Competitions for the autumn ball for high school students are funny. Games at the children's autumn holiday (many) Competitions for the autumn ball for high school


Autumn holiday at the school "Autumn Katavasia"
The event is attended by one team from each class.
3 Vedas: Good evening, invited guests of our autumn ball. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken, it was called autumn Ball will open in a few moments. 4 led. Let me clarify that the ball in the 21st century is not very popular, and therefore it is better to call our program “Autumn Catavasia”. Do you agree, dear guests of the holiday? That's good. We invite all of you to take part in our unusual program. 3 led. Yes, but at least we should keep the old traditions of the autumn balls and inaugurate our evening!
4 led. I completely agree with you, and allow me, a beautiful lady, to utter these beautiful words.
Autumn invited us to her ball today. So that no one is late, Autumn asked. And here we are! The hall sparkles, Faces are warmed with warmth, It's time to open our ball And spin in the dance. 3 led. But where is Autumn? What if she forgot her way to us? With affairs, maybe she hesitated a little? Let's call autumn; We will all say together: “We are waiting for you at the ball, Autumn!”
The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds. Slush and Frostbite crawl out onto the stage, covered with a veil of leaves.
Slush (stretching) I'm sleeping, or it seems to me ..,.. (pinches himself) no, it doesn't seem that autumn is in full swing. Hey Chill, wake up! Frostbite: Brrr! What are you shouting, neighbor! Slush: Wake up, Autumn has come!
As soon as autumn comes, our turn comes, And the Slush and the Cold are advancing. And no one is waiting for us. And we, on the contrary, And we are always scolded, but scolded. Slush: I am Slush, I'm around in galoshes and with an umbrella, Wandering through puddles, catching up dampness. Kholodryga: And Kholodryga is a friend, everything runs around, Letting colds on all passers-by.
Listen, Slush, where are we with you? For a ball or something? Maybe. were we invited here? Slush: What are you, Kholodryga, what are you! Apchi! How many years I live in the world, no one has ever called me to visit. Kholodryga: Yes, and me, Kholodryga, is also not very favored. Well, since they didn't invite us, they'll regret it. We will spoil the whole ball for them. Slush: (whining) Here they were invited (shows to the hall). And we are not with you! Chiller: Fu, what a mess you made! Don’t cry, it’s cold without you, let’s better think about how to teach these people a lesson so that they don’t become conceited! Slush: Got it! Now we will enchant all the guests, and they will fall asleep, and we ourselves will make such a slush, we will arrange such a cold that Autumn will turn from golden into rainy.
Frostbite: Brr! Slush: To the dull! Frostbite: Brr! Slush: Now I'll scout the slush on a silver platter (brings water on a silver platter) Chilled: Hooray! Happened! Well, hold on, now I'll freeze you!
(runs around with a big fan while Slush splashes water)
Slush: I also have sweets. Frosty: (reading) Snickers. Slush: You yourself are Snickers! And this is "Rhinitis!" Frostbite: (reading) Ba-un-tee! Slush: Not a bounty, but "Sneeze!" Hand out candy!
(running and handing out candy)
Chilly: It's time to invite our friend Upchi! She will entertain us all evening! Do you agree?
(The slush drags Apchi along. He rests and constantly sneezes)
Upchi: Where are you taking me? I am a sick, feeble Apchi! The most miserable person on earth! Slush: We have business with you! Upchi: (interestedly) Who needs to be influenced? Chiller: You see, we have a plan.
(whisper in ear)
Upchi: Yes, I see! You've come to the right place! Gotta use the trick! Slush: (thoughtfully) Cunning? Upchi: Ladies, who are they? Guests? With you, I'll have some fun now. And what can you do? How did my dear friends, Slush and Chill, affect you. Or didn't work at all? How will you surprise me? Show me something! Lead 3: The guys of our school put a lot of effort into preparing a gift for Autumn! But instead of her, Chill and Slush came to our holiday. Upchi: No, and what an autumn ball without the autumn queen: you need to call her and immediately! 4 Vedas: Come on, guests, let's all call Autumn together: Queen Autumn, come to us!
Music sounds, Autumn appears.
Autumn: Good evening, my friends! Waiting for, come on, me? The hot summer stood, for a long time the power did not yield, But the time comes for everything - I appeared on the threshold!
3 led. Today we have a friendly meeting of teams of 8,10 and 11 classes. Welcome participants! Team and fans of the 8th grade team and fans of the 10th grade team and fans of the 11th grade..!

4 led. Is everyone in a hurry to the ball?
Have you taken everything?
Have you forgotten the smile
Humor and, of course, a joke?

3 led. Autumn is one of the favorite seasons of many people. Various poets dedicated their poems to her. Pushkin said: “I never write as easily, freely as in autumn.” And the famous Boldino autumn! It was in Boldino and it was in the fall that his best poems were written! Remember?

4 led. The days of late autumn are usually scolded,
But she is dear to me, dear reader,
Silent beauty shining humbly

3 led. We invite participants of the first competition from 8, 10 and 11 classes! The first competition is poetry. The opening lines of poems about autumn sound, and you must continue reading them! Assignments will alternately be addressed to grades 8, 10 and 11! Those who answered correctly will receive tokens in the team's piggy bank. At the end of the evening we will count them and find out who the winner is. So, attention! 8th grade question!
1) Eat in the original autumn
(A short but wonderful time.
The whole day stands as if crystal
And radiant evenings)
4 led. Question for class 10 Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
(The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter.
Forests mysterious canopy
She stripped naked with a sad noise).
3 led. Question for class 11 Late fall! The rooks flew away
(The forest was exposed, the fields were empty.)

4 led. 8th grade! Covers a golden leaf
Wet ground in the forest
(I boldly trample with my foot
beauty of the spring forest).

3 led. Grade 10! Autumn! Sprinkle all our poor garden.
(Yellowed leaves fly in the wind.
Only in the distance they flaunt there, at the bottom of the valleys,
Brushes bright red withering mountain ash)

4 led. Grade 11! Boring picture!
Clouds without end..
(The rain is pouring down
Puddles on the porch.
stunted rowan
Wet under the window
Looks village
gray spot.)

3 led. 8th grade! The swallows are gone, and yesterday dawn
(All the rooks flew, yes, like a net, flashed

Over that mountain.)

4 led. Grade 10! Sad time!
(Oh, charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me,
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold).

3 led. Grade 11! The forest is definitely a painted tower,
(purple, gold, crimson,
Merry motley wall
Standing over a bright meadow)

4 led. 8th grade! The leaves in the field turned yellow
(And spin and fly.
Only in the forest, drooping, ate
Greens keep gloomy.)
3 led. Grade 10! The fields are compressed, the groves are bare.
(Fog and dampness from the water.
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly. Class!
Grade 11! The forest drops its crimson dress,
(The frost will silver the withered field,
The day will pass, as if involuntarily,
And hide behind the edge of the surrounding mountains)

5 led. The first competition - poetic warm-up is over. The second is also dedicated to autumn. You will receive a piece of paper and a pen. Attention! Exercise! What do you think of when you hear the word "Autumn"? Write association words in one minute. And to make it easier for you to concentrate, music sounds. We will take into account the number of words and their relevance to the autumn theme.

6 led. Now for the next contest. He will test your erudition and knowledge of biology.
1. Who picks apples with his back?
2. Who has a cheek instead of a bag?
3. Birds fly south in autumn - everyone knows this. Are there migratory animals?
4. Which animal dries mushrooms? (squirrel)
5. The leaves of which trees turn red in autumn? (Aspens, mountain ash, bird cherry)
6. Where do frogs go for the winter? (In mud, in silt, under moss, sometimes they hibernate in cellars.)
7. Which animal has cubs in November? (at the hare)
8. Name the names of songs related to autumn and sing at least 4 lines.
9. Which forest has no leaves? (in construction)
10What was September called in ancient times? (frown, howler, roar)
11. October has an old name - (leaf fall, winter winter, dirt, wedding)
12. The old name of November - (leafy, semi-winter, chest)

7 led. The next contest is a joke.
I invite two participants from the teams. Well, how not to sing the praises of her gifts in the fall? The task of the next competition "Ode to a vegetable"! The team receives a vegetable, composes an ode in his honor, that is, a laudatory performance, it is possible in verse .. Remember. Why this vegetable is useful, praise its taste. While you are preparing, play with the audience. We invite one fan from each team. They will earn points for their team. (viewers approach) Thank you, you are true friends!
(A phonogram of the noise of rain, thunder, howling of the wind sounds.) Competition for strong and dexterous, athletic guys. Autumn. Listen, the autumn thunder rumbled and it began to rain. Puddles have appeared! There is a huge puddle in front of you, say, Task: cross it without getting your feet wet. Are there galoshes? Don't worry, we will help! True, we don’t have galoshes either, but ..
Here's to you instead of galoshes! Quite cute shoes! You take turns putting on galoshes and crossing a puddle, yielding galoshes to another participant. Whose team is faster? Attention, let's start! (galoshes - cardboard boxes)

8 led. Riddles contest "Guess the vegetable" Let's see if you can guess them? Come three people from the teams. For each guessed riddle - 1 point. Riddles: 1. What kind of head is that, just teeth and a beard? (Garlic)2. Small, bitter, onion brother, seasoning for food, and control over microbes (Garlic)3. Red Makar galloped across the field and hit the borscht (Pepper)4. Round, not a month; white, not flour; bitter, not wormwood (radish)5. Was a child - did not know diapers; and she became old, she began to have a hundred diapers (Cabbage) 6. What was dug from the ground, fried, cooked? What did we bake in the ashes, ate and praised? (Potato)7. The yellow chicken pouts under the tyn (Pumpkin) 8. A brother to a tomato, but a kumach is not happy; he is in purple clothes, does not blush even when lying (Eggplant) 9. Under a leaf near the fence, the frog sleeps in the garden, all green, pimply, and the tummy is whitish (Cucumber)10. I grow up in the garden, and when I ripen, they boil a tomato out of me, put it in cabbage soup and eat like that (Tomato)11. It is very smooth to the touch, tastes like sugar, sweet, reddish in color, and the guys like it (Carrot)12. He is golden and mustachioed, in a hundred pockets there are a hundred guys (Kolos)13. She herself is red, and the forelock is green (Beets) 14. The girl wrapped herself in leaves over the garden. Only a curly strand came out. She is dressed in gold chain mail,
The grains are tightly pressed against each other (Corn) 15. I look like the sun, and I love the sun, I turn my head behind the sun. (Sunflower)16. Light green shiny barrelThe sun was framed by a strong man (Zucchini) 3 Vedas. Our competition is called "Pioneer". We need one member per team. You are invited to "discover" a new planet - inflate as quickly as possible balloon, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants: quickly draw figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more "residents" is the winner!
5 led. And the last contest "Compliments". You worked well, participated in competitions together. At parting, you need to express your good disposition to each other. But your task is not so simple. You need to come up with compliments in alphabetical order, for each letter you need to name a character trait of the opponent. Whoever can remember the most words (one word per letter) is the winner.

1 led. Autumn is a sad time!
We know it today!
Carefree yesterdays
We remember everything.
We value every hour
With every glance
We give a song from the heart
Our school, our school.

What is a school? - It's the wind
Again rustling the sheets of notebooks.
School! Will we all survive to graduate together?
School, support us, for God's sake!
Chorus: Autumn. Holiday. Songs. Poems.
Leaves glow like lights.
Sadness on their faces like a fog.
Autumn is an eternal deception.
What is a school? - These are kids.
With us, you, teachers, are not bored.
We are in a hurry to meet you in the morning at dawn,
Apparently, we all really need it.
What is autumn? - This is a holiday.
Maple leaves shine through the windows.
Here are equal on the stage and crammers, and pranksters
Before the eyes of spectators in love.
2 led. A generous autumn is leaving us.
We were all warmed by her warmth.
And let it stay in your soul
Our ball, held in this hall.

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There are a lot of holidays in autumn, both real and "fictional". So, for example, the autumn ball is very actively celebrated, it also takes place in kindergarten both at school and among students. We have prepared interesting and funny contests for the autumn ball for elementary school students. Mobile competitions, team competitions - your young students will have fun.

Now let's move on to the competition.

First, a little warm-up in the form of a game of questions and answers. You ask students questions and they answer. All this can be done in the form of the game BRAY RING. To eat, divide the students into teams, and after voicing the question, the teams think, and whoever has the answer, ring the bell and answer. It is desirable that the answer is more detailed, that is, with explanations.
Sample questions:

Some birds fly south to spend the winter. Are there any animals that run away to warmer climes to spend the winter?
- name the animal that collects and dries mushrooms for the winter.
Name at least two types of trees that have yellow and red leaves in autumn.
- the name of the forest, which in autumn does not throw off the leaves from the trees.
September, October and November are the autumn months. What were they called in the old days?

Now prepare cards with words that characterize autumn: rain, wind, frost, birds fly south and so on. Put all the cards in a box, and the children take turns taking out one card at a time. And who pulled out what should show it with gestures. Movements, but no words. And other children have to guess what it is about.

Maybe the next competition has nothing to do with autumn, but children really like it, especially at the age of 6 to 10 years. You need matches, about 20 pieces. Each participant in the game has their own matches on the table. Their task is to fold them with one long line with one little finger. Try it yourself at home, it is not at all easy, but very interesting. You can also ask to fold a house with a roof with your little finger, or letters and even the word - AUTUMN.

Attention Competition.
Several items are placed on the table, no more than ten. They are all in some order. One child looks at them, they blindfold him and swap two objects. Then the eyes are untied, and he must say what has changed. There is one point - there should be a red apple on the table, and when the child is blindfolded, instead of a red apple they put a green one, but about the same size. And the child should see and say it. This is a great memory training test.

All children stand in a line. And the leader names the parts of the body that the children should cover with the palm of their right hand. Who is confused, he leaves. For example:

left ear;
- right eye;
- nose;
- left eye;
- right ear;
- left palm;
And usually everyone comes across on the left palm, because they don’t even think about it, and even during the game they forget that they are covering something with their right palm. And then they get up in a stupor, I think - “how can I cover my palm with my palm?”

The next game is played by two people. They have to make as many words as possible from another word in one minute. For example, from the word FRIENDLY to make other words. You can only use the letters that are in this word. Examples of received words:
- need;
- skis;
- puddles;
and so you can play until two participants reach the final and play the main prize. Naturally, each pair is given its own word, from which they need to make other words.

Natalya Chernikova

The material may be useful for instructors physical culture, teachers and music directors when organizing autumn leisure activities, entertainment, holidays for preschoolers.

As a rule, the purpose of such events is to create a favorable emotional mood in children. A selection of these games, competitions and relay races will help to realize it.

relay races

Relay "Harvest"

The facilitator helps the children line up in 2 teams. In front of each team are fruits and vegetables in a hoop. Their number is equal to the number of children in the team. In front of each team at a distance of about 10 m is a basket. At the signal of the leader “One - two - three! Harvest!” the first participants take any fruit or vegetable from the hoop, run to the basket, put an object in it and return to the team, stand at the end of the column. Then the harvest is collected by all team members in turn. The team that harvests first wins.

Relay "Pick mushrooms"

The leader helps the children to divide into 2 teams. Teams line up, one team opposite the other. The last members of each team are next to the mushroom clearing. The clearings are covered with a scarf or any other cloth. The leader removes the scarves. Near the first participants there is a basket. At the signal of the leader: “One - two - three! Collect mushrooms in baskets! the last participants take mushrooms in turn and pass them along the chain to the next participant. When the mushrooms reach the first participants, they put them in baskets. The team that picks mushrooms first wins.

Relay race "Carry a potato in a spoon"

The leader helps the children line up in 2 columns. The first participants have a spoon in their hands, in which there is 1 potato. Team members receive a task - at the signal of the leader, run around a bag of potatoes and return to their team, pass a spoon with potatoes to the next participant, and stand at the end of the line. The team that completes the task first wins.


Competition "Vegetables-Fruits"

The host calls 4 people, divides them into 2 teams. Give each team a basket. One team is invited to choose vegetables from the pelvis and put them in a basket, and the other team - fruits.

Competition "Edible and non-edible mushrooms"

The host calls the children at will (6-8 people, divides them into 2 teams. You can divide the children into a team of girls and boys. In front of each team there is a basket of mushrooms, in which among the edible mushrooms there are inedible (poisonous) ones. On command: "One - two - three! Remove inedible mushrooms from the basket! "Children put aside inedible (poisonous mushrooms).

Competition "Harvest vegetables"

The host calls 8 children. Four of them stand in one line, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. In front of each lies a hoop - this is a bed, vegetables of the same type (5-6 pieces) in the hoop: potatoes in one, carrots in the second, carrots in the the third - onions, in the fourth - cabbage. In front of each child, at a distance of about 10 m, there is an assistant - a child with a bag in his hands. The assistants are inclined towards the bags, holding the bags open. At the signal of the leader: “One - two - three! Harvest!” children take one vegetable from the hoop, run to their assistants, put the vegetable in a bag, and return to their garden. They take the vegetable again and run to the assistants. And so on until the vegetables are removed from the garden. The team that first removes the crop from the garden wins.

Competition "Vegetables for soup, fruits for compote"

The host chooses children for 2 teams: 2-3 people for each team. Each team receives a basket and a tray. At the signal of the leader: “One - two - three! Get started! children begin to lay out vegetables in a basket, fruits on a tray.

Competition "Which of the gnomes is faster"

The host puts a basket of mushrooms next to him, calls a couple of participants to him, each has a cap on his head. These are gnomes. There is a chair between them. Children say in chorus:

There lived a cheerful dwarf in the forest,

He built a house for himself.

All from cones and foliage,

Unprecedented beauty.

Dwarf, gnome, dance.

/music sounds, both participants dance;

at this time, the host puts a couple of mushrooms from a basket on a chair, gives a task /.

For example: "Show me the fly agaric."

/each of the participants tries to grab the mushroom as quickly as possible and lift it up. Whoever does it first is the winner.

Competition "Choose a potato"

Models of vegetables are scattered in 2 hoops, including several potatoes. The host calls 2 people, blindfolds them and offers to pick potatoes by touch. As soon as the children choose what they think are potatoes, they remove the bandages and check if they have done the task correctly. The host then calls a new pair. It is recommended that every time the participants are blindfolded, they should stir the dummies in the hoop.

Outdoor games

Mobile game "Naughty mushrooms"

Children and the leader stand in a circle, the leader stands in the middle of the circle.

We are funny mushrooms / children walk in a circle, holding hands /

We grow on stumps and bumps / stop, rise on toes, squat /

We like to hide, play / stomp their feet/

You try to catch up with us! /scatter/

The driver catches up with the children. The game is repeated again.

Mobile game "From what tree leaf"

The host exposes 3 tree models: maple, oak, birch. Each child has a piece of paper in their hands. To the music, the children run in a circle one after another, then circle. When the music ends, the children run up to the corresponding tree, squat down. The facilitator checks if the task is completed correctly. Then the children can exchange sheets. Tree layouts can also be swapped. The game is repeated again.

Mobile game "Let's collect a bouquet of leaves of the same color"

Children run around the hall to cheerful music, when the music ends, they squat down. The leader at this time raises a leaf to the top, for example, yellow, and then the children, who have yellow leaves in their hands, run up to the leader and join their hands with the leaves in a bouquet. Then the music sounds again, the children scatter around the hall.

The game is repeated as many times as there are leaf colors (you can use red, yellow, green and orange leaves). At the end of the game, the children give the leader the leaves.

Mobile game "Collect mushrooms"

There are mushrooms on the floor in a circle (the number of mushrooms is less than the number of children). Children go in a circle with the words:

We go, we go, we go

We will find mushrooms now

Under a leaf, under a blade of grass,

On a stump, under an aspen.

Here is the mushroom, don't yawn

And grab it quickly!

As soon as the last words are spoken, the children should quickly take any mushroom.

You can use music. To the music, the children run cheerfully in a circle, when the music stops, each of the children must take a mushroom. Whoever did not get the mushroom is out of the game and sits on a chair. The last child is the winner.

Mobile game "Fruits for compote"

You will need 3 hoops of different sizes - these are cans. The host calls the children at will, puts headbands with the image of fruits on their heads. Invites them to take a place in a large bank. To do this, first the host puts a large hoop on the floor. To the music, fruits move around the hall. When the music ends, the fruits take their place in the jar. Anyone who does not have enough space is out of the game. The facilitator praises the fruit that went into the first jar. The game is repeated again, the leader removes a large hoop and puts a medium-sized hoop. Participants for the game, you can call others. For the third time, a small hoop is placed and the third jar is filled with fruit.

Mobile game "Potato crumbled"

The driver is selected, he can sit on the bench. The participants of the game stand in a round dance. This is a potato (you can use rims with the image of a potato). Children walk in a circle, pronounce the words:

Ah, you are a potato, a potato,

You feed honest people

If there are potatoes in the house -

You will be full all year round!

The host says:

And if the potatoes crumbled, what to do?

After these words, the participants scatter, the potatoes seem to crumble. The driver catches up with the children. He leads those whom he has caught up to his bench, as if picking potatoes. The game is repeated again. You can choose another child to be the leader.

Mobile game "One-two-three! Pick up the leaves!

Leaves are scattered on the floor. Children go for a walk to the music. When the music stops, the host gives the command to collect the leaves. For example: “One, two, three! Collect maple leaves! or “One, two, three! Gather the yellow leaves!” command options can be diversified, focusing on the size, color, belonging to the tree. Each time after checking the completion of the task, the children give the leaves to the leader. He scatters them again. The last time the leaves are placed in a basket and removed.

Creative task

"Color the Leaves"

The host invites the children to color the leaves autumn colors using cotton swabs. To do this, you need leaf templates that can be mounted on 3 easels. It is necessary to choose patterns of maple, oak and birch leaves. You can ask the children from which tree the leaves are, what paints will be needed to color them. It is recommended to use large-sized templates so that each child has enough space for creativity. Children should be divided into 3 groups respectively.

Logarithmic exercises

Logo-rhythmic exercise "A walk in the autumn forest"

/ children turn one after another, go to the center of the hall, form a circle, focusing on the spread out leaves, perform movements/

Along the path through the forest

Everyone went in droves.

Friendly, merrily walk,

Don't lower your head. walking next to each other

Carefully we go

We take care of our feet. walking on heels, hands behind the head

Our children are not tired

They ran into the forest. easy run

Logo-rhythmic exercise "A walk in the autumn forest"

We are walking, we are walking walking in circles

We are walking in the meadow.

The wind blows from above wave your arms up and down in front of you

Tends to herbs and flowers. bending to the right and left with raised arms

And now it's easy and together

Let's jump together on the spot. jumping on two legs

Higher! Have fun! Like this!

We are taking a step. walking in place, then one after another

General developmental exercises

"Leaf fall"

1. "Leaves sway on trees"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands with leaves below.

1 - raise your hands with a leaf up,

2 - swing from side to side,

3 - return to and. n. (repeat 4-6 times)

2. "Leaves fly in the wind"

I. p .: the same.

Swinging with straight arms back and forth alternately (repeat 4-6 times)

3. "Leaves spin in the air"

I. p .: legs together, both leaves in the right hand

1 - raise your hand with the leaves up,

2 - stand on toes,

3 - spin over the right shoulder.

Do the same, taking the leaves in your left hand, spinning should be over your left shoulder (repeat 3 times in each direction)

4. "Leaves fall to the ground"

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands with leaflets below, along the torso.

1 - sit down, put the leaves on the ground in front of you,

2 - stand up, straighten up,

3 - sit down, take the leaves,

4 - stand up, straighten up (repeat 4 times)

5. "Jumping with leaves"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, feet parallel, hands with leaves in front of the chest.

Jumping with turning around. First in one direction, then in the other (repeat 3 times in each direction)

6. Breathing exercise "The breeze plays with the leaves"

Children take the leaf by the petiole, draw air through the nose and exhale it, blow on the leaf (repeat 4 times)

Regulations on extracurricular activities

1. The holiday is held during the period of "golden autumn" in nature.

2. Participants are students of two grades (in this case, grades 3 and 4).

3. Goals and objectives of the event:

  • enriching students' knowledge about the signs of autumn;
  • cohesion of the class team;
  • the formation of communication skills between students of different age groups;
  • promotion of healthy eating.

4. Two weeks before the start of the holiday, the children are informed of the date of the event and given the task (optional): to prepare a suit of the appropriate theme. It is reported that one of the points of the ball will be a demonstration of costumes.

5. Before the holiday, the hall is decorated with leaves, flowers and other attributes of autumn.

6. It is necessary to think over the musical accompaniment.

7. For the holiday, you need to prepare the following equipment:

  • hats of vegetables, fruits, flowers, berries;
  • "throne" for Autumn;
  • galoshes, umbrella, relay vegetables;
  • ingredients and utensils for the competition will be cooked;
  • 2 scarves, 2 trays, 2 sets of cut vegetables, fruits and berries, skewers for the competition;
  • birthday cards;
  • prize for the queen (king) of autumn;
  • apples for treats.

8. At the beginning of the game, a jury is selected from among the disinterested guests.


Presenter 1:

Listen, people honest decree:
Autumn issued an order.
"I announce the ball today -
The ball is cheerful, mischievous,
With a joke, a song and a game.
fairy land people
You must be at the ball.
Cavaliers and their ladies
We are looking forward to the holiday with us."

Lead 2 :

We washed the hall, decorated it,
The windows were decorated for a long time.
Cavaliers for beauty
Everyone smoothed their mustaches.
Well, the dresses are all fashionistas
Brought from overseas.
Everything is ready! Finally,
The guests are going to the palace.

To the sound of music, according to the scenario of the poem, the children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle to the stage. Children wear hats with painted vegetables, fruits and flowers.


Here is mom Carrot, and dad Tomato,
And Aunt Plum and Uncle Salad.
Blackcurrant, sprawling oak,
Rowan in beads, and with her husband.
But eggplant and serrated garlic,
And a Blueberry bush, and a strong Fungus.
Grandmother Beet, and granddaughter Radish.
Count Cherry with the Countess, Cowberry with Blueberries.
Here is an Apple, a Pear and an important Pomegranate,
Purple cranberries, and with it Grapes.
Queen cabbage with her retinue.

Together with Cabbage go: Potato, Parsley.

Together: Autumn has a lot of friends.

Presenters: We invite Her Majesty Autumn to our ball!

Autumn comes out and stands in front of the semicircle of "vegetables".


What does the green garden dream about?
For us, for people, this is a mystery, a riddle.
I will tell you this strange secret,
I heard it in the garden by accident.
cabbage said:
I dream - in cabbage soup!
After all, like me, you go and look!
I know that cabbage soup is impossible without me,
Living without cabbage is unspeakably difficult!


Grumbled displeasedly big tomato...
“What nonsense you, madam, are talking about!”
To live without cabbage is a mere trifle!
But without me - that's for sure - nothing!
I dream of getting into the autumn salad.


Said the dark brown grouchy tomato.
Boastful carrot with girlfriend parsley
They laughed at them (because here are laughter!):
- The people will manage without you, gentlemen,
And without root crops - alas - nowhere!


The pointless argument was stopped by potatoes:
Friends, stop! Cool down a little!
We are all important to a person - this is a fact:
Cabbage, carrot, parsley, tomato.
After all, we have vitamins, useful protein.
On the table to the person we will appear on time.
Believe that our dreams will come true
And we'll hit our turn in the bellies.


We hear such a conversation in the garden
And we understand - that we will be fine,
After all, they themselves want vegetables in the kitchen,
To feed adults and funny guys.

"Vegetables" sit in the hall. Autumn remains.


How I love to sew a dress,
Work around the house.
I love to stir in the field
Yellow straw.
I like to immerse in the field
And cry all the way
Wander at sunset
On an empty field.
I love to sing songs
indulging the heart,
And don't bother me
Since I am like this!
Everything to me, Autumn, to match,
And how I strain
Into a white bed
I'll pick up right away.


Here it is so different, our Autumn. She smiles, she sheds tears. Your Majesty! The guests have prepared a musical gift for you.

Autumn sits on the throne. Children of the 3rd grade perform ditties.

1. Together:

Whether in the garden, in the garden
We were guys.
We will sing ditties to you now,
What grow in the garden.

2. I am ruddy radish,
I bow low to you.
Why is he praising himself?
I am already known to everyone.

3. I am the spice in every dish
And always helpful to people.
Guessed? I am your friend,
I am simple green onion.

4. I, potato so modest -
Didn't say a word...
But the potatoes are so necessary
Both big and small.

5. A short story about me:
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Drink always carrots juice -
You will be strong and healthy.

6. Beets needed for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is no better beetroot.

7. You will be very pleased
ate cucumber salted.
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will love it of course.

8. I'm big like a soccer ball
If ripe, everyone is happy.
I taste so good
Great watermelon.

9. Look - here is a head of cabbage,
Here's a head of cabbage cabbage:
One hundred clothes and a turban,
And it's not empty inside.

10. Together:
Whether in the garden, in the garden
They sang ditties to you.
We beg your pardon
Kohl tired ears.

Presenters: Now imagine that the queen of autumn comes to visit you, and there is nothing to treat her with. You definitely need to run to the grocery store.
We announce the first competition: "Guests on the doorstep." We invite 2 teams of 6 people.
In order to treat Autumn, you need to go to the store, and it's raining outside. You put on galoshes, open an umbrella, take a basket and go to the grocery store. Everyone will bring one vegetable for the salad. Who will cope with the task first - he won.
Relay baton - galoshes and an umbrella.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Autumn: And now I will check whether you know my subjects.

The collective farm garden was empty.
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened...
What month has come to us? (September)

All the darker face of nature,
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
The bird voices were silent.
Winter rye freezes in the field ...
What month, please? (October)

The field is black and white
It's raining, it's snowing,
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
The bear hibernated...
What month has come to us? (November)

Presenters: And now welcome to the “Cooking Competition”. We invite 4 people from each class. Prepare the most delicious treat for autumn.

Participants prepare a dish of vegetables and fruits. The rest of the guys are occupied by Autumn and the presenters.

Autumn: In our north, autumn comes not according to the calendar, but much earlier. Therefore, all gardeners try to clean up summer-grown vegetables before the cold weather.

Presenters: Why do people need vegetables?

Autumn: And now we will ask the guys this.

Presenters: Guys, tell us about the healing properties of vegetables. Each answer will count as 1 point for the team.

The hosts show pictures of vegetables. Teams should be given information about their useful properties.

Presenters: And now we invite Autumn and the jury to the tasting of dishes. Miracle cook! Show off your food.

Evaluation of prepared meals.

Presenters: And again gifts for Autumn.

3rd grade children read poetry.

Autumn's palette has different colors,
And even animals change color.
Change the color of red to gray fox,
And the white hare will jump all winter long.

There is a color - bright yellow,
Yes, light green...
We have a warm summer
Familiar, familiar...

And there is blue
Well, like rain...
I also know red
Kalinka berry color.

How many colors autumn brought
I dressed nature like a carnival,
And we, having finished different things,
Let's take on something else together.

Like a red fox
Autumn wanders through the forests.
Where he will wave his fluffy tail,
The leaves will turn golden.

The gardens turned yellow
Traces of autumn are everywhere.
The aspen leaf will flare up in the thicket,
Like a real flashlight.

4th grade children perform a dance.

Presenters: And now we will find out if you know the taste of fruits and vegetables. We invite 6 people from each team.

Participants come out and sit on chairs.

Blindfolded, you must guess and name the vegetable and fruit by taste. Each correct answer is 1 point.

The hosts hold cut vegetables, fruits and berries on trays. Autumn puts a piece in the participant's mouth.

Autumn: And now I ask all autumn birthdays to stand up, those who were born in September, October, November. Let's welcome them.

Birthdays take the stage.


Congratulations to all friends
Autumn birthday!
May it be more fun today
There will be mood.

May success await you in everything
Joy and good luck
Let everyone decide
Difficult task.

Autumn distributes commemorative postcards to all birthdays.

Autumn: And for all the birthdays, a musical gift from the 4th grade guys.

Children of the 4th grade sing the song "Beauty".

Presenters: And now the most exciting moment of our holiday. We ask the jury to announce the results of all competitions.

(The jury sums up the results. Names the winning team).

Autumn: Going to the ball, many carefully thought out their costume. Today we are demonstrating the models of clothes for the autumn season. Please welcome the contestants. And the distinguished jury, I ask you to choose the queen or king of our ball.

Demonstration of costumes. The choice of the queen (king) of the autumn ball. Rewarding. Leading, Autumn, 2 teachers enter the stage. Read the final poem.

Quietly the summer is leaving
dressed in leaves,
And stays somewhere
In a dream or in reality?

And a glass stream
And the warm earth
And above the forest glade
The buzzing of a bumblebee.

Autumn comes quietly
Dressed in mist
She brings rain
From foreign countries.

And a bunch of yellow leaves
And the scent of the forest.
Autumn ball is fun
She carries with her.

Autumn: Before leaving, I want to treat everyone with my gifts.

The hosts help Autumn treat everyone present with apples. All participants and guests of the holiday are invited to a tea party.

Games and entertainment for children for the Autumn Ball

Games and entertainment for organizing autumn events in elementary school

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator, NAO "NSSI", Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention games and competitions for organizing entertainment and gaming programs for the Autumn Ball and other events at autumn theme. The material can be in demand by the organizers of extracurricular activities, boarding school teachers, elementary school teachers. Games and competitions are intended for elementary school children, but can be used for both preschoolers and middle school children.
Target: use in organizing extra-curricular autumn events
Tasks: create a positive mood,
develop fantasy, imagination,
develop dexterity, speed of reaction,
consolidate knowledge about trees, vegetables,
introduce poetic works about autumn.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a small selection of games, contests and entertainment that can be held when organizing autumn events and discos.

"Mystery Vegetable"

Before this entertainment, you can hold a competition to recognize vegetables by taste and touch. After that, the host says that everyone can guess this way, but he can guess what kind of vegetable the child has in his hands, turning his back to him. Then he asks for the help of one of his colleagues (assistant) to inform him when it is already possible to guess.
Any child comes to the table with vegetables and picks up a vegetable they like, for example, a radish.
The assistant says, referring to the host (for example, to me):
- Tatyana Alexandrovna, guess.
- Tatyana Aleksandrovna, don't you feel we are ready.
I answer:
If the child picked up a tomato, the assistant can say:
- Tatyana Alexandrovna, please call.
- Tatyana Alexandrovna, it's time to guess.
I can pretend to think and answer:
And so with all vegetables, and some can be raised twice.
Everyone is confused and delighted. Did you guess what's the matter?
Pay attention to the name of the vegetable and the word that the assistant says first after addressing the host?
Radishes - guess, perhaps.
Tomato - please, it's time.
These words start with the same letter as the name of the vegetable. This is the whole secret. Naturally, the assistant is a pre-trained person.
After that, you will be asked how you did it, and not only by children. Be silent, let this remain your little secret. Then you can also guess fruits, berries, and animals - whatever your heart desires. But be sure to take into account that there should not be vegetables whose names start with one letter. Potatoes and cabbage should not meet in this game.

"Leaf fall"

This game can also be played with preschoolers.
To play, children must sit in a circle on chairs, but they can simply stand in a circle. Each has a leaf of a tree in his hand. It is enough to take 4-5 species, for example, leaves of oak, maple, birch, willow. One child without a leaf in his hands stands in the center of the circle. The host says: "Maple leaves are falling." All the guys with maple leaves should quickly change places, and the child in the center of the circle should take someone's place. The child who did not have time to get up or sit in a circle gives him his leaf and stands in the center of the circle, the game continues. You can complicate the game by changing the movements. For example, the leaves should change places, jumping on one leg, walking on the heels, etc.
This game can also be played on a walk, just the leaves for this must be covered with adhesive tape.

"Literary Leaves"

The game involves 3-4 teams of 4 people. Each member of the team has a specific sheet. At a distance stands the leader, and next to him is a chair.
The facilitator reads lines from poems about autumn trees. As soon as the name of the tree sounds, the children who have a leaf from this tree should take a chair. Who will sit down first.

Green forest is all around;
Autumn maples are already blushing,
And the spruce forest is green and shady ...
(A. Maikov)

Wind in the field at dawn
I met a birch fashionista.
The wind blew on the birch -
And ruined her hair!

(A. Kulagina)

After all, until late autumn
It stands green.
So the oak is hardy,
It means tempered.
(A. Lisitsa)

The trunk is slender, dark bark,
It has been green all summer.
The autumn time has come
Dressed purple maple outfit.
(E. Shendrik)

Leaves yellow downpour,
The sun is below the pines.
Willow whispers:
"Autumn. Autumn soon!"
(A. Efimtsev)

Leaves blown away by the wind
Naked and sad.
Waiting for winter
Everything around was frozen.
But look, here they are
dark oaks,
And on their branches rustle
Dark leaves.
(N. Subbotina)

rainy autumn
the birches were crying.
Dropped by the wind
golden tears.
(T. Tarasova)

Wet roofs and bushes,
The yard and street are empty.
Rain since morning
It drizzles absently...
Lost all maple leaves
And is confused.
(A. Kulagina)

The wind was blowing in the city
Braids willow disheveled.
Autumn found a ribbon
Ive braided braids.
(M. Metelev)

Also, with these leaves, you can play many other games. Here are some of them.

Scatter the leaves on the floor. Divide the children into 4 teams. Each team must run to the chair, picking up a leaf of a certain tree on the run, put it on the chair, and return to the team. Then the next participant runs, and so on. Whose team is the fastest.

Put the leaves in a pile in the center of the room. Participants to blindfold.
Everyone must feel the leaves from a certain tree by touch. You can agree on a certain number of sheets.

Each child receives a set of leaves: 1 leaf from each tree. Their task is to collect a set of leaves from one tree using the exchange. At the command of the leader, they begin to exchange leaves with their comrades. The first person to collect such a set is the winner.

Autumn jokes.

There are a lot of joke questions that can be reformulated, giving them an autumnal accent.
Here's what I got:

How do all the autumn months end? (Letter b)
What is between September and November? (Letter i)
Why (why) do we walk in rubber boots in the fall? (On the ground)
How many apples can fit in a ten liter bucket? (None, they can't walk)
In what autumn month do people eat more than usual? (In October, because it has 31 days)
What do they start cooking in the fall, but do not eat? (Lessons)
Where does October come before September? (In dictionary)
Can it rain two days in a row in autumn? (Nah, the days separate the night)
Why (why) do we eat vegetables and fruits in the fall? (At the table)
5 people on an autumn day stood under one umbrella and did not get wet. Why? (It didn't rain)
On September 1, one student was removed from the lesson. For what? (Out the door)
What does a person have under his feet when he walks through the autumn forest? (Sole)
When is the day shorter - in September or November? (The same)

"Mysterious Letters"

This game is more suitable for children in grades 3-4 and middle level. The facilitator shows a card on which 2 letters are written. The children should try to guess the phrase on the autumn theme, where the first word is an adjective, the second is a noun. If the guys do not guess the ciphered phrase, the winner can be recognized as the one who last proposed his option, or for the most witty answer. After that, lines with a hidden phrase are read.
For example: with the letters BL, guys can name phrases such as a big puddle, a white swan, a brown leaf, etc.

BL - Indian summer
Indian summer has come -
Days of farewell warmth.
Warmed by the late sun
The fly came to life in the crack.

GD - mushroom rain
Wheezing in the morning
Roosters are young.
Rains light
Mushrooms fall out.
(A. Tvardovsky)

LZ - golden foliage
Golden foliage swirled
In the pinkish water of the pond
Like a light flock of butterflies
With fading flies to the star.
(S. Yesenin)

RD - red rain
Red rain falls from the sky,
The wind carries red leaves ...
(V. Shulzhik)

OR - fire ash
By the fallen pines
And fiery rowans
Autumn comes and sows
Fragrant mushrooms!
(I. Demyanov)

SK is a boring picture
Boring picture!
Clouds without end
The rain is pouring down
Puddles on the porch...
(A. Pleshcheev)

RU - multi-colored dress
Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.

CO - glorious autumn
Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
Like melting sugar lies.
(N. Nekrasov)

KL - maple leaf
Empty in the swift's house -
Flew away, poor thing.
And like a hedgehog's umbrella
Yellow maple leaf.

XD - gloomy day
It gets dark early in the forest
On a gloomy autumn day
And the stars in the glades
They burn with colored fire.

UP - a sad time
Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
(A. Pushkin)

Happy events and positive mood!

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