What happens if you open ir. Do you need a business account? Sole proprietors can be


For many, it is important to be able to work for themselves, giving themselves completely to their chosen occupation. What can stop you from making money doing what you love? A novice businessman may be faced with the need to figure out how to open an individual business and start acting officially.

What do you need to open an IP

Under the law, all citizens of the country, even foreigners with temporary registration in Russia, can work as an individual entrepreneur (formerly they were called PBOYuL). The only exceptions to this list are municipal and state employees. The quick procedure for registering an IP can be performed independently or entrusted to special companies for which this type of activity is a priority.

If the registration of an individual entrepreneur is entrusted to third-party organizations, then you need to prepare for the fact that the money spent on starting a business will increase several times compared to solving the issue on your own. The following factors may also affect the price:

  • printing production;
  • notarization of documents;
  • opening a bank account, etc.

The procedure for registration of IP

How to register an IP without much delay? This requires preparatory work. At the initial stage, you need to decide on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity. For this, there is an all-Russian classifier, where from the list you can select the direction of work and the corresponding code, which should be indicated when opening your business. It is allowed to indicate several areas of future activity, but the main view should come first.

The procedure for opening an IP involves choosing the form of tax payment. Most private traders work according to a simplified system. In this case, the tax is calculated from income and amounts to 6%. If you choose to tax income without taking into account expenses, then the interest rate will range from 5 to 15 points. There are other types of business taxation, information about which can be found in the tax authorities.

Where can I register an IP

According to the legislation, the submission of documents and registration of a private entrepreneur is executed at the place of registration of a citizen. To do this, you need to contact the local tax office with the necessary set of documents. If the businessman has chosen, then he is allowed to register at the place of doing business. It is permissible to open a business in several regions, localities or their parts. In this case, registration takes place where the first object of the entrepreneur's activity is registered.

To date, the easiest, fastest and most convenient way to open an IP is.

Documents for opening an IP

If the question of how to issue an IP is more or less clear, then special attention should be paid to what list of documents is needed to open an IP. It:

  • passport (a photocopy is also required);
  • application (form 21001);
  • receipt of payment of the fee;
  • TIN (+ copy).

IP registration application

You should take a responsible approach to filling out the document, the form of which can be downloaded from the official website of the Ministry of Taxation or requested from the tax office. The application for registration of IP consists of five sheets, which must be numbered and fastened together. The document is signed personally by the entrepreneur and notarized only if the documents are provided not by the businessman himself, but by an authorized person.

IP registration - cost

Starting your own business is a procedure that is not free. How much does it cost to apply for an IP? The only thing you need is to pay the state duty (today this amount is 800 rubles). It can be paid online by bank transfer or at any bank. If this process is entrusted to specialized firms, then the price will vary not only from firm to firm, but also depending on the region where the individual entrepreneur will be registered.

How to open your IP - step by step instructions

If the field of activity is defined and the taxation system is chosen, then you can proceed to register your own business:

  1. You must submit a set of documents to the tax office in order to obtain an identification number assigned to each taxpayer.
  2. In the case when the TIN is already available, then you can immediately pay the state duty for the commission of an action by a state body.
  3. You can apply for the assignment of a TIN together with documents for state registration of an individual entrepreneur, but the process may be delayed.

If the documents are collected, then you can register an individual entrepreneur on your own at the tax office at the place of registration (not residence!). This process is step-by-step and has a sequence. Step-by-step instructions consist of preparing a package of documents and submitting them to the tax office. Further conditions that allow you to create a legal entity from scratch, whether it is an object of trade or a small business, a tailoring enterprise, are the same. An approximate step-by-step algorithm after registration of the IP itself:

It is also possible to remotely prepare all the documents and send an application for opening an IP. To do this, use

Many people have thoughts about additional earnings, although there is a permanent place of work. Often, this is done by opening a business. But in order not to break the law, entrepreneurial activity must be registered. One option is to apply for an IP. Such people are interested in whether it is possible to open an individual entrepreneur if he is officially employed. There are some restrictions in this case.


To answer the question of whether it is possible to open an individual entrepreneur if officially employed, one should be guided by the norms of the law. An individual entrepreneur, in comparison with an LLC or OJSC, is not a legal form. This is the status of an individual. And he has the same rights to employment regardless of whether he is a business or not.

There are several conditions for registering an IP:

  • age from 18 years;
  • legal capacity;
  • Russian citizenship;
  • no business restrictions.

Given these requirements, is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur if officially employed? Employment obligations cannot be an obstacle to registering a business.

Who is prohibited from opening an IP?

But working citizens have limitations in the possibility of registering entrepreneurship. It is related to the profession or position. It is impossible to open a business for those who serve the state. These include:

  • military personnel;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • officials;
  • deputies of the State Duma and the Federal Assembly;
  • heads of municipal organizations.

Is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur if you already officially work as a lawyer or notary? The people of these processions are also prohibited from founding a business. The reason for the restrictions is due to excessive employment. Employees who are supported by the state, and also represent its interests, should not be distracted by entrepreneurial activities.

After all, then the main duties may not be carried out quite efficiently. In addition, simultaneous work in government and doing business can encourage lobbying, and this is considered a violation of the law. There are also restrictions in cases where a working person is going to register an entrepreneurship, and also in the opposite case: before deregistration of an individual entrepreneur, you cannot get a certain position.

Can employees of a budgetary or state organization issue an IP?

Not in all cases, employees of municipal and state enterprises have the status of civil servants. In these organizations there is a division into civil servants and employees. The category can be found in the employment contract.

The list of positions that have a special status is created by a Presidential Decree. Special cases are recorded in regulatory documents. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, you need to ask your employer if it is possible to open an individual entrepreneur if you are officially employed in your position?

After all, people of many professions can be considered civil servants. Is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur if officially employed as a teacher? These employees are allowed to conduct private activities in the form of tutoring. And the head doctor of a non-private hospital cannot be engaged in business, since he represents the state in the field of healthcare. Is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur if officially employed at Russian Railways? These employees can start a business.

Does IP affect labor relations?

If we take into account the norms of the law, then there should not be any difficulties in organizing a business with official employment. But what kind of relationship a particular employee and his employer will have depends on them.

Is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur if officially employed in a bank? Since the employees of this organization are not civil servants, entrepreneurial activities are available to them. Before issuing an IP, it is necessary to assess the strengths and capabilities. It takes time to do business, as this is the work itself, as well as reporting to regulatory authorities. In case of late submission of the necessary documents to the tax, pension, insurance funds, you will have to pay fines.

You can't be an entrepreneur just occasionally. The obligations that an individual entrepreneur must fulfill continue throughout his work. And they end only with deregistration. Due to additional employment, the quality of work at the main place should not suffer.

If the employer makes high demands on the employee, having learned about the registration of the IP, the employee has the right to complain to the labor inspectorate. Running your own business does not change the obligations of the employer. The institution also performs tax and contribution deductions, provides paid vacation and sick leave.

The employee must also pay taxes on individual entrepreneurs, as well as make payments to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. Is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur if officially employed by Russian Railways? Since the employees in this organization are not civil servants, therefore they are allowed to do business.

It is not necessary to inform managers about the start of entrepreneurship, since there are no such requirements in the law. You can find out about a person’s registration using a request for an extract from the USRIP to the Federal Tax Service or through advertising.

Labor contract

Citizens who are individual entrepreneurs, like other individuals, can be hired, work under a contract. The work book will not include information about entrepreneurship, so information about the main job is entered into it.

There are situations when relations between an individual entrepreneur and a company appear as a customer and a contractor. Then the drafting of an employment contract is not required, but a civil law agreement is drawn up. Payment is made according to the act of work performed. This option is possible only with bilateral consent.


IP must be registered. This procedure is the same for everyone. You need to choose the area, the taxation system, and also prepare the documents:

  1. The passport.
  2. Application for registration in the Unified Register in the form P21001.
  3. Confirmation of payment of state duty.
  4. Application for a simplified taxation system (2 copies).

These areas have OKVED codes, which should be recorded in the application. In each activity, you can use a simplified system, and then you will need UTII. It assumes 2 options for taxation: a contribution of 6% of income and 15% of profits. If the business turnover is small, choose 6%.

Documentation is provided to the FTS. After 3 days, a certificate of IP and an extract from the USRIP are issued. The information is sent to the funds, where the registration number will be issued. After that, legal business begins.

When is clearance required?

There are cases when business registration is mandatory:

  1. To conduct business, you need a patent or license;
  2. To perform transactions through the account.
  3. To attract customers, you need active advertising.

Opening a business under the laws of the Russian Federation requires mandatory registration. And to combine it with official work or not depends on the person himself. It is necessary to calculate whether there will be enough time for both activities. It is also important that it is profitable.

The registration process starts from filing an application with the registration authority. Today, the principle of a single window operates almost everywhere, which means that the main package of documents can be obtained in one place.

For registration you will need copy of passport and taxpayer identification number(if the documents for the future entrepreneur are submitted by a representative authorized by power of attorney, then a copy of the passport must be notarized), applications and receipts for the payment of state duty.

The application and the required set of documents must be submitted to the registration authority, namely to the tax office at the place of registration of the individual, in person or sent by mail. An application sent for registration by mail must be certified by a notary.

In the application for registration, it is necessary to indicate the types of activities that the entrepreneur will be engaged in. Information about all possible types of activity is collected in the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity. The wording and code of the type of activity in the application must fully match those specified in the Classifier.

The legislator does not limit the number of types of activities, therefore, even if there is no certainty that this or that activity will have to be carried out, the code can be entered immediately. If, after registration, circumstances have changed, the list of activities can be supplemented, but this will take time and require additional payment.

The main type of economic activity in the application must always be indicated in the first place.

At the time of filing documents for registration, receipts of payment of the state duty, the amount of which is established by law, must be provided. Registration takes a week and if the documents are prepared correctly, then now the individual business entity will be issued a certificate of state registration and a document confirming the decision to register with the tax office.

Registration in the tax

Russian legislation allows entrepreneurs to work under a simplified taxation system, which allows them to pay a low amount of taxes and makes it possible to maintain simplified accounting. Entrepreneur There are two options for doing business on a simplified taxation system: six percent and fifteen percent.

By choosing an interest rate of 6%, the entrepreneur will pay 6% of the income received, excluding expenses. The 15% taxation system involves the payment of taxes from the amount, which is calculated by subtracting the amount of expenses from the amount of income. In this case, it is necessary to keep a documentary record of all income and expenses.

An application for a simplified taxation system must be submitted within thirty days from the date of registration.

The legislator allowed business entities to change the type of taxation only once a year, therefore, not meeting the thirty-day period, the entrepreneur will have to pay large amounts of tax and maintain complex accounting.

Registration in social insurance funds

Whether the entrepreneur will work alone or with employees, registration with the Pension Fund is required. Since the principle of a single window works in many places, the registration of the entrepreneur himself is carried out automatically when registering entrepreneurial activities.

If the business entity conclude an employment contract with employees, then no later than thirty days from the date of conclusion of the contract, he must re-register with the Pension Fund, but already as an insurer who will make payments to individuals.

There are two reasons for registering with the Social Insurance Fund: the entrepreneur has entered into an employment contract with an employee or a civil law contract that obliges him to pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. In this case, it is necessary to register with the fund within ten days, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.

In the course of his work, an individual entrepreneur has the right open an account in any bank and make a seal. it not necessary and depends only on the desire and necessity of the business entity.

As a rule, a seal is made for greater protection of your documents, but in this case you will have to put it everywhere without exception.

Special firms are engaged in the manufacture of seals, which will prepare sketches and offer various types of protection against counterfeiting.

Settlement accounts in banks are most often opened by entrepreneurs who plan to work with legal entities or other individual entrepreneurs by bank transfer. The fact that a bank account is opened, the entrepreneur is obliged to notify the tax office within five days, and the Pension Fund within seven days.

To carry out some activities, the entrepreneur will have to obtain permits or licenses. Those who manufacture products will have to take care of obtaining a certificate for their product. To obtain all the necessary permits, the set of documents most often looks like this: a certificate of state registration and registration with the tax authority, a document that indicates the ownership of the premises or a lease agreement, a conclusion on the compliance of the premises with fire safety rules and sanitary standards.

The registration procedure is not very complicated and you can go through it yourself. The main thing is to adhere to all the rules and deadlines established by law. Only after receiving all the necessary documents, an individual entrepreneur can start working. We hope that this article helped you understand what is needed to open an IP.

You have decided to start your own business: you have an idea, a plan and agreements with investors. It would seem that it remains only to take and do. But the most unpleasant thing begins - paperwork. We have put together a checklist to help you. Follow the steps in order, and you will register an IP yourself.

How much does it cost to open a sole proprietorship in 2019

  • free of charge if documents are submitted electronically, through the MFC or a notary;
  • 800 rubles, if you submit documents in person;
  • 1,000 -1,500 rubles - for a notary, if documents are submitted by mail or through a representative. When visiting the tax office in person, it is not necessary to certify the application with a notary.

Step 1: Choose a taxation system

Decide in advance how you will pay taxes in order to submit an application for choosing a taxation system along with the registration documents.

Now in Russia there are 5 systems of taxation. We recommend paying attention to the simplified tax system, UTII and the patent. They are designed specifically for small businesses to reduce the tax burden and simplify accounting.

Step 2: Determine your type of activity according to OKVED

In the documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate the code of activity according to the OKVED directory. Identify a few codes that you are or will be doing.

Step 3: Prepare documents for registering an individual entrepreneur in the tax

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following documents:

  • Passport with a photocopy or its notarized copy.
  • Application for state registration. If you send documents by mail or hand over through a representative, certify the application with a notary.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty 800 rubles.
  • Copy of TIN certificate. If it is not there, then the TIN will be assigned to you during the registration process.
  • Power of attorney for a representative, if someone will hand over documents for you.
  • Notification on the application of the simplified tax system, if you have chosen this system of taxation. Prepare two copies. One will be taken by the tax office, and the second will be marked with the acceptance of the application.

Step 4: Submit documents to the tax office, MFC or electronically

The second way to apply for registration as an entrepreneur is through the MFC (multifunctional center of public services). There are such centers in every region. Call the MFC in advance and check if they accept documents for registration. Not everyone does this. MFCs in Moscow accept documents only if there is a residence permit in the Basmanny district.

If it is not possible to come in person, send the documents to the tax office by mail in a valuable letter or submit through a representative by proxy. But before that, certify the application and a copy of the passport with a notary.

The tax office will give you a receipt on receipt of documents. Save it, you will need it when you pick up documents on registration of IP.


What to do after registering an IP

  • . For 7 lessons, he will help you figure out how, when and what reports to submit, how to draw up documents, how to properly receive money from clients.
  • Get a year in Elba as a gift - a web service that counts taxes and helps you submit reports via the Internet. For entrepreneurs without an accountant and accounting knowledge. We give young entrepreneurs who are under 3 months old, year of Premium service. This is the most complete tariff: it includes tax calculation and reporting for individual entrepreneurs and employees, preparation of documents for transactions, work with goods and accountant consultations.

So you've decided to become an entrepreneur! A good prospect for those who are tired of depending on the bosses and want to become the master of their lives! One of the solutions to this issue is the design of IP. What you need to open an IP - this is our detailed material.

IP - who is this?

It is most expedient to become an individual entrepreneur, or an individual entrepreneur, for those who want to conduct business as an individual, that is, without forming a legal entity.
What is the difference? The fact that legal entities must have an authorized capital and a legal address. An individual entrepreneur is exempt from these conditions, however, there is one important point here - according to the law, an individual entrepreneur must be liable for obligations with all his personal property.

How does an individual entrepreneur differ from a private person working without registration, what is called “for himself”?

Firstly, when registering an individual entrepreneur, the length of service is credited. Secondly, illegal employment is punishable. Well, and thirdly, if the activity is related to the wholesale purchase of goods, then many firms do not provide for deliveries for private traders.

Who can be registered as an individual entrepreneur?

  • All adult capable citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • Minor citizens recognized as capable by the relevant authorities;
  • Minor citizens who have permission to engage in entrepreneurial activities from their parents or guardians;
  • Foreigners, with a temporary or permanent Russian residence permit.

Are there any exceptions? Yes there is! The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the opening of individual entrepreneurs to citizens who are in the state and municipal service. For all other working citizens, there are no obstacles in terms of registration of IP.

What you need to open an IP - the first steps!

Registering an individual entrepreneur is not really difficult for you. But first, you will need to take a number of actions that will allow you to carry out the registration procedure without delay in the future.
The fact is that even before submitting documents to the relevant authorities, it is necessary to decide on some fundamental points.

1. Select activities.
There is the All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities (OKVED), in which each type of activity is assigned a specific code. Therefore, the future entrepreneur needs to choose the scope of his activity and, based on this, determine its OKVED code.
An important point: you can specify several codes, but the code of your main activity must be specified first. It is not forbidden to select several codes at once with an eye to the future expansion of activities.
If, in fact, any activities are not carried out, no sanctions from the tax and other structures will follow. And when a favorable moment comes to expand the business, it will not be necessary to go to the tax office again in order to make changes or additions to activity codes.

2. Determine how we will pay taxes.
This issue also needs to be resolved in advance so as not to delay the registration process in the future. The most optimal solution for individual entrepreneurs is the simplified taxation system (STS).
Here it will be necessary to make a choice of the object of taxation. There are two of them: "income" and "income minus expenses." In the first case, the tax rate will be 6% on all your business income. If the second option is chosen, then the rate, depending on the region, will vary from 5 to 15%.
In addition to the simplified tax system, the Patent Taxation System (abbreviated PSN), the Single Imputed Income Tax (UTII) and some other special tax regimes, depending on the type of activity, may be convenient for individual entrepreneurs.

3. Get a TIN.
It is advisable to obtain a TIN in advance - taxpayer identification number. If it already exists, it’s good, if not, then we submit an application to the tax office at the place of registration to receive it.
Obtaining a TIN can be timed to coincide with the submission of documents for registration of IP, but this may somewhat delay the registration period.

4. Pay the state duty.
For registration of IP, you must pay a state fee. You can do this at any branch of Sberbank. For several years now, the amount of the fee has remained within the limits of 800 rubles. However, you should know that a bill has already been submitted to the State Duma to increase the fee for registering entrepreneurial activities. So it is not surprising if soon this amount will change upwards.

Collection of documents for registration of IP!

So, all the preparatory measures have been taken, we are starting to collect together all the documents that are needed to open an individual entrepreneur: a passport, a photocopy of a passport, a receipt for payment of state duty, a TIN and a copy of it, a completed application for registration of an individual entrepreneur - it can be downloaded on the website of the Federal Tax Service (form P21001), or take the form at the nearest tax office.

A few words should be said about completing this application. The fact is that, despite the sufficient simplicity of the form, it is easy to make a mistake in filling it out. Especially carefully you need to fill in the passport data - strictly in accordance with the way they are written in the passport itself!

In addition, blots and typos are strictly not allowed, so be very careful when filling out an application. Everything is not so complicated, especially since there are a lot of sites on the Internet with examples of how to fill out the P21001 form correctly.

The application consists of 5 sheets that must be numbered, stitched and sealed with your signature.
If you personally go to register your individual entrepreneurship, then this stage of preparing documents is over.
If the documents are sent through an intermediary or by mail, notarization of the documents and your signature is required.

Onward to the tax office!

So we came directly to the registration of an individual entrepreneur, that is, to a visit to the tax office. But not the first one that came across, but the one that is located at the place of your official registration. The actual place of residence does not play a role in this.

Example: you are registered in Khabarovsk, but live in Moscow, where you are going to conduct your business. Documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs must be submitted in Khabarovsk! It is in this case that it becomes necessary to resort to the help of e-mail (through special services), intermediaries by proxy or the services of the Russian post.
If there is no permanent residence permit in the passport, it is allowed to issue an IP at the address of temporary registration.
When applying in person to the FTS inspection department at the place of registration, we hand over all prepared documents to the inspector. At the same time, you can apply for the tax system of your choice.
Now is the time to take a breath: your documents will be reviewed within 5 working days from the date of submission.

What you need to open an IP - we get the documents!

And now the waiting period has expired, you go to receive documents. What will be given to you as confirmation of the status of an individual entrepreneur?

  1. Document on registration with the tax office
  2. Extract from the state register of IP (EGRIP)
  3. Certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP)

Also, you can immediately receive documents on registration with the Pension Fund, TFOMS and notification of the assignment of codes in the statistical authorities. If they are not issued by the tax authorities, then you will need to go to all these authorities in order to collect a complete package of all the listed documents.

When the documents are received, you can start doing business as an individual entrepreneur within the types that were indicated.
However, there are cases when, following the results of consideration of documents, citizens are denied opening an IP. In particular, this happens due to incorrectly specified information or an incorrectly completed application. In any case, the refusal must be motivated.
If this happens, then the entire procedure for submitting documents will have to be repeated, while the state duty will need to be paid again, in the same amount.

We open IP - the price of the issue!

The simplest, but also the most expensive way of registering an IP is to delegate the solution of this issue to specialized firms. Employees of such a company will do all the work for you and provide you with a ready-made package of documents. The cost of such services in large cities usually starts from 5,000 rubles.

If you do everything yourself, then the minimum amount of expenses will cost 800 rubles for paying the fee, well, and the cost of photocopies of the necessary documents.
We complicate the options by resorting to the help of intermediaries. Notary services for certification of documents and signatures will cost an average of 400 rubles. It is difficult to translate the services of an intermediary into monetary terms, since if someone close to you solves this problem of yours, then it may not cost you anything, and if you hire someone from the outside, then the price, as they say, will be negotiable.

More options: you decide that you, as an entrepreneur, need a current account and a seal (which is not at all necessary for an individual entrepreneur). In this case, you need to add another 1000 rubles for opening an account and about 500 for making a seal.
If you have carefully read our article, now you know what you need to open an IP. Step by step following our recommendations, it will not be difficult to carry out the entire registration process without anyone's help. Good luck with your own business!

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