is a business plan, the features and methods of drawing up of which are widely considered in foreign and domestic scientific literature, therefore, in the framework of this work, the author sees no reason to focus on this problem.

The final stage in assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise is the practical implementation of measures to improve it. After the implementation of the planned plan, it is necessary to re-assess the competitiveness of the enterprise in order to identify the effect obtained. And this raises the question of the need regular assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise, since only by studying it in dynamics, we can talk about ensuring competitiveness. The developed sequence for assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise can be represented as a conceptual diagram (Fig. 71).

  • Marketing / Under. ed. A.M. Nemchina, D.V. Minaev. - St. Petersburg: Business Press, 2001. P. 21.
  • ©, 2022
    Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation