Construction business: do-it-yourself wood concrete blocks. What raw materials are used in the production of wood concrete blocks? Feedback from our clients




Marketing research .
Sales of products.


Arbolite production technology.

Arbolit or, as the people say, “sawdust concrete” is made from cement, sawdust (wood chips or straw), sand by mixing them into a solution and naturally drying the material in special forms. To increase the strength of the manufactured blocks / bricks, they are subjected to shrinkage on a special vibrating machine.

It is thanks to its operational qualities that Arbolit has gained such popularity as an affordable, inexpensive building material. At first glance, the simple manufacturing technology of such a building material is tempting from the point of view of starting a business. However, you should always remember that any business consists of many little things, without which it is impossible to achieve a successful result. Therefore, the selection of raw materials in this production plays an important role. For example, the sand must not be “washed” so that the blocks do not shrink during production.

Cement is purchased last and stored in sealed packaging until the very beginning of production, because it is very hygroscopic and even being in a dry room without moisture, it will absorb it from the air and will not be suitable for production if it stays a little time in the open air. And finally, wood chips (straw, sawdust). Rather, its condition and size. If the plant component is wet, then such negative processes as rotting, decomposition, insects, etc. will develop in such a “brick”.

About the size, it should be said that the smaller the size of sawdust (chips, straw), the stronger such a brick can be after drying. By the way, this is its positive feature - it slightly restores its shape after a mechanical shock, and also does not crack. After all, the smaller the particle sizes in such a material, the more of them will fall into the volume of such a brick, and thereby the area of ​​the seized surface between the components will increase. To summarize the above a little, it turns out that the size of such particles should be as fine and small as possible, and they should be very dry.

An alternative option to reduce the moisture content of the organic component is to use lime. Organics are kept in solution for several days. This option is economically justified only in small-scale production, or in production “for oneself”, and does not allow reducing costs and overheads. For serial production of wood concrete blocks, it is necessary to additionally have a special machine for the production of chips and drying.

location for production.
A huge role in choosing a place for production is played by the location of sources of raw materials and their availability. Such production belongs to the class of raw materials and energy-intensive, therefore, for a successful start on the market, such components as sand, wood chips (sawdust, straw) ideally should not have a “shoulder” of delivery, or the “shoulder” should be very small. Be free whenever possible. Free sand mining in district centers or near villages is not uncommon.

And you can take ready-made sawdust from a sawmill, where they are production waste. If some of the components are missing or difficult to access, then you need to take a more balanced approach to choosing a place for future production. When choosing, an ideal place should be considered a small regional center (where there is cheap labor) located on a forest terrace (where there are deposits of ordinary free sand), or next to a sand pit and a working sawmill (for access to sawdust), a convenient transport interchange (for delivering blocks and transportation of cement with lime). If the construction of a microdistrict is planned nearby, the construction of private houses is underway, then there is every chance for a successful business project.

If you have decided on the choice of the future place of production, you should think about the organization of the technological process itself.

Organization of business - workshops for mini-production of wood concrete.

Attention! We recommend starting your own business for the production of wood concrete blocks, not on your own, but under a franchise! Since there are many pitfalls in this business, on which you will leave more finances and psychological fatigue than with the support of professionals with a promoted brand!

If the business is planned not as a one-time business, but as a long-term business, a production facility should be considered. From its construction ideology, the placement of the production line, the supply and storage of raw materials, and the storage of finished products will be built. The requirements for the production premises are as follows: insulated non-residential premises up to 5-6 meters high and 25 by 10 meters in size. The bunding of the room can be made with mineral wool or foam plastic to maintain the optimum temperature (up to 15-20 degrees Celsius) in the winter. This is necessary for uniform drying of the finished brick blocks.

Glazing of the room should be at the level of 5-7% of the area of ​​​​the fence (the total area of ​​​​all walls). Must have at least two lock chambers: for receiving raw materials and shipping finished blocks and one entrance / exit for personnel. An easily assembled hangar, an old brick shed, a cowshed can be adapted for production, as long as they meet the above requirements.

The room must have a protected (grounded) 380 volt power supply line that can “withstand” several three-phase electric motors that operate simultaneously. This requires laying the appropriate section of electrical wiring for at least three / four consumers (electric motor). Due to the increased fire hazard (the presence of drying, dry chips or sawdust with straw), the premises must comply with the fire safety category A or B. That is, be equipped with special sensors against fire, automatic fire extinguishing.

It is recommendatory in nature to place a button to call the fire brigade of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in case of fire. Also, in especially dangerous places, the room is equipped with fire hydrants and fire extinguishers (foam and acid). In the work area of ​​the personnel, the room is equipped with a special vestibule lock, which, in the event of a fire, cuts off the open flame and allows the personnel to leave the room.

We have dealt with the requirement for the premises a little, now it is worth highlighting one of the important components of the production process - equipment or a production line.

Each machine, as well as in general, the entire production line is responsible for one production task. Each machine can be made by hand to reduce the cost of the production process and facilitate operation. However, for large series, such a line is not suitable due to low production capacity.

Let's dwell on each in more detail.
Chip cutter.
A chipper or an industrial chipper (straw, sawdust) is a drum chipper, in the drum of which several tool steel knives and so-called hammers are installed on the axis for automatic supply of raw materials for grinding (old boards, branches, wooden slabs, etc. ).
The knives and hammers themselves are surrounded around the perimeter by a special perforated inner drum, through which the finished chips are spilled. The outer drum made of sheet steel serves as protection against spillage and scattering of wood chips. The drum is mounted on a frame with a three-phase electric motor and a belt drive with a starting device (start button and a set of capacitors). After the initial preparation, the chips are dried either naturally or in a special dryer.

Dryer for wood chips.
Drying is the second operation after the chipper to prepare the chips for the finished condition. The high performance characteristics of the wood concrete block depend on its quality. Visually, drying is a double drum with a diameter of about 2 meters. The outer drum is perforated and warm air is supplied through it for drying from a heat gun through a flexible non-flammable sleeve or asbestos pipe. The inner drum rotates and mixes the chips, and also prevents ignition from the flow of warm air. The volume of drying allows for one day shift to prepare (dry wood chips) for 90-100 blocks of wood concrete. The higher the consumption of the heat gun (optimally up to 3 kW), the faster the drying process will take place.

Mortar mixer.
The mortar mixer is next in the production cycle. The mortar mixer for the production mixture of arbolite is a cylindrical vat with a lateral vertical loading system for the components of the arbolite solution and a lower system for unloading the prepared mixture.

An engine up to 5 kW is located vertically above the mortar mixer with a gearbox with a small reduction ratio (optimally 20:3, 10:1.5) and a system of blades (blades) mounted on them for mixing the mixture. The volume of the vat is calculated based on the required production capacity of the day shift. Mini production means batches of up to 500-1000 pieces. finished wood concrete blocks in one shift. For such a volume, a vat of up to 5 cubic meters is required.

Depending on the density (brand) of wood concrete blocks, the raw mixture is prepared in the following proportions. Wood concrete density grade 5 (density 300-400 kg / cubic meters). By volume, the composition of the mixture: one part of cement, sand is not added, sawdust - 15 parts by volume, lime 1.5 parts. Wood concrete density grade 10 (density 600-700 kg / cubic meters). By volume, the composition of the mixture: one part of cement, one part of lime, 1.5 parts of sand, 12 parts of wood chips. Wood concrete density grade 15 (density 900-1100 kg / cubic meters).

By volume, the composition of the mixture: one part of cement, 0.5 lime, 2.5 parts of sand, 9 volume parts of sawdust. Wood concrete density grade 25 (density 1200-1300 kg / cubic meters). By volume, the composition of the mixture: one part of cement, lime is not needed, 3 parts of sand, 6 volume parts of sawdust. In all brands of finished wood concrete, water is added in such a way that the consistency of the solution is brought to the level of "sour cream", as the people say. Therefore, for each case, the volume of water is first selected experimentally on an experimental series, and then measured according to the finished volume.

The molding dispenser of arbolite bricks is a replaceable form for filling the volume of such a "brick". The form itself is made of steel with handles on the sides and upholstery inside the form (film, linoleum at worst) and removable top and bottom covers. The form may look like several “bricks” in several rows, and their number in the form directly depends on the volume of production.

Vibrating table.
The size of the vibrating table also depends on the size of the molding dispenser.

The vibrating table is a steel table commensurate with the dimensions of the dispenser, which is spring-loaded and connected to the frame (the main heavy table). A three-vane motor up to 1.5 kW is mounted on the frame, on the axis of which an eccentric is mounted (a load with a displaced center of gravity). When turned on, systematic vibrations of the upper part of the table occur. Such manipulations are necessary for better shrinkage of arbolite blocks in the mortar forms and the exclusion of mechanical and external shortcomings of the blocks after removal of the mold. Drying blocks.
Drying for finished blocks of wood concrete is necessary for the speedy drying of the blocks and their presentation. The dryer itself should be located after the dryer for chips, from which hot exhaust air would come. In summer, it is enough to use an open area for drying near the working room under a roof or a canopy from the rain.

Bunker for cement and sand.
Bunkers for cement and sand are made of cold-rolled sheet in the form of conical square or rectangular containers with a narrowing at the bottom for supplying raw materials to the supply line.
Raw material supply lines are needed for the convenience of work and are a conveyor with a rubber belt. The length of the tape overhang is set based on the conditions and dimensions of the production line.

Recruitment of personnel to work with the production line. One unskilled specialist is capable of producing 90-100 raw blocks per day shift on the production line. Therefore, if a small volume of production is expected, then it is enough to hire one hired worker. Which will sequentially perform production operations. If the production volume is more than 100 blocks per day, three to five hired workers should be hired. All employees are required to take firefighting training courses and know how to behave in case of fire in a hazardous workplace.

Marketing research.
Marketing research starts before production. Market research for finished products begins with the selection of the so-called target audience. Or in other words - to whom we will sell.

Wood concrete is not suitable as a material for large construction sites due to the low compression characteristics of this product, as well as due to the small amount of products produced. Arbolit and its production are carried out on the basis of the corresponding GOST. However, GOST can be modified to meet your higher requirements for finished products in order to gain a competitive advantage.

To gain an advantage over competitors, you should think about the production of wood concrete blocks that do not require plastering. And immediately lay in the blocks raw materials for production along with plaster or a special block around the entire perimeter, which will prevent the penetration of moisture. The second direction can be the simultaneous coloring of blocks in the form of multi-colored paint at the request of the customer, or to make several special forms with ornaments and simultaneous coloring. A promising direction for the use of wood concrete can be winter greenhouses.

Wood concrete will perfectly fit into load-bearing walls, floors, arched structures of greenhouses. Due to its excellent thermal insulation properties and low price, wood concrete can easily compete with traditional building materials.

The main target audience for which such blocks can be offered are private traders who build their own houses, small contractors that carry out the construction of cottage villages and eco-houses. Not limited to the target audience of residential buildings, the production of SAFs (small architectural forms), quickly erected shops, sheds, farms, etc. should also be present in marketing research.

As a rule, such people are very well versed in the intricacies of construction, and private traders are quite well-read and informed from construction forums. Therefore, a person who will offer such a specialized material should be able to explain the advantages of wood concrete blocks, their benefits over other materials (high mechanical performance properties, heat resistance), and most importantly, the price.

It is the price, along with quality, that sometimes plays a paramount role, especially if you take into account the target audience of buyers, which belongs to the economy class. The price should be at least 15-20% (and preferably more up to 35-40%) lower than the same class of building material. To achieve this price, it is necessary to reduce overhead costs and the cost of finished products. Here, the prices and costs of raw materials, which were mentioned above, come to the fore.

When calculating the advantages of wood concrete, it is necessary to calculate the heat losses of a wall insulated with foam plastic, mineral wool or other insulation and a similar wall of wood concrete without additional costs for insulation. Skillfully and intelligibly explain to potential customers the difference and benefits between a wet and ventilated facade. Arbolite must be additionally plastered - this imposes additional operating costs.

Perhaps a good marketing ploy would be to sell such blocks at cost. The purpose of such sales is to recruit customers with ready-made houses from wood concrete.
The accumulation of finished wood concrete houses will lead to an increase in the popularity of such material. After all, a ready-made warm house and a good customer review sometimes cost more than the widest advertising. And "word of mouth", communication through specialized forums has not been canceled.

To date, there are several problematic issues related to advertising. And it is the right advertising company that can solve these issues. Firstly, wood concrete or wood concrete blocks still have a low ability to be recognized by the population. Therefore, the advertising campaign should start from scratch and be directed to the general public. It may be worth building a small advertising house/cottage on the territory of the exhibition or expo center. If funds allow, make several such houses and transport them from one place to another.

Send advertising booklets and product examples to all nearby supermarkets within a radius of at least 100-200 km and agree on the conditions for distributing your products. At first, trade even at zero. Come up with a catchy advertising slogan, for example: "arbolit is not an aibolit, I'm used to winning in everything." Conduct several demonstration performances with amateurs on advertising. It is worth considering a dealer network or using the services of local marketers throughout the country. Use standard dealer advertising and promotion programs in the field.

Separately, it is necessary to develop the direction of trade via the Internet. The online store opens up opportunities to trade with the whole country, even without local representation. Here, only the solution of the issue of transport logistics for the delivery of blocks directly to the construction site or to the place indicated by the client is important.

The second problematic issue is the impossibility of producing arbolite blocks in large volumes, at the beginning of the article an alternative way to reduce the cost of such blocks by reducing the cost of raw materials is indicated, a good advertising company can indirectly help in this matter.

The third issue is the low competitive supply in the production line market. It is precisely because of the small number of promotional offers and the undeveloped production base (namely, fully automatic lines without human intervention) that there is no possibility of a sharp reduction in the cost of blocks.

And finally, the fourth problem is a sufficient weighty initial investment to advertise this business project.

Sales of products.
At first, it is better to organize the sale of products via the Internet on specialized sites, forums or your own personal specialized site. And do not start production until at least one order is received, otherwise it will be a waste of money and finished products will not be in demand. As orders are loaded, it is possible to organize a small warehouse of finished products and hire either a railway wagon for transportation (with a shoulder of more than 500 km) or a truck (with a shoulder of up to 500 km).

If it is initially planned to sell through a dealer network, then warehouses with finished products should be organized at each dealer. In order to promptly meet the needs of customers. However, this way significantly increases the size of investments in this kind of business project.

Investments and payback in mini production.
Direct investment in the production of wood concrete, the lion's share is spent on the production line. The price of the middle line for the production of wood concrete ranges from 50 thousand rubles to 500 thousand. This price does not include adjustment, delivery and installation of this equipment, which will cost another 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

For the full operation of the production line, it is necessary to have a supply of raw materials for more than 1 month of operation, based on the requirements for products. Spending on raw materials at current prices is at least 600 thousand rubles. You can save on raw materials if you deliver it in the form of waste (sawdust, wood chips) or make it yourself.

Arbolite - belongs to the category of lightweight concretes made on the basis of mineral fillers, cement and timber processing waste (sawdust, cellulose, plant fires, etc.). Low cost and high thermal and sound insulation characteristics of the block determine the high popularity of this material. What factors need to be taken into account in order to determine whether it will be profitable to build a house from wood concrete?

The composition of wood concrete includes four types of main components: chemical additives, aggregates, mineral binders and water.

For 1 m 3 wood concrete you will need:

  1. Mineral binders: in order to achieve the maximum density of wood concrete blocks, it is necessary to use Portland cement of a grade of at least 500. Cement consumption may vary: the approximate figure is 255 kg. The wholesale price of such a quantity of cement will be about 1200 rubles.
  2. Aggregates: most often it is woodworking waste. Often used coniferous and hardwoods. The latter are full-fledged aggregates that minimize the consumption of cement for the production of wood concrete. Linen fires or wood chips will need about 200 kg, which will cost 900 rubles.
  3. Water will need about 300 liters - this will be about 20 rubles.
  4. Liquid glass, potassium chloride, aluminum sulphate and slaked lime are used as chemical additives. The best are aluminum sulfate and calcium chloride. The total number of chemical additives is 6–12 kg, or 2–4% of the total cement weight. Given the maximum consumption (12 kg), it will cost us 80 rubles.

Thus, the composition of 1 m 3 wood concrete includes components totaling 2100 r and the cost of one block (30–33 blocks in 1 cubic meter) is 64–70 r.

Wood concrete house - what makes up the cost of construction

When comparing wood concrete with other popular types of building materials, several factors must be taken into account at once. Namely:

  1. block cost. It is better to take into account not a standard cube, but the number of pieces needed for the construction of a building. The cost price must include the cost of delivery, unloading. For comparison with other materials, it should be noted that the thickness of the wood concrete sufficient for the construction of walls is 350 mm (during the construction of gas silicate, a block of 375 mm will be required)
  2. The cost of preparatory work. A house made of wood concrete weighs 30% less than an identical building built of gas silicate and 40-50% of brick. This must be taken into account when laying the foundation. To lay a block of wood concrete, you will need to make a base with a depth of 450 mm, if the house is built of brick and gas silicate, you need to increase the thickness of the foundation to 500–550 mm. The calculation should include how much cement, rebar, crushed stone and other building materials will have to be spent to complete these works.
  3. Styling solution. A block of wood concrete can be placed on a regular cement-sand mortar, which significantly reduces the cost of a house. For one stone, 1.5–2 kg of solution is enough. It is necessary to add to the calculation how much a cube of cement costs.
  4. Labor costs. Laying wood concrete on average costs 10-15% cheaper than gas silicate, identical in technical characteristics. It is easier for a construction team to get a discount due to the fact that it is more convenient to work with blocks due to their lighter weight, about 20 kg. Arbolite is easily machined. You can cut off a small part or give the material the necessary geometric shape with an ordinary hacksaw for wood with a large tooth. As a result, masonry costs less, and the whole house is much cheaper. Usually payment is calculated for a cube of wood concrete. You can agree with the contractor on payment for each laid block, and this will further reduce the cost of work.
  5. Additional expenses. The arbolite block is strong enough, does not crack over time, so there is no need to make a full-fledged armored belt between floors. A certain amount of cement will go to pour the concrete pad. Every 2-3 rows, you will need to tie the wall with reinforcement.
  6. Subsequent finishing. The arbolite block has high soundproofing and energy-saving characteristics, has good adhesion. After laying the block, it can be plastered, sheathed with drywall. Additional insulation with mineral and other heaters is not required.

It turns out that when calculating how much it costs to lay a cube of wood concrete, one should take into account not only its cost, but also transportation costs, the cost of cement and crushed stone, laying costs, additional materials: the necessary tool, reinforcing mesh, additives and modifiers for cement (subject to work during the cold season). Since it is necessary to make about 10 cubic meters of mortar for masonry, it is necessary to take care of a sufficient amount of water at the construction site.

Approximate cost calculations for a house made of wood concrete

In Europe, where energy-saving technologies are being actively introduced, the wood concrete block is widely used in the construction of residential buildings, industrial facilities no higher than 2 floors. In our region, this building material appeared relatively recently. It is not surprising that a house completely built of wood concrete in our region is a relative rarity.

Is the decision to abandon the usual brick, foam block and gas silicate in favor of wood concrete justified and cost-effective? Simple calculations help to understand that this solution is cost-effective and beneficial. How much does a cube of wood concrete cost in practice?

  1. To build a wall 3 * 3 m, approximately 90 units will be required. block. Minimum material strength D-500. Technical parameters 500*200*300. A block of wood concrete costs, depending on the region, about 4–4.3 thousand rubles.
  2. A medium-sized house will require masonry material, approximately 40 cubic meters. Consequently, the block will need to spend 172 thousand rubles.
  3. To the amount received, you will need to add the cost of unloading, you can negotiate with the construction team for 300–400 rubles, for each unloaded cube of material. In general, you will have to spend 12 thousand rubles.
  4. Masonry material is taken at the rate of 10 cubic meters of masonry = 1 cubic meters of mortar. Cement, respectively, will take approximately 390 kg. It turns out at home, you need 39 bags of cement. The cost is 39 * 200 = 7800. The preparation of the solution will also require fine-grained sand, approximately 6 tons or 4.5 cubic meters. Price from 800 rubles. costs about 4 thousand rubles.

When calculating, it must be taken into account that the prices for different building materials may vary depending on the remoteness of the building under construction from the warehouse and industrial premises. Armed with a calculator, you can quickly calculate that for a house made of wood concrete, when building 40 cubic meters of walls, you will need to spend 195–200 thousand rubles. In this case, the price is taken into account without a foundation, exclusively for the laying of wood concrete blocks.

The cost of masonry must be added to the cost of the material. In Moscow, masons take approximately 1200 rubles. for 1 cu. laid block. In the periphery, you can negotiate for 800 rubles. It turns out that turnkey laying will cost an additional 32–48 thousand rubles.

Important! To the cost received, you will need to add the costs associated with the delivery of the material, the payment to the workers who will lay the block, as well as the purchase of a reinforcing mesh to strengthen the wall. All this can increase the cost of a wood concrete house by 10-15%.

The cost of a house made of wood concrete and what can increase the cost of the construction process

The main factor influencing how much it will cost to lay a cube of wood concrete is the desire of the person himself to increase the strength of the walls, reduce heat loss, etc. The following increases the cost of the construction process:

  1. The weak point of all blocks is the appearance of cold bridges between the stones laid on the cement-sand mortar. Refusal of cement and sand in favor of ready-made mixtures will increase the cost of the masonry process by approximately 1.5 times.
  2. Acquisition of material from one-day firms. A manufacturer that cares about its reputation provides the buyer with only a high-quality, well-dried block. As a result, it is possible to avoid a situation where, in fact, a third of the material received, after delivery, has cracks or chips. But the cost of wood concrete from such a manufacturer may be higher than that of competitors.
  3. Pricing policy of construction teams. In large cities, about 160 USD will be required for a cube of material laid on a turnkey basis. e. In the suburbs, you can negotiate for 100-130 USD. e. In most cases, private traders ask for less money than construction firms and contractors, but the latter guarantee quality and timing, providing all the necessary legal documents.

Building a house from wood concrete is the best, cost-effective and wise decision. The finished building will be distinguished by durability, good heat and sound insulation, as well as high environmental friendliness. In Europe, they have already managed to evaluate the good thermal insulation and other characteristics of the material. The domestic consumer, judging by the reviews, also began to give preference to wood concrete blocks when building a private house.

Arbolite blocks in modern construction are very popular. Studies conducted on the building materials markets show that recently an increasing number of people prefer this particular building material.

The arbolite block is inherently a molded mixture of cement and fillers of organic origin. Currently, for the production of such blocks, a mixture of cement and sawdust treated with a special composition is used. The percentage of cement and sawdust is approximately equal to 15-20% to 80-85%, respectively. The physical properties of wood concrete blocks show that this material works well in compression, has a large margin of bending strength, has increased thermal insulation properties, and performs well as a soundproof material. Arbolitic material can be used in the construction of low-rise buildings or used as an insulating material in combination with classic materials for load-bearing structures.

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Organization of a business for the production of wood concrete blocks

The attractiveness of the idea, which involves the manufacture of wood concrete materials, contains several important positive points. The very essence of the production of this building material is that the raw materials that will be used in production have a relatively low cost, because. more than 80% wood concrete block consists of sawdust, in other words, production waste. This allows you to get a low cost of production. Another factor in the attractiveness of this business is the demand factor for wood concrete blocks (wood blocks, wood bricks).

The material is very popular, environmentally friendly, more and more people prefer it.

Setting up a business to produce such blocks is an excellent solution both now and in the long term.

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An exemplary business plan for the production of wood concrete products

To implement this business project, it is necessary to purchase production equipment based on the estimated figures for the output of finished products per month. When developing a plan, it should be taken into account that at the initial stages of organizing a business, the release of finished products in the amount of 400-500 m3 of wood concrete materials per month will be relevant. These are approximate figures. Under these parameters, the production equipment of the required capacity is selected. You will need a room with an area of ​​200-300 m2, which consists of a main workshop, a drying department, and a warehouse for finished products.

Initial costs for the purchase of the necessary equipment:

  • Mixing equipment - 130 thousand rubles;
  • Forms for forming blocks - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Drying plant - 320 t. R.;
  • Machine for the preparation and grinding of wood chips - 160 tons;
  • Cement supply equipment - 50 tons;
  • Equipment for tamping - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Other auxiliary equipment - 150 tons;
  • Advertising costs - 50 thousand rubles;
  • As a result, equipment costs will amount to 980 thousand rubles.

The enterprise works in one shift of 8 hours, it will require 5 workers, an accountant and a manager to service it. The wage fund will be about 140 thousand rubles.

Approximate monthly expenses:

  • Rent 300 m2 - 100 thousand rubles. ;
  • Raw materials (wood chips, cement, aluminum sulfate, water) - 950 tons;
  • Utility payments - 60 thousand rubles;
  • Salary 110,000 tr.
  • Taxes - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Item of unforeseen and other expenses - 100 tr.

As a result, the costs amount to 1,420,000 rubles. per month.

It is supposed to sell the entire maximum volume of manufactured products at a price of 3500 rubles. per m3. In this case, the amount received for the products will be 1,750,000 rubles.

The profit will be 330,000 rubles. per month.

The result can be viewed like this:

  • Income - 1,750,000 rubles;
  • General expenses - 1,420,000 rubles;
  • Profit - 330,000 rubles.

In this case, the profitability will be about 26%.

From the above calculation, it can be seen that the return on investment in the organization of this business is approximately 3 months.

Arbolit is an artificial stone, for the creation of which wood (wood chips, sawdust) and cement are used. The main positive qualities of this building material are strength and low weight.

For its production, it is necessary to stock up on special forms and a concrete mixer. In view of this, the wood concrete block production business is very attractive and highly profitable.

What is this material?

Sawdust and wood chips used for the production of wood concrete blocks are pre-treated with a special compound, and then poured with a light cement mixture. The fractional combination of wood chips and cement is as follows − 85/15% . The raw materials used are inexpensive, making it easier to enter the business.

Depending on the production technology, there are:

  • heat-insulating blocks that are used for wall insulation;
  • structural and heat-insulating, used for the construction of small buildings.

Wood concrete blocks are distinguished by such positive qualities as excellent thermal insulation, strength, flexibility, excellent sound insulation, environmental friendliness and availability of the material.

Market and competition analysis

The profitability of the planned entrepreneurial activity lies in the simplicity of production. Any person can cope with the principle of work, even never having anything to do with the production sector. Having become acquainted with the technology of independent production of sawdust blocks, you can organize a workshop in an ordinary garage or in the open air on the territory of your own suburban area.

Another attractive side of this business is a huge sales market. Trade in this material can provide an entrepreneur with quite a decent income. It must be remembered, however, that despite low level of competition, buyers are often looking for quality products.

Production plan

This business requires the purchase of an appropriate machine. The main criterion for its selection is the planned sales volume and the amount of start-up capital.

On the market you can find machines manufactured by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The latter, of course, are more expensive, but a novice entrepreneur, constrained by funds, is unlikely to chase high-tech equipment.

The standard automated line includes the following machines and devices:

  • concrete mixer;
  • chipping machine;
  • Press forms;
  • vibropress;
  • drying chamber;
  • pallets.

The cost of equipment is strongly influenced by the degree of automation and line equipment. The price of a high-performance machine, whose capacity reaches 1000 m 3 / month, is approximately 1.5 million rubles. But the purchase of a manual machine without a drying chamber will cause a much smaller blow to the budget - about 300 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate all the positive and negative sides, since the presence of drying can significantly speed up the technological process, which will allow you to quickly recoup the investment. The average power of a manual machine varies from 300 to 400 m 3 / month.

The purchase of a wood chipper, with which you can prepare raw materials, is appropriate in the following cases:

  • the cost of wood raw materials in a particular region is too high;
  • material is very difficult to find.

The supply of finished sawdust can be negotiated with a nearby sawmill, where this raw material is a waste product.

It is desirable to locate the future workshop on the territory of a small regional center, since here you can find cheap labor. A good option is not far from a forest terrace (this will provide production with ordinary free sand) or a sand pit and a working sawmill. It is impossible to disregard the presence of a convenient transport interchange, as this makes it easy to take away finished blocks and bring cement and lime.

If a neighborhood began to be built nearby or private houses were built, then there is no doubt about the success of the chosen type of activity.

Is the project planned for a long period of time? So you should worry about the availability of production facilities. An automated line, transportation, storage of raw materials and storage of the finished product - all this affects the ideology of building a business.

The production facility must meet the following basic requirements: height not less than 5-6 meters and dimensions 25*10 meters. To maintain optimal temperatures in winter (15-20 degrees), ensuring uniform drying of the blocks, mineral wool or foam can be used.

Glazing of the room should occupy no more than 5-7% of the total area of ​​​​the walls. It is imperative to place two lock chambers (one is needed to receive raw materials, and the other to ship finished products) and one entrance / exit for personnel. Production can be located in an easily assembled hangar, an old brick shed or a barn, the main thing is that all the above requirements are met.

There must be a protected (grounded) 380 V power supply line in the room, capable of withstanding three-phase electric motors, even if they work at the same time.

Increased fire hazard (drying, dry chips or sawdust with straw) requires that the room comply with fire safety category A or B. That is, special fire sensors and automatic fire extinguishing must be placed.

You can clearly see the manufacturing process in the following video:

Financial plan

A small business for the production of wood concrete assumes a monthly capacity of at least 500 m 3. The composition of the primary investment includes the following items:

  • station mixing components - 120 thousand rubles;
  • several molds (at least 30 pieces) - 110 thousand rubles;
  • kit for manual tamping - 15 thousand rubles;
  • drying chamber - 350 thousand rubles;
  • metal pallets - 30 thousand rubles;
  • chipper - 150 thousand rubles;
  • batcher of cement and wood chips - 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 75 thousand rubles.

Total: 900 thousand rubles.

  • rental of premises of at least 250 m 2 - 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 800 thousand rubles;
  • payment for utilities (water, electricity, heating) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 90 thousand rubles;
  • marketing campaign - 110 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 1260 thousand rubles every month.

Now about income: the monthly sale of 500 m 3 of wood concrete blocks (70% at wholesale prices, 30% at retail prices) allows you to count on receiving an income of 1475 thousand rubles. As a result monthly profit will be 315 thousand rubles. That is the value of business profitability is 27%.

organizational plan

The implementation of production activities requires. It is most rational to choose, since in accordance with it you can pay only 6% of income.

Immediately after the staff is hired, the entrepreneur must register with the FSS and the FIU, since from that moment on he is obliged to pay.

A production facility with an area of ​​250 m 2 should be operated as follows: 50 m 2 - production, 100 m 2 - drying zone, 100 m 2 - storage of finished products.

The operating mode of the enterprise can be chosen as follows: 40 hour work week, Saturday, Sunday - days off. The normal functioning of production will be able to ensure:

  • handymen - 4 people;
  • accountant - 1 person;
  • manager, whose responsibilities include sales and supply - 1 person.

Marketing plan

Marketing research must be carried out before production is launched. Before proceeding with market research, it is necessary to select the target audience - those to whom the final product will be offered.

In order to gain an advantage over competitors, you can start producing blocks that do not require plastering. To do this, you need to lay the raw materials together with the plaster. Another option is the production of painted blocks according to individual orders.

The main target audience is private traders involved in the construction of their own houses, as well as small contracting companies that have taken up the construction of a cottage village.

Typically, such clients are well aware of all the intricacies of the business, and private traders carefully study the information posted on construction forums. Therefore, a person involved in the trade of such a specialized material must understand every advantage inherent in wood concrete blocks, in their advantageous aspects over other materials, and most importantly, in price.

Another good marketing ploy is block trading at cost. This move will ensure the availability of prefabricated homes that use the material, which in turn will raise the level of its popularity. And the effectiveness of "word of mouth" and communication through special forums has not yet been canceled.

Production involves the use of the following advertising methods:

  • Thematic booklets can be sent to several nearby construction supermarkets.
  • Creation of a catchy advertising slogan.
  • Implementation of a standard dealer program and a local incentive system.

In addition, you can consider the option of trading on the Internet.

Launch Schedule

Before the business starts to work, you need to sequentially perform the following steps:

No. p / pStage nameImplementation period
1 Drawing up a business planFebruary 2016
2 IP openingMarch 2016
3 Finding a suitable production areaMarch 2016
4 Acquisition of the necessary equipmentApril 2016
5 Establishing relationships with potential buyers of goods and suppliers of raw materials (signing contracts)May 2016
6 Start of productionJune 2016

Risk Analysis

Production may be accompanied by the following types of risks:

  • Hardware failure. Minimization of this risk consists in stable maintenance of the line, advanced training of employees, compliance with operating recommendations and timely replacement of worn out elements.
  • Late delivery of raw materials. Possible unpleasant consequences can be eliminated by signing long-term contracts with reliable suppliers.
  • Stagnation of finished products, difficulties with sales. This risk can be circumvented by signing an agreement with a construction company, for example, a cottage village.

A responsible approach to the preparation of a business plan and a thorough analysis of the market can protect the project from possible troubles.

The modern market is extremely cruel to the participants and recognizes two things - reputation or money. If you lose any of the listed components, you and your business run the risk of going down the drain without even noticing the process itself. The only reliable way to reinsure is to invest in the production of wood concrete blocks with a low manufacturing cost.

Who is interested in an arbolite block with a low cost

Wood concrete building blocks have a number of characteristics that can significantly affect the building block market for the private sector. First of all, its low cost. Arbolite blocks are used no higher than the third floor, this is not interesting for large-scale construction, the construction of expensive cottages is also in doubt, but a small private trader can very well become a promising client and competitor at the same time.

What exactly affects the profitability and cost of production of wood concrete block:

  • Minimum production costs at any cost, but not at the expense of the quality of the goods, they will turn into a powerful dumping tool for the first attempts to squeeze into the building materials market;
  • The obvious advantages of an arbolite block as a building material that can provide the buyer of your product with increased profits with its further use;
  • The presence of ultra-cheap raw materials for wood concrete blocks and, as a result, low production costs.

Important! Production at home has its advantages, they can reduce the cost of wood concrete blocks by at least 15-20%.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing will allow using personal transport at the initial stage, auxiliary private premises for the production and storage of the first batches of products.

But a similar option for making blocks can be justified in the production of wood concrete blocks with your own hands, if you need to build small buildings for yourself. For the production of an arbolite block for the purpose of sale, in addition to low cost, an accurate technology will be required. A high-quality block will need to be made not with your own hands at home, but on industrial equipment, even the most primitive.

Cost and cost estimation

The technology for obtaining an arbolite block is quite simple, the initial components are mixed and pressed in a steel mold. The operations of preparing the arbolite mass and pressing are easy to do with your own hands. The cost side of the production of wood concrete block includes:

  1. The cost of raw materials and materials;
  2. Costs for the purchase or rental of equipment;
  3. Costs for transportation, loading and unloading, storage and drying of blocks.

When pressing wood concrete blocks with your own hands, each of the listed items can vary within a fairly wide range, a lot depends on individual factors that can affect the cost and quality of the block. If you wish, you can see the nuances of working on video on the Web.

Technology of production of raw materials and materials

The composition of the arbolite block includes cement of the 400th grade and cut-crushed wood chips in equal mass fractions. Approximately 320-330 kg of each ingredient will be required per cubic meter of sand. Cement will have to be purchased calibrated in 50 kg bags. Even if it is more expensive, it is extremely unprofitable to buy loose material for a private trader to work at home due to high transportation costs. The cost of the required amount of cement will be about 1300 rubles, without transportation costs. With delivery comes out all 1500 rubles.

The purchase of 330 kg of finished wood chips - raw will cost, based on a price of $ 10 / cubic meter, approximately 750 rubles, including transportation - 900-950 rubles. The purchase of wood filler has many nuances, if the question concerns the constant purchase of finished crushed filler from a timber processing enterprise, the price may be lower.

Advice ! Do not try to prepare chipped wood chips in artisanal ways - cutting branches and slabs with an improvised tool, this option may seem like a cheaper way to provide wood chips, but in reality it is not.

Cutting and crushing must be performed only on special equipment or purchased as a finished product.

In addition, about 10 kg of slaked lime and 6 kg of aluminum sulfate will be required. Both drugs are sold in packaged form, packaged in 20 kg, at 18 rubles/kg and 48 rubles/kg, respectively, the cost of the drugs is 180 rubles and 288 rubles, a total of 468 rubles, with transportation costs - all 500.

Water in the amount of 380 liters will be calculated at a symbolic delivery price of 100 rubles.

In total, it will take a little more than 2,000 rubles to purchase components for the preparation of a cubic meter of wood concrete block.

The cost of the equipment

In the total cost of expenses, the share of expenses associated with the use of equipment for the production of wood concrete stone may turn out to be:

  • negligible if the main machinery was leased for a short period of time, even taking into account the rent and depreciation of the equipment;
  • large enough if all the necessary equipment had to be purchased at market prices.

For example, to obtain arbolite mass and make blocks with your own hands, you will need a minimum set of equipment, which will include:

We will add a separate line to the list with at least two two-hundred-liter barrels for water and dilution of components, a large capacity for preliminary accumulation before pressing the arbolite composition and a large number of polypropylene bags for storing crushed wood chips.

In addition to the above, you will need a cargo trolley and a single-axle trailer for a car, if it is not possible to carry it by truck. You can make a trolley with your own hands, and we will not include the cost of transportation equipment in the cost of production of building materials. A trailer for transporting a stock of raw materials and materials for a month of work can be rented, or you can pay for the delivery of the goods directly to the seller.

Thus, the cost of a set of equipment will be approximately 220 thousand rubles. for industrial units. If you make some of the equipment with your own hands, the cost of the set will be 120-130 thousand rubles.

Electricity costs

The average power of all electrical equipment used will not exceed 2.5 kW / h, which is quite acceptable for the wiring of a private household or cottage. If you decide to work alone and do all the operations yourself, the load on the wiring will be even less. The average cost of electricity per cubic meter of wood concrete will be about 10 kW / h, which at a rate of 5 rubles per kW / h will be 50 rubles, while a significant part will go to the operation of the dryer and crusher.

Summing up

After analyzing the costs of manufacturing a wood concrete block, we can say that the cost of home production is highly dependent on many factors.

If you have the opportunity to rent the necessary equipment, paying rent and depreciation of 10% of the cost of the units per month, the cost of a cubic meter of arbolite stone will be in the manufacture of 50 block cubes per month:

  • The cost of raw materials and materials in 2000 r x 50 cubic meters will be 10,000 rubles;
  • The cost of rent and electricity is 22,000 rubles and 2,500 rubles, respectively.

As a result, 50 cubic meters of wood concrete block will cost 125 thousand rubles, or 2500 rubles. per block cube. If you have the opportunity to purchase raw materials for chipping for conventional money or free of charge, the cost will drop due to the reduction in the cost of the filler to 1600-1700 rubles per m 3.

When buying a set of equipment for the manufacture of wood concrete material for the full price, the cost of production of the first batches of wood concrete stone will increase to an astronomical 5,000 rubles. per cubic meter. Naturally, we are talking about the first batch of goods. If the cost of equipment is distributed over a period of at least 5 months, which is quite possible when buying equipment on lease or on credit, from the 6th month the cost of a cubic meter of an arbolite block will drop to 3,200 rubles per cubic meter.

But such a calculation is valid only when obtaining high quality arbolite stone. To organize production on a commercial basis, it is better to buy a ready-made low-tonnage line. This is approximately 250-270 thousand rubles. How the line works can be clearly seen in the video below.

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