How to open a baguette workshop? Framing workshop: Choose a room. What services does the framing workshop provide?


Paintings, mirrors and photographs on the walls of houses and offices are commonplace. This is an excellent interior decoration, a memory of the events associated with them. To achieve the best match between the surroundings and decor, a huge selection of baguettes allows you to decorate these very photographs and paintings.

Market analysis and relevance

From the point of view of doing business, this direction is quite new and little studied, which makes it more attractive for an entrepreneur. The competitive environment is calm, which gives good prospects for the successful development of activities. There is a demand for the product, both from artists and interior designers, and among ordinary people who decide to decorate the living room walls with photographs from their personal archives and so on.

Registration and organization of business

It is advisable to engage in the production of baguettes by opening and registering an individual enterprise with a single income tax. Paperwork will not require a lot of time and money - you need a statement from the founder, his passport with registration and payment of state duty. No license is required for such a business.

It is necessary to organize production as follows:

  1. Rent a room and equip it with everything you need.
  2. Hire qualified personnel.
  3. Purchase raw materials and take care of attracting customers.

Location and premises

  • production workshop - about 40 sq. m.;
  • a warehouse for storing raw materials and finished orders, if they are not urgent - 20 sq. m.;
  • room for receiving orders - 20 sq. m.

If an office or a frame store is supposed to be located, then it should be located in crowded places closer to the center. It is advantageous to organize a workshop and an order pick-up point in one place, so it will be possible to fulfill urgent orders while the client is waiting.

The store is most advantageously located near art studios, photo workshops, and so on, in order to be in front of potential customers. The framing workshop does not require special repairs.

Equipment and equipment

The technological process of manufacturing frames includes several stages, which require certain equipment:

  1. Guillotine - a machine that cuts planks according to specified parameters (cutting angle, side length). For the manufacture of figured frames, cutting of metal elements, a special saw is needed that costs 80-300,000 rubles.
  2. Assembly machine - connects the strips into a single structure using brackets.
  3. An apparatus for cutting a passe-partout (a rectangular piece of cardboard or paper with a hole in the middle, where a picture or photo is inserted later).
  4. Glass cutters.

On the back side of the frame, a cardboard back is installed to fix the picture. Sometimes baguette glass is installed on the front part, for example, when decorating a painting. The office for receiving orders must be equipped with furniture and a showcase with product examples, this will allow the client to evaluate the quality of work, determine the color and texture.

Range of services and assortment

Baguettes can serve for different purposes and be made from various materials. In terms of goals, these could be:

  • photo frames;
  • the design of picturesque paintings;
  • baguettes for mirrors.

Frames are made from a baguette profile, its standard length is three meters.

When buying raw materials, you should be aware of constant residues, the profile is never completely used.

There are many manufacturers of raw materials for frames - more than 4,000 enterprises, the leaders of which are Italy and Spain. The domestic market, unfortunately, does not produce baguette profiles (except for wood), all the goods offered are imported.

The range may include products made of plastic, wood, metal of various textures and colors. Frames can be simple and carved, with drawings and patterns, wide and narrow - for every taste and budget. The larger the offer, the higher the opportunity to please the client and provide exactly the service that he needs. As a rule, the assortment should include at least 30-50 items.

When determining the range of services, it should be borne in mind that:

  • 40% of the general services of the workshop goes to the design of graphic works;
  • In second place (30%) - the design of paintings;
  • 20% are photo framing;
  • Other services, such as the design of embroideries, tapestries and others, are included in the remaining 10%.

In one day, an average framing workshop can earn from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles.


The staff of the framing workshop must necessarily include:

Frames can be made by carpenters, cabinet makers and restorers. It is not superfluous to include in the staff such a unit as a designer-consultant. Such a person will help you make a choice, advise one or another option, depending on the wishes of the client and the capabilities of the workshop.


Any entrepreneurial activity requires competent and timely advertising, suitable techniques such as:

  • involvement of the media, commercials on television and radio;
  • posting ads and distributing leaflets;
  • creating your own website, which will provide comprehensive information about the range and types of services;
  • billboards.

The financial component of the business

The initial cost items, despite the simplified form of business registration, will include:

  1. Rent of premises.
  2. Production shop equipment.
  3. Purchase of raw materials.
  4. Advertising costs.

The financial investments required to establish a frame manufacturing business are quite large, but the expected profitability of production is also high.

Cost of opening and maintaining

To open a workshop, you will need to invest in:

  • purchase of equipment - from 200,000 rubles;
  • advertising - about 5,000 rubles;
  • rent of a basement for production and office - 10,000-15,000 rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 100,000-350,000 rubles;

Monthly costs:

  1. Salaries of employees - 100,000 rubles.
  2. Payment of utilities - 1000 -2000 rubles.
  3. Rent of premises - 10,000-15,000 rubles.
  4. Additional purchase of raw materials - depending on the turnover.

So, the initial costs are 415,000 rubles, and the fixed costs are from 111,000 rubles.

Size of future income

The level of profitability of the workshop depends on the number of completed orders and product prices. One frame is made on average in 40 minutes, which means that 12 frames can be made per shift, working 25 days a month - the productivity will be 300 frames. Let a high-quality frame made of wood of a certain model of A2 format cost 1,000 rubles, then the proceeds for the sale of all products will be 300,000 rubles.

Earnings in such a workshop can vary from five to fifty thousand rubles a day. We can come to the conclusion that a monthly workshop should generate income of at least 125-150,000 rubles.

Even the most average calculation shows that it is promising to engage in baguette business. Although practice shows that the first two months, perhaps the income will not cover the costs. As soon as the first regular customers are accumulated, the situation will change for the better.

Payback period

The time required to return the investment directly depends on the sales turnover and the price of the goods. You should not immediately overestimate the cost of products, as practice shows, this will not lead to the desired result, but rather will have a negative impact on the business, scaring away potential customers. Competent marketing will attract buyers, and high quality and affordable prices will make it come back in the near future.

The profitability of such a business is 20-50%, which makes it possible to return the invested funds within 8-12 months.

The development of a business for the production of baguette frames from scratch is interesting and profitable, since the competitive environment is quite calm, the direction of activity is relatively new. It is important to locate the workshop in the right place, ensure that customers are attracted by competent marketing and be remembered for their personal style, the quality of the work performed and the qualified service.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that the image enclosed in a curly beautiful frame looks more expressive. In ancient Rome, the manufacture of baguettes for decorating images became a separate craft. In the Renaissance, baguettes became, literally, a separate area of ​​​​art. Under each picture, unique baguette frames were created. Currently - framing workshop is an independent and profitable line of business. In the article we will give the answer - What do you need and how much does it cost to open a framing workshop from scratch?

Currently, the use of baguettes in the interior is not only the decoration of paintings, photographs and posters. But, and an independent design element. So, everything that can be decorated is framed in baguettes - mirrors, windows, TVs, lamps, interior items, walls, ceilings, niches, doors, and so on and so forth. Not surprisingly, the demand for baguettes and baguette workshops is stable and high. If you are planning to open a framing workshop and look for everything about this business - you have come to the right place - the site knows a lot about framing, at least we understand that a framing is a plank for making frames and cornices for decorating paintings, mirrors and interior elements, not the French kind of bread made from white wheat flour.

So, first of all, you should rent or, better, buy a production facility with an area of ​​​​about 500 square meters, purchase specialized machines for the production of baguette laths in Europe or China. There should be a lot of machines. Since the choice of materials for the production of modern baguettes is diverse, it means that you should work with any material - polyurethane, wood, plastic, aluminum, glass, carbon fiber. So for aluminum and glass, a separate workshop for rolling metal and glass is needed. For wood, you need a woodworking shop; for polyurethane and carbon fiber, you need a high-tech chemical shop.

Stop! Have you calculated how much it costs? Did you shed a tear? That's it. Forget everything that is written in the previous paragraph if you are not planning your own production, yes, the usual production of baguette moldings is described there - but this is already a large type of business that requires large investments. And not only an investment, but also a subtle sense of this niche. By the way, in the world, there are no more than 5 thousand productions of baguettes, each has its own direction, its own material, its own drawing, its own school, that is, when opening a production, you not only have to establish it, but also bring something of your own to this niche, with which you will be noticed all over the world or at least in your country. We are surprised how on other sites with business ideas, the authors, with a blue eye, recommend purchasing machines and starting a production. Moreover, it is recommended to do it in the garage! Do they not understand the subject? And deceive you? Do you believe them? Trust us - or rather, subscribe to our material, you will always be in the know - and we check all the material, during the verification process, not a single animal suffers, except for the site editors.

How to open a framing workshop and passe-partout

Since there are a fairly large number of industries in the world, you do not have a shortage of ready-made baguette strips. Therefore, the opening of framing workshops means the production of framing frames and cutting ready-made planks. This is exactly the kind of production that can be opened in the garage. Our advice - if you do not know where the demand is more, try to become a generalist - offer baguettes not only for images, but also for the interior.

What you need to produce baguette frames and open a baguette workshop:

  • Finished baguette strips— baguette slats from various world manufacturers — Turkey, China, Korea, Italy, France and other leading countries. There are many wholesale offers on the market. Our advice is to choose both popular baguettes and new ones. Make your own catalog with ready-made solutions, so, for example, if you offer aluminum baguettes for posters, include ready-made interiors using baguettes in the catalog, this is not difficult to do - there are ready-made images from the manufacturer, or 3D modeling and interior visualization is now very affordable service - order them an interior with your baguettes, by the way, by enlisting cooperation with interior designers, you will find an additional sales channel, do not skimp on partner interest, they will quickly pay off.
  • Equipment- fairly simple equipment - guillotines, guillotine saws, hand saws, glue guns, staplers, hammers, frame fasteners, machine tools and accessories. Any supplier of baguette strips is usually engaged in the sale of equipment specifically for the baguettes that he sells. You can see all the equipment in the video at the end of the article.
  • Fasteners and accessories- Usually beginners who open a framing workshop forget about this. And this is a guarantee of reliability and safety - thanks to the fasteners, your frame will be attached to a wall or other plane. Bad fasteners = bad framing workshop. So keep a complete list of all possible fasteners - hangers for frames, D-rings, Toly hooks, cable hanger systems, hooks, slats, corners and much more. Again, each manufacturer of baguette strips has its own list of fasteners.

Here, in principle, is all the equipment for opening a framing workshop.

Advice from the site. If you remember, above we recommended that you become generalists. Therefore, do not ignore the following directions.

Production and design of posters

Offer services for the production and design of posters and graphic materials. You can buy high-resolution graphic materials for large-format printing on the Internet. Printing - in any printing house where there are large-format color printers, silk-screen printing equipment, laminators.

Ht-tech or modern decor is a very popular trend in interior design.

Production of hi-tech frames

Do not forget that in addition to the classics, something "new" is best sold - and new is not only a well-forgotten old, but also new technologies. For example, LED lighting in a glass frame. You can buy ready-made, but it is better to start your own production. Glass with engraving and sandblasting will be made for you in a glass cutting and processing workshop, LED strips and other electronics are assembled independently from ready-made kits. Here we want to say for the advantages of LEDs - durable, various color schemes, economical and low cost. Fasteners for such frames - you have a full warehouse. Looks great. And if you start combining with baguettes? BUT? And if ... well, if you opened a framing workshop, then you have a sense of beauty and artistic taste.

Making a passe-partout

For the manufacture of passe-partout does not require serious equipment. A small machine for cutting paper and cardboard is suitable for you, if it can apply embossing, then this is very fine - it is called unpretentiously - passe-partout machine. Either you can purchase ready-made mats, or cut them yourself.

Despite the fact that the passe-partout does not look serious, it is a very important, interesting and popular direction in the design of graphic material. The passe-partout gives the necessary “air” and space for additional decoration, such as a signature or a dedicatory inscription.

How much does it cost to open a framing workshop

Let's calculate how much it will cost to open a framing workshop.

  • Necessary equipment- from 50 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on what you buy, a complete set or buy as needed, also take a new or used one.
  • Required premises- an exhibition hall and a production room, if you take all-in-one - a hall + production, then you will need about 30-50 m², the average cost at 400 rubles per "square" is 20 thousand rubles per month. On the other hand, is it possible to do without a showroom at first, and accept orders via the Internet and from friends?
  • Baguettes, consumables, accessories- let's not be greedy, we will lay down 200 thousand rubles, although 100 thousand can be met.
  • Initial promotion- a website (you can take a ready-made one, such as a landing page or a designer from 300 rubles per month), printing - 20 thousand rubles, advertising - 30 thousand rubles. You can go around design and interior design studios, art galleries, art workshops and offer cooperation.
  • Staff- of course, you can immediately hire people, but you can always do everything yourself, take orders, make and so on. Let's leave it up to you.
  • Total- from 200 to 500 thousand rubles. Although, these are also approximate figures, everywhere you can save.
How to look for staff for a framing workshop and make money on it

Since the process of making baguette frames is more of a creative process that does not require special production skills, then graduates of vocational and art schools will suit you, since sawing off a bar and fastening it together is 3 simple production steps, but picking up a picture on a baguette, offering an artistic decision is a rather complex creative process.

By the way, baguettes are an interesting direction for handmade and many people want to learn this. If you, on the basis of your studio, train them, you will not only be able to “educate” framers for your workshop on your own, but also earn money on training, providing material, and so on.

Thus, by opening a classic baguette workshop, you will not only be able to make money on baguettes. But, and to provide new directions in interior design, construction. Artistic beauty was appreciated at any time, and individual approach has always been the best engine of trade.

Video, how the framing workshop works - what equipment is needed, how long it takes

Try and you will succeed! By the way, a license is not required, an individual entrepreneur is enough, and the activity falls under the artistic and design activities.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

Currently, framing workshops enjoy a stable, growing every year by ten to fifteen percent demand. These companies, engaged in the production of baguette frames, as well as the installation of suspension systems for pictures and photos, have become especially popular due to the availability of modern cameras. The design of photographs accounts for about half of the orders received by such workshops.

At the moment, according to market participants, it is necessary to increase the number of framing workshops by two or three times.

In European countries, mini-workshops are found everywhere. Often this is a family business, where the wife is responsible for taking orders, while the owner of the business makes them himself.

As for Russia, the frames are made even by the owners of the business, or, in any case, under their control, and the turnover of the workshop is two to five thousand dollars.

Most of the framing workshops in our country have been created in the last couple of years. This type of activity is considered to be artistic and design work, and not production, therefore, a license for its conduct is not required. However, you need to register a company, put it on record and issue certificates for the goods offered: baguettes, mats.

Consider now all the steps that an entrepreneur must take in order to engage in this type of business.

Step 1. Room.

First of all, make sure that the room for the framing workshop has an area of ​​​​at least eighty square meters. Twenty of them will go to the warehouse and the place where orders will be taken, and another forty will be occupied by the workshop itself.

Since the manufacture of frames cannot be called a quiet business, framing workshops are often arranged in basements or extensions to a building. This eliminates the cost of soundproofing, inevitable when finding a workshop close to living quarters.

Usually each framing workshop has more than one point of receiving orders and it is better if the place of production and the point of registration of applications are located not far from each other and in the city center. This will make the process more convenient and faster.

A good solution would be to open several workshops in different areas. With the ill-conceived location of the workshops, it will take too much time and money to deliver orders.

Step 2. Equipment.

Approximately six thousand dollars will be required to purchase equipment.

The frames are produced using a machine that cuts at a certain angle and respects the required size of baguette profiles - a guillotine, which then fastens the picture and frame details with a stitching machine.

The guillotine works silently and is suitable for placement even in a residential building that does not have sound insulation. In addition, this machine takes up little space.

However, it does not allow the manufacture of figured and stucco frames. To do this, you need saws, the cost of which ranges from three to twelve thousand dollars. In Russia, such instruments are not produced. Entrepreneurs buy equipment for framing workshops in Moscow or Finland, where guillotines and saws are supplied from Italy, the USA and France.

Step 3. Personnel.

In Russia, framers are not trained, but carpenters, carpenters, and restorers can work with them. However, sufficient (at least two years) experience is required for successful work.

The staff of the framing workshop is small. Usually this is a receiver, an accountant and, of course, masters with assistants. The salary of the master is usually six to fifteen thousand rubles.

And at the initial stage, a business owner who owns the craft of a framer, an order taker and an accountant - these are, perhaps, all the employees capable of ensuring the functioning of the workshop.

If the business is going well, consider hiring a design consultant who has an artistic background and can help clients choose the shape and tone of the frame.

Step 4. Raw materials.

It should be noted that the baguette profile, the standard length of which is three meters, is not fully used in the work. There is always raw material left.

In an ordinary workshop, about fifty types of baguettes are presented, which are made in Spain, the Czech Republic, Italy, Turkey, and Poland.

Unfortunately, there are no factories in Russia that produce such products in large quantities. And there are about four thousand of them all over the world.

Every year, a unique exhibition is held in Bologna, where large companies specializing in the production of baguettes demonstrate their products. If you are thinking about organizing your own framing workshop, visiting such an exhibition will surely be a useful and enjoyable event for you.

In view of the current situation, raw materials are purchased in St. Petersburg and Moscow, where, in turn, they get from Italy and Spain.

Despite the fact that in St. Petersburg there are entrepreneurs involved in the manufacture of baguette profiles and frames, their number is small, and the market for these services is not crowded. Of course, it is better to work in the area where the buyer of services is not fed up with offers.

Of the orders received by framing workshops, the majority (forty percent) is occupied by the design of graphic works, a little less - about thirty and twenty percent, respectively - the design of paintings and photos. And, finally, ten percent of the total number of orders falls on the design of non-artistic works, as well as embroideries.

The daily cost of the number of orders that even one master can complete is at least 5 to 50 tr.

Step 5. Specificity.

If your workshop is located next to a photo gallery or art salon, there will certainly be no end to clients. Or maybe you want to open your own salon.

Orders are sometimes very unusual, for example... frame a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

But don't let that surprise you. In this way, you can decorate anything - from embroidery to icons.

As for the duration of the execution of orders, experience shows that it does not take much time - about forty minutes. The speed of work will attract customers.

Let's summarize. If you decide to open a frame shop, you will need about ten thousand dollars. At the same time, the monthly rent for the premises will be from five to one hundred dollars per square meter, the purchase of equipment and material will cost about six and three thousand dollars, respectively, and wages to employees - at least two hundred dollars.

Despite the fact that the demand for baguettes in large cities is growing by 10-15% every year, it is believed that the market is still far from being saturated, which means that there is still time to open your own baguette business. True, it is necessary to clearly determine the place for opening the workshop so that there are as many potential customers as possible nearby.

Case Features

The technology for making baguettes is simple, anyone can master it. But in addition to technical skills, business requires artistic taste from the master. That is why framing workshops are often opened by people with an artistic education or creative inclinations. After all, a person who wants to insert a picture or photograph into a frame will definitely come to consult with the master and rarely decide on an order right away.

The master must take into account what he is dealing with, what materials are better to use, what techniques to use when making a baguette. After all, the frame is able to both emphasize and highlight the features of the picture, and completely level its beauty. In addition, the different material used for the baguette will fit differently into the interior where the picture will hang. The master must take into account all these nuances when accepting an order.

Therefore, in order for the business to turn out to be profitable and promising, it is important not only to study the technique of making baguettes, but also to study all the smallest subtleties of frame modeling.

Workshop decoration

To open a workshop, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you must submit a completed application, a passport and pay a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles to the registration authority. when registering, you must specify OKVED 20.51.4. - manufacture of frames and other wood products. Although it is possible to confine ourselves to indicating artistic and restoration works.

You also need to decide on the tax regime. It is advisable to immediately apply for the transition to a simplified system, this will save you time and simplify the submission of reports to the tax office. Please note that the framing business is not licensed.

Premises selection

The advantage of the business is that the framing workshop does not require special working conditions, so it can be safely opened in an outbuilding, garage or basement. Also, you can not spend much money on its repair. The only thing to consider is that during operation you will make a lot of noise. Therefore, it is necessary to look for a room outside residential buildings, or organize good sound insulation inside the room.

You can organize a point of acceptance of orders right in the workshop. And you can open several points around the city, where you can receive and issue orders, and fulfill them at one address.

Workshop equipment

Of course, how to open a framing workshop without special equipment? The business plan should provide for at least $6,000 for the purchase of equipment.

From the main equipment you will need:

  • machine for passe-partout (2 thousand euros);
  • sewing machine (2 thousand euros);
  • guillotine (1.5 thousand euros);
  • glass cutter

Cutting the profile at the required angle is carried out on a guillotine, which itself works quietly. A passe-partout machine cuts cardboard frames for pictures. On the stitching machine, the frame, picture and passe-partout are fastened into a single whole.

To be able to make curly frames, craftsmen include the purchase of special saws in the business plan. They are the ones who usually make the most noise. Saws cost from three to 12 thousand dollars.

Such a high cost of equipment is due to the fact that equipment from European manufacturers will have to be purchased. In Russia, such equipment is not produced. The leading manufacturers of baguette equipment are the USA, France, Italy.

Workshop staff

Another significant problem in the question of how to open a framing workshop is where to find the right staff. A person who has the specialty of a restorer, cabinetmaker, carpenter can work as a framer. But at the same time, he must have an artistic taste and relevant knowledge. Not only is the business successful, it is important to find a craftsman with at least two years of experience working with baguettes.

To open a business, a business plan should provide for the work of two craftsmen with assistants, an order and raw material clerk, and an accountant. At the initial stage, some of the positions can be combined. For example, a foreman can take orders, and a business owner can also work as a foreman. By expanding production, you can hire a design consultant who will communicate with customers, helping them decide on an order. The work of the master is paid on average at 15-30 thousand rubles. per month.

Purchase of raw materials

As a raw material, a baguette profile is used, the standard length of which is three meters. But keep in mind that it is never fully used. After the work is done, there will definitely be leftovers and trimmings, which must be taken into account when purchasing footage.

Raw materials are also almost all imported from Europe, usually Spain and Italy. Recently raw materials from the Czech Republic have been very popular. These manufacturers make raw materials for painting. For cheaper photo frames, you can buy products from South Korea, Turkey, Israel. The cheapest raw materials are imported from China under the guise of building materials. Such a profile will reduce the cost of your business if there are no strict requirements for high quality.

Domestic manufacturers produce such a profile, but in small quantities and of very dubious quality. The whole problem is outdated technology and old equipment. Therefore, it is better to find a reliable supplier, preferably not far from the workshop.

Income and expenses

A mandatory section that your business plan should contain is an item of expenses and income.

The spending plan consists of the following items:

  • purchase of equipment - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - one thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - rate and bonus for the client;
  • tax - 6% of income;
  • renting premises for a workshop - 7 thousand rubles / month;
  • purchase of raw materials - prices depend on suppliers;
  • utilities - 1 thousand rubles / month.

In total, at least 4 million euros must be included in the start-up cost plan. Most of them will go to the purchase of expensive equipment and raw materials. In addition, the cost plan should include staff salaries. The amount of these costs depends on how many employees you decide to manage.

The income plan consists of making and selling frames. It will take about 40 minutes to produce one simple order. At the same time, the markup on the finished work is 50-400%, depending on the nature of the work. Accordingly, the profitability of the enterprise varies at the level of 30-40%. If you find corporate orders, then the income plan for the year can be planned at a level of at least $50,000.

If today you are thinking about starting your own business, but have not yet decided on the direction, we advise you to pay attention to such production as a framing workshop. This is a fairly promising area of ​​activity, but the main thing is that baguette production in Russia is just beginning its active development.

There is not so much competition in this niche yet, which means that if you have a desire, you can achieve significant success. In this material, we will tell you what a baguette workshop is and what it will take to open a baguette workshop. Consider how much initial investment is required and how quickly you can recoup your investment and make a profit.

What services does the framing workshop provide?

To begin with, of course, you need to tell what the framing workshop does. This is exactly what we are planning to do now.

So, one of the most interesting, stylish and modern interior items is a baguette. Almost all interior designers work with it, and many ordinary people today are increasingly using this element to decorate the interior of their home. This is not accidental, because with the help of this stylish item, which is made in one style or another, you can create a unique design and turn the most unexpected ideas into reality.

Many interior designers work with a baguette, and more and more ordinary people have begun to use this element more often to decorate the interior of their home.

Many people think that a baguette frame is used exclusively for decorating paintings and photos, but this is not so! Recently, a baguette has been used to decorate mirrors, souvenirs, and even doorways and plasma TV panels, as well as many other interior elements. So, for example, a baguette frame made of precious wood emphasizes the refined taste of the owner of the house and gives the interior a special chic. We will describe in detail what materials are used today in baguette business below.

The production of frame baguettes, of course, is the main direction of the workshop, but in addition to frames, various baguette items are also made here. The list of services provided by the workshop may include:

  1. Making a passe-partout. The product is made of cardboard of various types, textures and colors. There is always an opportunity to choose exactly what is completely suitable for the customer. That is why a good workshop should always have a wide range of cardboard in different colors available.
  2. Decor embroidery, tapestries, paintings, photos, etc. (baguette production). Frames for works of art are usually made of natural wood by hand. Achieving unique shades becomes possible thanks to the complex processing that the baguette art frame undergoes. That is why their ideal quality and uniqueness are achieved, and a decorated, for example, tapestry will be distinguished by its special aesthetics. In addition, mirrors are made in the workshop with a choice of a unique style.
  3. Making paintings, which involves transferring all kinds of images to the canvas. These can be photographs, posters, etc. And this is not just a print, but also a further stretching of the product on a stretcher.
  4. Perform retouching old photos. The specialist in a short time performs a careful restoration of damaged images.
  5. In a workshop cover with a special varnish images on canvas. This is done to keep the image longer.
  6. It occupies a special place production of all kinds of items from a baguette. For this, polystyrene and wood are used.

Workshop Clients- these are artists who sell their own work, needlewomen who embroider paintings and create tapestries, owners of cafes and other entertainment venues, and it's good if an interior designer is among your clients.

How to open a baguette workshop

Earlier we said that there is practically no competition in baguette production. This is justified, for the time being, by the not too high popularity of decorating photographs, paintings and other things in a baguette frame.

For example, in Italian cities, the average resident applies for services to a framing workshop about 10 times every year. In our country, until recently, this figure did not reach even once a year. However, today the situation is changing. According to some reports, the market for baguette products in our country is increasing annually by more than 10%.

If you intend to open your own framing workshop, then you A number of key questions need to be addressed:

  • find a room for a workshop;
  • purchase equipment;
  • pick up a master (it is better if he has experience);
  • resolve issues with the supply of materials;
  • organize an effective advertising campaign.

To open a baguette production, it is required to solve several primary tasks


There are no special requirements for the premises where the workshop will be located.. It is highly desirable that the office where orders will be taken is located separately from production. They can be located in the same building, for example, the office occupies a room on the 1st floor, and the production workshop is located in the semi-basement (basement).

Important! Making a baguette is a very noisy business and, in order not to spend money on providing sound insulation, it is better to locate the workshop in an appropriate room. For this, a basement, a private house and other objects where you will not interfere with your neighbors are suitable.

Another important point: in production, it is advisable to allocate separate premises for the storage of raw materials and finished products, as well as the workshop itself. So you can keep everything in order and streamline your workflow.


To equip the production will require a number of special machines and tools. The required list includes:

  1. Guillotine. Using this machine, the baguette is cut at the required angle into elements according to the size in accordance with the order. A mandatory addition to the guillotine are saws. Their use will allow you to cut a metal baguette and curly elements.
  2. assembly machine. Necessary for connecting blanks into a finished frame. This machine is similar to a stapler, as it fastens structural elements with staples from the back.
  3. Passe-partout cutting machine.
  4. glass cutters.

For baguette production, a small amount of equipment is required


The main person in the workshop will be the master. It could be a joiner or a carpenter. The success of the entire enterprise will depend directly on his skills and talents. Therefore, the vacancy of the master should be "closed" in the first place. Then you will be able to choose a person who will be responsible for working with clients, you will also need a designer, a cleaner, you can choose an assistant to the master.

As for the accountant, today many aspiring entrepreneurs prefer to entrust bookkeeping to a “coming” person. At first, this will be enough, and with the growth of production, you can think about your own accountant.

Work materials

It is very important to conclude contracts for the supply of baguettes with trusted suppliers who guarantee the quality of the supplied products!

Italian, German and Polish baguettes are of consistently high quality.. Although if you want to save money, you can buy Chinese products, but this can negatively affect the quality of finished frames, and therefore your reputation. Besides, Chinese baguettes are not suitable for all design work. Today, there should not be any problems with finding suppliers - on the Internet, at the request “everything for a framing workshop”, you can choose a supplier that offers optimal conditions for cooperation. It is good if the supplier is located in the immediate vicinity of your workshop. Today, baguettes are made not only from wood, but also from other materials, such as metal or plastic.

Although some craftsmen, at first, make baguettes from hardwood trees on their own. Usually this is resorted to by craftsmen who have experience in woodworking and decide to open their own business.

Framing workshop advertisement

Competent advertising of a framing workshop will allow the company to unwind in the shortest possible time. An advertising campaign plays a big role - no business can survive without it. An advertising campaign should be organized in several directions at once. It could be:

  • a high-quality website for a framing workshop, where you can beautifully arrange prices, a catalog, give all contacts, etc .;
  • advertising in local media;
  • a beautiful sign on the office, let's say "Urgent baguette production to order";
  • in the office, be sure to exhibit samples of your products.

There are many other directions for organizing an advertising campaign. But most importantly, remember that the quality of your products is the main advertisement of the workshop.!

Baguette production

To date, various technologies for the manufacture of baguette frames are used. And it is very desirable to get acquainted with them before the opening of production. Although the process itself is not too complicated and looks something like this:

  1. The baguette is chopped and cut into elements of the required size.
  2. Then these elements are fastened in such a way that a frame is obtained.
  3. Next, a passe-partout is cut out of cardboard, which is inserted into the prepared frame.
  4. At the final stage, glass is inserted, as a rule, special baguette glass 2 mm thick is used.

Business Startup Costs

The cost of starting your own business largely consists of acquiring the necessary equipment and quality material.

The complete set of equipment depends on the expected scale of work and the amount of initial capital. Basically, participants in specialized forums say that the most optimal set of equipment includes a guillotine, an assembly machine and a passport cutter. On average, the purchase of such a kit costs 8-12 thousand dollars.

Although, someone manages to meet a much more modest amount. For example, buying a saw for cutting a baguette (5,000 rubles) and a machine for cutting a passe-partout (4,000 rubles). This kit is enough to persistently and thoroughly study all the nuances of baguette production.

But in general, the ability to start with almost no investment and the further acquisition of expensive equipment is the main advantage of the framing business.

Payback periods

Profit will be equal to the production of orders. Tentatively, you need to be prepared for the fact that expenses will exceed income for about 2 months, but you should not be upset, you need to advertise yourself and actively look for customers. And in time everything will fall into place.

Framing business does not require relatively large investments. It is possible, for example, to save on renting a separate room and, if there is a garage, then at first use it as a workshop. You can not hire staff on the side, but organize a family business.

But even if you include the rent for the premises, the deduction of taxes and the payment of wages to 2 employees, the profit in 1.5-2 months can reach 40-60 thousand rubles.


From what has been said here, we can conclude that opening a baguette production is quite simple. It is also important that investments in the business are relatively small. And if this direction has interested you, we wish you good luck and prosperity in baguette production!

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