Is it worth it to open a mini cannery? How to Start a Chemical Toilet Business


The idea of ​​opening a shop for the production of canned vegetables at first glance seems banal and unpromising. However, upon closer examination, you will understand that this is absolutely not the case and your own production of canned vegetables has every chance of becoming a highly profitable business.


First plus that absolutely all farms specializing in vegetable growing experience an acute shortage of a market for their products. While carrots, beets, cabbages and potatoes can be sold for a long time, crops such as green peas, sweet corn, peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes are either not grown at all or are grown in very limited quantities. And if you provide such farmers with a stable market, and a mini-factory for the production of canned foods is what you need, then its owner will receive:

  • Unlimited amount of raw materials, able to load all production facilities at 100%.
  • Raw materials received from farmers at the peak of the harvest will cost the manufacturer very cheaply, and this is a low cost of production.

Second plus A similar idea applies to competition. It would seem that it is practically impossible to bypass such large manufacturers as Baltimore or Bonduelle in this business. However, this is not necessary! In fact, all these representatives of well-known brands in Russia are producers only 4 months a year, and then they become ordinary importers with a very limited range of goods. And this circumstance must be taken full advantage of:

  1. First - in the cold season to establish production of exclusive and unusual products from the point of view of this market. For example, ready-to-eat dishes such as: mushrooms in sour cream, pickled eggplants in mushroom or sour cream sauce, cucumbers in tomato, etc. The range of such products is limited only by the imagination and the peculiarities of the national cuisine.
  2. The second is to retrain for this period in salad producer both oriental and traditional cuisine, as well as making ready-made meals, fortunately, the following equipment will allow you to set up such production without any problems. The so-called salad companies make their main profit at this time of the year. And even here you will find yourself out of competition, as you will own modern technologies for preserving salads and lunches, the shelf life of which will fluctuate within 2-6 months, while salad companies have a few days.

We have sorted out the business prospects and now we will move on to specific actions, namely: we will identify a number of problems and find solutions to the most important points associated with the opening of a mini-factory for the production of canned food.

Raw material.

Before purchasing equipment for a mini-factory, it is necessary to create a stable base of raw material suppliers in advance.

And here the main problem lies in the quality of vegetables. While canned vegetables such as carrots, beets, cabbages, potatoes, and bell peppers do not need to be intact because they are boiled, chopped, or ground, green peas, sweet corn, and beans must meet quality standards.

There is only one way out - to conclude contracts with large farms to deliver quality, consistent products. For farmers, this will mean a major investment in updating their fleet of machinery and mastering new agricultural techniques for growing vegetables. Your argument for persuasion is the high cost of raw materials purchased from them and the stability of sales.

The second problem related to the raw material base is seasonality. It is clear that corn and peas do not grow in winter, but they are perfectly stored frozen. The thought immediately arises that the cost of refrigeration units and the cost of electricity will negate all the profits from storing frozen vegetables. In fact, this is absolutely not the case.

Frozen corn itself is a valuable commodity that is suitable not only for canning. A simple example: 1 kg of fresh milky corn grains will cost you about 20 rubles, but 1 kg of frozen corn, say in winter, you sell 100 rubles without any problems. for 1 kg.

As for carrots, cabbage, potatoes and other long-term vegetables, everything is simple here. Either you rent vegetable stores and stock up on this raw material for the season in accordance with the production plan, or you simply buy it. Building your own storage facilities is not an option. Such an undertaking requires a large investment.

Implementation and competition.

The second prerequisite for success in the canned vegetable industry is stable distribution channels. And here two ways are outlined: creating your own marketing network or using the network of large trading companies. With the first option, everything is clear - this is a local market, represented by small grocery stores and supermarkets, where you need to offer your products using a variety of marketing tricks. But with trading companies, things are different.

It is almost impossible to get there with your goods. The fact is that for trading companies you are a direct competitor, since in fact many of them are themselves importers of canned vegetables, on the banks of which they stick labels with their trademark. Moreover, all their products are in the low price segment, and these two circumstances, if desired, turn from a minus into a huge, bold plus for you.

  • Firstly, invite the company to use your product under their brand name. After all, according to research on the market of canned products, the wholesale purchase of canned vegetables of domestic production is 20% cheaper than imported ones. And getting even more profit has always been the decisive argument of any commercial transactions.
  • Secondly In order not to compete with the products of the company itself, throw out on the market a product that is not familiar to the consumer, but at the same time based on traditional dishes of Slavic cuisine. In this case, you will be assisted by a professional technologist who is able to develop both a product recipe and technical specifications.

With all the steps leading up to the successful organization of the business, we figured out and now move on to equipment, initial investment and, of course, profit.


The complex of equipment for the processing of vegetables and fruits is presented by Inagro. Country Ukraine.


  • Productivity of the processed raw materials - 100-500 kg/h.
  • The area of ​​the premises for the production line is 100-120 m².
  • Energy carriers: electricity - 30-70 kW/h; water - 0.3-1 m³ / h; water drain - 0.5 m³/h.
  • Service staff - 8-16 people.

The packaging line is represented by:

  • Glass jars with a cork lid - Twist-Off.
  • Glass bottles - CPP and PET.
  • Vertical packages - Doy-Pak, as well as retort and Bag in Box.
  • Plastic cups and trays.
  • Packing volume 0.06-10 kg/l.

Main product range:

  • Natural canned vegetables: salads and vinaigrettes, various types of vegetable caviar, chopped and stuffed vegetables in tomato sauce.
  • Lunch dishes from vegetables and meat-vegetables.
  • Heated semi-finished products.
  • Tomato paste.
  • Variety of vegetable and fruit purees.
  • Sauces, mustard and ketchups.
  • Smoothies - fruit and vegetable, with an admixture of dried fruits, juice, pureed cereals or pieces of nuts.
  • Dried vegetables: powdered, whole, chopped.
  • Dried tomatoes, candied fruit.

The cost of the entire line without delivery and installation of equipment is 3.224 million rubles.

Basic expenses and profits.

The next model of income and expenses will be based on a 4-month production cycle in the warm season, since it is impossible to calculate income from alternative types of income (production of salads or prepared meals). For the main unit of profit, we will take 1 kg of frozen corn, because similar types of canned vegetables in weight equivalent are even more expensive.

The main costs for one production cycle.

  • Raw material: corn or any kind of vegetables - 120 tons. Based on: production per shift - 1 ton of products, per month - 30 tons, for 4 months - 120 tons. The total cost is 2.4 million rubles. (1 ton of vegetables - 20 thousand rubles).
  • Consumption electricity- 28.8 thousand kW. Based on: 240 kW per shift (8 hours), 7.2 thousand kW per month, 28.8 thousand kW per 4 months. The total cost is 100 thousand rubles.
  • Salary workers - 1.2 million rubles. Based on: 1 handyman - 15 thousand rubles. (16 people) plus 1 technologist and marketer (30 thousand rubles each). The salary is calculated for one production cycle - 4 months.
  • Rent premises (production shop and warehouses) - 100 thousand rubles. per month, per year - 1 million rubles. From the calculation: the period of sale of some products varies within 1 year.
  • Total: 4.7 million rubles.

All the figures and calculations indicated above are reduced to an average indicator and directly depend on the tasks set and the specific situation.

Total income.

The basic unit of income is 1 kg of frozen corn (any vegetable, whether frozen or canned). According to the production plan, 120 tons of corn are produced in one cycle, and the following figure follows from this: 1 ton of corn - 100 thousand rubles. (1 kg - 100 rubles), 120 tons of corn - 12 million rubles.

  1. Net profit - 7.3 million rubles.
  2. Payback of production - a maximum of 4 months.
  3. Profitability of production - about 50%.

As you can see, an income of 7 million rubles in 4 short months is a very impressive figure, and even if you deduct 1-2 million from it for all kinds of force majeure and penalties, you will still be in profit. In addition, no one bothers you to use alternative methods of production and make great money on it.

This article will consider the features of entrepreneurship in the field of food production using an example. Canned food is a profitable business, since various raw materials (fish, meat, vegetables, etc.) can be used in the production process, and demand practically does not depend on the season. Of course, in such a sought-after area, the degree of competition is high, but the variety of types of products and ways of detuning from competitors allows us to talk about its potential attractiveness.

To implement a full-fledged project in this area, it will be necessary to study canning technology, select a product and market niche, as well as a solid business plan, without which it will be impossible to attract the interest of potential investors.

Key Features of a Cannery Business Plan

We use the cannery business plan as the main tool for project work

Design is a complex and multifaceted process, especially in the field of economic systems, the main purpose of which is to make a profit. It will take a lot of time and effort to draw up a working description of all processes and a specific action plan. To optimize resource costs, we use cannery business plan, as the main project tool.

This is the only way to fully describe all the actions required to achieve the strategic goals. It also has another undoubted advantage - its calculation part allows you to transparently describe the business economy and draw a conclusion about its efficiency or loss in terms of payback periods and profitability.



Features of entrepreneurship in the chosen area

The enterprise under development will produce a wide range of canned food, with canned peas and corn as the main sales drivers. Various options for cooperation with large grocery retail chains will be used as the main distribution channels.

The main points of this business are the observance of classical technologies without unnecessary impurities and the receipt of high-quality raw materials.

Stages of business implementation:

  • technological equipment of the enterprise;
  • formation of a raw material base;
  • production and sale.

A more detailed description of the stages is disclosed in the following paragraphs regarding specific content. cannery business plan.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments to launch a cannery

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding Plan

5.3. Cannery Development Sales Plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Cannery Risks

7 - Conclusions

The cannery business plan is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business plan of the brewery for the production of beer

To start the brewery, it was necessary to attract external investments, and we decided that a credit line in our case would be the best solution. After preliminary negotiations with Sberbank, we formed a list of necessary documents that needed to be prepared. Among the requirements of the bank was both a business plan and a financial model for the production of beer. Having studied various developers of business plans, we settled on the Plan-Pro company for two reasons: first, we liked the quality of execution of ready-made business plans, second, the financial model seemed to us quite thoughtful and understandable, plus the bank said that such a level of study project is more than enough. As a result: our brewery received a bank loan in the amount of 250 million rubles. Thank you, because thanks to the painstaking work of developing a business plan and making adjustments, we received approval for a loan. Thank you for your turnkey work!

Stepan Nikolaevich, owner of the Stary Klyon brewery, Tyumen

Feedback on the business plan for the production of confectionery

Our confectionery shop has risen to the challenge of the times and we need additional investment. At first, we did not consider the possibility of ordering a ready-made business plan and wanted to do everything ourselves. But it turned out to be a difficult task to make a good business plan from scratch, so we bought a ready-made solution on the website to use it as the basis for our production. We did the right thing: thanks to the high-quality work of the site, investors did not have any unnecessary questions, and we received an investment in the amount of 40 million rubles.

Maria Mikhailovna, Tomsk bakery

Feedback on a business plan for the production of compound feed with subsequent sale

Our organization needed a business plan for two purposes: we were evaluating the profitability of a compound feed business and we wanted to raise external funding. After looking at the various business plans of the feed mill on the net, we settled on the Plan-Pro project. As a result, we were satisfied with the result and got exactly what we needed: a ready-made business plan with a clear structure, a financial model for the development of a mixed feed plant, which is quite easy to change for ourselves.

Lyudmila Tsvetkova, financial director, Voronezh

Feedback on the business plan of the cannery

The main goal of preparing a cannery business plan for us was the process of finding sources of investment in the project, which we organized together with partners. After several unsuccessful attempts to independently develop a financial model, we purchased a ready-made document from Plan Pro. His structural clarity, and a functional and convenient block for calculating economic indicators allowed us to quickly prepare a justification for the effectiveness of the business and attract external funding for the project in the amount of 25 million rubles.

Bordnikov A.R. KonsOpt LLC, Moscow region.

The essence of the upcoming event

Planning involves the implementation of a wide range of analytical and calculation work to draw up a full-fledged action plan to achieve goals, backed up by all the necessary financial and economic calculations.

The subject of the cannery business plan

Company for the production of a diverse set of canned products, with a production capacity of up to XXX tons of canned food per year.

Document filling

When designing the structure cannery business plan it is important to adhere to the theoretical foundations of design and display all the points, each of which is responsible for its part of the process:

  • analysis of the market, assessment of its dynamics and possible ways of growth or stagnation in future periods;
  • investment costs for implementation;
  • technology and equipment;
  • operating expenses and income;
  • labor costs and staffing of the enterprise;
  • marketing and distribution policy;
  • determination of the term for reaching a positive cash flow.

Market Analysis Section of Cannery Business Plan

Business is like a high-stakes card game - whoever secures a winning set of cards will take the entire pot or a significant portion of it. To determine which cards will be trump cards in this commercial game, you need to study and understand the market, the behavior of competitors and consumers on it, and also form a map of the advantages of your product:

  • domestic and natural raw materials;
  • many types of canned food in high demand;
  • low prices due to modern production technologies and business scale;
  • the quality of merchandising and complex marketing activities.

Another option for the production of semi-finished products is the production of sausages. will allow you to evaluate all the features of this project.

Launch preparation plan

If you want the implementation cannery business plan did not encounter a number of bureaucratic, legal and organizational problems already at the first stages, we recommend that you perform the following sequence of mandatory actions:

  1. Determine the form of activity and carry out the registration of the enterprise, with registration with the tax office.
  2. Choose a partner bank and open a current account.
  3. Select suitable land for construction.
  4. Choose one of the modern efficient production technologies and agree on the terms of equipment delivery.
  5. Determine the sources of team formation.

Investments for the implementation of the business plan of the cannery

The main goal of any entrepreneur is to minimize the time from the start of design work to the moment of making a profit, which will cover the costs of the project. In this, the interests of the initiator of the business fully coincide with the interests of potential investors who want to profit from investments as soon as possible. To create a project that can satisfy this mutual interest, download a sample of the finished project from our website. cannery business plan, which contains high-quality and reasonable calculations of the main economic and financial indicators. This will allow attracting external financing in full in a short time.

Investment structure:

  • design and construction work - XXX rubles;
  • acquisition of a production line - XXX rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - XXX rubles;
  • advertising company in support of a new brand for the market - XXX rubles;
  • furniture, office equipment and transport - XXX rubles;
  • the cost of finding and attracting employees - XXX rubles;
  • reserves and stocks of monetary assets – XXX rub.

In general, the project will require from 50 to 120 million rubles.

Provision of equipment and main technological stages

The entire production cycle can be characterized as follows: acceptance and primary cleaning of raw materials, grinding and other types of mechanical processing, if necessary, preparation of brine and mixing with the product, canning, labeling and entry into free sale.

material support cannery business plan:

  • line and tanks for cleaning and washing of raw materials;
  • vats for brine;
  • dispensers for the preparation of the finished mixture;
  • apparatus for spinning and canning in jars and other types of containers;
  • refrigeration and freezing equipment;
  • water purification systems;
  • air conditioners and ventilation equipment;
  • machines for printing and sticker labels.

Cannery business plan financial model

Operating part of expenses

In accordance with the accounting system adopted by the enterprise, it is necessary to calculate the total amount of costs within the operating part cannery business plan:

  • lease payments and the cost of maintaining buildings and structures - XXX rubles;
  • payment for the services of energy suppliers and utilities - XXX rubles;
  • calculation and accrual of depreciation payments - XXX rubles;
  • supply of raw materials and materials - XXX rubles;
  • commercial and other organizational costs - XXX rubles;
  • wage fund - XXX rubles;
  • tax deductions and other state fees - XXX rubles;
  • other costs within the framework of operating activities - XXX p.

The total amount of the planned costs will be XXX rubles.

The volume of proceeds from the implementation of the business plan of the cannery

In fact, sales came out on top in the degree of attention of business owners in most areas of business. This is due to the fact that the competitive environment requires an increasing amount of effort required to achieve the targets.

We will determine the key, from the point of view of the client, factors of usefulness and attractiveness of products that will be produced in accordance with cannery business plan:

  • taste, nutritional properties and the absence of harmful additives;
  • low prices;
  • bright packaging design and advantageous location on store shelves;
  • a wide selection of different types of canned food.

Implementation structure:

  1. Canned vegetables - XXX rub.
  2. Canned fruits - XXX rub.
  3. Fish and meat products - XXX rubles.

The amount of the planned sales income will be XXX rubles. monthly.

Employees of the enterprise and the wage fund for their work

Most modern industries strive to automate all processes as much as possible in order to reduce costs and eliminate the human factor. But the share of manual labor is still high, and the features of management processes require highly qualified personnel for high-quality performance. cannery business plan.

Determine the need for workers:

  • CEO - XXX rub.
  • Deputy for Economics and Finance - XXX rubles;
  • chief technologist - XXX rubles;
  • personnel department - XXX rubles;
  • accounting - XXX rubles;
  • marketing and sales specialists - XXX rubles;
  • workers - XXX rubles;
  • administrative and economic personnel - XXX rubles;
  • other office employees - XXX rubles.

The value of the payback period of the business plan of the cannery

Compliance with the amount of revenue and costs will make it possible to recoup the enterprise within 3 to 5 years. There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download ready-made Excel with financial calculations and financial model

Most owners of large and successful businesses are undoubtedly professionals in their field. However, with the development of completely new directions, or in the case of opening a company by a novice entrepreneur, there may not be such experience and professionalism. And this carries the threat of low-quality or incomplete description of new projects, which will not allow attracting the necessary funding.

To neutralize such threats, download a full-fledged ready-made cannery business plan, containing calculations of the main economic and financial indicators, allowing to justify the effectiveness of the project. You can also order an individual turnkey business plan created with your direct participation and taking into account the specifics of your commercial activity.. Thus, you will achieve your goals and advantageous positions in the selected market segment more quickly.

The cannery allows you to produce a wide range of products from various raw materials, which undoubtedly makes this business manageable and flexible. And flexibility in our time allows us to quickly rebuild the company in accordance with market trends and find profitable options for resolving difficult situations. All this, plus professional business planning, allows you to create a solid and profitable business.

If someone thinks that opening a mini cannery is a hopeless project, then he is deeply mistaken. With a careful study of all aspects of this type of economic activity, it becomes quite clear that this business has excellent chances not only to become profitable in a short time, but also has large-scale prospects for development in the future.

Perspective business ideas

The main advantage of this type of activity today is the fact that absolutely all farmers who grow vegetables experience an acute shortage of sales markets. If, for example, any root crops, including potatoes, carrots or beets, can be sold for a long period of time, then the bulk of vegetables have a shorter shelf life and, accordingly, should be sold as early as possible. Therefore, many farmers are forced to take completely extreme actions, they either completely refuse to grow such perishable products as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, or are limited to only very small areas for these crops. But if you give such farms a stable market, which any cannery can do, then things will be completely different.

At the same time, the mini cannery will also be fully provided with raw materials. And it will be quite cheap raw materials, since at the peak of productivity the prices for such agricultural products are minimal.

Another plus of the business idea follows from the above - today the cannery will have practically no competition on the market. There is no need to worry that you will not be able to compete with such giants of the market as Baltimore or Bonduelle, because you don’t have to do this at all. The fact is that these well-known brands work in our market according to the following scheme: only 4 months a year they are manufacturers, and the rest of the time they act only as importers. And this circumstance is quite realistic to use.

How to do it:

  • In the winter season, it is necessary to establish the production of exclusive products, including various pickled vegetables with sauces in the form of ready-made snacks (mushrooms, eggplant, cucumbers, etc.), stews, lecho. The assortment in this case is limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer and the peculiarities of the national cuisine.
  • In the cold season, you can retrain for the manufacture of ready-made canned meals, including cereals with vegetables, various salads.

Important. Companies that specialize in the production of salads make the most profit during the winter seasons. But your company will have a significant advantage here too, because “salad” companies produce their products with a minimum shelf life (no more than 3-4 days), while your products will have a shelf life of up to 6 months.

As you can see, such a business has very real prospects, and therefore we can safely proceed to planning the implementation of this idea in life.

Raw material base

Before starting to resolve issues with equipment for the plant, it is necessary to create a reliable raw material base, that is, to conclude cooperation agreements with suppliers and farms.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of vegetables. Different vegetables require different processing approaches in the canning process, and, based on this, their quality characteristics must be carefully considered. So, for example, vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, peppers do not require preservation of integrity during cooking, since they are amenable to mechanical operations such as chopping, boiling, grinding. Whereas green peas, corn, beans and some other crops that are cooked as a whole must retain their shape during heat treatment.

Therefore, an entrepreneur must make sure that farms provide him with only high-quality products and prescribe these conditions in supply contracts. For farmers, such contracts will mean only one thing: a more serious attitude to their own business, updating the technical park, mastering new technologies for processing crops and new varieties of vegetables. And you, as the main buyer of such products, must convince the farmer that his investments will definitely pay off with higher prices for high-quality raw materials and a stable sales market in your person.

Another major problem associated with the raw material base is seasonality. In the climatic conditions of Russia, many crops cannot grow in winter even with greenhouse cultivation, for example, this applies to crops such as peas or corn. However, they are quite convenient to store frozen.

A related question immediately arises: if vegetables are stored frozen, then their cost increases significantly due to the purchase of refrigeration chambers and electricity costs. Will the new expenses completely offset all the profits from the sale of products?

Of course not. The selling price of corn in season and in winter are two big differences. If during the harvest period 1 kilogram of corn grains can be sold for a maximum of 25-30 rubles, then in winter frozen corn can be sold without problems at a price of 100-120 rubles per kilogram.

If we are talking about products that have a long shelf life (potatoes, carrots, beets), then everything is even simpler here. To store these products, you can rent a vegetable store and make basic purchases during the harvest season, when the price of products on the market is minimal. Experts do not recommend considering building your own vegetable store, since such an undertaking requires large investments and will pay off only years later.

Competitiveness and sales of products

The second important point for the success of the canned vegetable business is the presence of stable distribution channels. And here two options are possible: creating your own distribution network or selling products in supermarkets and large retail outlets.

The most acceptable and effective option is cooperation with large trading companies that operate on the market not only in a certain region, but also in all cities of Russia, which greatly expands the possibilities of any entrepreneur. But, unfortunately, breaking into such a market is almost impossible. Such companies themselves often act as importers of various canned goods, so in fact you will act as a competitor for them, and not a profitable partner. And with all this, they work in the lowest price segment.

But, no matter how strange it may sound, it is quite possible to turn such obvious disadvantages into fat pluses.

What can be done:

  • Invite companies to sell your product under their brand name. Buying them from a domestic manufacturer, that is, from you, will be five times more profitable than from foreign companies, so profitability will certainly be the final argument in your favor, especially if the product you offer is really high quality.
  • To exclude competition with the products of the company itself, offer a range of products that will differ from those already on the market, but based on the characteristics of the national cuisine of the Slavs. To implement such a task, you will need to hire a professional technologist who will develop a new recipe for canned food, but such expenses will quickly pay for themselves.

Factory equipment

The complex for processing vegetables for a mini plant must have the following technical characteristics:

  • processing capacity of raw materials - not less than 100 kg/h, preferably up to 500 kg/h;
  • the area of ​​the premises for the installation of the production line is about 100 square meters. m.;
  • electricity consumption - up to 70 kW / h, water - up to 1 cu. m/hour;
  • staff of service personnel - about 10-16 people.

A packaging line is also needed. As packaging should be used: glass jars with cork lids, glass bottles, vertical bags, plastic cups, trays.

Packing volume from 0.06 to 10 liters.

Product range

The following list of products should be considered as a range of products.

But at the same time, it is worth immediately making a reservation that, as already mentioned above, an entrepreneur, when choosing an assortment, should focus solely on his personal experience, the state of the market, and the presence of imagination.

  • canned vegetables, including vegetable caviar, salads, lecho, sliced ​​and stuffed vegetables in tomato sauce;
  • ready-made dinners from vegetables with the addition of meat;
  • semi-finished products that must be heated before use (stuffed cabbage, meatballs);
  • vegetable purees;
  • sauces and vegetable pastes;
  • smoothies from fruits and vegetables with the addition of nuts and cereals;
  • dried fruits;
  • candied fruit, etc.

The cost of a production line for processing vegetables on the market is about 3.5 million rubles.

Production costs and operating income

It is best to calculate expenses and income from activities, taking into account the fact that the main production cycle is 4 months in the warm season, because when calculating income from additional types of earnings (making salads and ready meals) in the winter period, you can get distorted and not quite exact information.

For the main unit of profit in a specific example, we will take 1 kilogram of frozen peas.

Costs for one production cycle:

  • Peas (or any other vegetables) - 120 tons (1 ton of products is processed per shift, 30 tons per month, respectively, 120 tons per 4 months). The purchase price is 2.4 million rubles (the price of 1 ton is 20 thousand rubles).
  • Electricity - 30 thousand kW (per shift - 250 kW, per month - 7.5 thousand kW, for 4 months - 30 thousand kW). The cost of electricity is 96 thousand rubles (the price of 1 kW / hour is 3.2 rubles).
  • Wage Fund - 1.5 million rubles for 4 months.
  • Rent of production space - 1.2 million rubles (100 thousand rubles per month * 12 months).

Total expenses: 5.2 million rubles.

Income from activities:

  • The cost of selling 1 ton of peas is 100 thousand rubles.
  • The income from the sale of 120 tons of frozen peas is 12 million rubles.

Net profit: 6.8 million rubles.

Return on investment: during the first season of operation (the first 4 months of the season).

Profitability of production: about 40 percent.

Cannery mini-factory is a very profitable business. And the example we have considered is just one more evidence in favor of this statement, so if you have all the necessary prerequisites for putting this idea into practice, it is not possible to doubt the prospects.

The very first stage in organizing a cannery is to study the technology and analyze the work of competitors in your region. The bulk of potential buyers live in big cities. It is impossible to count on high demand in small settlements.

After that, you should start searching for suppliers of raw materials and conclude preliminary contracts. It is most profitable to buy fruits and vegetables from large farms. Although, there is a common practice of buying up crops from peasant farms through exit points. If you have firmly decided to start organizing the production of canned vegetables and fruits, have clear plans for the volumes of various types of products, it is worth agreeing with farms on the preliminary volumes of purchases of various types of raw materials. Your suppliers will be able to calculate which types of agricultural products to focus on next season.

An excellent option is to start the operation of the enterprise during the harvest season. The first berries can be purchased from mid-July. In order to make the most of this period, it is important to draw up a clear business plan and consider fallback options in case of disruption to the start of production. For example, you can first install a line for freezing fruits and vegetables.

Main risks

Breaking into large wholesale markets is almost impossible. This is due to the high competition between large brands. This should be taken into account in the process of developing a marketing strategy.

Significant risks are associated with weather conditions. Purchase prices for raw materials and the cost of your products depend on the harvest.


Experts recommend looking for premises for organizing a business as close as possible to suppliers of raw materials. So, you should rent a room in the district center or a small town. This location is also beneficial in terms of rental costs. Wages in small towns are not an order of magnitude lower than in a metropolis. Transportation costs for the delivery of finished products are more than covered by these factors.

The area of ​​the production workshop must be at least 120 m². It is also necessary to rent vegetable stores to create a stock sufficient to ensure the operation of production in the winter and spring until the new crop appears. Warehouses for storing finished products must have a minimum area of ​​100 m². Warehouse for storing raw materials required for 1-2 shifts.

To increase profitability, it is recommended to equip chambers for freezing and storing frozen berries. Even with limited start-up capital, it is highly desirable to find additional funds for their arrangement. During a period of active harvesting and low prices for a certain type of raw material, your capacities may not be able to cope with its processing. Freezing allows you to work in normal mode and store raw materials in the proper form. An additional argument is the opportunity to make money on frozen fruits and vegetables. Example: the wholesale price of 1 kg of corn kernels at harvest time is 20 rubles, in winter you can sell them frozen for 100 rubles. Even with additional energy costs, the availability of additional areas for freezing and storing this type of product is very beneficial.

You should know in advance the requirements of the fire department and SES. For the food industry, clear standards have been drawn up, they must be taken into account even in the process of finding a room. In many cases, entrepreneurs see a benefit in the construction of new, rapidly erected buildings.


For efficient operation and a quick start, it is important to purchase production lines that ensure the production of the widest possible range. You can assemble equipment piece by piece or purchase a universal line. An example is a complex from the Ukrainian manufacturer Inagro. It is designed for the production of a wide range of canned products:

  • Salads, chopped and stuffed vegetables, caviar, vinaigrettes.
  • Tomato paste and sauces.
  • Vegetable and fruit purees.
  • Lunch dishes of meat and vegetables.
  • Heated semi-finished products.
  • All types of smoothies.
  • Dried tomatoes.
  • Candied fruit.
  • Sauces, ketchups and mustard.

The packing line allows you to pack canned food in containers from 0.06 to 10 kg/l. Types of containers:

  • Plastic trays and cups.
  • Glass lids with twist-off lid.
  • Glass bottles for PET and CPP.
  • Vertical packages Doy-Pak, retort, Bag in Boxing.


The area of ​​the premises is 120 m².
Productivity – from 100 to 500 kg/h.
Power - 30-70 kW / h.
Water consumption - 0.3-1 m³ / h.
Water drain - 0.5 m³ / h.
Service staff - 8-16 people.
The cost of such a complex is 3,300,000 rubles. For delivery and installation, it is worth planning at least another 200,000 rubles.

At least 600,000 rubles will have to be invested to purchase at least one car, containers for transporting finished products, a minimum set of inventory.


The most important person in production is the technologist. He controls all processes and monitors compliance with technology. To service the Inagro complex, 8-16 people are needed, depending on the selected production volumes. Also, you will need warehouse workers. Their number depends on the season. In summer and autumn, during the active purchase and processing of raw materials, seasonal workers will have to be hired. In winter and spring, such a large staff is not needed.

Separately, it is worth talking about the marketing department. The search for new buyers must be very active. Many enterprises open their own representative offices in big cities. At the start, when a new venture is experiencing a constant shortage of funds, it is still necessary to invite at least one experienced customer service specialist.

Documents and licenses

The size of the start-up capital and the complexity of organizing a conservation production business presupposes the registration of a legal entity. The scheme for obtaining permits is standard, but as for any other area of ​​the food industry, it is associated with a number of nuances and difficulties. The best option is to sign a long-term cooperation agreement with a law firm specializing in working with this industry. In the future, you will also need her services.

The production of canned vegetables and fruits is not subject to compulsory licensing. But you can't do without certificates. This requires certificates from vendors. Your enterprise should have a mini-laboratory that determines the quality of raw materials and controls the quality of products. To obtain certificates, conclusions of the SES and other regulatory bodies are needed. It is also necessary to develop and register technical specifications and technical specifications for production.


In order to break into large wholesale markets, many enterprises offer their products to large trading companies at a lower price and transfer the right to sell them under the client's brand name. Benefit - a guarantee of implementation and reliable distribution channels.

The second option is the active promotion of the brand through the creation of its own marketing network. Small shops, local markets, active work with potential buyers via the Internet.


It is extremely difficult to make accurate forecasts for this business. With proper organization, 70% load and an active marketing policy, you can return the initial investment literally within the first year of operation.


The organization of a canning shop will require significant capital investments. But this direction is highly profitable and is very promising.

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