Bird crafts made from natural materials. DIY bird crafts from various materials. paper peacock


Bird crafts have always been very popular among lovers of home art. Particularly relevant are the figurines of feathered creatures on Bird Day, which is celebrated in spring on April 1 in kindergartens and schools. The holiday is dedicated to the return of migratory birds and marks the onset of spring and the renewal of awakened nature. On this day, children of all ages make bird crafts, and older schoolchildren make birdhouses and hang them on trees.

Bird crafts can be made from a wide variety of materials: cotton pads, colored paper, plastic bottles, salt dough, natural and any improvised materials. There are many options for creating birds - from simple ones for young children to complex ones that schoolchildren can easily master with the help of adults.

We bring to your attention a few lessons on creating birds with your own hands with step by step instructions, diagrams and tips. We hope that they will help you learn all the subtleties of this fascinating process and be filled with new bright ideas.

We will need: plastic bottles of various colors, foam plastic, a wooden block as a stand, a metal twig, foil and thin colored plastic, a glue gun.

Step one, Cut out the body of the peacock along with the head from the foam, not forgetting to make small indentations in place of the eyes. We fasten it to a wooden block with a metal rod, which plays the role of legs.

Step two. We make a sufficient number of peacock feathers from plastic bottles of different colors. We will need three types of feathers: long for the tail, short for the neck and a little longer for the body. To do this, cut off the bottom and neck of the bottle and cut it lengthwise into 3 parts.

We round one end of each strip with scissors and cut its edges into thin strips so that it looks like a bird's feather. We decorate the rounded end of the feathers intended for the tail with two or three multi-colored ovals made of foil and plastic. You can attach them with a stapler.

Step three. Cut out a beak from a red plastic bottle and fasten it in place. Next, we gradually glue the feathers on the body of the bird with a glue gun, starting from the tail and ending with the neck. We attach the feathers a little overlap, as shown in the photo. Do not forget that medium-length feathers are for the body, and meek ones are for the neck.

Step four. We cut out a crest of any shape from colored plastic, which our imagination tells us, and glue it on the head. Using acrylic paints, draw the eyes of a peacock. You can glue cilia cut from a transparent plastic bottle to them.

Step five. We proceed to the manufacture of the tail, using an abrasive mesh for this. We make holes at the base of the feathers and attach them to the grid with a thin wire.

We start making the tail from the end, gradually laying feathers on top of each other in rows until the luxurious long tail of the bird is fully formed. After that, we attach it to the body and settle the peacock, made with our own hands from plastic bottles, on a plot among flowers and greenery.

Do-it-yourself firebird from salt dough - master class

By the Day of the Birds, together with the children, you can make a voluminous firebird from salt dough. The work will take little time, require very few materials and provide the children with a cheerful and festive mood.

We will need: salty dough, gouache or watercolors, colorless varnish.

Step one. Making salt dough. To do this, mix a glass of flour with a glass of salt and knead the dough by pouring 100 ml of brewed starch into it. We cook it in the following way: dilute a tablespoon of starch in 100 ml of cold water and pour a glass of boiling water into this mixture.

Step two. Divide the salt dough into 5 pieces and color them in different colors. To do this, add gouache or watercolors to each piece and knead it slightly again. Next, draw a sketch of the firebird and sculpt the details of the bird on it: wings and torso. Dry them in the oven at low temperature.

Step three. We make the tail of a fabulous bird. We draw stencils of feathers and sculpt them from pink and blue salt dough on them. Dry the feathers in the oven. Next, we paint all the details of the bird with paints, cover with colorless varnish, and connect. We make a colorful festive panel with crafts. Salt dough firebird is ready!

Cotton pad birds - master class

Another very cute craft that is perfect for decorating a kindergarten on a wonderful holiday, Bird Day. It's easy, fun and very fast. Young children can be involved in making birds from cotton pads.

For creativity, we need: cotton pads, wooden skewers, colored paper, narrow colored ribbons, plastic eyes, glue and scissors.

Operating procedure:

  1. We take 5 cotton pads to create one bird. We cut one disk into two halves, and leave four whole.
  2. We fix two pairs of cotton pads on a skewer with glue so that it is inside. One pair of discs plays the role of the bird's head, and the other - the body.
  3. We glue the halves of the cut cotton pad to the body on both sides - this will be our wings.
  4. We glue the eyes and beak cut out of a piece of colored paper to the head and decorate the bird with a ribbon. A cute chick made of cotton pads for Bird Day is ready!

Colored paper owl - master class

Cute owls for celebrating Birds Day at school can be made with your own hands from colored paper. We will need directly the colored paper itself, scissors, double-sided tape and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. We make a cylinder from a sheet of colored paper, glue its edges on one side, as shown in the photo, and crush the middle so that we get ears.
  2. We cut out a heart from paper and glue it to the bottom of the cylinder - these are the paws of an owl.
  3. We cut circles of the same size and stick them on the central part of the cylinder as plumage. In order for the circles to give the craft volume, it is better to stick them with double-sided tape.
  4. We cut out a triangle of the same color as the paws, and glue it at the top of the plumage - this is the beak.
  5. Lastly, we glue the eyes by cutting out circles for them from black and white paper. The handmade owl is ready!

Do-it-yourself bird of paradise made of polymer clay - master class

These delightful birds of paradise are made of polymer clay that hardens in air. This modern material is also known to us under the names "self-hardening plasticine", "mass for modeling" and "velvet plastic". For the manufacture of charming feathered creatures, we need aluminum wire with a diameter of 1 mm, polymer clay, foil, scissors, round nose pliers, a stack, a glass for rolling clay, a little patience and diligence.

Operating procedure:

  1. We create three birds at once at once - while we are sculpting one, the rest dry up. We cut the wire twice as long as the planned tail. We wrap half of the wire with foil, crushing it and forming the body of a bird.
  2. We make paws from wire, as shown in the photo, and insert them into the body. We take a piece of clay, form it in the shape of a sausage, then roll it out and flatten it. We carefully pull out the wire from the bird, place it inside the clay sausage, rolling it up with a glass. We insert the finished colored ponytail back into the body. In the same way, we make blanks for the remaining two birds.
  3. We take a piece of blue, yellow and red clay, roll them out and gradually, spreading them with our fingers, stick them around the birds until all the foil is covered. We will get three blanks of bright birds.
  4. Starting from the center, stick around the paws. Then we take a piece of clay of the corresponding color and make cheeks, crown and beak. From balls of black clay we sculpt eyes, not forgetting to squeeze out the upper and lower eyelids around them with a stack.
  5. We create a tail and crest. To do this, cut off several wires of the length we need and roll them into clay. When it dries, round off the ends with round nose pliers and insert the details of the tail into the body of the bird. We make shorter feathers from thin clay sausages by twisting their tips.
  6. We make the effect of plumage by applying pieces of clay rolled out in the form of droplets on the body and working with a needle in the direction of feather growth. With the help of a needle, we make feathering all over the body of the bird. For shine, the eye can be varnished. A wonderful do-it-yourself bird of paradise is ready!

More ideas and schemes for bird crafts from various materials

For needlewomen who are familiar with the isothread technique, it will not be difficult to create pictures with beautiful white swans with their own hands and decorate the holiday with them, dedicated to the day birds. Threads for creativity are better to take floss or iris. From the wrong side of the cardboard we draw a swan and draw waves. We divide the drawing into details, drawing figures of different sizes, and embroider using the isothread technique.

From woolen threads, a very charming feathered creature is obtained. It can be easily created with your own hands according to a simple and understandable scheme.

And according to this scheme, by introducing children to the creativity, you can make a bird of happiness from a beautiful bright fabric.

Even small children can create such a colorful bird from circles of colored paper.

A charming bird can even be made from a strip of colored paper and a clothespin.

A do-it-yourself bird for Bird Day can be planted in a nest glued from paper plates.

Simple clothespins in the hands of a craftswoman can turn into an unusual fairy-tale bird.

And finally, the ideas of bird crafts from natural and improvised materials: cedar or pine cones, painted feathers, cardboard and plasticine.

Taking care of the beauty of the apartment, its comfort and originality of style, every hostess tries to find something interesting for her interior. But it is not necessary to buy expensive figurines, it is better to do something with your own hands. For example, bird crafts. A variety of colored birds are sure to please young children.

What materials are suitable for crafts?

Now it is not difficult to find a self-instruction book and master your favorite handicraft technique. We will describe how to make a bird craft from various materials. What material to choose, judge for yourself. Birds made of thread or paper are small things that will come in handy in any home on a bookshelf. And large plastic cranes will decorate a piece of land near the facade of your summer house or private house.

In fact, handmade is now a very popular activity, which involves complete freedom of creativity. One has only to become interested, and creative impulses will immediately direct you along the path you need.

Bird crafts from plastic bottles

Now in many yards and kindergartens there are beautiful large crafts made from used plastic containers. This material is very wear-resistant and can be easily cut with simple scissors. With a little imagination, you can make a beautiful full-length swan, pheasant or colored peacock. Another advantage of plastic is that you can choose any color for your craft.

Creating a large swan is laborious. It will take a long time to cut out all the details from the bottles. And you also need a frame made of metal or wood, which cannot be done without the help of men. And, of course, you need a large supply of containers.

We propose to make a different bird - a little penguin. This is no less cute piece. A do-it-yourself bird, even of a small scale, made with pleasure, will stand right on the windowsill and delight the eye.

Such a cute penguin is done quickly. It is advisable to cut a pair of wings out of plastic using a paper stencil. Legs can be made either from cardboard or also from plastic. Two buttons act as eyes, and a hat is a regular cover from detergent. The bow and nose can be made the way you like. Each family member can complete the sample with their own invention.

natural material for crafts

All children love to collect Christmas cones on the street. A bird craft made from natural material also comes out funny and interesting. Cute chickens are obtained by simply screwing the wire legs to the cone itself. The nose is made of thick cardboard, and the eyes are glued plastic or shell. To do this, you need to break a white egg very carefully, rinse the middle well and draw black pupils with a felt-tip pen. It remains to glue the shell with thin movements.

Crafts from threads for yarn

To make crafts from threads (birds, horses, anything you can create), it is not necessary to be able to crochet. Although this is very helpful. But for such a toy, we only need a little cardboard, a lump of paper and thread - three different options for the color of the skein.

Let's explain in more detail here:

  • Wrap the red and yellow thread on 12 cm cardboard boxes and cut. Then you get even stripes of thread.
  • Roll them together to make a ball. This is how we form the head.
  • The center will be a lump of ordinary newsprint. Wrap well-crumpled paper tightly in a gray thread.
  • Then the final touch - we connect and twist everything. The legs, in order to hold well, need to be screwed into a ball of paper.

Using different colors, you can make all sorts of crafts - bullfinches, sparrows or tits. You can thus make a whole poultry yard of threads.

Christmas tree toy. Crafts birds from the material

It is easy enough to sew a toy bird from simple shreds of fabric. It is only necessary to cut two identical blanks from the same fabric. You can choose color or plain. Sew on a "wing" to each side in advance. No more difficulties.

It remains to sew fabric shreds, but not completely. Since it is still desirable to fill them with any wool or other remaining shreds. And of course, the bird needs beady eyes and a beak. If you sew a ribbon into a toy, then for the New Year you will have a good Christmas tree toy.

origami bird

The most interesting occupation is still origami. The art of paper folding has become popular since the 19th century, when Europeans discovered this wonderful world of crafts. Probably everyone has seen paper crafts, birds can be made in a simpler form, like a flat figure, and complex ones. The simplest craft is an origami crane. It is done by everyone who begins to learn this art. This craft is generally considered the main blank for more complex crafts.

Those who take the time to practice origami will be able to create such a figure as this voluminous chic peacock.

The figure is quite complex, although it is considered a classic. So, how to make such a peacock? We will follow the plan, since the scheme is too confusing due to the abundance of small folds.

  1. We take a sheet of paper 20 x 10 or 30 x 15.
  2. Fold in half to make 2 equal squares.
  3. From one square we make a double triangle.
  4. We bend the upper triangle in the center. We need a center line.
  5. We bend one and the second half of the triangle to this central axis; you get two small triangles. We also bend their lower parts to the center, and we understand the angle upwards. Then these corners are lowered; we only need the curves that form the diamond shape.
  6. You should get a triangle with "paws" like what is done for the "jumping toad" craft.
  7. The bottom corners now need to be turned outward. Expand these triangles on the sides. They should look like 2 diamonds lying at the base of a large triangle. Now you are making the legs of the peacock. They need to be made thin, so with precise, neat movements, take these small rhombuses and make them half as small by bending their sides. Fine motor skills of the hands are involved here, if the fingers do not immediately obey, do not despair.
  8. Next, you need to bend the entire model in half (along).
  9. Now we bend to the central axis formed by the fold the left and right corners of the main figure. We bend the corners under a small rhombus, where we will have the legs and head of a peacock.
  10. The next step is to draw a line separating the body and tail. This vertical line will be very useful to us.
  11. We begin to create a tail by dividing the paper into equal parts, starting from this line.
  12. The tail will be frilled. The repeatedly bent tail in the form of an "accordion" will then be lifted up. The last shares on one side and the other are glued with PVA.
  13. However, let's leave the tail for now. The upper part must be bent diagonally on both sides and the basic “hare ear” figure folded. After that, the legs are lowered, and the tail is fixed in a vertical position. Our peacock is slowly taking shape.
  14. Now we glue the tail, form the head and bend the legs so that the peacock can stand.

It is worth noting that the paper should not be taken too hard. After many deflections, such paper does not obey fingers well. And it is inconvenient to work with thick paper. All lines must be clearly ironed. Clear and even, they look good. And you can’t wrinkle the paper once again, you will ruin the figure.

origami wonder swan

In fact, origami has practically no boundaries. In this technique, you can make any figure, any paper crafts. Birds different levels complexity fill the shelves of lovers of this art.

Imagine another classic swan created by Robert Lang - a popular author of many models. In mastering the new model, a step-by-step diagram with explanations for each stage will help us.

This scheme does not require knowledge of the basic basic forms or special fine work with the fingers.

Now, after learning another craft model, paper birds may be a new hobby for someone.

Paper swallow. Scheme

There are several forms of swallows. Different origami masters come up with their own schemes. The one we give as an example is very similar to a real swallow, and at the same time, making all the folds will not be too difficult for a beginner. We remind you how the diagram is read: dashed lines are folds. The arrows call for folding, the arrows in the form of curls are turns to the other side.

This is one part of the job. The scheme must be followed in the smallest detail. Make sure you don't go wrong anywhere. Then start studying the second scheme and continue to work.

For practice, make a few of these swallows. DIY paper bird crafts can be stored in a closet for a long time or hung with a thread. After all, a paper product will also look good on a Christmas tree.

The beauty of modular origami

More interesting do-it-yourself paper bird crafts can be seen at handmade exhibitions. There are often exhibited large crafts from many hundreds or even thousands of small details. Such things are called modular origami. You can make a swan, a rooster, and a peacock in this way. Incredibly beautiful is the macaw parrot, made in this technique. And it's exactly like the real thing.

But these products take a lot of time. Everyone can try to make an owl, but you have to be persistent and patient.

If you are ready to take the time to create such beauty, then go for it. First you need to find a photo of bird crafts. It is also important to keep the instructions with you. In each circle, there are a certain number of parts of one and the other color. Nothing can be mixed up here, otherwise the pattern will be distorted and the whole charm of origami will be lost.

Good afternoon. Today I can finally sum up a large collection of ideas for crafts made from natural materials. We already have a large-format article with crafts from autumn leaves for children and adults. There is a detailed article in the autumn theme. In this article I will publish the most interesting and non-standard tricks and techniques. I decided to do wide overview page, which will prove and show that natural material for creativity is not only acorns and chestnuts. You will see with your own eyes and fall in love with all your heart in new fresh ideas of working with natural material. Crafts made with your own hands, from branches, from leaves, from dried flowers, from everything under your feet. Nature is rich in material, and man is rich in beautiful ideas. So, let's see what crafts can be made from natural material this season.

Idea Pack #1

SCALES from cones.

The cones are made up of scales. If you collect open pine cones, then it is convenient to pull out of them with pincers, pliers, or bite SCALES with wire cutters. And then use this bumpy natural material as a mosaic coating on a variety of autumn crafts.

Note. In order for the cones to open well, spread out with scales, they can be warmed up in the oven.

Here we see mushrooms. Their legs are carved from a thick wooden chock. The hats are molded of plasticine and the top of the hats is covered with scales. It turns out cute mushrooms-crafts with their own hands. Suitable Job for school work.

But the spruce cones have scales flatter and smoother. They look like the smoothed feathers of birds. Therefore, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts comes to mind on a bird theme. We sculpt the bird's body from plasticine, we coat with PVA glue, put a layer of torn paper napkins on the glue, again with glue, again with napkins - it turns out papier mache shell. We dry this shell until it is completely lignified. And on this hard dry surface with hot glue (layer by layer, row by row) we lay the spruce “tile” of feather-scales.

And also the scales of a spruce cone are similar to the scaly armor of ancient lizards. So here's another idea for you. After all, this is a great challenge to your artistic potential. It's not just a bird here - there's a whole beast that looks like it's alive. Great crafts for boys made of natural material.

Here we act exactly the same as with the bird- we sculpt the base from plasticine, pack it in several layers of papier mache (alternating pva glue and paper napkins). And then, after this mass has dried into a hard crust, you can glue the dinosaur figure with spruce scales.

After plucking the cone, a cone BOTTOM remains. It looks like a flower with petals. From such cone flowers, you can make a new autumn craft with your own hands - for example, a WREATH. We glue the base for the foam wreath with a chopped cone - just with hot glue from a gun.

You can cover such cones-flowers with bright gouache. In order for the gouache color to become juicier and shine, it is necessary to sprinkle this product on top after drying with gouache, I recommend spraying it with simple hairspray. The color will stick and won't stain your hands.

You can make beautiful flowers yourself, choosing the most accurate and even scales of different sizes, and laying them radially from the center. The middle of the flower can be decorated with beads or rhinestones. From such natural material, you can even make brooches in the autumn style with your own hands - and wear them with a coat, or pin them to a shawl.

Flowers from cones can not only be collected into wreath crafts, but simply laid out on a panel. Put on glue on a piece of plywood. You will get an excellent craft made from natural material for a competition in a school or kindergarten.

From whole buds You can also make great crafts. We add not only natural material to the cones, but also other materials (colored felt, cardboard, ropes, plastic, etc.).

Idea Pack #2

Crafts from natural material


From nutshells, we all made boats in childhood, or hats on plasticine mushrooms. But you can go further in your creativity from walnuts. Children will be happy to create mice or birds, and adult skillful hands and a warm spiritual heart can create a whole world from a nutshell ... Now you will see it.

In this article I want to introduce you to a very good person. Her name is Marina. Master with an attentive soul.

This is how the account page of this master on the Fair of Masters website looks like.

I really like the work of master Marina from the site Fair of Masters. With her own hands she created amazing, in its sincerity and warmth, the world of good old women. The walnuts in the place where the wings are connected are surprisingly similar to a wrinkled smiling old woman. It remains to add eyes, a nose-bone and mentally wrap everything with a cotton handkerchief. And now the cunning old woman looks at you cheerfully.

We make a body from a bump, weave hands from rough paper packaging twine. From felt we dump warm felt boots. Each old woman can be made with her own character. Cheered up with a big smile. Or silent thoughtful, on my mind.

Old women can be both summer and winter.

You can create whole worlds from natural material in which kind old women live and work. They themselves will keep their world clean.

And after work, they will gather for a cup of herbal tea to tell stories, make fun of each other and sing songs of their youth.

Master Marina sells her crafts. You can order her work on the master's personal page - Marina can make you a custom-made craft for your family and friends.

After all, how nice it is to receive as a gift the World of good old women, which will always smell like a village CHILDHOOD for you - grandmother's pancakes, a stack of firewood by the barn, chickens running around the yard, a heated tree of an old bench near the fence.

Master Marina, I want to give an idea. In one I talked about another Czech Master who created the world of ACORN PEOPLE - Dubanchikov and wrote a book with stories about them, which he illustrated with emotional scenes made from natural material. The book is published in the Czech Republic, and only in Czech. I think that many children will like our Russian book with kind stories about Russian village grandmothers, illustrated by Marina's works.

After all, this is a real miracle, to make a new world out of natural material with your own hands - kind, fabulous, REAL. More and more new houses, cozy benches, swings, carts, wagons will appear in it.

Idea Pack #3

Crafts from natural material


If you like fairy tales with fairies and magicians, then you will like the world of fairies made of natural material. You can create cozy houses for fairies with your own hands, set up entire housing complexes for them, with ponds, parks, gardens, swings.

You can bring a man-made miracle to the school competition of crafts made from natural materials. The house where the gnome lives. Parts can be attached to plasticine, staples (from a stapler), to glue from a hot gun.

Pieces of moss, acorn caps, scales torn from a cone with pliers, lichens and dry hard hanging mushrooms taken from trees in the forest. And even pieces of plants torn from indoor flower pots - any natural material will be used to build such a complex but interesting craft. The house will grow and be ennobled by natural design before your eyes.

You can base thick wooden stick found in the forest. Saw off a comfortable piece from it. AT hardware store buy tinted stain for wood- and cover the tree in a noble dark color. Cut out of thick cardboard windows, cover them with the same stain. From ice cream sticks put together a real door, arrange a porch. Sculpt a conical roof from plasticine. Break a large pine cone with tongs or pliers on scales and lay out tiles from them on the roof of a natural house.

Some elements can be molded salt dough(a glass of fine salt, a glass of flour + water (add water a spoon at a time, and grind with salted flour with your hands until a single lump is formed, similar to plasticine). Roll out the dough - cut into bricks with a knife. Dry - and get a lot of building material for the porch , paths, fences, etc. The dough can also be painted with gouache or stain.

But the house is VERY SIMPLE. Now I’ll tell you how to make it with your own hands from the things that surround us.

  1. Take strong cardboard package from milk or juice. Cut windows in it - this will be the future facade of the house.
  2. Buy a small bag of gypsum plaster (or putty) diluted with water and coat the facade of the house with this mixture.
  3. Dry and cover with whitewash or white gouache (toothpaste on the edge).
    Make a roof out of cardboard, also apply glue to it and lay tiles from pieces of bark or cones. or chips.

Idea Pack #4


And of course, the most common crafts made from natural material are applications using dry herbarium - herbs, leaves, flowers. We made everything from leaves of chicks or fish in an aquarium. In a special article, I give many options.

And in this article I want to show a beautiful mosaic technique of laying out dry natural material in the form of a SILHOUETTE PICTURE.

You can find a lot of ready-made silhouette templates on the Internet. If in the search bar you type the phrase "silhouette of a hare picture" or another animal.

The most important thing in such a craft is to achieve recognition - the clarity of the silhouette. Therefore, you need to choose a silhouette without small details - protrusions. And if you chose with detailed protrusions, try to make the small relief detail be made with ONE SOLID petal (like the ears of a bunny or its protrusions of the paws in the photo above).

If, when laying out the mosaic, the edge of the plant protrudes beyond the border of the silhouette, it must be carefully cut with scissors (as is done in the photo above with a cat - it has triangles of ears cut out).

Nature Idea Pack #5

Crafts from branches.

From branches of different shapes and bends, you can lay out beautiful crafts with your own hands. Branches can just decompose on a white paper background, repeating the outlines of a bird or animal. It is possible in advance on paper draw a silhouette of a bird weak pencil lines. And then pick up branches that would lie on this drawn silhouette of a bird, repeating the curves of the picture.

Crafts from natural material can be fix with glue with a hot glue gun. Or make a photo-craft. That is, lay out the branches and take a picture of the craft, thereby perpetuating your product from natural material in the form of a photograph.

You can fix the craft at the key nodes of the plexus of branches and then in these knots attach it to the base (vertical wall or horizontal shelf-stand), as is done in the photo below.

In addition to branches, you can use wood chips, pieces of bark, chips and saw cuts from logs, chocks, thick branches in your crafts. This is how crafts-owls from the photo below are implemented. Simply and interestingly made with your own hands - you can safely take it to the exhibition of autumn crafts to school or kindergarten.

One and the same idea can be embodied in different angles and different materials. Here, for example, in the photo of horse crafts made from natural material, both branches and bark, and snags are used.

You can lay out entire mosaics completely filling the silhouette image with natural material. The direction of the branches should repeat the direction of the pattern details. Spread the branches in the same directions as the fur pile of the animal, or repeat the muscular relief of the animal with branches.

Perhaps this type of crafts made from natural material will captivate you so much that turn into a solid hobby with the prospects of monetization in profitable business. Why not make beautiful wooden sculptures for a summer residence or estate for sale.

And if you want to use branches to create crafts from natural material in class at school, then here's to you simple ideas of how this can be implemented in labor lessons for boys. Everyone is taught cut with jigsaws plywood figurines. In addition to animal figurines, you can put together frames from slats and make beautiful landscape paintings of an autumn forest with mossy branches overgrown with lichen.

Similar ideas can be implemented at labor lessons for girls - without plywood and a jigsaw - by making a frame of cardboard twisted into a square tube (fold 4 pieces into a frame-frame, insert branches into holes), and cut animal silhouettes from dense packaging corrugated cardboard from old boxes and paint in gouache, if desired.

Package of nature crafts No. 6

Maple and ash seeds.

Dry lobed tree seeds can be very interesting to beat in a variety of do-it-yourself crafts.

You can make a mosaic craft out of this natural material in the form of a bird (because maple seeds look like feathers). You can lay out a pattern in the form of a butterfly on the glass, and thanks to the transparency of the background, it will seem that it is hovering in the air, as is done in the photo below. Maple seeds paint well with watercolor, so your butterfly craft can be in all colors of the rainbow.

at school or kindergarten from the same natural material, you can make very simple children's crafts with a base on thick cardboard. Maple seeds can be a hairstyle on a painted human head, they can become a squirrel's fluffy tail, feathers on an owl's wings, or needles on a cardboard hedgehog (as in the photo below).

And maple seeds look like dragonfly wings. Therefore, you can make simple children's crafts in the form of beetles. For example, string beads on a wire (this will be the body) and glue seeds to the body on glue or plasticine. Wings can be painted with nail polish and sprinkled with glitter glitter. The bulging eyes of a dragonfly can be cast from frozen drops of the same nail polish. You will get a beautiful quick and simple craft made from natural material for children.

And the same maple natural material can become the basis for fun GRAPHIC CRAFTS-DRAWING with an ordinary black marker. We paint on the missing details for the snub noses and turn the seeds laid out on a sheet of paper into interesting graphics. These are already crafts for training your imagination - great idea for a circle on the topic "Learning to think creatively."

I told more about this GRAPHIC method of using natural material in the article.

Idea Pack #7

Crafts from natural material


A simple rubble stone left over from summer cottage construction, or smooth river, sea stones can become the material for your natural DIY crafts. The stone itself can tell by its shape who it looks like. And you just have to take felt-tip pens or gouache to bring this image to life.

If you feel like an artist in yourself - you can make complex multi-line drawings - as is the case with the stone owl craft. Or smooth thick pebbles can look like clumsy chubby panda bears - and such crafts made from natural material will be feasible for children. First, we cover all the stones with white, dry them, and then with a black marker we draw on it the black details of the teddy bear.

Ordinary felt-tip pens draw very well on stones. After completing the general painting work, the details of the picture need to give contours(clear boundaries) black marker.

You can draw the silhouette of a snail or a sheep on the stone yourself. And to give the children the task to simply color the finished silhouettes, supplement them with a pattern of stripes and dots or curls.

From dry grass and wire or other natural material, you can make a nest. And in this craft, put the chicks made of stones with your own hands. Older children can decorate a complex picture with a chick and an open beak. For younger children, the task is easier in the form of chickens in shells.

On a piece of plywood or a round saw cut from a log, you can lay out a whole picture of stones and other natural materials decorated with paints. This craft is suitable for work on autumn competition to school or kindergarten.

Older girls will like exquisite pictures from the life of a fashionable girl - a felt-tip pen, paints, stones and rhinestones.

You can use the mosaic technique to lay out a variety of characters from stones. Attach the stones to the glue with a hot glue gun. The stones in the mosaic can be painted with gouache, or have their own natural color.

These can be landscape paintings made of natural material (sea pebbles, glass turned by water, shells, etc.).

Idea Pack #8

Crafts from natural material


Highly interesting topic for crafts made from natural materials these are portraits. The face in the picture always attracts the eye. You want to look at such a craft for a long time, it has a soul, human eyes, into which you want to look, read their thoughts. A portrait is a craft that looks at you.

You can plant all the details of a portrait from natural material on glue. Or just fold the portrait like a mosaic on a sheet of cardboard, take a picture and brush off all the details of the masterpiece with your hand from the table. And on the wall in your room there will be a photograph of a disappeared, but ever-living portrait.

As an ornamental natural material, you can use stones, dry leaves, cones, seeds, bark. For drawing thin lines, branches of different trees, straws, blades of grass.

If you are working with children, then you can give them an easier task. Print the finished face on the printer. And from natural material in this craft make additions

Good luck with your work.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

Birds have always attracted the eyes of others and many are attracted by their ability to fly. Their diversity is simply amazing. For example, swans or storks fascinate with their size and beauty, woodpecker and jay - unusual appearance, an owl and a crow - severity, and magpies - restlessness. Each has its own taste and character! And how many birds that are not visible, but their sonorous singing is heard over long distances.
It is not surprising that many needlewomen love to depict birds using different techniques. Today we will consider several options for making feathered friends from different materials.
From sand.
On the grass of the lawn, you can make a beautiful composition of colored sand. A white dove, with delicate daisies along the contour, looks great on a blue heart.

From the leaves of irises.
This magnificent weaving of green iris leaves looks unusual. A long tail gives the bird an extra charm.

From mounting foam.
Mounting foam is applied on the basis of hardboard, cut in the shape of a stork. It is easily painted with enamel and retains the beauty of appearance for a long time.

From plastic bottles.
Plastic containers are a fertile material for crafts. You can cut any shape and paint in all sorts of shades. Here is such a bright cockerel obtained from just a few bottles.

From feathers.
If you carefully collect the feathers, then you can make a great craft that looks just natural. The frame for the birds is made of plaster, which is pasted over with real feathers.

From paper.
Plain office white paper can come in handy for. You just need to circle the child’s palm, cut out a lot of such blanks and glue them onto a three-dimensional base. Another dove of peace looks magnificent and majestic.

From disposable devices.
And this soaring dove is made from disposable tableware. The frame is formed from a metal mesh, on which feathers from disposable spoons and forks are fixed. Original and unusual.

From a milk bottle.
For this little bird, you need to take white bottles that sell dairy products. Cut out all parts of the body and fasten them with universal glue. You don't even need to paint.

From fabric.
The splendor and texture of crafts can be achieved using synthetic winterizer and transparent fabric. Such a bird can be easily sewn by a craftswoman who knows how to work at a sewing machine.

From dry grass.
Someone cooks hay for cows and horses, and for needlewomen it is a fertile material for creativity. Such a bird, woven from herbs and ears of corn, looks not only unusual, but also somehow magical.

From foam.
Another fertile material that is easy to cut and holds its shape well. Styrofoam birds look realistic and do not need to spend extra money on their manufacture.

From flowers.
The main thing in this craft is a wire frame. And then you just fill it with flowers and you get such a mother hen with chickens made of thread.

From hay.
This big crane is made from dried grass and looks amazing. It is necessary to tie a heap of hay with a thread and give it the shape of a bird. It is not often possible to see crafts in this technique.

These beautiful birds can appear in your yard if you put a little effort into making them.

At all times, children, regardless of age, liked activities that allowed them to express their creativity, and so it is today. Applications, beadwork and many other types of creativity are available to modern representatives of the younger generation. And they may also like the bird craft. With your own hands, offer your child to make this thing from plasticine, yarn, paper, natural or many other materials. At the same time, you can be sure that the baby will like both the manufacturing process of the product and the result.

paper peacock

One of the birds most beloved by children is the peacock, because it is he who is the prototype of the bewitching kids from the TV screen or drawings in the book of the firebird. Therefore, a child will be very willing to get to work if he is shown at least her image, but it is better if, for example, there is already a ready-made “bird” handicraft at hand. With his own hands, a child can make a torso and a magnificent tail out of paper, and then connect these parts with glue.

So, to make a bird, we need colored and white paper, scissors. To facilitate the task of making the body, you can print the template below in advance and hand it to the baby. In this case, it remains only to put the blank on a colored sheet, circle, cut out and finish the missing details: crest, eyes, beak.

When making the body of a peacock, it is important to lengthen the lower part, since in the future it will need to be bent in order to make the finished bird craft more stable. With your own hands, in order to lengthen it, you can also glue a strip of paper to the finished body, if the initial height of the sheet on which the kid drew the template was not enough.

Making a peacock tail and connecting all the details

The tail is probably the main detail of a paper peacock, since it is it that gives the bird splendor. Therefore, it is very important to do it properly. To make this part, you will need a sheet of bright paper (green, pink or red) 9x9 cm in size. It must be folded diagonally, and the resulting triangle bent in half again.

From the side of the base of the triangle, you need to draw the outlines of the feathers and cut them out. It is important that the top of the triangle remains intact. After that, the part must be expanded to the state of the first triangle and draw feathers on both sides with a felt-tip pen. At the final stage of manufacturing the tail, it is necessary to cut the outer line of each feather with scissors.

Now it remains to connect the torso and tail, for this the first part should be bent at the base, creating a stand, and a bright triangle should be glued to the back, turning it upside down. So the craft "bird" is ready. With his own hands out of paper, a child will be able to create this little thing in just 10-15 minutes, and he will receive a huge amount of positive emotions.

Plasticine bird: preparatory stage

Each child needs to convey the information that a do-it-yourself “bird” craft made from natural material and plasticine can be made quite easily, in any case, no more difficult than from paper. The only difference in the creation of this souvenir is the trip for the necessary materials not only to the stationery store, but also to the forest or park. So, you will need to find a spruce cone, several dry leaves of different shapes and sizes (you can take green ones, but they will have to be dried at home) and a rose hip. In the stationery store you will need to buy plasticine and toothpicks. For the stand, you should also pick up a small square plate 1-1.5 cm thick.

Making a bird from natural material and plasticine

So, if everything you need is already at hand, you can be sure that in a few minutes the “bird” craft will already show off on the table. With his own hands, the child will fold it in less than half an hour. As the body, the tail will act as the head, the wings and crest - leaves, and the legs - toothpicks.

It is necessary to take a cone, turn it to a horizontal position, and attach a rosehip to the wide side with a piece of plasticine. For the tail, you will need to stick a long narrow leaf (for example, oak) into the cone from the narrow side. Attach wings to the corresponding places on the body - halves of a wide leaf. Stick a crest into the dogrose head. Insert toothpicks into the underside of the cone, and then attach the finished craft to the board. And, it would seem that the “bird” craft is already ready. With your own hands from plasticine, however, it is still necessary to make some details, namely, eyes, and attach them to the appropriate places on the head. And after that, the bird can already be installed on the shelf as a souvenir. If desired ready product covered with paint or gloss.

Thread bird: materials and blanks

Yarn is another material that can be used to make a great bird craft. With your own hands, you can make a magnificent sparrow from threads, teip tape, a dart, beads and a piece of newspaper. You will also need a glue gun, scissors, a sheet of thick cardboard measuring 9x12 cm.

First you need to make blanks for the wings, breast and back. Please note that different parts of the sparrow have a different color. For the manufacture of the first two parts, it is necessary to wind the yarn across the cardboard sheet in two places. The last blank is made by winding threads along the template. At one end, the yarn must be cut, and the part that will be used as wings should be tied in the middle.

Making a bird from thread

Next, the threads for the breast and back should be folded crosswise so that the first part crosses the second in the upper part. Then, with a longer winding, wrap around the short one and fasten the back with a thread, after which the same action should be done with the breast. As a result of these actions, a head will be created, and the “bird” craft will soon be ready.

With your own hands, you will then need to clasp a piece of newspaper with the yarn prepared for the wings, and put this part between the two already existing ones - as a result of this, you will get a torso. Next, from the opposite end, you need to tie all the threads together and trim them. The legs can be made of wire, and wrapped with teip tape on top. Then attach them with glue to the appropriate places, as well as sew on beads as eyes and make a beak from a seed by gluing it to the head. Such a bird can decorate any room in the house by placing it on a shelf or hanging it on a thread.

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