Business for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Method of planting seeds. Plant care. Garter, watering and top dressing


When it comes to essential products that people will buy at any time of the year and under any economic conditions, then food will take the lead. It means only one thing. The production and / or sale of food products is one of the best niches for creating your own business. For example, year-round cultivation of strawberries and their further sale to supermarkets or through their own outlet. This business, especially in winter, is extremely profitable, since strawberries (as, indeed, all summer “greens”) are sold at a very high price (200-500 rubles per kilogram, depending on the region).

Today we will once again touch upon the topic of the agricultural business and talk about growing tomatoes in greenhouses (naturally, we are primarily interested in the winter and spring periods) and their further implementation. But, before we move on to organizational issues, let's see why this business is very promising?

Why is it profitable to grow tomatoes?

If you are a frequent visitor to supermarkets or ordinary grocery stores, then you probably noticed that the prices for vegetables, fruits and herbs change very much, depending on the season. For example, in spring, watermelons cost 150-200 rubles per kilogram. Because they are very hard to find. Not a season. But at the end of August, the cost of the largest berry in the world drops to 4-5 rubles per kilogram. That is, 30-50 times! Approximately the same situation with the heroes of today's material - tomatoes. In summer and early autumn, the cost of tomatoes is only 10-20 rubles per kilogram. In regions where they are especially common, the cost can be even lower. But in winter and spring, as if by the blink of a magic wand, the prices for these beautiful and incredibly tasty fruits skyrocket. 100-150 rubles is far from the limit.

The main paradox is this. While the prices of off-season vegetables are creeping up, their palatability is rapidly creeping down. You probably noticed that in winter and spring, most often, tomatoes are on sale that have no taste, no smell, no color.

Why is this happening?

From the fact that large producers usually care more about the quantity of grown products, and not about their consumer qualities. If tomatoes were grown on soil rich in all kinds of nitrates. The latter, in turn, have little in common with real fertilizers (vermicompost), which give tomatoes a rich taste and aroma. After all, nitrates are obtained in the process of the action of nitric acid on salts, oxides, metals and hydroxides. Due to their ability to dissolve in ordinary water, these substances (the more common name for many is saltpeter) are widely used to “fertilize” the soil on which all kinds of crops grow. That is why the consumer qualities of such vegetables (and this applies not only to tomatoes) tend to zero.

On the one hand, this is bad. But on the other hand, a great opportunity opens up for conscientious producers who are ready to approach the process of growing tomatoes as responsibly as possible. And offer the consumer a natural, tasty and healthy product.

How to start a business growing tomatoes in greenhouses?

First of all, you need a suitable area. If you live in a rural area and you have your own plot of land, there are no problems. Also lucky are those who live in the city, but have their own house in the village (or just a cottage) with a small plot of land. If you do not have all this, then you will have to rent land.

In no case should you contact agencies that offer search services for land and real estate for rent. It is best to contact the land owners personally. Thus, you can rent someone's garden at a very attractive price. And even more than that. Some rural residents have already lost the habit of working "on the ground" and are ready to give their garden for free rent. As long as the tenant takes care of the plot (because they themselves, due to employment or ordinary laziness, do not have the opportunity to do it for him).

The next stage is the construction of the greenhouse. Of course, in the summer you can do without it. But even in the summer it is better to play it safe. After all, sometimes the weather can bring another surprise. For example, a strong hail that can destroy the entire crop. The greenhouse can be made on its own or you can order a finished design. The cost of polycarbonate greenhouses (we advise you to forget about structures made of frame and plastic film) starts at 15 thousand rubles. For this money (for example, the company) you can purchase a structure measuring 4x2.5x1.6 m (length, width, height). A large greenhouse, 10x4x2.2 m in size, will cost you about 90-100 thousand rubles. But on such an area (40 sq. M.) You can grow a large number of tomatoes.

In order to grow tomatoes in greenhouses almost all year round, it is necessary to maintain optimal conditions at any time of the year. It will not be possible to cope with the means of a greenhouse alone, since it is necessary to maintain an internal microclimate. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase and install a heating, air conditioning and water supply system.

Next, you need a quality fertilizer. After all, fast growth and high quality of finished products depend on it. The best option is biohumus. The cost is 10-30 rubles per kilogram. The amount depends on the area of ​​the greenhouse. If you are building a greenhouse in a closed area, then in addition to fertilizer, you will need a large amount of soil. You can choose the optimal soil for growing certain tomatoes by studying the forums of gardeners and gardeners. All these questions are hotly discussed there. And we move on.

The process of growing tomatoes in greenhouses

Tomato seedlings (as soon as the sprouts reach 20 cm in height) in pots are planted in a greenhouse as follows. Wide holes are made with a depth of about ten centimeters, a recess is made in them to the height and width of the pot with seedlings. Seedlings are placed directly in the pot in this inner hole and filled up to the bottom of a wide recess. After 11-13 days, the upper hole is covered with earth. It should be noted that for better plant growth, they are planted at a distance of about 50 cm from each other.

A trellis about two meters high is installed along the entire length of the beds. It is necessary for tying up plants that grow very quickly and need support (after all, under the weight of the fruit, they can easily break). The first two weeks, the plants are not watered so that they do not grow.

A month and a half after planting, the lower leaves of the plants are gradually removed (3 leaves once a week) to eliminate the risk of infection with diseases. After the appearance of the first flowers, they need to be pollinated. This is done very simply by gently shaking the plant. After that, the flowers are moistened with a spray bottle of water.

The first harvest is taken 2-2.5 months after planting. During the fruiting period, 10-25 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one square meter (depending on climatic conditions and plant variety).

Ways to sell finished products

As soon as hundreds of kilograms of tomatoes are in your hands, it's time to think about selling them. What paths exist? We have included some of the possible options in the following list:

  • Various supermarkets and shops in your city. This is one of the easiest ways, but it cannot be called the most profitable. After all, large stores buy all the necessary products at very low wholesale prices. And you will either have to reduce the cost, or look for other ways to implement it.
  • Opening your own point of sale. This is not about a store, but about a regular point in the market. Firstly, this way you can interest more people. After all, everyone has long known that more natural vegetables and fruits are sold in the markets than in supermarkets (where everything is beautiful, but rarely tasty).
  • Selling tomatoes online. Why not. This is the same point of sale, only virtual. The difficulty lies in the creation and some promotion of a regional site. After all, you must tie it to your region.
  • Another interesting way (well known in the West, but not common here) is sending tomatoes by subscription. You recruit a certain number of "subscribers" (for example, 20 people) who wish to receive one box of selected tomatoes every two weeks. They pay the cost of a subscription (for the fruiting period of tomatoes or for a year). And you send them two boxes of tomatoes every month for free. This is very convenient for both you and your customers. You know that all products will be sold. Your client knows that there will always be fresh natural tomatoes on his table.

The most important thing in the business of growing tomatoes in greenhouses is to stay true to your principles to the end. After all, you, for sure, more than once will come up with the idea that you can save. Save on fertilizer and grow low-quality, although very beautiful fruits. That's just who can be deceived in this way - it is not clear. After all, a client who once bought such tomatoes will never return to the seller. Take care of your customers and they will take care of your wallet.

This is a product that occupies a leading position in the market. Its production and sale is one of the most profitable business niches. Therefore, a novice businessman should think about how to open his own business, how to grow tomatoes, harvesting a good harvest for sale. This business has its own nuances, which we will discuss below.

Visiting supermarkets, you can see that at different times of the year the prices for tomatoes differ significantly.

In summer and early autumn, tomatoes cost from 40 to 60 rubles. per kilogram. Their price is much lower in the regions of traditional cultivation. In winter and spring, the price of tomatoes increases significantly to 120-200 rubles.

At the same time, the consumer qualities of this tasty product are rapidly declining, since manufacturers are only interested in increasing the volume of the product produced. In winter and spring, tomatoes are tasteless, pale, and have no characteristic odor.

That's why conscientious tomato growers are in a great position to offer quality products to consumers by making a plan for growing tomatoes in greenhouses. By relying on quality, it will be possible to successfully implement this product.

How to start a greenhouse business

1. First you need to find a suitable place and rent land, a garden at a very favorable price.

2. Then you need to build a greenhouse. You can purchase a ready-made design or it can be made on your own. Manufacturers offer polycarbonate sheet greenhouses of various sizes at prices ranging from 20 to 110 thousand rubles. An area of ​​about 50 m² allows you to grow tomatoes for sale.

3. To ensure accelerated growth and grow high-quality tomatoes, you need to take care of the soil and fertilizers. Biohumus is considered one of the most popular, the price of which is from 10 to 30 rubles. for 1kg.

Technology of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

  1. As soon as the height of the seedlings reaches 20 cm, it can be planted in a peat pot in wide holes no closer than 50 cm to each other. Their sizes are made taking into account the dimensions that are filled in the hole without disturbing the clod of earth.
  2. To provide support for fast-growing tomatoes with fruits, a trellis up to 2 m high is installed.
  3. During the first two weeks, tomatoes should not be watered so that a powerful bush does not form.
  4. 45 days after planting, the leaves at the bottom of the plants should be gradually removed to prevent pest infestation.
  5. When the first flowers appear, pollination should be done by gently shaking the plant and moistening it with water using a spray bottle.
  6. Already 60-70 days after planting, it will be possible to harvest. During the fruiting period, 1 m² can produce from 10 to 25 kg of tomatoes.

How to sell finished products

Ways to sell finished products can be different:

1. Retail outlets are willing to buy such products.

2. You can open your own points of sale in the market. Over time, you may have regular customers.

3. If you create and promote your website, you can sell tomatoes in the virtual space. The difficulty will lie in the promotion of the site in your region.

4. In civilized countries, sale by subscription is common, when consumers pay for a long period of time to receive goods at a specified frequency.

How profitable is this business

If 1 m² can produce up to 25 kg of tomatoes within 2 months, and the wholesale price of a kilogram of tomatoes is from 30 rubles, then for one fruiting period the profit from 1 m² is 750 rubles.

The average greenhouse, which occupies 50 m², generates an income of 75,000 rubles during the season from January to April. Taking into account the costs of heat, fertilizers, water, the net income will be about 65,000 - 68,000 rubles per greenhouse.

If you decide to go into this business, you need to remember the main thing. You can create a competitive product only by taking care of its quality. In this business, it will not be possible to save on fertilizers and equipment. Because this is a sure way to lose a customer.

If you take care of your target customers, they will help you to decently replenish your wallet, as it is a very profitable business.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Tomato is one of the most popular vegetables eaten. Cucumbers can compare with it in popularity. But man began to grow tomatoes relatively recently, if we take Western culture, of course. Tomatoes, along with potatoes and chocolate, were adopted by Europeans from the Indians, in particular from the Aztecs, who for a long time cultivated those plants that were known in Europe, but were not used in cooking. The word tomato itself is Aztec, showing the origin of this juicy red fruit. The word tomato used in colloquial speech refers to the fruit of the tomato plant (and is translated from Italian as "golden apple"). In general, calling a tomato a vegetable is not entirely correct; from a botanical point of view, its fruits are berries.

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This crop is a perennial plant (although there are also annual varieties) of the Solánum lycopérsicum species, which is actually grown only for its fruits. Tomatoes used to be considered generally poisonous, but today they are considered an important part of the diet. But people eat them primarily due to their taste, so a quality tomato should be not only healthy, but also tasty. To establish the production cultivation of huge quantities of tomatoes, you need to build special greenhouses that are set up to maximize the yield of the plant (often to the detriment of quality characteristics), but first you can organize a business for growing tomatoes in your backyard. If a farmer is already working with several crops, then tomatoes will fit perfectly into a diversified farm and become a small source of income. The advantage is that it is not difficult to find distribution channels, tomatoes are not only an ingredient in many dishes, but also the basis of many products, such as: juices, ketchups, sauces.

A good product will always be sold, and today it is especially important to offer a good product directly to the consumer, because most agronomists are engaged in increasing productivity. Nitrogen fertilizers have a good effect on the growth of tomatoes, they increase the size of the fruits and their number. But at the same time, nitrates accumulate in them, which people do not want to eat with tomatoes. If you manage to grow tasty and free from harmful substances, you can gain a competitive advantage over many producers. The main thing in this case will be to convince the consumer that the grown tomato is really safe.

If tomatoes become the first cultivated crop, then the registration of a business entity will be required to sell them in large quantities. Tomatoes in small batches can be sold without taxation by registering your personal subsidiary plot (PSP). But this is not an entrepreneurial activity and has significant restrictions on the volume of goods sold and profits. In fact, even when running a personal subsidiary plot, you can make significant profits, because registering a peasant farm, which is already a business entity, is mandatory only if the use of one hectare of agricultural land is exceeded. And on one hectare you can grow a very large number of tomatoes. And even get a good income. At the same time, there are no significant differences between industrial and subsidiary cultivation of tomatoes; areas, capacities, investments and, accordingly, profits are increasing. The code of activity, surprisingly, is not exactly indicated in the classifier, it is best suited (OKPD 2) 01.13.3 Other vegetable fruit crops. Thus, the tomato is considered precisely as a vegetable crop, without taking into account its botanical features.

Usually summer residents grow tomatoes on several acres, but several hectares should be used as industrial farming. Together with a tomato, radishes are sometimes planted on the same land at the same time in order to increase income from one meter of land. If you don’t have your own land, then you can rent it, the highest price is 3.5 thousand rubles a year for one hectare with black soil. If you do not take the southern regions, then the cost of an annual lease can be only 2 thousand rubles, or maybe even less. If intensive cultivation of tomatoes with high yields is planned, then very fertile soil is needed, which in a few years will be very depleted.

It has already been noted that today it is better to bet on a quality product, losing in the number of fruits. There are two types of growing tomatoes: outdoors and indoors, that is, in greenhouses and hotbeds. For doing business, greenhouse cultivation is preferable, although in summer and during the warm season it is generally better to temporarily dismantle greenhouses. You can simply grow part of the crop in the open field, but only at the right time of the year, doing the rest of the plants year-round and in greenhouses.

Thus, your plot can be divided into two parts, one of which is allocated for the construction of greenhouses and growing crops at any time of the year, and the second (smaller) for summer cultivation of tomatoes and seasonal sales. The fact is that it is relatively cheap to grow tomatoes outdoors, so in the summer you should not miss the chance to get a little more profit. It is also important to decide on plant varieties, since tomatoes have a huge variety of them, and each variety is adapted to certain climatic conditions. You can also highlight some "elite" varieties that give either good yields, or fruits with excellent taste, or both. But the seeds of such plants cost the corresponding money, while selling a huge amount of expensive tomatoes may not always work out. It is much easier to sell fruits that are simple, familiar to use and have a democratic price.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Important criteria for choosing seeds are the type of growth of the bush, the time of ripening and the way the fruits are consumed. Thus, deterministic and indeterminate plants are distinguished, the former are limited in their growth, the latter grow without restrictions; the fruit can ripen at different times until late autumn (in the case of greenhouse plants, everything, of course, is different); and they use tomatoes not only as fresh fruits, but also subject them to conservation or processing. All this is important to know and, based on known data about the intended distribution channels and the climatic conditions of your region, you can choose the best tomato variety.

The soil for these plants is prepared a year before planting. In order for the plant not to accumulate nitrates, you need to use only organic fertilizers. The technologies of such cultivation are already known to experienced agronomists, so you can consult a knowledgeable farmer who will tell you the right care. An excess of nitrogen is also bad because it is the green parts of the plant that begin to grow first of all, and not the fruits, that is, in order to get really many large beautiful and juicy fruits from one bush, you need to apply huge amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. That is why a large number of its compounds (nitrates in the first place) accumulate in the plant. This does not mean that nitrogen must be completely excluded when fertilizing the soil, it is necessary during certain periods of the plant's vegetation (like phosphorus and potassium, they are also needed in different quantities at different times). The tomato has a fibrous root system that goes deep into the ground, while it is sufficiently branched to effectively absorb the substances the plant needs. In this regard, the tomato is quite unpretentious to soil conditions, but it is best to sow it after onions, corn or cucumber.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Since the tomato belongs to the nightshade, it cannot be cultivated on land previously occupied by plants of this genus - diseases and pests specific to such plants may clearly appear. Also, the tomato survives very poorly in the event of weeds being added to it, so they need to be constantly destroyed. But for good growth, this crop needs a lot of sun, but at the same time, the absence of drought. The tomato loves sunlight, but not heat, and therefore there should be relatively much moisture. This plant should be watered regularly to avoid drying out. It cannot be called very whimsical, the tomato will yield a crop even in case of poor care for it, but it will be an order of magnitude smaller than with proper cultivation.

In order to sow the plot with tomatoes, you will need a special seeder. It can be rented for the duration of the work or purchased as a property - depending on the available budget. In a diversified economy, as a rule, it is available. Tomatoes are very often planted in seedlings, that is, young seedlings are preliminarily prepared in warm places (for example, in greenhouses) even in the cold season, in order to subsequently transfer them to the soil when climatic conditions improve. This method is practiced almost everywhere, and only in the south-west of Russia is it possible to grow tomatoes not by seedlings, but by sowing. Preparing seedlings is a rather laborious task, but it can significantly reduce the consumption of seeds, because seedlings during seedlings give a much larger number of them. Savings can sometimes be more than double. So, for seedlings, on average, about 300 grams of seeds per hectare are needed, for sowing - 600 grams. Farmers are forced to grow seedlings, as tomatoes ripen long enough and in open ground conditions they may not complete the fruit formation process due to the onset of cold weather. Seedlings are also sown in greenhouses, optimally choosing the time for transferring the plant to the soil. In general, about 40 thousand plants should eventually fit on one hectare. The price of one kilogram of seeds varies greatly depending on the variety (ranging from 500 rubles to several thousand). The average price can be called 4 thousand rubles per kilogram. Vegetable growers have to spend much less money on the purchase of seeds than cereal farmers.

And if there are no particular difficulties with growing tomatoes in the open field, then when organizing the cultivation of plants in greenhouses, many parameters must be taken into account. It is very important that gas, electricity and water are supplied to the site. This is necessary for the correct and productive functioning of the greenhouse complex. Tomatoes need water all the time, light should also be in abundance, and gas serves as a fuel for space heating.

Today, greenhouses with a metal frame with a film stretched over it are already considered inefficient. Such greenhouses not only do not provide normal conditions for plants, but also have an increased vulnerability to bad weather, for example, a film is not able to protect the crop from hail. Today, more and more farmers are buying polycarbonate greenhouses, which cost no more than classic designs, but provide better plant care. The cost of a greenhouse with dimensions of 625 square meters (25x25) is 60 thousand rubles. One hectare will require exactly 16 such greenhouses. These are practically the largest standard greenhouses manufactured, but they can be made independently or made to order. But you need to remember that in a huge room it is more difficult to maintain a microclimate, so it is better to make several greenhouse complexes.

Ready-made ideas for your business

960 thousand rubles will be required for 16 greenhouses, but this is not the whole amount for improvement. We need heaters for each greenhouse at the rate of one heater per 40 m 2 worth 4 thousand rubles each. Ready-made foundations for greenhouses, vents for regulating air intake, irrigation systems and phytolamps are also sold. All this is purchased at the personal request of the farmer, but all possible additional devices not only make life easier for the vegetable grower, but also increase productivity by obtaining good conditions in the greenhouse. Seedlings for the greenhouse are prepared already in winter, so that after the plants grow up, transplant them into it.

Reports of the activities of some vegetable growing enterprises indicate a yield of up to 40 kilograms per square meter. Hypothetically, this is possible if you follow only the idea of ​​a large number of fruits, introducing any fertilizers for this, including harmful ones. You also need to remember that such figures can be obtained in the case of several harvests per year, but in many regions of Russia it is very difficult to achieve this even in greenhouses. Therefore, a yield of 5 kilograms per square meter will be considered quite normal. The main thing is that the tomatoes are of high quality. To confirm this, you can contact the phytosanitary service (Rosselkhoznadzor) to obtain a certificate of low content of harmful substances in grown fruits. This will allow, when selling, to convince the buyer that the tomato he buys is not harmful to health.

It turns out that from one hectare you can harvest up to 50 tons of crops. The price of a kilogram of tomato fruits is very different in summer and winter (which is natural), and therefore, in the warm season, tomatoes can be sold at 30 rubles per kilogram, and in winter - at 200 rubles. Of course, for good varieties and simply very tasty fruits, this price is much higher. But even if we take into account only the "summer" price, the income will be about one and a half million rubles. But in the first year, this amount will be fully used to cover the costs associated with organizing the entire business, primarily for the construction of greenhouses.

In subsequent years, spending will be much less due to the absence of not only the need to build greenhouse complexes, but also due to the presence of our own seed fund. A large number of greenhouses will allow growing different varieties, and if successful, even start breeding new varieties. All this will significantly increase profits and turn your farm into a source of considerable income.

We can say that the cultivation of tomatoes in this country is quite profitable and promising type of agriculture. Aspiring entrepreneurs can first learn how to cultivate this plant on small personal subsidiary plots, so that later, having registered in the manner prescribed by law, they can begin to conduct full-scale entrepreneurial activities. Tomatoes are consumed by people in large quantities, and the absence of a large number of competitors who care about the quality of their products makes it possible to enter this market with less risk. You can sell tomatoes not only through intermediaries (and thus losing a significant percentage of income), but also by opening your own outlet in the nearest market.

If this type of sales is not suitable, then it is quite possible to establish partnerships with grocery stores that will buy goods in large quantities and at the best price. In the end, you can already go to large chains of grocery minimarkets and supermarkets, but for them, as a rule, it is the presentation of the fruit and the presence of packaging that are important. On the other hand, if the tomatoes are beautifully packaged, then with insignificant expenses for this, you can get a significant increase in price, that is, make a larger margin on the cost. Therefore, there should be no problems with the sale, especially if tasty and healthy fruits were grown.

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In a previous publication, we told you about profitable and. In this article, we will touch on the topic of growing tomatoes as a business. What are the pros and cons of this way of earning? How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse and profitably sell products?

Fresh vegetables and fruits are very useful, because they contain a lot of vitamins. People who monitor their health will certainly include them in their daily diet. Therefore, it can become quite a profitable way of earning money for rural residents throughout the year.

Tomatoes are in special demand, this vegetable has a lot of advantages, these are taste qualities, low calorie content, high content of useful vitamins.

Benefits of a tomato growing business

  • High price. In the summer, tomatoes cost about 40 rubles per kilogram, but in winter the price for this vegetable rises significantly. You will need to pay at least 150 rubles for fresh tomatoes in the supermarket. Thus, we can conclude that selling vegetables in winter is quite a profitable business;
  • High demand. Fresh vegetables are always in demand among the population. Therefore, you will not have problems with the implementation. The main thing is to find a profitable sales channel for finished products;
  • Little competition. If in the summer season there are a lot of tomatoes on the market and buyers choose where it is cheaper, then in winter it is quite difficult to find high-quality vegetables. The problem is that manufacturers are too busy increasing the volume of products supplied, and few think about the taste. Because of this, you can often find tasteless vegetables on the shelves of supermarkets. If you pay due attention to taste characteristics, then the demand for your products will be high even despite the competition.

Before starting a business in this area, you need to draw up a competent business plan for growing tomatoes for sale. It is very important to determine the profitability of the idea, the amount of investment and the payback period of the business.

Business registration

Any type of activity is subject to mandatory registration. Therefore, before engaging in the industrial cultivation of vegetables, it is worth legalizing your activities.

Choose the appropriate substantive form of activity: sole proprietorship or LLC. If the property has a land plot, then it is easier to register as an individual entrepreneur. But when there are plans to open a large vegetable farm, then it should be registered as a legal entity.

If you are going to additionally engage in the storage of vegetables, then you need to obtain the appropriate permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services.

Land lease

In order to engage in vegetable growing, you need to own or rent land. To do this, choose a suitable place. A great option is the countryside or a square outside the city, closer to nature and clean air. In addition, there should not be similar farms nearby, you do not need competition.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

To grow vegetables all year round, you need to equip a greenhouse. You can do this with your own hands or use professionals who will equip the greenhouse in accordance with all norms and standards.

Tomatoes are heat-loving plants, so you should take into account the air temperature suitable for growing them in a greenhouse. High humidity is contraindicated, this will lead to the destruction of all seedlings. In the warm season, when the temperature reaches 20 degrees, the greenhouse does not need to be closed, but in winter, on the contrary, it is required to maintain a high temperature for proper ripening of the tomato crop.


Growing tomatoes as a business is not too expensive. At the initial stage, large investments are not required, so anyone can try their hand at this business.

As for the equipment, first of all, you need to build a greenhouse, install water, light and heating. In the greenhouse, a positive temperature should be maintained during the cold season for the full ripening of the tomato crop. In addition, tomatoes need constant watering, so you need to carry out water and provide proper lighting to the room where vegetables will be grown.

In addition, you will need containers for harvesting and storing crops.

That's basically all the equipment that you will need.

Rules for caring for tomatoes

Proper plant care will ensure you a good, generous harvest. Tomatoes should be watered no more than once or twice a week. It is also required to protect the seedlings from pests, for this you need to use a variety of drugs that will cope with this problem. In addition, observe the conditions for growing tomatoes: temperature, air humidity, lightening.


Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse greatly simplifies not only care, but also the method of harvesting. When the tomatoes begin to ripen, people are required to harvest and transport them. This type of vegetable is perishable, so it is necessary to sell products in a short time.

Depending on the area of ​​your farm, hire workers to harvest tomatoes. As a rule, payment is made daily and depends on the number of tomatoes harvested per day. Thus, each employee will receive a well-deserved salary.

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Business expenses and profits

The main expenses are the lease of land and the arrangement of the greenhouse. You can significantly reduce costs if you build a greenhouse with your own hands.

As for profit, everything will depend on a well-established distribution channel. Therefore, even at the initial stage, it is worth thinking about the sale of products.

Fresh vegetables are always in price and are in great demand among the population. In winter, the price of tomatoes is much higher, the competition is lower, and the demand is quite high, so do not lose the opportunity to conclude profitable contracts for the supply of products.

You can sell tomatoes in bulk, supplying them to supermarkets, restaurants, health resorts. You can also open a point in the market selling homemade vegetables.

It can be concluded that growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business is a profitable business. The big plus of this area of ​​activity are small investments and quick payback.

I wish you success and business prosperity.

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