Million dollar business ideas. Simple ideas that brought in a million Brilliant ideas for millions


How often do you come up with "brilliant" ideas on which you can earn a lot of money? How about a glow-in-the-dark tennis ball or a dog headlamp?

Does it sound stupid? Don't rush to say that until you read about ten really stupid ideas that brought millions to those who came up with them.

For now, let's look at an idea that's more annoying than stupid: the smiley face. In the 1960s, a commercial artist from Wurster, Massachusetts named Harvey Ball designed a smiley face for a local insurance company that was running a "friendship action." For 10 minutes of work, he received $ 45, BUT he did not register copyright for his creation. In the 1970s, two brothers from Philadelphia, Bernard and Murray Spain, created the same emoji and came up with the slogan "Have a nice day!" (English Have a nice day!). They profited from the sale of "smiling" T-shirts and coffee mugs with their own wishes. But most of all on the "happy face" earned a London company with a telling name Smiley Faces ("Smileys"). They, unlike their predecessors, registered ownership of trademark in the form of a bright yellow smiling face in more than 100 countries around the world. Representatives of the Wal Mart company tried to challenge this, but lost. Smiley Faces made $167 million in 2012...

1. Wuvit pillow

Kim Levin was an ordinary housewife and mother of two small children. One day she was watching her husband feed the deer in the backyard with grain from a linen bag, and at that moment it occurred to her unusual idea- sew a pillow stuffed with corn and heat it in the microwave. After conducting such a mini-experiment, Kim found out that corn kernels can retain heat for a long time. And voila: a beautiful warm pillow with which, instead of a toy, you can sleep hugging small children, is ready. At first, Levin sold her pillows in local stores and at arts and crafts fairs. After that, she signed a lucrative contract with the Saks Fifth Avenue shopping center chain, which brought her a lot of money. Kim has written a book called Millionaire Mom and launched a website where you can find " profitable ideas”, invented by people from all over the world.

Do you want to create your own Internet project, but don't know where to start? Launch a website, post a picture of a funny cat with the words "I can has cheezburgers" and invite people to share their own pictures with funny animals and comments with other users. This is exactly what Erika Nakagavi and Kari Unebeasami did in 2007. The site rapidly gained popularity; the number of page views reached 10 million per month. Ultimately, it was sold to a group of investors for $2,000,000.

Today, Icanhascheezburger gets around 100 million page views every month and is one of the most popular websites in the world.

3. Balls for car antennas

Balls for car antennas first appeared in the 1960s thanks to the Canadian company Union Gas. In 1991, Disney released Mickey Mouse antenna balls, and since then has developed hundreds of other types of these unusual gizmos. In 1995, the American fast food chain Jack in the Box launched a campaign to create antenna smiley balls: with deer antlers for Christmas, and in protective helmets for the start of the football season. Then they sold more than 17 million cute circles. Even Wal Mart has its own line of car antenna balls.


Imagine that the year is 2005. You are a young man from Wiltshire (England) who wants to earn money for his college education. What to do? Get a job at McDonalds? Ask your parents? Alex Tew found a better way. He launched the website, whose homepage is a 1 million pixel image. The idea was simple. Anyone could purchase a block on the site (the minimum size is 10x10) for one dollar per pixel and place a tiny picture in it with a link to their own resource. Sounds stupid? Maybe. But in the end, made $1 million for its founder.

5. Pet Rock

This was in the 1970s. Gary Dahl, an account manager for a California advertising agency, was talking with his friends about which pet is the most unpretentious and easy to care for. One of them jokingly said: "Stone is a pet." There was loud laughter among those present. However, Dahl took this idea seriously and found a couple of investors willing to provide financial support for its implementation. The development of the project lasted several weeks. The result was not just a stone, but a real creature with a box-house and a training manual, which explained how to teach a pet to “sit” or “shake hands.”

The pet stone remained at the peak of popularity for only six months, but this was enough to bring Gary Dahl a million-dollar profit and fleeting fame acquired through television and public appearances.

6. Wacky Wall Walker toy

In the early 1980s, Ken Hakuta, a Washington resident, took some soft, stretchy material (elastomer) and made something that looked like an octopus out of it. When an object was thrown against a wall, it slowly "slid" down. Hakuta decided to set up the production of cute little octopuses, which quickly won the sympathy of both children and adults. Sales were stunning; in just a few months, Hakuta's wealth grew by $80 million.

7. Billy the Big Mouth Bass

Billy is a plastic fish that can turn its head and sing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and "Take Me to the River" in an obnoxious voice. The employees of the stores where the Largemouth Bass entered went crazy at the end of the first day of sales. The singing fish, invented in 2000 by Joe Pelletiere, a salesman for Brass Pro Shops, brought the manufacturer, the American company Gemmys, a lot of money.

8. Flowbee

The Flowbee is a hair clipper connected to a vacuum cleaner by a hose. It was created and patented in 1987 by California carpenter Rick Hunts. At first, he demonstrated his invention at fairs, and then switched to commercials. By 2000, Hunts had sold about 2 million of these machines.

9. iFart

IFart is an iPhone app that plays various "fart" sounds that annoy everyone around. Developed by Infomedia, iFart was the most popular app of 2008.

10. Wishbones - plastic "bones for making wishes"

In 1999, Ken Aroni, sitting with his family at the Thanksgiving dinner table, watched his sisters argue over who would get a single turkey thymus bone. And then an unusual idea came to his mind: why not create such bones out of plastic? This is how Lucky Break Wishbones was born. As Aroni himself said, everyone needs luck. It took him several years to create the perfect plastic forks that would break in the right place.

Lucky Break Wishbones are $9 a pack. During the holidays, Americans buy them in the millions, bringing Ken Aroni incredible income.

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Here is another brilliant idea - video chat roulette - Simple and most importantly kills time in a society with unusual people

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Are you looking for this? Perhaps this is what you could not find for so long?

Surely more than once you had to think about where to get a certain amount of money and how today's rich people earned their first million. Or maybe you read the book of the famous copywriter "Million Dollar Ideas from Bruce Barton" and were inspired by his success and advice? Naturally, everyone achieves their financial victories in different ways, but their source is always an idea.

Sometimes an idea is so simple that it is hard to believe in its success, however, such ideas surprisingly bear fruit and the money tree grows every day.
This topic will talk about fairly simple and creative ideas that have brought and can bring millions of dollars.

Enough people have the skills to teach others. The idea of ​​hosting a paid online course can be financially lucrative and bring good earnings.

Creation of paid courses on website creation

In order for the plan to succeed, you should post your works on specialized sites and forums. Make it so that a potential student sees and believes in the course. Next, you can organize an online school.

But one should remember the main rule: the teacher must have perfect knowledge of the topic that he offers. The flow of customers and future reviews will depend on his professionalism.

Sample Certificate of Completion of a Paid Online Course

If we talk about popular online courses, then we can cite the IT industry as an example, for example, software development, applications for certain platforms, programming training or stock trading in the stock market. All these areas are quite popular today.

There are never too many pixels

It should be told about the British student Alex Tube, who decided to create a website from a million free pixels.

He wanted to sell each pixel for one dollar, but because of the very small size, he decided to combine them into blocks of ten by ten, in connection with which the cost of one block was $100. The first block was sold to a friend.

This is how the main page of a site selling pixels looks like

After spending just over $70 to register a domain name, the smart guy was able to make $1 million from his idea in a little over a year.

Book publication

Until recently, in order to publish your book, you had to overcome many problems and financial investments. Fortunately, today publishing your creation is not so expensive. If the material of the literature is useful or interesting, then the book will quickly scatter among millions of readers. There are many services on the Internet where you can put your creation up for sale. Such a decision to earn money can be added to the list of ideas for 1 million dollars.

Business idea for creating an e-book

An example is an American girl named Amanda Hawking. She sells her books on Amazon with great success. This example is just one of a thousand. The business of e-books is quite voluminous, has a wide range of potential clients.

Even if we take the famous copywriter and writer Bruce Barton as an example, in addition to the fact that one of his unique lines could cost a lot of money, he also wrote books, one of them, Bruce Burton's Million Dollar Tips, was sold in huge circulation.
I would also like to advise that in case of failure or low sales, you should not give up, you need to work day after day and improve your writing skills.

Writer Amanda Hawking

Picky Domains website

To simplify this procedure, an agency was created that for $50 comes up with a beautiful and memorable domain, and for $75 it can also come up with a slogan. Such an idea seemed absurd and it is easier for a person to come up with everything himself and not pay money for it. However, buyers did not have to wait long, and soon the agency was bombarded with orders.
It is worth considering that today almost all valuable domains are occupied or are very expensive. As a result, many conclude that this business outlived himself.

But everyone needs beautiful and memorable names, as the Internet industry does not stand still. For those who decide to make money on domains, it is advised to take a closer look at the new domain zones, the second, third and fourth levels, where sonorous names cost a penny, but what will be their price in the near future? They can easily add to the cost by several hundred times.

Million playing cards

It would seem that such a thing in playing cards. And is it possible to earn a lot on them. Fitness trainer Phill Black has proven it's possible.

He made a deck in which each card depicted one physical exercise and began to sell this product. Along with the cards, he sold a disc in which he clearly and clearly explained how one or another exercise could be performed. The price of such a product is 19 dollars, and the profit that Phill received was 4.7 million US dollars.

Service in the monastery does not interfere with business

This idea may seem very strange and unusual. There is such a company as Lizer Max, which refills cartridges for copiers.

Cartridge refill business

The question immediately arises, why is this idea so brilliant? The fact is that monks do the work. A picture immediately pops up in the imagination, as the monks, under their prayers, fill the cartridges. Surprisingly, since the start of the business, they have already managed to earn 2.5 million. This idea is really brilliant, since a person would rather work with cartridges refilled for prayers and pay money to the monastery.

Business idea to create a dating site for HIV-infected people

HIV-infected people on this site can feel like full-fledged people, and every day the site is replenished with new users. Noble idea, isn't it? You can also open a marriage agency for patients with this disease. Everyone wants to have a full-fledged family and relationships. Of course, this is not an easy task and requires diligence, attention and special control.

Sun glasses for pets

This idea is on the list of the 11 dumbest ideas that didn't work.
Nevertheless, the idea brought its inspirer more than one million dollars. The woman who created sunglasses for dogs is an ordinary American named Ronnie Dilula.

She designed and created an organization under the Duggles brand, which produces glasses for pets in the shape of their heads. The company operates in sixteen countries around the world, has more than four thousand stores and in addition to all this, the company has entered into an agreement with the US army and supplies glasses to their special military dogs.


The invention of the hoop brought millions of dollars to its creators. It happened in 1958. In connection with the phenomenal success, 20,000 thousand copies were produced per day.

Business idea to create a hoop that is used all over the world

Unfortunately, it was not possible to patent the original hoop, and imitators appeared on the market. But, even despite this, such a simple invention brought a lot of money. Just think, people reinvented the wheel in the twentieth century and made millions from it.
Today, this idea also remains relevant, it only requires some zest from the side of design or functionality.

There is an opinion that big business likes brave, talented and able to think outside the box people. In addition, in order to get rich, you need to study a lot, master a variety of knowledge and develop a strong character, and it is also difficult to argue with this statement. Making a million dollars is not easy. There are many who wish, competition is great, and the business world is cruel and does not forgive mistakes.

And you still need start-up capital. It's hard to find him. And it is even more difficult to properly invest it in the business so as not to burn out.

All these provisions could be recognized as indisputable truths, if not for individual cases that completely refute them.

What is needed for the right business?

There are people on the planet who have become rich with almost no start-up capital or with minimal investment. And they did not perform special feats associated with a risk to life or health. And education is not always these millionaires can boast. And most importantly, they operated in those areas where there were no competitors at all. They had only one asset - an idea, and even that seemed completely stupid at first.

The role of the idea

At the heart of every business plan lies precisely this idea, and it consists in the fact that a demanded product should be offered on the market. By this word, you can understand anything: a car, a new candy, fashionable pants or a computer service that someone needs, but the main thing is that someone wants to buy it. In the case of the Internet, it is enough to achieve a certain level of page traffic, that is, popularity and interest. The cost of the product can also be different, but the availability factor is important. Everything else is secondary. If deep knowledge is necessary for the implementation of a commercial project, then an entrepreneur who possesses it receives additional benefits. But again, it should be remembered that the most important thing is the idea. Below are a few unique cases of good ideas being implemented under rather mediocre initial conditions. Shame on the pessimists!

How to sell a pixel for a dollar?

To understand the simplicity and genius of Alex Tew's idea, it is enough to imagine any picture on a monitor screen a thousand by a thousand pixels in size. Or 2500 by 400. In general, an ordinary high-quality image, for example, in JPG format. So, the whole site, created by a 21-year-old young man, not the most qualified user, consisted of a smooth empty field this size. It only contained room for a million pixels, and filling each one cost, according to the attached commercial offer one dollar. Of course, at one point no useful information You can’t place them, but when you purchase at least three hundred of them, you already have the opportunity to display a simple logo. Things did not go right away, but after the publication of information about the unusual site in newspapers, on television and other resources, it got off the ground. In general, the whole field was sold out. It took several months, and the revenue is easy to calculate.

Letters from Santa

They say that a man's life is divided into three parts: as a child, he believes in Santa Claus, then, having matured, he stops, and by old age he becomes one himself. Byron Reese decided not to wait for his advanced years and, to the delight of the kids, turned into Santa Claus, but he did it as honestly as possible. For this, he did not need deer, a sleigh and a beard, since initially he was going to communicate with his respondents in the epistolary genre. And here mailing address was needed, and the further north the geographic location of the addressee, the more reliable the image. And such a place was found in Alaska. The business began in 2001, and it consisted in the fact that almost from the very North Pole (well, almost) the child received a letter, beautiful and bright. Despite the seasonal nature, the service turned out to be so in demand that the total number of envelopes sent is six figures. The turnover exceeded two million dollars already three years ago. The service costs $ 10, which, of course, parents pay. For the rest of the time after Christmas and New Year, Reese apparently rests in warmer climes, not knowing the need.

dog sunglasses

Even in countries less prosperous than America, pet owners usually spare nothing for their four-legged pets. They buy them food, vitamins, special combs for wool, toys, houses and other cute items of a cat, dog, bird or fish life. Until recently, however, no one thought about sunglasses. The first was Roni Di Lulo, who noticed that her dog was squinting in bright daylight. Her idea caused ridicule, and according to the Daily Mail newspaper, such glasses were declared a stupid idea, including them in the list of 11 most useless things in the world. Meanwhile, Doggles, without proving anything to anyone, quietly conquered the market and now has branches in 16 countries, and the number of stores selling these accessories is approaching five thousand. Even the Pentagon ordered a batch of special models for service dogs.

Cartridge refilling: monastic quality

For some reason, no one is surprised that the monks bake bread, make wine, cheese, and even brew beer. In general, it should be taken into account that church farms are necessary for obtaining the livelihood of dioceses. The state, as a rule, does not provide assistance, and donations from parishioners for the maintenance of the brethren, Sunday schools, current repairs of existing ones and the construction of new churches are not enough. In Monroe County (Wisconsin, USA), the rector of the local monastery of St. Virgin Mary initiated the creation of an enterprise engaged in the maintenance of computer equipment, in particular, refilling cartridges for printing devices. In general, there is nothing extraordinary in this idea, except for the result: the huge popularity of the service. By 2005, the turnover of the charitable institution exceeded $ 2.5 million, and this is in the face of fierce competition. Affects, obviously, the reputation and help ... it is known whose.

antenna balls

This item does not affect the quality of radio signal reception. Buying bright balls worn on the tip of the antenna, car owners are driven solely by aesthetic considerations. A more stupid subject is hard to come up with. However, AntennaBalls, owned by Jason Wall, has no marketing problems. The peculiarity of his business is selling funny trinkets through an online store with goods sent by mail or by courier delivery. The whole focus is in the assortment, and it is very wide, and everyone can buy this trifle, a ball, but one that cannot be found in a store or at a gas station. The idea made Wall a millionaire.

Sports cards

The idea is not new either, and even in the USSR, enterprises that printed playing cards sometimes produced decks with tips for tourists and other useful pictures with text. Retired military Phil Black decided to issue fitness recommendations in the same format, especially since he is an expert in this area, as he works as a club instructor. Each card has an exercise. Looked - and forward! The price of the deck is $19, which is not money for an American. To insure, Black recorded a DVD: apparently, even he himself did not expect such an impressive commercial success. In 2005, the capital of his company FitDeck was already 4.7 million dollars.

Domain name

It has always been believed that everyone does it himself. Coming up with a domain name is like giving your child a name. Well, perhaps this comparison is somewhat exaggerated, but still. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating an agency that performs such work for clients, and for money, was perceived with skepticism, and when it was opened, no one showed high expectations. Nevertheless, the service has demonstrated its viability and profitability. Experienced professionals with creative abilities will come up with an excellent and original domain name, and they will charge an inexpensive $50 for it, and if they order a slogan, then another $75, and will offer several options. Customers are in line.

Rationale for choosing an idea…………………….………………………………..…..3

Definition of a specific task and its formulation……………………………….4

Identification of basic requirements for products………………………………………….4

Development of ideas, selection of materials and tools………………………………4

Safety instructions …………………… ……………………….6

The sequence of manufacturing products………………………………………..7


Literature used…………………………………………………………..15


Rationale for choosing an idea

What?- crafts from waste material (toys, vases, feeders, decorations).

To whom?- for me, for my brother, for my mother, for friends.

Of what?plastic bottles, traffic jams, damaged computer disks, Kinder packaging, buttons, newspapers, boxes, scraps of paper and fabric.

How to do?- carefully, diligently, remember safety precautions, do in your free time.

What for?- can be used in the interior of the house, to decorate the garden or yard, for a gift or a souvenir.

Definition of a specific task

Huge efforts and funds are spent on the manufacture of all kinds of packaging materials, and then all this ends up in landfills. Almost every day we throw away plastic bottles, disposable tableware, food packaging, all kinds of boxes, straws, old felt-tip pens, newspapers, bottle caps…

And we hardly think that much of this garbage can get a new use, becoming the basis for an original children's craft or an exciting toy.

Having considered all my possibilities, I clearly set myself the task of making crafts from waste material that would decorate the interior of the apartment and at the same time become an unusual souvenir for friends and relatives.

What requirements must the products meet?

The future product should be beautiful (decorative), useful (utilitarian), inexpensive (economical), safe for humans and the environment (environmentally friendly), easy to process (technological), with minimal cost by time.

Idea development,

preparation of materials and tools

Option 1."Christmas decorations".

Materials: burned out light bulbs, paint, glue, paints, brushes.

Option 2."Pencil".

Materials: paper, glue, box, paints, brushes, buttons.

Option 3."Bird feeders".

Materials: plastic bottle, juice bag, ribbon, scissors.

Option 4."Clock".

Materials: 2 disks, glue, brush, varnish, buttons, clockwork.

Option 5."Napkin holder".

Materials: 3 damaged disks, glue, brush, varnish, beads.

Option 6."Sun"

Materials: 2 disks, colored paper, felt-tip pens, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler.

Option 7."Butterflies".

Materials: plastic bottles, waterproof marker, templates on paper, scissors, varnish, acrylic paints, sequins, magnets, glue.

Option 8."Tigers".

Materials: 4 yogurt jars, colored paper, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue.

Option 9."Massage Mat".

Materials: plastic bottle caps, glue moment, cardboard box.

Option 10."Vase with Flowers".

Materials: plastic bottle, kinder egg, leftover fabric and paper, glue, buttons, scissors.

Option 11."Cock".

Materials: Kinder surprise egg, chicken feathers, glue, paper, felt-tip pen.

Option 12."Doll".

Materials: old socks, cotton wool, threads, felt-tip pens.

Option 13."Lilies of the valley".

Materials: green lemonade bottle, 2 yogurt bottles, wire, scissors, awl.

Option 14."Frame".

Materials: cardboard, pieces of fabric, glue, scissors.

Workplace organization

I will try to work during the daytime to keep my eyesight sharp. Workplace I will arrange so that the light falls from the window on the left side. There will be no extra items on my desk while I work. I will follow the safety rules when handling piercing and cutting objects.

Safety precautions when working with scissors

1. Store the scissors in the indicated place in the specified position.

2. When working, pay close attention to the cutting direction.

3. Do not work with dull scissors and loose hinges.

4. Do not hold scissors with the blade up.

5. Do not leave scissors with open blades.

6. Do not cut with scissors on the go.

7. Do not approach a friend during work.

8. Pass the closed scissors rings forward.

9. While working, hold the material with your left hand so that your fingers are away from the blade.

Glue Safety

1. Handle the adhesive with care. Glue is poisonous!

2. Apply glue to the surface of the product only with a brush.

3. It is impossible for the glue to get on the fingers, face, especially the eyes.

4. If the adhesive gets into the eyes, immediately rinse them with plenty of water.

5. At the end of the work, be sure to wash your hands and brush.

6. When working with glue, use a napkin.

Use of plastic bottles

Indeed, what you can’t think of from plastic bottles: they can be sprinklers, and vases, and skittles, and targets for towns. From them you can make a shovel and molds for sand, boats and even a whole raft. And you can make bird feeders, a variety of flowers for decorating a personal plot.

Making butterflies from plastic bottles


1. Cut out the bottom of the bottles.

2. Cut out the butterfly pattern.

3. In order to transfer the drawing from the template to plastic, simply put the drawing under the plate and draw the drawing onto it with a marker (in other words, copy it).

4. Bend the butterfly wings along the lines on the brim in the opposite direction - up.

5. Let's start coloring the butterfly. It all depends on your imagination and what colors you have. For painting butterflies from plastic bottles, ordinary nail polish (different colors, you can use glitter), acrylic paints, stained glass paints, waterproof markers ...

6. Glue a magnet on the underside of the butterfly - you will get a wonderful decoration for the refrigerator!

Making crafts from disks

Surely every PC user has a lot of damaged CDs lying around at home that are not good for anything like going to the trash can. However, do not rush to throw away things that are not needed at first glance. Crafts from old CDs are what will help you extend the life of waste materials. Let's try to make a napkin holder out of discs, which will become a worthy decoration of the kitchen table.

napkin holder

To do this, we need three disks, scissors, glue and beads for decoration.

For two discs, cut off the bottom to the hole. Glue them to the third disk. It is best to use a hot glue gun for these purposes, which will allow you to quickly and easily get the job done. If there are ugly joints left, do not worry - they will later be closed with decorative elements.

When the glue dries, let's start decorating our crafts from old CDs. To do this, you can use unnecessary beads. We close them with an ugly joint and randomly glue on the surface. The result is such a wonderful napkin holder.

Disk clock


1. Take a damaged disc, an old clockwork, a waterproof marker, buttons, glue.

2.Insert the mechanism into the hole in the disk and secure it from the back with glue.

3. Write numbers with a waterproof marker (not all are possible) or stick buttons instead of numbers.

4. The clock is ready! You can use them to teach kids to tell the time.

Burnt out light bulb toys


1. We take a burnt out light bulb, the most common

2. Colorize it.

3. Draw a pattern.

4. Attach the ribbon.

5. We hide the base.

6.Our toy is ready!

Now we are waiting until everything is completely dry and you can give or hang on a Christmas tree.

sock doll


You will need two old socks (any color), cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, scissors, threads and a needle.

The sock must be cut as shown in the picture.

Make markings for the arms and legs of the doll. Stuff the body of the doll with cotton wool or padding polyester. Sew the arms and legs with a “forward needle” seam along the marked lines.

Cut out a circle from the fabric. Sheathe its edges with a seam “forward with a needle”. Stuff with cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, tighten the thread. Sew on eyes.

Sew the finished head to the body of the doll. From the remaining upper part of the sock, make a hat. Draw cheeks. Tie ribbons around the hat and neck. ready.

Button keychain

Choose buttons of the same size for the torso, legs and arms.

For the head, legs and arms, choose buttons of a different shape and size.

Collect the buttons on the arms, on the torso and legs.

Here is a man ready!

You can also give this keychain to a friend!


Take a shoebox and

cut the bottom

In the middle, cut out a place for a photo

Prepare the rest of the ribbons, fabric

Stick strips of ribbons (fabric) on the front and back sides

Stick paper on the back

Decorate the corners of the frame and insert a photo!


For the manufacture of these crafts do not require financial costs, you only need imagination and imagination. After all, the material for crafts is just at hand. Materials are used that, at first glance, seem completely unsuitable. These are yogurt jars, soda caps, Kinder packages, plastic bottles, buttons, burnt out light bulbs and much more. And from this "garbage" you can make very unusual and original crafts or exciting toys.

Experienced businessmen assure that the most difficult task is to earn your first million. After this achievement, the money seems to “fly” into your hands. So how do you do it? This article will focus on the most standard and creative ideas in a million.

Own company

A loser can be called the person who works "for an uncle." He has to get up early in the morning, adjust his life to the work schedule, constantly listen to the claims of his superiors and be afraid to take the wrong step. It is as if he sells himself into slavery for money barely exceeding the minimum subsistence level. And all this for what? In order to raise a business and help a person achieve success in whose head an idea worth a million was once born.

The conclusion suggests itself. In order to get rich, you do not need to work hard, you need to create your own company that will generate income. You should carefully study the entrepreneurial market in your city and think about what will be in great demand in it. Perhaps this is a flower tent, a gift shop, a beauty salon. At first, the profit will be small, but over time, you can open a whole network of similar organizations.

natural production

Currently promoting healthy lifestyle life. Immunity of people has noticeably decreased, while the number of diseases is growing rapidly. This is due to not the best living conditions: a low level of ecology and harmful food, seasoned with chemicals and dyes. A great million dollar idea is to create your own home production.

What will be required for this? land plot, necessary equipment and free time. You can breed livestock or grow fruits in heated greenhouses. People who are tired of eating fast food and buying expired or frozen food products will undoubtedly be interested in fresh natural products which will only benefit the body.

This begs the question: how to make millions on ideas of this nature? It requires constant work and expansion. Soon, useful goods will be bought not only by individual consumers, but also by large shopping centers and entertainment complexes.

Great business without leaving home

Many of the ideas that have brought in millions are directly related to the needs of children. Unless parents can refuse whims to the child? No, all adequate mothers and fathers want their children to be healthy, wear quality clothes and play with good toys. Equally important is the development of these same crumbs.

Have a spacious apartment in a prestigious area? Great, you can organize a private kindergarten or a circle in it. The obvious plus is a big income. The group can be attended by 8 to 10 people. The approximate cost of a monthly subscription to stay in such an organization is 15 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the organizer can receive from 120 to 150 thousand rubles per month. For a year - more than 1 million rubles! Another positive side is communication with children, which always cheers you up. There are also disadvantages. Firstly, in order to open such an institution, a number of licenses will be required. Secondly, this is a very responsible and reverent job that requires endless patience and love for kids: you will always have to please your parents and take care of other people's children, and this is not easy.

Business from scratch

Many business ideas that brought in millions directly depended only on intellectual activity. That is, the future entrepreneur did not need to make any investments at all.

For example, a highly qualified lawyer can “sell” his knowledge. Not all people know the laws and know how to find a worthy application for them, but there is a lot of injustice in our life. It is worth noting that one consultation of a competent specialist costs about 1-3 thousand rubles per hour. Five clients a day - and in a year you can become a millionaire.

Two successful young entrepreneurs today came up with a million-dollar idea to create their own courses, in which people receive skills and advice on how to get rich and succeed in life. They also "trade" their experience and knowledge.

Think, maybe you also have skills that will be useful to people?

auto business

Without what our life will become inconvenient and uncomfortable? Of course, without your own vehicle! The most effective business idea in a million is to create your own gas station, workshop, car wash, parts store or sale of accessories. People who have a car really do not want to part with it, going on walks and trips to public transport. Accordingly, they are willing to pay to quickly repair and equip their vehicle with the necessary components.

Passive income

Doing nothing and getting a lot of money - every person dreams of such a “work”. Fortunately, this way you can earn a million. A few ideas:

  1. Opening a bank account. Many financial institutions offer opening a deposit with them at very advantageous offers. A person only needs to find the initial capital, and then "the money will start working for him", and the benefit will grow. It is important to find a reliable bank.
  2. If you have a talent for writing, you can print a good edition, preferably a scientific one. For a long time after the release of the book, the author will receive royalties.
  3. Most of the population cannot exist without the Internet. Whatever problem happens in their life, they try to find ways to solve it on the Web. By the way, this is also a great way to earn money. One promoted site can bring from 15 thousand rubles a month of passive income, and the more popular it is, the greater this figure will be. There are no limits here, one person can open many of his own projects.
  4. In our country, "on a horse" is the one who has his own real estate. Unfortunately, the housing situation is getting worse and worse. Accordingly, there will always be a person who will rent an apartment or a house. If the latter are located in a beautiful city, it is profitable for the owners to rent them out by the day, at the height of summer or holidays there will be no end to tourists.

The main plus of such earnings is that you only need to work progressively at first. With a positive result from this activity, you can get a good passive income for a long time.

About attachments

If a person wants to earn a lot of money, he must be prepared for the fact that at first he will have to invest in his idea for a million. Depending on the type of income, funds may be needed for the following components:

  • Buying a license. In our time, the opening of an illegal business is fraught with adverse consequences.
  • Expenses for renting a room wages employees, purchase of equipment and necessary components for a fruitful business.
  • In some cases, money will be needed to pay for the services of those who can influence the opening outlet or entertainment center.
  • At the start, no one will know about your business. Only good advertising can make people pay attention to it. And it costs a lot.

It remains to talk about exactly where to get this very money that will be spent on all of the above investments. The best option is equity capital. You can sell something or save up and invest it in your idea. The second option is to take a loan or borrow from friends for an indefinite period. The third option is to draw up a high-quality business plan, tell in it about all the advantages and prospects of your idea. It must be provided to investors.

About risks

If absolutely every idea brought a lot of money, then long ago everyone would have quit exhausting work at enterprises and become millionaires. If a business is opened for profit, then the plan for its creation must be worked out to the smallest detail.

It is worth considering whether the product will be in demand in this region, find a prestigious place to open a point, find out if there are competitors nearby and create the most favorable conditions for customers. And even then, things can go wrong.

In order to become a wealthy person, you need:

  • Every minute think about how to get rich. Create new plans and think about how to make them a reality. Remember: thoughts are material, words are even more so.
  • Be prepared for failure. In a person’s life, only a stable white streak cannot be constantly present, there will always be problems that the future millionaire should not stop before.
  • Make a earnings calendar. Every day you need to put at least 10 rubles in the piggy bank. The larger this amount, the closer the success. It is required to forget about all the events, purchases of expensive goods and vacation trips. One goal should be present in thoughts - to earn your first million.
  • Work every day, don't be lazy. Let it be difficult at first, but all this work will not be in vain.

  • Most millionaires don't have higher education. They spent most of their youth making their dreams come true. They had no time to receive a diploma.
  • Russia is home to millionaires who love to spend money the most. In other countries, there is no such impulse to a beautiful life. In Scotland, the oligarchs are the most economical.
  • An amazing fact: almost all the wives of rich people have a pedagogical education.
  • The richer a person, the more greed he has. Many oligarchs deliberately do not join closed aristocratic circles, because they have no desire to spend money on charity.
  • The most famous is AyazShabutdinov. Not so long ago, he was only 26 years old, and he is already indecently rich. Once he came up with the idea to create his own hostel, now the young man has a whole network of such establishments, which is the absolute leader throughout the country. Wasn't it a great business idea?

It's definitely worth fighting for a million rubles. Try it, maybe next time you will be lucky!

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation